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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:24 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/02/2015
That's sort of what I was thinking, myself. YouTube is a HUGE outlet - but, the only drawback is, you're competing with a LOT of other stuff that people would rather click on. I absolutely suck at making any sort of informative YouTube stuff that looks impressive or compelling - HOWEVER, I am a part-time freelance graphic designer, and I've done everything from tri-fold brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc for local businesses. I'd love to help organize some material into a PDF brochure that we can all download, print, and distribute! I'll gladly put it together if someone wants to help organize some facts/materials/information! I know there's a lot, but it would be cool to focus on some of the key facts that would actually make people want to research more, rather than just throw it in the trash.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:25 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/02/2015

I personally think that Eric's Q&A thread would work well as a pamphlet. 

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:25 pm

Posted by lizardking on 07/02/2015

Jul 2, 2015 8:07:13 GMT @sofresh said:
You are definitely right but today Youtube serves as the modern leaflet.  Most people's attention span is shorter than a minute and I think someone doing a great video of this proof will not only be great to show people as a reference, but also be used as footage of proof in all the other FE videos that people are compiling.  So please someone on this board with the funds, or possibly already the technology make the video because seeing is believing and that will be something very difficult to argue with. Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Smiley

Yes, 9/11 was so huge because of the visual evidence.

We need to get as many people as possible to see the air balloon footage. I don't care what anyone says about flight routes or star trails when I can see with my own eyes that the Earth is a huge plane.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:26 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/02/2015

I agree completely. The best option would be to combine both methods.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people still deny 9/11 despite the constant contradictions and both amateur and professional footage/testimony/architects/proof available.

Some of THE best 9/11 truth videos with over several million hits still have 2/3 of the views as "Dislike". That shit never ceases to amaze me. Not being cynical or defeatist here at all; it's just amazing how deep the programming and cognitive dissonance is!

I almost feel like there's a second order "teaching" that needs to happen, which educates people not only on the deceptions, but HOW the human mind can be deceived into believing things due to group consensus, fallacies of logic and reasoning, double-think, etc. That's where the real trap is, IMHO. I feel like the elite know this, and thus laugh hysterically while we all chop away at branches, when it's the TRUNK that needs exposure. Of course, all measures must be taken, and the informational videos and pamphlets are a damn good first step.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:26 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/03/2015

I fully agree; people need to be taught how to think for themselves, and about how easy it is to be manipulated. That lesson needs to be taught first, because it makes teaching the truth about conspiracies like 9/11 so much easier.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:27 pm

Posted by timewarper108 on 07/03/2015

If they can fiddle the result of the US election or the Scottish referendum I'm pretty sure the like and dislike option could be massaged on a you tube video or a web site article...the flat earth debate has a big advantage over most conspiracy theories in that I can PROVE IT to you and you to me...it's not a matter of opinion but of fact....this is the clincher....you can see it across the water.....France to England being a good example,even if people have never seen it themselves they know you can and once opened up it stands alone as a fact....it's not a ball,look yourself if you don't believe me....there endeth the lesson

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:28 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/03/2015

Jul 2, 2015 14:38:52 GMT thinkforyourself said:
I fully agree; people need to be taught how to think for themselves, and about how easy it is to be manipulated. That lesson needs to be taught first, because it makes teaching the truth about conspiracies like 9/11 so much easier.


I've always imagined coming up with some sort of thought experiment or "thought proof", that uses a dumbed-down example that everyone can get, and then scale it to what we're dealing with, so that people quite literally cannot deny what we're talking about anymore.

Get them on a level they already agree with and understand is True, and then "bring them up to the big picture", and leave them in that sort of speechless state where they can't deny what you're saying, because they've already agreed to the logic of everything prior being sound.

Hitting people with massive Truths is like asking a man to willingly drown himself with water, one glass at a time.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:28 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/03/2015

I 100% agree with you, my friend.

The only issue here is that people will absolutely come up with any bullshit reason to rationalize why authority figures "can't be lying" to them. It doesn't matter if you show them this test, that test, flat horizon from "space"...

Superior mirage. Light refraction. The math/your math is wrong. Oh, you've got a sexton proving the Sun is closer than we're told? YOU must be adding wrong. The excuses are endless.

Again, I'm FAR from a defeatist; I just want to combat this bullshit as effectively as possible for even the most resistant.

I'm infinitely thankful that so many HAVE woken up because of the YouTube videos; most of us wouldn't even be here if it weren't for those! However, there are many more people out there - the larger masses of numbers still keeping things in place for the elite - that absolutely refuse to understand or accept that they are being lied to. This is THE hardest barrier for them to cross, and I truly feel that if we can find a way to help them understand, on a deep emotional level, that the entire world isn't going to end because we stop the bullshit that's parading, the better off we'll all be!

We're all doing amazing work here already, guys and girls. Just some extra food for thought!

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:29 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/03/2015

Hey guys, thanks for the ideas. I have been thinking of compiling something like this for a while so I will start working on it now... I will make two free PDFs (w/ & w/out pics) compiling in short form, all the most convincing proofs that we're not living on a spinning ball. I will title it 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball or something along those lines. Once I've put it out I would appreciate people not only sending it to everyone you know on the internet but also helping print and distribute hard-copies to give out. Anyone who would like to help me spread this message by donating, just type the words "Blitzkreig" with your donation and it will be used as part of this Flat Earth offensive! Smile

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:29 pm

Posted by rebecca on 07/03/2015

Eric that would be brilliant to do that. And handing out hard copies would be excellent.
I do a hard copy newsletter for my area about all sorts of things such as the banisters911 etc. I want to reach a wider audience. But it would be cool to burn some discs as well with flat earhth stuff on it.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:30 pm

Posted by schpankme on 07/04/2015

Jun 24, 2015 0:47:43 GMT planetruth said:

An Open Letter to All IFERS
I applaud Jeranism

This site
has been dedicated to discrediting, shill watch and off topic discussion
IMHO, this forum has lost some focus

on IFERS there is a record 24 pages on Shillicious activities????
C'mon guys and gals.

Here is some constructive criticism

where's the website?
Why didn't you start the Flat Earth Conspiracy website months ago before some shill grabbed it?

where's the videos of your own highlighting deep FE Research and investigation?

Where's the podcasts?

I found Flat Earth Wiki
i suggested someone contact the admin
why haven't you jumped all over that?

IFERS will stay relevant as long as it supports others and their work as well.



WHY are you back after nine days (9), like nothing happened?
I for one want an apology for you trying to incorporate me into another Shill Adventure.

WHY did you throw the "admin team" under the bus?

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:31 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/04/2015
This seemed like a fitting use of five minutes this morning (in regards to Jeran, Mark, and Matt):

Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 KqXWsZs

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:32 pm

Posted by banazir on 07/07/2015
I just found this interview by jeranism and mark sargent and wanted to find out who this jeranism was: 

(likely already linked, I havent read my way through yet)

So naturally I searched for him with the "is a raging shill" tag and voila 23 pages and counting, ha ha! 
How can anyone who calls themselves honest not see through Mark's R Agent and his drivelous schlock? We can all see the prank here. Causing rifts in truther circles is the name of the game. What else can they do at this point? Hurling insults ain't gonna cut it when you find yourself this deep into the world of bulshit and lies.

Besides do they really expect Sgt. Mark to do this alone? That's not how this is done. They have to create a consensus around him with more 'reasonable' truth seekers (jeranism in this case) that simply 'can't find anything wrong' with what he's saying. 

It's very reminiscent of Sargent's first interview on fakeologist:

He came flying out of the gate with praise and Ab tells us its the best videos ever on the flat earth because the high production value is the only way to get anyones attention (and then says its best to listen to it in audio form only too, what?) They immediately justify how Mark is gonna operate, how its best to not have comments active on youtube and how its better not to have a well rounded view of every conspiracy, you know, so you dont scare everyone away. **cough**cough**limited**hangout**cough. Pardon me, I need some water...

They need the less crazy, normal sounding alleged guests to come on and make their leader sound good by comittee. Sound familiar? It happens everywhere! In the jeranism interview they actually laugh off controlled opposition accusations because a nasa employee would never get away with this. WTF? 

Hey Mark, how fucking stupid do you think we are? You know, from a game design standpoint?

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:39 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/07/2015
^Great post, and welcome to the party, banazir! I'm glad you can see through the BS these two are throwing out there.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:39 pm

Posted by Lifeone on 07/08/2015
"Hey Mark, how fucking stupid do you think we are? You know, from a game design standpoint"..... Wow...Havent laughed that hard in a while. Epic.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:40 pm

Posted by sargentsucks on 07/08/2015
The last year or so TruthFrequencyRadio has really risen as a great source for the "truth movement". Good hosts of all ranges like Rob Skiba and Joe Joseph to The Kev Baker Show and Chris and Sherri Geo have either been taken in by Mark or turned off by him, he may very well split that radio station apart "like the water that freezes inside the rock" (Legends of the Fall :-)

It's not surprising that he has weasled his way onto that station, seeing as how they have been growing. Kev Baker had the Hampstead children's parents on his show last night! If you don't know about child ritual sacrifice then that interview is a great place to learn.

Anyways if anyone else is a member over there please help in trying to get the owners to open up to Eric, they are really wonderful people who have been taken in by Mark's Our' Agent.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:40 pm

Posted by boskovic on 07/12/2015
Hi All It's great Jeran's been outed as I think his eventual goal was to sabotage through deception. 
His laser attempt would draw people in to at some stage misguide and deceive them. 
I'm based in the UK now. Would anyone be keen on joining forces and going back to the Bedford Level and doing the laser test there. 
There'd be no waves to worry about. Perhaps Jeran could lend us his laser!
How do you get around people's cognitive dissonance when discussing the FE?
What about forming local groups to talk about issues that come up and also forming contacts around the world. 
I talk to folks from different countries and they all have the same beliefs about the plane(t)!

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:40 pm

Posted by wakeup on 07/20/2015
This is my first post at this forum, there is a lot of amazing info here. I was listening to the ball earth skeptic roundtable #6 (following Eric's appearance on the same show) and Jeranism is outing himself even more. He's definitely muddying up the waters on FE. Among other things he claims that the ocean rises when you look out off shore, saying that it's not perspective. The actual water is what's rising, , giving credence to Mark Sargent's model that says it looks like a roulette wheel and the north pole is at higher elevation. At one point he says there's a spot on the hwy where the water is above the hills and it looks like a tsunami is heading towards the land. He also says he keeps going back and forth on the moon being a flat disk or it being a sphere. He also says the earth COULD be flat, but it's definitely not a ball. The admin over here was quick to point out the fact this bum was a shill. What a crazy SOB he's turning out to be. All this info came out in the 1st hour of that broadcast, so that's all I could stomach.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:41 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/20/2015
Yes, I heard that bit where he's going on and on about this stretch of highway where the ocean horizon in the distance appears to rise up like an ominous wave that's going to come at you! He kept saying how scary it looked and as you said, how "it's actually the water that's rising," not just due to perception/perspective. The rest of the show was filled with equally useless "facts" as well. JLB is back talking about the same "sticking point" that I answered for them too! I explained the Sun under the clouds phenomenon, they all agreed with my explanation, and now this week they're back harping on the same point as if it hasn't already been explained! (At around 3:50:00)


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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:41 pm

Posted by csp on 07/20/2015
The word "round table" has always irked me, and I haven't said anything earlier because I gave JLB the benefit of the doubt, but:

Round-table discussions, together with houses of hospitality and agronomic universities, is one of the key elements of the Catholic Worker Movement, as formulated by Peter Maurin, one of the co-founders of the movement.[1]

Round table discussions are also a common feature of political talk shows. Talk shows such as Washington Week and Meet the Press have roundtables of reporters or pundits. Most of these are done around a table in a studio, but occasionally they report in split-screen from remote locations. Some sports shows, such as ESPN's Around the Horn, employ the round table format.

Round table in my opinion, is a way to dilute opinions with debate (not scientific debate) in a controlled fashion.

Just my opinion, but I personally think JLB has been sucked into being the middleman instead of using his brain and seeing the facts you have put forward. There is more than enough evidence to point to a flat earth, otherwise why are we all here Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Smiley

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:42 pm

Posted by banazir on 07/25/2015
One of the ever increasing trends going on right now to go along with (and probably used to help squash) the rising flat earth interest is this strange 'don't use the word shill' nonsense. 

Anyone else notice this? What is with this reasoning? What keeps me keen on this site is how foremost the info is great (and incredibly diverse) and secondly how calling a spade a spade is the norm. This ridiculous gatekeeper apologist (bowel) movement logic is self evident and serves only the overlord agenda. 

Why NOT call a shill a shill if you see one? Why is Alex Jones game but it's hands off Mark's Our Agent? Who is deciding this for us? Also why should one lose any sleep if you mislabel a Sgt. supporter a shill instead of a use[less] idiot? Its a great way to hide behind lame excuses. (I'm just a caveman...)

Also keep an eye on the over saturation of flat earth materials 'exausting' leading 'truther researchers' to where they lose interest in the whole topic and settle back in to their previous incarnations of pointing out every flaw with NASA without ever getting to the point of WHY they do what they do and just what it is they are covering up. *pause for a breath.

Yes you fucking shills, you god-damn gate-keeping psyopticons reading this thread right now, we see through your bullshit and we're not buying your let's-play-nice facade. FUCK YOU.

Tirade over.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:42 pm

Posted by csp on 07/25/2015

Jul 25, 2015 10:06:43 GMT rickyjames said:
I am the "RJ" who lost $80K referred to repeatedly in this thread, which I ran across by accident during my continuing Google research to learn more about MM. 

The reason I am posting here is to defend the reputation of an honorable man. Jeran Campanella ("jeranism" as he is known here) is somebody I have gotten to know pretty well over the last half of 2014 as we worked together to identify MM in real life. There is no way that Jeran is MM and he did not steal my money. He has worked hard to help me find MM not only because I paid him a nominal sum for his assistance but also because MM has effectively destroyed his online reputation with ongoing twisted lies and misdirection. His wife is a supportive woman to her husband whom I also have gotten to know, and she certainly does not deserve to be dragged into this mess as some kind of supposed accomplice. 

MM is an evil sociopath that is a threat to whoever comes near him and to the world at large. His most dangerous tactic is to repeat a lie over and over and over until it dominates the discussion and overshadows the truth by sheer volume. This is how he has destroyed Jeran's online reputation and how he continues to keep people (like me) coming to his network of scam sites. I have no doubt that he has read this thread and has laughed at how well he has succeeded here. All this attention on Jeran, and none on him. What a shame.

Jeran is not perfect. He is under great financial pressure, and this has led him to take some unfortunate courses of action - several of which I advised him in advance not to do. Chief among these is his attempt to "extort" 20 BTC from MM under a different name unless MM gave back my money, an act which MM has latched upn and trumpeted on jerancampanella.com as the defining incident that defines Jeran as a "bad man" and "scammer". I play poker, and in reality what Jeran was doing here was "bluffing with a weak hand" in an elaborate deceptive maneuver to try to get MM to surrender early on. At that point, Jeran (and I) did not yet totally realize MM's true nature and that such a maneuver had zero chance of success. This act gave MM a key opening to hound Jeran ever since, even on this very thread. In reality, Jeran had earlier declined a direct bribe from MM to drop his assistance to me. 

For the record, I'm not perfect either. The money I lost to MM was not "dirty", but instead represented my legitimate profits from earlier cryptocoin investments. My reason for trying to mix these Bitcoins was not illegal, but instead to unethically circumvent maximum allowed levels of ownership set by the founders of a new cryptocurrency I believed would soar. It didn't. Instead of suffering that loss, however, my money was stolen by a cheating middleman, Michael Moriarty. And so I learned a very valuable and expensive lesson. 

The story is not over. Michael, I will never give up and I continue to learn more about you than you realize. I am patient and I have the rest of my life to spoil the rest of yours.

As a parting observation, I am somewhat stunned by my first exposure to the Flat Earth Society. I have a scientific background and try to keep an open and accepting mind. The closed mindset that allows you to believe in a flat Earth is also the mindset that enables you to believe MM's lies so readily and vilify Jeran, who does not deserve the scorn you have heaped upon him. Set your minds on proving the truth for yourselves. Launch a cellphone with GPS on a helium balloon like so many others have, and recover for yourselves a picture of the Earth's curvature. Build sextants from straws and protractors, and coordinate a time here among yourselves to share your simultaneous observations of where the sun is in the sky, and prove to yourselves through simple trig that you live on a sphere. Watch a ship's mast sink from sight at the horizon and calculate a required amount of curvature to match what you see.

Best wishes to you all, whatever you choose to believe.
Jeran is a self admitted Jesuit, well.. "from a Jesuit family". 

MM = Master Mason

Only legitimacy MM had, was from an interview from Jeran.

If you truly are RJ, and you were foolish enough to believe MM's legitimacy with such a large transaction, then you must have been even more foolish to believe Jeran's story after the fact. Wake up.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:43 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/25/2015
I smell bullshill in this thread...

Also - THAT'S Max Egan? Man, I had no idea that was him; I never put the name with the face until just now. His videos ALWAYS pop up first on YouTube. His rants are terrible, so it's no wonder why, lol.

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:43 pm

Posted by boskovic on 07/26/2015
Good Day all
For a public figure in the 'truth' world like MI (which branch?) to not look at any FE vids for more than 10 minutes isn't honest of him as 
he should be mulling over everything alternative that comes up. 
Jeran doesn't give up does he? In a recent interview he says that even after all his shows, researching and experiments he can't be a 
total FEer as that would mean he had a closed mind. That's despite hundreds of experiments proving a FE and none proving a sphere. 
That's like looking at your body with two arms and saying no, I don't want to have a closed mind so I don't rule out the possibility I've 
only got one arm!
Then he gives thanks to E Dubay for his work and support and all he's done until recently! What does that mean? Does he now disagree 
with Eric and why?
Both MS and Jeran were trained by Jesuits and they're false. Both came out of the woodwork with slick, well put together productions after
only a month or so of finding out about the FE. Both come across as reasonable, likeable guys but they're misleading eventually. 
My question is: how much of their work and Math Boylan, Alex Jones, D Icke should we read, quote etc if they're all working for the controllers?

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Jeranism Is A Raging Shill - Page 7 Empty Re: Jeranism Is A Raging Shill

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:44 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/26/2015

Jul 25, 2015 18:07:07 GMT boskovic said:
Good Day all
For a public figure in the 'truth' world like MI (which branch?) to not look at any FE vids for more than 10 minutes isn't honest of him as 
he should be mulling over everything alternative that comes up. 
Jeran doesn't give up does he? In a recent interview he says that even after all his shows, researching and experiments he can't be a 
total FEer as that would mean he had a closed mind. That's despite hundreds of experiments proving a FE and none proving a sphere. 
That's like looking at your body with two arms and saying no, I don't want to have a closed mind so I don't rule out the possibility I've 
only got one arm!
Then he gives thanks to E Dubay for his work and support and all he's done until recently! What does that mean? Does he now disagree 
with Eric and why?
Both MS and Jeran were trained by Jesuits and they're false. Both came out of the woodwork with slick, well put together productions after
only a month or so of finding out about the FE. Both come across as reasonable, likeable guys but they're misleading eventually. 
My question is: how much of their work and Math Boylan, Alex Jones, D Icke should we read, quote etc if they're all working for the controllers?
Good post, you make some very good points. 

As for reading/quoting the work of controlled opposition agents, I would suggest that you only do so if the work is not merely being promoted by them, and if you can find evidence for it elsewhere. 

Much of their information is correct (it has to be for them to gain a following), the key is spotting the lies, which can be done if you look out for their sources and evidence. 

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