Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Flat Earth Shills, Trolls and Controlled Opposition
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vortexpuppy- Posts : 167
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Can anybody make a defense of Flat Earth Asshole after he published this video? Can anybody claim that it isn't most appropriate that his name be added to the Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame?
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Admin wrote:The real IPS behind the scenes:
Wow! What a loose cannon! How sad that such a one has any traction in the flat earth community. That's beyond appalling!
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Thought you guys would enjoy this... they have to go
ForeverFlat- Posts : 19
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
ForeverFlat wrote:Thought you guys would enjoy this... they have to go
The stupidity of these clowns never comes to an end.
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
In response to the self-admitted asshole's latest videos, first let me say that nobody has claimed any map is 100% accurate and his divisive stance against the best maps we do have is just what controlled opposition does. Calling for a boycott of our best map, calling everyone shills who promote it, and doing so by screaming into the camera for an hour was certainly not a productive way to point out potential flaws. Secondly, if certain celestial motions are in slightly different places than assumed, that doesn't mean the map of the ground beneath us is at fault, but rather the mapping of the sky that needs adjustment. Thirdly, we have no way to confirm or deny the accuracy of the two videos posted as "proof" of the Sun setting slightly South of West in Australia and Tasmania. Now conceding all of these points, there are still problems to consider. For example, the following objection from Willard Gulliby: "He/they used "proofs" from Australia and Tasmania that did not factor in Magnetic Declination! Right now, just because some goofball shoots an azimuth with his compass that reads 255° in Tasmania does not mean that the sun is setting SW. The Magnetic Declination for Tasmania reads 13° in the North to 15° in the South of that tiny island readjusting the azimuth back to or very near the 270° West setting. I was not only a Boy Scout with backpacking experience, but I was a Cavalry Scout in the US ARMY and I have always been comfortable with reading maps and orienteering. I just wanted to give you just a couple of things that he is overlooking as I know that he does not grasp these concepts." https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/declination.shtml Not only was magnetic declination not taken into effect, but the Sun wasn't fully set in either video meaning there were several more degrees the Sun would likely move before dusk. Beyond all this, we KNOW for a fact the Sun circles over and around our flat Earth because we have physical, observable, repeatable proof of it every year with the Arctic Midnight Sun: http://www.ericdubay.com/?p=1023 And also the path of the solar analemma shows the Sun IS circling over and around us, while slowing moving Northwards to the Tropic of Cancer for 6 months, then Southwards back to the Tropic of Capricorn for 6 months: http://www.ericdubay.com/?p=1036 In conclusion, I would like to say that I agree with Jake's skepticism and that we should not claim any map/model as 100% accurate without full exploration first, however, I strongly disagree with the supposed evidence given and the aggressive, divisive stance taken. Peace
Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Excellent response, Eric. We're stuck with what we have and NASA, modern academia, controlled opposition, etc., most certainly aren't going to be an aid in mapping a true (and ubiquitously published) horizontal plane map. Their entire false paradigm (spinning ball, gravity, dinosaurs, evolution, etc) collapses if acquiescing to such truth. Imagine the uproar in academia alone when their "scientific" scholarly-ness is discovered to be as it is in reality--- not so scholarly at all, and merely fairy tale stories promulgated by liars!
And as you do in your articles/videos, and as Gulliby has indicated, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to doubt that the sun circles the north central region. Demonstrable facts in nature prove it so beyond any shadow of doubt.
Hear, hear, that you call him out for a "divisive stance against the best maps we do have [because that is] just what controlled opposition does." (emphasis mine)
And as you do in your articles/videos, and as Gulliby has indicated, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to doubt that the sun circles the north central region. Demonstrable facts in nature prove it so beyond any shadow of doubt.
Hear, hear, that you call him out for a "divisive stance against the best maps we do have [because that is] just what controlled opposition does." (emphasis mine)
markwilson- Posts : 583
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new member, quick question
Hi All,
I'm very happy to be engaging this community and maybe this post doesn't belong in the shill thread, but I really want to know if there are researchers that IFERS supports? I have read two of Eric Dubay's books and appreciate that he is the most comprehensive researcher to speak to the topics that I've tied together in my various researches.
Please keep in mind that I'm new here and havent read everything on the forum yet.
Thanks for your time,
I'm very happy to be engaging this community and maybe this post doesn't belong in the shill thread, but I really want to know if there are researchers that IFERS supports? I have read two of Eric Dubay's books and appreciate that he is the most comprehensive researcher to speak to the topics that I've tied together in my various researches.
Please keep in mind that I'm new here and havent read everything on the forum yet.
Thanks for your time,
capmtripps- Posts : 4
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
capmtripps wrote: havent read everything on the forum yet.
1. Do not start a new thread if you merely have a question. First, do your due diligence in searching the forum for an existing related thread, and if your questions haven't already been asked/answered, feel free to post there. If you cannot find an appropriate thread to ask your question, please ask in the Few Questions About the Flat Earth Model thread.
mitch- Posts : 130
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
well, it's a good thing I didn't start a new thread!!
looks like this is a related thread pertaining to the question I asked!!
looks like this is a related thread pertaining to the question I asked!!
capmtripps- Posts : 4
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
I also remember seeing B.O.B.'s original 1K donation to himself which he has now removed:
A "flat-Earther" looking for a million dollars in donations to send fake satellites into fake space. The amount of well-meaning flat-Earthers that still haven't seen through BOB is annoying. Just watch this guy try to talk about flat Earth in an interview and you will know he is not sincere. He doesn't answer anyone's questions and has a big smirk on his face all the time.
A "flat-Earther" looking for a million dollars in donations to send fake satellites into fake space. The amount of well-meaning flat-Earthers that still haven't seen through BOB is annoying. Just watch this guy try to talk about flat Earth in an interview and you will know he is not sincere. He doesn't answer anyone's questions and has a big smirk on his face all the time.
Last edited by Admin on Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Hey folks,
I don't think my question was correctly comprehended. I was asking if there are reputable researchers that IFERS supports. Since this thread is committed to who IFERS does not agree with, I was wondering if there were any 'independent' researchers that IFERS do agree with. That's it. Nothing confrontational. I'm new here and happy to be engaging.
I don't think my question was correctly comprehended. I was asking if there are reputable researchers that IFERS supports. Since this thread is committed to who IFERS does not agree with, I was wondering if there were any 'independent' researchers that IFERS do agree with. That's it. Nothing confrontational. I'm new here and happy to be engaging.
capmtripps- Posts : 4
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Take a look around the forum and you will find videos, articles and links to hundreds of reputable researchers here in the various IFERS threads Capmtripps. Other than that just use your own discernment. Peace
Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
oops, and another one, claims the FE it´s a NASA´s Psyop, i´ve seen few of those already, no research into the issue whatsoever
Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
I've not been following much of what has been happening for the past couple of months and only catching up these past few days. Totally shocked but not surprised. I have to give it up to the people on here and others on social media sites who've been exposing these shills so thoroughly. Good job and keep it up!
Came across this video today from "Sage of Quay" podcaster who was at FECON and confessing to how overtly biased the convention was towards christians. I'm not going to opine on the podcaster, merely posting this vid to point out how controlled and religious the convention was. This hearkens back to my past comments about Rob Skiba and other zealots as well.
Came across this video today from "Sage of Quay" podcaster who was at FECON and confessing to how overtly biased the convention was towards christians. I'm not going to opine on the podcaster, merely posting this vid to point out how controlled and religious the convention was. This hearkens back to my past comments about Rob Skiba and other zealots as well.
lotuseater- Posts : 63
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
lotuseater wrote:Came across this video today from "Sage of Quay" podcaster who was at FECON and confessing to how overtly biased the convention was towards christians. I'm not going to opine on the podcaster, merely posting this vid to point out how controlled and religious the convention was. This hearkens back to my past comments about Rob Skiba and other zealots as well.
Agree wholeheartedly lotuseater. I was just debating whether to share this in another thread, but because I agree so strongly with your comments I'll share it here. Because of the shill factor it's more appropriate here anyway.
Rick Hummer called Bob, Cami, Jeran, Karen Endecott (Secretary of FECORE), with one other gal, up to the podium.
See at 3:07:20. Genuine emotion? I shouldn't let it, but its bothered me all afternoon. Everything I've seen of this joke conference has just disgusted me.
The gentleman next to the camera states, "You got it, Rick," while the actor was dramatically intoning his lines and feigning getting emotional. Crisis acting 101 in my estimation, but others may find him sincere. I don't for a second.
Says Hummer: "So many of you have been through so much pain over this topic that's so stupid." What's the topic, Rick? Flat earth?
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
markwilson wrote:lotuseater wrote:Came across this video today from "Sage of Quay" podcaster who was at FECON and confessing to how overtly biased the convention was towards christians. I'm not going to opine on the podcaster, merely posting this vid to point out how controlled and religious the convention was. This hearkens back to my past comments about Rob Skiba and other zealots as well.
Agree wholeheartedly lotuseater. I was just debating whether to share this in another thread, but because I agree so strongly with your comments I'll share it here. Because of the shill factor it's more appropriate here anyway.
Rick Hummer called Bob, Cami, Jeran, Karen Endecott (Secretary of FECORE), with one other gal, up to the podium.
See at 3:07:20. Genuine emotion? I shouldn't let it, but its bothered me all afternoon. Everything I've seen of this joke conference has just disgusted me.
The gentleman next to the camera states, "You got it, Rick," while the actor was dramatically intoning his lines and feigning getting emotional. Crisis acting 101 in my estimation, but others may find him sincere. I don't for a second.
Says Hummer: "So many of you have been through so much pain over this topic that's so stupid." What's the topic, Rick? Flat earth?
Thanks, Mark. I've not watched much of FECON and still trying to figure out what this FECORE is all about. It sounds to me like they're franchising and incorporating flat earth for $$$. Put an FE in front of anything and simple-minded people will flock to it like iPhone, iPad, whatever. They're ticks and leeches of this place, sucking up all the hopes and joy of others for profit, gain, and recognition. Exactly how cointelpro works. I think it's FESOC(flat earth society) re-imaging themselves. Either way it's super fucked up.
lotuseater- Posts : 63
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
Martin Glass/Nathan Thompson. Owner and admin of Official Flat Earth and Globe discussion group on fb. In it's first year it grew to 40k+ members, now currently at 77k members. Been seen at the Grammy's with a playboy model dressed up as Satan, while telling us all "God bless you and your family" in his group description. Avid pusher of LegalShield pyramid scheme, even offering to approve posts with priority in his group if I buy LegalShield from him. Scamming people out of money at Shillfest2k17. Banning and bullying people on the internet. I feel like I haven't even tipped the iceberg on this guy, but here's some screenshots to validate my concerns. I'd have more, but the conversations have been mysteriously erased from facebook.
**this is my first post and im pretty sure I messed it up :/
**this is my first post and im pretty sure I messed it up :/
Last edited by starfox42 on Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
starfox42- Posts : 55
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
starfox42- Posts : 55
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Join date : 2017-07-28
Age : 34
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csp- Posts : 424
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
More mainstream promotion of super shills and their straw men. One even brings up Shillfest.
Just noticed, it's the same Mad Mike the illogical moron as in the previous post.
Just noticed, it's the same Mad Mike the illogical moron as in the previous post.
Skywalker- Posts : 94
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Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
"Flat Earth and Other Shill Potatoes" is a show of impressions by Eric Dubay parodying various figures in the flat Earth community. The characters portrayed such as Patricia Steere, Mark Sargent, Jeranism, and the Flat Earth Asshole have a questionable history of spreading lies and disinformation which has been meticulously recorded by IFERS, The International Flat Earth Research Society here: http://ifers.123.st/f10-flat-earth-shills-trolls-and-controlled-opposition
There is also a special guest appearance by Del from Beyond the Imaginary Curve, who, unlike the rest of the characters, has an impeccable history of integrity and speaking the whole truth and nothing but the truth. His channel here is highly recommended: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvswlgeHodOejVN21TWweLw
The following two channels also mentioned have done excellent work exposing these agents trying to co-opt the flat Earth movement:
MGTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCosRr0tWXNIdgmndQ9mXeVA
Flat Earth Reset: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fuF4eVxhkIj5hcld-8SYg
To see Flat Earth and Other Shill Potatoes Episodes 1 and 2 click here:
Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:00 am; edited 2 times in total
Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame
In response to the self-admitted asshole's latest videos, first let me say that nobody has claimed any map is 100% accurate and his divisive stance against the best maps we do have is just what controlled opposition does. Calling for a boycott of our best map, calling everyone shills who promote it, and doing so by screaming into the camera for an hour was certainly not a productive way to point out potential flaws. Secondly, if certain celestial motions are in slightly different places than assumed, that doesn't mean the map of the ground beneath us is at fault, but rather the mapping of the sky that needs adjustment. Thirdly, we have no way to confirm or deny the accuracy of the two videos posted as "proof" of the Sun setting slightly South of West in Australia and Tasmania. Now conceding all of these points, there are still problems to consider. For example, the following objection from Willard Gulliby: "He/they used "proofs" from Australia and Tasmania that did not factor in Magnetic Declination! Right now, just because some goofball shoots an azimuth with his compass that reads 255° in Tasmania does not mean that the sun is setting SW. The Magnetic Declination for Tasmania reads 13° in the North to 15° in the South of that tiny island readjusting the azimuth back to or very near the 270° West setting. I was not only a Boy Scout with backpacking experience, but I was a Cavalry Scout in the US ARMY and I have always been comfortable with reading maps and orienteering. I just wanted to give you just a couple of things that he is overlooking as I know that he does not grasp these concepts." https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/declination.shtml Not only was magnetic declination not taken into effect, but the Sun wasn't fully set in either video meaning there were several more degrees the Sun would likely move before dusk. Beyond all this, we KNOW for a fact the Sun circles over and around our flat Earth because we have physical, observable, repeatable proof of it every year with the Arctic Midnight Sun: http://www.ericdubay.com/?p=1023 And also the path of the solar analemma shows the Sun IS circling over and around us, while slowing moving Northwards to the Tropic of Cancer for 6 months, then Southwards back to the Tropic of Capricorn for 6 months: http://www.ericdubay.com/?p=1036 In conclusion, I would like to say that I agree with Jake's skepticism and that we should not claim any map/model as 100% accurate without full exploration first, however, I strongly disagree with the supposed evidence given and the aggressive, divisive stance taken. Peace
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Flat Earth Shills, Trolls and Controlled Opposition
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