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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:09 am

vortexpuppy wrote:
Wonder how much a flat earth crisis actor gets paid?
Why would anyone do it?

a) Is it really just for material gain?
b) Or are they malicious?
c) Or to be pitied for their ignorance and stupidity?
d) All of the above?

Based on what I've experienced, these Heliocentric Priests who engage you on YouTube comments are full-time employees for unrelated companies; but they have 8 hour access to the Internet, and are clearly not monitored by their employers.

I have also seen dedicated Heliocentric Priests, who after 8 hours of rebuttal will change shifts, and a new Heliocentric Priests will take over.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:13 pm

I had a look at some of the shill channels. Fiveredpears has got to be one of the worst. I posted the following on his channel, but it seems to be blocked.

Dear Fiveredpears,

I extensively viewed your videos and comments on this channel. I will summarize my thoughts here, although they don't necessarily apply to this video alone. In your “math/geometry” videos, you are making a variety of implicit assumptions (e.g. light rays are parallel). The implications of these assumptions are not addressed, since you maybe don't even realize them yourself, and your viewers remain uninformed. Absolutely nowhere do you factor the mechanisms or laws of perspective in your “proofs” (e.g. when taking a bearing to the sun). You are not in fact proving anything. All you are doing is showing that the physical entities, drawn with a lead pencil, of lines and circles on your flat piece of paper on your table in 3D-Euclidean space, conform to the relationships of Euclidean geometry. Well done. This is indeed comparable to elementary achievements at school, but please remember in the words of Mark Twain “Never let schooling get in the way of your education”.

In a world where mathematicians and physicists agree that a "geocentric and heliocentric model" are mathematically equivalent and where mariners have navigated the Earth for thousands of years, using Euclidean principles (and always managed to find East, at any time of the year), you think you can school us with your teenage geometry and prove the Earth is a spinning globe, with the same tired arguments? Seriously?

Your derision of other channels such as Jungle Surfer or Phuket Word, (they may not always be 100% correct, but then who is?), reveal your true character. They are not afraid to question the accepted paradigm and are teaching people to see behind the deceit, to think for themselves, but all you can do is hurl abuse.

The worst thing about your channel, is your use of foul, offensive language and derision of people who have a different view to you. You obviously delight in mocking and ridicule along with your sock puppet friends.

You proudly show Feynman as your default video but maybe you should listen to what he says: “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered, than answers that can’t be questioned”, or “I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something”, or “the first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool”.

Why do you bother if Flat Earthers are all as dumb as you think? I see only 2 possibilities:

1) You are a paid dis-informer, intentionally out to muddy the waters and confuse neophytes on this topic. Although considering how bad you do it (at least for discerning minds and those with more mathematical expertise than you or your followers), I don’t think anybody would pay you. You are more likely to be a lowly freemason lackey from the wee toon of Dundee, who will grovel, to carry out this kind of work, to curry favor with your masters.

2) You are a typical product of a declining education system, where common sense and reason are no longer taught (the boys upstairs don’t want that), you can no longer think for yourself, or outside of the box, you have done little research to overcome your lifetime of indoctrination, you are simply “repeating” the brainwashing they gave you. You don’t seem to realize that Flat Earthers are already beyond this. In fact, you display a disgraceful arrogance, reflecting only your own ugly personality, if you think we are all dimwits and idiots that have not researched this topic.

Probably, both of the above apply. This channel is not worth visiting or wasting time on. It does zilch to further understanding, nor does it bring anything new to the table. So fuck you too :-)


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:31 pm

I know I am repeating myself, but I sure am glad that IFERS is a shill-free haven of genuine truthseekers.
Thanks again to Eric, TFY and LK for making it so.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by jimmytamp Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:47 am

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Image11

While in Indonesia, the shill's groups are started to spread out just like these in Facebook.
I got banned in two of these groups just because I said satelites are hoax...



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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by mitch Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:31 am

The Flat Earth : Party Pooper Dan Pratt CIA Shill Tactics 101

In this video Dan Pratt The Loud Proud Ratt will show you how to use his CIA shill tactics on a flat earthers...
Lesson #1 Pretend you care about the flat earth
Lesson #2 Try to cause division between them
Lesson #3 Laugh Like a man mad in front of the camera so anyone looking into the flat earth that find his videos thinks we are all mad people

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:01 am

Jeran, Bob and Antonio now going on for 4 hours about their "New FE MAP & MODEL" which is: "sort of heart-shaped but more like a square Earth." Thanks for continuing to prove what obvious misinfo shills your crew are:


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:34 pm

Admin wrote:Jeran, Bob and Antonio now going on for 4 hours about their "New FE MAP & MODEL" which is: "sort of heart-shaped but more like a square Earth." Thanks for continuing to prove what obvious misinfo shills your crew are:

I switched off after 1 minute into the "ghostbusters intro", so blatantly obvious nonsense to ridicule the subject.

Don't know that I can stomach watching the crap, or listening to what they have to say about "map-making".

I wonder how these sell-outs can sleep at night. They will eventually have to account for their actions.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:04 am

The latest shill talking point is to act like the Gleasons, Hammonds, Azimuthal and other good flat Earth maps are wrong to sow seeds of confusion and doubt among people just starting to research the subject. Then they provide new bullshit models/maps like this one acting like they've figured out some newer better "heart-shaped/square earth" map... ridiculous


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:43 pm

Admin wrote:
The latest shill talking point is to act like the flat Earth maps are wrong to sow seeds of confusion and doubt among people just starting to research the subject.  
Then they provide new bullshit models/maps

This is a follow-up to Eric's comment on the DIRTH youtube channel.

Currently, all comments have been turned-off, this was done after it was pointed out that Eric's comment had been ban/hidden.

     "Flat Earth Shill Protocol: Claim there are problems with the traditional FE maps and present absolutely ridiculous
      new "heart-shaped square-earth" maps/models instead to cause division and confusion among newbs."

It was also discovered that the Balltard calling himself "GLOBEBUSTERS" was also known as "TheEarthIsASphere" on the The Flat Earth Society forum.

     Re: Problems with a flat earth
     November 18, 2015, 11:11:29 AM
     Oh look, another tactic used by flat Earthers!
     Derailing the thread because they know they're wrong, and just want to be asshats about it!

When we compare his word usage and writing style we see a direct match, based on his response to Eric on the DIRTH video:

     You have single handedly caused more derision, division, and discordance than any 50 shills ever could!
     You are a pathetic little loser and you will pay for your intentional destruction of everything that is good about this awakening!
     Now piss off you asshat!

Note how "GLOBEBUSTERS" aka "TheEarthIsASphere" uses an exclamation point to end each sentence, which also includes the word "asshat".

You can see that "TheEarthIsASphere" has now removed his "asshat" comment on the The Flat Earth Society forum.  Was this an attempt to cover his ass?

In our small community, with 95% Shills, there are no coincidences.

The Latest from DIRTH:
Eric, you are the cause of the infighting. You are like scientism. Do not propose new ideas for they will confuse the masses and put them back to sleep, BULLSHIT! We are getting tons of messages of people that are saying they were on the fence but this video has woken them up to the reality of a flat earth. The AE map is the shills biggest argument. There are many questions about it, missing pieces that people haven't thought of. This logical and demonstrable concept makes more sense than anything so far. Its such a shame that you have so much knowledge but them mix it with shit and close your mind. Your IFERS boars has scared more people away from FE than the flat earth society. Flat Earth Shill Protocol: Find a video that has the potential to explain something big and claim the people that made it are trying to confuse the masses. Provide no proof that the model is wrong.

What DIRTH and the other Balltards have done is to promote Fake Flights out of South America to Australia, now they've invented yet another fake flat Earth Map to prove fake flights are real.  You would have thought the failure of Tigerdan to invent new flat Earth Maps would have sufficed.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:29 pm

lol! magnet this, magnetic that... its a star map... , pyramid connection, claims it explains the Bermuda triangle.. and then claims explains everything.

My favorite part was when she had crazy eyes after shining a torch on a ball like a maniac.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Uf4dWPt

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:02 pm

csp wrote:
she had crazy eyes after shining a torch on a ball

They are in the Business of selling Spaceballs.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Koi Fresco

Post by musicsentry Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:29 am

Koi just posted a video slamming the flat earth. He's got about 190K subscribers. He has shill written all over him.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:02 pm

csp wrote:lol! magnet this, magnetic that... its a star map... , pyramid connection, claims it explains the Bermuda triangle.. and then claims explains everything.

My favorite part was when she had crazy eyes after shining a torch on a ball like a maniac.

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Uf4dWPt

Ha! Yes, she did look batshit crazy when spreading her rambling nonsense. These Shills are so 'nuts' and bad at their jobs that it is safe to say that the inmates are running the asylum.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:04 pm

Admin wrote:The latest shill talking point is to act like the Gleasons, Hammonds, Azimuthal and other good flat Earth maps are wrong to sow seeds of confusion and doubt among people just starting to research the subject.  Then they provide new bullshit models/maps like this one acting like they've figured out some newer better "heart-shaped/square earth" map... ridiculous

Do these damp squibs not realise how transparent their pathetic actions are? Do they really believe that anyone will inhale their obvious bullshit and do anything other than realise that it stinks enough to make their eyes water?

The only thing these morons succeeded in doing was dragging Steere away from standing in front of her mirror for a few minutes.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by mitch Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:57 pm


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Wed Aug 03, 2016 3:33 am


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:13 am

As people keep asking me about it, here is my assessment of the "Mandela Effect"

The Mandela Effect is an irrelevant, non-topic that has been injected into the flat Earth discussion by the Potato shill squad. The fact that the Jews/Masons are changing certain titles/phrases in their various medias is NOT proof that there is some psychological timeline meta-manipulation going on where CERN is changing our reality. It is more stupid distraction disinformation to get people talking about la-la-land issues with no substance. Just because the Jews/Masons changed Sex in the City to Sex and the City has nothing to do with Flat Earth and nothing to do with CERN or "timelines." They're merely changing keywords and trying to make you think you're crazy for noticing.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:20 am

Yes, nonsense and distraction.
Just because Winston is rewriting history, it doesn't mean there is any magical woo-woo.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:11 pm

A great post from Ali Dohadwala on Facebook I had to share here:

People who think shills are not a threat are naive. Every post, every video they make is designed to misdirect and misinform the masses. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. They will claim Eric and real truth seekers are shills for simply questioning their behaviour.

They are the ones causing division while pretending to be without fault. They claim we should all just go along to get along. Fuck that, I stand with Eric and others who are here to keep it real and promote truth/discernment not games and lies. My 5 cents.

I think Patricia and Mark are clear cut shills. Mark is on record lying about what Eric believes while pretending to be his follower. He claims the moon is a hologram and that the earth is a heated from beneath the oceans without any empirical evidence to backup his assertions. He claims the matrix we live in is an artificial design and uses his imagination to explain his model from a "video game design standpoint". If you don't see he is a dis-info agent then you are naive.

Patricia is 50 plus years old yet acts like a naive teenager. She stands by Mark and claims she is just here to spread truth. Her show is an endless parade of speculation that would put any critical thinker to sleep. If you are attracted to her personality you need serious help deprogramming from a cult/slave mindset. She acts like a pretentious celebrity and many of y'all follow her around like puppy dogs.

Seriously folks its time to watch these shills closely, expose their every move and dump them back into the sewer whence they came from!

Anyone who associates with them is suspect and must be approached with caution.

Also the rest of the shilly folks exposed on IFERS need to be monitored too. Powerland to me seems like a narcissistic, jealous individual who criticizes Eric for exposing Zionism, Talmudic Judaism and their connection to Freemasonry in order to label him a racist. I suppose in his sick vision this would enable him to take over the movement. He is a habitual liar who makes videos to promote himself first and truth second. If you are a fan of his personality and cannot see through his antics then you need to deprogram from your cult/slave mindset. He calls Eric a shill without any proof and never mentions the role of international Jewry in the globe deception. This is a mark of a shill and/or a jealous, insincere maniac. Not to mention he is a self professed former NASA employee.

Orphan Red is another shill outright. She acts retarded on purpose to make FE sound ridiculous. For you men who are obsessed with cleavage I suggest you practice some discipline!

The rest of their circus clowns who have started their own limited hangouts where they speculate nonstop nonsense such as claiming to have formulated new accurate maps or present ideas to explain electromagnetism pertaining to celestial objects without providing any empirical proof are here to further steer you down a path of retardation set in motion by their leaders . They oftentimes will present theory as fact, connect one too many dots and rarely focus on presenting FACTS and/or exposing NASA and Freemasonry.

Wake up folks and lets expose these shills on a regular basis in a systematic, objective manner. No need for slander and baseless allegations. Eric is only one man and he deserves more help. Remember NASA's budget is in the billions!

A good way to continue exposing these shills is to make a critical response video after watching their shit shows, I personally can't sit through them. Just a brief video labelled with the same key words as in their title so as to be found in searches/listing together.

You can use satire to mock their speculative antics. You can give a voice to the questions they never seem to answer in chat rooms. You will be saving new comers a lot of wasted time by exposing these agents. Don't use vulgar language and try to keep your emotions out of this. There is a war for our minds and these sociopaths/psychopaths enjoy misleading people. Don't be naive folks, these shills are not like you and me. They don't give a fuck about truth because if they did they would accept objective criticism, instead they act self righteous and claim we are dividers for humbly suggesting they stop misinforming/misleading the public. Have fun while you are at it, these maniacs surely are!

Woah I went in deep ... I guess its just been on my mind lately. These people pretend to be genuine, regular, lower income citizens and you fall for it. Being poor is not synonymous with being genuine. Movie actors can pretend to be poor in their scripted role and move your heart but you know they are Illuminati ponds.

In the same way, these shills do a great job pretending. They probably don't get paid a lot but enough to keep a roof over their heads better than the homeless.

Working in the investigations/undercover sector for a few years I know how little it costs to make a decent human sell their morality. Now imagine how easy it would be to recruit a psychopath who craves power/control. They would do it for free!

When an agent signs a confidentiality agreement with an agency and break it they risk losing their license and in the case of these shills could also be subject to criminal prosecution under various national security laws depending on their level of clearance.

When you go undercover in any medium to large organization you are given a job via the HR department. The application goes through the regular process albeit with a helping hand (new job creation). Your back story is manufactured when necessary, all credentials are created beforehand and you spend days rehearsing your false persona.

In the case of contracting with alphabet agencies your entire identity can be faked/forged with a paper trail left in the public domain. If you think this is far fetched you are not awake at all.

Oh and a lot of shill apologists keep arguing this notion that Eric is also a shill for going back and forth with the Potatoes and thereby unnecessarily creating drama because he himself wants publicity for the wrong reasons.

This notion is absurd and FALSE. Eric had the views before these shills came onto the scene. Heck a lot of them gained traction by attaching to Eric's work like slime.

All you have to do is look at the FACT that Eric had built a large following in the alternative media community before FE broke out. His diligent effort to gain a considerable audience via persistent marketing is not a PSYOP rather the result of hard work. Eric managed to build and maintain an online presence for years by publishing multiple books, being active on social media and sharing free articles on his website.

So quit with that lame argument and learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff via careful discernment!

Oh and no I don't "worship" Eric. If you think otherwise you maybe too far gone down the lane of retardation!

I know I maybe preaching to the choir a little bit on this thread but I do know a lot of closet Dubay doubters still exist who are not able to separate reality/factual evidence from falsehood/slander. This is why I am still chirping!

Most of you will not surf through the data on IFERS and truly form an independent, informed opinion on the subject. Therefore, I am here to break down the information in fewer words and give you a summary the best I can. Peace.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Fri Aug 19, 2016 1:40 am


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:44 am

What a dumb video. So his only critique of me is that I "don't follow the Bible or Koran??" So if I was Christian or Muslim, I would be "enlightened," but because I research all spiritual/religious systems and have my own ideas about such topics, that makes me a shill? He's also strawmaning my point that we are a posteriori subjective packets of the One objective a priori consciousness. I know we are "created" and not "The Creator." I said we are like "pieces of God" given subjectivity so we can experience the breadth and depth of this yin/yang world of opposites. Obviously we are not all "The Creator," and don't have infinite powers of immortality as he suggests my idea entails.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:42 am

Admin wrote:What a dumb video.  So his only critique of me is that I "don't follow the Bible or Koran??"  So if I was Christian or Muslim, I would be "enlightened," but because I research all spiritual/religious systems and have my own ideas about such topics, that makes me a shill?  He's also strawmaning my point that we are a posteriori subjective packets of the One objective a priori consciousness.  I know we are "created" and not "The Creator."  I said we are like "pieces of God" given subjectivity so we can experience the breadth and depth of this yin/yang world of opposites.  Obviously we are not all "The Creator," and don't have infinite powers of immortality as he suggests my idea entails.

Well, it looks like he's removed the video already... that didn't take long.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:14 am


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:12 am

That is a great observation, not that their behavior and bullshittery isn't a dead give away. But at least if there is a half intelligent shill one day, we'll know the call sign.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 5 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by mitch Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:47 pm

In 2014 Arthur Cristian posted this apparently in support of the nascent FE truth movement:

Eric Dubay Videos Earth Being Flat & Not Spinning Rotating Revolving Wobbling - Controlled Opposition & The Atlantean Conspiracy
Thu, 12/25/2014

But today we have this rubbish:

Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Movement Is A Cult
This Thread Explains How And Why


Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

26th August 2016

Ali Dohadwala
24 August at 23:54 ·
I got a message for all you folks trying to slander Mr. Dubay. Y'all won't succeed. It's clear to me you people can't destroy his message and so you are trying to debase his character. You are the same people who act self righteous and spread dis-info about FE. Your videos are retarded attempts at mocking the truth. You may fool many and lead them down a lane of retardation. However those paying attention can see through your fake facade and soon your dark ways will be brought closer to the light.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/ali.dohadwala/posts/10154595600459789

Near the end of this Facebook discussion Ali Dohadwala replied: " What topic do you want to discuss? If your aim is to debunk the FE reality then you must provide your proofs and let the public determine their validity. If they are self evident then I am sure you can lure away all "Eric's followers" which seems to be your intent. So instead of acting self righteous and taunting Eric why don't you just let your work speak for itself.

It is obvious to me that your pseudo science holds no weight and is being ignored by critical thinkers. If you came on this thread to preach your gospel of truth then you have succeeded. Drop all your research links here and let the public scrutinize your claims. Peace.

1 hr
Arthur Cristian

Ali said, "provide your proofs and let the public determine their validity." So here are our proofs.

Lies create the cults of fantasy. Believers in fantasy are the duped clinging to lies as their only form of "reality-salvation" to the chaos, harm, doubt, uncertainty, deceit, fear, fantasy, illusion and delusion they are experiencing and enduring.

It has been this way since the inculcation of psyop programming manipulation practices were implemented as a Satanic craft to control others through trauma and reactions to trauma, conning them into projecting pseudoscience images to create make believe worlds to live in and be ruled by those who invented inculcation and pseudoscience.

Inculcation occurs ONLY through the sinister forms (delivery mechanisms) of trauma based myths, fables, fairytales, 3rd party indoctrination, brainwashing and expert commentary (education/instruction/explanation/suggestion) because they only happened amongst the victims of war, invasion and decimation and those who conquered them.

Wherever you find these myths and lores, you also find that they are rooted in the history of war and terror, the trauma that everyone is reacting to, thanks to the manipulation of inculcation and pseudoscience that imprisons them in "The System". This is what forms "The System", which is Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. All the ancient civilisations bear the mark of this manipulation upon the people trapped in them.

The fanaticism of Christianity is set against the backdrop of "The System" so that all the fanatics of Christianity are trapped in "The System" of the church controlled by the priests who are really the practising occultists of Freemasonry. The same happens with Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, atheism, the New Age, quantum physics, Flat Earth, etc, etc. If you think that this is not the case with FE, then you are a deeply brainwashed fanatic, which is one of the reasons why we want to debate with Eric. We would like to draw him out into the big picture and see where he goes.


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