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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by M.J. Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:51 pm

1. Mount “Mera“.
In Serbian language „Mera“ means „measure“. „Imati MERU“ means to have measure.

Daj mi MERU – Give me a/the mesure.
Kocka je odredjene MERE – Cube is of specific measure
Ova kuća je radjena na osnovu tačnih MERA – This house was built on the base of accurate measurements.
MERA je tačna – The measurement is correct.
MERA can be both plural and singular form in Serbian language, it depends on how the sentence is formed.

Since the meaning of word Mera is measure it is possible that the title “mountain” is symbolic in meaning, at least in that of how we picture mountains as high uneven terrain.  
In my opinion mount Mera is of precise dimensions at the center of God’s creation. In Meka it is presented as a cube, I personally am more inclined to believe that mount Mera is in the shape of pyramid.  

In a thread The biggest conspiracy of them all.... https://ifers.forumotion.com/t475-the-biggest-conspiracy-of-them-all#20817, in the third post I explain some of the rules of Serbian language.
So, let’s see why did magnetic mountain on the north pole got her name “MERA”:

ME - to me; appropriating; ↓                
RA – the one who gives / to give
We we all know this property of the magnet to attract and to repel, or to give and take.

M - water / to think
E – am/is/yes; confirmation
RA – the one who gives / to give
Water is the one who gives. Water gives life to plants and us and thus as the giver of life it is one of main attributes of the God above.  
To think is to give. Only people that think can learn. Only the learned have something to give, to give knowledge to others.

M - water / to think
ER – creator; bearer of movement  
A – I/God/ light  
Water bears the movement of God. God works through water.
Water bears the movement of I. Water runs through our body.
Water created I (human). We are made of 90% water...
To think (know) bears a movement to God. Only the learned have the knowledge of God. Knowledge fills the soul. When people ask me do I believe in God, I always answer them that I do not believe, I know he exists.

M – water / to think
E –am/is/yes ; confirmation
R - movement
A – I/God/ light
Water is the movement of I (mine). Magnetic mountain at the North Pole causes tides and currents. Also in people water is necessary for movement.
Water is the movement of God. God works through water. Mount Mera moves waters above and below.  
To think is movement of the light. Knowledge is gained by sight. To see you need light. PS: I know you can learn by speech, that is why God gave us words.

Explanation of the three letter words are not shown in the aforementioned post, but I’ll cite a couple here:
MER – to make it easier
A - I/God/ light
I make it easy. Magnetic North Pole, mount Mera makes it possible for humans to navigate using compass. Magnetic fields are weightless.

From right to left AREM

AR - Јар (Jar - no transl. possible, “pagan” god in old Serbian religion related to fertility/birth) / Sun
EM - giving; ↑
Sun giving ↑. The Sun is powered by magnetic mountain on the North Pole as it concentrates the magnetic field to give light. Different wavelengths produce different colors. The rainbow in reality is just a spectrum of magnetic wavelengths made visible by God’s influence, aka the rain. Quote from Nigel Cheese Hands: “All the light really is, is a magnet without a body.”
Fertility/birth giving; ↑ Mount Mera is the center of God's creation, possibly it is the God's first creation. All energy and by extent life comes from mount Mera.

A - I/God/ light
R - movement
E - am/is/yes; confirmation
M - water / to think
God’s movement is water. God works through water.
I move the water. Mount Mera moves water, causes tides and currents.

A - I/God/ light
RE - repetition
M - water / to think
God repetition water... I think this has to do something with the tides, but I’m not sure of the possible meaning in this order. I’ll update post if I find something about this sequence.

A - I/God/ light
R - movement
EM - giving; ↑
I give movement. Magnetic fields in a magnet are always moving. Mount Mera moves water.
I ↑ movement.  Maybe this symbolizes connection with north pole star.  
Give the movement of light. The Sun and stars (also maybe moon) are moved and powered by mount Mera. Also, magnetic mountain at the north pole creates aurora borealis.  

A - I Who Am (God; I; light)
REM – disturb/disturbance
I disturb. Mount Mera moves water and creates disturbance. Everything that moves creates imbalance, disturbance.

Fun fact: Word MERA can also be said with a letter J, MJERA.
M - water / to think
JER – because
A - I Who Am (God; I; light)
Water because God. God created and works through water.

Since the north pole is magnetic mountain lets see a few examples what does MAGNET mean:

МА = Goddess Earth; mother
G = verb-work / speech / word
N = our / birth / straight
ЕТ = merging; connecting
Mother Earth works our merging/connecting. Mount Mera with its magnetic properties holds our realm together.

From right to left:
T = hard / affirmative
EN - one; first; is
G - verb-work / speech / word
AM - force, might
Hard one that works with might/force. Strong magnets (even 10 cm in size) are so strong that extreme force is needed to separate them. Mount Mera is 70km big (from what we have heard). Imagine how strong is that force.
Affirmative is work of force. Magnetic force is the bringer of life, it is always positive.

MAG – multitude, greatness/size, duration – the female fertile principle
NET - softness
Great softness. Magnetic fields penetrate everything and they are basically air, soft - immaterial.

TEN – hardness; tightness/tension
GAM – multitude, greatness/size, duration – the male fertile principle
Great tightness, hardness, duration... As I already said, try pulling apart strong magnets. Magnets also last very long time...

3. Numeric values
As all Serbian letters have numerical values and I’m sure in the name Mera must be also some kind of numerical meaning, but I have not had time to research the possible meaning of it.

4. Magnet Basics - You will NEVER find this fact written in any book anywhere...

The following is an excerpt from a book written by Nigel Cheese Hands:

The magnetic poles Positive and Negative, are colloquially called North and South.
Positive and Negative suggest half and half or fifty percent to the Positive polar field and fifty percent to Negative polar field. Alas, the polar fields of a magnet are not equal as in 50/50 %; they are in a permanent state of imbalance (or) unequal, and is why two magnets want to stick together.
Secondly, it is necessary to view a magnet in slices in fact five slices as shown below:
Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts 110

All magnet’s, all polar fields, and all associated Electromagnetic energy within a magnet, is proportionally displaced as shown above; that is 2/5 th to the Positive and 3/5 to the Negative, or 1:1.2 in favor of Negative.
This value can be tested with a simple sheet of paper. As shown to the right (image below), the displacement between Positive to Negative is clearly different from that of the Positive to Negative condition, it is different by exactly 1.2 in favor of Negative.
If the magnets are reversed, they will be held together by the magnetic force ratio, and all magnets, however so formed, will stick together with the Positive being pulled towards the Negative.
Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts 22210

A drawing is only a drawing, but to view it for real looks like this, and any person can do the same as me.

Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts 33310

The left image is a South to South condition and the right is a North to North condition. The expression or distance in the differential between North and South is exactly 1:1.2:1 of itself.
End of excerpt.

This one irked me especially as it shows how we the people have been dumbed down in this false education system that the Zionist have implemented...

We had to wait 7000+ years for a man, a great mind, Nigel Cheese Hands, to use 2 magnets and a ruler and prove imbalance in the magnet. Fucking unbelievable... How fucking dumb are we...? Sorry for swearing but this one really pisses me off. I mean, two magnets and ruler, heck, two magnets and a chalk would've been enough.

Another quote from Nigel:

A Magnet (N/S) is NOT equal, it is 2/5th and 3/5th of itself, where the 3/5th is in favor of the South; an imbalance in the electromagnetic plane. Try it, don't take my word for it, do it yourself. Take a sheet of A4 paper, draw a line and place a magnet on the line, move another magnet of the same polar condition towards it. Note the distance from the magnet where it first moves; Then repeat with the other side of the magnet and note this distance as well. The difference (or) imbalance is (2:2.4:1) (or) 2/5th (North) and 3/5th (South).

All the best in your research...

Last edited by M.J. on Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:34 pm; edited 16 times in total


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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Re: Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by M.J. Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:49 pm

To add a few more points...  

5. North pole is magnetic south pole

By convention, the north pole of a magnet will point to the geographic North Pole (the Arctic). It follows then that the Earth’s North Pole is actually the magnetic south pole. To put it another way, if you take compass and a magnet you will notice that needle of the compass is attracted to the south pole of the magnet.

Why the need to name magnet's poles incorrectly? The same thing is done with a battery marking it a plus + and a minus - although it is well established that the energy comes from negative side of the battery. Do they want to subconsciously tell us that all energy is negative...?

             6. If we take what we learned from point number 4 and 5

North Pole is actually the magnetic south pole, and as explained in point 4, magnetic south pole has stronger push and attraction than the magnetic north.

So if magnetic push force is holding the waters above, it does so with greater force above than below ground. So our realm, the so called cosmic egg, is 1/5 bigger above than below, or 3/5 above and 2/5 below.

Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Img_2010

            7. Magnetic energy can move salt water, so it can move seas....

Last edited by M.J. on Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:03 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Re: Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Tue Aug 06, 2024 12:06 pm

Very interesting and thought provoking.

We know the earth doesn't have a measurable curve and the all surveys map the results of plane survey onto a globe via the mathematic technique of geodesy and hence the globe presented to us is pure fiction , including the position of the equinoctial circle.

The name "Equator" implies that the equinoctial circle is the central line of this imaginary sphere.

The scientific priesthood does not hide the fact the magnetic south pole lies at around 64 degrees south.

So we have the N pole at 90 degrees North - should really be known as Zero degrees N, and the S pole at 64 South .

Now that is a ratio of around 3/5 to 2/5 . The movement of the sun across the tropics governed by earths magnetic field.

How nice and very interesting.

We do not map latitudes from the polestar nowadays since that did destroy the globe model (Cassini survey late 17th C) but we pretend we are on a globe with the equinoctial circle at the imaginary position of Zero degrees.

There isn't much beneath the Antarctic circle and this is why we have that nefarious treaty.

I do believe there are other lands beyond the limits of our realms magnetic field .


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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Re: Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by M.J. Tue Aug 06, 2024 5:58 pm

I'm glad you liked the post...

Just to respond to your comment...

Equator line is just a line. It was not implemented because of globe model, rather for visual representation on maps. It also helps people understand the movement of the sun on our flat earth and workings of the seasons of course.

Check the Chichen Itza pyramid. The serpent shadow appears whenever Sun passes Equator line...  

Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Serpen10
Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Kululk10

Now why is there a head of serpent/dragon at the head of the stairs...? It's because the Sun is the old testament serpent, giver of knowledge... Because light brings knowledge... To understand more you need to know mythology... In old Serbian religion (aka pagan) there are many stories about snakes and dragons...

As for the North and South magnetic pole positioning you do not need to know degrees. They are both located at geographical north pole, at the center of our realm. All natural magnets have two poles, North and South and thus they both have to be at the same place...

I was only trying to say in previous posts that geographic North pole has magnetic south pole above earth, and magnetic north pole below earth, but they are at the same place... I hope the picture on the right explains it... Mount Mera would be at the center of the image where the word counterspace is written.

Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Img_2011

All the best in your research...

Last edited by M.J. on Fri Oct 11, 2024 2:17 pm; edited 3 times in total


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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Re: Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by TyrannicalSawdustRex Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:34 am

The plane earths magnetic field is toroidal . Not arguing about that . The equinoctial circle is along the mid point of the suns yearly journey to and fro the tropics . It is labelled this on old maps.

The term "Equator" is fiction and stems from the imaginary globe models need to bisect the imaginary sphere into N/S hemispheres. Globe fiction and deception. That's the point

Mainstream nonsense also portrays the magnetic field as an imaginary bar magnet.

I don't like the use of "globe" terms to describe what is plainly a plane. Why reinforce the idiotic idea.


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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Re: Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by Xaiara Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:55 pm




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Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts Empty Re: Mount MERA - not MERU - Magnetic Mountain At The North Pole - the meaning of the word MERA + magnet facts

Post by M.J. Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:06 pm

Watch this video to see how magnetic energy moves salt water....


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