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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Cesaer Longfellow
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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:25 pm

Posted by vortexpuppy on 08/06/2015

Manipulation of Maths and Physical sciences with Projective Geometry

We know earth is a fixed, level, planar surface. We know that all the celestial bodies and heavens / firmament / dome revolve around us every 24 hours.

We know we are being willfully deceived. Our five senses and major organs (brain, heart, lungs, stomach, etc) are under continuous attack. 
It is sensual and spiritual warfare that uses industrial strength weaponry aimed at our vision and hearing, smell and taste, touch and feel, to what we breathe, swallow, spit and shit.

For multi-generational perpetuation, our perception must be controlled
They use to their advantage, the fact that our window of view is restricted to parts of an individual lifetime. So they can re-program / re-educate every 30 years, teach our kids to ignore their parents, wait until new mindless scientists are born that don’t challenge the status quo, etc. 
A famous scientist, once said that „a scientific view does not necessarily win everybody over, but just has to out-live its opponents“. So you can sell anything and „make believe“ if you shout long and loud enough. 
Perception control en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perception has many facets, of which seeing and be-lie-ving is one of the most important.

Lets look closer at light and vision

Light for example, is experienced and perceived through organs (the eyes), that are (or appear to be) designed for exactly that purpose only.  They cannot but see.
This eye design is well understood (my guess is long before Galileo, Newton)  and advantage is taken of our „ocular limits“, our „blind spots“ and „focus“ and our limited „horizon“ and determining of „size-distance invariance“, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perceived_visual_angle to hide the sleight of hand and deception. 

Tools of realization in this deception are many and varied. For example in Optics we see the same actors (Newton, Galileo, Da Vinci, etc - read lying freemason jesuits), defining the methods and instruments such as Lenses, Telescopes, Perspectives, for projecting the Shadows on the Wall :-) or what we now call the idiot box.

This echoes all the way to the present digital era, controlled film industry, DisNASAey and the fake media putting pictures (direct perception manipulation) in our heads. (Rant: lying fuckers that they are).
Its obvious to see why a control of "picture planes" is so important to them. The basics of the maths and method for perspective paintings, fotos and foundations of film-making is explained well in the following links. 


This is some of the best modern online resource / explanations, I could find ...
Otherwise only older (1700 – 1800) maths / geometry / astronomy books go into this much (and more) detail. 

e.g. "Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Perspective" by Daniel Fournier

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 OMC9BHxSFTObLh_Ek5Ow

How the eye works is important..

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Now the geometry of an underlying structure is revealed, (becomes apparent, takes form), when light or sound propagate through a medium (e.g. fire, air, water, earth). 
Light traveling through air (lower atmosphere) is our daily experience. The mathematics describing this and much more is a hidden gem. 
It is a so-called „queen of mathematics“.  Two or three hundred years ago every mathematician would have studied this, now it is no longer taught.  Surprise, surprise.

It is called projective geometry or PG for short, born of the need (so they say) for renaissance painters to perceive and correctly portray perspective, when creating a 2D picture of a 3D object. 

My guess is that the knowledge and the power it holds (in the wrong hands) is a lot older than just Albrecht Dürer und Leonardo Da Vinci, 
(e.g. see Pappus of Alexandria, 320 AD - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pappus_of_Alexandria ) and goes back to the Ionian School era (600 B.C.)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionian_School_%28philosophy%29 
However, knowing when secrets where occult-ed is extremely difficult, given the fact that we don’t know which „his-story“ to trust. 
The speculation of an imaginative mind might even think that Hyperborean Giants at the North Pole in millennia gone-by, would have been able to „see for miles“, had a better perspective at thirty feet high, and that maybe their/this knowledge has been withheld / kept secret for a lot longer still. 

Anyway, we all know Euclidean Geometry (about 300 BC) is with straight edges and compasses, the basic masonic tools. This includes „rulers“ to measure distance and angles, create arcs and conic sections (crowns for the king. lol). 
This is all still valid today and used extensively. Euclidean Geometry together with some basic spherical geometry, reigned supreme up until about 500 years ago. Euclidean Geometry contains only five postulates to which all will intuitively agree with four of them (e.g. We can draw a straight line through two points), but not with the fifth called the „parallel postulate“ (simplified – „parallel lines exist“). 

Projective geometry removes this postulate (and its implications) and seeks to describe what we see without measuring what is necessarily „real“. (In the wrong hands, you just gotta love it, don’t ya). 
PG only uses a straight edge (no markings). There are no rulers (no metrics or measures) and no angles (aka no defined shapes). 

To quote Morris Kline:
„These conventions or agreements not only are logically justifiable but also are recommended by the argument that projective geometry is concerned with problems which arise from the phenomenon of vision, and we never actually see parallel lines, as the familiar example of the apparently converging railroad tracks reminds us. Indeed, the property of parallelism plays no role in projective geometry.“

„The satisfying accomplishments of projective geometry were capped by the discovery of one of the most beautiful principles of all mathematics —the principle of duality“.

This is a remarkable unique principle which occurs only in PG and nowhere else namely „the dual mappings of points and lines“. They are in effect interchangeable. 
This leads to many insights into Electromagnetism, Growth & Path curves, Color theory, Concepts of Counterspace, etc which will not be covered in this post. 

Projective Geometry en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projective_geometry is the study of geometric properties that are invariant under projective transformations i.e, properties depending on perspective (position of observer) and section (which part of the object is viewed). A Projective transformation is defined as a sequence of perpectivities. Projective Geometry is more fundamental than Euclidean (since it has less postulates) and so theories born here, are also applicable in Euclidean space.

For those mathematically inclined see NJWildbergers Wild Trig Series 31 and 32 : 
Or within his series of the history of mathematics MathHistory8: Projective Geometry:

From 1800 onwards, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Hyperbolic Geometry, relativistic BS Geometry were all born / created by playing with the „parallel postulate“ axiom. Projective Geometry paved the way for Gauss, Minkowski,  the currently accepted view of „space-time“ curvature, the concept of invariance of scientific laws under transformation between coordinate systems, tensor calculus, map projections, astronomical spheres and much, much more. The rabbit hole runs  deep.

If this is of interest to members here, I will continue to post on this topic. Personally, I think Projective Geometry has been intentionally abused by some, and ignored by too many. It is a cornerstone of the deception within the mathematical and physical sciences and is heavily utilized in the ongoing perception manipulation.  The more it is understood, the easier it is to see that behind the curtain, the emperor has no fucking clothes.

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:26 pm

Posted by vortexkitten on 08/07/2015

Excellent Post GREAT STUFF regarding Projective Geometry.
No wonder they stopped teaching it.

Just thinking....

What interests me at the moment when thinking about the horizon (vanishing line and points) and Perspective Three-Dimensional Vision
( not to be confused with the controlled oppositions "Perception Deception") is this:
Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 I8jtw45XD0rnaACMM9H9

Observing the Railway track 2D image above the tracks look to be converging and arriving to a point further down the line
but WE know that if we walk down the track they DO NOT converge. 
AND if I was on a train I fucking hope not Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Smiley

Taking all dimensions into account could it be that we are looking from the wrong direction or point of reference therefore we can't see it?

I feel that PG will facilitate the way for us all to see all the straight flat lines, all the points of intersection, see everything differently somehow so that we arrive at
(and AS always its probably staring us all in the eye, we just can't see it yet) but with PG I do see a way of it helping us all to arrive at THAT place.
And maybe when we get there it will be clear to us ALL the reasons WHY They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth.

Maybe we just need to get higher. We could try building a rocket to the moon Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Wink

Manipulation of Maths and Physical sciences with Projective Geometry

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:27 pm

Posted by marleyites on 08/08/2015

thank you for posting all this great material.
please continue as you are creating excellent resources for many to follow.
your research and writing are top notch.
blessings be. /s/ Marleyites
"cannabis is the healing of a nation." ~ Bob Marley

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:27 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 08/08/2015

Aug 5, 2015 15:37:07 GMT vortexpuppy said:
Manipulation of Maths and Physical sciences with Projective Geometry
This just might be THE single-best post I've read on this forum in the last month or so. Incredible insight here. I would love to hear more about what you've got in regards to the hidden order of maths and geometries!

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:28 pm

Posted by vortexpuppy on 08/09/2015

Thanks to all for the encouragement, to research further together, cause I certainly don't have all the answers ...

Here is a good example of Projective Geometry principles helping to explain Homeopathic Medicine.

Homeopathy uses the extreme dilution of substances, to find the correct potencies of medicine.
This is a ridiculed medical theory, since common atomistic belief is "more is better" and that enough atoms must be present to invoke some kind of "molecular change".

However as shown by Masaru Emoto (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto ), it is the geometric form / process / dynamic that is important and not intensity.
I'm sure many know of his experiments in "flash freezing" Water, for example after playing different kinds of music and seeing vastly different geometric shapes.
There are many good examples of this on YT and of people repeating his experiments, of course it's labelled pseudoscience by the skeptics.
As a side note to this, we can see how words are "alive" and can be used to manipulate reality / perception.

Also Cymatics en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cymatics ties into this as well.

But back to PG .... I've summarized / bastardized here, with excerpts, and some images and my comments in red but best to read the original article... 

What we have forgotten about Projective Geometry... by George Adams
(See full article at aetherforce.com/what-we-have-forgotten-about-projective-geometry/ )

For generations past the effectiveness of high potencies has been a fact of experience for the physician and of untold benefit to countless patients. 
The chemist who surmises that a particular component present in small quantities in a solution or mix­ture, is responsible for some physical or physiological effect, will contrive by distillation, crystallization or the like to concentrate it. His theory is con­firmed if the effect increases.Why, in the preparation of homeopathic remedies, do we dilute instead of con­centrating ?

To quote Hahnemann (the discoverer of Homepathy 1755-1843)
“The homeopathic dilution of medicaments brings about no reduc­tion, but on the contrary a true enhancement of their medicinal virtues; thus our dilutions represent a truly wonderful unveiling, nay more, a calling-to-­life of the medicinal and healing spirit of the substance"

Till about half a century ago—the time of Einstein and Minkowski—the space in which the real events of the universe were supposed to be taking place was that of Euclid, the geometry of which we learn at school. It is the space measured in finite and rigid lengths, or areas and volumes based on the measurement of length. It is determined by the well-known laws of parallelism and of the right angle, as in the theorem of Pythagoras or in the statement that opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal. The same type of space was held to prevail down to the smallest and up to the largest dimen­sions. Inward and outward, the identical scale of length leads to the mil­limicrons of atomic science and to the parsecs and light-years of astronomical speculation. What happens when a straight line is extended to the infinite, was held to be an idle question, of philosophic interest perhaps, but beyond the effective range of science.

Among pure mathematicians a new form of geometry was arising. I refer to the school of geometry variously known as projective geometry, modern synthetic geometry, or the geometry of position. In the Seventeenth Century its truths began to be apprehended by the astronomer Kepler and the mystical philosopher Pascal, also by Pascal’s teacher, Girard Desargues, a less known but historically important figure. (all freemasons to the best of my knowledge :-)

Largely unnoticed save among pure mathematicians, upon whose thought it was to have a deep and lasting influence, it grew into an ever wider insight, which by the end of the century was seen to embrace most if not all of the known forms of geometry, Euclidean and non-Euclidean alike. Today, as I shall presently contend, it opens out new ways of understanding nature—above all, living nature and the subtler, more spiritual forces which the intuitive genius of Hahnemann was perceiving. 

Now the geometry of Euclid relates above all to the sense of touch; The inch, the foot, the yard, derive from our own body. We measure as we touch the earth, foot by foot and step by step, or in the rhyth­mic act of measurement with finger-tip and yard-stick. By tactile experien­ces we confirm the constant distance between parallels, the symmetry laws of the right angle.

Projective Geometry deals not only with tan­gible and finite forms but with the infinite distance of space, represented as these are by the vanishing lines and vanishing points of perspective.

To include the infinitely distant, sometimes referred to as the ‘ideal elements’ of space, no less definitely than those at a finite distance, is a bold step in thought, and is rewarded by a twofold insight of an importance hitherto unsuspected for the science of living things.1 Attention is focused no longer on rigid forms such as the square or the circle, but on mobile types of form, changing into one another in the diverse aspects of perspec­tive, or other kinds of geometrical transformation. In Euclid, for instance, we take our start from the rigid form of the circle, sharply distinguished from the ellipse, parabola and hyperbola, as are these from one another. In projec­tive geometry it is the ‘conic section’ in general of which the pure idea arises in the mind and of which various constructions are envisaged. As in real life the circular opening of a lampshade will appear in many forms of ellipse while moving about the room, or as the opening of a bicycle lamp projects on to the road in sundry hyperbolic forms, so in pure thought we follow the transformations from one form of conic section to another. 

Conic Sections

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Strictly speaking, the ‘conic section’ of projective geometry is neither circle, ellipse, parabola nor hyperbola; it is a purely ideal form, out of which all of these arise, much as in Goethe’s botany 5 the ‘archetypal leaf’ is not identical with any par­ticular variety or metamorphosis of leaf (foliage leaf varying in shape from node to node, petal, carpel and so on) but underlies them all. The new geometry begets a quality of spatial thinking akin to the metamorphoses of living form. 
(PG introduces dynamics, motion, processes instead of just rigid, static forms)

Projective geometry recognizes as the deepest law of spatial structure an underlying polarity which to begin with may be called, in simple and imaginative language, a polarity of expansion and contraction, the terms being meant in a qualitative and very mobile sense. (Law of duality / polarity) For in the light of the new geometry, three-dimensional space can equally well be formed from the plane inward as from the point outward.

In PG we can make a circle using straight lines inwards from the periphery or the conventional way of points drawn outwards from a single center.
Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Yq5RfsdHmA_3rZHnodsu

Now the expansion and contraction of a sphere leads to two ultimate limits. Contracted to the uttermost, the sphere turns into a point; expanded, into a plane.
Point and plane prove to be the basic entities of three-dimensional space—that is, the space of our universe and of the human imagination. Speaking qualitatively, the point is the quintessence of contraction, the plane of expansion. Here comes the fundamental difference as against both the old geometry of Euclid and the naive and rather earthly spatial notions which culminate in a one-sidedly atomistic outlook. For in the light of the new geometry, three-dimensional space can equally well be formed from the plane inward as from the point outward.
 (Law of duality / polarity applied - planes are collections of lines)

Whatever is true of planes in relation to lines and points, is equally true of points in relation to lines and planes. Three points, for example, not in line, determine a single plane (principle of the tripod), but so do three planes, not in line (e.g. the ceiling and two adjoining walls of a room) determine a single point. The planes must again be extended to the infinite and thought of as a whole to see that this is true without exception. 

All spatial forms are ultimately made of points, lines, and planes. Even a plastic surface or a curve in space consists of an infinite and continuous sequence, not only of points, but of tangent lines and tangent or osculating planes.

For the infinitely distant taken as a whole in all directions—as it were, the infinite sphere of space—being of infinite radius, is no longer a sphere at all in the ordinary sense (just as a sphere contracted to a point is no longer a true sphere); it is a plane. (aka "hula hoop" view by the eye)

Now as the crystals in nature and human works of architecture show, parallelism plays an essential part in all the laws and measures of the physically spatial world. To the laws of parallelism must be added those of the right angle and of angular measure generally. These, too, are determined from the infinite periphery inward.

Now my contention is that these ideas—the fundamentally planar and not only pointwise structure of universal space, and the mutually balanced relation of contractive and expansive, or centric and peripheral qualities, known to pure mathematicians for well over a hundred years—should at long last be taken seriously in our understanding of real nature. (I doubt just selective amnesia, but deliberately ignored) 

The forces of nature, manifesting in the world of space and time, are not only centric; there are peripheral forces also. Even as the pure form of space is in the light of modern geometry balanced between point and plane, so are the forces that prevail in nature; they are not only pointwise or centric but peripheral or planar. Moreover, as in the domain of centric forces the central point of the material planet on which we live, in other words the center of gravity of the earth, is for us a center of primary importance, so in the realm of the peripheral or planar forces, what we experience as the infinitely distant plane—in simple language the vast periphery of the blue sky—is a most important source of the peripheral forces.

This, I shall now endeavor to explain, is an ideal key to what you are really doing when you enhance the power of your medicaments by the rhythmic process of expansion or dilution.
We must invert the accustomed functional notions of center and periphery to get the right idea. A physical force emanating from a center needs the surrounding space into which to ray out. The infinite periphery has to be there to receive it. So does an ethereal or peripheral force need the living center towards which it works. It springs from the periphery, from the vast expanse, and tends towards the living center which it endows, just as the physical force springs from a center, from a place of concentration, and works outward.

Seed forming not just from within, but also from without

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 QUKgHkb1llSPsbCTZ8Qg

If crude matter alone were concerned—if stress were laid on the domain of centric forces, expressed in material quantity and weight—it would be natural to expect that an effect, comparatively feeble in a dilute solution, would be enhanced with increasing concentration. We reduce the volume; in other words, draw in towards the center. But if the substance is the bearer of ethereal virtues of which the origin is peripheral, experience will show—and it is equally natural to expect, once we get used to the idea—that the effect will be enhanced, not by concentration but by expansion. Admittedly this notion is too simple; for it is the rhythmic sequence of dilutions and successions or trituration which renders the potency effective.

Think of a body radiating light and heat, say a candle-flame, a glowing ember. Purely as a phenomenon—a fact of everyday experience confirmed by exact experiment—the radiation expresses itself in concentric spheres about the source. In the one-sided thought forms of the old geometry and physics, the whole activity is attributed to the visible, point-centered source of the radiation, with the surrounding space a mere emptiness into which it spends itself as it falls off with increasing distance. But in the light of modern geometry the figure of concentric spheres only has meaning as a mutual relation between center and infinite periphery. The center is the answering point or ‘pole’ of the infinitely distant plane; spheres are concentric if this point is the same for them all. It is only by virtue of their common relation to the cosmic periphery that the spheres are concentric. Thus in the simple phenomenon of radiation nature is bearing witness to the fact that in some way the periphery is an active partner.

In homeopathic remedies, insofar as rhythmic potentization plays an essential part in their preparation, you are already dealing with a realm to which this kind of thought applies. The substance you are potentizing was originally formed from the cosmic periphery inward, by an individually rhythmic, not to say musical, relation between the cosmic periphery and the earthly center. True, it has come to rest in the earthly place where it abides—in root or leaf of plant, in metal or crystal mineral, or even in the bottle on the apothecar’s shelves. But this is only its last resting place. In the precise earthly locality where it was first precipitated, it came into being through a specific and individual relation between the earth-planet and the vast spheres of the cosmos. In this relation lies the secret of its chemical individuality qua substance, and of its vital nature if still embedded in the living realm. The formative rhythm is still latent in it, and when the careful hand of the pharmacist, guided by experience and inspired by the will to help, subjects it to the rhythmic process of expansion, min- gling it by trituration or succussion with the spatial medium which is to receive it, an opportunity is given for the formative rhythm of its origin to be re-born and for its latent connection with the healing essences of the cosmos to be restored. One is reminded of the saying of Novalis: “Every disease is a musical problem and every cure a musical resolution”...

Not sure if this is the correct thread, maybe best to start a new one?

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:34 pm

Posted by californian on 08/09/2015

I really dig all your posts vortexpuppy, but this one has me confused a bit… I'm not sure you necessarily wanted to direct this thread into the homeopathy realm, so maybe you can help me to understand how this relates.

My understanding of the dilution principle in homeopathy was simpler, in that the geometric pattern of the therapeutic molecule was replicated in the lattice of the solvent medium (usually water or alcohol). And, it seems to be more a property of the water being able to hold that geometry and transmit the molecule's effect into the body. That doesn't necessarily dismiss the theory you've proposed here (through George Adams' article on Projective Geometry), but it sure seems unnecessarily complicated to bring in the infinite sphere-plane / point dualism discussion. I'm trying to make sense of this post, but it seems a very "science-y" explanation.

Maybe I just need a tie-in here, as I'm not sure how this relates back to your earlier, most excellent post on "Manipulation of Maths and Physical Sciences with Projective Geometry".

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:34 pm

Posted by vortexpuppy on 08/09/2015

Hi Californian,

I wanted to give an example of how PG relates to Sciences other than just Optics, Mechanics, etc.  I also thought it might interest others discussing alternative medicine, all the excellent stuff on Big Pharma,  etc.

To be clear, PG is for me not just about deception (optical illusions, mathematical trickery, manipulation) in the wrong hands, but also an amazing system to understand things, including "life forms" (see for example the path curves in the budding seed picture of the post).

A part of the text from George Adams (it's his theory not mine) summed it up for me nicely, showing how ignoring PG, can hinder scientific progress and our understanding:

"Now my contention is that these ideas—the fundamentally planar and not only pointwise structure of universal space, and the mutually balanced relation of contractive and expansive, or centric and peripheral qualities, known to pure mathematicians for well over a hundred years—should at long last be taken seriously in our understanding of real nature."

Homeopathy does work and I used to think of it purely in terms of static geometric structures, somehow imparting/replicating information. However its clearer to me now, that it is, the overall process (aka geometry in motion) that is doing the magic. As a wise man once told me, change is all there is, and static doesn't fit the bill.

From PG, contraction/expansion from within/without, from center/periphery are interchangeable/dual and the forces of nature are continuously doing this (e.g. Tornados) everywhere, even if we don't always see it. Another example I find fits the bill, is that: in addition, to the pictures / voices, we all have, in our heads working from within, I feel that there are also forces forming us from without (from the periphery working inwards) as can be seen with Auras, Kirlian photography, Astral bodies, Astrology, etc. They might be part of our own consciousness or cosmic, universal principles outwith our control. 
The idea that everything forms from a point radiating outwards (e.g. a seed becoming a plant/tree) doesn't work for me anymore ; Atomism doesn't sufficiently explain all the phenomena (many of which I used to believe where nonsense). PG helps me to see this dual nature, the missing half if you like, sets geometry in motion and reveals how things work.

This is what I understood from George Adams, and how he thinks Homeopathy works. Is is not just dilution, but rhythm and music echoing the expansion/contraction that is being imparted to the medium. As Adams says:

In homeopathic remedies, insofar as rhythmic potentization plays an essential part in their preparation, you are already dealing with a realm to which this kind of thought applies. The substance you are potentizing was originally formed from the cosmic periphery inward, by an individually rhythmic, not to say musical, relation between the cosmic periphery and the earthly center. True, it has come to rest in the earthly place where it abides—in root or leaf of plant, in metal or crystal mineral, or even in the bottle on the apothecar’s shelves. But this is only its last resting place. In the precise earthly locality where it was first precipitated, it came into being through a specific and individual relation between the earth-planet and the vast spheres of the cosmos. In this relation lies the secret of its chemical individuality qua substance, and of its vital nature if still embedded in the living realm. The formative rhythm is still latent in it, and when the careful hand of the pharmacist, guided by experience and inspired by the will to help, subjects it to the rhythmic process of expansion, mingling it by trituration or succussion with the spatial medium which is to receive it, an opportunity is given for the formative rhythm of its origin to be re-born and for its latent connection with the healing essences of the cosmos to be restored. One is reminded of the saying of Novalis: “Every disease is a musical problem and every cure a musical resolution”.

I am no expert on Homeopathy and might be punching out of my reach, but it made sense to me :-)

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:35 pm

Posted by cropirate on 08/11/2015

Why they lie to us, one part of the answer is the influence of Kabbalah on science and especially on the ancient believe in a flat earth. I couldn't find a similar post so I thought to write a few words about. 

First Kabbalah, althought they say Kabbalah teaches the Unity of God, called monotheism, it teaches dualism, the belief that there is a supernatural counterpart to God.This is imported to remember when it comes to symbolism and numerology ( for example number 11 : 10+1 = the One above God or similar 1+1=2 = duality = God/Lucifer). In the Kabbalah we can find statements that the Jewish soul is ontologically different from the soul of non-Jews, they are children of God and from God come their holy soul.The teaching of Kabbalah texts is practised in non Jew organisations, such as mystery schools, initiation bodies, fraternities and secret societies, the most popular of which are Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the Golden Dawn.

So, now lets take a look on their teaching.

Nechunya ben HaKanah, a Kabbalahist from the 1st century, claimed that one could decipher the time between the creation of the universe and the creation of man, if you know how to use the 72 letters of the name of God. He said that the age of the universe is 15.3 billion years old, which is the same time astrophysics indicate, only 2000 years later.

The Kabbalist Nachmanides(1194-1270) says, although the days are for 24 hours long, they include 'kol ha yemot olam' - all the ages and all the secrets of the world ...Nachmanides says: There was a physical creation, and this creation was a tiny dot ... when this dot expanded, its substance was transformed - so thin that it has no essence - into matter as we know it ... at that moment, as from this insubstantial matter substance shaped, the time begins.
Einstein's E = mc2 tells us that energy can change into matter. And once it changes into matter, time begins. This time, before the clock for the Bible began beating, took a 1 / 100,000 of a second. A tiny time. But at this time the universe expanded from a tiny dot to our solar system, from that moment on we have matter, and time flows forward.
So, Nachmanides teaches the Big Bang and the Theory of Relativity, 800 years before our great scientists.

300 years before Kopernikus, the same man wrote a comment on a line in Genesis (1,5),"And it was evening and it was morning, one day", that some scholars explain that "one day" is a reference to the rotation of the spherical earth in 24 hours, and every moment there is morning somewhere on earth and night in the opposite place. The scholars he is referring to are Ibn Ezra and Rambam (Moreh Nebuchim, 2, 30).

A “holy soul” wrote this in a mailing list where they discuss the Kabbalah: 
In any case, this is amazing! Not only do we have here, the idea that the earth is a sphere and not flat, but that sunrise and sunset is
caused by the earth's rotation, not by a moving Sun, -many years before science discovered this. However, obviously not all the Taanaim were
aware of this knowledge. The Talmud Yerushalmi (Avodah Zara Chap. 3, 1) also says the earth is round like a ball.

Adam McAllen in his book “Cabalistic Cosmology and its parallels in the ‘Big Bang’ of Modern Physics” states :"In a strange way the modern physicists came into the philosophical and theosophical footsteps of Kabbalahists who lived 400 years earlier."

Now as we can see the Kabbalah teaches at least 5 science theories : Big Bang, Age of Universe, Theorie of Relativity, Earth-rotation/Blue Marble (Kopernikus) and the 10-dimensional universe in the String-theorie, which is simply the "scientific" formulation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (hey Sheldon).

So, why do they lie to us ? They believe and they want us to believe, accepting their theories makes us believers, believers in duality and believers in the One above God !

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:36 pm

Posted by californian on 08/12/2015

Thanks for the clarification vortexpuppy. It was also helpful for me to re-read the George Adams presentation and let it sink in a bit better.

The concept reminds me that life here is a two-way street in that we're not just here to learn and grow and experience, in other words to take it all in for our own benefit; but rather we have an obligation to transmit and give back. I am coming to believe that the big assault on humanity physically, mentally and spiritually is not in order that the dominators of earth can just "control humanity", but also in so doing, by their assault on our entire earth they are destroying the information and energy going the opposite way, to the creator. In essence an assault on our faculties is an assault on God himself. In degrading humanity the messages that we are sending back to the periphery if you will are just so debased, and an insult to the creator. The idea that we are not just taking in information and knowledge, but also transmitting back to that which is above and beyond the physical is all the more cogent in light of your post on Projective Geometry with its explanation of contraction/expansion, that which is connected from within and from without, and from center to periphery.

Any way, I'm at serious risk of making this a messy post (hope I used the "quote" tool properly), and like you said "punching out of my reach", so I'll leave it there as a simple thought. And, thanks again for your great posts.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:37 pm

Posted by Kiri on 08/12/2015

Haha just typing this with the tel-lie-vision playing in the background and guess what comes on ? Morgan Freeman and his silky smooth voice promoting a new sci-fi docu about going through the wormhole !!! Wish him, NDT and the rest of his deviant buddies would jump through their theorized wormhole !

I posted a few snippits of info on facebook and got the feedback I expected - Ridicule and the normal patronizing - Oh haven't you heard of Newton - Keep your head buried in the sand - You should know better - blah blah blah - Was a bit taken aback when a conspiracy radio host liked a comment from a definite shill and stated "well said" - Its funny and sad really how the apparently open minded can be so opinionated and closed - more sad than funny !

Okay back on topic - I don't think it's about money or anything materialistic - I think these things are just the tools they use - After all, they print their own money and the majority of it is electronic so they could really just add a few more zeros here and there and hey presto.

I think the reason to lie about the flat earth and to promote the enormity of the universe is to make us feel as small and insignificant as possible. To make us forget who we are and to stop listening to the essence we all have - now the next question is - Why would they want us to forget who we are or rather what we are capable of ?

What are they saying when they show us pyramids and faces on their fake planets ?
What are they saying when they show us a statue of Shiva outside CERN ?

Time to start doing some real testable research and post my findings ...

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:37 pm

Posted by hadabazinka on 08/12/2015

It is amazing how much crap they invent and pass off as "science" when in reality there is nothing to back it up. I have watched countless hours of ISS command handovers, and it is just weird! They love their buzzwords: "science" "utilization" ugh so fake. The movements are so fake, obvious they are sitting with cables and harnesses.

And yes, testing is what we must keep doing. I went to film my 8 mile beach shot yesterday but the visibility was horrible...I hope to film it today.

Another thing I thought of for those who claim to see the ISS through a telescope is that there is NO way that thing would be illuminated in the night sky. At only 200 miles altitude, it would be black in the night sky, the sun could not possible be reflecting off of it. To me it's obvious...so what are they seeing if anything at all? CGI hacks or hologram for the masses? The same goes for satellites, they would be black/invisible as well.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:38 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 08/13/2015

Aug 12, 2015 11:27:27 GMT Kiri said:

I think the reason to lie about the flat earth and to promote the enormity of the universe is to make us feel as small and insignificant as possible. To make us forget who we are and to stop listening to the essence we all have - now the next question is - Why would they want us to forget who we are or rather what we are capable of ?

Fantastic post, and dead-on. If you don't trust yourself, logic dictates to instantly assume authority figures know more than you about "big topics". Outsourcing your experience is not advised. This is precisely what they prey on.

In the end, it's undoubtedly all about control. Neurotic, insecure rulers who need to maintain an illusion to keep their crown and throne. "If everybody is equal, then we have nothing" is the logic they operate on. Control, control, control. If you know the answers to life, you don't have to pay other people to educate you into a nice cushy consumer-driven "job" that has absolutely nothing to do with your spiritually-instrinsic reason for incarnating here at this time.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:38 pm

Posted by haritz on 08/14/2015

Below are a few jumbled thoughts for you to connect, if you are interested, to see the ideational impetus behind large-scale social changes over the last few centuries... This is likely obvious to many here, though perhaps a few will find it useful:

-Ideas form the template for future reality within the social womb.

-Those who control the life-blood of the human super-organism (currency) exert massive leverage over the direction of social change.

-An old Rosicrucian idea: The rose gives honey to the spider and the bee"...meaning, the Creator nourishes the right hand path (truth) and the left hand path (deceit) to (what Rosicrucians et al believe) a balanced harmony.

The money changers, having gained control over the current-sea, envisioned a life of luxury as... yes, a queen bee. If illuminati becomes the queen bee, then most of the rest must become, yes, you guessed it, worker drones.

That means the drones must be stripped of their divinity...dumbed down via poisons in the environment, indoctrination, etc. They must loose their self-sufficiency...no more family farms; hence, property taxes to destroy the homesteads to force most man into the hive economy...apartments that depend upon specialized heating/plumbing/electronic units...centralized control from the queen's lair / all-seeing eye via cell phones, automobiles...a promotion of homosexuality/transgender to create a unisex drone workforce.

Denizens of "modern" nations are indoctrinated to believe that they are "advanced" and that the "third-world" nations...those who live a simple life of elegance in harmony with nature, are "backward" and "poor". Those "poor" people who grow their own food, remain in family units, and have no need for cell phones and cars are then infiltrated by first-world do-gooders to bring the foolish stone-age people up to date with electronics and machines, which can be centrally controlled, and effectively chop the root of the nation from its own soil and transplant it to the hyper-specialized machine-matrix, to make more worker-drones.

Then, those within the hive, having lost the instinct and wisdom of their forefathers, cannot survive without the myriad slave-created products within the hive. And the slavery is self-perpetuating, by dint of the hyper-specialized machinery...for natural processes naturally renew themselves, whereas man-made machines tend to break down, and therefore require constant EFFORT exerted to maintain. Of course, technology is cost-effective to a point...yet when machines cross the point at which its service to mankind is outweighed by its burden...when the inventions recursively destroy rather than create or maintain life...we have a problem.

Have we traded a simple life of elegance for a complex life of slavery?

May we decide soon...

“Karl Marx was right, socialism works, it is just that he had the wrong species” - E.O. Wilson

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:39 pm

Posted by zachswade on 08/18/2015

this was the first question I asked myself, after seriously looking into the flat earth matter. I hold no illusions that the elite/the illuminated ones wish to tell us ANY truth, but i just was curious for the actual purpose behind it. I was raised into a "christian" family, went to a private, zionist christian school who promoted this ball earth nonsense. I was taught not to question these set "scientific" matters, because it was proven by science... I didn't believe everything I was told about science and religion fortunately and started to question the reality around me at an early age. while seemingly everyone around me was buying into this nonsensical perception of reality I felt something didn't add up. after reading the Ex Oriente Lux post, it appears that the flat earth agenda is a joint effort between modern science and the abrahamic religions, which are in fact sun worship. these religions are happy with the the ball theory because it puts their SUN at the center of the universe! After looking into this deeper, I am positive this is proof of creative design... when you experience LOVE it is the strongest feeling in the entire world. some might say it only exists for us to make us reproduce, but love is much deeper than simply for child bearing. this disc seems all we have folks and we must fight off these demons in angels clothing in order to pull the spherical veil from over our eyes and wake up to the fact that we are not a meaningless, small creation. enlightenment is coming!

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:39 pm

Posted by haritz on 08/23/2015

Here is a stab at one side of the deeper historical-psychological root of the current mass deception and destruction:

1. Traumatic events scar the human psyche, and that scarring can be passed on epigenetically to descendants.

2. Hippocrates, the father of modern Western medicine, states that diseases and traumas are generally followed by times of CRISIS, which is the body's reaction to the damage--an attempt to create harmony within the organism... This crisis often takes on the form of the disease or trauma in a diluted form, as a faint echo or reverberation. This is similar to the homeopathic principle of "like treats like", meaning that a small amount of the disease/trauma or surrogate ameliorates the deeper disease/trauma. As a side note, modern Western doctors often mistake the crisis to be the original disease and attempt to halt it, when it is, in reality, the first step of the healing process.

3. An example of thoughts (1.) and (2.) combined: A doctor writes (in a book whose name escapes me at the moment) of a mother who inquired about her son's peculiar behavior of hiding under the dining room table any time a guest or stranger entered the house. The mother had seemingly tried everything with various specialists, and nothing could "cure" the behavior. The doctor-writer then inquired into the ancestries of the boy's grandparents, and he discovered that the mother's father had escaped death during WWII by hiding in a marsh and keeping still for days, often breathing underwater through a reed pipe... After the boy heard this story, he never hid under the table again.

What the above story shows is that the boy's crisis of hiding under the table was the atavistic, inter-generational psychological response to the grandfather's trauma/dis-ease during the war, and that the conscious realization of this freed the boy from the crisis and allowed him to progress to the next stage of healing, if he was not completely cured.

Now, numerous stories from nations worldwide tell of great cataclysms that rocked the earth...fire and flood... Many tell of a time of great plenty and peace, a paradisiacal state, a Garden of Eden that was quickly torn asunder by violent earth changes. The divine ruler changed from a beneficent nature-Goddess to a wrathful father-God. The truth of peace and harmony was flipped upside down to a truth of war and disharmony.

Could it that the grand power-grab by the priests of Babylon, started millennia ago and continuing through today with the global earth deception, is a crisis playing out in mankind as an echo of the great cataclysms... and that the inversion of truth and ruthless destruction are reverberations of the inversion of truth and destruction experienced by man during these great cataclysms?? If "as above, so below", then the mind is like a mirror to the greater forces beyond its direct control...

If so, are we nearing the end of the crisis?

As a second, unrelated thought, could it be that the deception brings a people back to truth, as a sheep-dog brings the flock back to the shepherd? Could an inversion of truth be a way to clear Truth of accretions of half-truth and lies that have accumulated over the ages of culture and ritual...so that, in the end, all but the pure, naked truth is washed away?

This is not meant to be a justification of our reality, only a rationalization of it...even if the two are the same in the end...

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Post by Thinkforyourself Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:40 pm

Posted by idvguy on 09/09/2015

I'm new to this entire paradigm, and this is my first post here, but I honestly feel like I've just been unplugged from the Matrix after setting aside my bias and really examining these issues carefully.

Finally, things I've studied my entire life in biology and cosmology actually make sense and are far more congruent with what I see in Creation stories, like those in Genesis, for example.

I don't think it is a coincidence.

I posted here in this thread because I've spent my first decades as an atheist Neo-Darwinist, moved slowly toward an agnostic and then a theist ID position.

I don't buy the lie that everything we see around us is an accident and I no longer subscribe to the ball Earth model.

I am totally convinced that the lies of ND theory and the ball Earth are connected to an even bigger agenda to rule mankind.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Shape of Earth essential to sacred geometry - is it why it is so suppressed?

Post by pikatchum Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:55 pm

I'm new here.
Besides all good reasons Eric gives for the free masons hiding the shape of the earth, I felt like maybe there was another reason as well, because of the ultimate energy and money they invest at deceiving us about that.

When I was watching a youtube video about sacred geometries and numbers, how all those monuments, cathedrals, pyramids are built according to it, but also their location is important etc, and, more importantly for my point here, when you see how this cathedral, aligns with this monument, and with another thing, perfectly, over thousands of miles, I thought 'hmm, how can they align things on a flat earth and then it's still aligned today on google earth?'... or 'if they aligned things today on google earth, then it's not aligned in reality on the real map of the flat earth'... and it's not only a question of geometry since continents are shifted around when you go from one map to another, so it's impossible to keep things aligned on both models... a bit like direct flight paths which are totally different on a globe or flat earth.

So, my conclusion is that the shape of the earth is of paramount importance for all this sacred geometry, new monuments, alignments etc to be consistent, and we know how mad they are about that. That's why they are so furious at defending / suppressing it.

So, what really happened with Copernicus? Didn't he publish his book one day before dying? Was he assasinated? By whom? Did the free masons really believed he was right, started building things according to this new model, and they realised their beautiful alignments were going to be destroyed when we invented rockets and could take pictures of the Earth, and claim that 'actually, it's flat'...

Let me know your thoughts


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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:49 pm

Creation of the Van Allen Radiation Belts, 1958, would have limited "fake space travel"; however, with adoption of the Antarctic Treaty of 1959, the space Enterprise was firmly hatched, so death from radiation belts would no longer be required.  Time to explorer the last frontier, aka the Television Screen, where Space is played out.

1947 - Start of Cold War, this economic and ideological struggle between two superpowers, the USA and the USSR

1957 - Start of Space Race, USSR launches Sputnik I

1958 - Van Allen Radiation Belts discovered: Was this to be the distraction to end the Space Race?

1959 - The Antarctic Treaty, signed in Washington: Have the world 'leaders' been made aware of the Antarctic ice ring surrounding the flat Earth?

The space Enterprise was now firmly in place between Nation States, radiation belts created by the Ball Earth would not be an issue.

Time to sell Spaceballs to the paying public.

1961 - JFK speech, "Landing a man on the Moon"

1966 - USSR lands the Luna 9 space-craft on the Moon

1969 - Apollo 11, "one giant leap", Freemasons exploring Spaceballs

As shown, the Fake Space Chevron (Fiction) keeps building the illusion.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Fake_s11

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:14 am

"space age"

the era starting when the exploration of space became possible.
"as the Space Age evolved, massive amounts of data gushed in"

very modern; technologically advanced.
"a space-age control room"

"The Space Age is a time period encompassing the activities related to the Space Race, space exploration, space technology, and the cultural developments influenced by these events. The Space Age is generally considered to have begun with Sputnik (1957). The launch of Sputnik ushered a new era of political, scientific and technological achievements that became known as the Space Age." ~ wikipedia

IMO - The following story is evidence of Fakery concocted by the newly establish "Space Enterprise", 1956, to move Rocket Flight above the limit of 37 km, and into the man-made construct of Space:  
"The Space Age might have begun in June 1944, when a German V-2 rocket became the first man-made object to enter Space, 85 kilometers. Since this flight was undertaken in secrecy, it was not public knowledge for many years afterwards." ~ wikipedia

We can't have the Priesthood promoting the Space age without the Fear Based Religion:  
"Having a rocket powerful enough to reach orbit meant that a nation state had the ability to place a payload anywhere on the planet, or to use another term, possessed an inter-continental ballistic missile. The fact that after such a development nowhere on the planet was safe from a nuclear warhead is why the orbit standard is used to define when the space age started."  ~ wikipedia

Trivia:  The PGM-11 Redstone rocket is a direct descendant of the V-2

Also see:
 Space exploration
 Space Race
 Human spaceflight
 Space probe
 Information Age
 Jet Age
 Atomic Age
 Googie architecture (space age design movement)
 Space agencies
 Space tourism

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:54 am

1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

Psalm 148:4
4 Praise ye him [a]heavens of heavens, and [b]waters, that be above the heavens.

Psalm 148:4 Not that there are divers heavens, but because of the spheres and of the situation of the fixed stars and planets, he comprehendeth by this word the whole heaven.

Psalm 148:4 That is, the rain which is in the middle region of the air, which he here comprehendeth under the name of the heavens.

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:38 am

Japan - "The Land of the Rising Sun".

The konitsukyourirekidaikokutonozu map, made in Korea in 1402 represents the general worldview of the East Asian countries. This map was taken to Japan by Kato Kiyomasa during the war between Korea and Japan called Imjinwaeran in Korea and Bunrokunoeki in Japan. This map was accepted in Japan and was copied during the Edo period, showing how the Japanese worldview was similar to that of Korea or other East Asian countries, believing China to be the center of the world. Therefore, the geographical worldview of Japan prior to the 1500s was mostly limited to Asia and focused on the nearby countries from which Japan was greatly affected.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 1402_j10

The limited worldview of Japan started to change when Jesuit missionaries arrived in Kyushu in 1542, introducing firearms and Christianity. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the general who took power during the 1580s, suppressed Christianity through expelling Christian missionaries, restricting the influx of foreign ideology that could disturb the traditional social hierarchy of Japan.  Finally, during the Edo period, in 1633, Shogun Iemitsu banned traveling abroad and isolated Japan from the outside world. All foreign books were banned and only limited trade relations remained with China, Korea and the Netherlands.  The period of isolation caused the development of a distinctive Japanese culture and new governmental structures.

The Konyobankokuzenzubyo-bu map was originally created in China, via Jesuit influence, was copied and re-created in Japan during the early Edo period, 1604, this map representing the Earth as a globe.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Kony_m10

The Konyozenzu map, created in 1674 by the Flemish Jesuit Ferdinand Verbiest. This map is made of 8 separate parts and on the first and the last part, astronomical and geographical information are written while on the other six parts, the world map and pictures of exotic animals are drawn.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Konyoz10

The United States, in 1853, sent Commodore Matthew Perry with four warships and demanded the opening of Japan to trade. The following year, Perry returned and forced the Shogun to sign the Treaty of Peace and Amity at the Convention of Kanagawa, which established a formal diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan, thus ending the long period of Sakoku.

The Hokkyokuchu-sin sekaichizu map, created in 1837, twenty-years before the Perry Japan expedition, shows a surprisingly detailed picture of the Earth as viewed from the North Pole.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Japan_10

The Japanese names for Japan are Nippon and Nihon, which literally mean "the sun's origin", that is, where the sun originates, and are often translated as the Land of the Rising Sun or Empire of the Sun.

The Rising Sun Flag was designed and used during the Edo period, 1603 - 1867.  Adopted as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army in 1870, and by 1889 the flag was adopted by the Imperial Japanese Navy. Today, this flag is in used by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force; this flag can be seen incorporated into commercial products and advertisements; and as a symbol of tradition and good fortune.

The Rising Sun Flag looks to be depicting the Sun, and it's Perspective from the observer.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Rising10

ref:  http://www.zum.de/whkmla/sp/0910/pallas/athene1.html

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:21 am


This is an inaccurate map, showing cable connections between South America and New Zealand, and here's why:

Post Office Radio Telephone Services 1935
Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 72fd5ae846c3d7bc55f13126ba58f907

1876-1902, New Zealand's first overseas telegraph cable was laid between La Perouse (Sydney) and Wakapuaka (Nelson).
1912, Cable laid between Sydney and Auckland.
1917, The Wakapuaka terminal abandoned and the cable landed at Titahi Bay near Wellington in 1917.
1947, Radiophoto service was opened with Australia and England.
1948, The Post Office assumed the management of the New Zealand terminal.
1952-1959, Telegraph services by radio were established to London, to Sydney, to Vancouver-Montreal.
1960, telex service opened.

1930-1962, New Zealand's overseas telephone service used high-frequency radio. Four channels to Australia and one each to Britain, Canada, the United States, and Fiji.
1962, The Commonwealth Pacific telephone cable (COMPAC) owned by Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, was laid between Sydney and Auckland.

1963, Cable was completed to Vancouver through Hawaii, giving New Zealand high-quality telephone service to North America, and through “CANTAT” (the transAtlantic section of the Commonwealth cable) to England and Europe.

1966–67, semi-automatic operation will be introduced with Britain, Canada, and the United States.

The cable handles telegraph, telex, and photo services, in addition to telephone calls.

New Zealand is also a partner in SEACOM, the proposed Commonwealth South-East Asia telephone cable which is to provide a link between Australia, New Guinea, North Borneo, Singapore, and the Federation of Malaya, with a spur to Hong Kong.

The reader will notice NO MENTION of cables running to/from South America, 1876-1967.

Hawaiki Cable
A new submarine cable will connect New Zealand with Hawaii by 2018
"France's Alcatel-Lucent said it had signed a contract with Spain's Amper SA to roll out the new submarine cable system to connect New Zealand with Hawaii by 2018."
"$400 million dollar undersea cable to carry electronic data"

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 TE-SubCom-Enters-Subsea-Cable-Supply-Contract

ref:  http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/1966/post-office/page-4

ref:  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11555495

Last edited by Schpankme on Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:59 am

Submarine Cable Map (Undersea cables)
This interactive map of the submarine telecommunications cables that carry most of the high bandwidth internet traffic around the world. It was created by TeleGeography, a data collection and visualization firm under PriMetrica, Inc. a company headquartered in Carlsbad, California with offices in D.C., the U.K., and Singapore. TeleGeography collected the data as part of its global bandwidth research which dates back to 2002 and is updated on a regular basis. TeleGeography sells the data on which the map is built, but the code for creating the map is available freely on GitHub.

Look closely, you will not see one cable in the south pacific connecting South America with New Zealand/Australia.

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Capture

Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 3153029_110176_DR-14-04_030xx0414dr_1

ref:  http://artofmapping.blogspot.com/2011/10/submarine-cable-map.html

Last edited by Schpankme on Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:45 pm

noun  the·o·ry \ˈthē-ə-rē, ˈthir-ē\
merriam-webster dictionary
: an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true

Theoretical Physics has become an accepted belief system (Faith not Fact), which implies that something is unproven or speculative (which is better characterized by the word 'hypothesis').

As an everyday word, theoria, θεωρία, meant "a looking at, viewing, beholding."

The word "theory" means something very different in lay language than it does in Scientism; since the late 16th century it has been assumed that "theories" follow principles of rational thought or logic.

Facts and Theories are two different things. In the scientific method, there is a clear distinction between facts, which can be observed and/or measured;
Theories are unproven facts, which Scientism' explains as interpretations of faith, not facts.

Theory means Pretend:
   Big Bang Theory, created by Jesuits (Freemasons)
   Theory of Spherical Earth, created by Jesuits (Freemasons)
   Theory of Gravity, created by Freemason
   Theory of Evolution, created by Freemason
   Theory of Relativity, created by Zionist Jew (Freemason)
   Theory of Heliocentricism, created by Freemason
   Theory of Communication Satellites, created by Freemason

Last edited by Schpankme on Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:31 am; edited 4 times in total

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Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth - Page 2 Empty Re: Why They Lie To Us About The Flat Earth

Post by csp Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:10 am

Marvelous posts Schpankme.

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