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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Illuminati? You mean jewz
Illuminati? You mean jews
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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Admin Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:33 am

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Ifers-deleted

The enemies of truth have decided to start off the new year with a bang by completely shutting down, without warning or reason, the International Flat Earth Research Society forum.  In just 10 months we accumulated over 3,000 members and averaged over 50,000 visitors per month which was apparently too much flat Earth truth for the internet to handle.  According to Proboards section 25a, they claim the right to "shut down any forum for any reason at any time" which they enforced without a word to myself or the other admins on new years eve.

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Dcrnr9

This was not the first act of censorship by Proboards as well.  A few months ago they also threatened to delete our entire forum if we didn't remove within 48 hours the thread for my documentary Adolf Hitler vs. The Jew World Order claiming "racism and hate speech."  We begrudgingly complied but all sent very polite and in-depth messages to Proboards explaining how nothing in the documentary was "hateful or racist," and were received with similar silence.  

It is clear that the Jew shills have had enough and they're in over-drive trying to shut down the true IFERS flat Earth renaissance, while simultaneously setting up all of their controlled opposition fake flat Earthers to infiltrate, co-opt, and assimilate the FE movement like the Borg.  Contrary to their mantra however, resistence is NOT futile, and their desperate, under-handed attempts to stop the flat Earth truth from surfacing will all fail.

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Borg1

Several months ago their fake flat Earther agents Paul Cheeft and PolarizationNationMedia both attempted to have my YouTube channel shut down, by issuing two fraudulent copyright strikes against me, both of which I managed to overturn by filing legal counter-claims against them.  Around that time Facebook also decided to jump on the "Eric Dubay censorship bandwagon" by deleting my account, all my pages, and giving my Atlantean Conspiracy group directly over to a team of fake FE shills who still administrate it to this day filling the group with nothing but death threats to me, pictures of Masonic goats, and ridiculous belittling memes.  After re-registering for new accounts and accumulating my friends lists again, Facebook has now deleted two more profiles, and I am currently on my fourth!  

Paul Michael Bales, admittedly with Jewish funding, has now recently created a fake clone IFERS site where he ex-post-facto declares himself President of IFERS and bought 50 other flat Earth domain names which "he and his team" are busy making lousy websites for, none of which have seen any censorship.  Even though I have provably been researching and spreading flat Earth truth since 2009, Paul has repeatedly lied claiming to be the "Morpheus to my Neo" and to have awoken me to flat Earth in 2014.  He admits himself to having only become a flat Earther in 2013, but has the gall to continue claiming he "taught me everything" several years after I had already been publicly posting articles about Geocentricity and linking to Samuel Rowbotham's Flat Earth work:


Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 12489243_1097513550288755_8546504495529133145_o

As I have declared many times before, I will never cease writing and speaking the truth regardless of threats or how many times/ways I am censored.  They say those who are directly over the target receive the most flak.  No other flat Earther has received nearly the level of hatred, threats and censorship that I have.  None of the dozens of shill forums started by Acenci, Paul Bales, PlaneTruth and others have been deleted or censored whatsoever.  

When the enemy wins a battle or gains ground, we must simply regain the ground lost and continue fighting.  So the real IFERS will now continue at IFERS.ace.st where the authentic flat Earth renaissance is still taking place and taking over.

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Newifers

Last edited by Admin on Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:54 am; edited 3 times in total

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Thinkforyourself Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:19 pm

Well said Eric!

You have perfectly and succinctly summarised the entire situation, and revealed how often our genuine efforts have been censored, deleted and attacked, whilst the collective works of the touring freakshow made up of deluded psychopaths like Acenci, Rayn Gryphon, PlaneLies, StarsArseHoles and Patricia 'Steere at herself in the mirror all day', etc, are allowed to stink up the internet with their feculent and odorous funk.

All of it just goes to show how scared of the truth these evil bastards are; if we were wrong, they wouldn't spend so much time and effort in trying to destroy us.

As we always say, they will not succeed in stopping us, and we will keep on coming back until we have exposed them and their lies once and for all.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by lizardking Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:47 pm

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Tumblr_inline_n9n52gly2T1snsm4e

Great post.

It should be more than obvious to all onlookers that this ever-growing human centipede of shill freaks are the opposition and IFERS is the truth. The more they attack, isolate and censor us, the more they prove how scared of us they are. The fact that Paul Cheeft, PlaneTruth, Lori Frary and Acenci have collectively created twenty thousand unscathed (but unpopular) flat earth forums says all you need to know - these liars are all working for the same side.

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by iahawks Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:00 am

Nice to be back.

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Thinkforyourself Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:57 pm

The comment below was posted underneath the Youtube video for this thread, and explains things very well, whilst also supporting Eric's work and IFERS (thanks to Steve Hunt for posting it) :

''Eric Dubay is leading the way. Please just remain calm and don't let it disturb you. Go harder. Did you expect them to just let you talk the truth and not harass you. Do a video from tomb to womb and show how the Jews control everything from circumcision to vaccines that are poison to your pineal gland . Then feed you toxic baby food. Then anothers animals milk is given to you. Then your posioned with meat before you go to school to learn. Posioned while your there. While in school the make you learn in a group and no one is allowed to be a freethinker. just trained to be a non questioning slave. if you memorize 12 years on lies. you get a good grades. A better slave job. Student loan to be a loser. In debt before you even start. Feed you meat and cheese til you need a doctor to hide the symptoms of your death diet with a pill schedule. Meanwhile taxing everything you touch or make. Convince you to let them hold onto it for safe keeping. Meanwhile lying to you about factual news and propagating your very beliefs and values through the TV. Then when you're completely toxic from the meat cheese and pills and broke from trying to impress your fellow toxic propagated slaves with your truly needless material possessions . You are completely entrenched with pills and doctors and bills and bad health. They got you from womb to tomb. im sure im missing a few lovely highlights like led to love team sports and idolize rap music.. Gettem Eric you've got the audience. Expose the UN and what they are doing to America. If its a fight you cant  back down. Like martial arts just try to anticipate their next jab and counter it with more knock outs til they expose themselves by going after you. Please stay strong, believe it or not your making a difference, way more than you can perceive. The clue is they are trying to sensor you. Great job! Hold the torch high!''

Deleting the forum definitely backfired, because it shows that they don't like the truths that we are spreading, and it has occurred to neutral viewers that it is only IFERS that has been deleted:

''There is no chance the M Sargent gang will get shut down, none whatsoever.  
Thank you Eric, your views are always respected by me.
Cheers John''

The following comment also explains the reality of the situation:

''If the flat earth theory is as ridiculous as the globe believers think...why are these things happening? Forums being shut down, YouTube videos taken down. To me these actions show undoubtedly there is truth they don't want us to know. That itself is proof they don't want people seeing or hearing about flat earth. therefore the question is why? If videos are being removed for being "ridiculous" surely upwards of 50% of all YouTube videos would be taken down!''

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Aphrodite Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:19 pm

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 9639bd79a6faff99e4f00838603bfc59

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Julie Hoskins admin in shilly group Flat Earth VS Spherical Earth baned sharing Eric Dubays work in that group -November 2015

Post by Aphrodite Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:26 pm

Julie Hoskins admin in shilly group Flat Earth VS Spherical Earth baned sharing Eric Dubays work in that group -November 2015

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 58ec7d8a2af69fcce33b9e0ab7240f6a

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Stolen Name Atlantean Conspiracy

Post by Aphrodite Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:42 am

I just founded 3 groups on FB , with stolen name Atlantean Conspiracy, first group stolen from Eric, they made 2 more with same name to confuse the people.

Original stolen Erics group:

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 04a92409dd8f60e0c9e1e7e8d0942a79

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 3922354f7da0de1391e07fa2ce602857

2. Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1742580619309711/

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 64857cef68ea044445cb7336c02f8ee6

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 34756a78a0f51156797fe84f23dc9742

3. Group run by Darrell Fox and some creature

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet B19a5347b294a119db53c15d8449f758

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet 0dd88ed3c516d350276773dd02454547


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Beashambassador Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:31 pm

Last year at this time IFERS forum was under attack and banned from the internet.
This New Year we have not been banned.
The truth always eventually rises to the top.
IFERS forum and motionless flat earth truth forever, thanks to Eric Dubay and the great people of the IFERS forum.
Congratulations Eric

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Illuminati? You mean jews Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:50 am

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet J2AjxAt

I can post on everything else but not on this after trying to comment that.. The internet is our only escape against the jews grasp and it's being censored.

Illuminati? You mean jews

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Schpankme Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:31 am

toddb wrote:
Jews control from a mental construct we've bought into
Archon influence

dis-ease is the negative/suffering side of living
food of the Archons

if you don't know, you don't know, until you do

JEWdaism is a Religion
Jews control you through Government influence, State sponsored Religion, Socialism, and WAR; ownership or control of the Monetary System, School System, Media, and the Entertainment industry.  You are lied to at every turn, fact and fiction becomes consensus based on how many people agree with you.

Almost all dis-ease of the human body is caused by eating, Meat, Dairy, and Oil.

By using one word (Archon), you've tried to dismiss all the bullshit that you've been indoctrinated to memorize and except as the norm?

Last edited by Schpankme on Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:13 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Illuminati? You mean jewz Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:00 am

Schpankme wrote:
toddb wrote:
Jews control from a mental construct we've bought into
Archon influence

dis-ease is the negative/suffering side of living
food of the Archons

if you don't know, you don't know, until you do

JEWdaism is a Religion about 4,000 years old:
Jews control you through Government influence, State sponsored Religion, Socialism, and WAR; ownership or control of the Monetary System, School System, Media, and the Entertainment industry.  You are lied to at every turn, fact and fiction becomes consciences based on how many people agree with you.

Disease and Virus:
Almost all dis-ease of the human body is caused by eating, Meat, Dairy, and Oil.
Almost every virus was caused by human eating the flesh and blood.

By using one word (Archon), you've tried to dismiss all the bullshit that you've been indoctrinated to memorize and except as the norm?

Not to mention the lymph system, even on a vegan diet if you're eating lots of nuts and plants but no fruit dis-ease can become unnoticed do the insufficient filtration (which is filtration of the toxic environment we are forced to live in, chemtrails etc. Look at fat people for example; they tend to have very clear skin. They aren't filtering anything at all.
Illuminati? You mean jewz
Illuminati? You mean jewz

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by thababylonbaby Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:31 am

Thinkforyourself wrote:The comment below was posted underneath the Youtube video for this thread, and explains things very well, whilst also supporting Eric's work and IFERS (thanks to Steve Hunt for posting it) :

''Eric Dubay is leading the way. Please just remain calm and don't let it disturb you. Go harder. Did you expect them to just let you talk the truth and not harass you. Do a video from tomb to womb and show how the Jews control everything from circumcision to vaccines that are poison to your pineal gland . Then feed you toxic baby food. Then anothers animals milk is given to you. Then your posioned with meat before you go to school to learn. Posioned while your there. While in school the make you learn in a group and no one is allowed to be a freethinker. just trained to be a non questioning slave. if you memorize 12 years on lies. you get a good grades. A better slave job. Student loan to be a loser. In debt before you even start. Feed you meat and cheese til you need a doctor to hide the symptoms of your death diet with a pill schedule. Meanwhile taxing everything you touch or make. Convince you to let them hold onto it for safe keeping. Meanwhile lying to you about factual news and propagating your very beliefs and values through the TV. Then when you're completely toxic from the meat cheese and pills and broke from trying to impress your fellow toxic propagated slaves with your truly needless material possessions . You are completely entrenched with pills and doctors and bills and bad health. They got you from womb to tomb. im sure im missing a few lovely highlights like led to love team sports and idolize rap music.. Gettem Eric you've got the audience. Expose the UN and what they are doing to America. If its a fight you cant  back down. Like martial arts just try to anticipate their next jab and counter it with more knock outs til they expose themselves by going after you. Please stay strong, believe it or not your making a difference, way more than you can perceive. The clue is they are trying to sensor you. Great job! Hold the torch high!''

Deleting the forum definitely backfired, because it shows that they don't like the truths that we are spreading, and it has occurred to neutral viewers that it is only IFERS that has been deleted:

''There is no chance the M Sargent gang will get shut down, none whatsoever.  
Thank you Eric, your views are always respected by me.
Cheers John''

The following comment also explains the reality of the situation:

''If the flat earth theory is as ridiculous as the globe believers think...why are these things happening? Forums being shut down, YouTube videos taken down. To me these actions show undoubtedly there is truth they don't want us to know. That itself is proof they don't want people seeing or hearing about flat earth. therefore the question is why? If videos are being removed for being "ridiculous" surely upwards of 50% of all YouTube videos would be taken down!''

Agree with everything you said. There's nothing wrong with rap music though..... True rap music is actually anti-establishment and very conscious. It's not invalid because you can't relate to or understand it.


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:21 am

I agree, bands like Public Enemy & Brand Nubian, among others, were very political.
1992 - Public Enemy - Fight The Power was being played on the radio as the cops beat Rodney King.
Fast forward to 2008 and Lil Wayne - Like A Lollipop was being played on the radio as cops gunned down Sean Bell in New York.
If it is not 'gangsta rap' promoting violence, drugs, the industrial prison complex or narcissistic wealth
then it is some kind of nonsense like Lil Wayne.

It's why 'rap music' was infiltrated and metamorphosed into 'gangsta rap',
They took the positive elements and switched to the negative, now all 'gangsta rap' is about killing cops, dealing crack, shooting 'brothas', going to prison and narcissistic money and wealth.

Last edited by FL@T-E@RTH on Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected the date of the Rodney King incident)

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:08 am

This says it all...

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by fakenasa Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:48 pm

So after looking at the ifers.org (institute for education research and scholarships) website im pretty sure its not a legit site.

"Beauty and Brains Pageant – Real or Scam?
Posted on December 26, 2006 by Creatrix Tiara

Last night I stumbled upon the website of the Beauty and Brains Pageant, an international pageant for all women aged 17 and above, regardless of citizenship, residence, marital status, or place of study. From its website:

   Sponsored by the Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships (IFERS), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization, the Beauty and Brains Pageant emphasizes personal achievement and community service.

Participants are gauged on four aspects: the interview, business attire, evening gown, and community service (no swimsuits). The winner (Miss Beauty and Brains?) would earn a $10,000 scholarship, and a 6-week casting workshop. (Runners-up get scholarship money too.)

Now I’m the antithesis of a beauty pageant contestant. The closest I am to “modelly” is having had glamour photos taken (once as a birthday present, once as a lucky draw prize) and having fun dressing up in costume. I do not have beauty-queen looks, I find fashion and beauty (in the material sense) boring, I do not aspire to be a model – indeed, the only thing “beauty queen”-like about me is my name. However, this pageant seemed rather intriguing. It seemed to be focused more on personal development than on looks. Even their application form (PDF file) is surprisingly decent: most of the questions are based on community work, career plans, and role models, and there are no questions about looks – nothing about height, weight, vital statistics, colours, or anything of the sort.

Besides, it’s something I actually qualify for. I have been hunting high and low for scholarships for myself, but could not find anything I qualified for. I was either in the wrong course, the wrong country, of the wrong nationality, or just didn’t fit some other random requirement. The only one I’ve applied to so far is the Dean’s Merit Scholarship offered by my faculty, and that’s technically for a future student coming into second year – not a current student like myself that’s already spent a semester. Here, they don’t care where I live, where I study, whether I’m single or married (I wonder if they’ll care that I have a boyfriend?), or what I’m studying. I could even have children and I’d still qualify.

As un-pageanty as I am, I considered applying anyway, just as a lark. I remembered one of the contestants of MTV’s Made, a self-described tomboy who wanted to be a pageant contestant. She was struggling through the whole pageant process (which she described and showed as rather fake), and while she ultimately didn’t win, she had more personality than all the other contestants put together – and even became Homecoming Queen (or Prom Queen) at her school! At least, if nothing else, it would make a good laugh. However, I couldn’t seem to figure out if IFERS or the pageant itself were legitimate. Among some concerns:

   Googling for IFERS or the pageant only brings up itself, PR websites, or Craigslist postings. There are few third-party references, and none of them were reputable sources such as newspapers or other media sources.

   While IFERS claimed to have awarded scholarships in connection with groups like the American Film Institute, I could not find independent verification.

   The founder of IFERS, Newton Lee, does seem to exist – he is in charge of the Hollywood Lab at the National University of Singapore. However, he seems to be quite the self-linker – he wrote his own Wikipedia entry and all references to the pageant on Wikipedia (where I first heard about it) were added by him.

   There isn’t much information available about the other organizers. Some are Google-able, but there’s nothing concrete to link them to this pageant other than the pageant website.

   While they do have a Network for Good profile, they’re not on Charity Navigator or the IRS Publication 78 Search. (Then again, Up With People is in the same situation, and I know for sure they’re legit. So who knows.)

   It’s not stated clearly what the US$300 entry fee (paid once you are selected) covers – indeed, there isn’t much information about costs for travel and accommodation. At least they do offer to refund the money if you can’t come.

   The selection process is similarly vague. How do they pick people for the first pre-pageant round? What are they looking for overall – looks? Intelligence? Community spirit? If looks don’t really matter, then why have a pageant?

   They can’t even get the date consistent – IFERS has it listed as end-June; B&B says it’s end-July.

In the absence of independent third-party verification, I will list the Beauty and Brains Pageant as a possible scam, or at least not very well organized. Which is a pity, as the concept seems to have potential – concentrating on community work and personality rather than looks. Then again, it might turn out like Miss Earth did – purportedly about the environment, but all the awards were beauty based (“Best Hair”? “Best Skin”?) and the template interview response being “This is a picture of a drought/war/flood/etc. Droughts/wars/floods/etc are bad. Therefore, we must recycle.”

This brings up something interesting, though. Currently many beauty pageants (at least in the USA) have become viable sources of scholarship money. Indeed, when there aren’t many other options, young women (and occasionally young men) are able to get their education nearly or completely funded through a pageant appearance or two. Miss America, the biggest American pageant, is also one of the world’s biggest scholarship providers, awarding over $45 million in cash and scholarships for winners in national, state, and local levels. Miss America has also gone out of its way to look for more “brains”, as evidenced by its 2002 winner Erika Harold, bound for Harvard Law, who won because she outdid everyone else tremendously in the interview section even though she was beaten in the other sections.

But what about other pageants worldwide? Are they still based on beauty, or have they made efforts to look for well-rounded participants? How do you judge beauty, anyway? As one poster queried in a thread about Miss America’s ratings:

   The Miss America system, from bottom to top, provides more scholarship money to women in this country than any other organization. If we rant to rail about anything, that’s the place to start. Why isn’t the largest scholarship program for women one that emphasizes academic performance and community service without regard to physical performance and appearance?

Indeed: why is the world’s largest scholarship provider not an educational body but a beauty pageant?

EDIT: They have responded to an email I sent, claiming to be 100% legitimate and answering a few questions about applications and the $300 (goes towards pageant procedures and scholarships). They responded from a Verizon email address, so I don’t know how legitimate that makes them though."


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by fakenasa Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:36 am

I have been getting some threat warnings lately when I visit.

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Screen10


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Admin Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:56 am

Hey, yes, many people have reported this to me. When we first started the forum there were no such errors, but after a few months these "threats" started showing up and haven't gone away. If what people have told me is true, they are only threats however and there is no actual malware or anything that will harm your computer from visiting IFERS.

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by fakenasa Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:51 pm

Yeah I wasnt thinking that it was put on here by anyone affiliated with this site, rather probably another attempt to silence this movement. I just wanted to let the mods and admin know about it. Thanks.


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by thugnastylol Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:17 pm

fakenasa wrote:I have been getting some threat warnings lately when I visit.

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Screen10

FYI, anti-virus programs only catch known things, so anything the matrix rulers want on your machine for themselves will not be handled. When you install a program like that, they scan all contents of all drives and log the details, no matter the settings you choose. Thus you are only safe from previously known renegade hacks, while giving a major corporate company access to all of your files. Installing wireshark to monitor your network activity or something like NetLimiter will allow you to control all communication to and from the internet. So that you can see everything that goes on. Glad to assist anyone with these tools that is interested.


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:42 am

If you notice the alleged threat is coming from illiweb.com, this domain provides functionality for the forum host.
Most likely a false positive, but if you use NO/Script for Firefox you can block all those sub-domains from running scripts anyway Smile

Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet B640ba534177885


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by BosnianFlatearther Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:04 am

i have got the same msg on my phone only no the desktop, it would give me virus warning when i log on to the website


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Admin Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:36 am

On December 12, 2017, YouTube shut down my entire channel of 7 years, 135,000 subscribers, and 28 million views after issuing me a single "hate speech" strike on a video posted years ago. All my videos contain educational, factual content, not "hate speech," but they deleted my channel for a single strike (even though you're supposed to be allowed 3 strikes) and even rejected my appeal to get my channel back. Now that I've started this new channel and re-uploaded everything, YouTube is continuing its campaign of covert character assassination by immediately mass disliking my new uploads the second I put them up. It is so blatant that there are often more dislikes than views! YouTube is also unsubscribing people repeatedly from my channel. To see proof of this please watch the following video and help spread the word about YouTube's draconian censorship tactics.


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Admin Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:57 am

The last week of December, 2018, YouTube once again decided to strike three random old videos of mine for "hate-speech" and terminated my entire channel once again. This time the supposed offending videos were my Ball Earth Skeptic Interview from 3 years ago, my Once You Go Flat rap song from 2 years ago, and my Atlantean Conspiracy book promo video from nearly 7 years ago. All of these videos are still available on other channels and not being striked, but just yesterday were judged and deemed ban-worthy "hate-speech" on mine.

I have now had 2 YouTube channels and 3 Facebook accounts terminated, as well as my IFERS forum and EricDubay.com website hacked and deleted. I will always persevere and continue this important activism but I desperately need everyone to help me by sharing. I give everyone my permission to re-upload, cut, edit or otherwise use any/all of my material to help spread the good word, so please start your own channels, websites, social media groups, pages, and use word of mouth to keep this crucial conversation alive.

Posts : 1953
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Join date : 2015-12-30


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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:09 am

Facebook is actively censoring The International Flat Earth Research Society!

Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet Empty Re: Eric Dubay and IFERS Banned From the Internet

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