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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Admin Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:05 am

After having 30+ videos and 3 entire channels banned/deleted, YouTube has decided they haven't censored me enough, and are now dishing out more fraudulent strikes to my channel. I have had to set some videos to private for the next couple months to try and save my channel from this attack, and am re-uploading an abridged version of this video which just received a ridiculous copyright strike for the inclusion of a single random Mars rover picture that is public domain and unarguably fair-use.

The 1969 Apollo “Moon” landings, the 1976 Viking and other subsequent “Mars” landings have all been Hollywood staged hoaxes done with actornauts, models, green-screens, CGI fakery and real rockets shot into the ocean. NASA steals 52 million dollars in taxpayer money every single day giving us back nothing but science-fiction movies and bold-faced lies.

The following presentation was taken from my book, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy" available on Lulu and Amazon:


For more information about our flat, motionless Earth please visit:

Last edited by Admin on Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:58 pm; edited 3 times in total

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by George Tirebiter Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:38 am

ESA hopes to build permanent human base on Moon

More international moon hoax re-enforcement:

"It has almost been half a century since the last astronaut stepped off the lunar surface and left behind our nearest celestial neighbor void of further human presence. Disappointed by the barren world of Moon, man found interest in other planets, including Mars, in the hope of finding tiniest signatures of life. What was once considered to be “one giant leap for mankind” in space exploration in the heydays of Space Race of the Cold War era soon lost its appeal given the excitement of the significant discoveries that followed. However, it seems that our next door desolate space rock has again gained an appeal not for life discovery but for a permanent base."(1)

"Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA), Jan Wörner, recently pictured this bold vision in an interview with the Euronews, calling the Moon Village, an igloo-like dwelling, not just a mere fantasy, but a possible project to be realized in years to come."(1)

“My intention is to build up a permanent base station on the Moon. Meaning that it’s an open station, for different member states, for different states around the globe,” he explained, adding that the Moon base would follow the International Space Station (ISS) as a global project.(1)

Here's a link to a video:

Cite-(Read More)
(1) http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/02/28/452724/ESA-Moon-Earth-Jan-Wrner-Moon-Village
George Tirebiter
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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Predictive Programming A La Mars

Post by George Tirebiter Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:28 pm

It's clever the way they end up reviewing the use of predictive programming thru movies to reemphasize the myth.
"If you repeat something often enough, the sheep will believe it."

For your enjoyment:

George Tirebiter
George Tirebiter

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:33 am

Space Race?

Lets get into the wayback-machine and go to the year 1959, where the USSR are first to land the lunar probes Luna I and Luna II, launched during the visit of Soviet Premier, Nikita S. Khrushchev to the U.S.A., these were the first space-craft on the moon. Then in October that year, Luna III took photos on the Dark Side of the Moon.  

1 May 1960 [Mayday]
The Evil Red Menace (U.S.S.R.) shot down the U-2 spy plane, piloted by Gary Powers.

U-2 wreckage captured in the Soviet Union
The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes U2-wre10

3 October 1960
John F Kennedy's response was published:
"We are in a strategic space race with the Russians, and we have been losing. The first man-made satellite to orbit the earth was named Sputnik. The first living creature in space was Laika. The first rocket to the moon carried a Red flag. The first photograph of the far side of the moon was made with a Soviet camera. If a man orbits earth this year his name will be Ivan. These are unpleasant facts that the Republican candidate would prefer us to forget. Control of space will be divided in the next decade. If the Soviets control space they can control earth, as in past centuries the nation that controlled the seas dominated the continents. This does not mean that the United States desires more rights in space than any other nation. But we cannot run second in this vital race. To insure peace and freedom, we must be first."

JFK and Khrushchev
The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Fake_s10

30 January 1961
President Kennedy invited the U.S.S.R., "to join with us in developing a weather prediction program (Tiros), in a new communications satellite program and in preparation for probing the distant planets of Mars and Venus, probes which may someday unlock the deepest secrets of the universe."

Fake Space is go for liftoff.

April Fools Day
The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Tiros_10

25 May 1961
JFK addresses Congress, "these are extraordinary times. We face and extraordinary challenge."

"Now it is time to take longer strides, time for a great new American enterprise, time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth."

"that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth."

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Jfk_co10

22 November 1963
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on video tape, for the public to see, what better way to carrier out the mans legacy of putting men on the moon?

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Jfk_as10

20 July 1969
NASA Apollo 11 - Lands two (2) Freemasons on the Moon.

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Apollo10

Yes Comrade, the game is worth the candle.

Last edited by Schpankme on Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:53 am; edited 5 times in total

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Where's Bones When You Need Him?

Post by George Tirebiter Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:22 pm

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes 8598_c061abe12b79ffb077e88ecf5e4bcf01

They've got to keep spinning the lie to keep the cash flowing.
This is obviously a deliberate re-enforcement of the predictive programming spun around Bones on Star Trek and the string of Docs that followed:

"On simulated Mars—the slopes of a volcano in Hawai’i where I’m helping NASA learn how to plan interplanetary missions—no one is physically alone. We are a six-person crew: a soil scientist, a water specialist, an astrobiologist, an engineer, a space architect, and a doctor—that’s me. Up here, it’s my job to prevent physical and psychological harm. In the process of doing this, it’s become clear that being a space doctor comes with its own risk: a sort of painful, professional isolation that, so far, has defied an easy cure—or even a diagnosis."(1)

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes DSCN0082-1024x768

"I first noticed the feeling a few months into our 12-month mission. I was sitting at my desk reading about the FDA approval of new, easier-to-administer method for treating drug overdose. This was fantastic news. I turned excitedly into the dome looking for someone to tell. Then, I remembered where and who I was: the lone physician on sMars."(1)

"I don’t envy the space physician who’s 140 million miles from the nearest hospital when the ship’s pilot develops appendicitis.

"For the sake of the crew as much as the doctor, having more than one medical professional onboard would certainly benefit a deep-space mission. Unfortunately, lifting even one human out of Earth’s gravitational field comes at heavy cost, and lifting a crew all the way to Mars would require a three-year supply of water, food, oxygen, as well as research and medical supplies.

"We can barely do it all with a six-person crew in a Mars simulation. If space is the future of mankind, it looks like the lone space doctor is the future of medicine. One planet, one doctor. Make it work.

Not to worry, since the space doctor will certainly have a Tricorder:

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes 500px-12.5.12GeorgeTakeiByLuigiNovi10

And other medical tools such as these.
After all, anything goes when it comes to Sci-Fi:

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Latest?cb=20110827232225&path-prefix=en

"Earth may not be able to launch more than one space doc at a time now or anytime soon—but, if we set our minds to it, by the time we get to Mars, there might be six of us on board."(1)


Cite- (Read More)
(1) http://nautil.us/blog/what-its-like-to-be-the-only-doctor-in-space
George Tirebiter
George Tirebiter

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Beashambassador Mon May 16, 2016 7:38 pm

Space Travel for Dummies?! #ShillStoppers Episode 2


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Nvidia Debunks Conspiracy Theories About Moon Landing

Post by MaroOneY Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:41 am

I didn't see it anywhere here, so i wanted to share it with you.

Its 2 years old, but i stumbled upon this recently. Nvidia guy is saying that thanks to their new graphic cards they were able to program and render whole moon landing site with sun and everything.

And thanks to this, they found out that moon landing is legit. He talks about all exposures, lights, lightings,stars and why it is the way it is.

All the points that we are saying are fishy or not normal, they claim are perfectly normal, because they programed whole scenario and everything makes sense thanks to their technical advancement in computer graphics.


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Spydaman Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:33 am

MaroOneY wrote:

And thanks to this, they found out that moon landing is legit. He talks about all exposures, lights, lightings,stars and why it is the way it is.

All the points that we are saying are fishy or not normal, they claim are perfectly normal, because they programed whole scenario and everything makes sense thanks to their technical advancement in computer graphics.

I skimmed through the video and the dude is not saying that, rather the opposite.....everything this site is saying regarding the moon landing being fake is true, and is actually supported by this video!

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by MaroOneY Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:21 pm

@Spydaman  Yea, now when I see what I wrote it is a bit confusing.  

"All the points that we are saying are fishy or not normal, they claim are perfectly normal, because they programed whole scenario and everything makes sense thanks to their technical advancement in computer graphics. "

I wasn't saying this guy is right. I wanted to share this video because I didn't see it here anywhere and thought it is interesting how they are "debunking" reasonable questions about Moon Landing through nVidia. Same like they did with MythBusters.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Artemis Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:54 pm

For all those who likes Trump: hour ago :
President Donald Trump has signed into law a bill that adds exploration of Mars as a NASA goal.

The new law also authorizes $19.5 billion in space agency funding for the 2018 budget year, which starts Oct. 1. Trump recently sent Congress a budget proposal that authorizes $19.1 billion for the space agency next year, down slightly from the current year.


President Donald J. Trump Signs S. 442 into Law
On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, the President signed into law:

S. 442, which (1) authorizes appropriations for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for FY 2017; (2) provides for improvements to the International Space Station program; (3) authorizes medical monitoring and treatment for former astronauts; (4) authorizes a space technology program; and (5) authorizes third-party indemnification for certain hazardous commercial space services.



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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Spydaman Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:31 pm

how much cgi can 19 billion buy? oh, and some crisis actors too. and a couple of painters.
that leaves like 18 billion to do whatever the f they want

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:38 am

Spydaman wrote:
how much cgi can 19 billion buy

19,000,000,000 Billion Dollars, yearly funding
$52,054,794 Million Dollars, daily, for Fake Space.

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Artemis Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:10 pm

On Aug 17, 2009, Alex Jones had Buzz Aldrin in show asking him what influence have masons on moon landing.

Here what Buzz said:"Some masonic brothers wanted me to take some kind of masonic emblem (Buzz "poor guy" has no clue what was that,- it was Masonic flag)  to the moon...etc... in some gesture-he doesn't know what gesture.....
from 2:00


Flag that was on "Moon" with Buzz Aldrin .
Aldrin with Luther A.Smith sovereign Grand Commander .
The New Age Magazine

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Buzz-Aldrin

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Real World Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:09 am

How to proof nobody landed on the moon in 4 minutes.
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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Guest Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:04 pm

this has some nice details like shots where wire help for these clumsy puppets is clearly being used and many more


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Artemis Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:49 pm

New Episode of sitcom "White House and NASA Fantasy Adventures".

 Cast overview: The President character played by Donald Trump, acting as Astronauts: Kate Rubins, Peggy Whitson , Jack Fischer.



"Sitting in the Oval Office Monday, President Trump spoke with two American "astronauts" currently living aboard the "International (fake) Space Station".      No

The President, who signed a NASA bill last month with the aim of "sending people to Mars", asked the astronauts when the trip was planned.  

'I think, as your bill directed, it will be in the 2030s,' Whitson said.  
Trump replied that was simply too far away.  
'Well, we want to try and do it during my first term or, at worst, during my second term, so we'll have to speed that up a little, OK?' he told the astronauts."

President Trump (center) gives a thumbs up as he conducts a Q&A with astronauts today alongside NASA's Kate Rubins (left) and daughter Ivanka Trump (right)

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Ec1db1775929985628d8993fd9101712

At one point during the call, commander Peggy Whitson (left) let the microphone float, while her colleague Jack Fischer (right) hung from the space station wall

The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes C9a11cb46183a968ff530d75f148e2a3


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Schpankme Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:48 pm

Will Freemasons be shown setting foot on MARS, this next great CGI cash cow, for the space ENTERPRISE?

Could CGI Robonauts on MARS be the next giant leap for mankind?

Will it be cheaper to send CGI Robonauts into the man-made construct of Space and onto the red planet, instead of sending Freemasons on Zero G plane rides?


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by PriorityMinority Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:56 am

That Trump video is so fake - he's just so clearly a goddamn actor - and the way some prick floated past in the back ground,,,fake fake fake,,,these losers, so sad


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Tue Sep 19, 2017 7:20 am

Of course he's an actor, you don't become a billionaire unless you are part of the Elite and even then you have to play by their rules.
The Sheep all claim Trump is exposing 'fake News', but all he is doing is Tweeting and stirring up race-hate, He is performing his role perfectly, get the masses arguing among themselves so they do not wake-up to the Flat Earth, Fake Space, Banksters, Corruption, Job-Slavery, Fake-Debt and so-on

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by PriorityMinority Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:49 am

you put it just right - when people are distracted and unpeaceful, their minds are not at rest and cannot "think straight" - if the politicians just shut up and did their jobs honestly and sensibly - their jobs would change anyway - people would have the peacefulness and emptyness of mind to get a grip on reality - the flat world plus other things


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by PriorityMinority Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:52 am

An official chronological list of NASA and related space agencies inconsistencies would be extremely beneficial for everybody; providing overwhelming evidence of their fraudulence = especially in this day and age where at the click of a search button any of them could be verified.


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Foreverlearning Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:16 pm

Schpankme wrote:Will Freemasons be shown setting foot on MARS, this next great CGI cash cow, for the space ENTERPRISE?

Could CGI Robonauts on MARS be the next giant leap for mankind?

Will it be cheaper to send CGI Robonauts into the man-made construct of Space and onto the red planet, instead of sending Freemasons on Zero G plane rides?

The BS that this guy is pitching in this video is just as absurd as his shirt!!!

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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by PriorityMinority Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:55 am

PriorityMinority wrote:An official chronological list of NASA and related space agencies inconsistencies would be extremely beneficial for everybody; providing overwhelming evidence of their fraudulence  = especially in this day and age where at the click of a search button any of them could be verified.
Just part of the chronology


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by qdoc Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:08 am

Greetings Fellow Flat Earthers
First Post So Go Easy On Me!!!
Short Prologue
'Discovered' Flat Earth About Six Months Ago I Guess
After 911, fake money system, false flags, Hegelian dialectic, 'shepherds' controlling the sheeple kept thinking there was one BIG thing I was missing and I think this is it
Shout out to admin for all his hard work, if anyone wants to take a detailed look at flat earth there is always one name I put forward ;-)
Now to this topic, sorry if it's in the wrong place...
I was watching Bart Sibrel's A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
It revolves around (no pun intended) a scene where the Apollo 11 astronots are setting up a scene involving an earthscape and a round aperture on the 'spaceship'
This was supposed to me an errant tape that found its way into Sibrel's hands
In the edited footage the astronots do seem to be in zero G
Also the view they have which they are manipulating does seem to be pretty high up
Of all the reading and youtubing I've done this is probably the one thing that is sticking out as not making sense
The edited footage from the 'leaked' tape seems to show them in a 'spacecraft' in some sort of earth orbit (zero G + view of earth pretty high up)
The narrative for the movie is that this was when they were supposed to be half way to the moon
So Sibrel's conclusion is they were in a low earth orbit in the space craft
My belief is the earth is flat, there is no outer space and that gravity as presented to the masses is scientism
Any thoughts?!?


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The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes Empty Re: The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes

Post by Just Vital Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:31 am

qdoc wrote: My belief is the earth is flat, there is no outer space and that gravity as presented to the masses is scientism
Any thoughts?!?  

Welcome! The earth being flat is no 'belief', it's scientific truth. Outer space and gravity indeed belong to scientism (belief) = religion.
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