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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:46 am

Post by Admin on Apr 4, 2015 at 11:16am

The following video makes the case that Mark Sargent, creator of "Flat Earth Clues," is a disinformation agent on the level of the controlled opposition "Flat Earth Society": www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/03/flat-earth-society-controlled-op.html

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:19 am; edited 2 times in total

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:47 am

Post by Admin on Apr 4, 2015 at 2:21pm
Some good comments coming in from YouTube:

Todd Maiden: I'm only 9 minutes in so far but I have to comment... First of all, I'm completely convinced that "Sargent Non-Sense" is COINTELPRO. I guess there's always the possibility that he's a complete idiot, but for him to do so many interviews in such a short time, none of which offer any real proof at all, and be legit? That seems like a bit of a stretch. How can anyone who truly cares about a subject not do their research... not do their homework before even agreeing to do an interview??? I know I wouldn't... Who would agree to do an interview on a subject that they know practically nothing about? A normal person would be afraid of making themselves look like an ass! It would be like going on TV or doing some kind of public speech/presentation unprepared... who would do that? Only someone who's being PAID to do it. Only someone who WANTS to look like an idiot because he's trying to discredit the very subject he's talking about! As a matter of fact (assuming he's telling the truth about being new to this subject), I'm actually a little newer than him, having been studying it for only 1 month now, but I know WAY more than he does about it and I could give a WAY better interview than him right already! There's no way he's legit... he's had more time than me to do his homework and he admittedly knows about you and your work (the best out there by far), therefore he has no excuse. I came across his "clues" series of videos before I found your stuff and I have to admit, I was really impressed by them at the time and they had a powerful effect on me. They actually made me hungry for more info, which of course led me to search for every other flat earth video I could find on YT. Of course I downloaded your Flat Earth Conspiracy book on my Kindle for FREE (which is RIDICULOUS... That book is huge and exhaustive and worth paying for) and watched your and other legit flat earthers' videos, but when I heard your "Interview with a Real Flat Earther", I was just blown away. There was just no comparison between you and Sargent Non-Sense... I was getting really sick of listening to his interviews and dealing with his disjointed sentences and self-interruptions and constant parenthetical remarks... it's just torture to even listen to the guy but listening to you calmly and intelligently explain the evidence and proof for the flat earth.... there's just no comparison. Anyway, didn't mean to write a book about it. Back to the video now. Holy shit, I almost missed it... He says he studied the flat earth for 9 MONTHS last year! Holy crap, he should be an absolute expert by now! Especially considering the fact that he has no job and can study all day every day! Wow... he's literally admitting to researching yours and others' material, but he calls it "static-y"... No, he's the one who's "static-y"... then claims he was going for "total clarity" with his info....LOL. His information is the exact opposite of "total clarity"

ImmortalSouls: Nice work Eric at exposing Mark Sargent. I originally thought the same thinking where the hell did this guy come from? And his approach to the Flat Earth as if it's a man made construction with projections and holograms. What nonsense and so many people falling for this view of the Flat Earth. He's definitely a shill. I also had the Flat Earth Society approach me on Youtube after my first couple videos and they were basically telling me to join their forum discussions and discuss with the flat Earthers there. Although I believe they would have shill moderators in their forums. The whole Earth moving upwards to create gravitation is pure nonsense. You definitely destroyed Mark's interview in regards to the lies he was saying about your interaction with him! Good stuff!!! Keep up the good work!

Angel Dunne: Eric if you look at Mark's newest and I mean within the last hour his video......go to 6 mins 41 seconds and you will see who I think is behind him. The greatest shill of them all.......Max Malone, I couldn't believe that shit. It actually says it's a Mad Max production......Got to check that shit out. Maybe you don't know who Max Malone is but anyone who's been around a long time can tell you he's one of the worst shills.

Eric Dubay: I also caught this. In today's interview with Mark, from around the 6 minute to 10 minute point, he is blatantly plagiarizing me, reading right from my book!! And he never mentions at any point that he's reading, or that what he's reading is from Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Conspiracy book. Thanks for nothing! 8-| Here's the section he was reading: "We have been taught that the height of stupidity and naivety was when our ignorant ancestors believed the Earth to be flat, and that if any man somehow still thinks the Earth to be the immovable center of the universe, that they must be the most primitive kind of ignoramus. Nowadays the label “Flat-Earther” has become literally synonymous with “moron” and is a common cliché derogatory term for insulting someone’s intelligence. Upon seeing a book titled “The Flat Earth Conspiracy” your ingrained instinct is likely to laugh, mock the messenger, and deny the very possibility. The fact of the matter is however, that everything is actually just as it appears. The Earth is flat and motionless just as it seems, the Sun/Moon are the same size, and all the celestial bodies revolve around us. This stable geocentric universe, proven true by experience and experiments, which reigned undisputed for thousands of years adequately explaining all Earthly and celestial phenomena, was violently uprooted, spun around, and sent flying through infinite space by a cabal of Sun-worshipping theoretical astronomers. Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry have pulled off the greatest hoax, propagated the most phenomenal lie, and perpetuated the most complete indoctrination in history."

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:48 am

Post by Admin on Apr 4, 2015 at 3:41pm
Todd Maiden: "Wow, it's conclusive. He just outright lied about you saying you believe in the FES's ridiculous concept of gravity. Even I knew you didn't believe that. What a lying shill. And to think, I literally almost called him after I saw his Raging Clues. Glad I didn't... not that it really matters, I mean, here I am on YouTube with my real name. Same with Facebook, etc... if the NWO ever wants to black bag me, it wouldn't be very hard. He lies about you then takes the high ground... "I'm not going to fight with anybody". The interviewer is an idiot btw and they keep knocking "conspiracies" and "conspiracy theories", which is really bugging me. Maybe his job is to discredit all so-called "conspiracies"...

SovereignFOTL: "I liked his Clues, listened to a couple of his interviews which kinda washed over me, i had him down as an enthusiastic amateur w/o a scientific backround; crrow777 also initially impressed me til i started taking a more critical look after i discovered he was censoring dazzathecamaraman who argues his Lunar Wave is an atmospheric event - i'mspreading myself too thinly, am getting suckered in by shills, embarrassing lol, i had a go at Cae Sar for his video on Mark Sargent but now you put it like it THIS..... great video Eric 10/10"

To Which I Replied: "Hey, thanks! We've been having a go at Caesar on IFERS as well as he refuses to take down that reverse-psychology video of "calling out Mark Sargent" based on another video of some other guy WHO LOOKS AND SOUNDS NOTHING LIKE HIM claiming they're the same person, and therefore an agent. No Caesar, he's a shill for all the reasons pointed out in this video, not because you put a non-sense video of someone else named Mark Sargent then recommended a bunch of legitimate flat Earth channels subconsciously equating us with such clear non-sense. Why didn't promote all our FE channels in your previous good videos Caesar? Why did you wait until your worst video ever to promote all the other good FE channels?"

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:49 am

Post by Admin on Apr 4, 2015 at 4:06pm
Tele Funken: One thing I noticed early on, was the way Mark speaks. It seems he took oration lessons and memorizes a script, including when to pause, laugh, etc. Of the dozen interviews so far, at least half of them are almost completely identical. I'm relatively new to flat earth but have been around in the conspiracy scene for years and witnessed shillery from Alex Jones for example. Jones of course shills for the Jews by blaming randomly anyone else but Jews. Arabs, globalists, Nazis, Germanic aristocracy, Vatican etc but never the Jews. In reality, most institutions and races are fairly decent as long as the Jews don't infiltrate them. Nowadays, Jewish Supremacy and deception becomes more and more blatant. FreeMasonry is like usury and Communism, Jewish. Holocaust is a complete fraud as well.

Justin Dahl: mark sargent is a goddamn lunatic, and obvious liar. yeah bro, uh, like, the stars and sun and moon are not uh, there man. they're a projection. THIS IS HOW YOU TURN PEOPLE OFF THE TRUTH OF THE FLAT EARTH. goodness if you can't see through this bullshit i feel sorry for you.

Jeff Brown: Good job Eric. As you said before, the fact that he is holding up and spinning a round earth model in his hands whilst machinegun spouting bullshit, is a clever symbolic way of discrediting flat, stationery Earth.

Eric Dubay: Thanks Jeff. His script is obvious: Play with ball Earth while talking non-sense about the flat Earth, say the celestial bodies are "3 dimensional objects" and "holographic projections." Recommend people go to Crow777's disinfo channel, ramble on endlessly about theories and speculations whenever asked for facts, say "what you would do from a game design standpoint" instead of what IS, say what "you prefer." Always talk about "the dome" or "the enclosed system." Insist Admiral Byrd found the dome and go on about "the dome builders." When asked for evidence talk about ancient texts and other obscurities. Laugh about all other conspiracies and constantly talk about how fringe and ridiculous the flat Earth is. Misrepresent Eric Dubay's position whenever possible, condemn him for "causing a rift in the movement" and claim you're Mr. Nice Guy who loves his work and doesn't want any trouble. Say gravity exists and talk about it like a computer game model. Say seasons are based on unknown processes underneath the Earth. Recommend Orlando Ferguson's horribly incorrect/irrelevant concave Earth map whenever possible. Try to sound genuine and make sure to say "you know" every second word to make sure people know. Smile

Dene Moore: Hi Eric. I'm not seeing how you discredited him in your email conversation with him. Every flat earther has a version they present. your proof for various points varies from week to mediocre. Its the nature of this beast. At the moment we have to speculate due do lack of evidence. I think you are missing the points of his response to you and making something out of its that there is not. you need to be careful in regards to this not to discredit your own judgment. this business of trying to expose schills could ironically result in you being discredited if you show yourself to be lacking in judgment. This would cause people to begin doubting everything you present. sadly this is how most react.

Rayn Gryphon: "Weak to mediocre"? How so? To what evidence are you referring? The nature of the animal is evidence and reason, testable evidence and logic. Eric keeps it there from what I can see. Mr. Sargent does not. In his clues videos he supposes that giant smelters make volcanoes in order to keep people from burrowing down into the earth. He calls the dome makers the "builders" and justifies his every theory (in interview anyway) as "what he would do if he was building it" as though it were a video game - as though, "if they could do that they could do anything". I suppose it is a matter of opinion how helpful this is, depending upon whether or not one actually believes the astounding suggestion that "imagination is more important than knowledge" by the man who gave us a theory he himself deplored (and so did Tesla), as did Lorentz his equations later on, equations or mathematical transformations made to make the world look like a spinning ball around the sun. I emailed him several times and could never get a straight answer out of him. In fact, to hear him speak, it is a wonder he is the same person who made the videos. Frankly, I haven't thought seriously about his work since my first viewing of it and I thank God I found the work of Eric Dubay. I would reason that Sargent's Google-backed popularity (something he does not really hide - and anyone who has ever looked up anti-vaccination info and the like knows that Google vets websites) is precisely timed to stem the flow of interest that must invariably gather around authentic evidence and research. That is, Sargent exists, as is, precisely because Eric's book is actually so exceptionally presented. Anyone who would doubt Eric's work (that is, not Eric but his research, since this is about evidence, not personalities for anyone in danger of gaining any sense of reality) was likely never in any danger of learning any more than they already knew or wanted to know. And that, too, is the "nature of the beast". I would suggest you look over Dubay's work a little more if you can call it "weak and mediocre". Given the shitstorm of blind dumb ignorance we have inherited, the man should be given a medal and I am personally emboldened that he is not shying away from calling a spade a spade, not for his own sake but for that of the credible research that I would personally feel proud to call my legacy to my children.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:50 am

Post by angel on Apr 5, 2015 at 11:24am
These are some of the more recent shilling comments to this video....You can expect a lot more to come, once Max organizes his minions ......you will shocked to see how truly bad the shilling can get. One word that will get passed around a lot it's part of their style is the word EGO...

Eric Erb 8 hours ago ( Tied into Max Malone)
Good lord. Just admit he put together a series of better, more watchable videos in a more concise manner than you guys. The ego and envy in this vid and comments is palpable. The real red flags? Making mocking "XYZ is a shill" videos. Everyone knows anything put out in this area of thought is opinion. Get over it.

Gr8Believer 7 hours ago (Tied into UpNorthOfThe49th= Great friend of Max Malone)
It's obvious that Dubay is jealous of Sargent's sudden rise to fame in just a few weeks. Dubay carries on like it's HIS truth that he discovered and he has sole rites to it. Ego has no place in truth.

don't want a channel 8 hours ago ( No subs/channel/ no google activity......No nothing)=Straight out shill
Really? Homophobic jokes?
Who's the shill again?

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:56 am

Post by Admin on Apr 9, 2015 at 10:58pm
Great job Patricia! He's got the "Mr. Nice Guy" routine down well, but it's clear as day that he's a disinformant.

He said in the last interview and again in this one that "he will never say a bad thing about Eric in an interview." The way he says this over and over it's like he's been told, "maintain the Mr. Nice Guy image at all times, Mark. Never say a bad thing about Eric in an interview," and he's just following orders. Smile

At 6:50 he says someone told him "Eric looks like he might be retracting some of his stuff," which is BS as I've never retracted anything especially with regards to my accusations against Mark. Then he claims to have gone "straight to Eric's YouTube page, went to his discussion page, and I said, look, glad to know that you know we're you know sharing some same points and we don't see eye to eye but you know let's try to move forward and it looked like things were kind of patching up and then..." This is an outright lie and he even confirms it later in the interview when he admits to having NEVER ACTUALLY CONTACTED ME. He claims to have messaged me on my public YouTube discussion page which anyone can see is not true, and claims that I responded back and "it looked like things were kind of patching up!" This is ludicrous as he never messaged me, and we have never had any interaction whatsoever to warrant him saying "it looked like things were patching up."

At 12:50 after being pressed very nicely on the issue of heat/seasons clearly coming from the Sun and not "processes underneath the Earth" as he claims, he says, "The Sun of course generates heat, we all know that!" Flip-Flop! (rofl) He said in the Lisa Harrison interview that the Sun could be a "projection" and "all you would have to do is sync it up with whatever's happening in the sky you know because people automatically are like if the Sun's in this part of the sky it's gonna be a colder time of the year, you just gotta make sure that's consistent and everything's pretty good at that point." So when given free-reign to imagine "how he would build the enclosed system" he talks about the Sun possibly being a projection with some complex heat-projection system bullshit, but when forced to talk sense by Patricia, he just says "of course the Sun generates heat, we all know that!" Yes, we do all know that Mark, that's why your non-sense in other interviews you're retracting now is CLEAR DISINFO.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:58 am

Post by charliechan on Apr 10, 2015 at 3:50am
THIS is how they do it. This is how Neanderthals/Psychopaths making up 4% of the world's population end up controlling 96% of the rest. They tap into our natural desire for harmony and cooperation and infiltrate with lies. And when we call them on it, we get kumbayaed into silence. This tactic was used in the university systems back in the 1980's. It was called "Political Correctness" and "Multi-Culturalism". If one disagreed with the morality of whatever political theory was presented, one was accused of provincialism and backwardness.

Nowadays we get accused of Anti-Semitism. All for calling it as we see it. For not being "nice". Btw, dictionary archaic definition of "nice" : wanton, foolish, ignorant. It's high time we stopped being so Nice.

History shows once the Neanderthals have tamed us and suppressed our truths, they incite us to war. War as a tool for depopulation. It's time we stop falling for these sophisticated mind control tactics.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Admin Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:59 am

Post by tele on Apr 10, 2015 at 6:08am
If there is one thing to learn about all of this, it is being vocal and present is the best way of propaganda (neutral term). This whole debacle now opened the door to more truthseeking people than ever, I think. And for newcomers to flat earth, the arguments in the details don't matter that much and they will dig deeper if they take it seriously as in all other conspiracy type matters.

Mark's last interview is featured on Mami's Shit by Delcroix, who is at least sympathetic to the flat earth model. I don't know if he's 100% flat earther but he posted material in the past. Mami's has its own inner problems but generally, it's a good source of information and mostly posts various Jew-wise radio shows.


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by susie Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:25 am


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:28 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/10/2015
Sargent Clueless said several times that for Patricia he would contact me as soon as he finished the interview. It's been almost 48 hours now and still haven't heard anything from that pathological liar. He lied about this. He lied that he had ever contacted me before. He lied that he read parts of my book and now says he hasn't read any of it. He lied that I believe in Gravity and think "the Earth disc is constantly rising to account for gravity," when I constantly expose that BS in articles/interviews. He lied that "Eric considers himself a flat Earth purist" (I've never heard/used that term in my life). He lied that our difference is he thinks the Moon is 3D and I think it's 2D, when the truth is he says it's a "holographic projection" and I say it's a natural light. 

He's also still defending that stupid Orlando Ferguson concave Earth map, even after Patricia pointed out he has no evidence there is such curvature and it is impossible for water to curve the way it does in that map. He's just like, "yeah, but I still like it." NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU LIKE MARK, they're asking for and looking for THE TRUTH unlike you.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:30 pm

Posted by pilot on 04/12/2015

Apr 11, 2015 21:38:01 GMT muragus said:
His YouTube channel MarkKSargent has published a series of videos called Flat Earth Clues, which he describes as videos “designed to get both our heads around the design of the flat earth system we live in, and who has been involved in the deception to hide it from you.” From the Canary Cry Radio ...I read this as us having two heads and him who is chucking out the deception

Right on dude that is one fucked up sentence, some nlp double speak shit. He has to use the word "around", and build the idea from there. As smooth as the rest of his spiel is, that is one awkward ass sentence, which could have been expressed much more fluently with out using the idiom "to get your head around". for example

..."designed to reveal the flat earth system we live in, and who has been involved in the deception to hide it from you."
..."designed to prove the blah blah blah"
..."designed to introduce the etc etc

But he had to implant the ball in your head as he is about to talk you out of it.
These people really aren't very clever, are they?

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:31 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/12/2015

Apr 11, 2015 23:37:00 GMT pilot said:
Apr 11, 2015 21:38:01 GMT muragus said:
His YouTube channel MarkKSargent has published a series of videos called Flat Earth Clues, which he describes as videos “designed to get both our heads around the design of the flat earth system we live in, and who has been involved in the deception to hide it from you.” From the Canary Cry Radio ...I read this as us having two heads and him who is chucking out the deception

Right on dude that is one fucked up sentence, some nlp double speak shit. He has to use the word "around", and build the idea from there. As smooth as the rest of his spiel is, that is one awkward ass sentence, which could have been expressed much more fluently with out using the idiom "to get your head around". for example

..."designed to reveal the flat earth system we live in, and who has been involved in the deception to hide it from you."
..."designed to prove the blah blah blah"
..."designed to introduce the etc etc

But he had to implant the ball in your head as he is about to talk you out of it.
These people really aren't very clever, are they?

Not only are they not clever, they are quite simply thick-as-shit. They are doing an absolutely appalling job, and anyone with eyes can see that they are full of bullshit.  

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:32 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/13/2015
I just found this message Mark left on my YouTube channel's "discussion page" 5 days ago, which has to be the worst possible way to contact me, especially considering he is a member of this forum and could post or PM me here, but instead he chooses post on this "discussion page" which doesn't even notify me by email, so anyway I just happened to stumble upon it now:

"Eric, I just did an interview with Patricia from Sacred Cow Radio. She wanted me to extend the olive branch (on air I might add), and I agreed. Please email me directly so we can have an uninterrupted dialogue about how to proceed. I still believe we have very similar views and that there doesn't have to be a bitter conflict between our theories. We can also Skype if you prefer. Thanks, Mark"

We have vastly different views Mark and your constant lying about me and propagation of theories proven false by evidence I've presented you with is what has caused "bitter conflict." If you wish to address the issue further please feel free to use the account you've created here and do so. Peace

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:33 pm

Posted by planetruth on 04/14/2015
I just finished listening to Patty Aiken interview Mr. Sargent. She's a very good interviewer and straight forward. I'd be interested in how she came to understand the Geocentric POV and all that means to her personally, as we all go through the journey in this New Age of Discovery.

Many things I found disturbing about Mr.Sargent being a Flat Earth "truther seeker". 1) He does not in anyway promote common sense, logic, reasoning and fact based research, just opinions and things that "dawned on me". 2) He claims he (paraphrasing),'woke up with the idea a few weeks back and decided to put together the 10 and more videos by just splicing together different info sources that he though "made sense". 3) provides no research to his work and is more than willing to change his POV on big, big subject matter at the drop of suggestion by anyone it seems shows his complete lack of conviction through sound thinking and research 4) that he says he did not read "Flat Earth Conspiracy" or here about Eric until after his 3rd video he made, which is suspect given the amount of quality info provided in Eric's work...how could he of not found it sooner? and 5)Takes the role of the victim in the accusations about his motives behind making the "slick Willy" videos that are more fluff, rabbits and magician hats, and whatnot. 6)Mr. Sargent would be well served to read Eric's book, read Hickson, Johnson and Rowbotham, etc. before putting out any more videos or being on any more talk shows. He does no true service to anyone IMO.

That he may,or may not, be a plant,to de-plane,the effort we are all making to learn and understand how we have all been had in a 500 year Great Lie, yet planely the guy is not of merit or standing in providing fact based research,logic and common sense thought and basic observation.

Bottom line is he is not of genuine service to getting the truth out of FE and he is not willing to do the deep research, use common sense and give credit to those who have done so much heavy lifting before he him on this most important subject.

Might be well if we just move on from this guy altogether.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:34 pm

Posted by mauilani on 04/18/2015

Apr 13, 2015 15:55:43 GMT planetruth said:
I just finished listening to Patty Aiken interview Mr. Sargent. She's a very good interviewer and straight forward. I'd be interested in how she came to understand the Geocentric POV and all that means to her personally, as we all go through the journey in this New Age of Discovery.

Hello Planetruth...Patricia Aiken here. Thanks for the compliment. I've been a truth seeker all my life. I tend to get a little fixated. So my first month after hearing Mark on a friend's show, I devoured everything I could find on the subject. To me, it's a lynch pin issue...like the HoloHoax. Even bigger, perhaps. At first, I didn't see why it was so important. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. This is the way to take the Beast System down. If we can get people to wake up to this truth, their trust in the National Association of Space Actors and all the world governments and their right to rule, gets flushed down toilet. It's the ultimate wake up. Freedom follows. It breaks the Tavistock hold on our minds. MS said they have Plan B ready to go if the truth about this goes viral. How does he know that?

I was aware during the interview that there were inconsistencies in his story. One, Mark said he hadn't read and didn't have a copy of Eric's book. In another interview I heard, he said he had a copy but hadn't finished it. Then, Eric hears him reading from his book without giving him any credit! It was Mark's Flat Earth Clues that got me researching it further. So I don't know how much damage he's doing. As I said in the interview, In God we trust, everyone else we monitor. 

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:34 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/18/2015
Just to clarify it was the Clyde Lewis guy interviewing him that was reading from my book verbatim for several minutes without once offering credit to who he was reading from. I completely agree with your comments Patricia, because this affects everyone, it is the biggest, most successful lie in history, and when exposed shows the incredible depth of brainwashing humanity has been placed under. Once people see the truth of the flat Earth, they see that all academia, the world's universities and public schools, mainstream and alternative medias, the world's governments, the world's space programs, and most every "authority" and source of "officialdom" has been lying to them for 500 years. Such a realization is EXACTLY what we need to awaken the world, and bring the ideals of Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love back to our flat Earth.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:36 pm

Posted by majorepiphany on 04/18/2015
Hey everyone, Mark Sargent has really been rubbing me the wrong way lately. He treats the flat earth as some sort of hobby rather than an actual truth. I don't understand that. I was listening to his podcast with Canary Cry Radio and one of the interviewers asked him why the Illuminati would lie about the shape of the earth. Mark's initial response (whether intentional or not) when replying about the Illuminati was to mention the word "Illuminati" in a sarcastic tone, almost as you would expect a well paid cable news anchor to say it. His tone definitely gave something away here. I wish I knew the time in the interview so I could make it easier for other people to find and listen to. It really seems like this guy is cointelpro. He is Alex Jonesing the crap out of us.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:36 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/18/2015
I heard that too, he drew the word out long and said it sarcastically, Illuuuminaaaaati. It's been obvious to me since his first live interview, but glad to hear that you have also come to the same ... major epiphany Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Smiley

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:37 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/19/2015

Apr 18, 2015 9:36:45 GMT majorepiphany said:
Hey everyone, Mark Sargent has really been rubbing me the wrong way lately. He treats the flat earth as some sort of hobby rather than an actual truth. I don't understand that. I was listening to his podcast with Canary Cry Radio and one of the interviewers asked him why the Illuminati would lie about the shape of the earth. Mark's initial response (whether intentional or not) when replying about the Illuminati was to mention the word "Illuminati" in a sarcastic tone, almost as you would expect a well paid cable news anchor to say it. His tone definitely gave something away here. I wish I knew the time in the interview so I could make it easier for other people to find and listen to. It really seems like this guy is cointelpro. He is Alex Jonesing the crap out of us.

He acts like that because he is nothing but a cheap voice actor, paid by the NWO to spout nonsense. He is basically only there to undermine the Flat Earth movement. 

I would not bother watching his videos in future; he is nothing but a shit smear Shill. 

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:38 pm

Posted by majorepiphany on 04/19/2015
It's also amazing that Mark Sargent spends so much time talking, but never actually "saying" anything.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:41 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/28/2015
I saw that video, and it's definitely Caesar's second-worst video after the MS-double vid he took down. It seems like the fakeologist, cobracommander, Anthony B, Caesar crew are trying to create a ridiculous random rabbit hole where they spend hours scanning Halo 5 text/audio looking for "Hunt the Truth Clues," then promoting it as though they've discovered something ground-breaking, lol. Anthony B says: "I was very disheartened when Eric Dubay banned me for laying out these clues and asking those questions, but your comment of how you were upset about how things transpired gave me new life. It became very obvious that something big was centered around Halo 5 when you and I started bouncing clues off each other and making connections to not just Mark Sargent, but the entire YouTube truth movement. There is absolutely no way that everything we found is just coincidences. This is very very big." Haha, it's NOT Mark's voice, but they keep going on without retracting that obvious error. Then they go even further saying "Hunt the Truth" is secretly referencing some guy named "Brendon Hunt" and this is apparently a big flat Earth clue!? What a joke these fake flat Earth researchers are.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:42 pm

Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf-2g-nXOyV1dmVRWEy__8t6K9zI2wGT3z8OTjjR8u87arOLDUMark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Hqdefault

"The Borsalino hat, a wide-brimmed black felt fedora commonly worn by Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish sects, has now gotten trendy amongst hipster folks, the Times reports"--nymag.com

"A cappello romano (literally Roman hat in Italian) or saturno (because its appearance is reminiscent of the ringed planet Saturn) is a hat with a wide, circular brim and a rounded crown worn outdoors in some countries by Catholic clergy, when dressed in a cassock. "-wikipedia

Check one:

______ Message to Kenite/Edomite/Masonic Marrano-Jesuits that he is "Cool" and "one of Them"

______ Wearing a phylactery/kaaba on his third eye would be too "on the nose"

______ He is simply being "trendy" and a "hipster" (per NY Mag)

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:43 pm

Posted by highpriestofslack on 05/12/2015
Sorry if it's been brought up before but I just want to point out some simple observations. In my experience, there is a rule among the very best disinformation artists, controlled opposition, liars, conmen, globalists, Freemasons, Jesuits, whatever you want to call them: "hidden in plain sight". They go to great lengths to tell you the truth if you're paying attention, to tell you whether or not you can trust them.

In the "Flat Earth Clues Introduction" video, the very first one you'd watch, the first real point Mark Sargent makes is concerning nuclear weapons explosions. If you've been digging deep, you'll know that nuclear weapons are a hoax. Mark Sargent has immediately and in plain sight told anyone in the know that he is also "in the know" as a disinformation artist.

The other major impression left by that introductory video is his bringing up and lingering upon "reptilians". I can't find anyone seriously talking about "reptilians" as anything other than metaphor except for David Icke. I know there's been a raging debate on whether or not Icke is controlled opposition, and maybe this will help light the path. Remember that the very best tell you plainly if you know what you're looking at (watch for a few minutes). Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Wink

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:44 pm

Posted by flatmatejoe on 05/18/2015
I stumbled across Mark Sargents videos a couple of weeks ago, there is a strong intuitive feeling that something is not right, I have a good sense of what is real or fake and he does not fit the bill of being geniune. Then he started to say that the earth produces its own heat from underneath which I found flagrantly absurd. He also mentioned this guy nammed ccrow77 on you tube that has some of the most ridiculous shill characeristics I have ever seen, I don't think that the moon is a hologram. His assumptions about his dome firmament are not water tight either, it is just complete conjecture. The mockery of doing interviews while fiddling with a globe is clearly a way of subliminarly implanting the globe model in the head of the viewer, while seemingly putting together a flat earth theory. With intuition and a close look at Mark's general conduct, It is sad to say that he is in fact a shill! Also the clear plagiarisation of some Erics work in interviews is evident, even though he said on an interview that he had never read any of Eric Flat Earth Conspiracy book. He has been caught in a complete lie. The idiosyncracies of slurs and "not sure" kind of sounds he grunts in interviews are suspect and the finger is pointing invariably at the geniune shill.

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Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues Empty Re: Mark Sargent Raging Shill Clues

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:44 pm

Posted by rollingthunder on 05/21/2015
Just a short note on Mark's disappearing flights on GPS. I think this was also disinfo to cover up the fact that they are actually fake flights. He talked about tracking them as if they were real flights taking off and then disappearing over the ocean and reappearing just before landing. Judging from the reaction to my video that suggested they were fake, I believe that they are fake indeed! Cheers!

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