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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:03 am

Yes, after our interview Sinead just flipped and did a 180 calling me a shill, did a whole interview with Daphne Reloaded where they shat on me over and over. We had a public disagreement on Facebook over her claiming Jews are a race and me saying Judaism is a religion, and after that she actively railed against me for months and called me controlled opposition.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Tree Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:06 am

One test I use to see if someone is a shill:
do they promote peace or do they stir up gossip and needless trouble. I recently watched a live-stream from a YouTuber that I used to like a lot but he seemed to needlessly stir up drama and fighting amongst flatearthers. Then this followed directly with a needlessly heated conversation about race. Not a thoughtful and positive one, but just purposefully agitative in my opinion. I really lost some respect for him. We all have our vices, he admits he loves to “stir up trouble” and “gossip“, so it is very possible he is just falling to his low vibration temptations and means nothing sinister, but the problem is I know there are real shills that do this and are paid very well to do so, so if he wants to be seen as legit he needs to be more thoughtful. This probably sounds like an excuse but I’m not going to name him because I don’t want to start gossip or infighting myself, rather I will say a general warning to be cautious of: look for those who promote peace, unity, truth, and works to move us towards a purpose. Be cautious of those who gossip and stir up trouble repeatedly and promote low vibrations (drinking heavily, complaining, laziness). They may not always be a “shill” they may just be in bad habits, so don’t be paranoid or overly suspicious either (I’m telling myself this too!). I think that is most likely the case. They’re probably a good person, just trying to make their show more “interesting”. I get it. But I just hope it doesn’t stay in this direction. Also, no one is perfect, but be thoughtful. Sorry if that’s sort of a rant!

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Tree Fri Apr 02, 2021 12:49 am

Waykiwayki seems super legit. He’s got some great research as far as I’ve seen.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by RoxC Sat May 29, 2021 11:46 am

markwilson wrote:

"Waters (De  aquis) 1. Water (aqua) is so named because its surface is ‘even’ (aequalis), hence it is also called aequor (lit. “level surface”...because its height is even.” —Isidore (c. 560 – 636), from page 276 of The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville

Interesting. Makes me think of "aquaplane" or "hydroplane"... Can only do that on a plane right lol


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Nym Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:15 pm

I watched the video Eric has on his channel about Owen Benjamin being evasive last night, was pretty eye opening. I was a fan of Owen's for a long time, and would intermittently catch his streams, I had no idea he did stuff like that. He was treating Eric like complete trash and it appeared as though Eric was just trying to reach out quite politely. He's a funny dude sometimes and he was instrumental in opening my eyes, but I don't really watch his content anymore.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by BosnianFlatearther Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:04 am

Nym wrote:I watched the video Eric has on his channel about Owen Benjamin being evasive last night, was pretty eye opening. I was a fan of Owen's for a long time, and would intermittently catch his streams, I had no idea he did stuff like that. He was treating Eric like complete trash and it appeared as though Eric was just trying to reach out quite politely. He's a funny dude sometimes and he was instrumental in opening my eyes, but I don't really watch his content anymore.

I think he came to his senses, I listen to him on some podcast lately and admitted he made a mistake on all that how he wss wrong about eruc andxflat esrth


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Nym Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:26 pm

BosnianFlatearther wrote:
I think he came to his senses,  I listen to him on some podcast lately and admitted he made a mistake on all that how he wss wrong about eruc andxflat esrth

He's too all over the place. He's a good dude at heart I think but I don't get a ton out of watching his content anymore. I primarily enjoyed him for the conspiratorial topics he would bring up, but you're better off going to and learning from the sources he cribs from because Owen is barely coherent most of the time and spends so much time on tangents and drama and whatnot.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Another opposition web site

Post by KyriosMora Sat Jul 17, 2021 1:23 am

//flatearth (dot) ws/

They immediately deleted my comment which utterly disproved their argument of how the moon and sun are visible during an eclipse.

They even deleted my follow up asking them to explain why moonlight is colder than moonshade.

Seek truth above all else.


P.S. I'm new so I can't post links. I removed the http part. A brief look at their information will show they are subversives.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jack Aurora Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:38 pm

Thank you for all the information dear Soul

I suppose in the reality of 3D and duality, there will be fakers and shillers...
It's how we eventually get to the truthers, by negating the lies, and finding the opposite and equal truths for ourselves.

Neti Neti...not this not that
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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty discord shills

Post by flat earth blitz Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:40 pm

I am back, after a very long time away. I cant remember the account I made when I first joined so I made this one. Anyway, I was first introduced to flat earth and this forum back in 2015 or so, and I briefly looked around and liked what I saw, but I eventually lost interest and went on to other things. Over the last year I have gotten back into flat earth and found myself around a bunch of shills and liars. It was on discord, and there is a big discord server where these people talk on voice chat all day, and they do have pretty solid flat earth knowledge and arguments, but they muddy the water with a lot of silly and flat out wrong beliefs on many topics, and they are quick to ban you if you do not toe the line with what the believe. Nathan Thompson is in their crowd, even though they dont like him much. Most of them considers Nazis evil and Hitler a bad guy, and they are about as normie as you can get while still being flat earthers. I do not want to say the name of the discord because I do not want to give them any more traffic. But I left because they consider IFERS to be "flat earth society 2.0" and that is a literal quote from one of their main members.

After months on that discord server, i see they actually do a lot of harm to the flat earth movement because they push many away from flat earth by antagonizing and mistreating globers who come in, and often ban them when they dont agree with them. They openly support Matt Powerland, Rob Skiba, Mark Sargeant and many other shills. They have pushed out many flat earthers who do not fall in line with their narrative. The main guys from this cult are Quantum Eraser, who is legit from what I can see, and Austin Whitsit, who is becoming Nathan Thompson 2.0 with his street activism. He goes out to public places and street preaches conspiracy stuff and it pushes people away from flat earth not brings to toward the topic, because he is antagonistic in his approach, like Nathan Thompson is. Plus he is Hebrew Roots like Rob Skiba is.

Good word Eric Dubay and thanks for this forum

flat earth blitz

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Tree Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:53 pm

Sounds like a toxic discord server.

flat earth blitz wrote: They openly support Matt Powerland, Rob Skiba, Mark Sargeant and many other shills.

Why do you think Rob Skiba is a shill? Is it purely from having Jewish roots? (Wasn’t aware he was, actually, but) Do you consider that a blanket disqualification? Does that mean you would think David Weiss is a shill?

I’m very skeptical of calling people shills. There’s plenty I disagree with others on spiritual philosophies but as long as they’re still skeptical of mainstream scientism and a globe skeptic then I think they’re usually offering something positive. I agree though that I am very weary of people who are antagonistic and more argumentative. I think this does turn people who are curious away. And doesn’t help our cause. In my opinion Nathan Oakley would do better to not argue so much and instead try to peacefully offer some knowledge to those that are genuinely curious about flat earth. He’s fun to watch for a while but after a while you realize you’re not moving forward, just arguing the same point. Like, we get it, it’s flat and sheep are asleep. Now let’s build something together, like Owen Benjamin is doing with Beartaria. Also, David Weiss has also done more to actively wake people up than almost anyone as far as I’ve seen. He goes on about 10 podcasts a week to teach people.

I know there are real shills too but we need to strengthen our community not fight so much and support those that are doing good work.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by flat earth blitz Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:07 pm

Tree wrote:
Sounds like a toxic discord server.

flat earth blitz wrote: They openly support Matt Powerland, Rob Skiba, Mark Sargeant and many other shills.

Why do you think Rob Skiba is a shill? Is it purely from having Jewish roots? (Wasn’t aware he was, actually, but) Do you consider that a blanket disqualification? Does that mean you would think David Weiss is a shill?

I’m very skeptical of calling people shills. There’s plenty I disagree with others on spiritual philosophies but as long as they’re still skeptical of mainstream scientism and a globe skeptic then I think they’re usually offering something positive. I agree though that I am very weary of people who are antagonistic and more argumentative. I think this does turn people who are curious away. And doesn’t help our cause. In my opinion Nathan Oakley would do better to not argue so much and instead try to peacefully offer some knowledge to those that are genuinely curious about flat earth. He’s fun to watch for a while but after a while you realize you’re not moving forward, just arguing the same point. Like, we get it, it’s flat and sheep are asleep. Now let’s build something together, like Owen Benjamin is doing with Beartaria. Also, David Weiss has also done more to actively wake people up than almost anyone as far as I’ve seen. He goes on about 10 podcasts a week to teach people.

I know there are real shills too but we need to strengthen our community not fight so much and support those that are doing good work.

I would suggest going back to earlier posts in this thread. Skiba hangs out with a lot of shills, and if you have read any of his books he makes a lot of claims that are pure guesswork. Anyway he only posts religious content now and has distanced himself from flat earth for the most part. But my post had little to do with Skiba if you read it.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:23 pm

The biggest schills now are Karen b and Brian stavely who have blocked me and a bunch of others I know in live chats on YouTube, and in rokfin they're minions will attack you for no reason just for having a different opinion. They called this one girl Sally and others include me with the most vile disgusting names talking about sexually assaulting me all while Karen b and Brian stavely sat there and encouraged it. Then defending dubay they laugh and say I won't call out the jewz cause that would cause division , but yet they'll talk about masons. Also they're drinking alcohol on every stream , burping , and all their guests are drug addict potheads and smoke cigarettes like truthseeker 69 flat earth focker hieu tv and others.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:27 pm

Russian vids total schill brainwashed by his christian cult, Jesus this Jesus that, attacking Eric dubay and anyone else not promoting his fake religion and he will talk about masons but never speak against zionists, cause that would shatter his book which tells him to worship Israel.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:27 pm

Crow 777 Russian vids 2 government agents who don't show their face but have a following.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:29 pm

David Jew boy Weiss just called Eric dubay a pompous asswhole in rokfin for exposing mark Sargeant. We sure as hell can't depend on Dave to expose the jewish world order now can we.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:31 pm

Jeran huge crypto schill all about that money and expects you to donate to him so you can pay for his wife and baby and mortgage now he's teamed up with another fraudster conman who has scammed thousands of dollars from truthers in anarchapoco the dollar vigilanti.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:33 pm

Globebusters now along with David Weiss defending rokfin decision to pull the level interview cause they gotta make money and we gotta stick together to make money . None will ever talk about the jewish zionists ever ever ever.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty I just watched a Doozy the Flat Earth UK group performs the Bedford Level Experiment 2016

Post by Rapsher Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:00 am

Aside from the experiment the video is decent, which was done by Dave Murphy, however the experiment is a colossal disaster which apparently was organized/performed by the Flat Earth UK Group. I'm not familiar, I'm guessing that the UK group is controlled opposition? Does anyone suspect Dave of being controlled opposition? Everything I've seen with him appears to be legit. He does a very good job communicating the flat earth (in his 2016 video he pushed the dome theory as an absolute which is probably the only suspect position I've heard him take). Anyways, whoever was behind the organizing of this event was likely controlled opposition, because it was way too incompetent to be an accident. Seriously? The organizer didn't go to the location before hand and check it out? They didn't check their equipment before hand. Then fastening a goddamn laser light to a canoe? Are you f__king kidding me?

I guess they're paying homage to the bedford level experiment + laser. If you're going to implement modern day technology, which you should, you may as well go all the way with it. Get a decent laser light with a leveler (or just some leveling tools), put some boards across the canal, put the laser in the middle and level the laser. Now go along the canal and acknowledge/mark the laser at every mile point and you'll see that the laser remains at the same level throughout the 6+ miles of the canal and prove that the earth is flat and that the refraction nonsense is bullshit, which is one of the most far fetched/desperate defenses/explanations of all time. While it may appear that you proved the earth was flat, it was merely refraction. If someone proves you wrong on something just say it was refraction. Anyways, there's literally thousands of better bodies of water to test this out on. Where I live I could go up to Lake Tahoe and do this across the 12 mile width or the 22 mile length of Lake Tahoe and prove the earth is flat. Having some schmo paddling out in a canoe for 6 miles with an unleveled laser pointing who the hell knows where, is more counterproductive than tying weights to your balls then dropping the weights to test density. This controlled opposition nonsense pisses me off.


Last edited by Rapsher on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:05 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added a few fords immediately after posting it)


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Seek Truth Speak Truth Shill?

Post by Merq Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:22 am

Is there a back story that summarizes the “SeekTruth SpeakTruth” channel someone can reference me to? I tried finding information before posting but I just came across his channel and how he went from FE believer to openly admitted ex-FE believer and specifically calls out and attacks Eric’s beliefs and videos in recent videos (within the last year) on that channel.

He claims to have asked for debates and whatnot but Eric blocks and ignores him.

I instantly thought to come look him up on the wall of shame because although he claims to be a globe believer all of a sudden, he still doesn’t provide any proof of it. I was hoping to read more about him and see if we know more about what made this guy flip flop so hard? He went super viral and loves the attention he’s getting now (everyone’s SO PROUD of him for “coming back to reality” by believing evolution and the heliocentric model - the comments are hard to bare - it shows the amount of manipulation and brain washed people around us) - but I’m still deeper on the FE side right now so it’s hard to watch him speak.

He’s so strongly against FE and creationism and Eric Dubay now that it’s almost too over exaggerated and seems like a paid act. The comments on his “new awakening to a globe earth after all” videos also look similar to what you’d get by paying for positive reviews on Amazon or something. It all seems very “in your face, nothing else matters, and you’re dumb if you think different.”

Gives me a lot of ‘controlled opposition’ feelings.

Thanks for any info on this guy. Maybe he’s already on the list and I just simply don’t know his real name to match it up with?


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Sep 17, 2021 5:44 am

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 21403510

His 5th so called proof earth is not flat is "what's below the flat earth" then shows controlled opposition photo of flat earth

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 73d6c210

He thanks his patreons and shows their names and one of them of course has 666 in their name.
He claims to be an ex flat earther so that way he can always straw man and wrongly portray flat earthers by saying things like 'i was a flat earther and i beLIEved the earth was rising upwards' Referring to what the Flat Earth Society shills say
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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Merq Fri Sep 17, 2021 5:47 am

Russian Blue Cat wrote:He thanks his patreons and shows their names and one of them of course has 666 in their name.
He claims to be an ex flat earther so that way he can always straw man and wrongly portray flat earthers by saying things like 'i was a flat earther and i beLIEved the earth was rising upwards' Referring to what the Flat Earth Society shills say

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:00 am

This guy was clearly a controlled plant from the beginning who only pretended to be a "flat Earther" for just a few short months with no Patreon or subscriber base. Now he has been an "anti-flat Earther" going on several years with many subscribers and Patreon supporters. Ever since making the song "Once You Go Flat, There's No Going Back" they've been desperate to act like some people actually do go back to the globe, when the reality is nobody who understands the heliocentric deception ever goes back to it.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Merq Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:38 am

Admin wrote:This guy was clearly a controlled plant from the beginning who only pretended to be a "flat Earther" for just a few short months with no Patreon or subscriber base.  Now he has been an "anti-flat Earther" going on several years with many subscribers and Patreon supporters.  Ever since making the song "Once You Go Flat, There's No Going Back" they've been desperate to act like some people actually do go back to the globe, when the reality is nobody who understands the heliocentric deception ever goes back to it.

I saw and felt the same way as I watched him go from believer to non-believer. No facts or proof - just rambling on with hatred in his voice tone. I wanted to know I wasn't the only one who saw through him so I posted here and got the reassurance I needed. Thanks!


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 23 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by spinningwaterrockhaha Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:58 am

I'm sure y'all have come across the little tool who goes by ftfe (fight the flat earth/craig?"

Well, I couldn't resist capturing a couple beauts from this little puke.
They're pretty funny... enjoy:



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