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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Devi Suprana
Faith Irene Luecke
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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:22 am

Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Powerl10

It seems the Jesuit-trained, NASA-employed Matt Boylan is quite the Jew apologist as well. I just received the following:


Eric take notice as I will not allow this to continue concerning FE. Any person group or individuals trying to blame the earth ball on the "Jews did it" is an agent, full stop. This is a mire and purposely set trap by intel a classic, and I will take care of them publicly in a speedy manner . This is a ploy by agents to discredit the enormous growing movement, have it labelled as NAZI or antisemitic which is one slippery step to labelling FE as terrorism . As if I didn't see this creeping in. You will have to adjust your game if it navigates around such empty fulcrum. There's more important fish to fry and this is an obvious ploy.

This is the article I put out today right now :


I have become friends with many , not wanting to leave anyone out in the cold on such a valuable education audit and mind shattering paradigm shift. I watched shills co-intel come in as virtual friends on FB , certain forums , fumble and be obvious and I always spot them it's just a matter of when.

As I have stated at many reprises , this is a select few of individuals perpetrating the frauds of science , who recruit through fraternal and gang societies their representatives to play YOUR leaders in a status quo movement and or opposing force unless the individual is of ultimate referent power and influence, I leave that to you to determine .

When a person in your circle takes the shape of the earth as a lie and begins to fuse it with "the Jews did it!" "Israel lied about the earth ,"or mixing "Israel and 9/11 with FLAT EARTH".....Drop 'em , hear me out, HEAR ME OUT....and the the good jewish people working hard to better it for themselves and others even against those in any government who act corruptibly , when a person takes the name of a people , especially the JEWISH people, as the culprits , (lol) this person is an agent.

This is called digging in deep.
They become friends, say all the right things and then slowly begin to take what you say , exploit your association to them make friends with your friends and then when the time is right begin the JEW bashing, the "Israel did it".

Why ? Because FLAT EARTH IS THE ONLY BIG ISSUE growing .

The rest was all set up to roll out the security in the skies and the waters with planes and naval, countries don't exist, squirrels don't have their paper work to cross neither do birds. All events are to control the lie of the ball, keep your eye on the ball, controlling travel, and obscuring the atmosphere with haze while dropping chemicals to retard, make people docile and servile . All of this is set up including emotional buttons that can be pressed so labels by media can be applied , so when the time would come to eliminate all those who would awaken, the system, the stage would be set into chaos and as it unfolds through the noise the assassins can move undetected and eliminate the awoken .

So when you discover there is no curvature , the earth as a ball is always CGI, cropped image composites, and camera lens that curve the horizon, the sky is heavily controlled and there's a fence around you , a militarised 360 patrol south pole by 47 navies of 47 nations working together with the anglo saxon empire select to keep ALL OF YOU in a zone and someone begins the "JEWS did it" and the earth is flat and Israel did 9/11...it's a ploy to brand FLAT EARTH as NAZI or TERRORISM. Wake up chop chop , your guard is down as to how intel operates --no it's not EYE on the wrong side. The person is a plant to slowly label Flat Earth as antisemetic, and antisemitic is one step from terrorist, do you see what's happening to this movement ? So obvious who's doing what now. You have till the end of the week you know who you are . This movement needs all people . I should have known with a name called CASh.


So he's clearly calling out "Jeff Cash," who, as far as I can tell from what information he's put out so far, is a legit guy. Matt is also claiming that any connection of Jews to the ball-Earth is disinformation, but this is just ridiculous. In my book I traced the origins and maintaining of the ball-Earth myth to the Freemasons. And all it takes is a Google search for "Judaism and Freemasonry" to see that Freemasonry is completely connected, created by and beholden to Judaism.

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“GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” (The Protocols of Zion, 4:2)

"Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."----Rabbi Isaac Wise

"Masonry, that immense association, the rare initiated of which, that is to say, the real chiefs of which, whom we must be careful not to confound with the nominal chiefs, live in a strict and intricate alliance with the militant members of Judaism, princes and imitators of the high Cabal. For that elite of the order--those real chiefs whom so few of the initiated know, or whom they only know for the most part under a nom de guerre, are employed in the profitable and secret dependence of the cabalistic Israelites. And this phenomenon is accomplished thanks to the habits of rigorous discretion to which they subject themselves by oaths and terrible menaces; thanks also to the majority of Jewish members which the mysterious constitution of Masonry seats in its sovereign counsel."---Gougenot des Mosseaux in Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, Paris, 1869.

The Jewish Guardian admitted openly on 12 April 1922: "Freemasonry is born out of Israel."

The following could be read in the French masonic magazine Le Symbolisme (July 1928): "The most important duty of freemasonry must be to glorify the Jews, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom."

The high-ranking freemason Dr Rudolph Klein stated: "Our rite is Jewish from beginning to end, the public should conclude from this that we have actual connections with Jewry." (Latomia, No. 7-8, 1928)

A speech at the B'nai B'rith convention in Paris, published shortly afterwards in The Catholic Gazette (London) in February 1936 and in Le reveil du peuple (Paris) a little later, stated: "We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honour, a great honour, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose..."

The Jewish Tribune newspaper, in 1927, in an editorial, stated: "Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?"

Ray Novosel, writing from Australia in 2004, states: "Zionist world leaders, men in influential positions with the various Masonic organizations everywhere, have worked "hand in glove" for a universal world revolution, which will bring in the One World Church and a One World Government. Many Masonic Lodges are exclusively Jewish, as are the controlling B'nai B'rith Lodges —the mother of the infamous and very dangerous Anti Defamation League (ADL)."

Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Springmeier According to Jewish leader Rabbi Meir Kahne of the Jewish Defense League the Jewish leaders such as Adler, Schiff, Marshall, Seligman, Loeb, and Warburg formed the B'nai B'rith and the ADL. Actually, although these men were prominant in the B'nai B'rith, the origins of the B'nai B'rith also ties in with the Masonic Lodge. Twelve men on Oct. 13, 1843, in NYC began the Order of the B'nai B'rith. Most of them were Freemasons and Odd Fellows.....The connections of the Order to Masonry are certain. One Mason exposed quite a bit when he wrote about the B'nai B'rith having a made a secret treaty with Masonry. Albert Pike and Armand Levi concluded this secret treaty. There are numerous cases of the leaders of the B'nai B'rith also being Freemasons. There are also numerous cases of leading members of the Order promoting socialism and communism. An example of this is that the Grand Master of the Order (of the B'nai B'rith) in Russia in 1917 was also a 32 degree Freemason and one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolution.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:35 am

Post by kostas on Apr 15, 2015 at 2:15am

I have watched Math's videos with big interest, after this journey to Math's world my senses came back and I look closer to messages from his videos and its something wrong.
He says that he teaching people 15 years about it! lets look closer what his teaching is about:

1.He calls himself revolutionary, I have already heard somewhere it many times , and paradoks its allways coming from "chosen"people the masters of revolution (Karl Marx ,Lenin,Stalin,Leon trocky,Enshtein, Freud,....)or cabalist scientist Sir Isaac Newton: http://www.timesofisrael.com/sir-isaacs-jewish-writings-enter-the-21st-century/

2. Math's programing us in to believing that pupet pope from Vatican is the boss.
Why he is not showing so many other presidents who visiting israel?
It looks that he redirecting arows from real parasites to secondary ones, and no doubt cristianity and islam, freemasonry,communism,liberalism,capitalism is their cabalistic cosher product .

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:36 am

Post by susie on Jun 11, 2015 16:13:01 GMT

I suspected this would happen. Dude is a Jesuit, that says it all right there.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:37 am

Post by wiseblood on Jun 12, 2015 0:48:07 GMT

..the lazy fucker, he could've tried a little harder, but he went for the easiest, the 'cultural marxist' take on the jewish question! How insulting!

For a moment I thought - what a shame. But as someone already mentioned, above, there was always something unsavoury about the chap. I'm unsure if it was the paranoid bed-side manner, his comedy, or what... It's good he showed his real nature!

It could be also a purely monetary issue - one has to bear in mind that to make a living as a painter, you depend on Jews, as all galleries and all critics, post WW2 are Jewish..

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:38 am

Post by Admin on Jun 15, 2015 2:33:13 GMT

I just received this from Wanda, a member here at IFERS:

"What crap... this from Math Powerland... i am on his FB friends list... and BTW, i am the one he is referring to... i dropped that link to him on his last video when he was pointing fingers at the Jesuits... that explains some things... i told him straight up you know the Templars and Jesuits are Judaic because they are the Jewsuits and Temple is right in the name of the Templars."

Mathew Powerland
Yesterday at 2:12pm ·

there are people who are now working in concert to slowly stain the globe busting movement as antisemitic . I wondered since inception and exposition when would exposing this be labeled as terrorism . Ahh , and now certain gurus are intentionally bringing in a race of people that has nothing to do with the image of the earth as a cartoon to drown out the signal attack the style and not address the very POWER of my argument. Typical and expected . There will be a massive dissaciation between myself and anyone who is bashing a religion other than that of science as I need all peoples as all peoples have been deceived. Here's the beginnings of the matrix sentinels and infiltrators sent in on the attack ....and trying to revert it to me and taint the movement a swatch from the WIZARD MATH POWERLAND page :
Someone cited this below on my page disinformation posed as historical alternative fact, and below that I respond and mind you it has nothing to do with the earth not being a ball it's to create an intel quagmire or as we say in propaganda "noise creation" to drown out the signal :

As John Torell explains:
"In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1534 he had moved to Rome where he founded the "JESUIT ORDER," which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church."

Still, many of the Jews who were expelled from Spain headed over to Africa and began selling slaves to south American colonies of the Portuguese and Spanish empires. This later flourished into the full out trans-Atlantic slave trade where some 99 million Africans perished.

On top of their Jewish roots, the Jesuits have always behaved similarly to the perfidious Jewish elite. Like the Jews, the Jesuits have been expelled from many nations. By the 18th century the society had acquired a reputation in Europe for political maneuvering and economic exploitation. The common conception was that the Jesuits were greedy plotters who would constantly meddle in state affairs through their ties with influential members of the Royal Court in order to further their own interests. Who does this remind you of?

The Jesuit order's Jewish origins and how the general historical behavior of Jesuits is completely mimetic to that of Jews. Could it be that they are one in the same? You decide.
Here are a few quotes that echo these facts:

"You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews that mysterious Russian diplomacy which so alarms Western Europe, is organised & principally carried on by Jews; that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany & which will be in fact a 2nd & greater Reformation & of which so little is as yet known in England." -Englands Jewish PM, Benjamin Disraeli Ch 24 Lord George Bentinck: Political Biography, 1852

"The Illuminati Order was preceded in the 1500's in Spain by the "Alumbrados," a Christian heresy started by crypto Jews called "Marranos." The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano/Alumbrado. Thus when people today argue whether it is the Jesuits or Zionists who are responsible for our troubles, they are really talking about the same beast." -David Livingstone, author of "Terrorism and the Illuminati"

Rhe founder of the Bavarian Illuminati was also a marrano Jew by the name of Adam Weisaupt

Jesuits and zionism are movements orders of Judaism.

Their foundation is the Kaballah (Babylonian Jewish mysticism) Eric Phelps is a proven liar and fraud. Vatican Assassins is ridiculous and he has backtracked on so much of it in a debate with Micheal Piper. (Who died last week at 54) Even without Piper putting him in his place his claims are ridiculous and easily debunked.

You are completely wrong. 100%
Like · Reply · 26 mins

The Wizard Math Powerland response: As Yeshuwa stated those people use the jewish faith to conceal themselves and serve another master than God. They are not jews . You are simply an anti-Semite, you are 100% wrong. A good religion will always be used as gatekeeping camouflage for evil . The very fact that you are populating my page with this exposes you as trying to pervert , divert this most crucial reset in scientific query and exploration of our surface . You are purposely trying to pepper this with concepts that will alienate people even further from investigating it . As if you wouldn't realise this. If the earth isn't the picture they sold you I think everything else is up for research, but I chose the greatest of debates. You wish to tag it to an emotional button, in order for the media to discredit the whole. I have noticed how I the person to expose this has had his argument his experiments his proofs cited by two individuals who are purposely introducing, slowly, concepts to repel the public from investigating the substance of what I am saying. People like yourself are attacking my style with speculation and not at ALL discussing my argument , and isn't it like a shill, an operative to begin divide and conquer within my own movement, try to associate me with something i am not saying, by associating me with pretenders who are deliberately setting up the entire movement for a fall in the mainstream news as anti-"a people" . WOW. I see what you and the other one are doing . You are both , as well as many others , have been and are working in concert to discredit me and therefore my entire exposition of this massive lie called GLOBE. I rather have all peoples look into this German and Jewish , Black and Arab you and your insertion of this is to deprive the mainstream of examining it on the merit the massive glorious revelation it derves is a concerted effort multiprong from many directions I have watched unfold as my viewcounts are rolled back with screen cap proof . If it is not your intention please undesrtand that this is what you are doing and if you refuse to see the obvious in what you are doing you are most definitely cointel .

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:38 am

Post by lizardking on Jun 15, 2015 2:59:32 GMT

He says it's disinformation and then does nothing to disprove any of it. Not that he could, when even Benjamin Disraeli admitted as much. What a Zionist shill.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:39 am

Post by susie on Jun 15, 2015 4:57:05 GMT

This has become "his information" and he is the one who exposed it huh?

He was in Jesuit trained school too long. Looks like he has mastered being a prick.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:40 am

Post by thesekininja on Jun 16, 2015 1:30:44 GMT

I always had him pegged. You get that high a clearance at Nasshole and they don't put people on you? Come on. He still works for them. He is extremely obnoxious, smug and manic ("how would you fucking know".etc)."Paranoid bedside manner" was spot on. It is a standard procedure widely evidenced throughout all ranges of shilliness. THIS is how they want YOU to behave when you are talking to your friends about this. So that they can't stomach you or the subject.

Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill VjgRpyDw5dCQ3ZLZR5L9

Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Kf_8bn1RnErOSF0T6TOe

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:41 am

Post by rebecca on Jun 16, 2015 12:02:59 GMT

Regarding Matt.....you have to be very careful.
I don't know why I didn't warm to him from the start. Maybe he was too smooth and glib for my liking.
The only thing I like of his was an interview I found recently.
I guess you can trust very few these days.
Well push on forward. Towards the truth and light.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:42 am

Post by madhatter on Jun 16, 2015 14:38:55 GMT

I commented on Maths video of him after his so called "accident", my argument was it looked fake AF and second if someone wanted him dead they would of done a much better job.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:43 am

Post by wanda on Jun 16, 2015 17:34:12 GMT

LOL... thanks Eric. I don't suspect i will not be on Math's FB friends list for very much longer. I suspect he will be blocking me fairly soon.

I have heard it mentioned that you can get a bead on someone by whom they friend and/or follow, but i follow and friend quite a few people in order to get a bead on their true intent. Plus, i'm fearless, i don't let them get away slipping in the propaganda. You can ask Ab Irato about that... recently he posted to one of my comments "We know what you think Wanda." Ab, i didn't post it for you... i left that unsaid. He is another one who will cling to every sort of explanation so long as it doesn't implicate the Jews, because, as he says.. that's too obvious, you don't want to look where the magician tells you to. Which prompted me to ask... where are these magicians telling you to look at the Jews?

They have to infiltrate us. You can't blame them when you think about it... with as many balls they have up in the air, they know it can go south in a flash. I would be in everyone's business too, if it were me. They pulled this over on us because they studied our natures... they know how we think, how we react. We have to also study them. We can turn this around... we have to. Failure is simply not an option.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:45 am

Post by solosoul on Jun 17, 2015 3:17:03 GMT

I'm still pretty new to all this, but I have watched quite a bit of Boylands YT stuff over the last few months. He certainly seemed to make some great points and the comedy stuff was quite funny to me.....however it did bother me how adamant he seemed to be about not being able to see curve on a ball, if you are on a ball. Maybe he's right, I can't exactly prove that, yet my feeling is that from a certain height/ perspective, one would be able to observe this curve or at least evidence of it, ie slanted buildings or maybe even a dropping horizon would count.....it was just HOW SURE he was about this that bothered me some.

Also I recall him talking about the idea of a dome being ludicrous and that it wasn't even a consideration; like it had to be a continuing plane. Speculation is fine, but I just didnt get how he could be so sure of this.....this is just from memory here, so I hope it's accurate, but just a couple of thoughts I had as I was reading up here.

Those recurring pattern pictures are great too....how damn blatant can it get??

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:45 am

Post by Admin on Jun 17, 2015 3:41:32 GMT

Yes, it is still a mystery what is beyond the Antarctic and how the ice terminates, whether there is an edge, a barrier/dome, infinite plane or whatever is UNKNOWN, and anyone claiming otherwise is over-stepping their bounds.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:46 am

Post by hiilikeourbeard on Jun 17, 2015 9:56:23 GMT

5 star post

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:46 am

Post by warframe on Jun 17, 2015 10:34:47 GMT

its why Eric is a legit researcher, he never states anything that can't be 100% certain, which is why I respect him and look forward to what the future holds for ifers and future videos he produces. That's all we can continue to do, the shills will weed themselves out and we will continue to expand our knowledge on the flat earth topic and everything else that comes with it.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:48 am

Post by zarlodious on Jun 24, 2015 6:51:13 GMT

Damn, it made my stomach turn reading all this about Matt Boylan. I friended him on Facebook as I saw Eric was friends with him as were others on flatearthconspiracy.com channel. He was also the first video I saw on FE Nasa Wiki leaks so I was excited to thank him plus he's an hour south of me in Miami and he does art near where my friend lives so I figured we could meet or something when I'm down there.

Anyway he immediately sends me a request for 3 pictures of myself for security reasons and also to know I am a good guy. I figured OK he's a bit odd in his videos this was just a quirky artist thing and sent him two normal pics, and one of my wife daughter and I to show him I was a "good" guy I guess. Three days later after seeing him on and off Facebook as he did friend me, I got weirded out and rewatched material on him. After looking again I got a bad vibe and unfriended, but my question is what is he going to do with this now? Or better yet who will be seeing it.

The vibe I get is he is trying to use this for a way to get chicks, I hope he's not an agent.

I just figured you all should know as its weird behavior to say the least.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:48 am

Post by Admin on Jun 24, 2015 7:36:45 GMT

This is shillspicious as hell and makes me think of Mark Sargent dropping the bomb in an interview about "working in internet data mining for 3 years." Sounds like Matt and Mark (you can't comment on my videos, but here's my home phone number) Sargent are both in the flat Earth internet data mining business.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:48 am

Post by zarlodious on Jun 24, 2015 14:27:57 GMT

What really got me was his cocky brash attitude and then seeing him interviewed talking about top dogs at NASA during a power outage trying to discuss with his punk ass about flat earth? Just seems very concocted and his body language and facial recalls were what sealed the deal he is very bright no doubt but when I turn on my bullshit meter it's usually pretty solid.

The fact that most of his personal pics are of hot chicks, he is always painting them nude and always seems to use them as servants, whether in his acts or video recording. A bit too much misogyny for someone also claiming to have grown up with all sisters. I smell a rat.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:50 am

Post by eldask on Jun 30, 2015 5:11:32 GMT

Hey Eric, I wasn't sure where to post this, but seems like the dude over at the NASAChannel Matt Boylan has a bit to say about you, lol. He starts getting into it at about 5:50 later.

He seems to be thinking that the media will be able to lump you in with Holocaust denying and thus destroying the reach of the audience based on anti semitism.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:51 am

Post by Admin on Jun 30, 2015 5:29:55 GMT

1) You don't need people's "consent" to quote them in books or to use their clips on YouTube and he only appears in a whopping two small paragraphs in my book.
2) Matt Boylan did not "start" the flat Earth movement as he claims, neither did I, or even Samuel Rowbotham. The Earth has been flat as long as it's existed and certain people have known this and others haven't. Matt, nor I, were the first to make this revelation.
3) Paul Bales DID send me flat Earth books/info but I had already been researching the subject for years. You can see me writing about Geocentricity in The Atlantean Conspiracy in AND Alex Jones calling me a flat Earther way back in 2009 (see 3:25):

4) Matt "has his doubts that I'm actually in Bangkok or an American," based on my "accent." Regardless of Matt's "accent-detection-skills" I assure you I am a Mainer, living in Bangkok since 2005.
5) The guy trying to speak Thai on Matt's laptop has pronunciation so terrible that I likely didn't understand what he was saying. You can see me here and here speaking Thai much better than that idiot.

Can't believe Matt actually said, "Yes I have friends that are Jews and yes they wish they ruled the world."  Smile And "Obviously I have a lot of Jewish friends, some of whom are clients, some of whom are in the News, some of whom are in Hollywood." Oh really, Matt!?

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:55 am; edited 2 times in total

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:53 am

Post by gnosticwarrior on Jun 30, 2015 10:11:57 GMT

You are 100% from Maine, Eric. I live right in NH, and I know a Mainer when I see/hear one! I can go two blocks and see mountains, farms, and cows Razz .

I'll admit, Matt's stuff was super compelling when I first started researching. His on-stage comedic delivery really stood out as unique, and he did seem to have a lot of interesting stuff to say. HOWEVER (and a big however) - I'm always super, super skeptical of people claiming to be whistleblowers. He had the artist skills to back up what he was saying, but at the same time what he was "leaking" was way too high level IMHO. Something wasn't adding up, even if he was speaking truths in there.

Also - what the hell is with all these guys wanting your picture? That's immediately sketchy and suspicious! HUGE red flag, guys and girls; there should be a thread with "How to Tell if X Person is a Shill", with a list of common criteria. Number 1 should be "Asking for your photograph for security purposes", lmao.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:54 am

Post by lizardking on Jun 30, 2015 13:09:27 GMT

How truly pathetic. The ironic thing is that they are giving the Holohoax movement credibility by linking it to Eric and his outstanding research.

They are also making it blindingly obvious that they are nothing other than Zionists.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:55 am

Post by Admin on Jun 30, 2015 13:45:23 GMT

Great comments from Vicki on Facebook: Eric's book and video stand alone without any Support because they are filled with practical experiments a normal person or child can do for themselves. Very empowering. I 've noticed some very sophisticated attacks on his work, some subtle, some overt and some psych-ops orientated stuff trying to influence the way personal thought. Just read your wall of shame. Great post. Also watched first part of Matt's latest video. Just couldnt bare the blatant psych-ops word association programing he was conjuring. He's really going for it. He's not well read or researched if he's not aware of the evidence of the impossibility of cremating 6 million people in ovens that are purpose built to dry kill lice and bacteria. I thoroughly checked his YouTube and was concerned by his videos that showed his weakness of character. At the time I rationalized to myself that he was protecting himself from the illuminati by doing deranged videos of himself and his activities. His word associations of you, Mark sargent, holocaust denying and Jew blaming was constant. He even says that his work is most of the content of your book and video?? He also says that some of the info can be argued against by scientists...but gives no examples. Far out Brussel sprout. The trouble does not lay with him though because he only attracts lazy wannabes. He's the piped piper of the armchair egotists. The real problem they are facing is that you have got an intelligent audience who can think for themselves. Such people are the enemies of the System. Matt is a smoke screen. The Evidence is your greatest ally. It will never let you down.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:55 am

Post by davidkay on Jun 30, 2015 15:16:41 GMT

Well this was disappointing of him. I mean, if he is a shill than couldn't he come up with something more serious than quoting him without consent? That's pretty weak, man. I mean, Yes, he might have been the first one I have stumbled upon while searching for the flat earth, but he had hardly any evidence to back up his own claims. His videos were not that helpful and his credibility was questionable. Even Mark Sargent did way more to convince me of the flat earth.

As for the possibility that the whole movement could be labelled as jew hating holocaust deniers, that might be actually a good point, but seriously, I think that holocaust deniers get generally more credit than flat earthers, so it could actually be beneficial Smile Either way what can you do? Keep quiet in fear of being labelled? Than we should drop the flat earth business in the first place.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:58 am

Post by lizardking on Jun 30, 2015 15:37:58 GMT

I don't think it is a good or valid point. It goes hand in hand with the flat earth; how can you reveal this topic without exposing the perpetrators?

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