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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:57 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/10/2015
If there's anyone who still thinks we've been to "Mars" please watch and read the following:

Mars Faker - Mars Landing Hoax

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:57 pm

Posted by raysabo on 04/11/2015
I can't believe they actually went out and talked to the press without better lies to tell. It's almost as if they were making this up as they go along... so laughable! The head of the team looks like a complete moron. How do you not have figures on where the thing landed, or how the pictures are transmitted back to Earth?!!! No one who makes MARS their life's work, and becomes head of a Mar's exploration team is so blatantly clueless. How anyone can watch this a be convinced these guys are running the biggest space mission in decades.

Wow. Just wow.

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:57 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/11/2015
Yup. Literally all the science nerds in the audience asking questions were MORE knowledgeable about the mission than the team leader!

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:58 pm

Posted by eschaton on 04/11/2015
These Mars rover guys always crack my up!  Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Rofl  It really is hard to believe how bad of a job they did with the whole press conference.  Not even to mention that jerky test for the landing mechanism.  They where all cheering over one test that didn't even look like it could land from off a building, let alone plummeting into Mars!

Awhile back I found an interview with Adam Steltzner (highschool dropout,rock n roller, NASA Mars team leader) and another "mission engineer" character known as "Mohawk Guy".  When they asked mohawk guy what his role was on the mission he says "Pretty much what Ed Harris did in Apollo 13" or something to that extent.  I found that pretty funny that he doesn't even know his own job description or could give any details what so ever of how they got the rover to Mars, just some movie reference and hope the interview moves on.

Also they played some stupid game about candy bars during the interview where the NASA guys had to pick a b or c answer to a question. Towards the end one of the answers they could pick from was in reference to working for the CIA.  I don't know if that was a planned nod or if the host was clueless, either way I found it strange.

Here is the interview if anyone is interested. 

All about Shillaphobia

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:58 pm

Posted by on 04/12/2015
I felt insulted when watching this interview..

Felt as if someone is making fun of my and all people brains and intelligence.

Really, Hollywood, technology and the modern lifestyle led some masses to lose the natural ability and instinct of distinguishing truth from lies...

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:58 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/12/2015

Apr 11, 2015 14:45:58 GMT @amd said:
I felt insulted when watching this interview..

Felt as if someone is making fun of my and all people brains and intelligence.

Really, Hollywood, technology and the modern lifestyle led some masses to lose the natural ability and instinct of distinguishing truth from lies...

I completely agree. It is a fucking disgrace that they don't even have to try and fool the public. They can act like ignorant clowns, and still the brainwashed masses will believe their filthy lies. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:59 pm

Posted by unclepadre on 04/21/2015
The Mars rover is the biggest pile of bovine excrement. I found this video of the "test rover" driving around the "test set". It was supposed to show how the wheels would climb over the martian terrain but all it showed was how if they took a picture of the thing right then and there they could have told you it was Mars. It is well known that James Cameron is involved with a bunch of Mars projects. After all if the guy can make the Titanic and the T1000 look real, then making Mars look real is an insult to the guy. 

The BEST part though is the explanation of how the Mars rover takes a "selfie". They basically got caught red handed with their BS because one of the Mars rovers pictures of itself was like 10 ft away from the Mars rover, so they tell you that it takes it camera arm, swings it around itself taking photographs, then it "stitches" the photographs together doing some kind of on board photo editing, so it can project itself a little farther back to take a cute "selfie" for us. Totally asinine and ridiculous. It kills me this guy in the video does the interview from the Mars set. You can't tell half the time what is the Mars set and what is "Mars".

It seems like whoever the prolific special effects film maker is of a given time is who is tasked with faking this BS. Kubrick for Apollo, Cameron for Mars. I nominate myself to fake Venus. I will uphold an oath to the American people to give you the best fake Venus I can.



All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:59 pm

Posted by ziming on 04/23/2015
If you think the Mars Rover saga was ridiculous take a look at this Ponzi scheme to colonize mars. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:00 pm

Posted by Observicus on 06/10/2015
We all know the planets are not what we thought they were but it is entertaining to look at the attempted duping by the stupids.

The Curiosity Rover has produced many images including the selfie where the Rover is taken in full view from a short distance.
But who or what took the picture if the camera is mounted to the Rover?

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   1zmj7zk

Here is a reported aerial shot here where sand dunes manage to form on solid rock.
Sand dunes are formed by wind and dunes gradually reshape to the flow of the prevailing winds.

In centre of picture a dune has formed on top of another dune, how is that physically possible?
Does the sand not at least finely cover the bare areas of the rock?
Why does the sand not fill the ground indentations below surface level?
How come the hard surface looks like a macro image of a small stone?

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Pprhl

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   2py5g10

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:00 pm

Posted by Observicus on 06/11/2015
Giant Landform on Mars
On Mars, we can observe four classes of sandy landforms formed by the wind, or

aeolian bedforms: ripples, transverse aeolian ridges, dunes, and what are called “draa.”

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   2ekotmp

These remarkable sand dunes form their peaks in every compass direction over long distances and tend
to stack waves of symmetrical dunes in the depth of the valleys where the wind erratically changes direction.
These dunes also change their shape and length across consistent sweeping curves owing to the dunifornication process.

However the red sand has been outlawed from trespassing on the grey sand due to an intergalactic edict, taken shortly after the arrest of Pluto,
which declared that the No Flora Foundation had exclusive rights to allow complete and widespread intermingling of the grains of red and grey
regardless of their individual tendencies (immediately following the depletion of the Nibiru passing wind) to make way for mono-hued uniformity
in line with wider consanguine principles of the day and for easy management of the long anticipated cybernetic rock farming project to foster
long term sustainability on the new frontier when there will be only one wind direction such that any belligerent sand will be labelled 'draa' and
processed for reunification.
Note: The grey sand has always been permitted to settle on the red sand but on a limited and temporary relocation permit only.

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   2wh3skg

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by pjcnet Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:55 pm

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Marsno11

Of course we had what appeared to be a rainbow on Mars on this picture allegedly taken by the Mars Rover which of course would need water to appear. After this photo did the rounds on Twitter with much speculation, Nasa finally tried to explain it away as follows:

"Many have asked: Is that a rainbow on Mars? No. Rainbows aren't possible here. Rainbows are created by light reflected off of round water droplets, but there isn't enough water here to condense, and it’s too cold for liquid water in the atmosphere. This arc is a lens flare." said a tweet from NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover account.

This is in my opinion a poor attempt at damage control after yet more strong evidence that the so called "Mars Rover" is really on Earth, most probably Devon Island.


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Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit

Post by Admin Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:50 am

I just had this sent to me:

When Nasa posted this pic they were lambasted as 'according to their own science' rainbows are impossible in Mars. They then said it was a lens flare, which several photographers then challenged...

Anyway, I took the original photo and run it through some free online software that removes any filters and corrects the colours. This is the result. I think that you will agree it looks the most realistic of the 2, and clearly shows an actual rainbow, lol.

Mars Curiosity Rover Fake NASA Bullshit   Thumbn11

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