Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Flat Earth Shills, Trolls and Controlled Opposition
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Samp69 wrote:
Max Igan admits, apologizes and confesses
Max = Dead Uncles name
Igan = Sons name
Max Igan means 33 in Gamataria but this is another Freemason Coincidence.
Flat Earth = we live in an enclosed environment all weather is controlled
Archons Theme Park - who come down and play West World with man
Archons cause tidal waves (basically reset mankind)
Archons created Mud Floods, they are real
Alex Jones is probably a biological robot
Whites being slaves is wrong it's just something they tell Blacks
Max Igan was right about the Christ Church Shooting and everyone else was wrong
Cycle Planetary alignment caused Max Igan to have a bright light shine down on his head and he download all the information
Max Igan is the Chosen One - he cracked the game
2022 will usher in a new Ice Age because that is the date his passport expires
Thanks everyone that gave me money
Write Down what Max Igan tells you on Leather so that it will last
blah blah blah Shill Shill Shill
Let us not forget, that in the past MAX IGAN claimed the Earth was Spherical because he paid for and flew Qantas from Australia to South America (nonstop).
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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David Wilcock
What is the general consensus on David Wilcock? I have seen video where he rather rudely rails against flat earth but that brings up another question.... is everyone who does not believe in flat earth considered a shill or controlled opposition? i am fairly new to this whole concept but surely there are plenty of people who do not buy into flat earth because they have just dismissed it so far and not really done enough research yet. opinions can always change. i feel in part this forum is about helping people understand better. similarly there are also flat earthers who are also bible thumping literalists who believe christ was a real person and is their savior. so how do we define what makes someone a true shill? obviously anyone intentionally trying to mislead is a problem, which is what i think controlled opposition is. but what about people who are on board with some ideas presented in a forum like this but perhaps not all of them, at least not yet?
Do any of Wilcock's ideas have any merit at all? He presents some compelling ideas but is everything he has to say just a waste of time?
What about the whole "ancient alien" theory in general? is there truth in any of the ideas they put forth? if aliens are not from distant planets and they are not demons then where do they come from and what "agenda" do they have?
Do any of Wilcock's ideas have any merit at all? He presents some compelling ideas but is everything he has to say just a waste of time?
What about the whole "ancient alien" theory in general? is there truth in any of the ideas they put forth? if aliens are not from distant planets and they are not demons then where do they come from and what "agenda" do they have?
ocderm- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
ocderm wrote:
where do they come from
what "agenda" do they have?
Describe these Aliens you promote.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
so i guess the ones promoted through the whole "ancient alien" theory with people such as Wilcock, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Von Daniken ( chariots of the gods ), George Noory... from the series that has been running on the history channel for several years now.
i've always been someone who believed in aliens but now i am starting to question everything since starting to research many of the topics presented in this forum. so i'm really new to all of this and i'm having a hard time of knowing who and what to believe. would most in this forum consider that all mainstream ideas about extraterrestrials are purely made up? does that make anyone who promotes them shills and/or controlled opposition or are they just terribly misinformed and misguided? is the idea of extraterrestrials of any sort a complete fabrication?
i don't mind finding out i have to abandon old thoughts and beliefs, i'm just tired of living in a world of so many lies.
i've always been someone who believed in aliens but now i am starting to question everything since starting to research many of the topics presented in this forum. so i'm really new to all of this and i'm having a hard time of knowing who and what to believe. would most in this forum consider that all mainstream ideas about extraterrestrials are purely made up? does that make anyone who promotes them shills and/or controlled opposition or are they just terribly misinformed and misguided? is the idea of extraterrestrials of any sort a complete fabrication?
i don't mind finding out i have to abandon old thoughts and beliefs, i'm just tired of living in a world of so many lies.
ocderm- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
ocderm, most if not all the people out here on this forum are "Direct Realists". I personally was into alien conspiracies and found out it leads no where! The alien propaganda is just a means of perpetuating the "outer space" agenda to keep us relaying on subjective opinions! The only things I rely on today is objectivity, things I can confirm for myself through natural science, practical demonstrations and the tangibility of this realm. When you hear people giving their subjective opinions of things that can't be verified practically, it most likely is a false claim... Decrement and investigating your own mind and reasoning processes are key! Cheers, all the best!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
foreverlearning..... thank you for your reply. i still have a lot to figure out. i think i'm at the point now where because i am questioning just about everything about our world it is making it difficult to make sense of things at all. or to figure out what the whole purpose of it all is, our entire existence. i don't buy the randomness argument anymore but i guess i struggle with understanding how we are just here to experience life for the sake of it. makes me wonder why morals and growth come into things. why aren't we all just selfish hedonists. i don't know. well obviously you can tell that i'm new to all this and struggling to figure it out. just going to keep at it and keep asking questions until things start to make more sense. i think this is a good place to start, thought some of the discussion seems to go over my head. thanks again. your perspective certainly makes sense. it definitely makes more sense than believing in things i can't see or prove for myself directly.
ocderm- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
ocderm, the point of this research forum is to rely on yourself in due diligence by looking into the material provided by Eric and other members here instead of relying on others to answer questions for you... If you can come to a point where you're comfortable with simply not knowing, you've already personally accomplished some great feats! Self empowerment is the name of this game, imo!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
foreverlearning..... thanks for the encouragement. i'm looking forward to delving in to many topics on this forum.
ocderm- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Foreverlearning wrote:ocderm, most if not all the people out here on this forum are "Direct Realists". I personally was into alien conspiracies and found out it leads no where! The alien propaganda is just a means of perpetuating the "outer space" agenda to keep us relaying on subjective opinions! The only things I rely on today is objectivity, things I can confirm for myself through natural science, practical demonstrations and the tangibility of this realm. When you hear people giving their subjective opinions of things that can't be verified practically, it most likely is a false claim... Decrement and investigating your own mind and reasoning processes are key! Cheers, all the best!
Perfect reply. Focus on the tangible, objective truths and facts.
ocderm wrote:foreverlearning..... thank you for your reply. i still have a lot to figure out. i think i'm at the point now where because i am questioning just about everything about our world it is making it difficult to make sense of things at all. or to figure out what the whole purpose of it all is, our entire existence. i don't buy the randomness argument anymore but i guess i struggle with understanding how we are just here to experience life for the sake of it. makes me wonder why morals and growth come into things. why aren't we all just selfish hedonists. i don't know. well obviously you can tell that i'm new to all this and struggling to figure it out. just going to keep at it and keep asking questions until things start to make more sense. i think this is a good place to start, thought some of the discussion seems to go over my head. thanks again. your perspective certainly makes sense. it definitely makes more sense than believing in things i can't see or prove for myself directly.
Regarding morals, I tend to follow the golden rule:
Do to others, what you would want done to you. Conversely, don't do to others, what you wouldn't want done to you.
It's never right to initiate unjust force or violence, threats or coercion on people who haven't harmed or threatened to harm another person.
All laws are nothing more than the opinions of politicians, backed by the threat of force. So when people tell us that we must obey the law, what they are really saying, is that we must submit to the opinions of politicians or face the possibility of being punished.
I believe that no one has a higher claim over your life and property than you. I believe that you should be safe in your person, house, papers and effects. And I believe that no one has any right to initiate any sort of unjust force or violence on you, if you’re not harming another person, or damaging or stealing their property. It's pretty simple.
The difference between someone guided by principle and someone driven by bias:
A person who is guided by principle will stand up to his allies and side with his “opponents” If truth and morality dictates it.
A person who is driven by bias will go to war against reality in order to defend the identity of the herd.
Alpha- Posts : 126
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Alpha Today..... also excellent points. i feel like what both of you are saying resonates with how i intuitively feel life should be lived and what i strive for. and i would think that obviously a forum such as this exists not just to make like minded people feel better about themselves or not alone, but for one to seek further understanding of these principles and also because we inherently believe in an obligation to help share these ideas with the rest of the world. to use the cliche of "waking up", i think people who believe in what you and foreverlearning are saying feel some inherent duty to learn how to share this insight with others because ultimately this would lead to a more purposeful and meaningful life and world as a whole.... and a life that can simultaneously be far more harmonious than it currently is while still fully embracing i guess the laws of duality that are necessary for us to even exist and have this experience at all.
so here is one question though.... take the people who live in accordance to what you are saying here and then the rest of the herd..... in the end, does it matter which way we lived? reward is not the concept i am looking for but when we move on from this life, does the way we lived matter or does sit not matter at all? do we all just return to a state of "oneness" where the way we lived no longer has any bearing.... it was just an experience, so in the end if you could do it all over you could try to live a life as you are describing or you could just go ahead and experiment with one that was ruled by selfish ignorance and the pursuit of nothing but personal pleasure at the expense of anyone at all..... would it matter? take a common topic in this forum of being vegan. when we all die, will it have mattered whether and why we chose to be vegan vs whatever other variation of diet there could be. and not because i want to see a punishment for those who were "wrong" in this world, nor a reward for those who were "right" or honest to themselves..... but does it matter at all or does it make a difference in what happens next in our experience? i apologize, i realize that i am essentially asking some of the "big questions" such as why are we here, what happens next, is there any purpose in our pain and growth in this life, why push forth vs just giving in or ending it all because does any of it even matter after this experience? hopefully i am making sense. again what you are both saying resonates with me which leads me to believe intuitively that somehow it must matter how we choose to live? because i find that i do not have the capacity to return to ignorance, it seems psychologically impossible for me even though in some ways it might be easier. why is that?
so here is one question though.... take the people who live in accordance to what you are saying here and then the rest of the herd..... in the end, does it matter which way we lived? reward is not the concept i am looking for but when we move on from this life, does the way we lived matter or does sit not matter at all? do we all just return to a state of "oneness" where the way we lived no longer has any bearing.... it was just an experience, so in the end if you could do it all over you could try to live a life as you are describing or you could just go ahead and experiment with one that was ruled by selfish ignorance and the pursuit of nothing but personal pleasure at the expense of anyone at all..... would it matter? take a common topic in this forum of being vegan. when we all die, will it have mattered whether and why we chose to be vegan vs whatever other variation of diet there could be. and not because i want to see a punishment for those who were "wrong" in this world, nor a reward for those who were "right" or honest to themselves..... but does it matter at all or does it make a difference in what happens next in our experience? i apologize, i realize that i am essentially asking some of the "big questions" such as why are we here, what happens next, is there any purpose in our pain and growth in this life, why push forth vs just giving in or ending it all because does any of it even matter after this experience? hopefully i am making sense. again what you are both saying resonates with me which leads me to believe intuitively that somehow it must matter how we choose to live? because i find that i do not have the capacity to return to ignorance, it seems psychologically impossible for me even though in some ways it might be easier. why is that?
ocderm- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
ocderm, please note that this is a "research" forum where we compile interesting and relevant research for the community, not a question/answer/discussion forum. You're welcome to ask questions and have discussions, but please keep it to a minimum so we can maintain the quality of research in threads.
Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
sorry about that. i will try to keep my questions objectively research oriented. thank you.
ocderm- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Last edited by Admin on Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
From what I can tell, Q has been as quiet as a church mouse regarding the coronavirus psychological warfare operation.
Some glaring words not found with word search (going back two years);
No "sickness," but 52 occurrences of "sick." Such as "these people are sick" (a favorite), "sick and evil," etc.
Some interesting words that do occur:
"CORONA" (14 times, all on one day, August 30, 2018, and apparently having nothing to do with current psyop).
"JEW" (8 times going back two years):
1) Two times , a reference to a twitter account of "jewelsjones"
2) https://www.timesofisrael.com/study-online-attacks-on-jews-ramp-up-before-election-day/
3) https://www.businessinsider.com/ap-study-online-attacks-on-jews-ramp-up-before-election-day-2018-10
4) https://worldisraelnews.com/synagogue-shooter-spewed-online-hate-for-jews/
5) https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/trump-pittsburgh-the-jews-and-anti-semitism-a-dangerous-double-game-1.6601063
6) https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/did-trump-commit-treason-bill-maher-and-john-brennan-agree-he-has-1.6413926
7) "Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (2013-2017)"
Quite obviously, Q has other things on his mind rather than addressing the world's foremost problem.
"VACCINE": Twice, both on the same day, April 4, 2018, "VACCINES [NOT ALL]."
"NASA" is mentioned only once, with a link to: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/launch/countdown101.html
Hardly the effort to expose governmental NASA fraud by the vaunted Q. [edit and correction] NASA is mentioned TWICE; the link I provided and its mention in Eric's post above.
Q. is the acronym for "Quit expecting me to do anything except kicking the can down the road to keep dupes actually thinking we're doing something other than what we expertly do; i.e., protect those elite who should have already been arrested for their crimes against humanity, past and present, but especially I'm not ever going to address the crimes of The Lobby."
Some glaring words not found with word search (going back two years);
No "sickness," but 52 occurrences of "sick." Such as "these people are sick" (a favorite), "sick and evil," etc.
Some interesting words that do occur:
"CORONA" (14 times, all on one day, August 30, 2018, and apparently having nothing to do with current psyop).
"JEW" (8 times going back two years):
1) Two times , a reference to a twitter account of "jewelsjones"
2) https://www.timesofisrael.com/study-online-attacks-on-jews-ramp-up-before-election-day/
3) https://www.businessinsider.com/ap-study-online-attacks-on-jews-ramp-up-before-election-day-2018-10
4) https://worldisraelnews.com/synagogue-shooter-spewed-online-hate-for-jews/
5) https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/trump-pittsburgh-the-jews-and-anti-semitism-a-dangerous-double-game-1.6601063
6) https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/did-trump-commit-treason-bill-maher-and-john-brennan-agree-he-has-1.6413926
7) "Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (2013-2017)"
Quite obviously, Q has other things on his mind rather than addressing the world's foremost problem.
"VACCINE": Twice, both on the same day, April 4, 2018, "VACCINES [NOT ALL]."
"NASA" is mentioned only once, with a link to: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/launch/countdown101.html
Hardly the effort to expose governmental NASA fraud by the vaunted Q. [edit and correction] NASA is mentioned TWICE; the link I provided and its mention in Eric's post above.
Q. is the acronym for "Quit expecting me to do anything except kicking the can down the road to keep dupes actually thinking we're doing something other than what we expertly do; i.e., protect those elite who should have already been arrested for their crimes against humanity, past and present, but especially I'm not ever going to address the crimes of The Lobby."
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Mike King, in his March 16 commentary, is hoping against hope (in my estimation) that mass arrests of the criminal elite will begin shortly, and he does have an interesting discussion on some recent events (and Q posts) possibly explaining why Tom Hanks and wife are "stuck" in Australia. Whatever else is taken from the article, the reader can decide what they think of Mr. Hanks.
Mike still thinks Q, and the NSA "white hats," will finally begin righting the ship. Logically, it seems to me, Trump's reelection must be secured first, with the possible (probable?) link to this present earth-wide psyop being a criminal theatrical production attempting to ultimately put all this feigned calamity on Trump's shoulders in an effort to thwart that reelection; i.e., The Lobby is calling in all favors owed them in an all-out frontal assault. Why else a psyop of this magnitude, now?
Or, Q and Trump are on the same team and taking orders from the Bolsheviks now running things, and have been all along (more realistic in my opinion).
Just my 2 cents worth.
Mike still thinks Q, and the NSA "white hats," will finally begin righting the ship. Logically, it seems to me, Trump's reelection must be secured first, with the possible (probable?) link to this present earth-wide psyop being a criminal theatrical production attempting to ultimately put all this feigned calamity on Trump's shoulders in an effort to thwart that reelection; i.e., The Lobby is calling in all favors owed them in an all-out frontal assault. Why else a psyop of this magnitude, now?
Or, Q and Trump are on the same team and taking orders from the Bolsheviks now running things, and have been all along (more realistic in my opinion).
Just my 2 cents worth.
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
The new fresh faces of the enemy are here.
Astrophysicist cool-guy, Matt O'Dowd, hanging out at home, introduces his pretty partner, Tech & Science writer, Bahar Gholipour, at/around 33:35 into the video. They proceed to talk about how collapsing stars forge gold and how remote-controlled airplanes & cats may be exempt from the laws of angular momentum.
Please consider adding these fresh faces and their fresh faeces to the Wall of Shame.
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Hey people! I don't follow this thread very closely, I'm planning to read all the comments to better understand who is a shill or not, so I apologize in advance if what I'm about to say is old news.
I was watching this video by Jan Irvin of Logos Media/Gnostic Media:
UnSpun 201 – Steve Jones: “From Here to Depravity: where the quest for purity lost its way”
And at 13:21 Irvin and his guest, Steve Jones, have this conversation:
Has Jan Irvin already been confirmed as a shill?
The only relevant mention I've found about him in this forum was an argument he had with Schpankme on YouTube about veganism, which ended with Irvin blocking Schpankme for asking questions. (Screenshot and permalink below.)
I was watching this video by Jan Irvin of Logos Media/Gnostic Media:
UnSpun 201 – Steve Jones: “From Here to Depravity: where the quest for purity lost its way”
And at 13:21 Irvin and his guest, Steve Jones, have this conversation:
Jones: "Well, even the flat earth debate was totally made up in the 1800s, nobody believed the earth was flat."
Irvin: "Which I have found in my research as well that that was made up."
Has Jan Irvin already been confirmed as a shill?
The only relevant mention I've found about him in this forum was an argument he had with Schpankme on YouTube about veganism, which ended with Irvin blocking Schpankme for asking questions. (Screenshot and permalink below.)
Last edited by anon1 on Sat Nov 21, 2020 8:50 am; edited 2 times in total
anon1- Posts : 16
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
I know David Icke is a shill, but before a few months ago I had only seen one video of him dismissing the flat earth question, he clearly didn't seem to believe the earth is flat but his argument wasn't straight forward at all and it was hard to understand his position (something like: the world is a holographic projection, thus the question of the shape of the earth is meaningless). Anyway, a few months ago I watched his interview with Patrick Bet-David from Valuetainment where he very clearly states he doesn't believe in flat earth. At first it seemed like he was going to do another rant about the world being a hologram, but then he ended up admitting he doesn't believe the earth is flat.
David Icke - Conspiracy Theorist or Journalist? (At 1:03:00)
Icke: So I don't believe the earth is flat.
David Icke - Conspiracy Theorist or Journalist? (At 1:03:00)
anon1- Posts : 16
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
anon1 wrote:I was watching this video by Jan Irvin....
Irvin has claimed in the past a vegan diet made him deathly sick, even though his body by design is herbivore/frugivore. He also claims not to understand pertinent laws put on display in nature proving beyond a shadow of doubt we live on a universal plane with irregular hills and valleys throughout it. Water's surface rests in a level plane in a basin of any given size.
I no longer listen to him, the Trivium he promotes being put in opposition by his own inability to understand simple demonstrable facts in nature (i.e., the immutable laws of nature). One who boasts of the Trivium would be expected to assent to demonstrable law regarding the nature of this realm; he doesn't.
"Waters (De aquis) 1. Water (aqua) is so named because its surface is ‘even’ (aequalis), hence it is also called aequor (lit. “level surface”...because its height is even.” —Isidore (c. 560 – 636), from page 276 of The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville
"equal, adj., late 14c., "identical in amount, extent, or portion;" early 15c., "even or smooth of surface," from Latin aequalis "uniform, identical, equal," from aequus "level, even, flat...." —https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=equal
markwilson- Posts : 583
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BnD TV - Shill or just wrong?
Please delete if there is already a topic.
Found this interesting. I asked for references in the comments.
I've had conversations with Muslims before who say
that Islam is the true religion because it's the 'only'
religion that says the world is round.
Here, this gentlemen seems to say that ancient
Sanskrit says so too.
Like to hear people's thoughts on the speaker and the channel.
Found this interesting. I asked for references in the comments.
I've had conversations with Muslims before who say
that Islam is the true religion because it's the 'only'
religion that says the world is round.
Here, this gentlemen seems to say that ancient
Sanskrit says so too.
Like to hear people's thoughts on the speaker and the channel.
Thoughtshop- Posts : 1
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Mainstream pseudoscientific nonsense
RedorBlue- Posts : 97
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
So I was looking at some Renegade Tribune's and Renegade Broadcasting's posts and I decided to check out what they have been saying about flat earth. I know very little about them, I've mostly watched a few videos by Sinead McCarthy, like those famous interviews with Eric Dubay and Brian Mullin, so I had assumed that after those interviews they've become flat-earthers, but after searching for "flat earth" and "eric dubay" in their websites I realized there's almost no results and not even those interviews above are showing up.
On Renegade Tribune's website there is only one post mentioning "Eric Dubay" and they seem to be trying to distance themselves from Eric:
So what's going on? Do they have a beef against Eric or flat earth? Have they already been exposed as shills? As usual, I'm out of the loop, so I'd appreciate if someone could give me a quick run down.
I've searched for "Sinead" here on IFERS and the only relevant thing I could find is this:
On Renegade Tribune's website there is only one post mentioning "Eric Dubay" and they seem to be trying to distance themselves from Eric:
So what's going on? Do they have a beef against Eric or flat earth? Have they already been exposed as shills? As usual, I'm out of the loop, so I'd appreciate if someone could give me a quick run down.
I've searched for "Sinead" here on IFERS and the only relevant thing I could find is this:
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