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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Cesaer Longfellow
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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Admin Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:53 pm

Incessantly asking why the world's governments would lie about flat Earth when you haven't yet actually done your due diligence in researching the hundreds of proofs, experiments and evidence easily and widely available showing beyond the shadow of any doubt that Earth is absolutely flat, is like coming upon a bloody homicidal crime scene with your eyes closed and refusing to believe it happened because you can't fathom the perpetrator's motive, and until someone offers you a motive proper to your subjective sensibilities, only then might you open your eyes and investigate the obvious murder scene.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:35 am

Your sense of humor is sharp as a blade. Funny analogies. I had a guy at work who's become a fan of yours. He feels like your talking to him and at last agrees how stupid it is denying the Flat-Earth after this video.

...and about people asking What difference does it make?. The shape of the Earth. I guess it doesn't if you never plan on leaving your bedroom ever; But this is the equivalent of admitting that you're a frivolous idiot and live a shallow life. Harsh, but true.


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:43 pm

British Military involved with "Tunnel Boring Machine" (TBM)
1863 - 1875, British Army officer Major Frederick Edward Blackett Beaumont (1833-1895); invented the first successful TBM;
1880 this machine was further improved upon by British Army officer Major Thomas English (1843-1935).

1875 the British Parliament and French National Assembly approved tunneling under the English Channel, connecting the two countries, using the British Military TBM.
1882 June to March 1883, the TBM tunneled the distance of 6,036 feet (1.84 km), with a diameter of 7 feet (2.3 m).
1883 of the same year, the tunnel project is said to have been abandoned after the British Military raised fears that the tunnel might be used as an invasion route.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Tbm110

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:51 am

In the construct of Space, science fiction has no bounds.

Feb. 22, 2017

"NASA Telescope Reveals Largest Batch of Earth-Size, Habitable-Zone Planets Around Single Star"

"TRAPPIST 1-d, part of a seven planet system some 40 light years away."

"NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in the habitable zone, the area around the parent star where a rocky planet is most likely to have liquid water."

"The NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, an infrared telescope that trails Earth as it orbits the sun, was well-suited for studying TRAPPIST-1 because the star glows brightest in infrared light, whose wavelengths are longer than the eye can see."

Google has marked the Earth-shattering discovery with a Doodle, featuring the seven planets squeezing into view on the earth's telescope.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Seven-10

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by fakenasa Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:14 pm

This has got to be in response to the FE movement heating up.  Or its probably just another coincidence that a week after (enough time to draw up some more cgi's) the biggest celebrity to support the FE comes out, is when they make this amazing discovery.  I guess just put it with all their other coincidences. (if theres still room)


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:22 pm

fakenasa wrote:
in response to the FE movement heating up
or just another coincidence
week after the biggest celebrity to support the FE

Scientism builds it's foundation on randomness and coincidence.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Spydaman Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:31 am

I think you're both right.  Irvine was probably the biggest celebrity to speak up.  and the Doodle is annoying as fuck.
FE peace!

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Skywalker Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:05 pm

Nice one eye symbolism in that Google drivel.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by WANA Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:24 pm

Wow! Reading through the posts on this thread was an immense pleasure. These many well thought out and precise explanations why we were lied to regarding the shape & nature of our Earth and true cosmology, is what I was seeking from other like minded people
who know that they live on a flat plane. I'm incredibly grateful to be living in a time that I was able to wake up to the biggest lie ever.
Yes, the occultist throughout history have attempted to usurp the Creator of our Earthly Realm. They continue with their attempt to hide our divine nature and connection to God. The whole grand scheme they had going is truly falling apart: That's the good part in all this. We can now focus on the kind of world we know we prefer...the corrupt organizations out there ruining people's lives are living on borrowed time.


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Why lie? Inherent property rights.

Post by Cesaer Longfellow Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:11 pm

Why lie about the shape of earth? To gain control of Man's inherent rights. God formed Man from earth, therefore, Man is earth by nature. Naturally, God is Man's original father and earth is Man's original mother. We have just established a parental relationship. By Law, unless stated otherwise, parent's surviving children are equally entitled to a share of their parents' property. By Law, one must be able to correctly identify one's self to receive their inheritance. The Bible, God's "Last Will and Testament", clearly states that you're a God made Man living on God's flat and stationary earth. A "Will" is recorded documentation passing one's heirs property. A "Testament" is a test of a mind.
Unfortunately, at your birth, your parents contracted a form of Globalized world views for you, just as it happened to them. This happened through contractual interactions with government (big brother). Big brother knows that as long as he can keep your true origins hidden, by way of Global amnesia, he can retain your share of the inheritance. Big brother states that you are a Man made human, living on the Big Bang's spherical, spinning Earth. See how your father and big brother's personal world views contradict each other? As long as big brother can keep you in the dark about your origins, he retains full control of your parent's natural assets. That is why they lie about flat earth, so you can not correctly identify yourself with false world views about earth and its origins. With false world views, you will only ever be able to present symptoms of vertigo caused by fictional world views, but never your true self.

Cesaer Longfellow

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Realearth Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:19 pm

Cesaer Longfellow wrote: The Bible, God's "Last Will and Testament", clearly states that you're a God made Man living on God's flat and stationary earth. A "Will" is recorded documentation passing one's heirs property. A "Testament" is a test of a mind.

Religion = Control

Proven fact: The earth is a motionless flat plane.

Last edited by Realearth on Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by LoveWisdomHarmony Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:07 pm

there is a shockingly interesting thing you can find in the talmud and satanic writings...

read about lillith and samael and asmodai,
or babylon - queen sumeramis, nimrod, tammuz.
or eqypt -isis, osiris, horus.
or bible - the serpent, satan, lucifer
or new testament - mother mary, father god, and jesus christ...

the morning star remember who had that title in the bible lucifer, and about samael you see he is often called satan...

also found a weird coincidence the 4 heads of asmodai or his 4 forms, are man, dragon, bull and eagle... in solomon he describes asmodai as shapeshifting between those 4 forms and eventually sealing him in a giant black box stone, with specific instructions not to add or subtract anything...

but the weird coincidence is that on the back of the icelandic currency are the 4 forms of asmodai... its almost like they split the worst parts about the guy into a seperate entity for a controled oposition... jesus lucifer, bible and new testament are the most corruped, but bible has more ancient knowledge hence the 2 apparent types of god written as one.. the vengeful and the loving...

tower of babel story is interesting as well, since in that the god figure does not care at all what they plan to do, and wants them to follow their hearts, until they get all the way up there then. suddenly its wrath and agro insanity... so yeah very interesting...

my theory on all this is not related to control religions but i believe they tell a story of something that we need a better understanding off...


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Cesaer Longfellow Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:31 pm

Dear Realearth,
There is no such thing as a Flat Earth, only flat earth. The word Earth with a capitalized initial letter "E" is a legal fiction governed by Maritime Admiralty Law. When you read the word Earth, a picture of a spherical planet that only exist as a legal fiction should come to mind. The artificial entity known as "Earth" is a man made legal fiction, just like Superman. You see, Capitalism supports Globalism. Capitalism changes everything it touches, including the meaning of words with Capitalized letters in them. There is a very good reason that the word "earth" does not start with a Capitalized initial letter "E" in the beginning of the Bible and in the "Declaration of Independence". The Declaration of Independence also describes the powers of the earth as having a "station" , which means stationary or unmoving. Understanding what the Declaration of Independence is is found in Grammar books, not Law books. Bear with me, I know the earth is flat. I'm trying to explain a very complicated aspect of law and where the answers are located. The man made Globalized society has created an entire artificial "knock-off" copy of the original creator's natural creation. This includes Laws, Grammar and language.
A correction to your final statement:

Proven fact: The earth is a motionless flat plane.

Cesaer Longfellow

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by thugnastylol Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:24 pm

Just my two cents, I believe the point Realearth (<- lowercase) was making is that we don't need to look at any religious text as "keys". There is partial truth in a lot of it and we know that much has been hijacked and changed over the years. The big message here is that you don't need that stuff to understand the earth is not a ball, so telling others to look in the bible is probably a much more complicated place to gain a better understanding. We "have a right to land by birth from a divine power" can much more inclusively and helpfully be shared in the idea that "all life is important". To me the biblical version holds the ideas that one can own stuff or claim things by birth, we are more important than other forms of life, etc. I also study the language intricacies with law, economics, globalization, etc., so I see the value for folks looking in more depth, just good to be as inclusive and straight forward as possible with ideas when sharing on a general level. Peace.


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Cesaer Longfellow Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:11 pm

Dear Thugnastylol,
No one said to look into the Bible for answers. Every scam starts "In the beginning". If the first step is wrong, than every step there after is incorrect also. The most important part of the Bible is the first sentence. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Why? Because Man is first classified as earth created by God.. By Law, creations are only subject to the Laws of their creator. Government clearly states the recognition of God's authority over Man. Government has zero jurisdiction over Man, unless Man breaks one of God's Laws, but complete authority over humans. Every human a man, not every man a human. A man's body and soul are the foundation for the template for reclassification of a man into a human covered under government's jurisdiction.
Man becomes a human.
Man's soul becomes a corporation sole.

Cesaer Longfellow

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Realearth Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:47 am

Dear Cesaer Longfellow
You write: "The most important part of the Bible is the first sentence. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
Respectfully, I do NOT agree that the most important part of the Bible is the first sentence, the second sentence or that any sentence in the Bible is important. The Bible is a collection of books about myths.
"Why They Lie to us About The Flat Earth" is the title of this thread. As you have stated "no one said to look into the Bible for answers." The reasons no one said to look into the Bible for answers is that you will NOT find any answers in the Bible. To continue to quote the Bible seems disingenuous to this discussion.

Are you here to promote the Bible?

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Cesaer Longfellow Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:37 am

Dear Realearth,
I already told you the "why they lie". That's a one sentence answer. Now I'm telling you the how it's done. You can sit and remain ignorant all you want just because religion distorts the Bible. The Bible is a slave owners manual. It's a business book. it's the story of your life if you can't figure out "how" the deception is actually carried out and how to "opt" out. But I'm sure you have it ALL figured out huh? When you are a slave in a system, what you "believe" doesn't matter, it's what your slave owner believes that matters. They are the ones' that write the rules you need to follow to exit the system. Or have you not studied the Dred Scott case? The "why they lie" is so you can not properly describe yourself as earth and therefore are not entitled/fit to exercise your own rights yet. You might want to try to read the Bible from the correct "point of view". It is written in legalese and what it doesn't say is what really matters. It's called reading between the lines.

Cesaer Longfellow

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Realearth Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:25 pm

Cesaer Longfellow wrote:Dear Realearth,
You can sit and remain ignorant all you want just because religion distorts the Bible.
But I'm sure you have it ALL figured out huh?
It's called reading between the lines.  

You never directly answered my question: Are you here to promote the Bible?
Perhaps you are here to promote reading between the lines of the Bible.

Your ad hominem remarks are not appreciated in this forum.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by thugnastylol Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:10 pm

Everything you have posted, Cesaer Longfellow, says to both read and not read the bible. Your one sentence answer is, "To gain control of Man's inherent rights." We need the next sentence to understand what you mean, "God formed Man from earth, therefore, Man is earth by nature." Where did you get this info? Also, who are these important capitalized God and Man folks that claim the rights to uncapitalized earth and where did they get that power?


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by fakenasa Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:01 pm

*just my opinion and I reserve the right to be wrong

But i have seen this kind of stuff on the internet lately where our spell-ing and curse-ive writing puts a spell and curse on us.  I would believe that our language is used against us in anyway they can make it but this just seems ridiculous to me.  Its more magic to scare people and to waste peoples time with fake rabbit holes.  This FLAT EARTH message board is about facts, not magic so what hard evidence is there that this is true.  At the very least it seems like the best place for this stuff is under the "other conspiracies" thread.


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by RickFE Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:33 pm

Warning: graphic language, do not watch the video if you are offended by a few f words.

I am not promoting this person for all of his views, but many of the topics he talks about, relate directly to the situation of society. He does not stray from pointing out which group is in power, and why the wars we fight are fought. The greater Israel that Ken promotes, is directly inline with what is continuing today. Wars are nothing more than a demolition project. No one seems to realize the mass movement of populations from these areas....The cost of displacement, is far more than providing aid, and not bombing them in the first place.....

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by wakemeupinside Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:37 pm

After going through Eric's work for the last 2 years it's very easy to kinda understand why they'd lie to us. But I still don't understand one thing is that what about all those students who take up Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics courses? Are they decieving us as well or are they innocent like we are? Does the Math and all the other stuff that they learn even workout?( I know certain type of Math like discreet maths and linear algebra works out in IT and Computer Science but what about the rest of it all as surely there's more than that taught to them?!)


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:52 pm

wakemeupinside wrote:
Eric's work
last 2 years
they lie to us

I still don't understand
all those students who take up Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Are they deceiving us as well or are they innocent like we are
Does the Math and all the other stuff that they learn even workout

The Spaceball Earth, is said by NASA, to have a curvature calculated at 8 inches per mile squared.

I find it almost IMPOSSIBLE to find anyone with "an advanced education" that knows or understands the implication of this fictitious equations.

Theoretical Physicists is another term for Science Fiction Writer.

[G]ravity replaced Abracadabra

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by wakemeupinside Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:11 pm

These days I've been hearing alot about the mystery of Immortality and how by cryogenics, cloning organs, avoiding cellular damage, repairing the human body at a molecular level and increasing the size of telomeres ( telomeres are regions of a nucleotide that protects the chromosome) we can achieve biological immortality... Is that even possible or is it bullshit just like space and heliocentrism? There's so much news these days like man would be immortal by 2050 or something with the help of Nanotechnology or by becoming a cyborg or something... Do you guys think humans could ever become immortal or is this all bullshit?


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Leo725 Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:00 am

It is clear to me why they would lie to the masses. Just have a chat with most anyone, atheist or religious person and they both are likely too brainwashed to be open minded about many topics that they believe to be set in stone. Those in power are psychopaths who do not care for the lives of us.

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