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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Stargods a FE etc. Shill?

Post by TheReal_iHateMainStream Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:57 am


What are everyone's thoughts on Stargods YouTube Channel?  

He is an older fella that lives in Canada.  He also talks about shape-shifting reptilians and what not along with Flat Earth.  There is really quite a fusion of Cons. Topics going on on his channel.  He does pass two of my litmus tests, which means he talks about the jews and the Flat Earth.



PS> if this post is in the wrong place or inappropriate plz let me know.  This is my first post.

Last edited by TheReal_iHateMainStream on Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : bad spelling)

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:13 pm

I avoid everyone who talks about the following subjects:
Reptilians, Aliens, Illuminati, Mind-Control, Nibiru, Annunaki, Mandela-Effect and so on.

David Icke talks about the Jews, but he is so clearly a shill and/or controlled opposition, so just because someone talks about the Jews does not automatically mean they are trustworthy.

A little bit of truth mixed in with so much obfuscation, that's been David Icke's modus operandi for 25+ years.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Realearth Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:55 pm

Nice to see you on the forum, I follow your channel, your material is very informative.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by spacecreature Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:44 pm

Hello I tried searching for him on the forum but couldn't find anything. What about "Mad" Mike or Mike Hughes, what do you know about him? Is he legit, controlled opposition or just one crazy man having fun? He just successfully launched himself in a mini Rocket. He didnt go very high, but it was still an achievement . It's all over youtube now. I am new here so not sure if I can start posting links but you can search it easily.


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:40 am

Agreed ^
I do think YT will 'nuke' your channel soon IHMS, they cannot have the Goyim sharing the truth about the Jews. (documented fact = hate speech)


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by TheReal_iHateMainStream Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:05 pm

I agree with everyone's statements so far...FL@T-E@RTH and Realearth concerning stargods..

as far as my channel goes on jewtube...it is cool if they nuke it.. you can always find me under that youtube name...cheers my brothers..
if one subscriber is there i will be making content...sub counts are nice of course but with this TRUTH game we play, it is a casualty that we have to deal with...


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:39 pm

Kudos to you IHMS, for having the balls to even speak-out against the Jews, it is so obvious that the Jews are the core-problem, there is a reason they were banished from most countries during the 1500-1700's, but most people have no idea of this and believe the 'bullshit' about the Holocaust and accept the 'anti-Semitism' crap the Jew controlled media push all day everyday.

I should also add:
David Icke does indeed talk about the Jews, but if you scrutinise his content you will see he specifically talks about Zionism and how Zionism is nothing to do with the Jews and it's a vehicle for this 'New World Order' - classic smoke & mirrors.
Claim Zionism is the problem and claim it's not the 'Jewish faith or people', but Corporate entities under the Zionist label who are not even Jews LOL
Erm, OK!

If people are unsure of this, go check out the Twighlight Zone, a Sci-Fi US TV programme from 1959 (written by Rod Serling) a Jew and it fundamentally was pushing Space, Aliens, Climate-Change and all other sorts of 'crap' 10+ years before NASA even existed.
The Jews have been pulling the strings in media since WW II and pushing this garbage of a 'ball' Earth.
Check out The History Channel, it's a 24/7 destruction of the Nazi's and pushing the Holocaust.

This is why criticizing the Jews is no longer 'racism' but it has it's own connotation, anti-Semitism.
It's the phrase which ceases any kind of debate.
If I disagree with 'blacks' I am racist, if I disagree with 'Muslims' I am racist,
If I dare disagree or criticize Jews I am anti-Semitic and can be jailed!

It's so sad most people cannot see this fucking bullshit for what it is

Last edited by FL@T-E@RTH on Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fat-fingered typing mistake)

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Banana-Man Comedy Fail

Post by CSI Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:09 pm

Another predictable, mediocre P.O.S. by just one more parasitic gatekeeper, who will now be known as Banana-Man:


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by iwanttobefree Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:39 pm

pewdiepie now trash talk flat earth, im almost sure his no shill tho, hes just been fooled, i left a comment asking him to check out eric dubay, he is acctualy looking at the comments, so i ask you guys to do the same, get him to check out eric.

Last edited by iwanttobefree on Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by markwilson Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:39 pm

spacecreature wrote:Hello I tried searching for him on the forum but couldn't find anything. What about "Mad" Mike or Mike Hughes, what do you know about him? Is he legit, controlled opposition or just one crazy man having fun? He just successfully launched himself in a mini Rocket. He didnt go very high, but it was still an achievement . It's all over youtube now. I am new here so not sure if I can start posting links but you can search it easily.

My suspicion is, that just like actornot Kelly, who has only been to 'space' via big NASA swimming pools and an ISS holly-wood studio in hidden facilities (throw in a few Zero-G airplane rides for affect), the feet of the Hughes clown never departed terra firma (i.e., the bottle rocket was launched, the parachutes were remote controlled (or had sensors monitoring altitude and/or fuel to activate them), and once the vessel was back on Earth the clown was positioned at the craft to stage his recovery). He wasn't about to allow himself to die in his Controllers' space mobeel bottle rocket that day to go up a few hundred feet for a parabolic, maybe life ending, return. The magician's wand, it is said, is made of holly, and they like waving it in our faces to cast their spells.

Just my guess.

Regardless, deep state money financed the endeavor from day one when the clown made his presence known on JewTube attaching his laughable bottle rocket with "flat earth." Again, just my own opinion.

The extent of Masonic involvement in this battle is hard to measure, for sure, but since they are logically the ones circling the wagons to protect the prestige of their sun-worshiping high priests of yesteryear and today (Pythagoras, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein, Tyson, et al.), and their laughable institutions of higher learning who now have egg all over their faces, you can bet that there is an undercurrent of Mason trolls and money trying to shoot flat Earth knowledge as the public consciousness lays siege on them as they circle those wagons.

I'm open to correction. If there is an unedited video of his ascent/descent/recovery without any breaks in it, I'd entertain the notion that he was stupid enough to go on that ride.

[Edit]: There are all kinds of cuts in the video posted at troll, Karlee Sunshine's channel, and a couple others I looked at. Not a chance he went up in it. Remember; the camera people are ALWAYS in on the scam.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Admin Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:40 am

You know who's not on this list, that so many people in the FE movement love to call a shill? ME!

There are so many videos like this one circulating out there, I wanted to post my response here:

So many slanderous lies compiled into one place here. First off, La Verdad Absoluta is a she, not a he. Her name is Sandra Ilic and she is also the owner of the "Serbian Conspiracy" channel among many other fake aliases she uses. Google search the IFERS thread "Serbian Conspiracy - The Stalker" to read all about who this woman actually is and why she has been obsessively making these slanderous hit-piece videos against me: http://ifers.123.st/t286-serbian-conspiracy-the-stalker

Let me attempt to set straight all the problems I can remember from what I just watched: 1) My dad simply called the Infowarrior show that one time to thank Jason for the Loose Change documentary that woke him up and to plug my book. It is a free call-in show, my dad wasn't even a guest, and that is the only call, so to conflate that into "Alex Jones promoting Eric Dubay" is ridiculous. 2) I have figured out and exposed since then that Alex Jones is controlled opposition. 3) I have never lived in Washington DC regardless of what some website claims. The site doesn't even give an address, it just says Washington DC. I don't have an explanation for why the site says this (there are many Eric Dubay's just from Maine alone though, you can google it) but I have only visited Washington DC twice in my life and both times were before I had even graduated high school. 4) Taw was never my "wife," "fiance" or even "girlfriend" but merely a girl I dated for 2 months, over 2 years ago. Her parents do/did work for the Thai army, but that has no bearing on me or my integrity, and I expressed to them and their daughter my discontent for governments/militaries. 5) As I have stated on many occasions now, I broke up with my previous Thai girlfriends due to their aggressive behavior towards me and NOT the other way around. The woman showing a picture of a bruise on her thigh, claiming it as proof that I "beat her," in fact abused me regularly throughout our relationship. She had a poor childhood resulting in Borderline Personality Disorder which would often surface in tantrums where she did everything from slap, punch, kick, scratch and bite me; tantrums so violent that I would have to restrain her until she calmed down. The reason we are no longer together is because I finally had enough of this and gave the ultimatum that if she ever got physical with me again I would break up, and she did, so I broke up with her. And 6) Del has repeatedly explained his tattoos and stance on Satanism etc. If you paid attention to his content (likewise if you paid attention to my content) instead of all this attacking the messenger, you'd see that Del, like myself, are two of the most genuine and legitimate figures in this movement. And people like Sandra "La Verdad Absoluta - Serbian Conspiracy Stalker" Ilic are the lying psychopaths constantly pumping out their anti-Dubay propaganda: http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2016/08/paul-michael-bales-lying-morpheus.html

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Zer0R Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:04 am

Have you dealt with Ronnie and Jason and their 'Awake Souls' channel? It seems he has been gaining some subscribers lately, at now a little over 15,000 subscribers. They call many flat earthers shills, including Dubay. They are flat earthers, but they believe in the square map simulation concept, and think the Gleason's map is some psy-op.
They were previously active on Lori's "show", where they discussed opposition to many flat earthers.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Slingshot Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:01 am

Honestly, I think the main problem in the FE movement (or any truth movement, but ESPECIALLY flat earth) is a lack of education on the topic. Among the hundreds of people who make FE look stupid, I don't think that every one of them is an intentional shill (although there are definitely many intentional shills too), but I think there's a lot of people who simply haven't worked out all of their FE thinking within their own minds yet, so that, while they do genuinely know it's flat, their lack of a well-rounded education on the topic can cause them to be less articulate and sound like fools, albeit unintentionally. I'll occasionally catch some of my friends (who are genuine flat earthers) making a comment about "the dome" or "you can't go further than the antarctic ice rim" or other comments of that nature, and when that happens I'll ask them how they know beyond any reasonable doubt that what they just said is true. Of course, they'll admit they don't know and that it's speculation, to which I'll say "then don't ever add any of that into your FE rhetoric. ONLY ever stick to the 100% knowable provable evidences, or you risk making FE look stupid".

I think what's going on a lot of the time is people find out about FE and they get really excited about it quickly and then they want to make a YouTube channel or a Facebook or some other social media platform dedicated to spreading their newly acquired knowledge, BEFORE they even fully understand it themselves. And through their stumbling along, they become not intentional shills, but "shills by proxy". Especially if they diluted their understanding by watching too many videos by authentic shills like Mark Sargent. Another thing to remember is that most people these days (in USA anyway) do not read. At all. They watch tv and they have short attention spans and they utterly refuse to read for the sake of learning. This severely stunts their IQ and their ability to become highly educated on a new topic in a short amount of time. Typically, hardcore truthers are also hardcore readers, in fact their love of reading may be what contributed to their becoming a truther in the first place, it did for me. But the average American who isn't a truther or a reader before coming upon FE may become overwhelmed with a bunch of info that they really aren't good at processing and disseminating. So, with no formal education on FE, one is limited strictly to self-education (aka the best kind of education there is) and if one isn't an avid reader already, then that means they're not an avid thinker either. And if they're not an avid thinker, then they're bound to make all kinds of mistakes and suppositions that make them look and sound like a shill, even when they may be genuinely thinking they're helping the FE movement.

For example, my dad (who is a FE for almost 3 yrs now) recently went to Italy, and during his return flight he texted me that he was currently flying over Iceland and that, according to the FE map, Chicago (where we're from) is "due south" from Italy. I was like "woah woah woah...no. You misspoke. Chicago is DEFINITELY not due south of Italy..." And he said "yeah it is" and sent me a pic of a FE map that had Europe/Asia on the top side and the Americas on the bottom. Right away I understood the way his mind was thinking that prompted that conclusion. I explained to him that the FE map is just a representation and that it doesn't matter if Europe/Asia are on top or the Americas are on top, you don't determine north/south by thinking in a "north is up, south is down" way like you do when reading a small street-map. Told him "North means going towards center and south means going out and away from the center, no matter where on earth you are. So your plane, if it left Italy and headed over Iceland and ended up in Chicago, actually went north and then south, simply because that's the quickest straight-line path on FE for you to get back home. You definitely didn't go due south, otherwise you'd be in Africa right now. Secondly, don't fully trust FE maps anyway unless you've verified them." After this, he understood. But it gave me a moment of clarity and really made me question how many times during his past 3 years of being a FE he may have said things like this to other people and made FE look stupid. A couple years ago, if I'd heard something like that and the person wasn't my dad or anyone that I knew, I'd probably have instantly blasted them and categorized them a full-on shill. Now I'm a little more conscious of people's lack of education/understanding of FE so I don't call "shill" straight away, but I do always try to address and correct the lack of understanding in the person if I can help it. Then if they still spew bullshit, they're a certified shill.

Society needs to get back to the use of logic and Socratic-type questioning. People can't hardly think for themselves any more, that's the main reason for so many people being shills or APPEARING to be shills, it's the lack of ability to work all the info out in one's own head and fully understand it before spewing it to others and making one's self out to be a shill/dumbass. Unfortunately, very few people out there use the sheer logical empirical scientific common-sense approach that Eric or Del use, with refrain to speculation or suppositions. Too many people instead hear what some random guy said, then repeat it without thinking too much or verifying in their own brains and working out WHY things are as they are. Even all my FE friends and family members (of which there 7-8 now, all converted by ME hahaha) for the most part just listened to me explaining all the proofs, and over time, came to accept that earth is indeed flat, BUT then they just leave it at that and don't look into it much further. And every single time, I'd tell them "don't just listen to me though. YOU observe the world yourself. YOU be the natural scientist to prove these things yourself. And read books too and study up on the Federal Reserve and the Holohoax and read some history so you know how the world works and who runs things." But they never do. They usually only get far enough to accept a new idea, but not to push any further past it to fully absorb it and to learn other things. And these are the exact types of people, unfortunately, who usually feel most compelled to go out and buy a camera and start making YouTube vids on how well they think they know FE.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Zer0R Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:05 am

I've never had that problem. Shill-calling was never my thing, but I do recognize some authentic shill figures in existence at this point. However, I don't ever feel that someone is an agent/shill for misunderstanding or promoting some fallacy. You can literally find Mark Sargent on a Flat Earth Society employment page, so it is clear that he is a shill, but it has become a label to be pushed. Some will attack Eric Dubay and many others, like even Rowbotham, referring to them as special shills, without even thinking about all of it. I suppose you'll have to be able to recognize one when you see it.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by markwilson Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:20 pm

Slingshot wrote:Of course, they'll admit they don't know and that it's speculation, to which I'll say "then don't ever add any of that into your FE rhetoric. ONLY ever stick to the 100% knowable provable evidences, or you risk making FE look stupid".

Excellent points, and especially excellent advice to do that which you urged above. For me it always comes back to what (in my estimation) is the most obvious proof; water finding its level. I'll never for the life of me understand why so many can cling to the errant belief that water's natural disposition to find that level is altered because the basin holding it happens to be larger (i.e., water becomes bendy when basin reaches thus and such size).

We know the Earth is a stationary horizontal plane. There's absolutely no doubt about it. The battle though, is winning the minds still reeling in several hundred years worth of superstitious sun-worshiping Masonic ideology. Whereas we sometimes hear that man used to be a superstitious, the truth of the matter is that until all remnants of the "Sun, seated on his royal throne," is vanquished, the vast majority is still very superstitious to cling to the belief in the spinning ball with its bendy water and almighty sun at the center of it all.

A few things I like to cite proving it a superstitious thing to cling to the Copernican model (that is, Copernicus and Kepler were religious kooks and not scientists):

"At rest, however, in the middle of everything is the sun. For, in this most beautiful temple, who would place this lamp in another or better position than that from which it can light up the whole thing at the same time? For, the sun is not inappropriately called by some people the lantern of the universe, its mind by others, and its ruler by still others. The Thrice Greatest [Hermes, a Greek myth, the divinity of commerce, cunning, theft, travelers, and rascals] labels it a visible god, and Sophocles' Electra, the all-seeing. Thus indeed, as though seated on a royal throne, the sun governs the family of planets revolving around it.” —Nicolaus Copernicus, On the Revolutions, Book One, Chapter Ten

“Individual scientists embrace a new paradigm for all sorts of reasons and usually for several at once. Some of these reasons— for example, the sun worship that helped make Kepler a Copernican — lie outside the apparent sphere of science entirely.”  —Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (emphasis mine) [see Footnote 9]

[Footnote 9] For the role of sun worship in Kepler's thought, see E.A. Burt, The Meta­physical Foundations of Modern Physical Science (rev. ed.; New York, 1932), pp. 44-49. (emphasis mine)

“In his [Kepler’s] subsequently expressed reasons for accepting Copernicanism this central position of the sun is always included, usually first. This ascription of deity to the sun was covered over by Kepler with such mystical allegorization as was necessary to give it a hearing in the prevailing theological environment, with especial reference to the doctrine of the Trinity. The sun, according to Kepler, is God the Father, the sphere of the fixed stars is God the Son, the intervening ethereal medium, through which the power of the sun is communicated to impel the planets around their orbits, is the Holy Ghost. —The Meta­physical Foundations of Modern Physical Science, (E.A. Burt) (emphasis mine)

The original 1611 KJV Bible (King James being a sun-worshiping Freemason), speaks of a “Sun of Righteousness.” Malachi 4:2 (and picture here, all the representations of the Jesus character we've seen with the halo/sun disk behind his head)

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by MartyMar Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:36 am

Jeranism sure made FE look like a joke on that debate with Aron Ra . Eric you need to set these guys straight .


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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by markwilson Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:18 pm

MartyMar wrote:Jeranism sure made FE look like a joke on that debate with Aron Ra . Eric you need to set these guys straight .  

I listened until the Aron Ra clown right away started pontificating mast-of-ship-proves-bendy-water-and-I-just-single-handedly-shutdown-all-flat-earth-talk. And with the belligerence of the Aron Ra character, the only way to debate such a braggadocio ego would be with an honest moderator who wouldn't put up with his rude crap as he continually talks over the other guy.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Zer0R Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:49 pm

Yeah, that debate wasn't really constructive, just a bunch of interruptions claiming he proved his claims, when he never did. It is funny how he tells Jeran that evidence for gravity is the moon moving over us, lol. Then the moderator moved against Jeranism.
His mountain argument in the beginning was at least better, because it directly went to the curvature topic.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Slingshot Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:29 pm

markwilson wrote:We know the Earth is a stationary horizontal plane. There's absolutely no doubt about it. The battle though, is winning the minds still reeling in several hundred years worth of superstitious sun-worshiping Masonic ideology. Whereas we sometimes hear that man used to be a superstitious, the truth of the matter is that until all remnants of the "Sun, seated on his royal throne," is vanquished, the vast majority is still very superstitious to cling to the belief in the spinning ball with its bendy water and almighty sun at the center of it all.

Exactly. It's funny how this generation likes to consider itself the most science-reverent that has ever existed and invokes their great god "Science/Physics" to explain everything they don't have an answer for, when in reality, they clearly don't even know the true definition of "science" or apparently know how the scientific method works. Theirs is a religion of superstition and subservience to authority, colored as being "Science" when it is anything but. And yet most of them not only will not entertain the thought that they could be brainwashed, but will even get mad for it being suggested. This is the most dangerous superstition (I'm hearkening back to Larken Rose's term here, though I don't think he's a FE but he does talk a lot about the dangers of Statism) because at the root what's really going on is they are blindly trusting so-called "authority" figures to tell them the truth about how the world works, whether the authority figures be politicians or men in white lab coats. Because if one didn't blindly revere "authority" and simply wanted to know the truth on a matter, regardless of what the mainstream consensus was, why would one scoff at the idea of a FE which is logical and which there is evidence for, but embrace the idea of a spinning ball earth which is illogical and which there is no evidence for? The amount which one trusts/reveres "authority" is what I think affects this equation the most, that's the one main variable in all this. They eschew their own critical thinking in favor of trusting guys like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and other highly decorated "scientists" the same way that Catholics trust the papacy. There really is no difference. Ask a Catholic why they believe that confessing to a man in a little booth has any effect on anything, and rather than sit there and self-reflect and think of a suitable reply, they will ALWAYS just get mad and demand the subject be changed lol. Ball earthers do the same thing. They have become mentally hamstrung by their superstition (WILLINGLY, unlike the rest of us who believed in a ball earth at some point but not so much that we allowed it to completely override our faculties of free-thinking) and it is a result, psychologically, of their deep-seated subservience to those who they deem smarter or more credible or higher up on the "hierarchy" as it were.

My truth journey started in about 2011, actually it started in 2007 when I became aware that 9/11 was a sham, but I consider 2011 to be the year where I fully started to break away from the mainstream on a great many more topics. At some point during 2012 I came across the hollow earth stuff and, though I didn't think it was likely, I was open to hearing about almost anything, so I searched it out and gave it a chance. It took less than a day for me to conclude that hollow earth was a psy-op/shill topic, but this prompted me to think "what is it a psy-op for? The earth isn't hollow, but could it be flat?" And that was the first time in my conscious memory that I started to believe FE was a possibility. Unfortunately, at this time the only main discussions on the internet about FE were from the Flat Earth Society, and it quickly became clear to me that they too were shills (accounting for gravity by saying the flat plane constantly rises, and other stuff like that) so I, reluctantly, wrote off FE though some part of me still sensed that there was more to this. I'll admit I never got far enough to discover the work of Samuel Shenton or Charles Johnson or IFERS or any of the old FE books written in the 1800s. I only went far enough to find the FES and once I seen they were shills, I put the whole FE topic on the backburner. Until 2015... Thank God for Eric Dubay lmao.

Also, it's funny how probably the best method for detecting shills is finding out what their opinions on Jews are, and whether or not they have the balls to say what they really think about Jews. It may not be a 100% accurate indicator all of the time, but it's probably better than any other indicator I've seen. If someone refuses to mention that Jews are the perpetrators of most of the brainwashing, then you automatically know that the person is, at worst, a shill planted by the Jews, or at best, a shill who is in fear of angering the Jews.

Jeranism is a joke, I watched some of his stuff briefly in 2015 during my FE awakening period, but I completely tuned him out once he started asking for money to do his "laser tests", which he never got to pan out correctly, and then would ask for more money to try it again! Literally haven't seen a single one of his videos since then, and wasn't even aware he's still on YouTube. I may have to check out this Aron Ra debate you guys speak of, though it sounds like I'm just gonna end up getting pissed off by listening to it haha.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by MartyMar Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:37 pm

Ya the "debate " would piss you off. Its a slap in the face to FE.


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Post by Slingshot Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:56 pm

And Joe Rogan is a fucking shill, no doubt about it, idc what anyone says. I had respect for him early on in my truth quest but when he all of a sudden recanted his views on the moon landings, even going as far as to call himself a "fucking retard" to Neil, it was like...really, dude? A decorated "scientist" enters the room and you immediately recant and go to lick his boots? I think Joe may have had one of those backroom deals where he was told that if he recants his views and submits to the Jew-agenda then his JRE show will skyrocket, but if he continues down the truth path they will shut him down and make sure his name is tarnished. Maybe that's why he chose to renounce his earlier views and maybe he still secretly believes his old views but knows he can't profess them if he wants to keep a successful career. Or, maybe there was no backroom deal at all, and he recanted all on his own. Either way the result is the same. He's a fucking shill.

Eddie Bravo seems genuine to me, although the last video I seen him in was the 4-hr FE talk he hosted last year with Kron Gracie and others, don't know what he's been up to since then. It seems, for now, that he isn't controlled.

Stefan Molyneux is a pure pseudo-intellectual. Guy tries to sound so smart and makes himself out to be an eccentric-genius type the way he paces back and forth drinking a cup of coffee and using big words and pausing at different intervals during his speech to try and give the impression that he's thinking deeply lmfao. Same thing with that asshole, VSauce, who made that one video "Is Earth Actually Flat?" I can't count how many times non-FE friends of mine sent me the link to that annoying ass video, believing that VSauce effectively destroyed FE, when literally the entire video was based around false premises and strawman arguments and things which no real FE actually claims.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by markwilson Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:06 pm

Slingshot, a man after my own heart!

I was following Larken Rose for awhile also. I had locked horns with the IRS for about 2 years having studied the issue and coming to an understanding that the 16th Amendment didn't change a thing even if it had been lawfully ratified (Benson, the Law That Never Was), and that with only two taxes delegated to the Feds in the Supreme Law of the Land, that I wasn't touched by the Indirect Tax (must be uniform, sin taxes), and that the last lawfully levied Direct Tax (must be apportioned based on the last census taken), was in the 1800's, for debt on the Civil War (and that bill listed down to the penny what each State of the Union owed based on their populations, and of course based on the last census taken).

In other words, the 1040 Form is massive criminal fraud being perpetrated on the American People by enemies domestic, and is completely divorced from the requirement that Federal Direct Taxes must be apportioned based on the populations of the several states--- in other words, a fair tax having nothing to do with anything called "income." But that's for a different thread ;-)

Very well said, Slingshot. With only 7 posts thus far, I'm looking forward to your comments in the future.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Slingshot Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:13 pm

I'm 7 mins into the Aron Ra "debate" and the very first thing this clown does after giving his intro is pop open a big ass bottle of booze LMFAO for some reason I found that hilarious. Very next thing out his mouth is "That's bullshit. You're lying." ...I think I already know where this is going, I'll save myself the 2 hrs. Dude is gonna just sit there smugly and chug alcohol to dumb his senses and talk shit about FE and hurl insults, just like that fake "paleontologist" yellow-beard retard who threatened Eric on the JRE show last year. And the majority of commenters are gonna lap up every bit of it.

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Slingshot Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:29 pm

markwilson, that's great to hear! I don't wanna draw this thread off-topic, but yes, I am VERY into researching these types of matters as well as FE. History and Law are two fascinating topics that, when understood properly and without the lens of state-sponsored bullshit clouding them, can truly aid in setting us free of this debt-and-death paradigm. Oh man, I have so many books on law and tax pseudo-law and I never went to any kind of law school, but feel (hope) that I'm somewhat educated enough now to possibly hold my own in a court room without the hire of an attorney haha. Obviously I would rather the situation never arise in the first place, but if it comes to pass that I'm harassed by the system and called into court for any reason, I feel that it is of PARAMOUNT importance to know what I'm dealing with and how to navigate that arena. I still have a lot of study to do, but it's interesting! I assume you're aware of the whole Common Law vs Maritime Admiralty Law thing too? How modern courtrooms (in USA anyway) actually have no jurisdiction to convict except under Commercial Law, not Common Law, but the general populace is so far removed from knowledge of how Law works, that they aren't even remotely aware of how to prevent themselves being wrongly convicted for non-violent "crimes", and juries are no longer aware of their power to nullify any charges imposed by the judges. It's definitely a big scam and too deep to talk about in this thread haha.

It's great how knowledge of the FE and truth in general, inspires one to head all the way down the rabbithole and discover the truth on every other topic that affects our lives, and to find that other fellow truthers were led in the same direction and are researching the same topics haha.

Great minds think alike!

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Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame - Page 15 Empty Re: Flat Earth Shill Wall of Shame

Post by Zer0R Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:09 am

Videos have been popping up saying Dubay is a shill. It is as if he is an easy target of blame for many people.

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