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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by qdoc Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:35 am

Thanks Bro. After I Guess Hundreds Of Hours Researching I Agree Of Course. I Just Can't Quite Work Out The Footage From Sibrel's Documentary. What Is The Image They Are Manipulating? Also They Do Seem To Be In Zero G, And They Talk About The Spacecraft Etc Etc. I Am Expecting A Response That It Is Disinformation Etc. But I Can't Quote Work It Out...


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by InnerCynic Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:33 pm

I'd like to know where in the world those jets used for weightless training are whenever we are blessed with images of "weightless" astronauts every so often. Are they in the air at the same time? How coincidental would that be! Missing in action? Where exactly are they? Seeing as most folks don't really give much of a shit anymore, head down and zombified by their phones, when astronauts supposedly do anything, I'm not surprised that the public cares or even knows.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by 0governmentcensorship Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:33 am

Ok people, my first post,.. be gentle.

Marcus Allen:
The Apollo Moon Landings:

(link removed due to inappropriate shill-content)

Marcus Allen:
moon hoax:
(link removed due to inappropriate shill-content)

Last edited by 0governmentcensorship on Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : inappropriate shill-content)

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sat Dec 30, 2017 3:04 pm

Yawn, yet another shill 'pied piper', taking you on a journey...
Include enough evidence to question the narrative, but then 'drop' garbage to instil the lies and reinforce the NASA 'bullshit'

57:30 he states: "It could have been taken by a geocntric synchronus satellite 22 thousand miles out which is where your Sky channels come from"

30 seconds later he claims " They got to the Moon becuase the Russians would have blown the whistle," - "of course they got to the Moon"

WAKE-UP you idiot!


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 30, 2017 3:35 pm

FL@T-E@RTH wrote:
another shill 'pied piper', taking you on a journey...
57:30 he states:
"It could have been taken by a geocentric synchronous satellite 22 thousand miles out which is where your Sky channels come from"

"FL@T-E@RTH", thanks for finding that fake Space nonsense in the video "The Apollo Moon Landings by "Marcus Allen".

This is what NASA shills do, they beat the Fake Moon Landings to death, all the while promoting the Space ENTERPRISE and it's exploration by Freemasons.

"0governmentcensorship", please review your video submissions, for fake Space nonsense (shillery), before subjecting them to this forum.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by susie Fri May 18, 2018 4:32 pm

Alien Bird Flies Across Martian Sky
May 18, 2018 7
'Alien Bird' Flies Across Martian Sky In Image Captured By Mars Rover

A video uploaded to YouTube that was captured by the Mars Curiosity Rover has captured a bird-like object in the sky of Mars. Skeptics said that perhaps it was something on the lens of the camera, but the uploader said that photos that were captured straight after did not show the object. So does Mars have alien bird creatures living on it?
Bird or an Alien Spacecraft?

The strange bird-like creatures flying past in the sky could be an alien, and it is difficult to tell how far away from the Rover the object is. It does seem to have a bird or insect-like appearance, and the object is symmetrical, which does away with the theory that it might have been a rock or debris. The uploader of the video seems to be convinced that the object is alien as they said that the survival of humans might depend on being able to identify it.

The video narrator speculated that the UFO could be a bird and he made it very clear that the photo that was released by NASA could have been a fake and it might have been taken directly from the set of a Hollywood movie made on Earth.
Many People Believe Aliens Live On Mars, and NASA Knows It

The video has been causing quite a stir and up to now has received over 5,000 views. Many people said that they believe there is alien life on Mars and they say that NASA knows it.

One person pointed out that birds exist on Earth and this is proof that the Mars Rover is not actually on Mars, but it is on Earth. They said that NASA could not be trusted and was feeding people lies.

Another person said that the object was a small meteor and it had gone into the atmosphere of Mars and the Rover had captured it. They said it might have been a tiny meteorite hitting the upper atmosphere layer. It was said that it could have lit up brightly briefly and left a static charge in the atmosphere for just a short period and this is what the object captured was.

Object Seems to Move Incredibly Fast

The narrator in the video goes on to say the video is a very interesting find. The video shows RAW images captured by the Rover and the narrator says that the object must have been moving very quickly as it was not seen on the next photo in the series that was captured just milliseconds after. The object is blurry in the photo, which again suggests it was moving very fast. So was this a bird, insect or an alien spaceship that the Mars Rover captured?

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Fri May 18, 2018 7:29 pm

susie wrote:
May 1, 2018
'Alien Bird' Flies Across Martian Sky In Image Captured By Mars Rover

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Sea_ea10

NASA Knows It
that the Mars Rover is not actually on Mars, but it is on Earth

What we see looks to be a broad-wing Bird, best described as a raptor, having white body and black Wing Tips and Tail.

This description fits the adult, White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster).

Taking into account the breading season of the Sea-Eagle and the desert like location of the fake Mars Rover, could place the location of the Eagle between the months of May through August, within Australia.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by markwilson Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:09 pm

Buzz Aldrin. "We Didn't Go There" We Did Not Go To The Moon

YouTube search: "weidner front screen projection kubrick"

Jay Weidner has given some excellent interviews on Kubrick's use of the dated front screen projection technology that was used in the making of 2001 Space Odyssey and the moon walk hoax.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by markwilson Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:48 pm

YouTube is now commandeering the content published on their platform to interject content which the YouTuber did NOT provide. THEY INSERT THEIR PROPAGANDA BEFORE ONE CAN EVEN READ THE SYNOPSIS PROVIDED BY THE YOUTUBER. Not only are the tyrants deleting channels like Eric's, SGTreport, etc., but now they unethically push their propaganda onto the same page as the subscribers' synopsis as though we the people don't already know what the Ministry of Truth's version of the subject is.

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Screen15

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Inform11

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:13 pm

markwilson wrote:
Buzz Aldrin
We Did Not Go To The Moon

Science Fiction writers, prior to the beginning of the 1900's, had invented the properties of SPACE, SPACE TRAVEL (Enterprise), and GRAVITY; by 1931 the Jesuits using these fictional stories invented Big Bang (aka, Cosmic Egg or Primeval atom), these "fairy tales" then entered the major Universities (all faith based) under the guise of Theoretical Physics (pretend) and a New World Religion was created called SCIENTISM.

Do you like Space Tales? Every paid someone to lie to you? Still paying for that advanced education?

Apollo 11
"One giant leap"

11 July 1979
"Skylab reentered Earth's atmosphere and disintegrated"

11 August 1993,
"Olympus-1 was hit by meteor"

11 October 2006
"Cassini Spacecraft films EYE on Saturn"

11 January 2007
"A Chinese weather satellite was destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle test."

11 February 2009
"The first major space crash between an American and a Russian satellite"

11 November 2013
"Goce satellite crashes down to earth in an uncontrolled re-entry."

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by markwilson Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:44 pm

Blessed be the name, YouTube, and blessed be their loving concern that we sheeple find true contentment as we never question the official story line, while being provided little nudges of what we really should be thinking concerning any given subject along life's journey, and as deemed true by those Chosenites at the helm of the great ship, USS Ministry of Truth. Amen & amen.

"Users may see [most assuredly will be subjected to our propaganda] from third parties [those we are confident never waiver from the Party's line], including Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia [Snopes, etc.], alongside [directly under the video so the eye naturally sees our crap first] videos [we deem subversive] on a small number [small being, and including, any subject we jackbooted thugs decide to pounce all over] of well-established historical and scientific topics [Darwinism, Copernicanism, 9/11ism, Sandy Hookism, Bendy Waterism, etc., ad nauseum] that have often been subject to misinformation online [after all, we at the Ministry of Truth will be the ones deciding what is true and what is false, evidence contrary to our position be damned], like [one of our cherished shibboleths] the moon landing."

[Edit: I almost forgot; Blessed also be the name, Edward Bernays, Father of the American branch of Propaganda. Amen.]

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Realearth Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:25 pm

markwilson wrote:YouTube is now commandeering the content published on their platform to interject content which the YouTuber did NOT provide. THEY INSERT THEIR PROPAGANDA BEFORE ONE CAN EVEN READ THE SYNOPSIS PROVIDED BY THE YOUTUBER. Not only are the tyrants deleting channels like Eric's, SGTreport, etc., but now they unethically push their propaganda onto the same page as the subscribers' synopsis as though we the people don't already know what the Ministry of Truth's version of the subject is.

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Screen15

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Inform11

Good news, SGTreport back up again

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Truth Center Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:49 pm

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Moonce10
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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by markwilson Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:27 pm

Searching that exact title, word for word (The Truth About NASA, Astronauts, and the Moon Landings), results in the video being buried 35 videos deep (and if that's not bad enough, now with YouTube's propaganda "Information panel providing topical context" first in line). It was quicker/easier finding it using DuckDuckGo search.

The YouTube fraudsters are such a joke. If their machinations weren't so pathetically sad, it would be funny.


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by awakenedmack Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:34 pm

mark Wilson: this is pretty much the same thing if you type "the history of flat earth by eric dubay." it's not buried as far down as 35 videos but it is the 11th video down. you'd think that by typing in the exact name of the video it should be the very first video to pop up.


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by markwilson Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:44 pm

awakenedmack wrote:...it should be the very first video to pop up.

Exactly, awakenedmack! Their own machinated algorithms stand testament to the dishonest frauds they are!

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Truth Center Sat Jul 28, 2018 1:32 am

Buzz ADMITS to Not going to the Moon and yet YouTube still places that bullshit beneath the vid

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Oddmoo10
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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Admin Sat Jul 28, 2018 5:35 am


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Sat Jul 28, 2018 9:29 am

July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC

A miracle happened today,  when the Space agency called NASA,  proved the
Science Fiction writers of the late 1800's correct, by sending three Freemasons
into the man-made construct of Space, and landing them safely on the Moon.

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Apollo10

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by vortexpuppy Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:05 am

July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC

A miracle happened today,  when the Space agency called NASA,  proved the
Science Fiction writers of the late 1800's correct, by sending three Freemasons
into the man-made construct of Space, and landing them safely on the Moon.

lol. good one.
One year to go to the 50th anniversary. I wonder will they "reclassify" the data and continue to rewrite history.


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:10 pm

its also wondrous how they got back from the moon, its like a miracle one shot chance happened twice. Nothing went wrong is like winning the lottery twice especially with that thing they made which is literally a bucket half covered in aluminium paper. Laughing


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by markwilson Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:35 pm

Six successful manned moon landings, vincey. And the Masonic heroes valiantly cowboyed-up during Apollo 13 with the aid of a little duct tape, avoiding the disaster that surely would have plummeted the peoples of Earth into the morass of despair ;-)

One Giant Leap for Mankind, the follow-on hit comedy directed by the masterful Stanley Kubrick in the wake of his other highly successful fiction, 2001 Space Odyssey, released only a few months earlier.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Guest Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:48 pm

yeah and the ones after that dont get me started ^^


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Dab_Tsog Thu Nov 01, 2018 11:57 pm

Hello all,

I went to the official NASA website for myself to find all the pics of the earth from the moon during the Apollo 11 mission and adjust the contrast and brightness so i had the pictured that I corrected for myself in my collection. I can't find them anywhere. I had to use Google to find me one picture with the earth in shot, which already looked incredibly fake. I wanted an original picture. Can anyone direct this foolish person in the right direction?

The reason I ask i because someone asked me for my ultimate proof that we did not go to the moon and I thought that using that as an example would suffice. I could just show her a picture of it already been corrected but I wouldn't mind being able to do it in front of her.


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes - Page 2 Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Alpha Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:10 am

Hi all

Can anyone recommend some good vids debunking the Nixon phone call

Mainly focusing on the claim that the call was transferred by radio.

Now a radio wave could most certainly reach much further than the moon if it is propagated correctly and has enough strength . The delay is the only problem , as it would take about 4.34 seconds, doesn't sunlight take about 9 min. 20 sec. to reach us? And light or radio waves travel the same speed in a vacuum.

So looking towards the end of the call when Nixon mentions the Hornet and the actor replies thank you, it is probably less than 2 seconds. That's not enough time for Nixon's words to reach them, but we are hearing his reply.

Also with reception, any good work on radio waves dropping out?

Thanks in advance.


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