Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Cesaer Longfellow
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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 03/03/2015
NASA is the biggest black budget black hole in existence sucking in over 30 billion dollars taxpayer money for the fake moon landings alone. But it is about much more than just money.
The modern Atheist Big Bang Heliocentric Globe-Earth Chance Evolution paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God, or any sort of intelligent design, and replacing purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.
“The heliocentric theory, by putting the sun at the center of the universe ... made man appear to be just one of a possible host of wanderers drifting through a cold sky. It seemed less likely that he was born to live gloriously and to attain paradise upon his death. Less likely, too, was it that he was the object of God’s ministrations." -Morris Kline
By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.
By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism. If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world. Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.
Our eyes and experience tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. When we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we must prostrate ourselves at the feet of the very pseudo-scientists who blinded us, to treat them as "experts," astronomical "priests" who have special knowledge only they can access, like the Hubble telescope. By brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake!
Earth being the flat, fixed center of the universe, around which everything in the heavens revolves denotes a special importance and significance not only the Earth, but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designer's designs. By turning Earth into a spinning ball thrown around the Sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless Big Bang they turn humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind, dumb universe! It's trauma-based mind-control! They beat the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.
And the end-game of this deception is world domination which they plan on ushering in based on a fake alien invasion like in ID4 and other sci-fi movies. A hundreds years ago nobody believed in "aliens." Nowadays everyone's sure they exist because of NASA, Disclosure Project and other propaganda programs:
NASA is the biggest black budget black hole in existence sucking in over 30 billion dollars taxpayer money for the fake moon landings alone. But it is about much more than just money.
The modern Atheist Big Bang Heliocentric Globe-Earth Chance Evolution paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God, or any sort of intelligent design, and replacing purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.
“The heliocentric theory, by putting the sun at the center of the universe ... made man appear to be just one of a possible host of wanderers drifting through a cold sky. It seemed less likely that he was born to live gloriously and to attain paradise upon his death. Less likely, too, was it that he was the object of God’s ministrations." -Morris Kline
By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.
By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism. If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world. Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.
Our eyes and experience tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. When we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we must prostrate ourselves at the feet of the very pseudo-scientists who blinded us, to treat them as "experts," astronomical "priests" who have special knowledge only they can access, like the Hubble telescope. By brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake!
Earth being the flat, fixed center of the universe, around which everything in the heavens revolves denotes a special importance and significance not only the Earth, but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designer's designs. By turning Earth into a spinning ball thrown around the Sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless Big Bang they turn humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind, dumb universe! It's trauma-based mind-control! They beat the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.
And the end-game of this deception is world domination which they plan on ushering in based on a fake alien invasion like in ID4 and other sci-fi movies. A hundreds years ago nobody believed in "aliens." Nowadays everyone's sure they exist because of NASA, Disclosure Project and other propaganda programs:
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 03/15/2015
Welcome to the forum Kyra! Great points about Intention and I agree with Acenci about a great guy atheist vs. an asshole christian. I'm afraid nothing but Jesus himself telling me would convince me that God wants us NOT to do good deeds and be good people but rather to simply "believe" in him and that alone "gets us into heaven." If Jesus exists, I have a feeling Jesus respects my need for evidence, and my aversion to "blind faith," and loves me for my good deeds and being a good person, abstaining from evil/sin and actively working to expose evil/sinners with my activism, MORE than Jesus loves some "blind faith Christian" that watches TV 8 hours a day working a government job and beating his kids. For Kyra, check out my video Ancient Flat Earth Beliefs:
Welcome to the forum Kyra! Great points about Intention and I agree with Acenci about a great guy atheist vs. an asshole christian. I'm afraid nothing but Jesus himself telling me would convince me that God wants us NOT to do good deeds and be good people but rather to simply "believe" in him and that alone "gets us into heaven." If Jesus exists, I have a feeling Jesus respects my need for evidence, and my aversion to "blind faith," and loves me for my good deeds and being a good person, abstaining from evil/sin and actively working to expose evil/sinners with my activism, MORE than Jesus loves some "blind faith Christian" that watches TV 8 hours a day working a government job and beating his kids. For Kyra, check out my video Ancient Flat Earth Beliefs:
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 03/20/2015
“Circular sailing no more proves the world to be a globe than an equilateral triangle. The sailing round the world would, of course, take very much longer, but, in principle, it is exactly the same as that of the yachtsman circumnavigating the Isle of Wight. Let me give a simple illustration. A boy wants to sail his iron toy boat by a magnet, so he gets a basin, in the middle of which he places a soap-dish, or anything else which he may think suitable to represent the Earth, and then fills the basin with water to display the sea. He puts in his boat and draws it by the magnet round his little world. But the boat never passes over the rim to sail under the basin, as if that were globular, instead of being simply circular. So is it in this world of ours; from the extreme South we can sail from East to West or from West to East around it, but we cannot sail from North to South or from South to North, for we cannot break through intervening lands, nor pass the impenetrable ramparts of ice and rocks which enclose the great Southern Circumference.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (68)
“A very good illustration of the circum-navigation of a plane will be seen by taking a round table, and fixing a pin in the centre to represent the magnetic pole. To this central pin attach a string drawn out to any distance towards the edge of the table. This string may represent the meridian of Greenwich, extending due north and south. If now a pencil or other object is placed across, or at right angles to the string, at any distance between the centre and the circumference of the table, it will represent a vessel standing due east and west. Now move the pencil and the string together in either direction, and it will be seen that by keeping the vessel (or pencil), square to the string it must of necessity describe a circle round the magnetic centre and return to the starting point in the opposite direction to that in which it first sailed.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (226)
One of heliocentrist’s favorite “proofs” of their ball-Earth theory is the ability for ships and planes to circumnavigate, to sail or fly at right angles to the North Pole and eventually return to their original location. Since the North Pole and Antarctica are covered in ice and guarded “no-fly” zones, however, no ships or planes have ever been known to circumnavigate the Earth in North/South directions, only East/West; And herein lies the rub, East or West-bound circumnavigation can just as easily be performed on a flat plane as it can a globular sphere. Just as a compass can place its center-point on a flat piece of paper and trace a circle either way around the “pole,” so can a ship or plane circumnavigate a flat-Earth. The only kind of circumnavigation which could not happen on a flat-Earth is North/South-bound, which is likely the very reason for the heavily-enforced flight restrictions. Flight restrictions originating from none other than the United Nations, the same United Nations which haughtily uses a flat-Earth map as its official logo and flag!Mar 18, 2015 20:46:40 GMT Idraigir said:
If the earth is flat, how can you explain being able to circumnavigate the globe?
“Circular sailing no more proves the world to be a globe than an equilateral triangle. The sailing round the world would, of course, take very much longer, but, in principle, it is exactly the same as that of the yachtsman circumnavigating the Isle of Wight. Let me give a simple illustration. A boy wants to sail his iron toy boat by a magnet, so he gets a basin, in the middle of which he places a soap-dish, or anything else which he may think suitable to represent the Earth, and then fills the basin with water to display the sea. He puts in his boat and draws it by the magnet round his little world. But the boat never passes over the rim to sail under the basin, as if that were globular, instead of being simply circular. So is it in this world of ours; from the extreme South we can sail from East to West or from West to East around it, but we cannot sail from North to South or from South to North, for we cannot break through intervening lands, nor pass the impenetrable ramparts of ice and rocks which enclose the great Southern Circumference.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (68)
“A very good illustration of the circum-navigation of a plane will be seen by taking a round table, and fixing a pin in the centre to represent the magnetic pole. To this central pin attach a string drawn out to any distance towards the edge of the table. This string may represent the meridian of Greenwich, extending due north and south. If now a pencil or other object is placed across, or at right angles to the string, at any distance between the centre and the circumference of the table, it will represent a vessel standing due east and west. Now move the pencil and the string together in either direction, and it will be seen that by keeping the vessel (or pencil), square to the string it must of necessity describe a circle round the magnetic centre and return to the starting point in the opposite direction to that in which it first sailed.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (226)
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by athanasius on 03/30/2015
The occult/hermetic principle is known as "As Above, So Below", going back at least as far as the ancient Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus, whom the masons and occultists of all kinds revere:
As Above, So Below
It is mental alchemy, the science of transmuting people's consciousness, changing them from one state of consciousness to another according to your (the magician's) will. The "Copernican Revolution" was a great alchemical reaction in the order of man's consciousness as Eric Dubay points out. Copernican was a heliolater, a sun-worshipper, who thought that if he could get people to think that the sun ruled the heavens, that society would become ruled by a sun-worshipping priesthood as there was in ancient Egypt. Kepler, too, was an occultist with a witch for a mother. Newton, too, was an occultist. The one that you don't hear about as often is Giordano Bruno, who was perhaps the greatest occultist of his age, who preached the idea of an infinity of worlds with their own inhabitants, i.e. the current idea of there being innumerable planets.
As Above, So Below. If people can be convinced that the heavens are ruled by chaos, meaningless chance, by indifferent and mechanical laws, then they will believe also that their own society's laws should reflect this reality, and that their own lives should too. Newtonian cosmology removes telos (meaning, purpose) from the cosmos above, replacing it with blind mechanics, and so the rise of mechanics in the political and social order here below.
In the hermetic book "The Kybalion" this principle is called the principle of correspondence (between heaven on earth, or, in that book, between the 3 planes of existence: spiritual, mental, physical). In other words, if you change the mental relationships people have you will effectively change their physical relationships, so the key to dominating matter is mind, which is why modern politicians talk about "ideological warfare" (warfare in the sphere of ideas, the mind).
Though this alchemical transmutation of the cosmos from a place of God's Providence to one of blind mechanical law has produced materialism, apathy, nihilism, etc., it also made way for Pantheism, the idea that the cosmos, the universe, is itself God. You can see this Pantheistic spirit come through in videos like this one. "The Spirit of this World" (Satan) is here the object of worship.
"Analytical Atheist 2 months ago
Watching this video gives me feelings of wonder and awe that the religious authorities want you to get when you think about God."
The occult/hermetic principle is known as "As Above, So Below", going back at least as far as the ancient Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus, whom the masons and occultists of all kinds revere:
As Above, So Below
It is mental alchemy, the science of transmuting people's consciousness, changing them from one state of consciousness to another according to your (the magician's) will. The "Copernican Revolution" was a great alchemical reaction in the order of man's consciousness as Eric Dubay points out. Copernican was a heliolater, a sun-worshipper, who thought that if he could get people to think that the sun ruled the heavens, that society would become ruled by a sun-worshipping priesthood as there was in ancient Egypt. Kepler, too, was an occultist with a witch for a mother. Newton, too, was an occultist. The one that you don't hear about as often is Giordano Bruno, who was perhaps the greatest occultist of his age, who preached the idea of an infinity of worlds with their own inhabitants, i.e. the current idea of there being innumerable planets.
As Above, So Below. If people can be convinced that the heavens are ruled by chaos, meaningless chance, by indifferent and mechanical laws, then they will believe also that their own society's laws should reflect this reality, and that their own lives should too. Newtonian cosmology removes telos (meaning, purpose) from the cosmos above, replacing it with blind mechanics, and so the rise of mechanics in the political and social order here below.
In the hermetic book "The Kybalion" this principle is called the principle of correspondence (between heaven on earth, or, in that book, between the 3 planes of existence: spiritual, mental, physical). In other words, if you change the mental relationships people have you will effectively change their physical relationships, so the key to dominating matter is mind, which is why modern politicians talk about "ideological warfare" (warfare in the sphere of ideas, the mind).
Though this alchemical transmutation of the cosmos from a place of God's Providence to one of blind mechanical law has produced materialism, apathy, nihilism, etc., it also made way for Pantheism, the idea that the cosmos, the universe, is itself God. You can see this Pantheistic spirit come through in videos like this one. "The Spirit of this World" (Satan) is here the object of worship.
"Analytical Atheist 2 months ago
Watching this video gives me feelings of wonder and awe that the religious authorities want you to get when you think about God."
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 03/30/2015
Awesome explanation Athanasius, welcome to the forum! The motives for deception are many, multi-faceted and steeped in occultism and metaphysics so neophytes have real trouble understanding "Why would they lie to us about the flat Earth?" It totally escapes them how something so huge and fundamental WOULDN'T be the ultimate lie to propagate.
Awesome explanation Athanasius, welcome to the forum! The motives for deception are many, multi-faceted and steeped in occultism and metaphysics so neophytes have real trouble understanding "Why would they lie to us about the flat Earth?" It totally escapes them how something so huge and fundamental WOULDN'T be the ultimate lie to propagate.
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by jakesprake on 04/16/2015
It used to be someone who believed in aliens was a conspiracy theorist now a conspiracy theorist is someone who doesn't believe in them.
It used to be someone who believed in aliens was a conspiracy theorist now a conspiracy theorist is someone who doesn't believe in them.
All about Shillaphobia
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'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 04/16/2015
When I was a little kid, I once asked my 90 year-old great-grandfather if he thought aliens existed. He laughed heartily and said of course not. Later on I asked my 60 year-old grandfather the same question. He said he wasn't sure if they existed or not. When I first asked my 30 year-old dad about it, he said there were billions of galaxies and planets just like ours and so there were most likely other forms of life out there somewhere. Nowadays when I ask my 9 year-old students who believes aliens exist, in every class, almost every student raises their hands. NASA and the Hollywood Masonic propaganda machine have been in overdrive for the past 60+ years trying to inculcate us into a belief in extra-terrestrial aliens, and it seems to be working.
When I was a little kid, I once asked my 90 year-old great-grandfather if he thought aliens existed. He laughed heartily and said of course not. Later on I asked my 60 year-old grandfather the same question. He said he wasn't sure if they existed or not. When I first asked my 30 year-old dad about it, he said there were billions of galaxies and planets just like ours and so there were most likely other forms of life out there somewhere. Nowadays when I ask my 9 year-old students who believes aliens exist, in every class, almost every student raises their hands. NASA and the Hollywood Masonic propaganda machine have been in overdrive for the past 60+ years trying to inculcate us into a belief in extra-terrestrial aliens, and it seems to be working.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 05/05/2015
"Ex Oriente Lux" by Bernard Weckman
Twentieth-century man, in his boundless arrogance, sees himself as the highest expression of evolution – in every respect! Stone Age Man is viewed more or less as a brutish club-wielding slobbering grunting cave-dweller and our immediate ancestor is seen as little more than a country bumpkin, an unsophisticated superstitious yokel who believed that the Earth was flat and the Sun was circling the planet!
But … our ancestors may have gotten it right, after all! Watch this documentary on Eric Dubay’s site:
Eric has also written a book on this topic.
Modern man presumes to be in possession of true knowledge, something he calls “science!” His “science” is essentially a belief-system akin to a religion, backed up by lots of faith, a few brazen lies, a bit of legerdemain and very little solid proof. It even has its own Inquisition, euphemistically referred to as “academia”. It might be more accurate to call this system “Scientism”. A case in point is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution for which there is not the slightest shred of evidence but woe to you if you confess to be a non-believer! Doubting the Theory of Evolution is almost as bad and sinful as doubting the sacred Holocaust! Shame on you! And off with your head!
Then there is “spiritual truth”. Without hesitation Jews, Christians and Moslems will tout their god as the one and only god – and they are ready, at the drop of a hat, to impose this god on you. Where is the proof that there is only one god? Where is the evidence that monotheism is superior to any other form of spirituality? Where is the evidence that the three Abrahamic religions, so-called, are, as they claim, supremely ethical?
The monotheism of Judaism and its daughter religions is neither superior nor is it inherently ethical. Even a cursory glance at its blood-stained history irrefutably proves the claim of intellectual and moral superiority to be utterly fraudulent and absurd. This claim is, to me, a symptom of a serious mental health problem!
There is one form of spirituality that is at the heart of many a religion, ancient and modern. There is one universal religion that is the matrix from which most of the others developed, or more correctly, from which they devolved and degenerated. That “ur”-religion, if it may be called thus, is “sun worship”.
Before we proceed I need to define “sun worship” so that there is not the slightest misunderstanding as to how I use the term.
Do Jews worship the scrolls on which the Torah is written? Does a Christian worship a piece of wood or metal in the shape of a cross or the statue of a saint? Does a Moslem worship a piece of black rock in Mecca? Does a patriot worship his country’s flag?
Of course not! Scrolls, cross, rock and flag are symbols! They are representations, visual and tangible, of abstract concepts. They serve to focus attention. They are, if you will, hitching posts for the mind. Why would we think that ancient man was any different from us?
The religions of antiquity agree that the visible sun is but a reflection of the light of the invisible spiritual sun which is behind all material phenomena. This invisible sun is the source of life, light, and truth. The sun, being supreme among all celestial bodies, is a symbol of the Creator Himself.
The Jew honours the scrolls of the Torah, the Christian honours the cross, the Moslem honours the Ka’aba, the patriot honours the flag. By the same token a “sun worshipper” honours what the sun stands for. As simple as that! Followers of solar religions did not then nor do they now worship the physical sun
There is, however, quite a bit more to “sun worship” than mere reverence and that something more may well be the real reason that “sun worship” is demonized by the sinister forces that created Judaism and its daughters, Christianity and Islam.
“Sun worship” is far more than a set of aesthetically pleasing rituals and ceremonies; it is more than poetic prayers and uplifting hymns; it is more than philosophical musings. It is nothing less than a practical tool for physical, mental and spiritual evolution. That is what “enlightenment” means!
Compared to what ancient man was – and what we will, hopefully, be again! – we are the country bumpkins; we are the yokels. Man has a past far more glorious than we are led to believe and no! we do not need ETs to explain it. Could we – today – create something like the pyramids? I think not!
In his book Solar Revolution, German biophysicist Dieter Broers makes a compelling case for the spiritual impact of the Sun and its transformative power. He points to scientific evidence that shows a clear correlation between increases in solar activity on the one hand and advances in our creative, mental, and spiritual abilities on the other.
Ancient man knew this and used ceremonies, rituals and sun-gazing to empower himself physically, mentally and spiritually. What the ignorant Bible believer considers to be primitive pagan “sun worship” is far from primitive; it is an important part in our evolution and has always been.
But what most modern men and women seem to desire is this: easy-on-the-mind delusions rather than truths which can be uncomfortable. They want their mythologies to be true; they want signs and miracles to wonder at and rules and regulations to abide by; they want illusions about this world and the one to come; they want scapegoats to blame for whatever goes wrong; they want punishment, such as everlasting damnation for the bad guys (naturally, that’s never them!) and rewards, such as eternal life in paradise – houris anyone? – for the good guys (that’s them, of course!). They want leaders to think and make moral decisions for them.
Into this empty-mind vacuum created by the abdication of our responsibility to do our own thinking and to make our own decisions all kinds of secular and religious “makers and shakers” and leaders (read: parasites, the lot of them) will step. They contain us in a corral. They do not want us free; they do not want to lose us; we are their sustenance! We are their cattle! As parasites they cannot fend for themselves. Without us they will perish! And that is the reason that our evolution is exactly what they are aiming to prevent! That is why “sun worship” is demonized for it is the only way up!
Here are two points you may want to ponder and do some research on:
a) Only a fool will deny the fact that the psychopaths in power are spraying a cocktail of toxic chemicals on us because to them we are no more than bugs or weeds. Chemtrails in the sky are the clear evidence of this criminal act. These chemicals, whatever their exact composition may be, are intended to either reduce the overall amount of solar radiation or to screen out parts of the spectrum or both. Let’s not delude ourselves: they don’t do this out of the goodness of their hearts. This ain’t done to protect you from any negative impact of the sun!
The NWO thugs do this to prevent the positive impact the sun would have on us and our evolution!
These bastards are desperate and will try anything but they won’t succeed – there will come a day of reckoning and it is not far off!
b) In many parts of the world fluoride is added to drinking water and many everyday products, such as toothpaste. While it may not, as is often claimed, make you docile and submissive it WILL harm you. How? The pineal gland, deep within the brain, is your portal to higher dimensions of reality. It is the seat of the soul as some would say. It has a direct connection to the eyes and – guess what – it absorbs light via the optic nerve leading from the eyes to the brain! The ancient art of sun gazing was practised by Pharaoh Akhenaten and his good lady, Queen Nefertiti. Sun gazing stimulates the pineal. And hey! – surprise, surprise! – fluoride accumulates in the pineal and severely reduces its efficacy or shuts it down completely thus severing your connection to higher dimensions! The physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the sun are no longer available to you! Exactly what the NWO thugs want!
Let’s see what Judaism has to do with “sun worship”?
Every 28 years, according to Jewish tradition, the sun returns to the exact location in the sky it was in at the moment of creation. A blessing (Birkat Hachama – Blessing of the Sun) is recited as the sun rises; if it is not visible due to inclement weather the ritual is postponed to the following day although a minority view holds that the blessing can be said even if the sun is not visible. The last time this happened was Wednesday, 8 April 2009 and the next time will be on Wednesday, 8 April 2037.
ברוך אתה ה’ אלהינו מלך העולם עושה מעשה בראשית
Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the Universe Maker of the Works of Creation
Religious Jews Bless The Sun
The congregants are encouraged to look at the sun, if ever so briefly. Needless to say, this is not an act of worship. It is not the sun that is blessed but the Creator. I find it impossible to see in this anything other than a residue left by the polytheistic stellar creeds of Canaan or – far more likely – of Atenism, Pharaoh Akhenaten’s solar religion.
Enter Pharaoh Akhenaten:
In 1369 BCE Amenhotep IV took over from his father Amenhotep III, changed his name to Akhenaten and set about his agenda of transforming Egypt. His reforms changed Egypt’s fear-based superstitious polytheism ruled by a powerful – and corrupt – priesthood to a religion of the heart and the mind, free of graven images, free of the unhealthy obsession with the afterlife, free of magic. No animals were sacrificed; instead offerings were made of flowers, fruit and incense. The only image displayed in Atenist temples was the sun disk with rays that ended in hands, some of which held the ankh, the symbol of life.
In 1899 Egyptologist Flinders Petrie declared:
If this were a new religion, invented to satisfy our modern scientific conceptions, we could not find a flaw in the correctness of this view of the energy of the solar system. How much Akhenaten understood, we cannot say, but he certainly bounded forward in his views and symbolism to a position which we cannot logically improve upon at the present day. Not a rag of superstition or of falsity can be found clinging to this new worship evolved out of the old Aton of Heliopolis, the sole Lord of the universe.
What a beautiful tribute! But, unfortunately, Atenism did not last! When the Israelites left Egypt they took with them Akhenaten’s religion. That’s one scenario. Another one, far more likely, is that the Israelites weren’t even Israelites at the time but the persecuted followers of Akhenaten who fled for their lives after Akhenaten died – or was killed – and Egypt purged itself of Atenism. A third scenario holds that Moses and Akhenaten are one and the same man. Akhenaten/Moses chose the Hebrews to give his religion to since his own people did not want it. We may never know the truth, unfortunately.
For more on Akhenaten, his life and reign and on Atenism: atenism.blogspot.com/
Akhenaten is also connected to the Essenes at Qumran. Robert Feather has written an article for the New Dawn magazine on the Copper Scroll of Qumran.
In the centuries and millenia that followed Akhenaten’s death the man himself was forgotten and his legacy, the flower of Atenism, withered and died. During the so-called Babylonian exile a new religion was created and imposed on the Israelites by the Levites.
How To Conquer The World In Three Easy Lessons
Lesson 1
Take as many superstitions as you can, authoritarian political and religious ideas, unsavoury teachings and practices from the cultures around you, of Sumer, Canaan, Assyria, Babylon and Persia – in fact, steal from everybody; throw in a good measure of the most interesting myths and legends of said nations; season with generous amounts of fear and guilt, greed and overbearing pride; stir well; top it all with a dollop of xenophobia and genocidal racism; decorate everything with murderous intolerance; backdate this concoction to a time lost to memory so that nobody can refute anything you say; claim the whole caboodle as your own history, and as your own God-given religion and voila – you have just created Pharisaism aka Rabbinical Judaism, a tool for ruthless mind-control.
Lesson 2
Backed up by the financial resources of the King of Persia and the might of his army trek back to Canaan and to the hoi-polloi left behind when you went into exile. The next part is crucial, so do pay attention, please! The people know and understand that you are offering them dogmas and precepts Moses never taught them so you must force-feed this pigswill to the unwilling populace; enslave and punish and eliminate mercilessly anyone who resists (that is known as trauma-based conditioning) – and lo and behold! – you have created the “Jewish people”.
Lesson 3
Once the nation has become enured to rape and pillage, theft, murder and genocide it can then be relied upon to carry your sick ideas around the globe. Release them amongst the Gentile nations so that they, too, may be devoured by Yahveh. If the goyim, not unexpectedly, resist … repeat Lesson 2 as it pertains to oppression and punishment. And while you are at it … don’t be dead serious. Enjoy it! Have fun! Think of all the Purims you can celebrate!
That’s all there is to it! As they say: piece of cake!
But the rabbis were never able, no matter how hard they tried, to eradicate entirely the old ways. These either went underground and were practiced clandestinely or they were simply repackaged and integrated – in the same way that Christianity integrated the pagan ways of old Europe.
The ritual blessing of the sun is by no means the only evidence of pagan elements found in the Jewish religion. The swastika, for example, which is a symbol of the solar disk, is found amongst the most diverse cultures all over the globe and it hails back many millenia, probably well into the neolithicum. It can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago and … you guessed it … it can be found in many an ancient synagogue in Judea. The Ein Gedi synagogue, for instance, features the zodiac and the swastika.
The sun god Helios shows up in the synagogue of Beit Alpha (left) and of Sipphoris (right)
There are also many traces in scriptures that irrefutably prove that reverence for, if not actual worship of, the sun was at one time a firmly established part of the Israelite religion. To mention a few:
Deuteronomy 4:19 forbids the worship of heavenly bodies, which would, of course, include the sun and Deuteronomy 17:3 commands that worshippers of heavenly bodies be stoned to death.
The very fact that the Torah rails and rants against such a pagan practice is clear-cut proof that it existed! You do not have to forbid something that nobody ever does, do you? The prophets, too, tirelessly preached against the Israelites’ pagan practices. There are far too many examples to enumerate them. Just peruse the Old Testament.
The Gemara (part of the Talmud) states that the entrance to the tabernacle court in the Jerusalem temple was oriented towards East. To catch the rising sun, of course!
It doesn’t come any clearer than the following passage:
Ezekiel 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
In conclusion:
Judaism is to Atenism, its progenitor, what the polluted water of the Nile’s delta is to its clear and sweet headwaters deep within Africa.
It is not “sun worship” that is of Satan, always assuming that Satan exists! It is Judaism that is spiritual darkness and anti-life! The very opposite of what Atenism and other solar religions stand for!
Judaism is a highway to perdition!
Ex Oriente Lux! Out Of The East, Light!
The light of the rising sun – yes!
The light of Far Eastern religions – perhaps!
The light of Judaism? Christianity? Islam? – No!
"Ex Oriente Lux" by Bernard Weckman
Twentieth-century man, in his boundless arrogance, sees himself as the highest expression of evolution – in every respect! Stone Age Man is viewed more or less as a brutish club-wielding slobbering grunting cave-dweller and our immediate ancestor is seen as little more than a country bumpkin, an unsophisticated superstitious yokel who believed that the Earth was flat and the Sun was circling the planet!
But … our ancestors may have gotten it right, after all! Watch this documentary on Eric Dubay’s site:
Eric has also written a book on this topic.
Modern man presumes to be in possession of true knowledge, something he calls “science!” His “science” is essentially a belief-system akin to a religion, backed up by lots of faith, a few brazen lies, a bit of legerdemain and very little solid proof. It even has its own Inquisition, euphemistically referred to as “academia”. It might be more accurate to call this system “Scientism”. A case in point is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution for which there is not the slightest shred of evidence but woe to you if you confess to be a non-believer! Doubting the Theory of Evolution is almost as bad and sinful as doubting the sacred Holocaust! Shame on you! And off with your head!
Then there is “spiritual truth”. Without hesitation Jews, Christians and Moslems will tout their god as the one and only god – and they are ready, at the drop of a hat, to impose this god on you. Where is the proof that there is only one god? Where is the evidence that monotheism is superior to any other form of spirituality? Where is the evidence that the three Abrahamic religions, so-called, are, as they claim, supremely ethical?
The monotheism of Judaism and its daughter religions is neither superior nor is it inherently ethical. Even a cursory glance at its blood-stained history irrefutably proves the claim of intellectual and moral superiority to be utterly fraudulent and absurd. This claim is, to me, a symptom of a serious mental health problem!
There is one form of spirituality that is at the heart of many a religion, ancient and modern. There is one universal religion that is the matrix from which most of the others developed, or more correctly, from which they devolved and degenerated. That “ur”-religion, if it may be called thus, is “sun worship”.
Before we proceed I need to define “sun worship” so that there is not the slightest misunderstanding as to how I use the term.
Do Jews worship the scrolls on which the Torah is written? Does a Christian worship a piece of wood or metal in the shape of a cross or the statue of a saint? Does a Moslem worship a piece of black rock in Mecca? Does a patriot worship his country’s flag?
Of course not! Scrolls, cross, rock and flag are symbols! They are representations, visual and tangible, of abstract concepts. They serve to focus attention. They are, if you will, hitching posts for the mind. Why would we think that ancient man was any different from us?
The religions of antiquity agree that the visible sun is but a reflection of the light of the invisible spiritual sun which is behind all material phenomena. This invisible sun is the source of life, light, and truth. The sun, being supreme among all celestial bodies, is a symbol of the Creator Himself.
The Jew honours the scrolls of the Torah, the Christian honours the cross, the Moslem honours the Ka’aba, the patriot honours the flag. By the same token a “sun worshipper” honours what the sun stands for. As simple as that! Followers of solar religions did not then nor do they now worship the physical sun
There is, however, quite a bit more to “sun worship” than mere reverence and that something more may well be the real reason that “sun worship” is demonized by the sinister forces that created Judaism and its daughters, Christianity and Islam.
“Sun worship” is far more than a set of aesthetically pleasing rituals and ceremonies; it is more than poetic prayers and uplifting hymns; it is more than philosophical musings. It is nothing less than a practical tool for physical, mental and spiritual evolution. That is what “enlightenment” means!
Compared to what ancient man was – and what we will, hopefully, be again! – we are the country bumpkins; we are the yokels. Man has a past far more glorious than we are led to believe and no! we do not need ETs to explain it. Could we – today – create something like the pyramids? I think not!
In his book Solar Revolution, German biophysicist Dieter Broers makes a compelling case for the spiritual impact of the Sun and its transformative power. He points to scientific evidence that shows a clear correlation between increases in solar activity on the one hand and advances in our creative, mental, and spiritual abilities on the other.
Ancient man knew this and used ceremonies, rituals and sun-gazing to empower himself physically, mentally and spiritually. What the ignorant Bible believer considers to be primitive pagan “sun worship” is far from primitive; it is an important part in our evolution and has always been.
But what most modern men and women seem to desire is this: easy-on-the-mind delusions rather than truths which can be uncomfortable. They want their mythologies to be true; they want signs and miracles to wonder at and rules and regulations to abide by; they want illusions about this world and the one to come; they want scapegoats to blame for whatever goes wrong; they want punishment, such as everlasting damnation for the bad guys (naturally, that’s never them!) and rewards, such as eternal life in paradise – houris anyone? – for the good guys (that’s them, of course!). They want leaders to think and make moral decisions for them.
Into this empty-mind vacuum created by the abdication of our responsibility to do our own thinking and to make our own decisions all kinds of secular and religious “makers and shakers” and leaders (read: parasites, the lot of them) will step. They contain us in a corral. They do not want us free; they do not want to lose us; we are their sustenance! We are their cattle! As parasites they cannot fend for themselves. Without us they will perish! And that is the reason that our evolution is exactly what they are aiming to prevent! That is why “sun worship” is demonized for it is the only way up!
Here are two points you may want to ponder and do some research on:
a) Only a fool will deny the fact that the psychopaths in power are spraying a cocktail of toxic chemicals on us because to them we are no more than bugs or weeds. Chemtrails in the sky are the clear evidence of this criminal act. These chemicals, whatever their exact composition may be, are intended to either reduce the overall amount of solar radiation or to screen out parts of the spectrum or both. Let’s not delude ourselves: they don’t do this out of the goodness of their hearts. This ain’t done to protect you from any negative impact of the sun!
The NWO thugs do this to prevent the positive impact the sun would have on us and our evolution!
These bastards are desperate and will try anything but they won’t succeed – there will come a day of reckoning and it is not far off!
b) In many parts of the world fluoride is added to drinking water and many everyday products, such as toothpaste. While it may not, as is often claimed, make you docile and submissive it WILL harm you. How? The pineal gland, deep within the brain, is your portal to higher dimensions of reality. It is the seat of the soul as some would say. It has a direct connection to the eyes and – guess what – it absorbs light via the optic nerve leading from the eyes to the brain! The ancient art of sun gazing was practised by Pharaoh Akhenaten and his good lady, Queen Nefertiti. Sun gazing stimulates the pineal. And hey! – surprise, surprise! – fluoride accumulates in the pineal and severely reduces its efficacy or shuts it down completely thus severing your connection to higher dimensions! The physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the sun are no longer available to you! Exactly what the NWO thugs want!
Let’s see what Judaism has to do with “sun worship”?
Every 28 years, according to Jewish tradition, the sun returns to the exact location in the sky it was in at the moment of creation. A blessing (Birkat Hachama – Blessing of the Sun) is recited as the sun rises; if it is not visible due to inclement weather the ritual is postponed to the following day although a minority view holds that the blessing can be said even if the sun is not visible. The last time this happened was Wednesday, 8 April 2009 and the next time will be on Wednesday, 8 April 2037.
ברוך אתה ה’ אלהינו מלך העולם עושה מעשה בראשית
Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the Universe Maker of the Works of Creation
Religious Jews Bless The Sun
The congregants are encouraged to look at the sun, if ever so briefly. Needless to say, this is not an act of worship. It is not the sun that is blessed but the Creator. I find it impossible to see in this anything other than a residue left by the polytheistic stellar creeds of Canaan or – far more likely – of Atenism, Pharaoh Akhenaten’s solar religion.
Enter Pharaoh Akhenaten:
In 1369 BCE Amenhotep IV took over from his father Amenhotep III, changed his name to Akhenaten and set about his agenda of transforming Egypt. His reforms changed Egypt’s fear-based superstitious polytheism ruled by a powerful – and corrupt – priesthood to a religion of the heart and the mind, free of graven images, free of the unhealthy obsession with the afterlife, free of magic. No animals were sacrificed; instead offerings were made of flowers, fruit and incense. The only image displayed in Atenist temples was the sun disk with rays that ended in hands, some of which held the ankh, the symbol of life.
In 1899 Egyptologist Flinders Petrie declared:
If this were a new religion, invented to satisfy our modern scientific conceptions, we could not find a flaw in the correctness of this view of the energy of the solar system. How much Akhenaten understood, we cannot say, but he certainly bounded forward in his views and symbolism to a position which we cannot logically improve upon at the present day. Not a rag of superstition or of falsity can be found clinging to this new worship evolved out of the old Aton of Heliopolis, the sole Lord of the universe.
What a beautiful tribute! But, unfortunately, Atenism did not last! When the Israelites left Egypt they took with them Akhenaten’s religion. That’s one scenario. Another one, far more likely, is that the Israelites weren’t even Israelites at the time but the persecuted followers of Akhenaten who fled for their lives after Akhenaten died – or was killed – and Egypt purged itself of Atenism. A third scenario holds that Moses and Akhenaten are one and the same man. Akhenaten/Moses chose the Hebrews to give his religion to since his own people did not want it. We may never know the truth, unfortunately.
For more on Akhenaten, his life and reign and on Atenism: atenism.blogspot.com/
Akhenaten is also connected to the Essenes at Qumran. Robert Feather has written an article for the New Dawn magazine on the Copper Scroll of Qumran.
In the centuries and millenia that followed Akhenaten’s death the man himself was forgotten and his legacy, the flower of Atenism, withered and died. During the so-called Babylonian exile a new religion was created and imposed on the Israelites by the Levites.
How To Conquer The World In Three Easy Lessons
Lesson 1
Take as many superstitions as you can, authoritarian political and religious ideas, unsavoury teachings and practices from the cultures around you, of Sumer, Canaan, Assyria, Babylon and Persia – in fact, steal from everybody; throw in a good measure of the most interesting myths and legends of said nations; season with generous amounts of fear and guilt, greed and overbearing pride; stir well; top it all with a dollop of xenophobia and genocidal racism; decorate everything with murderous intolerance; backdate this concoction to a time lost to memory so that nobody can refute anything you say; claim the whole caboodle as your own history, and as your own God-given religion and voila – you have just created Pharisaism aka Rabbinical Judaism, a tool for ruthless mind-control.
Lesson 2
Backed up by the financial resources of the King of Persia and the might of his army trek back to Canaan and to the hoi-polloi left behind when you went into exile. The next part is crucial, so do pay attention, please! The people know and understand that you are offering them dogmas and precepts Moses never taught them so you must force-feed this pigswill to the unwilling populace; enslave and punish and eliminate mercilessly anyone who resists (that is known as trauma-based conditioning) – and lo and behold! – you have created the “Jewish people”.
Lesson 3
Once the nation has become enured to rape and pillage, theft, murder and genocide it can then be relied upon to carry your sick ideas around the globe. Release them amongst the Gentile nations so that they, too, may be devoured by Yahveh. If the goyim, not unexpectedly, resist … repeat Lesson 2 as it pertains to oppression and punishment. And while you are at it … don’t be dead serious. Enjoy it! Have fun! Think of all the Purims you can celebrate!
That’s all there is to it! As they say: piece of cake!
But the rabbis were never able, no matter how hard they tried, to eradicate entirely the old ways. These either went underground and were practiced clandestinely or they were simply repackaged and integrated – in the same way that Christianity integrated the pagan ways of old Europe.
The ritual blessing of the sun is by no means the only evidence of pagan elements found in the Jewish religion. The swastika, for example, which is a symbol of the solar disk, is found amongst the most diverse cultures all over the globe and it hails back many millenia, probably well into the neolithicum. It can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago and … you guessed it … it can be found in many an ancient synagogue in Judea. The Ein Gedi synagogue, for instance, features the zodiac and the swastika.
The sun god Helios shows up in the synagogue of Beit Alpha (left) and of Sipphoris (right)
There are also many traces in scriptures that irrefutably prove that reverence for, if not actual worship of, the sun was at one time a firmly established part of the Israelite religion. To mention a few:
Deuteronomy 4:19 forbids the worship of heavenly bodies, which would, of course, include the sun and Deuteronomy 17:3 commands that worshippers of heavenly bodies be stoned to death.
The very fact that the Torah rails and rants against such a pagan practice is clear-cut proof that it existed! You do not have to forbid something that nobody ever does, do you? The prophets, too, tirelessly preached against the Israelites’ pagan practices. There are far too many examples to enumerate them. Just peruse the Old Testament.
The Gemara (part of the Talmud) states that the entrance to the tabernacle court in the Jerusalem temple was oriented towards East. To catch the rising sun, of course!
It doesn’t come any clearer than the following passage:
Ezekiel 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
In conclusion:
Judaism is to Atenism, its progenitor, what the polluted water of the Nile’s delta is to its clear and sweet headwaters deep within Africa.
It is not “sun worship” that is of Satan, always assuming that Satan exists! It is Judaism that is spiritual darkness and anti-life! The very opposite of what Atenism and other solar religions stand for!
Judaism is a highway to perdition!
Ex Oriente Lux! Out Of The East, Light!
The light of the rising sun – yes!
The light of Far Eastern religions – perhaps!
The light of Judaism? Christianity? Islam? – No!
All about Shillaphobia
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by schpankme on 05/06/2015
The interesting part for me is that in the land of the Sun God worshipers, Three structures were built representing
the Three Stages of the Sun (Winter, Spring, Summer), and it's proximity from the Ice Wall.
May 5, 2015 11:34:17 GMT Admin said:
The interesting part for me is that in the land of the Sun God worshipers, Three structures were built representing
the Three Stages of the Sun (Winter, Spring, Summer), and it's proximity from the Ice Wall.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 05/15/2015
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Observicus on 05/16/2015
Massive infrastructure country wide with installed cattle eradication hardware would not be in readiness unless there is a solid plan to use it. Bill Cooper seemed to have the inside story on nearly all of the dastardly plan but there isn’t too much difference in terms of controversial claims between he and Billex Jokes Person Planit and so he could easily have been supported or allowed to operate his gig to throw some truth in their faces. Both Ufoology and Helioaccentricity lack one clear picture or video of the extraordinary claims.
From the second video ‘Invasion Earth Agenda Exposed’, it appears that at 14:10 the speaker says “He considered that the beings that were co-piloting these flying saucers were aliens, he took a second look and realized they were ss..were demons.” but his lips do not utter the word demons. Some other word or words are spoken there is certainly no ‘s’ enunciated while his eyebrows dance beyond the normal extent to form two demon horns at 14:50 then the second time the word is used it is distinctly of higher pitch. The clip is poor quality so this possible short video clip manipulation may just be my imaginings, not that it matters when the whole story reeks of deception in progress.
Massive infrastructure country wide with installed cattle eradication hardware would not be in readiness unless there is a solid plan to use it. Bill Cooper seemed to have the inside story on nearly all of the dastardly plan but there isn’t too much difference in terms of controversial claims between he and Billex Jokes Person Planit and so he could easily have been supported or allowed to operate his gig to throw some truth in their faces. Both Ufoology and Helioaccentricity lack one clear picture or video of the extraordinary claims.
From the second video ‘Invasion Earth Agenda Exposed’, it appears that at 14:10 the speaker says “He considered that the beings that were co-piloting these flying saucers were aliens, he took a second look and realized they were ss..were demons.” but his lips do not utter the word demons. Some other word or words are spoken there is certainly no ‘s’ enunciated while his eyebrows dance beyond the normal extent to form two demon horns at 14:50 then the second time the word is used it is distinctly of higher pitch. The clip is poor quality so this possible short video clip manipulation may just be my imaginings, not that it matters when the whole story reeks of deception in progress.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by susie on 05/19/2015
As I see it, they've got us worshipping their balls. Quite literally.
Considering what sick perverted devilish pricks they are it is no surprise.
As I see it, they've got us worshipping their balls. Quite literally.
Considering what sick perverted devilish pricks they are it is no surprise.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
Apparently 'dangerous person'
Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by susie on 05/27/2015
Welcome to real life past the rabbit hole!!May 26, 2015 21:51:33 GMT I finally woke up said:
Hi Idraigir,
Here is the answer to your question.
On a flat earth, the Arctic (North Pole) is at the centre and the 'Antarctic' is an ice wall that encloses the seas and land mass. Check out flat earth maps on google images for example. As you'll see, it's easy to circumnavigate the land masses by sea without going near the ice wall and 'over the edge'. Start in London, e.g., and trace a route through the Atlantic around South Africa, then through the Indian ocean to Australia, around it (either way), and onto South America, then either go around Chile back into the Atlantic and back to London, or go via the Panama canal (which is flat ofcourse) through the Americas, and back to London. Or choose whatever route you like. But don't go too close to the ice wall, or you'll encounter the Navy who protect the wall night and day, to stop you (or any corporation seeking new resources) from attempting to go beyond it. Why? Because you won't come around the other side (as if its a ball). There's a lot to get through when researching the flat earth before it dawns on you - the heliocentric model of the universe is a monumental lie. After that, it all fits into place. The controlling elites are 'hiding God' (intelligent design) to keep you weak and a slave (politically, spiritually, financially). But the good news is that their game is over. The flat earth is one route into understanding this. Do more research. Check the science. It's a shock at first, then it's liberating.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
Apparently 'dangerous person'
Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Hux on 05/27/2015
I am fairly new to the flat-earth thing, but knew almost instantly upon encountering Eric's explanation on the Atlantean Conspiracy that I was being told the truth. I've read other people on here say similar things - it instantly resonates with one at some instinctive / "high vibrational" level and is recognisable as "truth".
There are obviously many reasons the elite lie to us about this (including simply, "why not?" They love to fool and deceive us whenever they can), but I think one of the biggest reasons is to convince us not to trust our senses, not to trust ourselves. Our senses tell us the earth is flat and still. But then the "experts" come along and tell us, "you silly ignoramus, it's a spinning ball!"
Now, if our senses and common sense could, in effect, lie to us, about something so huge and fundamental as the shape and behaviour of the very earth on which we live, how can we trust them for anything? We clearly can't, and this makes us malleable and confused, unable to trust ourselves and thus wide open to whatever "reality" the elite wants to impose on us.
Thusly, the only people allowed to have opinions or shape reality are "the experts" (e.g. elite-controlled puppets), and I have literally been told by others when debating vaccines - always fun - that I am not permitted to have my own opinion on these concoctions or chose whether they get injected into me or any child I might be responsible for - because I am not "an expert". And apparently this is a widespread belief these days, critical thinking and opinion forming is completely verboten unless you are "an expert". This goes hand in hand with the disturbing reverence given to so-called "science", where people believe "science" is a flawless, incorruptible collection of pure, indisputed facts, and that peer-reviewed studies are in fact the inerrant word of the one true God.
People who think this way, who can't form an opinion unless "science" okays it, aren't being smart and strategic, taking a rational interest in scientific method, they are, rather and instead, practising Scientianity. Ever tried politely disagreeing with the conclusions of a peer-reviewed study that they like? Or gently informing them a peer-revieweed study is not in fact a flawless holy sacrament, merely an interpretation of data, and either the interpretation, or the data, could be wrong? The reaction is not much short of being burned at the stake as a heretic.
Whereas the fact is that establishment "science" is hugely controlled, incredibly corrupted, as well as constantly contradicting itself (you can get a "peer-reviewed study" to say just about anything you like), and the editors of three of the top scientific journals in the world - the British Medical Journal, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine - have all come out to publicly state that huge reams of current scientific literature are nonsense, worthless.
So that's the bitterly ironic thing, people think of themselves these days as so 'rational' and 'scientific', when frankly establishment "science" is more of a fairystory than any religious text (by quite a long shot - a lot of truth in most religious books) and people now believe more astonishingly insane things (injecting babies full of poison is health, mutilating a man makes him a woman, everything came from nothing, etc etc) than they have at any prior time in history. The times we are living in right now are the real dark ages.
I am fairly new to the flat-earth thing, but knew almost instantly upon encountering Eric's explanation on the Atlantean Conspiracy that I was being told the truth. I've read other people on here say similar things - it instantly resonates with one at some instinctive / "high vibrational" level and is recognisable as "truth".
There are obviously many reasons the elite lie to us about this (including simply, "why not?" They love to fool and deceive us whenever they can), but I think one of the biggest reasons is to convince us not to trust our senses, not to trust ourselves. Our senses tell us the earth is flat and still. But then the "experts" come along and tell us, "you silly ignoramus, it's a spinning ball!"
Now, if our senses and common sense could, in effect, lie to us, about something so huge and fundamental as the shape and behaviour of the very earth on which we live, how can we trust them for anything? We clearly can't, and this makes us malleable and confused, unable to trust ourselves and thus wide open to whatever "reality" the elite wants to impose on us.
Thusly, the only people allowed to have opinions or shape reality are "the experts" (e.g. elite-controlled puppets), and I have literally been told by others when debating vaccines - always fun - that I am not permitted to have my own opinion on these concoctions or chose whether they get injected into me or any child I might be responsible for - because I am not "an expert". And apparently this is a widespread belief these days, critical thinking and opinion forming is completely verboten unless you are "an expert". This goes hand in hand with the disturbing reverence given to so-called "science", where people believe "science" is a flawless, incorruptible collection of pure, indisputed facts, and that peer-reviewed studies are in fact the inerrant word of the one true God.
People who think this way, who can't form an opinion unless "science" okays it, aren't being smart and strategic, taking a rational interest in scientific method, they are, rather and instead, practising Scientianity. Ever tried politely disagreeing with the conclusions of a peer-reviewed study that they like? Or gently informing them a peer-revieweed study is not in fact a flawless holy sacrament, merely an interpretation of data, and either the interpretation, or the data, could be wrong? The reaction is not much short of being burned at the stake as a heretic.
Whereas the fact is that establishment "science" is hugely controlled, incredibly corrupted, as well as constantly contradicting itself (you can get a "peer-reviewed study" to say just about anything you like), and the editors of three of the top scientific journals in the world - the British Medical Journal, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine - have all come out to publicly state that huge reams of current scientific literature are nonsense, worthless.
So that's the bitterly ironic thing, people think of themselves these days as so 'rational' and 'scientific', when frankly establishment "science" is more of a fairystory than any religious text (by quite a long shot - a lot of truth in most religious books) and people now believe more astonishingly insane things (injecting babies full of poison is health, mutilating a man makes him a woman, everything came from nothing, etc etc) than they have at any prior time in history. The times we are living in right now are the real dark ages.
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Admin on 05/27/2015
Great post Hux, spot-on
Great post Hux, spot-on
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by Hux on 05/27/2015
Why thank you Though I did just notice the article I linked exposing scientific chicanery has been removed (quelle surprise), so here's another one:
Why thank you Though I did just notice the article I linked exposing scientific chicanery has been removed (quelle surprise), so here's another one:
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by lizardking on 05/28/2015
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Dr. Angell cites the case of Dr. Joseph L. Biederman, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and chief of pediatric psychopharmacology at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital. She explains:
“Thanks largely to him, children as young as two years old are now being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with a cocktail of powerful drugs, many of which were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for that purpose, and none of which were approved for children below ten years of age.”
“No one knows the total amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top 9 U.S.-based drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year in North America alone.By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.”
The worst part is that people are so brainwashed into believing anything "establishment", they won't even cave in when the Editor-in-Chief themselves outs the entire institution as a fraud.
May 27, 2015 9:13:36 GMT Hux said:
So that's the bitterly ironic thing, people think of themselves these days as so 'rational' and 'scientific', when frankly establishment "science" is more of a fairystory than any religious text (by quite a long shot - a lot of truth in most religious books) and people now believe more astonishingly insane things (injecting babies full of poison is health, mutilating a man makes him a woman, everything came from nothing, etc etc) than they have at any prior time in history. The times we are living in right now are the real dark ages.
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Dr. Angell cites the case of Dr. Joseph L. Biederman, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and chief of pediatric psychopharmacology at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital. She explains:
“Thanks largely to him, children as young as two years old are now being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated with a cocktail of powerful drugs, many of which were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for that purpose, and none of which were approved for children below ten years of age.”
“No one knows the total amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top 9 U.S.-based drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year in North America alone.By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.”
The worst part is that people are so brainwashed into believing anything "establishment", they won't even cave in when the Editor-in-Chief themselves outs the entire institution as a fraud.
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by vortexpuppy on 06/09/2015
My current take is:
The ancients knew and had their proofs of a flat, stationery earth, where the heavens revolve around us (Dome, Firmament, etc), obviously some kind of intelligent design.
The elite (whether they actually know everything about our reality/creation or not) hide this knowledge and gate-keep the truth via diverse organized religions and propagated myths, using „fear as the whip to hold the wretch in order“ (e.g. hell, fire and damnation). You must pay for your sins. They are the self-elected vicars and bookkeepers on earth.
As science (Maths, Physics, Geology) and engineering (Surveying, Building, etc) advanced, the lies became more apparent to the discerning mind. In the last centuries the debates around geo. vs helio centricity, cosmology, relativity, gravity, etc were, contrary to the prevalent propaganda, not at all consensus amongst mathematicians, scientists and philosophers (see many examples in „Kings Dethroned“).
However the elites control of religion, media, education, allowed them to selectively make us believe what is „agreed on“, what is truth / fallacy , what is nonsensical or foolish. They want us to believe there is no debate, nothing to be proven. Move along. Just in case some do question the establishment, there is always Winston re-writing history as we go. Nowadays he works for the googleplex shill infantry.
As in the excellent post above from Hux, we are bullied into not trusting our senses, too timid to argue against their „proven facts“. In addition there are the pseudo answers and fence sitting arguments from scientists (whether knowingly or just even more in-doc-trinated and brainwashed), me thinks are designed to promote a „who cares anyway“ attitude via their controlled opposition. Examples might be:
"Whether the earth rotates once a day from West to East, as Copernicus taught, or the heavens revolve once a day from East to West, as his predecessors believed, the observable phenomena will be exactly the same", to quote the late famous mathematician Bertrand Russell,(1872-1970), whereupon he rightly remarks: "This shows a defect in Newtonian dynamics, since an empirical science ought not to contain a metaphysical assumption, which can never be proved or disproved by observation".
"Do the heavens revolve or does the earth rotate? The question is meaningless. A waitress might just as sensibly ask a customer if he wanted ice cream on top of his pie or the pie placed under his ice cream."
Source: http://www.ldolphin.org/geocentricity/Kamp2.pdf
So they had to add a further sleight of hand (intentionally to create further division), namely, their new „religion of science“, with a kabbalstic cosmology, propagating a senseless, nihilistic universe. Science is now an additional tool to intimidate and control us. An example of this is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, that tells us the „universe is running down“ and resources are depleting, giving them an excuse to attach a "smart meter" to everything and perpetuating the good old days of paying for our sins.
Their expanding, chaotic universe adds more unknown demons and increased fear porn from aliens, meteors, black-holes to untold cosmic disasters that invoke helplessness, desperation and despair amongst many. That way we are easier to control, our dependancy on their usury system increases and all the hangers-on who don’t care or can’t think for themselves, can make money by going along with it all.
No doubt for me, the flat earth is the best way to get people to come to their senses..
My current take is:
The ancients knew and had their proofs of a flat, stationery earth, where the heavens revolve around us (Dome, Firmament, etc), obviously some kind of intelligent design.
The elite (whether they actually know everything about our reality/creation or not) hide this knowledge and gate-keep the truth via diverse organized religions and propagated myths, using „fear as the whip to hold the wretch in order“ (e.g. hell, fire and damnation). You must pay for your sins. They are the self-elected vicars and bookkeepers on earth.
As science (Maths, Physics, Geology) and engineering (Surveying, Building, etc) advanced, the lies became more apparent to the discerning mind. In the last centuries the debates around geo. vs helio centricity, cosmology, relativity, gravity, etc were, contrary to the prevalent propaganda, not at all consensus amongst mathematicians, scientists and philosophers (see many examples in „Kings Dethroned“).
However the elites control of religion, media, education, allowed them to selectively make us believe what is „agreed on“, what is truth / fallacy , what is nonsensical or foolish. They want us to believe there is no debate, nothing to be proven. Move along. Just in case some do question the establishment, there is always Winston re-writing history as we go. Nowadays he works for the googleplex shill infantry.
As in the excellent post above from Hux, we are bullied into not trusting our senses, too timid to argue against their „proven facts“. In addition there are the pseudo answers and fence sitting arguments from scientists (whether knowingly or just even more in-doc-trinated and brainwashed), me thinks are designed to promote a „who cares anyway“ attitude via their controlled opposition. Examples might be:
"Whether the earth rotates once a day from West to East, as Copernicus taught, or the heavens revolve once a day from East to West, as his predecessors believed, the observable phenomena will be exactly the same", to quote the late famous mathematician Bertrand Russell,(1872-1970), whereupon he rightly remarks: "This shows a defect in Newtonian dynamics, since an empirical science ought not to contain a metaphysical assumption, which can never be proved or disproved by observation".
"Do the heavens revolve or does the earth rotate? The question is meaningless. A waitress might just as sensibly ask a customer if he wanted ice cream on top of his pie or the pie placed under his ice cream."
Source: http://www.ldolphin.org/geocentricity/Kamp2.pdf
So they had to add a further sleight of hand (intentionally to create further division), namely, their new „religion of science“, with a kabbalstic cosmology, propagating a senseless, nihilistic universe. Science is now an additional tool to intimidate and control us. An example of this is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, that tells us the „universe is running down“ and resources are depleting, giving them an excuse to attach a "smart meter" to everything and perpetuating the good old days of paying for our sins.
Their expanding, chaotic universe adds more unknown demons and increased fear porn from aliens, meteors, black-holes to untold cosmic disasters that invoke helplessness, desperation and despair amongst many. That way we are easier to control, our dependancy on their usury system increases and all the hangers-on who don’t care or can’t think for themselves, can make money by going along with it all.
No doubt for me, the flat earth is the best way to get people to come to their senses..
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by dkrittgers on 06/22/2015
eric , you have a great understanding on why there would be a conspiracy to decieve the masses of the geocentricity of the earth. the implications of such a thing make it difficult for people who are aware of the flatness of the earth to believe it is all by chance that we are here. this is why evolution is dogmatically claimed as truth in all major universities. the only way its possible to believe we have evolved by chance is to believe we are random in the universe.
if it becomes popular again to see the world as iit really is, a flat circular surface enclosed by ice, possibly capped by a dome lid, then all of humanity would be forced to believe in intellegent design.
they wont let this happen.
the next step for them is not to admit the deception, it will be to dig in deeper.
it seems to me the end game is total control. that means they have to get rid of the freethinkers.
i agree with many of the posts in that the best way to defeat this world dominating false religion of science is to prove the earth is flat!
eric , you have a great understanding on why there would be a conspiracy to decieve the masses of the geocentricity of the earth. the implications of such a thing make it difficult for people who are aware of the flatness of the earth to believe it is all by chance that we are here. this is why evolution is dogmatically claimed as truth in all major universities. the only way its possible to believe we have evolved by chance is to believe we are random in the universe.
if it becomes popular again to see the world as iit really is, a flat circular surface enclosed by ice, possibly capped by a dome lid, then all of humanity would be forced to believe in intellegent design.
they wont let this happen.
the next step for them is not to admit the deception, it will be to dig in deeper.
it seems to me the end game is total control. that means they have to get rid of the freethinkers.
i agree with many of the posts in that the best way to defeat this world dominating false religion of science is to prove the earth is flat!
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by gnosticwarrior on 06/22/2015
The flat Earth is quite literally the pin holding this entire grenade in place. When that pin slips...BOOM!
I've always had an incredibly strong intuition (even since grade school) that what we're taught as "science" isn't actually science, but rather a pseudo-intellectual Red Herring designed to catch those just smart enough to use reason, but not smart enough to reason about what they're being told is reasonable.
So much non-physical phenomena appears to be "outside the bounds" of our modern "science", because we're dealing with an incomplete deck - by design. Then, those who aren't smart enough to see the big picture automatically become somewhat like sheep herders for those on the brink of awakening. Group consensus actually has a greater degree of ability to misperceive "truth", because a room full of people can be convinced of a falsehood simply because they lack the confidence to speak up.
Have you ever seen those experiments which prove peer pressure, by having inserting an unaware individual into a group of people who purposely all agree on a wrong answer, and then gradually watch as said individual begins changing their answers to fit the group - DESPITE knowing that the entire group is agreeing on the wrong answer?
A person sensing a higher truth will naturally rationalize it away in favor of group consensus, because "If not 1, then 0. Since 2 is not 1, 2 = 0!". The consensus consciousness sees one idea opposing the belief of many, and so naturally rejects it for being unsubstantiated by the false axioms it's taking as empirical.
This is what we're dealing with here.
Jun 21, 2015 22:54:20 GMT dkrittgers said:
it seems to me the end game is total control. that means they have to get rid of the freethinkers.
i agree with many of the posts in that the best way to defeat this world dominating false religion of science is to prove the earth is flat!
The flat Earth is quite literally the pin holding this entire grenade in place. When that pin slips...BOOM!
I've always had an incredibly strong intuition (even since grade school) that what we're taught as "science" isn't actually science, but rather a pseudo-intellectual Red Herring designed to catch those just smart enough to use reason, but not smart enough to reason about what they're being told is reasonable.
So much non-physical phenomena appears to be "outside the bounds" of our modern "science", because we're dealing with an incomplete deck - by design. Then, those who aren't smart enough to see the big picture automatically become somewhat like sheep herders for those on the brink of awakening. Group consensus actually has a greater degree of ability to misperceive "truth", because a room full of people can be convinced of a falsehood simply because they lack the confidence to speak up.
Have you ever seen those experiments which prove peer pressure, by having inserting an unaware individual into a group of people who purposely all agree on a wrong answer, and then gradually watch as said individual begins changing their answers to fit the group - DESPITE knowing that the entire group is agreeing on the wrong answer?
A person sensing a higher truth will naturally rationalize it away in favor of group consensus, because "If not 1, then 0. Since 2 is not 1, 2 = 0!". The consensus consciousness sees one idea opposing the belief of many, and so naturally rejects it for being unsubstantiated by the false axioms it's taking as empirical.
This is what we're dealing with here.
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Jun 22, 2015 14:08:43 GMT ricaius said:
I agree, it's called conformism. A conformist is a person who conforms, especially unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc. The origin of this behaviour is often to be found in the fear of the solitude of being out of the pack.
I agree, it's called conformism. A conformist is a person who conforms, especially unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc. The origin of this behaviour is often to be found in the fear of the solitude of being out of the pack.
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by gnosticwarrior on 06/22/2015
Also, what's the indirect result of conformity - ESPECIALLY in a positivist/materialist paradigm? "I don't matter, so why should I bother trying to rock the boat or do anything unique? We're in a vast universe, and I'm nothing more than a microbe in the larger scheme of things. I might as well go to work, pay taxes, get drunk and enjoy myself. I wonder what's on TV?"
Spiritual paralysis and existential depression are the inevitable result for the intelligent ones in the crowd, who genuinely believe that "This is it, folks!".
Also, what's the indirect result of conformity - ESPECIALLY in a positivist/materialist paradigm? "I don't matter, so why should I bother trying to rock the boat or do anything unique? We're in a vast universe, and I'm nothing more than a microbe in the larger scheme of things. I might as well go to work, pay taxes, get drunk and enjoy myself. I wonder what's on TV?"
Spiritual paralysis and existential depression are the inevitable result for the intelligent ones in the crowd, who genuinely believe that "This is it, folks!".
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by harry on 06/23/2015
i was sent a patronizing video (by an asleep friend), of some mindless drone blabbing (mentioned moon hoax, chemtrails etc) she basically made out anyone who has a questioning mind to be a deluded conspiracy quack. So i replied to my friend with a moon hoax video, showing an astronaut suddenly being pulled up like a puppet on a string & something hit me, the main reason why they faked the moon landing was to promote the heliocentric model of the earth and planets! this was the prime reason, money was just a nice side effect.
i was sent a patronizing video (by an asleep friend), of some mindless drone blabbing (mentioned moon hoax, chemtrails etc) she basically made out anyone who has a questioning mind to be a deluded conspiracy quack. So i replied to my friend with a moon hoax video, showing an astronaut suddenly being pulled up like a puppet on a string & something hit me, the main reason why they faked the moon landing was to promote the heliocentric model of the earth and planets! this was the prime reason, money was just a nice side effect.
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Posted by vortexpuppy on 07/02/2015
As well as cultivating my new zetetic mind-set, I can't stop researching the who, what, when and how this manipulated reality is perpetuated (and not just the why).
Understanding this is the first step to exposing and correcting, me thinks and both parts of the oblate spheriod in your skull, need to be functioning :-)
There are so many topics, spanning so many disciplines it is difficult to know where to start, what to cover, or what to focus on.
From the natural sciences, language, arts and culture to the spiritual, musical and metaphysical, revealing insights are often when many things "come together".
Here's one guy who does this well: Robert Lawlor - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Lawlor
In the linked videos he touches on examples like...
"Primitive" really means "closer to the source" and not "dumb and senseless". So etymology shows us how words produce thought images as powerful as our senses and so also shape our reality.
(read lying media)
The ancient, independent gatherer / hunter (read vegan) indigenous peoples with their feminine principals, were replaced (read expelled from the garden) with the control and dominance over plants and animals via the agricultural and industrial revolutions. (read enclosure and civilization)
Accompanied by complete removal of "spirit rituals" and our separation from nature, followed by dependance on the systems (read slavery and usury)
I could go on, but best you hear for yourselves. Be sure to view all 3 parts.
I hope this is the correct thread for this after the clean-up. (Thanks for that admins)...
As well as cultivating my new zetetic mind-set, I can't stop researching the who, what, when and how this manipulated reality is perpetuated (and not just the why).
Understanding this is the first step to exposing and correcting, me thinks and both parts of the oblate spheriod in your skull, need to be functioning :-)
There are so many topics, spanning so many disciplines it is difficult to know where to start, what to cover, or what to focus on.
From the natural sciences, language, arts and culture to the spiritual, musical and metaphysical, revealing insights are often when many things "come together".
Here's one guy who does this well: Robert Lawlor - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Lawlor
In the linked videos he touches on examples like...
"Primitive" really means "closer to the source" and not "dumb and senseless". So etymology shows us how words produce thought images as powerful as our senses and so also shape our reality.
(read lying media)
The ancient, independent gatherer / hunter (read vegan) indigenous peoples with their feminine principals, were replaced (read expelled from the garden) with the control and dominance over plants and animals via the agricultural and industrial revolutions. (read enclosure and civilization)
Accompanied by complete removal of "spirit rituals" and our separation from nature, followed by dependance on the systems (read slavery and usury)
I could go on, but best you hear for yourselves. Be sure to view all 3 parts.
I hope this is the correct thread for this after the clean-up. (Thanks for that admins)...
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Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth
Post by shillsmacker on 08/02/2015
I was considering making a thread for the following point but might as well throw it in here
"many believe the ball is so large that the curve would be miniscule, even across 100 miles."
Any straight line is at no point curved and no curve or ball is at any point straight. They are complete opposites.
I'm reminded of years ago when I had no clue about the globe conspiracy I remember looking out over a large body of water and being asked if it was level. My senses showed it was in fact level and therefore flat but because I "knew" from such a young age that we live on this "globe" I said it looks as if it is but it's actually curved we can't just see it. The person with me who I am quite certain also like me had no idea about the globe scam said it is always level. So I responded laughing, "so the earth is flat".
The book 1984 publicized the concept of "double think", a form of mind control/mental illness this system inflicts on it's victims. It involves holding two completely opposing ideas in one's heads. Obviously it is used to benefit and maintain the parasitical system's owners but it is also in itself an expression of power by those who deem themselves to be "gods" over you, similar to how predatory psychopaths get satisfaction from inflicting suffering on others.
This particular "double think" also crosses over to basically everthing in this fake scam system, which is to disregard everything you actually know from what your senses prove to you and believe whatever you are told by those who have trained the public to believe are the only ones with the right and qualification to tell the truth, and that whatever nonsense they tell you is "more true" than what your senses actually prove to you. Eg. you see the dedicated chemtrail flights dumping crap over your head every day, but the paid liars that ignorant people believe will warn them if they need to know say nothing so it can't be happening, and when those liars say it's a "conspiracy theory" and the chemicals suspended in the sky are clouds then the case is closed.
Back to the water, your senses show you a flat surface but the brainwashing overrides what you actually know via your immediate experience, because the scientificly designed indoctrination techniques have convinced you you're too stupid to be right, the smart special experts have determined it therefore you should have no confidence in what you observe and re interpret reality to fit what you've been taught to believe.
Witness the power of accessing a mind from birth. People can be trained to believe anything, and take anything for granted. And if no one is there to tell them it is wrong but they are in fact told lies are right by people who themselves being products of the fake system genuinely believe the lies they can live and die without ever even considering for a second things might not be the way they were told.
"Double think" means people truly can be trained to believe anything because there are no truth or values in such a system, just whatever those in power say at that moment with regards to that situation for the purpose of suiting themselves. Eg murder is wrong but murdering unborn children or dropping bombs on innocent civilians is great women's rights (just not unborn girls or boys rights) and peacekeeping, democracy etc. Guns are bad (for innocent civilians to have) because the Bolshevik jew owned media trots out fake shootings immediately followed by scripted Hollywood actors that the saddest minds look up to say so, but the militarized police state whose only function is to protect the criminal undemocratic parasite psychopath world-slavery owners system forever, the worst thing humans have ever done responsible for basically every unnecessary thing wrong in the world is great. If the media that has lied to you about everything and kept you in the dark about everything puts something in front of you for manipulating you then you should believe it's real and important and care and you should babble about it and let it occupy your mind and effect how you perceive reality and make decisions, but if someone who is genuine and not paid to lie to you states any facts that clash with your indoctrination and the liars have not told you to care about it then it cannot be important or true or worth caring about and even if it's true I don't want to talk about it or admit it or risk being ostracized by any peers or contacts who are equally scared of being sane, caring about reality and truth and thinking for themselves.
Etc. You get the point. They teach you not to think, repeat and you are "good", do not repeat the "proper" answers and you are "bad". Have no confidence in your ability to come to your own conclusions. Then they instill this kind of mass mental illness and pull the puppet strings at will.
Too tired to go on and may have forgot the point but back to straight line vs curved, just as the idea that ships "go over the hill/curve" of the water when they leave our sight is nonsense as we see just by zooming in, vertical objects at the limit of observation eg buildings, mountainsetc, particularly zoomed in would be from our perspective tilted leaning "away" from us, as at all times relative to the rest of the ball from your perspective at "the top" hence in all directions things would be to some degree falling away from you.
Not oh ya they are but it's just so slight your senses are wrong, guys in white coats said so.
A tall building in front of you from your perspective would from far be to some extent leaning back.
Lost my train of thought but there is no globe because there are no globes anywhere. There are no magic lands where all buildings walls are at parallel angles to each other and simultaneously perpendicular to the ground but if you zoom out far enough to a magic cartoon ball then that continent is actually stretched and wrapped around a sphere like a basketball skin and buildings any distance from each other are actually facing off at opposite diagonal angles from each other like spikes on opposite ends of a hedghehog.
There is no ball, there is no curve, up is up and down is down here, Austrailia and everywhere else.
Not a relative comparison direction of objects floating flying spinning orbiting through infinite insignificant random "space" where no one has ever been or seen.
As long as anything has ever been on all of this flat land what is up and down have never changed, moved, spun, rotated or been defined as in relation to anything else. They are an ultimate truth.
Up and down are not a product of the invention of "gravity" on a ball as it flies through space in all manners of motion, the world always moving just an insignificant speck of dust in a cloud in something bigger in something bigger in something bigger etc etc etc
The earth for as long as anything has ever been has been the only thing that ever was, it has never been curved or moved in any fashion. It is not insignificant and humans are not insignificant.
It and us are the only things that have ever mattered and this experience is why it exists.
I was considering making a thread for the following point but might as well throw it in here
"many believe the ball is so large that the curve would be miniscule, even across 100 miles."
Any straight line is at no point curved and no curve or ball is at any point straight. They are complete opposites.
I'm reminded of years ago when I had no clue about the globe conspiracy I remember looking out over a large body of water and being asked if it was level. My senses showed it was in fact level and therefore flat but because I "knew" from such a young age that we live on this "globe" I said it looks as if it is but it's actually curved we can't just see it. The person with me who I am quite certain also like me had no idea about the globe scam said it is always level. So I responded laughing, "so the earth is flat".
The book 1984 publicized the concept of "double think", a form of mind control/mental illness this system inflicts on it's victims. It involves holding two completely opposing ideas in one's heads. Obviously it is used to benefit and maintain the parasitical system's owners but it is also in itself an expression of power by those who deem themselves to be "gods" over you, similar to how predatory psychopaths get satisfaction from inflicting suffering on others.
This particular "double think" also crosses over to basically everthing in this fake scam system, which is to disregard everything you actually know from what your senses prove to you and believe whatever you are told by those who have trained the public to believe are the only ones with the right and qualification to tell the truth, and that whatever nonsense they tell you is "more true" than what your senses actually prove to you. Eg. you see the dedicated chemtrail flights dumping crap over your head every day, but the paid liars that ignorant people believe will warn them if they need to know say nothing so it can't be happening, and when those liars say it's a "conspiracy theory" and the chemicals suspended in the sky are clouds then the case is closed.
Back to the water, your senses show you a flat surface but the brainwashing overrides what you actually know via your immediate experience, because the scientificly designed indoctrination techniques have convinced you you're too stupid to be right, the smart special experts have determined it therefore you should have no confidence in what you observe and re interpret reality to fit what you've been taught to believe.
Witness the power of accessing a mind from birth. People can be trained to believe anything, and take anything for granted. And if no one is there to tell them it is wrong but they are in fact told lies are right by people who themselves being products of the fake system genuinely believe the lies they can live and die without ever even considering for a second things might not be the way they were told.
"Double think" means people truly can be trained to believe anything because there are no truth or values in such a system, just whatever those in power say at that moment with regards to that situation for the purpose of suiting themselves. Eg murder is wrong but murdering unborn children or dropping bombs on innocent civilians is great women's rights (just not unborn girls or boys rights) and peacekeeping, democracy etc. Guns are bad (for innocent civilians to have) because the Bolshevik jew owned media trots out fake shootings immediately followed by scripted Hollywood actors that the saddest minds look up to say so, but the militarized police state whose only function is to protect the criminal undemocratic parasite psychopath world-slavery owners system forever, the worst thing humans have ever done responsible for basically every unnecessary thing wrong in the world is great. If the media that has lied to you about everything and kept you in the dark about everything puts something in front of you for manipulating you then you should believe it's real and important and care and you should babble about it and let it occupy your mind and effect how you perceive reality and make decisions, but if someone who is genuine and not paid to lie to you states any facts that clash with your indoctrination and the liars have not told you to care about it then it cannot be important or true or worth caring about and even if it's true I don't want to talk about it or admit it or risk being ostracized by any peers or contacts who are equally scared of being sane, caring about reality and truth and thinking for themselves.
Etc. You get the point. They teach you not to think, repeat and you are "good", do not repeat the "proper" answers and you are "bad". Have no confidence in your ability to come to your own conclusions. Then they instill this kind of mass mental illness and pull the puppet strings at will.
Too tired to go on and may have forgot the point but back to straight line vs curved, just as the idea that ships "go over the hill/curve" of the water when they leave our sight is nonsense as we see just by zooming in, vertical objects at the limit of observation eg buildings, mountainsetc, particularly zoomed in would be from our perspective tilted leaning "away" from us, as at all times relative to the rest of the ball from your perspective at "the top" hence in all directions things would be to some degree falling away from you.
Not oh ya they are but it's just so slight your senses are wrong, guys in white coats said so.
A tall building in front of you from your perspective would from far be to some extent leaning back.
Lost my train of thought but there is no globe because there are no globes anywhere. There are no magic lands where all buildings walls are at parallel angles to each other and simultaneously perpendicular to the ground but if you zoom out far enough to a magic cartoon ball then that continent is actually stretched and wrapped around a sphere like a basketball skin and buildings any distance from each other are actually facing off at opposite diagonal angles from each other like spikes on opposite ends of a hedghehog.
There is no ball, there is no curve, up is up and down is down here, Austrailia and everywhere else.
Not a relative comparison direction of objects floating flying spinning orbiting through infinite insignificant random "space" where no one has ever been or seen.
As long as anything has ever been on all of this flat land what is up and down have never changed, moved, spun, rotated or been defined as in relation to anything else. They are an ultimate truth.
Up and down are not a product of the invention of "gravity" on a ball as it flies through space in all manners of motion, the world always moving just an insignificant speck of dust in a cloud in something bigger in something bigger in something bigger etc etc etc
The earth for as long as anything has ever been has been the only thing that ever was, it has never been curved or moved in any fashion. It is not insignificant and humans are not insignificant.
It and us are the only things that have ever mattered and this experience is why it exists.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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