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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:22 am

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Lenin-control-best-meetville-quotes-45157

Please visit the original article for sourced links to all the claims made here:  http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/06/flat-earth-shill-wall-of-shame.html

Google analytics shows that since November 2014, the search term "Flat Earth" has enjoyed an incredible and never before seen 600% rise in activity!  The reason behind the sudden and sharp increase for this key-word is undeniably the publishing of my "Flat Earth Conspiracy" book and documentary pair which were both released in November 2014.  The Flat Earth Conspiracy was the first pro-flat Earth book written in almost 50 years and is rapidly becoming an under-ground best-seller while my documentary, interviews and other flat Earth videos have received a combined 1,000,000+ views and growing.  As you can imagine, when exposing a 500 year running conspiracy involving NASA, the U.N. and world Freemasonry, there will be death threats (which I'm receiving regularly) and controlled opposition agents will be sent in to infiltrate and co-opt the growing movement.  I'm writing this article to expose the evidence I've compiled that several such government shills are currently hard at work doing just that.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Mark-sargent

Mark Sargent:  About six weeks after my flat Earth book, videos and articles started going viral, this character showed up on YouTube making a series of well-presented "Flat Earth Clues" videos, uploading a new one every day.  Next he started getting several radio interviews per week, got his very own radio show, and even went on Coast 2 Coast AM all in the name of exposing his "Flat Earth Clues."  These "clues," however, instead of revealing actual scientific evidence/experiments which prove the Earth to be flat like myself and all genuine flat Earthers do, Mark's "clues" are always merely his personal speculations.  For example Mark's first "Flat Earth Clue" is that Hollywood hasn't really made many movies about the Moon landings, and this gives him a raging clue that Apollo was fake and Earth is flat.  His second clue was claiming with no evidence whatsoever that Freemason Admiral Byrd had reached the "dome."

The unfounded claims only got more ridiculous as Mark began doing radio interviews.  Suddenly he began saying that "the Moon and stars are not there, they are holographic projections," and recommending at least once per show that everyone must visit fellow shill Crrow777's YouTube channel.  I called Mark out on this at IFERS (of which he is still a member, but refuses to post) giving abundant evidence that the Moon/stars are natural luminaries and NOT holographic projections, to which he responded only once and did so not personally, but through another fellow shill, Acenci.  Acenci relayed Mark's message which said, "Of course I don't have evidence that everything in the sky is a projection of some kind. The look, and opinion I'm taking is strictly from a design standpoint."  And herein lies Mark's method of muddying the waters of truth and poisoning the flat Earth well.  Everything he has to say on the flat Earth subject is based on "his model"; not science, evidence, experiments, proof, or reason, but rather what he thinks works best from "a game design standpoint" (because he used to be a video game designer).

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So he claims without evidence the celestial bodies are "projections"; He claims without evidence that Admiral Byrd reached the "dome"; He also claims without evidence that heat is NOT caused by the Sun (in his model) but by unknown processes underneath the flat Earth!; He has claimed more than once that "gravity is something we can prove obviously exists" when all genuine flat Earthers know gravity does NOT exist, has never been proven, and is just density; He even recently introduced his own untested theory of "molecular magnetism" to explain gravity in his "enclosed flat model."

In interviews Mark regularly lies about me saying things like "Eric thinks the Moon is 2-dimensional while (he) thinks it is 3-dimensional," when the truth is that I have always said the Moon is a natural luminary while he says it's a holographic projection.  He claims "Eric considers himself a flat Earth purist" another lie I've never said, nor do I even understand what a "Flat Earth purist" is supposed to be.  In one interview Mark had the audacity to lie and claim that I purport that the Flat Earth disc is constantly rising to account for gravity when I have exposed in my articles/interviews repeatedly that this is a FALSE Flat Earth argument put forward by the controlled opposition Flat Earth Society, and that gravity doesn't even exist!  http://ifers.123.st/t9-the-flat-earth-society-is-controlled-opposition

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Marky-narc

In early interviews Mark claimed to have read SOME of my book, but when cornered in later interviews claimed to have NOT read my book; He constantly promotes the Orlando Ferguson CONCAVE Earth map as being "one of the best flat Earth maps," when it is clearly one of the worst; He mentioned in one interview the shillspicious fact that he worked in "internet data-mining for 3 years"; and he constantly plays with a toy globe affront the camera in every interview subconsciously re-enforcing the globe model while talking non-sense about the Flat Earth. Patricia Aiken asked him during her interview to please stop doing this and he AGREED and PROMISED to stop, but then in his very next interview and many since then he has broken his promise and continued to play with his little ball Earth.

In his interview with Dan Lefkowitz, after 50 minutes of speculative "evidence" from "every ancient myth he's found" Dan asked "is there any other proof the Earth isn't spinning other than these ancient texts?" At which point Mark made the shilliest statement of his career claiming after a 5 second pause and long exhale, "If there was, I think we'd probably know it at this point!" and nervously annoyingly laughs as he does every time an interviewer asks him a straight-forward question.  Claiming to know of NO EVIDENCE/PROOF the Earth isn't spinning other than ancient texts is ludicrous, disingenuous, and proves Mark has no business in the flat Earth movement.  In the same interview he also lied that "he's been trying to patch things up with Eric," when he then and still to this day refuses to engage in a dialogue with me, and has refused to accept my challenge to debate him on Patricia Aiken's show.

In his latest Ball Earth Skeptic interview Mark came right out and said: (paraphrasing) "I'm not even that attached to the flat model, everyone has their models with good/bad points, I have my model, Eric has his model, and even Lord Steven Christ has his model which is a lot better than the ball Earth model! At this point, I'm just sure it's not a ball, other than that is open to speculation."  What kind of confidence does it instill in listeners when this supposed "leader" of the Flat Earth movement "isn't even sure the Earth is flat!?

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Acenci

Andrea Cenci (Acenci):  Right after starting my IFERS (International Flat Earth Research Society) Forum, my "biggest fan" and most enthusiastic and prolific poster was one "Andrea Cenci," allegedly an Italian banker who watched my Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary and was instantly converted to a flat Earther.  He subsequently divided his time between sucking up to me, dismissing the shilliness of his friend Mark Sargent, creating sock accounts to like and agree with himself, and otherwise filling the forum with useless content as per Cointel Shill Protocol.  When his constant defense of Mark Sargent became unbearable, his sock accounts discovered, and he started making paranoid rants about us needing to shut down the IFERS forum for fear of our lives, Acenci (and his other multiple personalities) were banned.  To everyone's surprise and amusement, however, Acenci and all his sock puppets quickly created their own forum from where they obsessively attempted to infiltrate, criticize, and denounce IFERS, its posts, its members, and especially its leaders/management.  He and his multiple personalities then went on to create and participate in 3 further failed forums, all dedicated to trashing IFERS.  It has now been over 5 months and Acenci is still online all day every day obsessively cataloging, re-posting and analyzing/criticizing every aspect of the IFERS community.  He has even paid to have several banners advertizing his forums appear on IFERS.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Photo.jpg

Lord Steven Christ:  Before writing my book I noticed this ridiculous shill on YouTube sporting a Masonic logo and claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.  He states with little to no evidence, but very high-end 3D graphics models, that the Earth is neither flat nor convex, but rather it is concave!  He and the other leading "concave Earther" Wild Heretic give a whopping 4 'proofs' for their model, 3 of which come straight from flat Earther Samuel Rowbotham's book!  Compare this with flat Earther William Carpenter's 100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe, or my book with over 200 proofs of the flat Earth, and it becomes apparent how laughable these "concave Earth theorists" are.  I noticed he and his cohorts trolling every flat Earth channel threatening to flag their videos and "report them to the NSA," and true to form, once I began making flat Earth videos he did the same to me, claiming he'd report me to the NSA and that "I'd better repent" because I was "living inside His concave Earth" (remember, he thinks he's Jesus).  Since then I have had the "divine" honor of having "Our Lord and Savior Steven Christ" devote almost every new video he puts out be on the subject of "debunking" and denouncing me and my work.  Steven has also joined Acenci's shill forums and like Acenci, paid for banner ads on IFERS (which I have no control over) promoting his "Concave Earth" Forum.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame 1A0_uBgfwwyddGbYsj1l

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Zhib

Zhib Rhan:  When looking for clips to use in The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary, I came across this guy with a very enigmatic voice and a couple decent videos disputing the alleged curvature of the ball Earth.  After deciding to include them, Zhib's channel took a turn for the worse and he began making non-sense videos claiming, much like Mark Sargent, to have his very own flat model which he thought to be more accurate than the generally accepted azimuthal equidistant flat Earth model.  In his model, Antarctica was actually the North Pole!  All the continents are flipped completely upside down!  And Polaris, instead of being motionless above the North Pole, revolves around the outside perimeter of the flat Earth!  Again, just like Mark Sargent, Zhib doesn't even feign having any practical evidence for these outrageous and easily disproven claims.  Zhib instead states his wisdom came from "God" and he repeats over and over in every video that "Jesus Christ is the only truth man will ever know."  In a recent, even shillier turn of events, Zhib has now come out as a concave Earther!  It looks like now "Lord Steven Christ is the only truth Zhib will ever know."

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Ferrari-mason

Leo Ferrari, Daniel Shenton, and The Flat Earth Society:  The Flat Earth Society is a controlled opposition group that mixes truth with lies and satire to discredit genuine flat Earth research, a job they have been doing for a long time now. Founded in 1970 by Leo Ferrari, a suspected Freemason and philosophy professor at St. Thomas' University, Leo spent his life making a mockery of the legitimate subject of our flat Earth.  Leo would always take a pumpkin-sized rock with him to lectures and interviews claiming he brought the stone back from the edge of our flat Earth! He would say, with a huge smirk on his face, how his boat had fallen over the edge but he was luckily saved by hanging onto this rock. Clearly, treating our flat Earth in this tongue-in-cheek way discouraged people from taking the matter seriously:  http://ifers.123.st/t9-the-flat-earth-society-is-controlled-opposition

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Fesc

Ferrari's entire schtick involved approaching the flat Earth subject from every angle EXCEPT the rational and scientific (just like Mark Sargent). For example, he published a series of articles including "The Global Fallacy as a Cause of Racial Prejudice," arguing that people in countries at the top of the globe felt superior to those at the bottom, when in fact there was no top or bottom to the world, so, "even if one assumed that the world was spherical, the 'top' and 'bottom' have been arbitrarily selected, resulting in racial discrimination against those in the south. How can the globularists, their hirelings and dupes, seriously claim to believe that all men are created equal when they teach that some men are eternally fated to hang like bats from the bottom of a globe on which other men stand upright? The only solution is a flat Earth!" So instead of presenting measurements or experiments, instead of presenting any proofs or evidence, Ferrari would often simply argue the flat Earth as a serendipitous satirical solution to social problems.

Though he passed away in 2010, his Flat Earth Society still exists today online as a website/forum which, still true to form, now run by Daniel Shenton and Co., purports several false flat-Earth arguments and treats the entire subject as a dead-pan joke.  A Google search for any Flat Earth related subject will bring you top results for several threads from the FES forum; a quick glance at which will show you that FES is where legitimate flat Earth questions go to die.  The board is awash with convex, concave and flat Earth shills ready to pounce upon all new members and turn them off as quickly as possible.  Their laughable "podcast" section has only 4 broadcasts, 2 about science-fiction and 2 about the "hollow Earth" - none even touch on the subject of evidence/proof of our flat Earth.  

Upon starting my own rival IFERS forum and calling out the FES shills, several of their administrators and moderators joined up, praised me for my work, nominated me as joint "Flat Earth President," and in a last ditch attempt to co-opt me and my work, asked if we could merge our forums as one!  I was more than willing, but unfortunately as you can see here, however, they were not willing to comply with my demands  Smile


Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Powerland

Matt (Powerland) Boylan:  This alleged NASA insider turned flat Earth whistle-blower has turned out to be shillspicious in many ways. When someone sent him my documentary in November 2014, Matt immediately contacted me and invited me to skype several times.  We had a couple calls but he did 95% of the talking, interrupted me often, and recorded some calls without informing me first.  He seemed a bit off, but I chalked it up to his eccentricity and still figured he was genuine listening to him discuss his commissioned art/murals, and his concern about shills infiltrating the flat Earth movement, among whom he listed Mark Sargent, the FES, Zhib Rhan, Steven Christ, and Lori Frary - all people I had also suspected.

Next Matt released his "Crazy Notion" video where he is suddenly chatting with top shill Mark Sargent like old friends and presenting his "revelation" (which is actually pure speculation, but he adamantly states as fact) that the Earth plane is infinite with no dome and there are many other flat Earth systems beyond the Antarctic ice.  I admit this is a plausible theory, as is Mark's enclosed model theory, but the disingenuous problem here is that Matt nor Mark treat/express these theories as theories but as gospel truth.  Matt also included in his video a series of failed skype calls between he and I, which he did not inform me he was recording, and which dropped every few seconds/minutes due to connection problems.  Instead of editing this out, or chalking it up to normal connection problems, Matt instead left all the dropped calls and claimed in paranoid rants between each one how "they" don't want us flat Earthers connecting so "they" were causing each call to be dropped.  

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Math-powerland-boylan

Searching through Matt's older videos on his channel it's clear that such paranoid, aggressive, off-putting rants are part of his schtick and the "flat Earth" subject is more of an aside to his other performance pieces.  His YouTube "TheNASAChannel" is far less concerned with exposing NASA or the truth of our flat Earth and more concerned with Matt painting on naked women's bodies, ranting about random subjects like Axe Cologne / hookers on tinder, and promoting his championship-status sexual prowess.  There are also suspicious videos about Steven Hawking and one with Matt in what appears to be stage make-up claiming to have been intentionally hit by a car, driven by a plain-clothes police officer purposely trying to assassinate him.  

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Matt-boyland

Matt claims to be ex-NASA, graduated from a Jesuit school, and even wears a huge Masonic '33' on his shirt in his latest video.  He always points fingers at the Jesuits for the "global" conspiracy, but hammered the final nail in his shilly coffin when he wrote/posted the following article, claiming anyone (like myself) who points the finger at Jews/Judaism as being in any way behind this deception to be a dis-informant!  I have shown in my Flat Earth Conspiracy book beyond any shadow of a doubt that world Freemasonry has been responsible for this global deception, and a simple Google search of "Judaism and Freemasonry" will satisfy anyone of the fact that world Freemasonry is 100% beholden to, originating from, and maintained by world Jewry.

If all this isn't condemning enough, now Matt is asking all new Facebook friends for 3 pictures allegedly "for security reasons," which reminds me of Mark (disable my video comments, but here's my home phone number) Sargent's admission to working as an "internet data miner for 3 years," and Acenci's daily job of harassing IFERS members to register for one of his shill forums.

The above story, pictures, and audio recording are from one of Matt Boylan's fans who generously allowed him to stay with her family for nearly a month before the following incident took place.  They are often talking over one another, but I can testify that this is the only way to successfully have a "conversation" with Matt, otherwise you will be unable to complete a sentence before he interrupts and continues his diatribes.  Also regarding Matt’s constant crying of copyright infringement and lack of consent, he has used video/audio of me in his documentaries without even informing me let alone asking my permission.  So two can play at that game Mr. Wizard.  

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame VId5z6pU

Jeranism:  This recent arrival to the Flat Earth community began putting up high-quality Youtube videos in March 2015 asking people to donate to his Indiegogo campaign so that he could produce a book which would expose "The Greatest Hoax Ever Sold" - a book like the one I'd just published 5 months prior - without donations.  Next Jeranism suspiciously joined two of Acenci's shill forums and at this point I also noticed Jeran defending/promoting the Jewish holocaust non-sense and denouncing Hitler in his comments sections (all traits of a Zionist shill).

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, however, I noticed several of his newer videos were quite good and got word of his idea to record a laser experiment to disprove the Earth's supposed curvature.  Jeran set up a second donation page, this time with GoFundMe, where he began taking donations not only for his flat Earth experiment "wish-list" including not only a telescope, laser, computer software/hardware, but also the kicker, to help pay off the mortgage on his house!  Once others had already donated his telescope and laser, he put out the call here for $200 more dollars that he needed to secure a professional videographer for 2 hours to film the event.  

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Jeranc_1397978511_81

Being the enthusiastic flat Earth missionary I am, seeing what I'd hoped was another genuine truther in need, and hearing him assure us in the video that he would complete successful test runs before hiring the videographer, I decided to donate the entire $200 to Jeran.  Right around this time he finally joined IFERS, and introduced himself saying he "owed Eric Dubay a lot for allowing me to open my mind to the point that is needed to see the deception that currently plagues the world."  This was quite strange considering he'd never contacted me or joined my forum before now, admitted to having never read a single page of the forum, and yet he was already registered and posting on two of my sworn enemy Acenci's shill forums!

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame 10929941_1250667411626713_2580416116005217045_n

Next Jeran decides to criticize IFERS strict policy of banning shills, then brings up and defends top shill Mark Sargent.  As you can see, even after re-posting all the evidence I've compiled of Mark's lies and misinformation, Jeran still decides to side with Mark and further condemns IFERS for our strict policy of shill-banning.  Soon IFERS members started digging into Jeran's online history and found some very significant accusations of bitcoin fraud.  A website named JeranCampanella.com was created by a man accusing Jeran of scamming, extortion, blackmail, and personal defamation!  Upon receiving word of what we had dug up on IFERS, Jeran completely flipped out and you can read his weak attempt at defending himself here.

As for the laser video, due to poor planning and NOT completing a successful test prior to hiring the videographer, Jeran ended up having to pay for a second day of filming, only to find that his laser dispersed into a 10 foot beam across the ocean completely nullifying the results!  You can hear him just today talking with his best buddy Mark Sargent acting like the laser experiment was some big success and trying to spin his side of the IFERS drama referenced above.  He was also on the radio with Mark earlier this week admitting that, "even though my profile logo shows a flat Earth map, I'm not actually 100% a flat Earther, I'm just 100% sure the Earth is not a ball."  Once again, a supposed "leading" flat Earther stating on radio interviews that they're not even sure of their own model!

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Crrow777

Crrow777:  is the YouTuber behind the "Lunar Wave" videos, promoted by the establishment Huffington Post and by top shill Mark Sargent in literally every single interview he gives.  Crow's entire channel and every interview is dedicated to his claim that a digital wavy-line filmed with his high-tech cameras proves that the Moon is not a natural luminary, but rather a holographic projection!  This is just like how David Icke says a bunch of great stuff then writes a whole book saying "the Moon is a hollow space-ship piloted by reptilian aliens who control humanity with mind-control moon-beams." These agents purposely poison the well and muddy the waters to obfuscate the truth, which is that the Moon is natural and NOT a hologram no matter how many times Mark and Crrow say so.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Thomas-sheridan

Thomas Sheridon:  is the self-acclaimed expert on psychopathy who has been evidenced here and here to have psychopathic tendencies himself.  Once the flat Earth topic started gaining traction Thomas began putting out videos claiming that everyone promoting the Flat Earth topic was part of a CIA Cointel disinfo psyop!  After watching a couple minutes of my flat Earth documentary, you can watch him here having a complete mental breakdown over the fact that people could be so stupid as to consider the flat Earth subject.  He even considers ceasing all his YouTube/radio activity due to his utter dismay, but then gets over his depression quite quickly and continues on.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Max-igan-crowhouse

Max Igan:  is the Aussie truther responsible for the Crowhouse and Surviving the Matrix radio, who long supported my work (still links to my site) until the following Facebook conversation took place between us where he disparaged my work on the flat Earth without actually reading any of it (and refusing to waste his time).  Then, just like Thomas Sheridan, he claimed to go into a deep depression after talking with me and considered ceasing all his activism!  But as you can hear here, he found an inspiring quote the next day and decided to continue on and completely ignore the flat Earth truth.  

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Lori-frary

Lori Frary:  is a former politician who shortly after my book/documentary came out, bought the domain name FlatEarthConspiracy.com, and made a sparse, unkept, and uninformative website out of it.  She then created a Facebook group by the same title (the title of MY book and documentary), AND THEN BANNED ME FROM IT.  After successfully co-opting my keywords, she claimed to be purging her group of "anti-semitic" posters, and even though I hadn't posted anything but my FE articles/videos, kicked me out without a word.  Linking the ball Earth deception to the Jews question is something Matt, Mark, Lori, Jeran and the other shills seem desperate to avoid.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Steven-englehardt

Steven William Engelhardt:  is another active Facebook shill who who joined IFERS as "SyntasticSugar.com" which is his website. He also started a "Flat Earth Wiki" site and hounded me for weeks to contribute to it when he hadn't yet contributed anything to it himself. He finally made a couple paragraphs about the Bedford Level, promoted it all over Facebook like it was some great accomplishment, then further pleaded to get me and others to contribute to his Flat Earth Wiki which I just didn't have time for, and it looked like he didn't either by the state of it (much like Lori's lazily made, never updated FlatEarthConspiracy.com)  Next, Thai friends of mine (who have nothing to do with flat Earth) started contacting me asking "who's Steven?" saying he was trying to add them on Facebook.  When I confronted him about this apparent data-mining attempt, you can read here, Steven claimed to be adding "anyone talking about the flat Earth," which is a complete lie as the people who he was adding from my friends list have NEVER posted about the flat Earth

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Dave-johnson

Dave Johnson:  is a YouTuber who makes horribly boring and uninformative flat Earth videos mixed with Crow-style "hologram Moon" bullshit and Zhib-style "Jesus is the only truth" rants.  Upon joining IFERS I gave him my honest opinion of his videos, which apparently he didn't appreciate because the next day he made the silliest shilliest video of all time claiming that I am actually David Wilcox!

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Rayn-gryphon-pic

Rayn Gryphon:  is a YouTuber and blogger who joined IFERS and posted nothing but huge, convoluted, long-winded, semi-relevant copy/pastes from his blogs into several threads, and when very politely asked not to do so, and asked to write with greater clarity and simplicity so we could understand him, he refused and was thus banned. After his banishment he began making daily videos about IFERS, how offended he is, and turning his banishment into a huge soap opera drama where he falsely claims he was "harassed, assaulted, bullied, beaten, harmed, injured, mentally abused" and my favorite, "gang-stalked" by us, claiming we committed "violence" against him which he's psychologically venting by making endless videos with flat Earth keywords.  There is a sub-class of shills like DaveJ and Rayn Gryphon who seem to be paid simply to post as many videos as possible with flat Earth-related keywords to muddy the waters with a bunch of terrible and non-sensical videos.  Other examples of this are Alien Fossil Project, Queenie Cameron, and NatureHacker.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Truthiracy%2BLogo%2B2010

Truthiracy:  is a YouTuber and blogger who has recently created a series of videos attempting to debunk me while (much like Lori Frary) co-opting my name to do so.  His series, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy 2015" is quite pathetic and laughable, but successfully hijacks my keywords.  You can read my debunking of his attempt at debunking me here.  

There are certainly many more shills out there and many more arriving on the scene presently.  Everyone be sure to do your due diligence and stay vigilant in discerning your way through the intentionally muddied waters of the flat Earth truth movement!  If you have any more evidence of shills I have listed or missed please leave a comment below.

Please visit the original article for sourced links to all the claims made here:  http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/06/flat-earth-shill-wall-of-shame.html

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:43 am; edited 4 times in total

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Garry, Bentramer81, ukimranali, KyriosMora, Newhouse-Estates, Scoutpi1, Stephanie Campbell and lunastal like this post

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:21 pm

Post by jimmytamp on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:28pm

Thanks, Eric...now I can easily filtering my friends from all these cheap shills...


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:21 pm

Post by thinkforyourself on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:28pm

Ugh, what a bloody freak show.

This thread should be a must-read for all new members.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:22 pm

Post by lizardking on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:37pm

That can't be Acenci, I was expecting a picture of a cockroach.

This circus of freaks have only succeeded in one thing: failing completely.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:22 pm

Post by gnosticwarrior on Jun 29, 2015 at 4:49pm

Dave Johnson, holy shill, I remember seeing this guy's videos like last summer! He would go out and just film the moon, and then spout crazy stuff the entire time. This page is amazingly informative!

I agree that this thread should be a "You Must Read This" sticky or something. Great work, Eric!

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:23 pm

Post by Admin on Jun 29, 2015 at 5:12pm

Someone on FB just sent me the following info on Lori Frary: "Holy crap Just saw that wall of shame posting and I'm a but worried now as that Lori person had a youtube conference that failed no audio last night and I had to give out a bunch of personal info to join in on the Google chat,(she wanted a new photo of my face too) Does this mean i"m screwed possibly now with Government investigators,Fuck! I should have listened to your warnings and other peoples warnings,it is so easy to get fooled by these people. Also now that I think about it,she was scolding us for wanting to buy our own Lasers! Like WTf why not? So more tests the better! Makes sense now why they don't want us to get them!"

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:23 pm

Post by thinkforyourself on Jun 29, 2015 at 5:14pm

Jun 29, 2015 at 5:12pm Admin said:
Someone on FB just sent me the following info on Lori Frary: "Holy crap Just saw that wall of shame posting and I'm a but worried now as that Lori person had a youtube conference that failed no audio last night and I had to give out a bunch of personal info to join in on the Google chat,(she wanted a new photo of my face too) Does this mean i"m screwed possibly now with Government investigators,Fuck! I should have listened to your warnings and other peoples warnings,it is so easy to get fooled by these people. Also now that I think about it,she was scolding us for wanting to buy our own Lasers! Like WTf why not? So more tests the better! Makes sense now why they don't want us to get them!"
They should have listened to you, and now they have learned their lesson the hard way, unfortunately.

This just goes to show why we need to call out these dirty Shills.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:23 pm

Post by gnosticwarrior on Jun 29, 2015 at 5:23pm

Jun 29, 2015 at 5:14pm thinkforyourself said:
This just goes to show why we need to call out these dirty Shills.
^That's incredibly sketchy and unfortunate! WTF would/could a "government investigator" even do? Didn't you say you had some altercations, Eric? What's the extent of their threats?

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:24 pm

Post by Admin on Jun 29, 2015 at 5:28pm

I'm having constant altercations as you can see on my Facebook page right now. Jeranism's threatening to sue me for exposing his bitcoin scam accusations. I receive regular death threats from Freemasons and other shills/trolls and have even had them attempt to bribe/co-opt me which I exposed as well.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:24 pm

Post by mauilani on Jun 29, 2015 at 8:11pm

Thanks for taking the energy to put that all together, Eric. I'm sure you'll be adding to it in the coming months. You really need a scorecard to keep track of it all.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:25 pm

Post by csp on Jun 29, 2015 at 10:58pm

Thanks Eric, never realized the extent of the bribery/threats - the fact you keep everything public, is a testament to your openness.

EDIT: Haha, any one getting the new "SHILL FORUM" banner at the top from "Andrea Cenci" new forum? I think these shills are feeling the proverbial heat.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:25 pm

Post by hiilikeourbeard on Jun 30, 2015 at 12:04am

so matt AND lori have asked people for private photos of their face correct?

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:38 am

TigerDan has proven himself to be a shill first by claiming me to be one with no evidence but his own delusions:

And lately his shillyness is totally obvious by doing a complete 180 and claiming he's no longer a flat Earther! The Guardian was right there to catalog his switch too as though this guy is/was ever newsworthy:


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Odin Rising Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:32 am

Adding to TigerShill.  He said he is a Christian, but he mocks his own God.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Sy10

He buys his subs.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Fake10

Real Subs.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Real10

And guess what number show he was on???

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame 1310

Now you tell me who's the real dumb ass???

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Untitl11

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:45 pm

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:46 am; edited 2 times in total

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:23 pm

Admin wrote:

Good Lord Eric, it is scary how good at this you are. You absolutely nailed those freaks.  Laughing

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:39 pm

Lol, thanks Smile The following exchange between Sasha and I was also too good not to share:

Sasha Cullen Tee hee! If Patricia won't interview you, Eric Dubaz, I'd be happy to. wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Stacy Curtis I think he is paying you a compliment☆☆♡☆♡☆
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Sasha Cullen That's how I took it.
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Eric Dubaz Hmm, I'll consider it if you send me a copy of that second, non-PG video you made with Mark Sargent.
Like · Reply · 5 · 12 hrs

Daniel Furr Jesse Spots wants to know why?? Lol..
Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Sleva Jay Lmao....tongue emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Sasha Cullen Eric Dubaz If all you take from my videos is the surface-content, and all you can see of interest in me is my sexuality, that says more about you, your perception and how your priorities influence what you perceive, then it does about me. wink emoticon Implying I made a sex-tape with Mark Sargent suggests a lack of understanding of the concept of like-minded individuals of different genders coming together to chat, to talk about those ideas they have in common and maybe explore the differences in their worldviews and perspectives. I think that's a sadly impoverished view of the potential interactions women and men can have. The idea that a woman with big breasts is somehow automatically more promiscuous is demonstrably false and quite a naive, dare I say immature, understanding of other minds. The idea that a woman can't be flirtatious without necessarily being slutty, or the kind of woman that would make a sex-tape, is also laughable, clearly untrue and again, suggests that the person holding on to that idea has a very distorted view of women as human beings. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trying, in your own way, to be funny or amusing. I suppose our senses of humor are rather different, which is probably why you don't like my videos.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Eric Dubaz Your very well-spoken and carefully-worded reply just proves what a fake shilly character "Orphan Red" is: a ditzy moronic absent-minded persona you adopt to discredit the very message you pretend to be purporting.
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs · Edited

Eric Dubaz And don't flatter yourself, your videos have nothing but "surface content."
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Daniel Furr Where's all the giggles inbetween every 2 words? I agree, the reply is 10x more well written and intelligent than anything portrayed on the pigtail express. Giggle giggle..
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Sasha Cullen Eric Dubaz And your response indicates I overestimated your intelligence. My apologies. If all you understand is surface-content and "shillyness", then, tee hee, maybe, like, I'll try to talk to you, in, like, the way you're like clearly used to having girls talk to you, and super makes sense to you. Cool! #princessdress
Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Eric Dubaz That's not how the women I hang around with talk, but it IS how YOU talk in all your flat Earth videos #backpeddlingboobies
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs

Sasha Cullen Tee hee! You wear a dress and like, you kinda, like, pretend you're Patricia Steere in your videos, so like, yeah... #whatevs
Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Eric Dubaz Blocked. Tee hee.
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:55 pm

Admin wrote:Lol, thanks  Smile  The following exchange between Sasha and I was also too good not to share:

Sasha Cullen Tee hee! If Patricia won't interview you, Eric Dubaz, I'd be happy to. wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Stacy Curtis I think he is paying you a compliment☆☆♡☆♡☆
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Sasha Cullen That's how I took it.
Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Eric Dubaz Hmm, I'll consider it if you send me a copy of that second, non-PG video you made with Mark Sargent.
Like · Reply · 5 · 12 hrs

Daniel Furr Jesse Spots wants to know why?? Lol..
Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Sleva Jay Lmao....tongue emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Sasha Cullen Eric Dubaz If all you take from my videos is the surface-content, and all you can see of interest in me is my sexuality, that says more about you, your perception and how your priorities influence what you perceive, then it does about me. wink emoticon Implying I made a sex-tape with Mark Sargent suggests a lack of understanding of the concept of like-minded individuals of different genders coming together to chat, to talk about those ideas they have in common and maybe explore the differences in their worldviews and perspectives. I think that's a sadly impoverished view of the potential interactions women and men can have. The idea that a woman with big breasts is somehow automatically more promiscuous is demonstrably false and quite a naive, dare I say immature, understanding of other minds. The idea that a woman can't be flirtatious without necessarily being slutty, or the kind of woman that would make a sex-tape, is also laughable, clearly untrue and again, suggests that the person holding on to that idea has a very distorted view of women as human beings. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trying, in your own way, to be funny or amusing. I suppose our senses of humor are rather different, which is probably why you don't like my videos.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Eric Dubaz Your very well-spoken and carefully-worded reply just proves what a fake shilly character "Orphan Red" is: a ditzy moronic absent-minded persona you adopt to discredit the very message you pretend to be purporting.
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs · Edited

Eric Dubaz And don't flatter yourself, your videos have nothing but "surface content."
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Daniel Furr Where's all the giggles inbetween every 2 words? I agree, the reply is 10x more well written and intelligent than anything portrayed on the pigtail express. Giggle giggle..
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Sasha Cullen Eric Dubaz And your response indicates I overestimated your intelligence. My apologies. If all you understand is surface-content and "shillyness", then, tee hee, maybe, like, I'll try to talk to you, in, like, the way you're like clearly used to having girls talk to you, and super makes sense to you. Cool! #princessdress
Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Eric Dubaz That's not how the women I hang around with talk, but it IS how YOU talk in all your flat Earth videos #backpeddlingboobies
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs

Sasha Cullen Tee hee! You wear a dress and like, you kinda, like, pretend you're Patricia Steere in your videos, so like, yeah... #whatevs
Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Eric Dubaz Blocked. Tee hee.
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Good job, you trounced her and her 'surface level' prattle. 

She is arguably the least talented Shill that I have ever had the misfortune of discovering, and she is now running scared because you have outed her and her pathetic 'tee hee', 'look at my boobs' act. 

What is it with all of the useless red-haired actresses that they are throwing our way? Which NWO goon thought that ploy up? Whoever it was must have had a thing for red-heads. Laughing  Keep 'em coming; they are so easy to discredit, and anyone normal can see that they are not genuine. It is also very easy to rile them into making mistakes, because they are so incredibly vain. 

All I know is that IFERS will outlast and discredit this deceptive slug-temptress just like we have done with the other assorted members of the traveling Shill freakshow over the last year.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:03 am

LOL, are you sure you're not starting to enjoy the dress Eric?

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:15 am

It's NOT a dress! Evil or Very Mad bounce Shocked lol!

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:31 am

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame 12717610

Darrell Fox, admin of one of the many fake flat Earther shill groups on Facebook (Spherical Earth vs. Flat Earth) is now posting calling for physical violence against me.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:53 am

How absolutely disgusting! 

Any neutral observer will be able to see that all we are doing is spreading information and promoting peace, whereas the people trying to discredit us are violent fear-mongering liars. 

If we were incorrect, why would they spend so much time attacking us? Why would they want you to be harmed? Why would they throw thousands of lying Shills at us? Why would they delete the original forum and hack your FB pages? 

The truth fears no investigation, and the fact that these people are so violent and scared shows that they are not speaking the truth; all they are doing is spreading disinformation and lies in order to stop the real truth from being known by the general public. 

Keep up the good work everyone; they are running scared, and it is our duty to make sure that they don't put the 'cat back in the bag' this time.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Joey_3BM-FM Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:03 am


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:46 pm

Lizardking banned Iawhawks today, after he posted the latest in a long string of meaningless posts that were designed to discredit our forum by including no actual content, and he incorrectly assumed that I had banned him (which admittedly did make me feel honoured), and thus he sent me a pathetic little diatribe via email, and by doing so he removed any doubts that we may have had with regards to him being a Shill or not. 

He seems to have just deleted his email address, proving that it was just a fake Shill address for him to join forums with. 

Here is what the little snot sent me, for anyone looking for a good laugh: 

''This is Eric also known as "iahawks" on the IFERS forum.

I was banned today from the new IFERS forum.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I assume it was you who banned me, as you seem to be pretty quick the ban-hammer and the removal of posts that you don't agree with.

Why was I banned? I am a friend of the flat earth work. Hell, I even helped recover some of the old forum with the Revealing Quotes that I had saved.

No warning whatsoever was given to me. Hmmm… sounds kind of similar to no warning given to Eric Dubay about the ProBoards being shut down.

How do you think this makes a person feel? And what kind of impression do you think it makes? 

Try to put yourself into other people's shoes for an instant, and not be quite so arrogant.

Do you think that it is at all possible that I might possibly, just maybe, have "conspiracy" knowledge that you don't have? Or are you the only one who has the knowledge.

Hell, you thought the West Memphis Three were innocent, which is absolutely hilarious by itself.

I imagine you get a lot of notes like this...



I replied: 


I didn't ban you actually, but thanks for insulting me in any case. After reading this, why would I help you now? 

Good riddance.''

Then he said:


I wasn't asking for help.

Good riddance.''

I then replied: 

''Sure sounded like it you whiny little bitch.''

He responded:

''Such language.

Good luck getting to 10,000 posts on IFERS.

Go worship the West Memphis Three some more. You could post on IFERS about how that turns out.''

Finally, I replied:

''Worship the WM3? I never did that, and within minutes of being told that they were guilty I started researching them for the first time and found out that they were guilty, so you can keep that stinking bullshit that you are pushing and eat it for your dinner. 

I began suspecting you recently, once you started posting truly inconsequential and meaningless posts that were free of evidence, but I didn't ban you because I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Thank you so much for removing any and all doubt from my mind with regards to your true nature; I really appreciate it. 

You think we care about 10000 posts? All we care about is spreading the truth, not popularity contests, and the new IFERS already has tens of thousands of views and we will soon overtake the old forum in popularity. You may not have noticed, but thanks to Eric the truth is getting mainstream coverage and there is nothing that you or anyone else can do about it; the truth is out, no matter what. 

Good luck trying to spread your Shill nonsense elsewhere, and thanks for giving me such a good laugh this evening, I really appreciate it.''

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:21 pm

Thinkforyourself wrote:

Lizardking banned Iawhawks today
he posted the latest in a long string of meaningless posts
designed to discredit our forum

It never ceases to amaze me how these people show up here, not on behalf of the Flat Earth, but to promote other agendas.
In Fact, these people would rather see this forum shut-down, if they can't promote their agenda.

Good job Admin team.

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