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Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...

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 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Empty Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...

Post by M.J. Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:05 pm

Where does English term Year, dutch Jaar and German term Jahre (meaning also year) stem from? Try for fun to find out for yourself or just read till the end to find out...

When I was watching Aewar's (formerly known as Ewaranon) video below he was explaining sun year compared to calendar year and that the sun year is 365.2422 days long and that is way we have a leap year...

From the 3 minute mark this topic is discussed... Click watch on youtube if the video doesn't start...

After watching the video I was smiling and thinking along the lines "You can't fuck with the God's clock"... But the sun clock is 365.2422 days in their presentation...

And that was exactly what he wanted us to think... Implanted thought...

But for some reason, for the next two weeks after watching the video that idea was not leaving me...

Why is Solar year a quarter of the day longer than the calendar year... How does that represents in our natural world... Flat earth has thought me to not to take anything for granted anymore...

Sunrise is always in the morning and Sundown is in the evening... We do not see a 6 hour discrepancy...

Then I thought, why don't we just add one minute every day and solve the problem... Change the unit of time, a second, from being one hundred milliseconds to one hundred and ten millisecond, or just change the size of millisecond and you've solved the problem...

But that obviously wouldn't work because after one year the sunrise would be at noon... Silly me...  Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  1f615

And then it hit me... Wait just a second.... They are saying that a calendar year is not equal to the Sun year, so by them year is not equal to a year... That doesn't make sense... Then I realized that this is just Einstein theory of relativity all over again, just in new clothes...

After reading on the leap year it really didn't make much sense to me, a bunch of math, sometimes you have it, and sometimes you don't. What's up with that...?

Their rules in an example:

   1996 year is a leap year because it is divisible by 4 and not by 100;
   1800 year is not a leap year because it is divisible by 4, but also by 100 (and not by 400);
   2000 year is a leap year because it is evenly divisible by 400.

Then it hit me for the second time... There is no .2422 longer sun year than the calendar year... We are actually gaining a day, the sun makes one round trip more around Mount Mera every few years...

Happy with me self, hopping that it is every third year (because 3 is the holiest number for Serbs as I've said in my other posts) I gave it a rest and was content for the time being...

But as faith would have it, one book from Slavisa K. Miljkovic (most important person you never heard of, read this thread to find out more about him in the 3rd post ... The biggest conspiracy of them all....) that I didn't have in my collection and he didn't have a printed copy for sale (he prints and sells his books himself, you can't find them in Library or publishing houses) I've managed to buy a used copy a week ago... That it was signed copy was just another gift...

In the book there is a page where he explains the name "Petar" and why that name is of Serbian and not biblical or any other origin...
He explains:
Pet - in Serbian is number 5
Ar - is Jar, god of fertility and war in old Serbian religion (I've added war, because he mentions it other places)

Quote from the book:
"Jar is Serbian fertility divinity, number 5 is his number, because five pointed star is his symbol!"

And I was, oh fuck, you idiot, it's not every 3rd year that the sun makes the extra round trip, it is every fifth year...

The next picture is from his book "The new Serbian mythological dictionary"... Very powerful book, explaining around thousand religious and mythical terms using Serbian language...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Img_2012

In the picture you see among other Serbian signs for old God's, a five point star and the word Arilo (Jarilo) beneath. J was in old times sometimes left out but was read, in Russia today that case remains...

Jar, as a God of fertility in animal form is always represented as a baby goat (goatling) and in Serbian is written and pronounced "Jare"... It is easy to read as we have no spelling...

In the next picture I translated Vinchan (Cyrillic) "Jaре", and it shows goatling and kid as results... We use different term for kid (dete), but here it correctly represents youth...
 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Ia10

"Jare" represents Sun, but more accurately, the coming of spring and fertility, the time when nature starts to bloom and new life is born/begins... (don't confuse this with the start of new year and septo, octo, novo, deci hoax - I'll explain the actual date of new year in another post)

As the symbol of fertility and the new born Sun, the term Jare has in German became Jahre the term for year, in Dutch Jaar and much later in English Year where Y is pronounced same as Serbian J.

That this is indeed correct we can see in the next picture...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Jare_210

I didn't know what is Afrikaans language, but on Wikipedia we find that it is a West Germanic language...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Afrika10

Wait a second, you might say, in Serbia for year you say "Godina", why is that...
The root of the word is "God" and it symbolizes rings on the goat's horns, because goat for each year of its life gets one new ring... Also "godovi" is the Serbian term for tree rings which you can use to count age of the trees...

I'll give one example of this divinity as God of war:

At the head of Serbian/Macedonian army of Alexander the Great's (real name Lesandar Karanović - will be explained later in another post) a goat "Jarac" was led in front of armada as a mascot, because goat "Jarac" is one of the symbols of the Sun, invincible Sun, Sol Invictus...

But to get back on topic... On the following site I've found a list of leap years...Leap year list

I've added 2204 as a leap year, 2200 is not according to their rules...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Leap_y11

So from year 1584 to 2204, over a period of 620 years, we have a total of 153 leap years according to their 4 year leap and sometimes skip system...

Over the same period we have 124 five year leaps to get to 620 years...

Remember  they say themself that there is always remainder, that their system is not completely accurate... I'm too lazy now to search how that discrepancy occurs... But we have to admit that they found a good mathematical solution to deceive us...  

From the site...   https://sciencestruck.com/list-of-leap-years
 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  The_ex10

So, how can we test this theory of mine... Very easily... All we have to do is count the days between serpent shadow appearing on Chichen Itza pyramid over a period of five years. The serpent shadow appears whenever Sun passes Equator line.

By doing it this way we will also find out does the Sun makes an extra round trip north or south of the equator line...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Serpen10

As we know that Mount Mera is magnetic mountain and that a magnet is 5/5 of itself, or 3/5 negative and 2/5 positive it is logical to assume that after 5 years something is possibly occurring. Please read this thread I wrote to understand my train of thought...

Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

I hope you are now able to understand why Zionist want us to think the 5 pointed star and goat are the symbol of the devil... They are not...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  1000_f10
 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Stock-10

Also if you want to know more about Serbian God Jarilo, please watch next video... He makes the wrong  conclusion that year stems from the word "yeh" without explaining why, but otherwise it is an interesting video. Turn on captions to understand...

PS: Please know that I've just scratched the surface in researching mythology and old religion, so if I've made mistakes I'll be sure to update the thread and in new post will notify you of the changes if they are made.

Last edited by M.J. on Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Empty Re: Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...

Post by M.J. Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:10 pm

Just to add a couple of thoughts more...

1. Why they've made 4 year leap and sometimes skip deception...

If you want a globe model to work, you have to represent the Sun going around Earth in uniformed fashion (Earth around Sun in their model). There can be no deviation...

If you have the Sun making one round trip more every 5th year then it shows God's perfection in creating the world...

So to solve the problem their problem they represent constancy of movement, and that constancy is represented as the Sun year of 365.2422 in their model... If they've said that the Sun year is 365.2 that would easily be deducted as false...

2. Also I've made an assumption which may be wrong... Assumption that they math is lacking, while it is possible that they've found a perfect mathematical solution to their problem... Remember they've made the leap year rules themselves in 1582 after their previous model didn't work.

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  The_ex10


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 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Empty Re: Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...

Post by M.J. Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:21 pm

I don't know much about moon calendars, but in the video above it is said they are making corrections to it as well. If someone has knowledge of the workings of the moon calendar it would be good to see it debunked as well...

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Moon_d10

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Moon_m11

 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Manipu12


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 Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  Empty Re: Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...

Post by M.J. Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:24 pm

Also, Eric if you ever find time to make a video about this (if you think it has the legs to stand on), please do so it would be so great...

I think the Zionists would go nuts...   Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  1f606   Leap year hoax / mystery - Year, Jahre, Jaar explained...  1f600


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