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Experiments We All Can Do

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:58 am

Posted by on 05/24/2015
A great really simple one for anyone is following the perspective of the Suns rays through cracks in the clouds to its origin. You can clearly see that the sun really is just right there.
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Is it 20 minutes into Eric's interview with Mark Knight where you can see it directly in front of the camera, with the heat spot on the clouds?
I almost shit myself

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:58 am

Posted by username on 05/24/2015
Calculate the distance to the sun/moon:

* Find a location which offers you access to a reflecting surface (if water, as still as possible for precision of reflection) visible from an elevated vantage point.
* Wait until the sun/moon is visible in the reflection.
* Measure the angle (angle b, below) between the direction of the sun/moon and the direction of the reflection.
* Measure the angle (angle d, below) of the reflection off of level.  (Note that this can also be measured from your vantage point by measuring the angle down to the reflection.)
* Note the exact location of the reflection.
* Measure the distance (side C, below) from your observation point to the reflection.
* Solve the triangle:
Experiments We All Can Do   Rl1vtHN
* Angle a = 180 - (2 * angle d), since the sun's/moon's reflection will bounce off at the same angle of its entry.  (Note: I didn't draw it quite symmetrically, but that is just my fail.  In nature it will be symmetrical.)
* Thus, we can acquire angles a and b and side C, giving us access to the "ASA" ("angle, side, angle") triangle solution, found, inter alia, here.
* Post your results!  Just how long is side A (or B), anyway???

(Note: this method is a little more complex than the previous poster's, but will work within a smaller location, so perhaps some will find it applicable.)

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:59 am

Posted by susie on 05/31/2015

Take a straightedge, yardstick, anything you know is true and use it to show there is no curve left to right on any horizon. I think others have suggested sawhorses and a board stretched across them. 

If you live on a hill take footage of lifting a camera up from the ground to show the horizon on a curve drops instead of staying eyelevel.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:00 am

Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/16/2015
Here is a link to a video which helps to prove that Darwinian Evolution is more of a religion than a science, and that most students and University faculty, cannot answer basic questions concerning Evolution:

I think that a member here, preferably in America, should create a similar video, but regarding the Flat Earth. They could visit a University Campus, and ask the relevant Geography, Science, Astronomy, etc, students and teachers the relevant questions pertaining to the Flat Earth. We could choose 10 -15 key points of evidence that prove the flatness of the planet, and ask them to explain them (which of course they will not be able to do in any meaningful manner).

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:00 am

Posted by o on 06/16/2015
It was fun watching the video and imagining the flat earth version of it Experiments We All Can Do   Smiley
If your suggestion can be realized, the evidence of the earth being a globe needs to be questioned I assume. It would be real fun too see the students' and academicians' surprise and how they would admit being "believers". I loved the idea!

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:03 am

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 06/19/2015
Excellent thread and effort!

I was thinking last night - even though it's not a question, per se - of setting up some sort of experiment that undoubtedly proves the flat Earth plane. I was envisioning having several high-quality, high-zoom cameras positioned at various points at A, B, C, D etc, all zooming toward each other like "check points", proving the smooth constant flat Earth plane. Then, have a four-way split screen showing them all zooming in simultaneously, so as it can't be refuted that it's "just an illusion created going from post to post; there's curvature there!".

Imagine an Anchorage to McKinley type zoom, then from McKinley to another point that goes an equal or further distance which should be experiencing curvature, etc etc. It would probably take a bit of work and planning to do this effectively and sufficiently, but it sure gets my mind thinking!

Has anyone ever done this yet? This is the type of stuff this information inspires for me!

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:04 am

Posted by techy on 06/23/2015
And I have come to a realization! This is so true, for example: I have always thought outside the box and wanted to know why? Have never went along with the status quo.But I got to going down all the many rabbit holes and went crazy for a little while, but I figured it out on my own, hence the emotional maturity. And I have been trying to figure out the best experiment for testing the flat earth! I'm going to need a good telescope, and really zoom in on the moon and look for a curvature, with my own eyes. But, then I got to thinking that the telescope is man made!And, I got to thinking, that the lens in that telescope may cause a disc shaped circle to appear spherical. So I have come up with a solution: I'll take and study on a secondary experiment with a circular disk, sticker and place it on different color backgrounds and put it at different distances and see if it makes a curvature in my little round circular sticker. It may sound crazy, but I have my moments of clarity from time to time. lol, What do you think of my idea? I hope that maiapleiades79 is ok with me quoting the post. Experiments We All Can Do   Smiley Ya should have heard, when I brought this idea up with my Dad and Mom, which I don't live with, and was visiting on Fathers Day. Mom started quoting and breaking out the bible. Saying, ain't no way the earth is flat. I respect my Mom and Dad deeply, but it just goes to show you how effective, the NASA brainwashing is. I believe there is more hidden land out there. I would like to edit and add, that when I was going through the process, of exploring these rabbit holes, I was on ATS when this happened: My username was banned, for talking smack about Mason's and thats how I found the Atlantean conspiracy, Eric has had his brush with ATS. Thanks Eric for sharing your experiences, I would have never explored the flat earth otherwise.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:05 am

Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/23/2015
Jun 23, 2015 3:24:31 GMT techy said:

If you have one without the other, I do not think you can face the truth. For example, you may know a very smart person but they may not be strong enough emotionally to face a difficult truth. It is too big of a pill to swallow. I also think if you are not aware of the elite controlling the ENTIRE WORLD, you cannot fathom how such a lie could continue."

And I have come to a realization! This is so true, for example: I have always thought outside the box and wanted to know why? Have never went along with the status quo.But I got to going down all the many rabbit holes and went crazy for a little while, but I figured it out on my own, hence the emotional maturity. And I have been trying to figure out the best experiment for testing the flat earth! I'm going to need a good telescope, and really zoom in on the moon and look for a curvature, with my own eyes. But, then I got to thinking that the telescope is man made!And, I got to thinking, that the lens in that telescope may cause a disc shaped circle to appear spherical. So I have come up with a solution: I'll take and study on a secondary experiment with a circular disk, sticker and place it on different color backgrounds and put it at different distances and see if it makes a curvature in my little round circular sticker. It may sound crazy, but I have my moments of clarity from time to time. lol, What do you think of my idea? I hope that maiapleiades79 is ok with me quoting the post. Experiments We All Can Do   Smiley Ya should have heard, when I brought this idea up with my Dad and Mom, which I don't live with, and was visiting on Fathers Day. Mom started quoting and breaking out the bible. Saying, ain't no way the earth is flat. I respect my Mom and Dad deeply, but it just goes to show you how effective, the NASA brainwashing is. I believe there is more hidden land out there. I would like to edit and add, that when I was going through the process, of exploring these rabbit holes, I was on ATS when this happened: My username was banned, for talking smack about Mason's and thats how I found the Atlantean conspiracy, Eric has had his brush with ATS. Thanks Eric for sharing your experiences, I would have never explored the flat earth otherwise.

It sounds like a very worthwhile idea to me. If I understand correctly, you would basically be proving that telescopes have the ability to make a flat disc appear to curve like a globe. 

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:06 am

Posted by micra on 06/28/2015
In the light of recent revelations, exposures and developments concerning popular Flat Earth commentators,
the interest in (more) empirical observation seems heightened. 
One would imagine a simple laser beam experiment over water should be achievable with little fanfare. 
Clearly as a research group, quoting The Bedford Level experiment is a little archaic 
in this age of technology, (even if a fact in 1838 can still be a fact 200 years later), 
there is something a little off-putting about those old manuscript line drawings.
We as a group have varied skills (shills), and unlimited capability presumably.
Eric has a true gift of clarity, with humour and humility he has a peace that seems unlikely in the monumental psychic shifting.
Like Terrance Mckenna and Alan Watts before who inspired a generation of psyconaughts to break the plane(t) of reality.
Again today like yesterday,
it would appear that this luminious life is quite a mystery. 
We need reminding as its so blindingly obvious.
IFERS is the portal to the end.
And it has guards,as well it should.


On a Research level
I have a 4.8 km lake behind my house in Anglesey Wales in the UK.
If anyone wants to set up a laser I can help with logistics.

Thanks everyone for making this place.

All about Shillaphobia

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:06 am

Posted by lizardking on 06/28/2015

Jun 28, 2015 12:46:56 GMT micra said:
In the light of recent revelations, exposures and developments concerning popular Flat Earth commentators,
the interest in (more) empirical observation seems heightened. 
One would imagine a simple laser beam experiment over water should be achievable with little fanfare. 
Clearly as a research group, quoting The Bedford Level experiment is a little archaic 
in this age of technology, (even if a fact in 1838 can still be a fact 200 years later), 
there is something a little off-putting about those old manuscript line drawings.
We as a group have varied skills (shills), and unlimited capability presumably.
Eric has a true gift of clarity, with humour and humility he has a peace that seems unlikely in the monumental psychic shifting.
Like Terrance Mckenna and Alan Watts before who inspired a generation of psyconaughts to break the plane(t) of reality.
Again today like yesterday,
it would appear that this luminious life is quite a mystery. 
We need reminding as its so blindingly obvious.
IFERS is the portal to the end.
And it has guards,as well it should.


On a Research level
I have a 4.8 km lake behind my house in Anglesey Wales in the UK.
If anyone wants to set up a laser I can help with logistics.

Thanks everyone for making this place.

Thank you micra, and good post.

All about Shillaphobia

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:08 am

Posted by Observicus on 06/29/2015
There wasn’t a thread for experiments we can’t do so may as well post here.
The entire laser testing episode in California is only discrediting the true FEr’s and that’s not just based on the persona involved but more

the competency in managing a small project that appears to be more of a handyman effort devoid of the usual job planning and preparation.

An industrial attempt however, would naturally take a lot more resources (cash), hi grade equipment, proper familiarization with the device through trial testing over short and medium ranges, a written job plan with drawings inserted and maybe a few tables and maps in an appendix, a basic measuring procedure with all parties briefed, risk assessment, contingency plan, spare critical equipment, hard copies for the road trip, a full site survey and trial run to iron out the unexpected and basically filmed and carried out under cover using at least three varying distance markers around the chosen location. With the early trials recorded properly, unforeseen eventualities can be minimalized. It’s basic job planning or some may call it research.

But even with a great result, some galaxy believers will just jump to the next FE claim and demand a test on whatever it is they deem to need next, which is great because a lot of people are planning good proofs using other methods. Point being that a range of modern proofs as a package might need to be compiled for the people to digest, one proof may not cut it for the uninitiated.

Several people are pushing the momentum of an Arctic video by air and considering the close proximity to Europe it should be attainable and portends to be some kind of big reveal that will demand immediate attention and have a sudden impact.
However a bird’s eye test is going to be a fifty-fifty shot and six drones let fly from clandestine outposts around the circle again takes bucks and backers for such ventures and that dream is not on the horizon soon. But if there is something unknown with great significance up at zero degrees, one successful day potentially changes everything.

Or maybe somebody can just go loan the applicable book out of the lower level library in the Vatican.

A round the clock live video across Lake Michigan pointed to downtown Chicago would be a fun idea.

More money based ideas for later or for the secret millionaires who wants to play:

‘Rent’ a lighthouse and run your own beam distance checks.

Shoot super lasers at the light and dark portions of the moon from a balloon.

Launch a camera tipped guided rocket from a high altitude aircraft programmed to pass close by the moon.

Send an helicopter up to capture a side view of the sun’s beam and position above the clouds and the triangular beams below the cloud-line simultaneously.

Edit: One 240V single phase gen-set in a truck with a salvaged lens assembly and simplified control circuits may be sufficient.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:09 am

Posted by jericanman on 06/29/2015
im going to see if i can spot this lighthouse on the isle of wight from Bournemouth beach at sea level. i know ive seen the island many times from the beach but the lighthouse gives me a target with a known height.



i ran the maths and the top of the lighthouse should be 60+ feet under water from that distance due to the curvature, say 54" after accounting for my eye level. regardless it should not be visible.

so im taking a bike ride to the beach on the next sunny clear day with my binoculars.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:09 am

Posted by csp on 06/30/2015
I was chatting with a friend regarding the finer details of lasers, and he brought up some very interesting points which I believe could help produce some good results with a "proper laser test":

a) Lenses - www.edmundoptics.com.au/optics/optical-lenses/
b) Infrared Camera - www.drsinfrared.com/Products/TamariskUncooledCameraModules.aspx?gclid=CJe60e7PtsYCFUgJvAodNxcPJA

Check out this video I found:

I'll dig in deeper when I have some time, also researching home made lasers (seems to be a pretty big 'hobby' for some).

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:10 am

Posted by susie on 07/01/2015

Jun 18, 2015 10:54:26 GMT richlion said:
Curved walkway and a video camera

Here is another experiment we can do and that is to take a video camera (smartphone, etc.) and start at ground level. Do this on the ground that is right where the ground goes downhill; the steeper the better. Slowly raise your camera, when you do, you'll see that the curve of the ground drops away. This is what it would have to look like when we go higher – either walking up a mountain or going up in a plane. Since this doesn't do it, it means that the earth is not a globe.

Or, you might see something in a film that shows this. Not long ago I saw a program on TV (Hotel Inspector) where a lady was walking down the pathway of an old village in the hills of Spain. The camera was at ground level and as the lady walked away you see her dress disappearing first. I would have loved to screen capture this and put it online.

To me, this is an ironclad way to prove the flat earth. All curved surfaces stay where they are when the camera is lifted. Only flat extended plane will give the horizon effect of rising with the eye of the beholder. Im going to film several curved surfaces to emphasize this. We should flood youtube with these videos. There is no debunking true physical properties.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:10 am

Posted by icarus15 on 07/01/2015
They say that Earth spins MUCH faster at the equator, then at the poles. 
This allows stuff to stick to the side of it, as opposed to an object on top of a ball where it hardly spins.
Less gravity at the equator equals less weight at the equator

I'm reading .5% less, or near 5.5 ounces for every 100lbs... Those numbers don't really even matter for this experiment

If someone were to weigh a light object on a precision scale in NewYork and take the scale&object with them to MexicoCity or vice-versa there should be a slight difference in weight and depending on the weight of the object, this may be a gram or less even.

Zero diff equals zero spin, which equals another flat-out proof


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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:11 am

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/02/2015
I have cleaned up this important thread. 

Now, what other experiments can we do?

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:11 am

Posted by speciesunknown on 07/03/2015
Eric was right about the moonlight!! Check out this experiment by Mr Thrive..

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:11 am

Amazing video; I think I've seen some of this guy's other stuff, which was great as well!

Moonlight properties seems like something few are taking into account/experimenting with, so this is a refreshing corroboration! Thank you for sharing this!  Experiments We All Can Do   Smiley

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:12 am

Posted by techy on 07/04/2015
Cool, I have one of these instant read thermometers. I purchased mine from www.knifekits.com/vcom/product_info.php?cPath=41_583&products_id=5036
I'm going to have to try this, thanks for sharing.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:13 am

Posted by techy on 07/04/2015
I was thinking about the moonlight, and I remembered hearing something about a moon flower. One that blooms in the moonlight, still researching on this. Here's a video  Experiments We All Can Do   Smiley 

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:13 am

Posted by techy on 07/04/2015
It turns out that there are several varieties, has anyone done any research into this phenomenon?


Plus someone supposedly built an Horologium Florae a flower clock, it really makes me wonder about these natural wonders that bloom in the moonlight. Still looking forward to the full moon if it ever gets here Experiments We All Can Do   Smiley


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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:14 am

Posted by abraxis on 07/05/2015
Hey everyone, I have been researching the flat earth for a couple months now and today I came across something pretty cool.
I was reading about Mount Hamilton near San Jose, California and oddly enough the highest point is called Copernicus peak.
Anyways, Wikipedia says that it is 4,363 feet high. Wikipedia also states that Yosemite National Park can be seen from the summit on a clear day.
So I checked the distance between Yosemite National Park and Mount Hamilton, 120 miles. I checked the curvature, 9,600 feet.
The park has an elevation range from 2,127 to 13,114 feet. I plan on going up there and checking it out myself to see what can be seen from there exactly.
I'll try to identify some Yosemite landmarks and Google the height of them and see if I can find evidence of the flat earth. Peace.

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:21 am

Posted by abefroman on 07/21/2015
I was looking into some of the art installations that are being planned for Burning Man and I found something quite interesting. 

It's a 2.7 mile long straightedge, intended to show everyone how curved the earth is. The installation consists of synchronized LED lights precisely placed every 50 feet, one line on the ground, and one gradually increasing in height along the "tangent of the curved earth." There is a video explaining this in the link. Obviously this is no scientific experiment, in that they are taking assumptions about the circumference of their ball earth and are not proving anything. What they will have is two flat straight lines, right? If they are shills, they certainly know this and are creating this only to show 60,000 people (who tend to be quite open minded) this 5-foot gap at the end. But if this is the case, then they hope nobody steps far enough away and notices that the bottom line of lights doesn't curve away from the top line. Or if the lack of curve IS questioned, it will be explained away by the usual suspects. If they are not shills and are just Bill Nye loving art nerds, they might just be doing us a favor and I am going to attempt to capture it and tell people there about it. Because of its huge size, everybody there will be aware of it so I know people will be talking flat earth, especially with this current surge of interest. 

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:22 am

Posted by sargentsucks on 07/21/2015

Jul 21, 2015 14:05:58 GMT abefroman said:
I was looking into some of the art installations that are being planned for Burning Man and I found something quite interesting. 

It's a 2.7 mile long straightedge, intended to show everyone how curved the earth is. The installation consists of synchronized LED lights precisely placed every 50 feet, one line on the ground, and one gradually increasing in height along the "tangent of the curved earth." There is a video explaining this in the link. Obviously this is no scientific experiment, in that they are taking assumptions about the circumference of their ball earth and are not proving anything. What they will have is two flat straight lines, right? If they are shills, they certainly know this and are creating this only to show 60,000 people (who tend to be quite open minded) this 5-foot gap at the end. But if this is the case, then they hope nobody steps far enough away and notices that the bottom line of lights doesn't curve away from the top line. Or if the lack of curve IS questioned, it will be explained away by the usual suspects. If they are not shills and are just Bill Nye loving art nerds, they might just be doing us a favor and I am going to attempt to capture it and tell people there about it. Because of its huge size, everybody there will be aware of it so I know people will be talking flat earth, especially with this current surge of interest. 

Bill Nye may not be a "shill" by definition because a shill is a wolf in sheeps clothing, Bill is just a wolf in wolf's clothing, so don't make the mistake that he is innocent.  Secondly this sounds shillspicious in that unless they put a 2.7 mile water bubble level on top of this "straightedge" then it doesn't prove anything except TPTB are ever more concerned about the FE movement, I think as I have said in previous posts, they thought they could put Sargent out as a red herring but they didn't know we would be smart enough not to throw the baby out with the bath water, they want to kill the FE in it's crib but everything they do just makes it grow.  It's quite humorous actually, thanks for bringing this to our attention 

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Experiments We All Can Do   Empty Re: Experiments We All Can Do

Post by Thinkforyourself Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:22 am

Posted by vortexpuppy on 07/22/2015

Jul 21, 2015 14:05:58 GMT abefroman said:
I was looking into some of the art installations that are being planned for Burning Man and I found something quite interesting. 

It's a 2.7 mile long straightedge, intended to show everyone how curved the earth is. The installation consists of synchronized LED lights precisely placed every 50 feet, one line on the ground, and one gradually increasing in height along the "tangent of the curved earth." There is a video explaining this in the link. Obviously this is no scientific experiment, in that they are taking assumptions about the circumference of their ball earth and are not proving anything. What they will have is two flat straight lines, right? If they are shills, they certainly know this and are creating this only to show 60,000 people (who tend to be quite open minded) this 5-foot gap at the end. But if this is the case, then they hope nobody steps far enough away and notices that the bottom line of lights doesn't curve away from the top line. Or if the lack of curve IS questioned, it will be explained away by the usual suspects. If they are not shills and are just Bill Nye loving art nerds, they might just be doing us a favor and I am going to attempt to capture it and tell people there about it. Because of its huge size, everybody there will be aware of it so I know people will be talking flat earth, especially with this current surge of interest. 

Good find. Look forward to seeing the results (2 straight lines :-) if they do it accurately / correctly. 
If - as you point out - the lights are not visible from afar, then indeed nobody will notice.
Me thinks this is distraction / shillery, given the enthusiastic tagline for Ardent Industries: Engineering solutions for problems that don't exist
But yes a good opportunity to debunk and increase attention to FE. The harder they try the easier it gets for us.

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