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The biggest conspiracy of them all....

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The biggest conspiracy of them all.... Empty The biggest conspiracy of them all....

Post by M.J. Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:31 pm

First of all, big thanks to Eric for all of his hard work and time invested in revealing the flat earth and other lies to the world. You helped me and so many others open my eyes so I want to return the favor so to say....

What I’m going to reveal to you and other members of the forum is one of the biggest conspiracies in the world, even bigger than the flat earth, probably the biggest... Trust me, the flat earth is just a chess piece in the whole game...

As most truth seekers who have researched all of the conspiracies, many of us eventually hit a wall, a roadblock so to say. What next, why all the lies (sure to hide God, but what else is hidden beneath the surface). To reveal the next step, you needed a bit of luck I’m sorry to say, you needed to know one language, and that language is Serbian.

I’ll ask you all to be patient, because this is very large topic that includes analyzing history from the beginning of time to the present. It also includes analyzing languages...

I’ll try to prove that all languages derive from Serbian which is the mother language of all, the oldest and most complicated language in the world, and at the same time the simplest language as it contains no spelling. Every letter in Serbian has its own sound. Every word and letter that child learns they already know how to write it.

As I've said, because you helped out humanity  I’m going to share with you some truths that may be unbelievable to you… So here it goes:

1. The Old and New testament were originally written in old-Serbian language

2. Rg Veda’s are also written in the old-Serbian language.
There is no mysterious Indo-European language that nobody knows its origin. That language is old Serbian and it is spoken in all Slavic countries, although slightly altered from country to country during centuries.

Before the term Slavs was invented in the 6th century, all Slavic people were called Serbs, and all white people are descendants of Serbs, who were settled all over Europe and were majority in all European countries. (more on that later) Celt’s are one of the oldest descendants, original branch of the Serbian tree/people in western Europe with customs, language and toponyms that stem from our common roots.

3. There were three military campaigns spanning from Serbia to India and North Africa.

1. Nino Belov, otherwise known as the Nimrod in the Old testament, the greatest hunter before the God. Correct term is Nebrod, “Neb” / from Nebo, Serbian word for sky, and “rod” the term for family. So Nebrod means sky or heavenly people/family.

2. Serbon Makaridov, otherwise known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart.

3. Lesandar Karanovic, otherwise known as Alexander the Great.

From the 3 campaigns many toponyms remain throughout the world. Let’s just for an example see what does the word “stan” mean? Kazakh-stan, Tajiki-stan, Uzbeki-stan, Kyrgyz-stan, Turkmeni-stan, Afghani-stan, Paki-stan. Stan in Serbian means apartment, and word “stanište” means a habitable place.

Let’s have a look at a number 3 in following words: triangle, trident, tribal, tricycle, triumph, trinity, triads… and many hundreds more. Please can someone tell in what language number 3 is written “tri”. Well if you said Serbian then you are right. On the internet you will find that it is Latin or Greek, which is ridiculous because both of these languages are created on the base of Serbian language.

According to old Serbian calendar the current year is 7533. Why the need for the new calendar, other than to hide the truth.  Well if you use that calendar which is the oldest known, then it testifies to rich history of that group of people.  

In Serbia we have some of our own units of land measurement. One such unit is called ”Jutro” and it means morning. ”Dobro jutro” in Serbian means Good morning… By that fact alone we already know it is related to the Sun…

Now the interesting part is the value of “jutro” in m2, and that is 5,754.6432 square meters. That are some pretty long numbers for a unit of measurement… What is the approximate size of the Sun in the flat earth community…?

At the helm… English phrase meaning steering a boat or ship, or being in charge of. “At the” in English also refers to a place. So it deducts that one at the Helm is in charge, is ruling...

So, the question is, where is Helm? Nobody seems to know - or do they don’t want to know?

Well, Helm is old name for Balkan, changed in recent times (19 century if I remember correctly, but don’t hold me on that) only to falsify history….

English is the language furthest from the Serbian
I am, (Aj em) in Serbian is Ja sam. I (Aj) is inversion of Ja. Am-sam is obvious also.
The sun in Serbian is sunce.
Salisbury, England. From Wikipedia
“By the Roman era, the name had become Sorbiodūnum; the first part was of unknown origin, although the Brittonic suffix -dūnon meant "fortress".”
So Sorbio, Serbia is of unknown origin...?  Shocked

I could go on for days if not years, but this is just to peak your interest. I’ll add more as I find time… There are plenty of videos about this in Serbian language (100+ of hours’ worth), but without translation… I’ll attach what little I could find with English subtitles and those are not of the best quality, but what can you do.

When I first found out about this some 6 months ago, I was in a state of shock...” Why us?” was the first thought on my mind. World already hates us enough... This can’t be true... As with flat earth, the more I learned the more I realized that what I was learning was the truth...

In the moment of writing this post I have undeniable evidence.... There are about 100 books on this topic in Serbian language, and hundreds of hours of videos...

I’m just pleading with you all to be patient. English is not my first language and although I know it from when I was 7 year’s old, English language has maybe 10% of vocabulary of what Serbian language has. Some words are impossible to translate.

Also, I do not wish to offend anyone. God created us all, black, yellow, brown or white. I don’t wish to offend anyone’s race, color, nation or religion... God is in truth and I believe it. I intend only to inform you of the things I’ve learned and believe them to be true...

I say this because much of the things I’m going to bring forward is mostly concerning one group of people. I know that history of many nations is falsified.  I’m just trying to bring forward what I know and it is not meant to offend anybody.

Last edited by M.J. on Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:16 pm; edited 25 times in total


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The biggest conspiracy of them all.... Empty Re: The biggest conspiracy of them all....

Post by M.J. Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:31 pm

Sanskrit is a version of old-Serbian language and whoever takes their time to investigate will find  it to be a fact...

The creator of this next video randomly draws the lines of movement of the Aryan people, but otherwise it is an instructive video. At 09,13 mark you can watch children counting in Sanskrit. 60% of the words are recognizable to anyone who knows Serbian.

Starting at 11,30 mark you can see comparison of Serbian and Sanskrit words. At 13,20 you can watch in English the opinion of an Indian knowledgeable of the Sanskrit when he was learning Serbian.

Last edited by M.J. on Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:47 pm; edited 9 times in total


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The biggest conspiracy of them all.... Empty Re: The biggest conspiracy of them all....

Post by M.J. Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:31 pm

Explanation of Serbian language and its rules...

You've all heard of one Serb, Nikola Tesla, who gave enormous contributions to the world. Now I'm going to tell you about another Serbian, a linguist, the man who has deciphered Serbian language and by extent all languages...

His name is Slaviša K. Miljković (Славиша К. Миљковић)...

He established the rules for Serbian language in his 6 books titled "Deciphering Serbian language" and once set they are immovable...

Original Serbian script (Vincha script) had 27 letters. There were more letters, but the 27 were main letters so to say... As Tesla said, to understand the world you have to know the meaning of 3, 6 and 9. Three, (3 - tri) is the holiest number in Serbia, so for that reason our script originally had 27 letters which is 3x3x3.

There were 13 letters on one side and 13 letters on the other. The middle letter was Н (Latin N) and it means ours / birth / straight (or right as in justice). In the letter "Н" one line "I" represents man, the other "I" line represents woman, and the "-" line in between represents child/children that connect parents.  

1. It is a lie that the word is the smallest unit with meaning. In fact, it is a letter. Each individual Serbian letter has a meaning and they are the following:

Note: After numerical values, letters are writen in script called Srbica / today incorrectly called Cyrillic. The following letters are (were they are written) in Serbian Latin for easier understanding...

   1 A = I Who Am ( God; I; light) .
   2 Б (B) = God (one who is in fruitful partnership with Mother Earth).
   3 Г (G) = verb-work / speech / word
   4 Д (D) = good; Δ-form .
   5 E = am/is/yes ; confirmation .
   6 В (V) = knowledge / sight .
   7 З (Z) = earth.
   8 Ђ (DJ) = d j = good connection ; đ/dj = connection / connection. ( K = very , strong ; d z = good earth ; good earth ; dz (the pronunciation of these two consonants is slurred) = fusion ) .
   9 Ж (Ž) = alive, to live
   10 И (I) = connection ; movement for joining ; │- shape (needle; line). ( J = connection / connectedness ).
   20 K = follower ( Ka); How.
   30 Л (L) = people / human ; in the direction of ↑ (man is a spiritually and physically upright being). ( Lj = l j = people connected ; lj (lj) = prominence / separation ).
   40 M = water / to think .
   50 Н (N) = our / birth / straight. ( Њ (Nj) = n j = our / joined by birth ; њ (nj) = prominence / separation ).
   60 СТ (ST) = connection / connecting ; с т = letters/ laws - affirmative .
   70 O = he; O – shape ; Sun .
   80 П (P) = death, peace .
   90 Ч (Č)  = short / low .
   100 Р (R) = movement .
   200 С (S) = letter / law (letter = book = law).
   300 T = hard / affirmative (only hard can be affirmative – lasting in time and space). (Ћ = т ј ​​= affirmatively joined ; Ћ (тј) = protrusion / separation ).
   400 У (U) = learning / fertility / ∪ – shape .
   500 Ф (F) = spinning motion .
   600 Х (H) = sky / air / connectedness.
   700 Џ (Dž) = ⊔ – shape , direction ↓; dž = connection / connecting .
   800 Ш (Š) = ground / foundation- base / surface area.
   900 Ц (C) = squeezing ( thin , weak , prolonged , elongated , slow , pierced/drilled, ↓).

2. Combining vowels with consonants we get 2 letters that when joined together have new meaning.

To make it easier i repeat conversion from Serb to Latin script:
Serb script - Latin script: Б - B, Г- G, Д - D, В -  V, З - Z, Ж -Ž, И -I, Л - L, Н - N, П - P, Ч - Č, Р - R, С - S, У - U, Ф - F, Х - H, Џ - DŽ, Ш - Š, Ц - C

А Б = I God
АБ = base; beginning; sex
Б А = God I
БА = soul
А Г = God works; I work
АГ = to make a mistake; length
Г А= work / I, God
ГА = going the right way
А Д= God good; I good
АД = earth, to eat
Д А = good God
ДА = to give; confirmation
А В = God / I know / I see
АВ = “Јав” (jav is visible world in Serbian mithology); visible; stop!  
В А = knows / see God or God sees  
ВА = movement
А З = God Earth
АЗ = the first; secluded/detached
З А = I Earth; God’s Earth
ЗА = behind; connection
А Ж = I alive/life; God’s life
АЖ = light
Ж А = life of God; life I
ЖА = warmth/heat
А Ј = I/God’s merging or God’s joining
АЈ = negation of one self, of God, in English 'I"; dismantling/separating
J A = God’s merging/ joining / I connect
JA = God; I
А К = I/God follower/how
АК = strong
К А = follower/how I/God
КА = follower; dark
А Л = God of humans; I human  
АЛ = God; up, strong ...
Л А = human I; God of humans  
ЛА = down; weak, heavy
А М = God/I water / to think
АМ = force, might
М А = water I; God’s water
МА = Goddess Earth; mother
А Н = God born/our
АН = Јан (Jaн – I can’t translate this), Sun; living being  
Н А = born/our God
НА = take; surface area; negation  
А П = I peace/death
АП = work; water
П А = peace/death I/God’s
ПА = again, to protect, to keep  
А Ч = God/I low/short  
АЧ = јач (strong, hard, big)
Ч А = low/short growth I  
ЧА = weak, soft, small, tiny
А Р = God’s/I movement
АР = Јар (Jar - no translation possible), Sun
Р А = movement I
РА = the one who gives
А С = God letters/laws I letters/laws (not the best translation as слови/закони are verbs also in Serbian and do not mean just letters/laws)
АС = first; God; ↑; light
С А = letters/laws God; letters/laws I
СА = union; ↓
А Т = I/God confirmed/hard
АТ = constant movement: to kill
Т А = confirmed/hard God, confirmed/hard I  
ТА = earth  
А Ф = I/God spinning motion
АФ = ↑
Ф А = spinning motion I/God  
ФА = ↓
А Х = God in heaven; I sky/air/connectedness  
АХ = pain, sex
Х А = sky/air/connectedness God in heaven, I
ХА = joy
А Ш = I earth/base/surface area  
АШ = rock; hard, strong, up
Ш А = earth/surface area I
ША = water
А Ц = I squeezed/thin/weak  
АЦ = weak; old
Ц А = thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓ I
ЦА = weak; young
Е Б = is God /God’s
ЕБ = sex; down, low, weak, small
Б Е = God is
БЕ = up, high, big, strong
Е Г = is work
ЕГ = elongation; mobility
Г Е = work is
ГЕ = earth, down, wide
Е Д = is good
ЕД = eat, meal
Д Е = good is
ДE = growth
E В = is knowledge /sight
ЕВ = down
В Е = knowledge /sight is
ВЕ = up, forward
Е З = is earth
ЕЗ = cold; inside
З Е = earth is
ЗЕ = above ground
Е Ж = is alive
ЕЖ = elongation; gentleness; ↓
Ж Е = alive is
ЖЕ = to grow, to last, heat, ↑
Е Ј = is merging
ЕЈ = summoning; negation
Ј Е = merging is
ЈЕ = is, confirmation
Е К = is follower
ЕК = јек; void
К Е = follower is
КЕ = fulfilled hardness
Е Л = is human; are people
ЕЛ = God; up, strong ...
Л Е= people are: people affirmative
ЛЕ = down, weak, heavy
Е М = is water/to think
ЕМ = giving; ↑
М Е = water/ to think is
МЕ = to me; appropriating; ↓
Е Н = is born/our
ЕН = one; first; is
Н Е = born/our is
НЕ = negation (of the dark); birth
Е П = is peace/death
ЕП = confinement
П Е = peace/death is
ПЕ = openness
Е Ч = is low/short  
ЕЧ = empty, soft, weak
Ч Е = low/short in growth is
ЧЕ = full/hard/strong; filled
Е Р = is motion
ЕР = creator; bearer of movement  
Р Е = motion is
РЕ = repetition
Е С= is letter/law
ЕС = is; ↑
С Е = letter/law is /affirmative
СЕ = ↓
Е Т = is affirmative/hard
ЕТ = merging; connecting
Т Е = affirmative/hard is
ТЕ = separation
Е Ф = is spinning motion
ЕФ = ↓
Ф Е = spinning motion is
ФЕ = ↑
Е Х = is sky/air/connectedness
ЕХ = displeasure
Х Е = sky/air/connectedness/merging is
ХЕ = joy
Е Ш = is earth
ЕШ = is earth ↓, stillness
Ш Е = earth is
ШЕ = ↑
Е Ц = is thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓  
ЕЦ = old
Ц Е = thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓  is
ЦЕ = young
И Б = merging/movement God’s
ИБ = thin/shiny/swift; one
Б И = God’s merging/ movement
БИ = couple/pair; slow
И Г = merging/ movement work
ИГ = straight; thin/long
Г И = work merging/movement  
ГИ = merging in a shape of an arc;  arc  
И Д = merging/movement good
ИД = going
Д И = good merging/ movement  
ДИ = to shine; couple/pair
И В = merging/ movement knowing/visible  
ИВ = fire; light
В И = knowing/sight merging/ movement  
ВИ = movement ; repeating
И З = merging/ movement earth
ИЗ = inside
З И = earth merging/ movement  
ЗИ = outside
И Ж = merging/ movement life/alive
ИЖ = length, elongation
Ж И = life/alive it starts/connects
ЖИ = lasting/duration
И Ј = merging/movement joined
ИЈ = separation
Ј И = joined/mobile/movable merging/movement
ЈИ = belonging
И К = merging/ movement follower
ИК = sky; up, easy, above
К И = follower merging/ movement
КИ = earth; down, heavy, fruitful  
И Л = joined people;
ИЛ = God; up, strong...
Л И = people merging/ movement
ЛИ = down; melts, breaks down, pouring
И М = merging/ movement water(y)
ИМ = plural, to have  
М И = water merging/ movement  
МИ = connectedness; fruitfulness
И Н = merging/ movement birth
ИН = is; second (2); belonging  
Н И = birth merging/ movement
НИ = no
И П = merging/movement peace
ИП = reduction; trifle
П И = peace merging/ movement  
ПИ = to calm down; to drink
И Ч = merging/ movement low
ИЧ = nothing; not one bit
Ч И = low merging/ movement  
ЧИ = all
И Р = merging/movement movement  
ИР = multitude, strength, might
Р И = movement merging/ movement  
РИ = multitude, strength, might
И С = merging/ movement letter/law
ИС = to look for; to search
С И = letter/law merging/ movement  
СИ = confirmation; ↓
И Т = merging/ movement affirmative/hard
ИТ = to rush
Т И = affirmative/hard merging/ movement  
ТИ = you
И Ф = merging/movement spinning  
ИФ = irregularity
Ф И = spinning merging/ movement  
ФИ = roundness; wheel
И Х = merging/movement sky/air/connectedness
ИХ = inner turmoil  
Х И = sky/air/connectedness merging/movement
ХИ = joy; joint movement  
И Ш = merging/movement earth/base  
ИШ = to drive away (as in yelling Shoo to chickens, only we yell ИШ); to chase, to leave
Ш И = earth merging/movement
ШИ = to collect/gather; to join, to call
И Ц = merging/movement thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓  
ИЦ = deep/low
Ц И = thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓  merging/movement
ЦИ = shallow/tall
О Б = he/О/sun God; round God
ОБ = roundness; outside
Б О = God he/О/sun
БО = bulge; inside (in him)
О Г = he/О/sun works
ОГ = he works      ;  coverage
Г О = works he/sun/round
ГО = directed movement; naked
О Д = he/О/sun good
ОД = separation, moving away
Д О = good he/О/sun
ДО = approaching; proximity
О В = he/О/sun knowledge/sight
ОВ = belonging; ↓
В О = knowledge/sight he/О/sun
ВО = high movement
О З = he/О/sun /О earth
ОЗ = up; from above
З О = earth he/О/sun
ЗО = down; from below  
О Ж = he/О/sun life/alive
ОЖ = he living stillness  
Ж О = life/alive he/О/sun
ЖО = alive he movement  
О Ј = he/О/sun merging/movable  
ОЈ = call; merging; fat/long/big  
Ј О = merging/movable he/О/sun; it stings he/О/sun
ЈО = pain; thin/short/small  
О К = he/О/sun follower/how
ОК = one; the Sun
К О = follower/how he/О/sun
КО = togetherness  
О Л = he/О/sun human;
ОЛ = shiny; outside
Л О = human he/О/sun
ЛО = water; the flow/movement; down
О М = he/О/sun water/thinking
ОМ = mind; knowledge  
М О = water/thinking he/О/sun  
МО = horizontal
О Н = he/О/sun born/our
ОН = he; the Sun; roundness
Н О = born/our he/О/sun  
НО = negation; no
О П = he/О/sun peace/death
ОП = jump; fast movement
П О = peace/death he/О/sun  
ПО = surface; half
О Ч = he/О/sun low  
ОЧ = pair, two
Ч О = low he/О/sun  
ЧО = togetherness
О Р = he/О/sun movement
ОР = The Sun, bulge, ͡ , ↑
Р О = movement he/О/sun  
РО = dent;  ͜ , ↓
О С = he/О/sun letter/law  
ОС = middle; base; shaft/axle; ↑
С О = letter/law he/О/sun  
СО = necessity; ↓
О Т = he/О/sun affirmative/hard
ОТ = ↑; moving away, separation
Т О = affirmative/hard he/О/sun
ТО = ↓
О Ф = he/О/sun spinning motion
ОФ = ↓
Ф О = spinning motion he/О/sun
ФО = ↑
О Х = he/О/sun sky/air/connectedness
ОХ = ↑
Х О = sky/air/connectedness he/О/sun  
ХО = ↓
О Ш = he/О/sun; earth
ОШ = very much
Ш О = earth; he/О/sun
ШО = little, weak, narrow, rarely
О Ц = he/О/sun thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓
ОЦ = father; above
Ц О = thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓ he/О/sun
ЦО = below; inside
У Б = learned/fertile God
УБ = rounded indentation
Б У = God learned/fertile
БУ = fear; bulge
У Г = learned/fertile works  
УГ = length
Г У = works learned/fertile
ГУ= duration
У Д = learned/fertile good
УД = extremity/limb; one  
Д У = good learned/fertile
ДУ = length; two, pair
У В = learned/fertile knowledge/sight  
УВ = indentation/protrusion
В У= knowledge/sight learned/fertile  
ВУ= length, spreading/expansion
У З = learned/fertile Earth
УЗ = near
З У = Earth learned/fertile
ЗУ = distant/ far-off, outside
У Ж = learned/fertile life/alive
УЖ = long/narrow, elongation
Ж У = life/alive learned/fertile  
ЖУ = short, restricted
У Ј = learned/fertile merging
УЈ = fresh, green
Ј У = merging learned/fertile  
ЈУ = warmth, heat
У К = learned/fertile follower/how
УК = learned/lettered; ejaculation
К У = follower/how learned/fertile
КУ = bad; distraction
У Л = learned/fertile hunam
УЛ = fire
Л У = people learned/fertile  
ЛУ = coldness
У М = learned/fertile water/thinking
УМ = mind
М У = water/thinking learned/fertile
МУ = giving; unclear, blurry
У Н = learned/fertile  birth/our
УН = one; first; source/spring/wellspring
Н У = birth/our learned/fertile  
НУ = to offer; negation
У П = learned/fertile peace/death
УП = strive
П У = peace/death learned/fertile  
ПУ = cede/abandon/ moving away
У Ч = learned/fertile low
УЧ = ↓
Ч У = low learned/fertile  
ЧУ = sticks out; ↑
У Р = learned/fertile movement
УР = Lord; the one who is up; ↑
Р У = movement learned/fertile  
РУ = one who is low; servant; ↓
У С = learned/fertile letter/laws
УС = to burn; Sun; ↑
С У = letter/laws learned/fertile  
СУ = unity, togetherness; ↓
У Т = learned/fertile affirmative/hard
УТ = soft, downed; hidden  
Т У = affirmative/hard learned/fertile  
ТУ = hill; height; hardness
У Ф = learned/fertile spinning  
УФ = ↑
Ф У = spinning motion learned/fertile  
ФУ = ↓
У Х = learned/fertile sky/air/connectedness  
УХ = easiness
Х У = sky/air/connectedness learned/fertile  
ХУ = howl; ascension
У Ш = learned/fertile earth/base/surface area  
УШ = fulfillment, hardness
Ш У = earth/base/surface area learned/fertile  
ШУ = air; emptiness  
У Ц = learned/fertile thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓
УЦ = short/ shallow
Ц У = thin/slow/long/drilled/ ↓  learned/fertile  
ЦУ = long/deep/tall

Three letters that are mentioned in section 1 are not included in section 2 explanation and those are:
СТ - which is combination of two letters С (S) and Т
Џ  - which is combination of Д (D) and Ж (Ž) аnd
Ђ – which is combination of Д (D) and Ј.
One letter is added and that is J which can be silent in Serbian language, and every Serbian would understand a word spoken never the less, whether J is there or not .

Serb script - Latin script: (for easier viewing)
Б ---------  B
Г ---------  G
Д ---------  D
В ---------  V
З ---------  Z
Ж --------- Ž
И ---------  I
Л ---------  L
Н ---------  N
П ---------  P
Ч ---------  Č
Р ---------  R
С ---------  S
У ---------  U
Ф ---------  F
Х ---------  H
Џ ---------  DŽ
Ш --------- Š
Ц ---------  C

Sounds in English would be Ж n/a, Ч ch as in Charles, Џ (dž) as J in the name John, Ш maybe Sh (In German it is Sch, as in Schumacher), Ц n/a.

3. Author next analyzes consonant pairs and their meaning reading left to right and right to left.

4. To all the consonant pairs (200 in left and right reading) are then added vowels a, e, i, o,u and the words are reanalyzed with the new meaning of the 3 letter words.  

Again, just to peak your interest I'll give you a glimpse of things to come:
In Japanese the word for rain is AME. Let's decipher it using the matrix above...
A - I
M - water
E - am

So to recap, rain in Japanese is AME and it means "I am water".

It is impossible in Serbian language to find letters М,Е and П joined together in any word (Latin MEP). So why "MЕП" (Latin МЕP) will never be found in Serbian language? Let's see using the matrix....

M - water
E - is
П (P) - dead

Water is in God's domain and can never be dead, in fact it always symbolizes life...  

PS: This post is work in progress, other rules to follow.... Some symbols are not displayed properly in section 2, I'll try to fix it so that they are correctly represented.  Before I give more examples, I'll give you as many of these rules as I can, so that nobody can say that I'm making things up...

Last edited by M.J. on Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:16 pm; edited 39 times in total


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