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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Wed May 18, 2016 1:21 am

Schpankme wrote:
"Mathias Kp"
he claims the Earth is spherical because he took pictures of the same Building from different distances
each distance (photo) supposedly shows the building falling further below the Curve of the Earth.

How could you claim Curvature when you cannot account for the Perceptive shown in your photo's?
you've used Perceptive and the rising water-line to fake curve.

New Twist on this story, seems I've been tag-teamed; I started getting someone on YouTube named "Itspietertime" follow me around to my other YouTube comments; and specifically, he started responding to my "Perceptive" comment at about 4 AM CST; always asking for proofs of flat Earth, completely ignoring Perceptive; then he would abruptly stop making comments at around 4PM CST; at which time "Mathias Kp" the video creator would start commenting.   Basketball

The Priests of Heliocentricism are getting very desperate and they are making mistakes.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures."
~  Shakespeare, (Julius Caesar Act 4, scene 3)

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Thu May 19, 2016 4:30 pm

For those making YouTube videos, let me suggest -- banning the "9 to 5" Shills -- they are there to try intimidation or to waste your time;
no amount of evidence will be suffice for them.

Ed Hayes
Peter Whacker aka AND
Frank de Brouwer aka Emma May
DeJeezey aka DJHardcoreTruth
Julius Frenken aka Gerard Frensen aka Pieter Flatearthbuster aka Alex Quant
SqueakerAlpha (Beast Mark)
negatorxx aka soundly
mike wade
Joseph Turcotte aka Richard French
Requiem4aDr3Am aka DarkSkyWatcher
Spaceman aka ModernGalaxy
Kris de Valle
BATMAN -> sorry had to take this name away, bahaha (c)
Sly Sparkane aka GrasponReality
Rusty Walker
jake wicks
Joseph Turcotte aka Richard French
Mathias Kp aka itspietertime
Muzikgod aka zysis
Lip Stick
Jiehard Withavengence
Ben Ça-alors aka Embrace the Ball
casual breakin aka BigDog
Test Vision

Last edited by Schpankme on Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Sat May 21, 2016 1:40 am

"Go away, Flat Earthers & Space Travel Deniers!"

Published on May 20, 2016
"For the past ten years, I have produced quite a lot of videos discussing Apollo Moon landing conspiracy theories. But unfortunately in recent years, people who think that the Earth is Flat, or that ALL space travel is faked have found their way onto my channel. They've gone into the comments claiming such nonsense." ~ Jarrah White

Sounds like Jarrah is saying: Freemasons, NASA, and the other space Enterprises, only lie about going to the Moon, everything else they claim to do in Space is just CGI misunderstandings.

The name of the game is: Beat the shit out of fake Moon landings, but don't touch fake space.

Jarrah is related to astroNot "Edward Higgins White", and his step-grandfather is astroNot Gordon Mitchell.

Let me apologies to Jarrah White and his grandfather Gordon Mitchell; during my research I accidentally and wrongly associated "Gordon R. Mitchell" with Apollo hoaxster "Edward Higgins White".

Gordon R. Mitchell
1921 - 2004

Last edited by Schpankme on Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Sat May 21, 2016 2:25 pm

Great stuff SV,

They are throwing out spent carcasses, in the hope that we keep believing the bigger lies of Globes, Gravity, Space, et al.

I laughed out loud at :

In the beginning thy LORD [G]od of Gravity created the First Day, HE used BLOW to shoot matter in every conceivable direction, creating Spaceballs; then on the Sixth Day HE evolved into SUCK.

Do you prefer your Spaceballs BLOWN or SUCKED?

Priceless .. Can't stop laughing about it...


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Sat May 21, 2016 2:59 pm

vortexpuppy wrote:
In the beginning thy LORD [G]od of Gravity created the First Day,
HE used BLOW to shoot matter in every conceivable direction,
creating Spaceballs; then on the Sixth Day HE evolved into SUCK.

Do you prefer your Spaceballs BLOWN or SUCKED?

Priceless .. Can't stop laughing about it...

Thank you for the comment.  These - 9 to 5 - shills consider themselves highly educated and experts on the space Enterprise, one responded:

Yesterday 1:33 PM

Because according to the model the moon, when formed had a velocity rectangular to the pull of the earth. And because there is no friction, it continues forever. First its path was elliptical, but eventually stabilized.
The vacuum doesn't suck because gravity, according to the model, pulls it back. You get a sort of balance.

Let's recap:
"vacuum doesn't suck"
"gravity pulls it back"
"You get a sort of balance"    lol!

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Sat May 21, 2016 5:02 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Omni_eris_converts_FE_shill

Omni-Eros states, his new role is to pick and decided the Two (2) Types of flat Earther's
   1. Cool flat Earther's
   2. Douchebag flat Earther's

Today, Omni-Eros says, he is leaving flat Earth, and rambles on for three (3) minutes as to his reasons why:

Hello my Retards
It's me Omni-Eros
I need to make an addendum from my flat Earth NAZI video
I wasn't harsh enough
I lost my way since compromising with the flat Earth movement
I started reviewing [flat Earth] as another religion I should be tolerant of
I lost myself
I found myself in really bizarre situations, which made me question, how did I get here?
I think flat Earth is another retarded, hack, scam, movement started by Trolls, kinda like White Genocide
I have had enough of the flat Earth movement, which is basically run by NAZI's, who talk about JEWS as the usual suspects
I called this shit, I said the flat Earth movement would be a flash in the pan
People are going to be embarrassed claiming they ever made flat Earth vidoes
Now, we see the flat Earth movement is dying
These are my real thoughts, my real thoughts
If your my friend and you believe in the flat Earth, just know; I really have no respect for the belief what so ever
Adios, and Remember guys, "the Earth is an oblate spheroid", but it's inside out

Does this mean Omni-Eros/Eris was never really a flat Earth man?

Tell'em what he's won Johnny!


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Sat May 21, 2016 11:43 pm

I choose option Nr.1 for him -  Douche Bag. Good riddance.

The new spell cast of the week from HogWash ShillSchool, seems to be "the FlatEarth is dying".

Saying it often enough is supposed to make it happen, like "No point getting on the bus, it's the last stop."

They don't realEyes, that the spells don't work anymore. Our sons and daughters are already awake.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun May 22, 2016 5:35 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Schpankme wrote:
Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Omni_eris_converts_FE_shill

Omni-Eros states, his new role is to pick and decided the Two (2) Types of flat Earther's
   1. Cool flat Earther's
   2. Douchebag flat Earther's

Today, Omni-Eros says, he is leaving flat Earth, and rambles on for three (3) minutes as to his reasons why:

Hello my Retards
It's me Omni-Eros
I need to make an addendum from my flat Earth NAZI video
I wasn't harsh enough
I lost my way since compromising with the flat Earth movement
I started reviewing [flat Earth] as another religion I should be tolerant of
I lost myself
I found myself in really bizarre situations, which made me question, how did I get here?
I think flat Earth is another retarded, hack, scam, movement started by Trolls, kinda like White Genocide
I have had enough of the flat Earth movement, which is basically run by NAZI's, who talk about JEWS as the usual suspects
I called this shit, I said the flat Earth movement would be a flash in the pan
People are going to be embarrassed claiming they ever made flat Earth vidoes
Now, we see the flat Earth movement is dying
These are my real thoughts, my real thoughts
If your my friend and you believe in the flat Earth, just know; I really have no respect for the belief what so ever
Adios, and Remember guys, "the Earth is an oblate spheroid", but it's inside out

Does this mean Omni-Eros/Eris was never really a flat Earth man?

Tell'em what he's won Johnny!

I wonder what Steere is going to say about this? Is she going to admit that she has been bedfellows with a laughably appalling and blatantly obvious Shill? I am sure that it will not be long until Steere drags herself away from looking at herself in the mirror and also tries to claim that she is 'leaving the Flat Earth Truth Movement'.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Sun May 22, 2016 6:13 pm

Thinkforyourself wrote:
Does this mean Omni-Eros/Eris was never really a flat Earth man?

I wonder what Steere is going to say about this?
Is she going to admit that she has been bedfellows with a laughably appalling and blatantly obvious Shill?
it will not be long until Steere claims that she is 'leaving the Flat Earth Truth Movement

These Shills are interesting, most don't even know how their flat Earth works, yet they try to debunk it.

They've all been proogrammed to live on the Spinning Ball that holds water around it's circumference;
[G]ravity replaced Abracadabra.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Beashambassador Sun May 29, 2016 4:22 am

Shill Gatekeeping | Bill Nye's Spherical Proof | Space Bubbles | Flat Earth


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Anyone run into Darren Nesbit?

Post by BeLeeDee Mon May 30, 2016 10:07 pm

I was watching a youtube video the other day "Flat Earth Live @ New Horizons" A presentation by Darren Nesbit. He started by announcing he wasn't a shill. Good strategy. Which he would prove because 95% of the Flat Earth shills out there were using the wrong map/model and he would show us his model which will prove this. He claimed the midnight sun in the antarctic was true and length of days was the same in Northern and Southern latitudes and his model would prove it. He then gave a very good presentation covering the standard boilerplate arguments, which I watched all the while waiting eagerly for his FE model/map revelation. When he finally showed it, he barely explained it, (its ridiculous) then quickly ended the presentation, answered a couple questions, then left. Classic example of a "truth sandwich". check it out.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Tue May 31, 2016 6:08 am

Well explained, yes, I've seen his shilly presentation, which in typical controlled opposition fashion mixes truth with just enough bullshit to throw people completely off track.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by regencybrougham Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:13 am

NDT is at it again:


Real people can frustrate scientists.

Some real people believe that the Earth is a mere 6,000 years old.

Some, including rapper B.O.B., believe that it's possible to fall off the end of the Earth because it's flat.

Pointing to a globe doesn't seem to help.

In a conversation with the Huffington Post, astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson knows whom to blame for this parlous situation.

"I blame the education system that can graduate someone into adulthood who cannot tell the difference between what is and is not true about this world," he said.

He explained that it's easy to think of education as taking a child's empty mind and pouring information into it.

"At no time are you actually trained how to think, how to analyze, how to process information, how to judge information" he said.

What depresses him is that kids merely memorize information, regurgitate it for an exam and then forget it all. What that information meant, how factually true it was seems not relevant to them.

Tyson believes that too many kids just don't know how things work. So some believe the Earth is flat.

It makes sense to them. It's like, he said, kids watching TV and believing that the people on the TV know them.

"When you are a little child, you think they know you because you are the center of your own universe," he said. "And to mature out of that is very hard -- not only when we grow up as humans, but also as we grow up as a civilization."

"Ignorance shouldn't be thought of as a bad word," said Tyson. The problem is, he said, that if you simply don't know something and you have the power to influence others (B.O.B. has 2.3 million Twitter followers), this is dangerous.

"I don't blame B.O.B. I blame the educational system that can graduate someone into adulthood who cannot tell the difference between what is and is not true about this world," he said.

Some might muse that truth is overrated. As our current presidential candidates prove, truth can be a barrier to success. Whereas peddling nonsense can get you elected.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:35 am

Saw this on my YouTube feed:


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:31 am

Jarrah White clearly has no understanding of copyright law and is now threatening to sue me for mentioning him in one paragraph of my Flat Earth Conspiracy book:


Mr. Dubay,

This email concerns your book titled The Flat Earth Conspiracy.

In recent months I have been appalled to learn that, in your book, you have cited sections from Ralph Rene's NASA Mooned America and clips from my MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes of Propaganda video as "evidence" that all space travel is fake and that the Earth is flat.

This is preposterous. There is no evidence that the Earth is flat, anyone who understands how gravity works and its effect on large masses should be able to understand why the Earth is round. Not to mention the fact that we have non-government space missions, like SpaceShipOne, which clearly show a round Earth. Which brings me to the topic of space travel. It is not true that all space travel is fake. I personally have seen the ISS transit the sky, anybody can resolve it with a $200 telescope, and the interior videos clearly show astronauts floating around for far longer than would be possible to fake in the KC-135 vomit comet. The zero gravity dives last only 30seconds, the ISS videos last minutes to hours.

Furthermore, Ralph Rene also shared my belief that not all space travel is fake. The opening statement of his book clearly reads "Our shuttles routinely blast off to orbit the Earth, there is not a single doubt that man is in space!" And throughout my videos, I have clearly discussed scenarios as to how NASA would have faked the Moon missions and they all involve space travel of some sort. Namely the astronauts staying in low Earth orbit, sending unmanned relay probes to simulate telecommunications (like the Soviets did on Zond 5), and the Lunar Orbiter spacecrafts resolving the lunar surface prior to the Apollo missions. Not to mention my videos in which I called Phil Plait out on his false accusation that Bill Kaysing claimed all space travel is impossible.

Therefore, you have clearly quoted our respective research out of context and misrepresented our position. There is no doubt that the Apollo Moon missions and Mars landings were faked, but that is not the same as all space travel being faked. And it is a gigantic stretch to use this to suggest that the Earth is flat.

As copyright holder of NASA Mooned America and the man who produced the MoonFaker and MarsFaker videos, I hereby order you to cease and desist the use of any and all material from my and Ralph Rene's respective publications. You do not have my permission to use either of our work in your Flat Earth book, and you are ordered to remove it from your book and cease sales of any printings containing it at once.

I will not be associated with morons who think the Earth is flat and that all space travel is fake, and I sure as hell will not let them sully Ralph Rene's legacy with their nonsense. If you do not comply with my demands, I will pursue legal action against you.

Jarrah White


In the book I called him "a diligent Mars Hoax researcher" and mentioned two points of evidence he noticed of Mars fakery in his YouTube videos. I also quote Ralph Rene several times in the same chapter. Someone should inform Jarrah that anyone is free to reference and quote others' published works regardless of whether they like or agree with everything in the work quoting them. Jarrah should be happy I've given a plug and positive praise to him in my best-selling book, but instead he's threatening to sue me for agreeing with and helping promote his work.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by csp Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:03 am

Admin wrote:Jarrah White

Seen this in the comments on his video denouncing flat earthers:

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 ORBK5Py

Absolute idiot

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:57 pm

Admin wrote:
Jarrah White threatening to sue me
The Flat Earth Conspiracy

Jarrah White comments:

you have cited as "evidence" that all space travel is fake and that the Earth is flat
gravity effects large masses [this is] why the Earth is round
non-government space missions show a round Earth
It is not true that all space travel is fake
I have seen the ISS transit the sky

Ralph Rene shared my belief that not all space travel is fake
Our shuttles orbit the Earth there is not a single doubt that man is in space
I discussed scenarios as to how NASA faked the Moon missions and they all involve space travel
astronauts in low Earth orbit simulate telecommunications and spacecrafts resolving the lunar surface prior to Apollo
There is no doubt that the Apollo Moon missions and Mars landings were faked that is not the same as all space travel being faked 

Clearly, these charlatans promote Freemasons in Space, but no Freemason exploring Spaceballs.

"I'm gonna have to Science the shit out of this." ~ The Martian

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by sircannonball Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:22 pm

csp wrote:
Admin wrote:Jarrah White

Seen this in the comments on his video denouncing flat earthers:

Absolute idiot


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by lizardking Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:36 pm

Admin wrote:Jarrah White clearly has no understanding of copyright law and is now threatening to sue me for mentioning him in one paragraph of my Flat Earth Conspiracy book:


Mr. Dubay,

I will not be associated with morons who think the Earth is flat and that all space travel is fake, and I sure as hell will not let them sully Ralph Rene's legacy with their nonsense. If you do not comply with my demands, I will pursue legal action against you.

Jarrah White

Jarrah, you obviously have no grasp on your own disgusting Freemasonic laws, considering there is fuck all you can do about Eric telling the truth regarding your part in the hoax. We will associate you with the flat Earth truth as long as we like, you little pussy ass bitch.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by mitch Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:06 pm

We know all about failed actor degrasse tyson's embarrassing shilly antics and general buffoonery.  

Here's angry Professor Brian Cox (failed pop star) in another feeble attempt at damage limitation in a BBC radio and tv rag i saw in the shop today

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 DSC_0008

Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 DSC_0009

‘You are the highest order of s***wits’: Brian Cox hits out at conspiracy theorists who say the International Space Station is fake

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Beashambassador Fri Jul 01, 2016 2:37 am


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Beashambassador Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:35 pm

ODD has Two You Tube sites, one site has been shut down...

ODD-TV You Tube site Shut Down
"This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Terms of Service."
ODD-TV Video play back stopped with message ...."This video no longer available due to a copyright claim by Jamie Mullin"

ODD TV Conspiracy Vlog is still active

Last edited by Beashambassador on Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional info added)

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Beashambassador Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:53 pm

ODD TV vs Youtube | Reinstate ODD TV!!!

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Schpankme Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:23 am

The new thing for the Heliocentric Priests is to have Flat Earth Hangouts, where they control the subject matter; ridicule and make fun of the flat Earther's who participate.
I was monitoring one of these calls today, sponsored by Spaceman, with no flat earth participants, and only one Heliocentric Priests (SqueakerAlpha) in chat; after about 1.5 hours of silence they started chatting via text, about someone called "Desertphile", and how he will start subverting the flat Earth by making videos under the YouTube account called: Erik Gall

Desertphile aka Erik Gall

You will note that Erik Gall is currently COPYING other flat Earth YouTube videos, without credit; my guess is he's trying to establish a name as promoting flat Earth.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 4 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by vortexpuppy Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:39 am

Great stuff, you whacked bounce them before they even started.

Wonder how much a flat earth crisis actor gets paid?
Why would anyone do it?

a) Is it really just for material gain?
b) Or are they malicious?
c) Or to be pitied for their ignorance and stupidity?
d) All of the above?


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Sponsored content

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