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Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer...

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Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer... Empty Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer...

Post by M.J. Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:37 pm

Where does the oxygen come from....? It comes from water...

Every day the Sun circles around the earth, heating the waters which are 2/3 of our earth, and thus releasing the water H2O into hydrogen H2 and oxygen O (every free oxygen connects immediately with another free oxygen thus you have O2).

Story of plants producing oxygen is another deception to hide God (deserts don't have plants but have oxygen, while high mountain peaks are low in oxygen, look at mount Everest).

The MOON  
The moon has a cold light in opposition to the sun's warm rays and it cools the earth. This contrast of heat and cold gives you the morning dew.

Also evaporated hydrogen H2 in the air is cooled by the moon and thus you got rain...

The moon is mythically called LUNA ... Using the rules I've posted  in the 3rd post of the thread The biggest conspiracy of them all.... we get the following...

LU - coldness
N - birth
A - I
I give birth to coldness...

I think that all of you have already heard of this one.. Take two thermometers during fool moon, take a chair outside and place one thermometer under a chair in shade, and other directly exposed to moonlight - the one under the chair will show that the temperature is warmer in shade.

This contrast of Sun and Moon, or heat and cold has effect on the oceans currents also...

Try searching "water evaporation explained" or "what does H2O dissolves into" and you'll be hard to find an explanation of this simple process...

Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer... Water-10

Last edited by M.J. on Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:25 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer... Empty Re: Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer...

Post by M.J. Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:19 pm

If someone has an answer how does oxygen gets back into water, or to say it better, how does it reunite with Hydrogen (H2), please make a post about it...


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Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer... Empty Re: Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer...

Post by StillWakingUp Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:30 am

What made you think that H2O gets split into H2 and O?
H2O is evaporated, condensed, frozen and melted as H2O.
Electrolysis is required to split it.


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Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer... Empty Re: Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer...

Post by M.J. Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:04 pm

StillWakingUp wrote:What made you think that H2O gets split into H2 and O?

I can't remember exactly, I think I've read it somewhere, but it has to split into something.... If someone has knowledge in chemistry, can you please give your opinion... I don't see in what else can it dissolve other than H, H and O, or H2 and O...

StillWakingUp wrote:H2O is evaporated, condensed, frozen and melted as H2O.
Electrolysis is required to split it.

You say H2O is evaporated, condensed, frozen and melted as H2O...
So, H2O has evaporated as H2O?
Maybe you meant to say something different, or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you meant to say, I'm not sure...

To explain it simply...
If you take a glass of water and leave it, with time, the water will  evaporate... (of course at temperatures above zero, and also the higher the temperature the faster is the process).

If the glass is empty, where is the H2O? There is no water in the glass, so H2O has not evaporated as H2O, because glass is empty, there is no H2O....

Electrolysis is not necessary for water to evaporate although I've seen videos of using electrolysis to extract hydrogen...
Except if you count the Sun as conductor of the electrolysis... The Sun is energy after all...


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Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer... Empty Re: Oxygen hoax / mistery - updated with an answer...

Post by StillWakingUp Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:27 pm

What I meant is that on molecular level pure water vapor, pure liquid water and pure ice has same molecule, which is H2O.
Regarding water evaporation - it's happening constantly, if temperature of environment is higher than temperature of water.
Air has some percentage of water in it - so people and animals consume some portion of water via lungs, but apparently insufficient quantity.
And electrolysis is required to separate 2 molecules of water (H2O) into 2 molecules of hydrogen (H2) and one molecule of oxygen (O2).


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