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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:13 am

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 125

At the moment, just like every other 4 years, the gullible masses are being corralled and duped by the Jewish Freemasonic mafia puppet-show known as U.S. elections into voting for one of two equally-terrible long ago bought and paid for politicians, thinking their ceremonial tick at the ballot box is the epitome of effective political activism for members of the so-called "free" world.  In reality, however, a cursory look into the electoral college, voting fraud, and the process of candidacy will reveal the dismal truth and make it abundantly clear, that your ability to tick a box once every four years, has absolutely no effect over who rules and who makes the rules.  Presidents are puppets while the true rulers rule from behind the scenes through coercion, manipulation, deception, bribery, blackmail, forgery, murder, war and other unsavory methods in operations never disclosed to the sheepish public.  The real rulers are those who control our monetary system and the mainstream media.  A tiny handful of people made up mostly of Jews, Freemasons, and Jewish Freemasons, run and control the vast majority of the world's banks and media.  Spreading awareness of this one fact alone, and make no mistake it is an easily verifiable and proven fact, is more important, relevant, and catalytic to bringing about real positive political change than every ballot box you have ever ticked.

For daring to spread this most important and overlooked truth, I have received death threats, lost friends and family members, had my forum shut down, and been kicked off Facebook thrice and counting.  As damning and easily provable as is this fact of Jewish Freemason control, there is one other incredible fact which has also been held from humanity for 500 years now.  This fact is even more damning and more easily provable, and is also a direct result of the Jewish Freemason control over the minds of the masses worldwide.  It is the most marginalized, ridiculed, censored and hidden fact in history.  If this fact was made known to the world at large, just this one fact, has the power to completely transform the world and everyone in it for the better, holistically, in a myriad of ways.  Our rulers are well aware of this, and that is exactly why this truth has been held from us so expertly for so long.  It is about the truth of who we are, where we come from, the actual position and significance of humans, Earth, the Sun, Moon, and stars.

The fact is:  The Earth is flat and motionless.  That is all.  And that is the revelation that will finally break the matrix.  You have been taught from the earliest ages that you live on a spinning ball.  That NASA has sent men to the Moon, that satellites are hovering in perpetual orbit overhead, that an International Space Station contains astronauts free-floating above us, that the Earth is a ball that tilts, wobbles, spins on its axis and revolves around the Sun, and that all these and you are the result of a Big Bang cosmogenic explosion 14 billion years ago which created everything out of nothing.  Yet nothing could be farther from the truth.

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 13254105_10154190157034293_7954312585114140960_n

The truth is simple and easily proven.  You can see for yourself the horizon is always flat and you can measure using sextants, theodolites, and lasers to prove the Earth and its massive oceans have absolutely no curvature whatsoever.  You can feel for yourself that the Earth beneath you is motionless and you can measure as Michelson, Morley, Gale, Sagnac, Airy and other scientists  have to prove that the Earth is completely motionless.  That's right.  It has been long proven by several scientific experiments, even in the elitist "peer-reviewed journals" you critics constantly harp on about, that the Earth is a stationary plane.  The reason you haven't heard about it before is because the media is controlled by the same people who created this deception.  The only time you have ever heard a "Flat Earther" mentioned in the media, it was in jest or ridicule.  The only thing you have ever heard about "Flat Earth" is that its adherents are ignorant idiots.  Sorry to burst your space bubble, but if you still think you're living on a spinning ball in 2016, you my friend, are the ignorant one.

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 13615254_10154988989848916_7297770299845639125_n

Millions of people worldwide are waking up to this incredible re-discovery and this "Flat Earth movement" has the potential to bring about positive change on a unprecedented level.  Like a balloon held underwater for 500 years, the momentum of truth rising to the surface is causing and will continue to cause huge ripples in the control system.  As the spinning ball-Earth is finally being exposed worldwide for the 500 year deception it was, Earth's entire population is suddenly being faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational cosmological myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.

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As a result of deeply understanding this and wanting to bring about a better world, it has become my life mission to spread the flat Earth truth to everyone.  I have written two books on the subject, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy" and "200 Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball."  I have re-started the International Flat Earth Research Society and maintain a website with hundreds of articles on the subject.  I have done flat Earth radio interviews, made flat Earth FAQs, flat Earth shirts, written flat Earth rap songs, audio/video books, documentaries, and created every other kind of media I can think of to try and promote this message.  Now in just a few short years, thanks to the efforts of the rapidly growing flat Earth community, this has gone from a completely unknown, undiscussed topic to one of the highest ranked google search terms on the internet with tens of millions of hits monthly.  If you still haven't done your due diligence in researching to know for yourself 100% that you are living on a flat, stationary plane, please look into the links provided.  And for those of you who do know, I implore you to help my mission Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth.

Simply knowing the truth yourself will not and cannot save the world.  The only way to save the world is for the whole world to know the truth.  As a means to that end, the most important type of activism anyone can be doing right now is spreading these important truths on a mass scale.  There are innumerable creative ways to help achieve this; the following are several effective methods myself or friends have had success with:

1. Conversation:  One of the best ways to engage people with the flat reality is through conversation.  Asking leading questions, dropping hints, or just telling people various proofs and evidences is a great way to wake people up.  This only works, however, if you are very knowledgeable about the subject yourself and able to answer every possible question without hesitation like the liars at NASA do.

2. Viewing Parties:  Another good way to engage people is by getting them to agree to sit down and watch an informative documentary on the subject such as my videos "The World's Biggest Secret," or "The Masonic Matrix Manipulators"  After watching you can then do your best to field any questions people may have.

3. Book Gifting:  A great indirect way of engaging people is by buying and giving them copies of "The Flat Earth Conspiracy" and "200 Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" or other good books on the subject.  If you own flat Earth books yourself, be sure to let friends and family borrow them as well.

4. School Projects:  If you are currently in school or university, a great way to expose this information is by writing essays or doing projects which tackle various aspects of ball-Earth pseudo-science or expose true flat Earth findings.

5. Social Media:  I have had great success using social media to spread flat Earth truth.  Simply create accounts with all the big social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, StumbleUpon etc., join relevant groups and pages, follow people interested in related subjects, and post the best flat Earth material you can find to as many places as you can, as often as you can.  Don't bother arguing with the trolls and closed-minds that will inevitably hound you, but rather focus on dissemination, spreading the message far and wide.  If people ask genuine questions, be sure to answer, but anyone merely looking to ridicule should be left alone to talk with themselves.

6. Use YouTube and Other Video Sharing Sites:  With 13 million hits and growing, my YouTube channel has done an excellent job spreading this message.  We need more people to start flat Earth YouTube and other video sharing site channels, however, either creating original content or just re-uploading other good content.  I personally have given everyone permission to use any/all of my content to help spread the word.  Once you upload a new video to YouTube, then go to all your social media accounts and post each new video to all the relevant pages, groups and timelines you can.

7. Translations:  For multi-lingual flat Earthers, one of the best things you can do is help translate good flat Earth material into your native tongue.  My book "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" has now been translated into 12 different languages and counting, reaching people who would otherwise never have a chance of understanding this material, the majority of which currently exists only in English.

8. Graffiti/Artwork:  Another great method of spreading the word is through artwork or graffiti.  Writing important search terms or keywords and phrases on paper money is also very effective.  On the borders of your dollar bills, simply write AtlanteanConspiracy.com, IFERS.123.st, the Earth is Flat!, Google Flat Earth, Google Eric Dubay, or other such messages.

9. Pamphleteering/stickers:  Creating small brochures or stickers with flat Earth information on them and handing them out in public spaces is an excellent way to spread the word.  Compile several photo proofs or text proofs and put them in an easily printable and readable format then hand out as many as you can.

10:  Radio/TV Show Call ins:  Many different TV and radio shows give their viewers/listeners the opportunity to call in and talk with the host about certain subjects.  A great way to spread the word is either by calling into these shows and engaging them on the subject on the spot, or contacting their producers before-hand and seeing if you could actually be interviewed.

There are an infinite number of creative ways we can spread this most important message, but the key is numbers and consistency.  We need to hit a critical-mass tipping-point of awakened individuals dedicated to helping unplug everyone else from the spinning ball-Earth matrix.  If you have figured out the truth of our flat Earth and realize the amazing positive implications of this being exposed worldwide, please join me on my mission to help spread flat Earth truth to the entire flat world.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:52 am; edited 2 times in total

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Cannalive Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:25 pm

I was told about this in jest. But once I got curious, I openly learned more and became awake. If you truly want to wake up and find the edges of your cage, you eventually cannot get over the hurdle of flat earth. Even when meeting a new friend and getting high together we both subconsciously brought up flat earth during our discussion, not really taking it seriously...until I said something that blew his mind. A simple truth about time zones if the sun was so far away. That was when I realized we have so much ability to slip into someone's conscious thought by redirecting away from the subject itself head on and slip through one of the many backdoors of logical.


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by lizardking Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:11 pm

Another amazing article Eric!!!!!!!!

Flat earth is everywhere including a new vegan flat Earth kombucha. It will only continue to spread and hopefully people will partake in your 10 great suggestions.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by eeken Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:59 am

Great article Eric, you are awesome! I'm just waiting for the other "big names" to catch on to me it is still a mystery why they haven't...


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:58 am

Thanks Eeken, the reason most of the "big names" haven't "caught on" is because they are controlled opposition, long ago bought and paid for. Welcome to IFERS. Peace

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by eeken Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:03 pm

Admin wrote:Thanks Eeken, the reason most of the "big names" haven't "caught on" is because they are controlled opposition, long ago bought and paid for.  Welcome to IFERS.  Peace

Thanks for reply!

Do you think this includes people like David Icke, Jordan Maxwell etc as well?


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:44 am


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:50 am

Noting the extreme bias and blind-spots in traditional intelligence quotient tests, IFERS University President Eric Dubay has devised the following 14 question modern-day IQ test which has now been scientifically proven through double-blind studies to be more accurate than any other such test ever created.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:53 am; edited 2 times in total

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by 5c4v3ng3r Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:07 am

WhatbI do is reupload as many FE videos as I can.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by hauntedhouse Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:08 am

I think some of the big names that are published don't understand the concept of amending one's work. As for Jordan Maxwell, he said "the jury's out" meaning he hasn't yet come to a decision. He said this in an interview with Jeran on his Monday night Raw podcast a cpl weeks ago...Maxwell also mentions some $400,000 in book sales that was stolen from him when his website was allegedly hijacked. I looked into this and found was sent a video link by the new webmaster (alleged thief) that doesn't exactly help Jordan's case... As for Icke, he's been spouting the same rhetoric for years now with his hollow moon Reptiliodian nightmare for years now...the kind of shit thats been denying the weak minded free independent thought for just as long. I have links for anyone interested.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by toddb Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:37 am

Truck driver feels acceleration of large ferry boat while in vehicle on enclosed boat deck. He said he could feel the very gradual push up to 15mph verified by his on-his-dashboard GPS.
I asked him if it "felt" like we were spinning around at nearly 1000mph, with a wobble, but he indicated the scale was too big to be noticeable. Done. "It's all perspective."
He is nearing retirement and does not want his world disturbed. My wife is of the same mindset. Don't mess with it.
Tax money can and ought to be utilized by governments to improve society at least, rather than being in complete opposition to the growth of individuals as a paradigm.
Thanks for the opportunity to vent.


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:05 am

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by csp Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:45 am

Admin wrote:Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 15135410

Great idea, we have plastic notes here in AU but I'll see if I can find a decent marker to use and do the same!

For the domain "ifers.123.st" I suggest folks add "http://" to the front so people know it's a domain name, as .st is not a well known top level domain.


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by vortexkitten Fri Nov 25, 2016 9:01 am

or www.ifers.123.st


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Razeker Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:14 pm

Admin wrote:Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 15135410

This is a really great idea!! Using the weapons of the matrix against itself.
I will start doing this here in São Paulo, Brazil also. Tks!

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by inerratic Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:20 pm

Great work, and I love the money message as well, thanks.

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Hawkward Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:10 am

I like this idea, Sun Tzu would be proud of us Very Happy

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Sam_0210


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:04 am

Indeed! More money pics sent to me:

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:56 pm

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 15355910

This image is extra cool as it was photographed by a flat Earther who gave it to me, but he wasn't the one who wrote it. He just happened to receive it Smile The word's getting around

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:29 pm

Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth 21dcac10

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:58 am

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Using the Socratic method

Post by vortexpuppy Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:42 am

Using the Socratic method to excite critical thinking in a peaceful, amiable and polite manner.

It shows that Veracity (truth naturally flows from our lips) and Credulity (we give others the benefit of the doubt and believe them) are part of our natural constitution irrespective of race or gender.

When people better understand how their Beliefs are formed, differentiate between Idealism and Realism and when the obvious contradictions to Natural Science are pointed out to them with practical examples, then most people have an immediate ability to at least start critically thinking for themselves.

Scientism may have given us a few hundred years of intensive schooling and conditioning, but it can/will NEVER win over common sense. It cannot deliver empirical evidence nor real life scale-able experiences. You can nearly see Beliefs dissolving and melting in real-time. :-)


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by AmericanInIndia Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:34 pm

i been posting flat earth pics and threads at 4chan and they always get a ton of replies. A lot of people mock them but there's a lot of open minded people there too


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Admin Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:03 pm

That's a great idea, thanks for helping spread the good word AII  Smile And I'm loving Vortexpuppy's flat Earth street interviews, those are excellent!

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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by AmericanInIndia Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:13 pm

4chan is the most popular website for younger people and gets like 35 million unique IP visitors per month. You can get a shitload of traffic from there. Try the /b/ forum and the /pol/ forum, those are the two most active forums there.


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Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth Empty Re: Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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