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The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart

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The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart Empty The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart

Post by M.J. Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:32 pm

Most of what is presented in videos above is are based on the works of Serbian historian and writer Jovan I. Deretić
Wikipedina on Jovan I. Deretić

Wikipedia says, and I quote " Deretić was an engineer by training but was mainly noted for his pseudohistorical and conspiracy theories" and also "Known for Controversial pseudohistory and alternate history".

When Wikipedia says something than it must be true...  Shocked  Rolling Eyes

Yes, it is true that he had an university degree in engineering, and as the writer himself said, you have to secure livelihood for yourself and your family so you can have resources and time to study history and ancient writers.

What they fail to mention is that he had PhD in History which he got on Sorbonne university, France.

For his PhD degree, in the interviews he would always say that it was monumental waste of time because to get the degree you had to study falsified, or so called official history, but he did it just because someone one day might say who is he to write books about history, he is just an engineer. Well that didn't stop Wikipedia from just blatantly lying...

What they also fail to mention that based on his published works and his contribution in researching history he was inducted as a member in the Russian academy of science in Saint Petersburg.

Jovan I. Deretić was buried in Belgrade in the Alley of the Great in 2021 (7530 of the old calendar). His books are not included in official school curriculum because of the strong Zionist grip that holds over Serbia.

But don't fret, there have already been some strong reactions from parents conflicting with teachers, and in one university verbal argument between students and teachers was so heated that it moved from classroom to hallways and was almost physical.

People are awakening, there is no stopping it now.... Nobody wants to study false history...

Last edited by M.J. on Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:24 am; edited 3 times in total


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The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart Empty Re: The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart

Post by M.J. Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:33 pm

To understand how one small country at the Helm (Balkan) can possibly rule the first world empire I'll repeat what I've already posted:

Before the term Slavs was invented in the 6th century, all Slavic people were called Serbs, and all white people are descendants of Serbs, who were settled all over Europe and were majority in all European countries. (more on that later) Celt’s are one of the oldest descendants, original branch of the Serbian tree/people in western Europe with customs, language and toponyms that stem from our common roots.

In the video bellow there are some explanations on why all the Slavs are actually Serbs.


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The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart Empty Re: The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart

Post by M.J. Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:34 pm

Serbon possibly mentioned in Rg Veda (English audio, Serbian caps). Migration paths are wrong, this is just to show mention of the term Srbinda in Rg Vega....


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The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart Empty Re: The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart

Post by M.J. Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:44 pm

As I've said in second post in thread.... The biggest conspiracy of them all....

Sanskrit is a version of old-Serbian language and whoever takes their time to investigate will find it to be a fact...

The creator of this next video randomly draws the lines of movement of the Aryan people, but otherwise it is an instructive video. At 09,13 mark you can watch children counting in Sanskrit. 60% of the words are recognizable to anyone who knows Serbian.

Starting at 11,30 mark you can see comparison of Serbian and Sanskrit words. At 13,20 you can watch in English the opinion of an Indian knowledgeable of the Sanskrit when he was learning Serbian.


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The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart Empty Re: The world's second empire - Serbo Makaridov - known to Romans as Hercules, to Greeks as Heracles and to Jews as Melkart

Post by M.J. Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:01 pm

Another name for Serbon is (Car Trojan) - Tsar Trojan / Troyan. Trojan in Serbian is along the lines of English Tripled.

Serb word Trojan in facts represents trinity... "Njih troje" in English would be "them three"

Why was he nicknamed "Trojan"...?

It's because he ruled over three continents, Europe, Asia and North Africa...

The second reason he was nicknamed "Trojan" is because his wife birth him three sons...

PS: As I remember reading in a book by Jovan I. Deretic, the sons were born as triplets, but I will have to double check that when I find time)


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