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Max Igan is a Shill

Yogi Tolord
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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:15 am

Post by Admin on Mar 29, 2015 at 7:50pm

Check out this revealing debate I'm having with Max Igan about the flat Earth. What do you guys think of Max? I've had my doubts and now I'm having far more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/141719629269455/permalink/769526873155391/

(NOTE: This is on a forum called "Dangerous Thinkers")

Matthew Rowley i'm going to quote Max Igan here "hmmm...funny... it looks like a sphere when Im flying over it and when Im high enough on a mountain to see the curvature of the earth... I think this is an attempt to promote the concept that "a conspiracy theorist will believe anything, even that the earth is flat. I guess the real questions, what with the fake war on terror, the police state roll out, loss of rights and global lockdown that is happening. is, why on earth even bother talking about this right now? and what possible importance could it have in regards to our present predicament?.. apart of course, from being a distraction designed to fuel meaningless debate over an unimportant topic, rather than constructive conversation, positive planning and workable action..."
19 hrs · Like · 2

Eric Dubay I'd agree completely if the Earth weren't flat. But since it is, such non-sense is non-sense.
9 hrs · Like

Max Igan personally I think that what is nonsense, is, rather than addressing the police state thats being rolled out, wasting time and energy debating whether the earth is flat ... I think its nonsensical to debate this topic simply because it makes zero difference either way whether the earth is round, flat, cube, or holographic... honestly I dont care even the tiniest bit either way, Im more concerned with freedom than inane meaningless, inconsequential deabte over a topic tat has zero effect on anyones life... sorry but thats my two cents.. so, enjoy your rabbit hole... just watch out for the fences and goons with tazers once you find your way back out
8 hrs · Like · 4

Max Igan but hey Eric, Im sure its a fascinating topic and once we have some freedom and sanity on this earth, Im happy to go down any rabbit hole thats offered... but to do so at this present moment doesnt seem to me to be particularly responsible.... I have a son and Id like him to have a future
8 hrs · Edited · Like

Joel D Rockefeller Eric Dubay, I have serious doubts as to whether anyone here wants to listen to such theories. Do you have an opinion on anything else?
8 hrs · Like

Sean Boucher This is the third time Joel D Rockefeller.shall i or shall you. ?
8 hrs · Edited · Like · 1

Sean Boucher Waste.
8 hrs · Like · 1

Joel D Rockefeller ????
7 hrs · Like · 1

Matthew Rowley
Walking the Knife Edge

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 4 - Episode 04 To download, please visit: thecrowhouse.com/radio.html or to stream directly,...
7 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Wow, when you people decide to open your minds a little bit, check out this dangerous thinking: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Flat%20Earth Remember what you said, and how you treated that Eric Dubay guy who tried to open your eyes to the biggest deception and conspiracy in history. Peace
Flat Earth
Flat Earth The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
5 hrs · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

Matthew Rowley Yes very dangerous for humanity
5 hrs · Like

Max Igan it would appear that lawrence was so detered by my debunking of his flat earth information, simply due to my own personal experiences, that he deleted the entire thread that quote came from Matthew... I cant seem to find it anyway.
4 hrs · Edited · Like · 1

Max Igan its not the biggest conspiracy in history Eric, its the most inconsequential and meaningless one because it has zero effect on anyone. Covering up whether the earth is flat or spherical, would be extremely difficult, serves no useful purpose, and makes no difference to anyones life. so... what would be the point?
4 hrs · Like · 2

Joel D Rockefeller I'd like to know why Eric Dubay, self proclaimed truth guru, is wasting his time bickering on a relatively tiny page like DTA. One would think someone of such status would be too busy reaching enlightenment
3 hrs · Like · 1

Sean Boucher Lol. .open our minds to something being flat rather than spherical. ...sounds legit. .lets all do that. Hey Eric Dubay.
3 hrs · Like

Sean Boucher Because 2d is so much more open.
3 hrs · Like · 1

Marty Downs Eric does not seem to be intentionally causing harm to the truth movement here guys... It's also ironic some of you seem to think his thoughts are 'too dangerous' for this forum! I had a listen. Free speech is more important than how crazy or what utility this may or may not have!
1 hr · Edited · Unlike · 1

Eric Dubay Thanks Marty!
1 hr · Like

Matthew Rowley Eric may not. But it's the same thing as believing in the ITCCS or any of the other red herrings that have been put in place to distract us from those murdering psychopaths who think that they are in control.
1 hr · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay For the few actual "dangerous thinkers" on here: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/01/water-proves-earth-flat.html
The Natural Physics of Water Prove Earth Flat
The Natural Physics of Water Prove Earth Flat The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan I dont think its dangerous Marty, however, given our present circumsatnces, I do think it is somewhat irresponsible to be leading people down a rabbit hole that is so easily debunked, when thier attention is desperately needed in addressing far more urgent and important matters.
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay You cannot debunk this Max: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/01/flat-earth-horizon.html
The Always Horizontal Horizon Proves Earth Flat
The Always Horizontal Horizon Proves Earth Flat The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/02/flat-earth-curvature.html
The Measurable Non-Curvature of the Flat Earth
The Measurable Non-Curvature of the Flat Earth The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan it doesnt look flat when Im up in a hot air balloon or on a high enough mountain to see the curvature eric, sorry brother, but it looks curved to my naked eyes.
1 hr · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay I love Max, I agree with everything he says except this because he hasn't researched it and apparently refuses to bother.
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay This is over 20 miles up, much higher than you've been and it's still flat:
No Curvature on the Flat Earth
Check out this excellent amateur balloon footage of our flat, motionless Earth! You can clearly see the Sun is...
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan no time eric because it makes absolutely no difference if its flat, round, square or cubed
1 hr · Like

Matthew Rowley Hahaha your. Funny
1 hr · Like

Max Igan how come I can see the coast of antartica everytime I fly across the southern ocean eric?
1 hr · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay The truth about the Earth beneath our feet and what is actually happening in the heavens above our heads is absolutely important and we've been lied to about it for 500 years.
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay Why wouldn't you? I don't understand the question.
1 hr · Like

Max Igan it doesnt really help in addressing this oncoming police state eric
1 hr · Like

Max Igan well your mate eric told me flights dont go across the southern ocean
1 hr · Like

Max Igan he told me there iks no space staion
1 hr · Like

Max Igan even tho its the brightest star in the sky in the amazon and you can see the details with a telescope
1 hr · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay I'm just as concerned about the Police State, the Israel/Palestine conflict and all the other conspiratorial issues we're being faced with. I'm not "distracting" from that as I write about and talk about these issues in interviews all the time. The flat Earth issue is important too though, as when you see through this biggest of all lies, the others come into clearer view as well.
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay
ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!
The International Space Station, just like everything...
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan why is it important when it makse zero difference to anyones live eric? I couldnt care less what shape the earth is because it makse no difference to my life and there is no reason to cover it up
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay ifers.boards.net/thread/18/why-lie-flat-earth
Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth | The International Flat Earth Research...
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan ok, so what was I looking at through the telescope when I was viewing that really bright star in the amazon that looked like a space station through the scope eric?
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay It's explained in the video you won't bother to watch.
1 hr · Like

Max Igan and what shred of difference would it make if the earth were flat eric? and why would it be needed to be covered up?
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay Read the link I just posted if you care.
1 hr · Like

Max Igan the video explains why I can see the space station from the amazon when its not real?
1 hr · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay Yes, Max it's just high-altitude solar-powered drone like Pathfinder and nowadays they use bluebeam-type hologram technology to project it.
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay Watch the end of the video you will see it's clearly a hologram.
1 hr · Like

Max Igan black budgets yes, nasa yes, fake moon landings yes, we know all this... but that has zero to do with any proof of a flat earth eric, you dont need to fake a round earth to set up nasa for black budgets
1 hr · Like

Max Igan ah yes of course... and why exactly eric... why fake a round earth, what is the point?
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay I guess I'll just have to copy and paste as you seem incapable of clicking my links... just a second.
1 hr · Like

Eric Dubay NASA is the biggest black budget black hole in existence sucking in over 30 billion dollars taxpayer money for the fake moon landings alone. But it is about much more than just money.

The modern Atheist Big Bang Heliocentric Globe-Earth Chance Evolution paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God, or any sort of intelligent design, and replacing purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.

“The heliocentric theory, by putting the sun at the center of the universe ... made man appear to be just one of a possible host of wanderers drifting through a cold sky. It seemed less likely that he was born to live gloriously and to attain paradise upon his death. Less likely, too, was it that he was the object of God’s ministrations." -Morris Kline

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism. If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world. Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.

Our eyes and experience tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. When we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we must prostrate ourselves at the feet of the very pseudo-scientists who blinded us, to treat them as "experts," astronomical "priests" who have special knowledge only they can access, like the Hubble telescope. By brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake!

Earth being the flat, fixed center of the universe, around which everything in the heavens revolves denotes a special importance and significance not only the Earth, but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designer's designs. By turning Earth into a spinning ball thrown around the Sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless Big Bang they turn humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind, dumb universe! It's trauma-based mind-control! They beat the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.

And the end-game of this deception is world domination which they plan on ushering in based on a fake alien invasion like in ID4 and other sci-fi movies. A hundreds years ago nobody believed in "aliens." Nowadays everyone's sure they exist because of NASA, Disclosure Project and other propaganda programs:
Invasion Earth Agenda Exposed
The Moonlanding hoax was essential to make the public believe that aliens could also explore space...
59 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan scriptures?
58 mins · Like

Marty Downs OK if per chance we have been deceived in such a grand way i do agree it would be relevant... I will click on some links and report back from the rabbit hole if i make it..!!
58 mins · Like

Eric Dubay Thanks Marty, here's more research for anyone with an open-mind and discernment: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2014/11/the-globe-earth-lie.html
The Globe Earth Lie
The Globe Earth Lie The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
57 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan sigh.... I dont know why I even bother trying to wake mankind up.... the stupidity gene is just far too powerful... I give up
57 mins · Like

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2014/12/earth-center-universe.html
Earth is the Center of the Universe!
Earth is the Center of the Universe! The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
56 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay Wow, Max, seriously disappointing.
56 mins · Like

Eric Dubay I don't give up on you, but you won't even research this topic, so you've given up on it yourself.
56 mins · Like

Max Igan well when it comes to verification from scriptures... sorry but the worlds in a mess and this is so ridiculous and serves no purpose as it makes zero difference what shape the world is anyway
54 mins · Like

Max Igan scripture...the biggest hugest lies and most evil deception ever imposed on the mind of man
54 mins · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay This is science, not scripture: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/01/water-proves-earth-flat.html
The Natural Physics of Water Prove Earth Flat
The Natural Physics of Water Prove Earth Flat The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
53 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan goodbye eric, enjoy your rabbit hole.... but watch out for the bars and tazers when you crawl back out...
52 mins · Like

Eric Dubay That's the second time you've said that. Is that some sort of veiled threat?
51 mins · Like

Max Igan its a threat yes, and its coming from your government... its just that your not paying attention to it and are thereby helping make it a reality
50 mins · Like

Eric Dubay Have you ever even read my work? www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Anarchy We're on the same side and I'm on the front-lines of this battle with you Max!
Anarchy The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
47 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan maybe you were once, but now you seem intent on syphoning people off down a rabbit hole of inconsequential drivel that is meaningless in regard to anything - as it makes no difference at all to anybody what shape the earth is... and also serves no purpose to hide it
45 mins · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay Bro, I even have a whole Max Igan section on my website! www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Max%20Igan 15 articles with your excellent videos I've promoted. You're seriously disappointing me that you won't research the evidence I'm presenting here in this thread.
Max Igan
Max Igan The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
44 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan eric,,, its a bout a flat earth.... we are in a crucial year, police state extravaganza... ww3 right on the horizon... and all preventable.... and.... you want me to go investigate the flat earth... when even at the end of it, all the difference it will make is for me to say, wow, the earths flat... back to life, no change for anything there... so seriously.... are you kidding me? .... u really feel at this crucial time in history this issue, which affects no one either way, is an important thing to look at? ... you are kidding me correct?
40 mins · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay I'm not kidding. You're being lied to and you don't care to know the truth:
The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary
In this 90 minute documentary I have compiled and condensed all the most compelling video evidence...
35 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan no, i dont . I dont care even remotely if the earth is flat eric because it doesnt make any difference at all to anything in my life or the lives of anyone or anything I know.... I dont even care if its a cube or a hologram... I care about freedom.... I dont care if the earth is flat and there is no reason to hide it even if it is... it would serve no purpose whatsoever.
32 mins · Edited · Like

Eric Dubay I've already told you the purpose, I doubt you read it though, you just keep replying at lightning speed so there's no way you've read any of the evidence I've presented.
30 mins · Like

Max Igan you said black budgets
30 mins · Like

Eric Dubay That was first sentence. Then i said: But it is about much more than just money. The modern Atheist Big Bang Heliocentric Globe-Earth Chance Evolution paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God, or any sort of intelligent design, and replacing purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.

“The heliocentric theory, by putting the sun at the center of the universe ... made man appear to be just one of a possible host of wanderers drifting through a cold sky. It seemed less likely that he was born to live gloriously and to attain paradise upon his death. Less likely, too, was it that he was the object of God’s ministrations." -Morris Kline

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism. If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world. Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.

Our eyes and experience tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. When we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we must prostrate ourselves at the feet of the very pseudo-scientists who blinded us, to treat them as "experts," astronomical "priests" who have special knowledge only they can access, like the Hubble telescope. By brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake!

Earth being the flat, fixed center of the universe, around which everything in the heavens revolves denotes a special importance and significance not only the Earth, but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designer's designs. By turning Earth into a spinning ball thrown around the Sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless Big Bang they turn humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind, dumb universe! It's trauma-based mind-control! They beat the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.

And the end-game of this deception is world domination which they plan on ushering in based on a fake alien invasion like in ID4 and other sci-fi movies. A hundreds years ago nobody believed in "aliens." Nowadays everyone's sure they exist because of NASA, Disclosure Project and other propaganda programs:
Invasion Earth Agenda Exposed
The Moonlanding hoax was essential to make the public believe that aliens could also explore space...
29 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan fuck god... another fiction
28 mins · Like

Max Igan back to the scripture I see
28 mins · Like

Max Igan goodbye now eric
27 mins · Like

Eric Dubay No, I'm a dangerous thinker I have my own ideas about our intelligently-designed plane: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2014/09/god-brahma-tao-void-oneness-infinite.html
God, Brahma, Tao, Void, Oneness, Infinite Consciousness
God, Brahma, Tao, Void, Oneness, Infinite...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
27 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan sorry brother, but there is no dangerous thinking here, just another programmed rabbit hole of inaction
26 mins · Like · 1

Eric Dubay You clearly know nothing of my work if you're accusing me of "inaction." Earth is the flat, motionless center of the universe and that fact, along with the countless lies which uphold the heliocentric ball Earth mythos are by far some of the most dangerous thinking around. I'm a vegan anarchist holocaust-denying flat-Earther Max. I'm clearly too dangerous for you: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Zionism
Zionism The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
20 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan well its quite obviously that we both have very different interpretations of the word dangerous my brother...
17 mins · Like

Eric Dubay What do you need to see to understand my work/thinking is just as dangerous as yours? Police State articles? www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Big%20Brother
Big Brother
Big Brother The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
14 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Max Igan my issue is this eric... we have a situation... an urgent situation.... its a situation that could be addressed very quickly if people were to pay it some attention.... then we can go down all the rabbit holes we want and figure out whats really going on here.... but if we do not address this urgent situation very soon... then we wont have any freedom to investigate anything much past that point.... as I said, enjoy your rabbit hole while you can, but for me, its a matter of priorities
14 mins · Like

Eric Dubay Psychopathy? www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Psychopathy
Psychopathy The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
14 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay The New World Order? I'm just as concerned as you about the Police State and government corruption: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/New%20World%20Order
New World Order
New World Order The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
13 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay The big banks enslaving humanity through debt and fractional reserve banking? www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Banking
Banking The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
12 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay I'm with you bro.
12 mins · Like
Eric Dubay
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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:16 am

Post by marlon on Mar 29, 2015 at 9:06pm

If Max can't see the significance of a flat earth, he's either illuminated or his brain has shut down.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:16 am

Post by solarbloom on Mar 29, 2015 at 9:54pm

Max has his head in the sand -- realizing the FE is the keystone to unraveling the "why" behind everything else conspiratorial....

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:17 am

Charlie Veitch decided to chime in and bury his head in the sane just like Max:

Charles Torres Veitch Eric is this satire? Or do you really think the earth is flat?
56 mins · Unlike · 1

Jaba Art Charles Torres Veitch why are you so convinced it is a ball?
54 mins · Like · 3

Jaba Art The question is always with how many "conspiracies" we said .... NO WAY is IMPOSSIBLE ... before really looking into and realise ... how silly i was to not see it before
52 mins · Like · 2

Charles Torres Veitch
Charles Torres Veitch's photo. charlies-idea-of-funny.jpg
47 mins · Like

Jaba Art Charles Torres Veitch don't run away look at least into ... take you 90min AT LEAST!
The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary
In this 90 minute documentary I have compiled and condensed all the most compelling video evidence...
46 mins · Unlike · 3 · Remove Preview

Charles Torres Veitch OK I'll watch five minutes of it out of politeness and I'll let you know what I think
42 mins · Unlike · 1

Daniel Alvin just posted my first comment on IFERS Not that it's a prerequisite lol, but vegan anarchists unite!!!
40 mins · Unlike · 1

Eric Dubay It's going to take more than 5 minutes to understand the greatest deception in history Charlie! But I appreciate you taking a look anyway, also see some of the following links: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/01/water-proves-earth-flat.html
The Natural Physics of Water Prove Earth Flat
The Natural Physics of Water Prove Earth Flat The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
36 mins · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/01/flat-earth-horizon.html
The Always Horizontal Horizon Proves Earth Flat
The Always Horizontal Horizon Proves Earth Flat The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
36 mins · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/02/flat-earth-curvature.html
The Measurable Non-Curvature of the Flat Earth
The Measurable Non-Curvature of the Flat Earth The...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
36 mins · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Daniel Alvin Those are my three go-tos lol ^^^^ ...and the short "Sun, Stars, Moon Prove" vid, since that's the one that first floored me "Star Trails" is also irrefutable (as they all are, truly) but I find it's too overwhelming right off the bat for many...cognitive dissonance roars and the idea of us being the center of known/visible reality is just too jarring for the average "endless expanding/contracting universe" indoctrinated person to handle...it melts the brains of "awake and aware" folks without mercy lol
31 mins · Like

Charles Torres Veitch I watched ten minutes and read the article Eric Dubay sent me. I wish you guys well with this
29 mins · Like

Eric Dubay Thanks Charlie, what did you think, and why are you only giving it 10 minutes?
28 mins · Like · 1

Jaba Art Charles Torres Veitch is this how you look into things ? Good luck to you to find any truth this way!
27 mins · Like · 1

Bob Brand www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/10079244/The-911-conspiracy-theorist-who-changed-his-mind.html
The 9/11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind
Charlie Veitch was once one of Britain’s leading...
27 mins · Unlike · 3 · Remove Preview

Lisa Jane hes a shill . lol CV
26 mins · Unlike · 1

Lisa Jane
25 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Jaba Art No charlie is not a shill!!! But obviously he really don't look into things very deep
24 mins · Like

Lisa Jane ok hes not lol
23 mins · Like

Eric Dubay You're not a shill are you Charlie? www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2011/07/charlie-veitch-and-shill-police.html
Charlie Veitch and The Shill Police - Everything Isn't Okay
Charlie Veitch and The Shill Police - Everything Isn't...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
22 mins · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Lisa Jane not here to argue , just here to post info to show others
22 mins · Like

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2011/09/charlie-veitchs-bbc-conspiracy-sellout.html
Charlie Veitch's BBC Conspiracy Sellout Road Trip
Charlie Veitch's BBC Conspiracy Sellout Road Trip...
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
21 mins · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Bob Brand he also shit on the memory of a dying man killed by the police WITH HIS LIES
** Charles Veitch ** Introducing the REAL... [The Original] (Re: Ian Tomlinson)
2nd April 2009 - Here we see the BBC disseminate a...
18 mins · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

Lisa Jane he said he did that for money ..
20 mins · Edited · Like

Lo Bellver To be or not to be a shill, that is the question xDDD
20 mins · Like · 1

Lisa Jane must admit though he had everyone fooled with his videos he did good stuff at first , but i think it all went to his head lol
20 mins · Unlike · 1

Paul Rewriter Cary "Shiller" tune of " Thriller "by Michael Jackson
It's close to midnight
They love to keep you in the dark
Out of the spotlight
They're planning on tearing you apart
It's in scenes
Of movies that's how they deceive you
You can't believe it's happening right before your eyes
You're mesmerized

You feel the earth shake and know there's nowhere to run
You feel the cold snap and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
It burns your eyes this ash as it flies in the
World ,
So all the while you keep hearing voices sayin'
You're out of time

'Cause this shiller ,shiller is in sight
And no one's gonna save you from the beast,
That's right
You know there's a shiller,
Who has you in their sight
You're fighting for the truth
'Cause you know it ain't right

You feel the earth shake and know there's nowhere to run
You feel the cold snap and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
It burns your eyes this ash as it flies in the
World ,
So all the while you keep hearing voices sayin'
You're out of time

'Cause this shiller ,shiller is in sight
And no one's gonna save you from the beast,
That's right
You know there's a shiller,
Who has you in their sight
You're fighting for the truth
'Cause you know it ain't right

So don't forget to know that demons are on every side
They won't forget you they'll always mess with your mind
There is no time to worry about how close it gets each year
It's happening right now and before the night it will be clear

You will see that this shiller ,shiller is in sight
It's a shiller , shiller is in sight
It's a shiller, shiller is in sight

Paul Cary 4/5/14
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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:18 am

Post by lizardking on Mar 29, 2015 at 11:29pm

"hmmm...funny... it looks like a sphere when Im flying over it and when Im high enough on a mountain to see the curvature of the earth... I think this is an attempt to promote the concept that "a conspiracy theorist will believe anything, even that the earth is flat. I guess the real questions, what with the fake war on terror, the police state roll out, loss of rights and global lockdown that is happening. is, why on earth even bother talking about this right now? and what possible importance could it have in regards to our present predicament?.. apart of course, from being a distraction designed to fuel meaningless debate over an unimportant topic, rather than constructive conversation, positive planning and workable action..."

Their tactics are so obvious! How can anyone ever reveal the true extent of their lies if our eyes are cloaked with much lesser issues like Sandy Hook? These false flags really pale in significance compared to lying about the entire structure of our Earth and God's existence. This man is an outrageous liar and a shill. How he can claim that their attempts to make this entire planet atheistic is unimportant is ludicrous. It's pretty obvious that there has not been any 'workable action' and there will not be any until people are literally being lined up into FEMA camps. The only thing that would truly incense people enough to take action would be knowing that our governments colluded to brainwash us from the second we were born simply to deny our Creator's reality.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:18 am

Lizardking, did you notice how he got so riled about the subject too that he went so far as to say "Fuck God!" That's very different than the usual soft-soothing tone Max uses telling us "In Lakesh" and "sending us love."

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:19 am

Post by lizardking on Mar 30, 2015 at 12:20am

lol I just went back up and read the whole argument. His vitriolic anger makes no sense in correlation with his claims of disinterest, and everything he is mentioning down to the 'impending' World War 3 to the expanding Police State are mutually exclusive with the lies about our Universe. After all, how does he think these things have been allowed to take place? This world is full of zombies and worker bees either too busy or too careless to actually open their eyes. That can only be achieved by turning people into "I Me Mine" thinkers who don't care for spirituality at all. When you say Fuck God you might as well say fuck it to everything and not bother looking into any of these conspiracies because you have just dismissed the most important one of all.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:19 am

Post by thinkforyourself on Mar 30, 2015 at 12:24am

I think that he is a shill. This part was very revealing:

''Max Igan: its not the biggest conspiracy in history Eric, its the most inconsequential and meaningless one because it has zero effect on anyone. Covering up whether the earth is flat or spherical, would be extremely difficult, serves no useful purpose, and makes no difference to anyones life. so... what would be the point?
4 hrs · Like · 2''

So he is happy to say that the NWO are bringing in a 1984-style police state, and yet he doesn't think that they are capable of lying about the shape of the planet, despite the fact that they run and control Nasa? This is a very suspicious thing to say.

He intentionally fails to recognise that by lying about the shape of our planet, and the movement of the stars, sun and moon, they are fostering and encouraging atheism, and leading people away from goodness and spirituality towards selfishness, self-interest and evil.

If he were really against the NWO, he would attack all of their lies, especially lies as big as the ones that they say about the shape of the planet, and the position of our Earth.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:21 am

Post by Admin on Mar 30, 2015 at 2:52pm

Back to Max. Notice the one-eye symbolism and his "Crow House" name. I'm reminded of Mark Sargent's best disinfo friend Crrow777. The movie, "the Crow" was full of occult symbolism, what is the significance of the crow, anyone know?

Max Igan is a Shill Max-ig10

Here are some more good comments from the forum:

Daniel Alvin Tony, I agree with your point about labeling people who are skeptical or have different takes as shills automatically is not helpful, and have said as much elsewhere (regardless of how many of them may actually be of questionable intent) I've actually found it to be quite alienating myself, and I'm completely on board with what I've come to KNOW (not believe) about the subject for a good three months now
14 hrs · Like · 2

Lo Bellver There are shills everywhere. It is very important to spot them.
14 hrs · Unlike · 7

Jaba Art No is not about labelling people who don't look into it as shill! But the ones who claim to spread truth should be able to really look into what is true or not and not just sit on their numbers of followers and not take the risk to loose them! If we want to get to truth out, then we have to be able to question everything and everyone! Including ourself ... and don't beLIEve anything!
14 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 4

Lo Bellver Like they say in that movie "The issue's not whether you're paranoid, Lenny, I mean look at this shit, the issue is whether you're paranoid enough."
14 hrs · Unlike · 3

Ken Bagen over the past 6 years or so I have just started to understand how the sick criminals who run this world opperate ..... from staged events which are used to trigger a mass puplic response (Sandy Hook being the most obvious of these , but there are many more) , to GMO's , chemtrails etc ........ Igan drones on about the shape of the Earth having no importance but in actuality the truth about the flat Earth is the most important issue of all........ BTW Joshua I would suggest that the plankton may be a residue from all the underwater simulation that ISS participates in .
14 hrs · Unlike · 6

Jaba Art Max Igan get already exposed in 2013 with all the OPPT B/S ... he is big time in New (C) Age promoting NWO All light/Love ... this is full Luciferian Psy Ops!
14 hrs · Like · 1

Mark Kŋight Max Igan "its not the biggest conspiracy in history Eric, its the most inconsequential and meaningless one because it has zero effect on anyone. Covering up whether the earth is flat or spherical, would be extremely difficult, serves no useful purpose, and makes no difference to anyones life. so... what would be the point?" <<<< good heart, some good work, but ultimately, a mug.
13 hrs · Unlike · 6

Lo Bellver We're dealing with two kinds of persons here we indistinctively call shills. One group are real shills. The other one are just idiots. Our job is to sepparate the wheat from the chaff.
13 hrs · Unlike · 6

Lawrence Wright It would be interesting to see if just one big name in the so called truth movement will come on board with this. Are they all controlled opposition? Max Igan won't look at it, Robert Menard says he's looked at it but is still a ball earther. Michael Tsarion promotes atlantean conspiracy on his page so is he a flat earther in waiting? Are you going to ask him Eric?
12 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 1

Mark Kŋight ill ask tsarion - ive had some emails with him over the years.
12 hrs · Unlike · 1

Paul Anderson It seems to me that certain folks who make money from preaching 'truth' to the masses don't like anyone telling them something they didn't know. Maybe that's because it dents their ego and renders half their work as incorrect or fraudulent with a probable negative effect on their income. Either way, Igan's behaviour towards Eric, who was politely trying to spread information, was very disappointing how ever you look at it.
12 hrs · Unlike · 6

Lawrence Wright The problem in getting a big name on board assuming they are genuine is their egos. If they publicly come out they probably think they would lose their fan base so would rather keep their fans than reveal the truth
11 hrs · Like · 4

Patricia Aiken For so called "truthers" to reject the Flat Earth model is objectionable. I don't expect CNN to jump on board but real truth seekers regardless of their initial knee jerk response, are willing to look if only to debunk. My guestimate is that at least 75% of all "alternative" media and gurus are cointelpro. There is so much at stake with this information, you know you the PTB are going to throw everything they have at it. I'm amazed that ifers stays so civil...clearly good moderating. FE is not a non-issue, it's the LYNCHPIN.
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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:22 am

Post by Admin on Mar 30, 2015 at 4:13pm

Apparently Max is reading this thread and it's making him sad Sad He sent me the following PM:

"I have been incredibly depressed since our conversation last night, for the first time in decades I actually felt depression.... I realised that Ive been wasting my time, it doesnt matter how many opportunities for freedom we are presented with, people are always going to be sidetracked into conspiracies and they are not going to stand up and do anything... we had our chance but no one wants to take it. I can see little point in even continuing what I do because people simply dont care, so I thank you at least, for opening my eyes to the futility of it all... and you label me a shill for disagreeing with you.... that is a low low, incredible low act and shows an utter lack of morals and yes I said fuck god... and I repeat it, the monotheistic concept of god has caused us nothing but trouble"

Feel free to chime in here Max. You obviously are paying close attention if you noticed the "fuck god" bit we pointed out here. Funny how you've got plenty of time to bicker with me about the flat Earth on Facebook and read what we're saying about you on my flat Earth forum here, but you have NO TIME to research the flat Earth topic whatsoever because you're too busy exposing/being depressed about the police state.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:22 am

From Thelma EarthPlane on FB:

"There are many people in the 'truth' business, and yes it's a business for them. They live off donations to talk endlessly about the same old crap, those will never want much to change because they may need to look at new ways to live off other people's generosity. They even ridicule anyone who has woken up to the Biggest hoax ever played on humanity and are AFRAID of the truth. This truth really reveals who's genuinely wanting the truth and empower people or they're just doing the best they can to keep people in ignorance, because people's ignorance is their power and breadline. They wont last. They laugh and ridicule and tar us just so others are put off even looking at the flat earth. It's not just flat earth, it's so much more. Those who say 'what difference does it make what shape the earth is' are those who are not remotely interested in truth. They are full of shit/shill. Any one with a bit of open mind will at least look at the info, if they don't want to, it's because they don't want it to be true. After all they stand to lose alot, and their work being based on lies.. but this is where either ego fights to stay in its illusion or the desire of the soul is stronger for truth than the ego.. all is revealed."

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:23 am

Post by lizardking on Mar 30, 2015 at 8:44pm

You really opened his eyes to the futility of it all! Why are all of these people so pathetic, it's hilarious. I'm glad this is the best strategy their shills have, shows they really don't have much of anything at all.

Max, why won't you just comment on the forum like everyone else?

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:23 am

Post by JustAnswerMyQuestion on Mar 30, 2015 at 11:53pm

I'm very dissapointed at Max, because he was the one who opened my eyes on all those disgusting conspiracies against humanity. 5 years ago I was total sheep, I even believed in official 9/11 explanation, and then I saw Max's movie "The Big Picture", and it completely blew my mind. I was shattered by this information. I was 19 back then, and at the point in life, when I thought I knew how life and world works in general, but in 90 minutes, my worldview and most of beliefs collapsed just like that, and it was horrible. For weeks, I felt scared and lonely, and had no idea what to do next. But I guess my mind took it's time to truly comprehend information I learned from Max, and I felt normal again, so I started to look for more information. To make long story short, thanks to Max I ended up on Eric's YT channel, discovering the greatest deception of all, so for me it feels very wierd to find out, that "father" of my awakening is no longer on board with the truth. Btw Eric, I can't thank you enough for what you did for us, by revealing very uncomfortable truth about the world we live in. Stay brave Eric, because of people like you, we still have hope for a better future, God bless you brother.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:24 am

Post by dex on Mar 31, 2015 at 2:54am

What you wrote about how scared and lonely you felt is quite telling. So many of us, I'm sure, have been there. That is mission accomplished for any of the mainstream "truthers". That is their job. That is why Max, in his infinite wisdom, vociferously protests that "it doesn't make a difference", when in fact it's the only thing that does. Droning on about the police state and the NWO is not threatening to the psychopaths in charge, in fact, it is encouraged, because it is psychically damaging. What is certainly not encouraged, what is actively denigrated by the Max Igans and Alex Jones of the world (what do you know, both are 33's in name gematria) is the empowerment and understanding that comes with knowing the nature of your world, your reality. They focus solely on the political, and are allowed to do so until they are blue in the face, but what they cannot allow is any divulging of any spiritual truth whatsoever. I have found that this is one way we shall know them. I was yet another victim of this atheistic nihilistic materialistic scientific ruse, believing in the godless big bang with as much blind faith as the religious zealots I often ridiculed. Well, it's both scary and exhilarating to say that I have learned more and have obtained more meaning in the last two months of research than in my entire not-quite-34 years on this earth, this magnificent creation that has been hidden from us for so long.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:24 am

Post by JustAnswerMyQuestion on Mar 31, 2015 at 4:01am

I fully agree with you dex. After some time of researching conspiracies it's hard not to see that, there's a lot of controlled opposition. And soon after I started, Alex Jones became an obvious one, but I still felt that Max is a genuine person, he's just focused on more practical side of "conspiracy world". Then I learned that, all conspiracies come down to God and Lucifer, so I noticed even more controlled opposition, but even after that, Max was still reliable for me (probably because he was the first truther I listened to). Then I saw this topic,"Fuck God!" from Max, and became clear to me that he's a shill. Sorry for my bad English, I have learn it mostly from Hollywood movies and shows Smile

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:25 am

Max says he almost completely stopped doing his radio show due to his chat with me last week, BUT he found an inspirational quote and now he's all set, good to go, and gonna continue on despite the deep depression I sent him into. In the video he claims "it is impossible to prove the shape of the Earth," even though I sent him proof after proof after proof after proof and he didn't read any of them... just said "Fuck God" ... "now I'm depressed."

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:26 am

Post by Admin on Apr 4, 2015 at 10:34pm

Has anyone else noticed the shill protocol of calling it "FET" (Flat Earth Theory)? Smile I would never, have never, and will never use that acronym or refer to the truth as a theory. The Flat Earth can be and has been proven.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:26 am

Post by thinkforyourself on Apr 4, 2015 at 10:52pm

That is a very good point. It must be something that they are taught at Shill school.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:27 am

Post by schpankme on Apr 5, 2015 at 11:10pm

Max Igan promotes the State Based Religion of fear mongering, and theoretical physics; he has a good market and will not change.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:27 am

Post by harry on Apr 8, 2015 at 12:00am

Eric's forum is definitely getting lots of attention now.

Its the grandest lie ever manufactured if you ask me, if you understand this, you never trust a word out of the powers that were, mouths again, not that I did anyways lol

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:29 am

Post by Admin on Apr 14, 2015 at 1:39pm

Now "Chris J. Perkins" who apparently has a show called "Authentic Enlightenment" (which is such a joke) and his lap-dog Jeff M. Giles are shilling hard for the ball-Earth:

Does everyone realize that by me calling out the flat earthers and writing my article about it, that I have perpetuated it even more? lol not only am I gaining a load of publicity, but I've helped weed out the kooks from the truthers. You're welcome Razz
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14 people like this.

Ryan Donahue I'd love to see Eric Dubay on the show.

I love how people call themselves truthers, but won't take a few hours to do their own research. Nope, I heard on the radio we went to the moon, what more proof do I need? NASA has given me photoshopped pics of the earth from space, and all these "authorities" in science says the math works. It really reminds me of religion 500-1000 years ago. People couldn't read Latin so they had to take the "authorities" word for it. You have never seen that the earth is a globe, you can't do the math yourself, all you have to go on is "authority" words. People will admit that the government has lied about many, many things, some people don't believe a word the government says, but if NASA says it, then it must be true, don't worry that they're a military branch of the United States government, they wouldn't lie to you.
14 hrs · Unlike · 3

Ryan Donahue I mean, the whole argument could be set to rest with ONE FUCKING PICTURE. But NASA, the people "putting probes on Mars" can't give me a damn photo, or even better a time lapse video of the earth rotating? Give me a fuckin' break.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Someone hasn't given their due diligence www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/search/label/Flat%20Earth
Flat Earth
Flat Earth The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
14 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Chris J. Perkins Eric is more than welcome to come on the show.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay I already debunked your article here too: ifers.boards.net/post/3725/thread
A Few Questions About the Flat Earth Model | The International Flat Earth...
14 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Joseph Richardson great job, i give no attention to the flat earth kooks. the logic is screwy from the get-go so i just cant even listen to them type of peoples.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue ^^^wow, very open minded of you.
14 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins Someone needs to come on my show and explain this shit. We need a good healthy debate or something, because talking about it on FB isn't getting anywhere.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue "Logic is screwy" dude, if you had never heard of NASA or seen their fake ass photos, you would assume the earth is flat. NASA has done a great job at making people believe they can't trust their senses.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue The information is all over. You can prove it yourself with a flat enough area and some basic trigonometry skills.
14 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins LMFAO. Stop Ryan. I'm gonna pee myself.
14 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins Hey, you know why when you pee it falls down toward the earth? Gravity.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue So open minded, Chris. God forbid you go into it with an open mind, and do your own research, and experiments. Nope, you got it all figured out because NASA told ya so.
14 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins I'm def tired of talking about it on FB though. If someone is willing to come on my show and explain it so we can talk back and forth about it, great. There's the invitation.
14 hrs · Like

Ryan Donahue Seeing how you treat people that believe we live on a plane and not a planet, I wouldn't dare. Sounds like you just want to get on there to make fun of them, instead of seriously listening to the evidence they have.
14 hrs · Like

Joseph Richardson ^agreed space exploration is not just nasa, other countries would have leaked info asap just to discredit nasa
14 hrs · Like

Joseph Richardson i would much rather have a show with people discussing temp/long term fukushima discussions
14 hrs · Edited · Like

Ryan Donahue Then show me a fuckin' picture. Show me one space agency that has been high enough to see besides government (any country) owned space programs.
14 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins How I treat people? Well when some like Darrell Fox comes to MY page and starts calling me a moron and a shill because I know the earth is round, what do you expect? Plus, I've been pretty mild about it, compared to others.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Lol at this guy wants to have me on his show to boost his ratings, but won't actually look into the research I've presented him with and the complete debunking of his article. You're not a genuine truth-seeker Chris. Neither is Joseph, just two know-it-all's that are more brain-washed than the average sheep. At least the average sheep take a look before deciding.
14 hrs · Like · 1

Eric Dubay Your attitude stinks so you're not getting me on your show, but if you want to hear what you're missing it's here:
Eric Dubay Real Flat Earther Interview
Have you ever met a real Flat Earther? Did you know there are fake Flat Earther's too? The entire Flat Earth...
14 hrs · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Ryan Donahue You put up articles and status updates baiting people and then get upset when they comment with their opinions?

Doesn't make much sense, but ok. I hope you ca get Eric on. I'd love to hear him smash your belief.
14 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins I don't need someone to boost our ratings, I can assure you that. Point being, I work, I can't be on FB doing this all day, I already did this last week.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay
Flat Earth Podcast with Eric Dubay and Mark Knight
In this highly-informative and humorous podcast...
14 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Chris J. Perkins What a pussy. You just don't dare to.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay
Eric Dubay | The Flat Earth Theory & The Masonic Matrix Manipulators
The man behind AtlanteanConspiracy.com, Eric...
14 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay What a moron
14 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins You're the one claiming the earth is flat.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay It is, moron
14 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins I'm sure we can find another kook willing to muster up enough balls to come on the show. We're not going to be like those other shows you go on, and just agree with you, we are objective.
14 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/03/nasas-huge-balls-exposed.html
NASA's Huge Balls Exposed
NASA's Huge Balls Exposed The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
atlanteanconspiracy.com|By Eric Dubay
13 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Chris J. Perkins Yes man, I went through your webpage last week. I watched your doc, I listened to some interviews.
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay No you didn't liar
13 hrs · Like · 1

Eric Dubay What a shill this guy is
13 hrs · Like · 1

Eric Dubay What's your show's name?
13 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins Dude, you're fucking paranoid huh?
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay No, you're just retarded.
13 hrs · Like · 1

Eric Dubay What's your retarded show called?
13 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins Yes, of course, I'm a shill and I'm retarded because I know the earth is a sphere lol and of course, you are much smarter than Einstein, Sagan, Newton, and so on lol
13 hrs · Like · 1

Eric Dubay Smart enough to expose their lies, and no you're not living on a sphere sheep:
No Curvature on the Flat Earth
Check out this excellent amateur balloon footage of our flat, motionless Earth! You can clearly see the Sun is...
13 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Chris J. Perkins What does it matter at this point? You don't dare to come on and talk to people who are objective, I bet you pick and choose which shows you go on just so you can further your agenda... Good grief.
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay I am objective, you're the one in denial and without any research.
13 hrs · Like · 1

Chris J. Perkins and you know this how?
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay I've already debunked your 10 points you borrowed from someone smarter than yourself: ifers.boards.net/post/3725/thread?hc_location=ufi
A Few Questions About the Flat Earth Model | The International Flat Earth...
13 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay Give your ego a rest, read the research I've linked you to, watch the videos, and accept reality, OR accept being called a shill who is clearly not interested in truth-seeking
13 hrs · Like · 3

Chris J. Perkins Science is a wonderful thing. www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae535.cfm
How can one prove that the world is round?
Ask the experts your physics and astronomy...
physlink.com|By Anton Skorucak
13 hrs · Like

Chris J. Perkins You are the only person calling me a shill.
13 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Pseudo-science, and again, I have debunked every article or video you can find trying to tell you you live on a spinning ball.
13 hrs · Like · 2

They continue on for hundreds more comments without me and at one point decide that I should be murdered for my free speech:

Max Igan is a Shill To7fmj10


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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:30 am

Post by kostas on Apr 17, 2015 at 7:18am

Hi Eric
You are really brave! respect to you, Max Igan is the same product like David Icke from same production line. He even threatened you two times, no doubt about it . You must be cautious with these people,they are controlled opposition,talking about simptoms not about cause of disease and making people believe that pupets are masters of the show. From now on take your rose glasses off please! I really care , you gave me hope, all these years I was looking around, trying to find anybody who is awakened to reality on this virtual space(internet)and I saw only false prophets and false saints. Do not trust anyone, its like expecting that people who eating meat can be sane, you can discuss about it with them and still they see animal flesh diferent from human.

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:34 am

Post by Admin on Apr 17, 2015 at 9:18am

Thanks Kostas, the animals thank you for your compassionate choice!

Max Igan is a Shill Vegsoc_whynot

Max Igan is a Shill 21617

Max Igan is a Shill Animals-hippocrates

Max Igan is a Shill Bff09f4354d25a1e362b329705f742f4

Max Igan is a Shill 8ec3cb6cd43af4b62d29a217d60560ff

Max Igan is a Shill 047c262aad54f4235cdb8162acd9baf2

Vegetarianism is the first step to true spirituality and a life of compassion. Please post more often Kostas, I enjoy hearing your thoughts! Peace

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:35 am

Post by stw0201 on Apr 17, 2015 at 12:48pm

I've just now made the choice to quit eating meat because of those last 2 posts. Thanks Eric and kostas! Not going to be easy but a little encouragement and reason can go a long way. As for Igan and company, I'll reserve judgement and give them the benefit of the doubt. Cognitive dissonance that comes with 500 years of programming may be more severe than a lie less than one hundred years old. You've really got to be open to consider the possibility and investigate in your own time. A lot of these public figures get wrapped up in their personal agendas and schedules and "insider info". I'm excited at what's happening here and very fascinated by everyone's reactions and responses that I bring the material to, when the person is a public figure it's just magnified. I'm aware there are high profile disinfo agents all over the internet. That sargent guy is hard to stomach. I felt so bad watching the lisa harrison interview with him because I know Lisa is genuine and exceptional at what she does. Shill exposing should be a real full-time job one could obtain. Eric and Math are a force to be reckoned with and everyone looking into this on their own time is awesome! Thanks

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Max Igan is a Shill Empty Re: Max Igan is a Shill

Post by Admin Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:35 am

Post by raysabo on Apr 17, 2015 at 3:16pm

Igan troubled me when he joined a proper radio network and he has devolved in the past year or so. This is either a case of 'the Shills' or, in giving him the benefit of the doubt, an example of being married to your ideology to the point that it becomes pure ego protection. Clear thinking need not apply. :\

Igan does not resonate within the truth frequency according, to my own inner guide. And when I hear his ball planet rage, it makes me wonder how loyal he is to the pursuit of truth. Or maybe he's just scared. Either way, he has too much bravado to see things clearly. He believes he IS Max Igan. Too much. And if I know one thing: never get lost in your own illusion.

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