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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:00 pm

That woman who he has the comment pinned from on the flat earth association channel (serbian conspiracy with her tons of fake accounts) is back at attacking me now.
I guess because I called her out on being a stalker and stirred her mad pot again but its true, she is a stalker & I have tons of proof.
She has even stolen photos of my children off facebook now in her latest attacks.
People have messaged me to tell me shes in the facebook groups posting memes about me again.. So thanks for the messages too, but I know already.
Just let her go at it I guess.I cant be bothered by facebook right now.

I do that to people too sometimes if I think they are being stupid ( i make memes of them- but my memes are actually funny if u ask me )
so let her try and prove how stupid I am.Laughing

I am slightly embarrassed I let her comments get to me at all and i replied to her so much on jakes video (stop feeding the troll mary)
but at same time I feel like I should defend myself sometimes, because alot of people just dont know who i am. ANd i just cant believe someone would be so friggin evil to someone who is helping so many people learn about flat earth in an organized manner!

But I cant do it on the videos anymore or on FB , because I am too busy right now..
so I will just let her go at it until she tires herself out again.  

That was their whole game plan I guess, Trying to take out Eric with a few tiny bits of information given by other people(who look like they just needed FEA to get their own names out)  and then lots of personal attacks.

And that is info about sun times and rising positions which some of us have noticed for a long time already!   Laughing

Anyone who thinks that is an ok thing to do, anyone who liked that video by Jake and commented 'good job jake', or whatever else they say, is showing their true colours as well.
Not too bright of colours actually...more like grey.
I bet a bunch of those so called accounts commenting to Jake and liking the vid are just her making fake accounts ^
It has more dislikes then likes now too ,like the other video he did right before he disabled the dislikes

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by wor22 Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:10 pm

MaryMoon wrote:
I guess because I called her out on being a stalker and stirred her mad pot again but its true, she is a stalker & I have tons of proof.
She has even stolen photos of my children off facebook now in her latest attacks.

I am slightly embarrassed I let her comments get to me at all and i replied to her so much on jakes video (stop feeding the troll mary)
but at same time I feel like I should defend myself sometimes, because alot of people just dont know who i am.

I bet a bunch of those so called accounts commenting to Jake and liking the vid are just her making fake accounts ^


Very interesting personal story from Mary Moon and I would say crucial in exposing Jake- is that some woman stalked you.

Can you please make video screen of that horrible stalking?

Can you post also video screen of that attack on you on Jake's comment? probably bunch of trolls commenting comment after comment about you?
Please video-screen and proofs.

 So you went on Jake's comment and commented first there regular comment, not offending anyone, and then someone stalked you in that comment and trolled?  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Sad

I guess your kid's picture are not in public posts and not available  to everyone but someone infiltrated in your friend list and then stole pictures of your kids? That is criminal act I would say! Maybe some pedhopile? Evil or Very Mad

Please your story is so interesting, posting video screen of that would be perfect, not print screen as that can be faked easily.
So, some woman stalked you,and why?

Why are you important in this story about Jake if you can elaborate please your post.

Why are you important in movement so someone stalked you?  

What I understood is that Jake pretend to be a woman, and then he made fake profile stalking you because he thinks you are Eric's fake profile and offended you Evil or Very Mad That guy is really sick.

Please video screen of all offences as this forum is best FE forum supported by real proofs, and not some gossip forum with no profs where every loser can come and troll and post personal stories and offending someone on personal level with no proofs.  cat

I as member of this forum agree to help to any member here in any personal psychological problem, as we are also a support group.  I love you

Thank you Mary for contributing to this forum with so many stories about your personal life.

Peace I love you


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:24 pm

Well seeing as though that was your first post,wor22
I doubt you would know who I am, I doubt you read this whole thread and I doubt you have read any other post by me in this forum.
I am nobody important, I am just a mom who figured out tropical western astrology fits on the AE map.

Serbian conspiracy, you can all go decide for yourself by reading the comment Jake pinned on his flat earth association channel video called Dismantling Dubay..
Or look in our flat earth warriors facebook group where I talk about it some more if you want.

Or not, because its a giant waste of your time and I only brought it up because this is Jakes back up in his grand scheme to take down Eric and the AE map.

A woman with just highschool personal attacks.
No work of his own or from her.
I will not be putting all the screenshots here because it takes away from the FACTS that the AE map is not debunked.That is what is important here.

*this wor22 account just looks like serbian conspiracy at it again*

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by wor22 Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:51 pm

MaryMoon wrote:

I will not be putting all the screenshots here because it takes away from the FACTS that the AE map is not debunked.That is what is important here.

Why you will not post print screens?  If you say something or accuse someone that should be supported by proofs.Shocked

How posting a proofs about accusation on stalking takes away fact about AE map but talking without proof about stalking doesn't takes away facts about map?

I'm not willing to go and search some fb group, as you posted your problem here I expected also proofs about it also here. cat

Jake pinned many other comments in his videos but I don't see those people are mentioned here.

For example in video The Controlled Death of the Flat Earth
he pinned comment by Jehv Thore.

in video Flat Earth - Dividing The TRUTH From The LIES
he pinned comment by Cofo72.

I asked you about posting this because you are talking so much  about some mysterious  woman in every post,
so I wanted to see that horrible stalking and that story is very interesting. Very Happy and as this forum in supported by proofs.

Peace and Love I love you


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:00 pm

"How posting a proofs about accusation on stalking takes away fact about AE map but talking without proof about stalking doesn't takes away facts about map?"

how about learning english better before you try to impersonate someone who speaks it.

Jake talks about serbian conspiracy(you) in the video in this thread.
Then pins a comment from the youtube account serbian conspiracy.

She is a stalker and you know it, dont you? Because its you,isnt it?
I dont know if you will fit in here, you dont seem like too great of an investigator.
And look what you did , you messed up the nice virgo forum ffs . im out i gotta make some food.
sorry virgo-son. Just trying to help. I hope some admin comes and cleans this up.


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by wor22 Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:10 am

MaryMoon wrote:"
She is a stalker and you know it, dont you? Because its you,isnt it?

im out i gotta make some food.

I didn't really expected this, I was really interested to see those video screens and asked you seriously for proofs
as I saw that you mentioned it 100 times.
Your words-You are nobody in this movement-
so how is then important to this forum that someone stalked you,and to talk about it in 10 posts?
Why someone stalked you? No answer.
When I ask you show me video proof of stalking -no proofs.

Now it Seems that you are just personally obsessed with that woman , you are talking about her in every post
and you see her everywhere and to me as new member on this forum that looks pretty ugly,

You are using FE forum to cure personal frustrations with no proofs.

I come here to read real deal and real exposing and not
somebody's personal frustrations.

Now you are the one who is trolling this forum with nonsense posts.
You don't fit in intellectual  level of this genuine forum.

Peace and Love. I love you


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:40 am

Ok well since im here and nobody took down these posts from you, here ya go, Serbian.

Here is me confronting you 7 months ago on your youtube discussion page, when you first started stalking me and posting nasty things about me all over youtube and facebook.
So I guess people can just read and see what you are like...

also more to the POINT of this thread, you do not know what the science of tropical western astrology is and neither does Jake and it FITS ON AE MAP.Look that up one day if you ever get time away from making hundreds of fake accounts to bother people

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker 2017-112

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker 2017-113

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker 2017-114

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker 2017-115

Last edited by MaryMoon on Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by Admin Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:34 am

I can confirm 100% that Wor22 IS Serbian Conspiracy pretending to be some anonymous poster as usual.  It is easy to tell by the terrible English grammar and spelling that she can't overcome.  This woman has been obsessively stalking me and sending me multiple love and hate letters (alternating) every single day for over 2 years now.  She has literally HUNDREDS of fake accounts across various social medias which she uses to attack me and any woman connected to me, be it friends, family, or any female that shows an interest in my work.  

She has sent long hateful messages full of lies to members of my family and obsessively stalks all my online activity.  Serbian Conspiracy is the true author of the La Verdad Absoluta channel on YouTube where she weaves web after web of fake conspiracy placing me at the center of them.  Her real name is Sandra Ilic, but she goes by Alex Sani and a hundred other aliases.  How do I know all of this?  Because I was stupid enough to let this woman into my life for 12 days, 2 years ago.

Upon breaking up with my last girlfriend, Sandra befriended me here on IFERS and we quickly fell for each other.  I thought Sandra was a great truth-seeker with a good knowledge of Judaism and Flat Earth which really impressed me.  We developed a quick relationship talking to each other all day every day for a month culminating in a trip (paid for completely by me) for her to visit me in Thailand.  The first few days we enjoyed each other's company but soon the cracks began to show.

On about day 6 some woman messaged me about how helpful my books have been in her life and ended her message with a heart emo.  When Sandra saw this heart emo, she unleashed a 6 hour shit-storm of arguing and complaining and yelling for me to delete and block this woman simply because she didn't like the heart emo.  I am not over-exaggerating either.  We sat there and had an argument that lasted literally the entire afternoon because a random subscriber I'd never spoken to before sent me a heart emoji.

Needless to say, this was a huge red flag for me and I told her that.  Our relationship began going downhill quickly after this and completely blew up a couple days later when she saw my ex-girlfriend walk past on the way to dinner.  I had already started losing my feelings for her because she showed her true colors yelling at me for a whole day about nothing, so I refused to hold her hand or engage in physical intimacy with her after this.  This just pissed her off more, and when she saw my ex walk by she started yelling at me and even punched me in the stomach in the middle of the street wailing about how SHE was the reason I wouldn't hold her hand.  

I tried calming her down but she insisted we call the airline and have her return ticket changed so she could leave and go home asap.  It only took about 3 minutes of her screaming at the top of her lungs in the middle of the street for me to agree that getting this crazy psycho out of my life as soon as possible was a great idea.  So we went back to the room and I called the airline to change her ticket as she so rudely demanded.  As I'm on the phone changing her return date to the coming Monday, she starts crying, apologizing, and demanding that I put the phone down and let her stay.  The guy on the phone could barely hear me over her pleading.  I couldn't get the ticket changed so I bought her a brand new one-way ticket back to Serbia.

She spent the next 2 days before her flight home pleading with me endlessly to change my mind and forgive her.  I even took her to the airport and waited with her for her flight and she spent the whole time crying on my shoulder and asking me to let her stay.  By that evening she had already messaged my parents and some friends telling them her version of her sob story where I'm somehow the bad guy even though I paid for all her travel expenses, food and lodging just so she could come here and treat me like shit.

Two years has passed since these 12 days of hell, and she now spends every day obsessively stalking me and all women connected to me on social media.  As you can see on her La Verdad Absoluta channel, she creates webs of drama accusing me of being everything from a Psychopath, to a Freemason, to a CIA agent, to a Pedophile.  I am of course none of the above and she knows this and admits this in her private love letters to me, but she makes these videos to threaten me into hopefully talking to her.  

I haven't responded to any of her alternating love/hate letters in well over a year so she is desperate to get my attention.  Well, here's the attention you so desperately seek Serbian Conspiracy/Sandra Ilic/Alex Sani/La Verdad Absoluta/Wor22.  You now have your own IFERS thread where you can come and tell your side of the story using your terrible command of the English language .  Also, if any other members have been affected by this woman or have screen-shots of her lies and abuse, please post here so people can see what a piece of work this woman is. Peace

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:44 am

Sad thanks for sharing that.
sorry about it all but its good to share & she really needs to be exposed.
I can add so much more to this thread but need some rest. Gutenacht

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by Dean11 Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:39 am

Where and when are posted each of those comments Mary Moon? On your channel or on Serbian Conspiracy Channel?

I'm subb and she translated many Dubay's videos, and also Dubay is sharing her videos here that is how I was directed to SC. I don't understand that game.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:13 am

You can clearly see the screenshot there is from 7 months ago on serbian conspiracies channel discussion tab.


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by Dean11 Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:50 am

Ok, so you Mary went on her channel,attacked her,7 months ago,
you went on her pinned comment and offended her first 2 weeks ago, I checked, and you call her staker? That makes you a stalker. LOL. Just saying.
And no print screen of her stalking you.

Hope I will not be banned from here for saying that, because it would make this forum more censored then you tube.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:00 pm

Sandra, you are a sad creature doing this.
Read that post from Eric again ^ Soak it all up.

We can all clearly see that you do this to the woman who talk to Eric and who you see as a threat.
There is no threat here though, other than leave Eric and the people he associates with alone or be called out for everyone to see on IFERS shill wall.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by wor22 Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:33 pm

MaryMoon wrote: other than leave Eric and the people he associates with alone or be called out for everyone to see on IFERS shill wall.

I'm Wondering who is This Mary ordering to anyone things about Dubay?

Eric thanks for clearing out some things in your post.

But most pathetic is this obsessed Mary Moon who is using SerbCon to have a reason to talk to Eric.
Still don't understand what she has with relation between 2 people?
She is proven liar as she didn't posted not one comment where Serbian Conspiracy stalked her.
Opposite Mary Moon is stalking Serb Con.

Eric, then why you didn't said that year ago?
Why you started now heart breaking love story how Alex-Sandra left?

I think Eric you are jealous on Jake's friendship with Alex as Alex is helping a lot to Jake and you needed her attention.....
I don't see other reason.

I'm not Alex, I find this posts funny  Very Happy  I Like Serb.Con Channel, and this meme is for paranoid Mary Moon :

Love and Peace to all  I love you

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker I_see_sandra

Last edited by wor22 on Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:53 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:43 pm

Wrong, sourheart, You are hardly ever our topic on conversation.
Eric and I talk about many things and we will for a very long time.

Thanks for the meme, I do see you everywhere lately.
Everytime I look on FB, youtube or in my email someone says you are talking about me or making a meme of me.

english lesson 420.a from mary:

a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:46 pm

I dont think IFERS people have seen these yet so I will add them.

Remember when you made this one of me with charcoal on my face ?

Then you posted it all over facebook groups and on my public facebook photos and I had to make all my stuff private so I wouldnt wake up to my aunt and uncle seeing terrible things like this?  

Remember that ,Sandra?! It was about 8 or 9 months ago and that is the reason I went to your youtube channel and left that comment ^ Because I was in shock someone I dont even know would be so messed up enough to do this.
But then I also asked Eric and he explained it to me so then I got it right away.

You messed things up with him bigtime and now are just jealous of me and any other woman who isnt a crazy beotch who goes near Eric or IFERS or even FE.

So yah, you can try to fight with me all you want but I just wonder why you would want to take me on? Are you unable to determine a fair opponent?
I am not in your weight class ( try n think deep on that one )  Laughing

Do you remember when my FB friends all came to defend me and called you crazay and then you blocked me from that fake account and made a new one and pretended to be someone else?  Laughing

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Sandra11

And this one is your most recent attempt at meme fame (posted on fb even a few days ago by you still) :

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Sandra10

But I dont know if you ever saw the shitty one you made that i fixed up for you so here ya go:

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Mymeme10

In the first pic u stole there, I was in the dirt hole in my garden, having a clay bath and laughing saying it was like the spa.

and in the second picture I had charcoal all over my face because my girls were bugging me to put on make up and I hate makeup so that was what happened. Laughing  hilarious day.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by Dean11 Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:46 am

If admin is offended by this-remove it

Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Image

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:34 am

Oh C'mon Sandra,
I dont have any fake accounts on IFERS. Someone probably just had a question.

I dont have time to make fake accounts because I have a busy life already.
I have a boyfriend for 13 years and 3 children(so your terrible meme of me is also wrong).
My boyfriend knows I talk to Eric and to many other people online about astrology because I have been doing it the whole time we have been together.

Dont try to bring me into it if you dont want me in on it, Sandra. Just leave me alone!

You know everything you said about me is a lie. I never wanted to know you or talk to you. You started all of this because you are jealous of women around IFERS and Eric and your comments prove it. You keep attacking me still ^
But I was just sitting on FB one day minding my own astro biz
and BAM , a psycho ex stalker is in my inbox yelling at me that ERIC WILL NEVER WANT TO MEET ME  Laughing
I wouldnt have known who you even were if you didnt do that to me.

Tropical Western Astrology is an actual science.
You can keep calling me dumb over astrology or you could look it up one day, instead of spending all that time making tons of fake accounts and trolling me..

& You dont know my friends so really shitty attempt to try to bring me down- The fake account that you made that left that comment about ME and my friends was called * Flat Vegan*  so you can ask yourself why they said that about me.
My friends are all good people and we love each other.

You're welcome for the help getting views.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by TerrestialJones Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:36 am

By far the most entertaining thread on IFERS I must say! Laughing

I have been tracking this creature who goes by many names for a while now. She is a persistent little rat always crawling in and out of sewers and the proof is in the stench left after a close encounter. She suffers from Bipolar disorder it seems as she is either always praising Eric or shitting on him. I have more of this story to tell and will because Eric has now made public what I have known privately for sometime now. Defending yourself against a crazy ex is a very touchy thing because it is simply your word against theirs. To further complicate matters Sandra Ilic (her government name) teamed up with Eric's pathetic "arch nemesis" PMB (Paul Michael Bales) and began making video after video slandering him using other names such as Alex Sani on Facebook and La Verdad Absoluta channel on YouTube. They went and recruited his other ex (Pechara) a bitter woman who also slandered him for them. All this began happening soon after Eric and FE blew up. All the while Serbian Conspiracy pretends to be Eric's supportive ex and acts like she is welcome on IFERS which is a LIE. Her Achilles heal is when another woman gets or tries to get attention from Eric in anyway shape or form! This is when she goes ape shit and removes the mask of sanity she wears. Her fake calm is an act, deep inside this is a troubled woman who is envious, narcissistic and possibly psychopathic/sadistic. The telltale sign revealing her use of multiple accounts is her poor grammar.

On another note, I hope all this data on IFERS is secure because I will be writing down my take on the FE resurgence movement since early 2015 as I have been watching/experiencing it unfold here on IFERS, YouTube, Facebook etc quite closely. Peace

Last edited by TerrestialJones on Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:33 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by wor22 Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:41 am

TerrestialJones or Ali Dohadwala is whose fake profile? When you "exposed" real Eric Dubay on your you tube stalking FB of some guy under name Eric Dubay and his comment and pictures, it is detective work?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zLPFZPwEAE

When someone else do the same it is stalking?
I saw on that channel has only public info that anyone,good detective, can find and testimony of his ex Pechara.
No traces of his ex Serbian Conspiracy testimony.

Ali what happened to your wall in dec. 2016?
Someone has all that recorded. Too much Drugs or alcohol or just fake profile?

Why is name of this topic Serbian Conspiracy when no one is talking here about her videos that debunked ae map and those videos that Jake used in his videos?
Because you can't debunk those videos but you need to slaner channel that has great content.

And look who come here to slander it-Ali Dohadwala you tube channel and Mary at sea level channel.
Go and check those you tubes.
Dubay's excuse that he was stalked-love letters.Someone forced you to read love letter by pointing gun in your head? You can just block anyone from mail and not read it.But Obviously Eric is sorry why his ex Pechara ruined him relation with Sandra.

For all other about your public work everyone has right to follow it.

Mary hurray for you, you have now what to talk to Eric

Last edited by wor22 on Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:13 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by MaryMoon Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:53 am

You didnt spend very long at that comment so we can tell its you now even more, Sandra, er, I mean wor22, dean, serbian conspiracy, La verdad absoluta,alex,etc etc

AE MAP not debunked.
Open eyeballs.

Last edited by MaryMoon on Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by starfox42 Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:23 pm

MaryMoon wrote:You didnt spend very long at that comment so we can tell its you now even more, Sandra, er, I mean wor22, dean, serbian conspiracy, sandra,alex,etc etc


I'm sure a novice linguist can see these are the same people... at least throw in some random adjectives to try and confuse us, Sandra!!

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by TerrestialJones Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:47 pm

Serbia I know your kind... right around the time Eric was done with you I was just about done with a psycho just like you. I won't lie there is something attractive about your kind at first, simply intoxicating. Soon your mask comes off and the ugly side is revealed.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by Admin Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:57 pm

I have banned both "Wor22" and "Dean11" as they are clearly Sandra trying (and failing miserably) to pretend to be other people, and I don't want her erasing her own incriminating posts now that she's being exposed. Feel free to come back under another alias though Sandra, or better yet drop the mask and come back as yourself, or better still just go away and stop stalking everyone.

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Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker Empty Re: Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker

Post by Serbian Conspiracy Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:01 pm

1.I have few mistakes in video here missed letters but I dont care. I dont want to reupload video.

Mary took enough of my time especially that is now on 21 dec when is most important for south sun.
Mary you started first this is my answer because you lie. You contacted me FIRST asking about Eric a lot and then I blocked you. In video is all that conversation. .
I have group, i have you tube, not every profile who is defending me is me.

Im followed mostly by people from Europa who don't have first language English. And for those who mock people who don't talk perfect English i challenge you to learn my language, one word and to write it.

90% of you know only one language.What a shame. I know 2 foreigner languages conversation level and then im and people like me,mocked by dummies who dont know any?

2. This is worst time for you Eric to attack me,  when you are making new channel and collecting people. Worst time. And I'm really sorry to attack for real  someone who is weak right now.

All section about me is based on things like WHY SOMEONE IS STATING SOMETHING AND NOT ARE THOSE FACTS OR NOT.

My channel Serbian Conspiracy can't be debunked.You are not even talking about my channel Serbian Conspiracy you just posted misleading title and then added lies about me personally.  
And you based your accusation on WHY and not on proving are claims right or wrong.

You would lose every case in every  court as it would be dismissed as unfounded, and it is calling Frivolous Litigation.
It's frivolous because it has no underlying justification in facts, and because it was  presented with no arguments and evidence .

But what you can expect from someone uneducated as Mary when she makes accusation against someone like me. What a great aly Eric has that makes him only trouble.

To leave you alone? You mean stop your research on south Sun that debunked so many things I believed in past 3 years?You mean dont defend your self when we attack you?

Gud baj loser Meri you started this first. You made me make this video and debunk your lies.

Nice try Eric to prevent me to send link in my post but video is on my channel for observing moon and footage on moon- Serbian Conspiracy Moon

you tube  search:
Serbian Conspiracy- Moon
Mary Helene Moon-Mary at Sea level -Psycho Liar    

Last edited by Serbian Conspiracy on Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
Serbian Conspiracy
Serbian Conspiracy

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