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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:47 pm

Posted by The Modern Gnostic on 08/04/2015

In my lexicon, NASA stands for: Never A Straight Answer. If you ever happened to start poking around NASA and the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye and open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence and analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about that, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the American taxpayer a cool 30 billion. Imagine what James Cameron could create with a budget like that.

But to be quite frank, it pisses me off more that NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The American taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA'S existence and alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations and experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called "experts" despite irrefutable evidence that NASA is nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler and pseudoscience peddler.

The focus of this first part of a series is based on a principle that is indefensible if you are caught. FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES!!

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In short, once fraud is detected everything that sits upon it is now in question. Your credibility is shot! Who would disagree with the logic of found fraud destroys the validity of everything? It's reasonable, predictable and has the power to instantly change the direction of one's perception, even those that were held sacred. Fraud has no limits by those who engage in it and it's been around along time. Do you think real fraudsters stop at just one fraud? Or do you think they keep going and going until they die or get caught? The answer is a simple one. Why would you ever stop lucrative fraudulent activity if you haven't been caught? So the chance for systemic fraud once initial fraud is found becomes a virtual certainty.

To further muddy the waters, NASA was founded by Satanic worshiping occultists and black magicians. This is not idle rumor but fact. NASA is a Military-Hollywood-Pseudoscience-Satanic Cartel, whose true aim is to use taxpayer funding to promote and profit by developing and deploying pseudoscience technology and methodology. The first fraud in my opinion is the true origins of NASA and the cast of characters that had significant influence. Go to NASA and search for them and you'll find whitewashed bios or no information available.

Fraud #1 Pre-NASA

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The predecessor to NASA was a young talented rocket scientist, Jack Parsons. Werner von Braun claimed it was the self-taught Parsons, not himself, who was the true father of the American space program for his contribution to the development of solid rocket fuel.

[1]Jack’s childhood was one of solitude, loneliness, and wealth. He could sit in his room all day and read, never worrying about supporting his family or where his next meal was going to come from. He ferociously read Jules Verne, including his 1865 novel “From the Earth to the Moon,” and the new sci-fi magazine “Amazing Stories.” Soon, space wasn't just what was above Jack’s head, it was a romantic obsession.

One day, Jack was getting pummeled at school when an older boy swooped in and put an end to the beating. That boy, Ed Foreman, would become Jack’s best friend into his adult years and an essential player in Jack’s rocket dreams. Ed and Jack whiled away days talking about the science-fiction books they were reading and, soon, began experimenting themselves.

Using Ed’s father’s engineering tools and resources and supplies Jack took from his part time job at the Hercules Powder Company, they built explosives. Teachers and Jack’s mother began worrying about him. But Ed and Jack continued to experiment.

In 1934, with Jack now 20 years old, the duo’s interest in rockets went from a child’s fantasy to an academic pursuit when, despite not being students there, they gained the support of the close-by California Institute of Technology (CalTech). Ed, Jack, and several members of CalTech’s community formed the GALCIT Rocket Research Group.

On Halloween 1936, the group performed their first motor test near the Devil’s Gate Dam in Pasadena. The motor exploded, but soon they became infamous on campus.
They were called the “Suicide Squad” due to the danger and perceived craziness of their experiments, particularly as rocket technology was considered by many scientists at the time to be foolish and mere science fiction in terms of any practical use and development of the technology.

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The Suicide Squad

This “Suicide Squad” was the beginnings of the famed Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the institution responsible for the Mars Rover Landing and many other advancements in rocket and robotic sciences. Obviously Parsons was a real talent with a seemingly innate sense of propulsion and rocketry (a very nascent industry at the time) were coveted by the military industrial complex. His design and understanding of the chemical composition of liquid rocket fuels was considered without peer. Parsons cut a path as a dashing figure with a reputation as a rocket hot-shot and risk-taker. [7]You would think all this scientific achievement would be enough for one person in one lifetime, but Parsons had a much loftier set of ambitions. He wanted to tear down the walls of time and space, and he had an entirely non-scientific set of ideas on how to do it.

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The non-scientific set of ideas were steeped in the occult, satanism and black magic. Parsons "swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. (then) I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled." Who knew it was so easy?

Apparently noting that Antichrist is only a few letters away from "anarchist," the manifesto that follows is in large part an exhortation to "do what thou wilt" in most things bodily-fluid-drenched, economic and/or political. The goal of all these efforts, according to Metzger, was to bring on the Apocalypse, since in theory things can only get better from there.

By now you may be thinking "What a load of crap!" But the FBI, none too keen about the notion that Parsons' taxpayer-funded salary might be supporting the Antichrist and the hastening of the Apocalypse, took it seriously enough to open an investigation. Documents recently released through the Freedom of Information act make up 130 pages of heavily redacted text in which G-Men try to make sense of Parsons' religious beliefs and document his frequently careless handling of classified materials. Perhaps the Errol Flynn persona fitted Jack Parsons best. But truth be told, Jack Whiteside Parsons is best known for his occultists ideals, black magic and reverence to the satanic agenda.

Jack Parsons FBI 1

Jack Parsons FBI 2

The Secret Parsons

[2]But he had a secret life, which appeared totally at odds with his public one, and it came to further dominate his life as the '40s progressed. Jack Parsons and his wife Helen had come into contact with the Agape lodge of the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) international magical fraternity in Los Angeles in 1939, and had joined it in 1941. It was under the leadership of Wilfred Talbot Smith, a Britisher who had founded this particular lodge about a decade earlier, circa 1930.

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Wilfred Talbot Smith

Smith and Parsons' wife hit it off nicely and he was soon not much in evidence around the house and the O.T.O. Gnostic Mass temple in the attic. This latter space was fully fitted out, and even had a copy of the Egyptian 'Stele of Revealing,' venerated by followers of the famous magician Aleister Crowley. It was the only such temple in the world at that time which was properly functioning.

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Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley (already a 33rd degree freemason) the world head of the O.T.O., took action that increased Parsons' stature in the Order. Circa 1943-44, he convinced Smith, via a paper entitled 'Is Smith a God?' that astrological research had shown that Smith was not a man, but actually an incarnation of some deity. Taking the hint that Crowley wanted him out, the "god" went into private magical practice, eventually with reportedly rewarding results, remaining head of the lodge in name only.

Parsons had lost his wife to Smith, yet remained on good terms with her. He was kept busy by Order activities, one of the most important of which was the sending of money to Crowley, for both the old man's minimal upkeep and the O.T.O. publishing fund. A good percentage came from Parsons' own pocket."

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Crowley, who brought actual fame to the O.T.O. (which was already well-known in Masonic circles), was one of Parsons' major inspirations in life. The elderly man's accomplishments had been many: as a poet, publisher, mountain climber, chess master, and bisexual practitioner of sexual magic (or "Magick," as he termed it).

Made famous by yellow journalists as the "Wickedest Man in the World," he considered his central identity to be the "Great Beast 666" as referred to in the book of "Revelation" in the Bible, though he was not leaning on that work particularly in his religious ideas.

According to most accounts, when Parsons' father died (circa the early '40s), Parsons inherited a mansion and coach-house at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena, California. To the shock of the neighbors, the place became a haven for Bohemians and atheists, who were the sort of people to whom Parsons liked to rent out rooms.

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The lodge headquarters was moved to this location, making use of two rooms in the house: the bedroom (which became a properly decorated temple), and a wood-paneled library dominated by an enormous portrait of Crowley. According to a story told by L. Sprague DeCamp (most recently appearing in the June 24, 1990 Los Angeles Times, p. A35), at one point the police -- who had heard neighbors' reports of a ritual in which a pregnant woman jumped nine times through a fire in the yard -- came to investigate, but Parsons put them off by emphasizing his scientific credentials.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:55 pm

L. Ron Hubbard Emerges

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L. Ron Hubbard

[3]He was, they say, "the greatest humanitarian in history."

But there was another side to this imaginative and intelligent man. And to understand Scientology, one must begin with L. Ron Hubbard.

In the late 1940s, Hubbard was broke and in debt. A struggling writer of science fiction and fantasy, he was forced to sell his typewriter for $28.50 to get by.

"I can still see Ron three-steps-at-a-time running up the stairs in around 1949 in order to borrow $30 from me to get out of town because he had a wife after him for alimony,"

-Recalled his former literary agent, Forrest J. Ackerman.

At one point, Hubbard was reduced to begging the Veterans Administration to let him keep a $51 over-payment of benefits. "I am nearly penniless," wrote Hubbard, a former Navy lieutenant. Hubbard was mentally troubled, too. In late 1947, he asked the Veterans Administration to help him get psychiatric treatment.

"Toward the end of my (military) service," Hubbard wrote to the VA, "I avoided out of pride any mental examinations, hoping that time would balance a mind which I had every reason to suppose was seriously affected.

"I cannot account for nor rise above long periods of moroseness and suicidal inclinations, and have newly come to realize that I must first triumph above this before I can hope to rehabilitate myself at all."

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In his most private moments, Hubbard wrote bizarre statements to himself in notebooks that would surface four decades later in Los Angeles Superior Court. "All men are your slaves," he wrote in one. He wrote in another.

"You can be merciless whenever your will is crossed and you have the right to be merciless,"

Hubbard was troubled, restless and adrift in those little known years of his life. But he never lost confidence in his ability as a writer. He had made a living with words in the past and he could do it again. Before the financial and emotional problems that consumed him in the 1940s, Hubbard had achieved moderate success writing for a variety of dime-store pulp magazines. He specialized in shoot'em-up adventures, Westerns, mysteries, war stories and science fiction. He was a master sailor and glider pilot, with a reported penchant for eye-catching maneuvers.

Although Hubbard's health and writing career foundered after the war, he remained a virtual factory of ideas. And his biggest was about to be born. Hubbard had long been fascinated with mental phenomena and the mysteries of life. He was an expert in hypnotism. During a 1948 gathering of science fiction buffs in Los Angeles, he hypnotized many of those in attendance, convincing one young man that he was cradling a tiny kangaroo in his hands.

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Hubbard's intense curiosity about the mind's power led him into a friendship in 1946 with rocket fuel scientist John Whiteside Parsons. Parsons was a protege of British satanist Aleister Crowley and leader of a black magic group modeled after Crowley's infamous occult lodge in England.

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Hubbard also admired Crowley, and in a 1952 lecture described him as "my very good friend." Parsons and Hubbard soon lived in the aging mansion on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena.The estate was home to an odd mix of Bohemian artists, writers, scientists and occultists. A small domed temple supported by six stone columns stood in the back yard. Hubbard met his second wife, Sara Northrup, at the mansion. Although she was Parsons' lover at the time, Hubbard was undeterred. He married Northrup before divorcing his first wife.Long before the 1960s counterculture, some residents of the estate smoked marijuana and embraced a philosophy of promiscuous, ritualistic sex.

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Crowley biographers have written that Parsons and Hubbard practiced "sex magic." As the biographers tell it, a robed Hubbard chanted incantations while Parsons and his wife-to-be, Cameron, engaged in sexual intercourse intended to produce a child with superior intellect and powers. The ceremony was said to span 11 consecutive nights.Hubbard and Parsons finally had a falling out over a sailboat sales venture that ended in a court dispute between the two.

In later years, Hubbard tried to distance himself from his embarrassing association with Parsons, who was a founder of a government rocket project at California Institute of Technology that later evolved into the famed Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Parsons died in 1952 when a chemical explosion ripped through his garage 

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Hubbard insisted that he had been working undercover for Naval Intelligence to break up black magic in America and to investigate links between the occultists and prominent scientists at the Parsons mansion. Hubbard said the mission was so successful that the house was razed and the black magic group was dispersed. But Parsons' widow, Cameron, disputed Hubbard's account in a brief interview with The Times. She said the two men "liked each other very much" and "felt they were ushering in a force that was going to change things." And change things they did. L. Ron Hubbard went onto create the Church Of Scientology, a masterpiece of mind control.

[4]The Church of Scientology is a vicious and dangerous cult that masquerades as a religion. Its purpose is to make money. It practices a variety of mind-control techniques on people lured into its midst to gain control over their money and their lives. Its aim is to take from them every penny that they have and can ever borrow and to also enslave them to further its wicked ends.

[5]Jack Whiteside Parsons on the other hand was a founding member of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Lab, with some crediting him as being one of the "fathers of rocketry" and others joking that JPL was actually Jack Parsons' Laboratory, but you won't find much about him on Nasa's websites. Parsons' legacy as an engineer and chemist has been somewhat overshadowed by his interest in the occult and, and has led to what some critics describe as a rewriting of the history books.

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However strange Parsons was, it did not preclude NASA from naming a crater on the dark side of the moon after him. Of course one cannot actually see the dark side of the moon nor confirm that such a crater exists, how appropriate. “…America’s space program owes much to Parsons’ rocket design and innovations — and in 1972 the International Astronomical Union honored him by naming Parson’s Crater on the dark side of the moon. After co-founding the JPL — which his admirers referred to as “Jack Parsons’ Laboratory” — Parsons started Aerojet Corp., now the world’s largest rocket producer and manufacturer of solid-fuel boosters for space shuttles….”

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Another enigma is Jack Parsons contribution to the occult design of the Pentagon.

[10] Parsons, who took the oath of the anti-Christ in 1949, contributed to the design of the Pentagon under subsequent CIA director John J. McCloy

It's no coincidence that NASA has been erasing and trying to rewrite it's true origins. The mighty pillars of scientific certainty that NASA supposedly sits upon are actually satanic black magicians of the occult. This is probably a small trivial fact that is omitted in today's school curriculum.

NASA has sprouted from the likes of the self-acclaimed "wickedest man in the world" Aleister CrowleyMass-Mind-Control-Black Magician-Satanist L. Ron Hubbard and Uber-Occultist-Black Magician-Satanist Jack Whiteside Parsons to begin the early formation of NASA. In addition to the unholy trinity there were two more later additions to the NASA Dream Team, Werner von Braun and Walt Disney. All the elements were in place to create one of the greatest financial and theological frauds in human history-NASA

Early Dream Team

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Parsons and Hubbard idolized Aleister Crowley and were avowed satanists. Taken all to together NASA certainly did not sprout from humble beginnings. L. Ron Hubbard said it best. "You don't get rich writing science fiction, if you want to get rich start a religion" Fate is not without it's ironies. NASA got rich because of science fiction and for many people NASA is a religion.

The Complete NASA Dream Team
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1. Jack Whiteside Parsons - Occultist, Black Magician, Satanist, Head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge

2. Aleister Crowley - 33rd degree freemason, Leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, Black Magician, Satanist, The Beast '666'

3. L.Ron Hubbard - Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Satanist, Founder of The Church Of Scientology Cult

4. Werner von Braun - Ex-NAZI director of the German V-2 Rocket program and recruited into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Quite likely he was the most normal of the bunch.

4. Walt Disney - Occultist, Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Illuminati-Pedophile, Freemason and founder of The Ordem DeMolay

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Ordem DeMolay

As the capstone to the NASA Dream Team, the adoption of pseudoscience provided the template that makes the NASA hoaxsters rockets go up, up and away. NASA didn't have to look far for a sterling example of pseudoscience. The Soviets had perfected the kraft of pseudoscience as both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. engaged in the "fake cold war". The cold war was pre-engineered by the Khazarian-Rothschild-Zionist-Bankster Cabal (Khazarian Mafia) after world war ll and had financial control of both governments.

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Trofim Lysenko

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Not surprisingly, both countries went on a spending rampage and billions of taxpayer dollars were funneled into the mythical masonic space race with the Soviets. The father ofpseudoscience was a man named Trofim Lysenko who worked under the Jesuit trained mass murderer Joseph Stalin. Lysenko eventually became the official scientific voice of Russia and no matter how absurd his assertions were, to disagree would mean a trip to the gulag. Pseudoscience is not science, but science and political science combined to generate revenues by creating false scientific dogma reinforced with repetitive brainwashing. NASA has studied Lysenkoism well and has deceived the world by their slight of hand. But thanks to the internet, we've had a chance to catch-up and actually analyze what we've been shown and told from the all-knowing portal to the stars -- NASA.

Today's incarnation of NASA is a Military Masonic Controlled Entity that acts as the sole gatekeeper to information about the cosmos and our place in it. To think NASA's black magic and occult origins haven't been refined by Freemasonry is certain naivete. If you are not familiar with secret societies click here.

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Vast industries controlled by the Khazarian Mafia have been spawned that orbit around NASA and the military industrial complex. Take a small sampling of The Top Aerospace and Defense Contractors from 2014 and look up the major shareholders (investors.morningstar.com) and look for four institutions, Vanguard Group, BlackRock Advisors LLC, Fidelity or State Street Corp. Roughly 80% of the industry is owned by these Khazarian Rothschild subsidiaries. On top of that take a cursory look at the various investment funds and you'll see the same four companies.

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Raytheon, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics Corp, United Technologies Corp, are just a few you may be familiar with. No doubt, hundreds more contractors exist. The Masons of NASA take in billions of taxpayer dollars, only to redistribute it amongst the Kharzarian Rothschilds majority owned companies and subsidiaries in the military industrial complex. 

The level of compartmentalization among these interconnected companies is so tight, everyone is on a need-to-know basis which means only the top of the structure knows the final desired outcome. Everyone else is virtually kept in the dark, just the way NASA likes it. 

NASA constitutes the biggest "black hole" ever discovered created especially in regards to funding. NASA is the king of 'black ops' with technology and advanced military craft that civilians have no idea exist. Billions of dollars have been embezzled by NASA and are reallocated for other nefarious uses by the Khazarian Mafia. In return for our obedience and gullibility, we get a fake fairy-tale saga about the cosmos, directed and produced by Hollywood at a fraction of the actual cost. It's certainly more profitable to fake-it than make-It. The line between Hollywood and NASA is virtually indistinguishable to the unwitting observer.

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Disney -- Vanguard, BlackRock & State Street Corp.

Hollywood has cashed in big-time and perpetuates the worship of NASA through the endless genre of space sci-fi movies. Don’t be surprised to find the same institutional majority shareholders of major Hollywood companies and subsidiaries such as Disney, Comcast, MGM, Time Warner, Dreamworks, Sony Entertaiment. Again, go to invest.morningstar.com and look-up these companies. Vanguard Group, Fidelity, BlackRock LLC and State Street Corp. are majority shareholders, and thus Hollywood becomes a defacto propaganda machine for NASA. The Controlled Major Mass Media is also controlled by the Khazarian Mafia and hardly a day goes by without an article(s) written about the incredible exploits of NASA and it's quest for life in the void of space. One problem, it's all bullcrap!


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As you can see on the chart, funding began in 1958 to present. You'll have to disregard 2009 and beyond since they are estimates but the spending trend is consistent. Once you tally up the numbers it's a hell of alot of money. The estimated budget for 2015 is $17.5 billion dollars and in return we get... 

[8]WASHINGTON — NASA's 2015 budget: Laying the groundwork for major new astrophysics and planetary science missions.

-Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope:

-Dark-energy and exoplanet observatory

-New sample-caching Mars rover

-Early work on a robotic mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa

-Space Launch System (SLS) heavy-lift rocket and companion Orion deep-space crew capsule

-Europa mission studies

-NASA's proposed asteroid redirect mission

-James Webb Space Telescope

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If your not sure whether NASA is worth justifying these expenditures you can look through this handy little publication called NASA Spinoff. Spinoff introduces companies that use "NASA-originated aerospace technology who acknowledge that such technology contributed wholly or in part to development"

You can go to Shop NASA and buy all kinds of stuff too!

The "branding" and marketing of NASA products or NASA endorsed products is deceptive at best. If it's branded "NASA" it's gotta be good. In Spinoff, NASA technology has helped Consumer Goods, Public Safety, Energy & Environment, Industrial Productivity and more. I mean think about it, if you bought a washing machine with a new feature that was created by NASA technology conceived in space. It has to be the best right?

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:01 pm

Fraud #2 The Apollo Missions Fraud

To make interstellar travel believable NASA was created. The Apollo Space Program foisted the idea that man could travel to, and walk upon, the moon. Every Apollo mission was carefully rehearsed and then filmed in large sound stages at the Atomic Energy Commissions Top Secret test site in the Nevada Desert and in a secured and guarded sound stage at Disney within which was a huge scale mock-up of the moon.
-William Cooper

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The Apollo moon landings are now thoroughly debunked and was known to be technologically impossible all along. It only takes a small amount of research to see the absurdity of the situation. It’s also been proven beyond any doubt, that famous film director Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake the Apollo landings due to his technological advancements in front-screen projection as in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Filmmaker Jay Weidner explains Kubrick:

Professor Oleg Oleyniks Stereoscopic Parallax analysis of the supposed moon photos confirm the use of front-screen projection. Did you ever wonder why there have been virtually no movies ever made about the moon landings? The greatest achievement accomplished by mankind and the feat has never been memorialized in Hollywood. Sorry, no coincidences here. Only two movies about the Apollo missions have been made. The Right Stuff and Apollo 13. Both films have zero moon scenes. The fact of the matter is simple. Hollywood moon footage would look so realistic as to raise suspicion about the original Apollo footage.

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Also the movie Capricorn One was created in 1977 with James Brolin, Sam Waterson and O.J Simpson. The movies premise is a fake mission to Mars which was shot in a studio and passed off as real to the public. However, in the end the perps are caught and the hoax revealed. This is a NASA-Hollywood-CIA collaboration to be used as a way to debunk Apollo doubters. The CIA created the term "conspiracy theorist" to counter doubters of the The Warren Report of JFK's assasination.

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Here are three videos "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon" "The Moon Landing Hoax" and "Astronauts Gone Wild" which makes it clear that the Apollo Missions were a hoax.

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Jack White

Also check an extensive study of Apollo imagery by photo analyst Jack White [url=http://www.themoderngnostic.com/An extensive study of Apollo imagery by photo analyst Jack White BA]here[/url]. In addition, the real clincher for the Apollo Hoax was the announcement that NASA had lost all the Apollo 11 boxes of Photos, video footage and telemetry data. How could this possibly happen? It only happened if it was intentional, these artifacts were far to important to be handled so sloppily.

[6]Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being discovered. And of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. No man has ever ascended much higher than 300 miles, if that high, above the Earth's surface. At or under that altitude the astronauts are beneath the radiation of the Van Allen Belt and the Van Allen Belt shields them from the extreme radiation which permeates space. No man has ever orbited, landed on, or walked upon the moon in any publicly known space program. If man has ever truly been to the moon it has been done in secret and with a far different technology.

The tremendous radiation encountered in the Van Allen Belt, solar radiation, cosmic radiation, Solar flares, temperature control, and many other problems connected with space travel prevent living organisms leaving our atmosphere with our known level of technology. Any intelligent high school student with a basic physics book can prove NASA faked the Apollo moon landings. Here NASA mistakenly admits the danger of the Van Allen Radiation Belt and will have to put utmost pseudoscience technology to the test. Why is the Van Allen Radiation Belt a problem now? Wasn't that solved with the Apollo Missions?

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:07 pm

Fraud #3 International Space Station 

The International Space Station, just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a fake Freemasonic hoax, a complete fabrication done with special effects, models, pools, zero G planes, and various camera tricks. The videos expose key points of evidence for the hoax and breaks down exactly how the illusion is created and maintained.

Then there's the Official ISS Utilization Brochure and U.N. Brochure telling you about the amazing future that experiments on the ISS and space exploration will bring to humanity. There is no International Space Station, it's all staged. The Space Shuttle is another boondoggle that cost the American taxpayers $209 billion dollars and the ISS is upwards of $100 billion though estimates vary.

ISS Utilization Brochure 3-8-13

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   1-cc94e62a56

U.N Space Brochure:

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   1-63b6b2b785

Here are some of the alleged accomplishments and systems of the ISS Space Laboratory....

-Microbial Vaccine Development
-Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG ) [ESA, NASA]
-Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites
-Advanced Biological Research System
-Biomass Production System (BPS) [NASA]
-European Modular Cultivation System
-EOSTEO Bone Culture System [CSA]
-Aquatic Habitat (AQH) [JAXA, Roscosmos], located in the Multipurpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR)
-Rodent Habitat (RH) [NASA]
-Muscle Atrophy Research Exercise System (MARES) [ESA]
-Pulmonary Function System (PFS) [ESA, NASA]

And so much more, take a look through the information provided by NASA you'll be astounded!

Fraud #4 Challenger Disaster Hoax 

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Download-34

The Challenger Disaster is another Freemasonic hoax perpetrated on the American people. [11]But didn't the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster occur on January 28, 1986 when the NASA Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger (0V-099) (Mission STS-51-L) broke apart 75 seconds into the flight, leading to the deaths of it's seven crew members? No, only an empty light weight mock-up of a shuttle driven by external rockets was sent up to impress awed onlookers and it blow up. What a f**k-up. But NASA could handle it! They re-cycled the un-dead (sic) American astronuts as brothers and sisters of the dead or similar. National security, you know! The good news are therefore that at least six of the seven Americans are still alive 2015 - only 30 years older. Below you can see six of them:

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Shuttlechall

Freemasonic Challenger Hoax

Fraud #5 Freemasons In Space 

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   FireShot-Capture-Freemasons-in-Space-http___freemasonry.bcy_.ca_biography_spacemason_

Conclusion: We have now compiled five solid acts of fraud and deception by NASA. As stated in my opening, FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES!!

More critical than that is the use of NASA as an irrefutable tool of the cabal to disconnect people from understanding their own consciousness, true power and significance. NASA has told us that we're just one of quadrillions of planets orbiting hundreds of billions of stars in billions of galaxies and maybe possible unlimited multiverses. In essence, we're a speck of dust on a pinhead swirling in a tornado. Our existence is pure chance and was formed from the nothingness before the big bang. I vehemently disagree.

The ongoing meme that consciousness, life and everything we experience are just a "perfect" series of random accidents and coincidences has replaced the true understanding of our own divinity. This has been a massive deception perpetrated by the cabal to help control the majority of the planet and defend their power structure. Those in control have been trying to cut-us-off from understanding that we humans didn't emerge from some primordial ooze that suddenly became conscious. The human species is the intelligent designers most intelligent design, we just don't know it. As Professor Robert Lanza has pointed out in Biocentrism, only consciousness can give rise to matter and consciousness is the fabric that fills the void they call space. 

[url=file:///Users/benwellesley/Downloads/html 2/threads/729.html]http:/www.themoderngnostic.com/?page_id=52011[/url]



[2] www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bb/babalon004.htm


[4] www.xenu.net/roland-intro.html








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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:08 pm

Posted by zarlodious on 08/04/2015

Incredible post bgh46, thank you!

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:08 pm

Posted by HarunDada on 08/06/2015
Here is NASA's latest hoax/ fraud. 


Apparently they are ready to disclose that there is life on other "planets" and that aliens have been visiting Earth all along. It reminds me of what William Cooper said about the fake alien invasion. I've also heard that Werner Von Braun used to talk about there being a alien invasion hoax. 

Could it be what they have been prepping the public for all along?

It makes you go hmmm!

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:09 pm

Posted by seeker on 08/06/2015
bgh46, great post, a tour de force of valuable info! I had no idea of the occult beginnings of NASA.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:10 pm

Posted by susie on 08/06/2015
My friend who had a boyfriend in California involved with Bohemian Grove and Illuminati told her NASA is sanskrit for "infinite killing".

I went and researched sanskrit and NASA and low and behold that is the language they use in artificial intelligence.

NASA hails Sanskrit as the perfect language.


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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:16 pm

Posted by susie on 08/06/2015
Zen Gardner gettin in on it.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:17 pm

Posted by mitch on 08/07/2015
Thing is with zen gardener, he or she regularly cites disinfo agent Icke's reptilian agenda shite and has recently posted some FE articles but hasn't responded to the imbecilic and shillspicious comments therein

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:17 pm

Posted by Jimmy on 08/07/2015
This is a great post and entertaining read. I've seen the "Something Happened On The Way To The Moon" documentary a couple of times and that's really all the proof I needed to know the moon landing was utter BS. I find it hilarious that one of the biggest moon landing deniers, Joe Rogan, did a complete 180 and got down on his knees for his lodge brother Neil Degrasse Tyson. Someone either threatened Joe Rogan and/or they paid him very well and gave him some business opportunities.

By the way I chuckled at this part of the post... funny, but sad and true:

"The mighty pillars of scientific certainty that NASA supposedly sits upon are actually satanic black magicians of the occult. This is probably a small trivial fact that is omitted in today's school curriculum."

Somehow... That little detail gets left out of the indoctrination center's curriculum.

Also, does anyone see any resemblance between Aleister Crowley and Barbara Bush?

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:18 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 08/07/2015

Aug 5, 2015 15:01:51 GMT HarunDada said:
Here is NASA's latest hoax/ fraud. 


Apparently they are ready to disclose that there is life on other "planets" and that aliens have been visiting Earth all along. It reminds me of what William Cooper said about the fake alien invasion. I've also heard that Werner Von Braun used to talk about there being a alien invasion hoax. 

Could it be what they have been prepping the public for all along?

It makes you go hmmm!

Yup, that's exactly what all of that is about. "Prepping" the masses. I foresee a false-flag "environmental crisis" (probably involving oil) that "threatens all life on Earth"...conveniently in time for ETs to show up and "save the human race with new technology" in exchange for draconian laws being established. The psy-ops of the last 100+ years have been prepping humanity for this like lobsters sitting in a gradually increasing bubble bath...

What's even worse is the public's gullible acceptance of anything ET instantly = good for humanity! I know some have an issue with believing in ET life, but I assure you if it's intelligent, it subverted human intelligence long ago for its own ends. This will just be an example of humanity handing over the reigns to a potentially higher advanced intelligence that knows how to manipulate humans in a completely covert way out in the open, unlike our current human leaders.

Again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist or any of that stuff. This all just coincided with the books I've personally read, and the research I've personally done! I do not buy other beings traveling from other "planets", billions of light years away, in mechanical ships. If anything, this is an interdimensional affair. What better way to feed another Red Herring to the public than to play off of the planet charade more, hiding the fact that our reality is very pliable, and most likely consists of a multitude of layers - of which, our human consciousness is only tuned to one of at any given moment. Keep them looking up, when the answer, just like Flat Earth, is right below their feet the entire time.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:24 pm

Posted by Jimmy on 08/08/2015

Does the quote, "All the world's a stage" by Sir Shake The Sphere himself come to mind when you think of this coming fake alien invasion? It sure does for me; along with everything else in the media. I don't watch TV much, but sometimes I have to tune in to see what they are fabricating for about 30 seconds and then I get annoyed and turn it off.

If you pay close attention, there have been a lot of "theater" shootings in the U.S. lately. In other words, shootings at theaters, places with stages. If you look deeply into a lot of these events, they seem to be rigged in one way or another and there to divide the people as per usual. People believe these events and don't understand that propaganda for public opinion swaying is legal in America. In my opinion, most people will believe a staged invasion equipped with hidden technology if it ever happens. Propaganda is a weapon.

Edit to add, lately I've been looking into numbers and Jewish Gematria. These staged media events have a lot of numbers coded into them if you look deeply enough. Apparently the masons and zionists are really big on numbers (as we all know), and they tie in heavily to whats going on around the world.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:25 pm

Posted by susie on 08/09/2015
Perfect example of mass hysteria resulting from media broadcast, war of the worlds.

We know it has worked before.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:28 pm

Posted by susie on 08/09/2015
Shocking photos of landscapes on Earth that look exactly like Mars

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:28 pm

Posted by Jimmy on 08/09/2015
Aug 8, 2015 15:51:16 GMT susie said:
Shocking photos of landscapes on Earth that look exactly like Mars

So, Earth and Mars are like the same planet? Mind. Blown.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:29 pm

Posted by ziming on 08/14/2015

Seriously...they need a Kickstarter campaign for this? Doesn't NASA get enough god damn money? $700,000 to conserve a movie costume?


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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:31 pm


MOON HOAX NOW from jet wintzer on Vimeo.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:33 pm

Posted by mitch on 08/14/2015

Aug 7, 2015 14:23:25 GMT gnosticwarrior said:
Aug 5, 2015 15:01:51 GMT HarunDada said:
Here is NASA's latest hoax/ fraud. 


Apparently they are ready to disclose that there is life on other "planets" and that aliens have been visiting Earth all along. It reminds me of what William Cooper said about the fake alien invasion. I've also heard that Werner Von Braun used to talk about there being a alien invasion hoax. 

Could it be what they have been prepping the public for all along?

It makes you go hmmm!

‘Aliens prevented nuclear war on Earth’: Former NASA astronaut makes unexpected claim

Harry Haller
August 13, 2015 at 2:39 pm
I’m a big fan of Stanley Kubrick and Disney. The Apollo moon landings could be their best work. Aliens seem to me to be the number one disinformation tool. Kind of like yelling “SQUIRREL”.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:35 pm

Posted by Admin on 08/14/2015
Non-existent aliens prevented non-existent nukes... can someone help me with my science-fiction-math? Can two fantasies combine to create one real thing?

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:36 pm

Posted by csp on 08/14/2015

Aug 14, 2015 10:27:46 GMT Admin said:
Non-existent aliens prevented non-existent nukes... can someone help me with my science-fiction-math? Can two fantasies combine to create one real thing?

On a spinning ball earth, I'm sure it does work that way The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Wink

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:44 pm

Posted by The Modern Gnostic on 08/20/2015
By The Modern Gnostic

Satellites Don't Exist!!

A Quick Recap Of Part 1:

Part 1 of the series I provided five cases of egregious fraud that completely invalidates NASA as a credible agency and instead is a purveyor of pseudoscience  and Lysenkoism. Lysenkoism is used metaphorically to describe the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, often related to social or political objectives. 

The American taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA'S existence and alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations and experiments in space.Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called "experts" despite irrefutable evidence that NASA is nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler and pseudoscience peddler. In Part 1 we established a bar of credibility stating that"Fraud Vitiates Everything"

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Fraud-Vitiates-Everything

In short, once fraud is detected everything that sits upon it is now in question. Your credibility is shot! Who would disagree with the logic of found fraud destroys the validity of everything? It's reasonable, predictable and has the power to instantly change the direction of one's perception, even those that were held sacred. Fraud has no limits by those who engage in it and it's been around along time. Do you think real fraudsters stop at just one fraud? Or do you think they keep going and going until they die or get caught? The answer is a simple one. Why would you ever stop lucrative fraudulent activity if you haven't been caught? So the chance for systemic fraud once initial fraud is found becomes a virtual certainty.

NASA's five undeniable frauds;

1. The Occult and Satanic roots of NASA

2. The Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

3. The 1986 Challenger Disaster Hoax

4. The International Space Station Hoax

5. The ongoing involvement and manipulation by Freemasons

*Of key significance was the very same majority shareholders of key military and aerospace contractors are also majority shareholders of major Hollywood production companies and virtually all mass media outlets in America. 

Established Frauds (abbreviated) Part 1

1. The Occult and Satanic roots of NASA 

NASA either totally omits or whitewashes bios of the true individuals that NASA was incubated from. Search the NASA database and you'll find Jack Parsons sheep-dipped as a clean cut rocket wunderkind. Seems they left-out his public manifestos exalting Satan, I wonder why? L. Ron Hubbard isn't mentioned by NASA, though he was a satanic cohort of Parsons and a struggling science fiction writer. More importantly it's the first known union of science fiction and science in the pre-NASA years. The wheels of pseudoscience were ready to roll especially when Walt Disney joined the fold along with his vast production resources. It's not rocket science, it's simple, fake it and pocket the rest.

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Downloadfile-1

Here are their credentials;

A. Jack Whiteside Parsons - Occultistn, Black Magician, Satanist, Head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge, Idolized Aleister Crowley

B. Aleister Crowley - 33rd degree Freemason, Leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, Black Magician, Satanist, The Beast '666' Wrote the Book Of The Law and considered to be he most evil man ever conceived.

C. L. Ron Hubbard - Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Satanist, Fledgling Science Fiction writer, Founder of The Church Of Scientology, Idolized Aleister Crowley

D. Werner von Braun - Ex-NAZI director of the German V-2 Rocket program and recruited into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Quite likely he was the most normal of the bunch.

E. Walt Disney - Occultist, Mass Mind Controller, Black Magician, Illuminati-Pedophile, Freemason and founder of The Ordem DeMolay Disney provided the massive sound stages and brought Hollywood into the fold.

2. The Apollo Moon Landings Fraud- The overwhelming evidence that has accumulated makes it clear that these were staged and no credible proof as of today shows that anyone has ever been there. The Van Allen radiation belts that surround earth would have fried them to a crisp had they truly gone. Combined with the ultra-pathetic unexplained loss of Apollo eleven's flight information, i.e. supposed reels of video and photos plus all flight telemetry data is absurd. Such valuable property would have been under strict lock and key. And again there is unrelenting video and photos of Masonic gestures and symbology proving the continuity of occult underpinnings.

3. The Challenger Disaster Fraud- In 1986 the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded 75 seconds into flight. Seven astronauts were allegedly killed and as you could imagine people were horrified as it was shown on national television. The whole nation mourned as elaborate services and memorials were held to honor the fallen. The only "fallen" are all the people that have "fallen" for the fake Freemasonic hoax. Six of the seven have been identified or still alive and some are even using the same last names. This is irrefutable.

4. International Space Station Fraud- The International Space Station, just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a fake Freemasonic hoax, a complete fabrication done with special effects, models, pools, zero G planes, and various camera tricks. The plethora of You tube footage revealing underwater bubbles, scuba divers, green screens and overt Masonic hand gestures is hard to ignore. The other smoking gun is the actual design of the ISS which more resembles a Habatrail for a hamster than a space laboratory. The mere fact there are no airlocks between modules seems ridiculous. Coincidentally the modules are elongated so they can easily be simulated in a Boeing 737 zero G plane.

5. Freemasons In Space- Confirmed Freemasons are John Glenn, Gordo Cooper, Edgar Mitchell, Buzz Aldrin, Donn Eisele, Gus Grissom, James Irwin, Walter Shirra, Thomas Stafford, Paul Weitz. These are just the astronauts that have been positively identified as Freemasons. This obviously does not include the Freemasons that are working for or behind the scenes of NASA which is very significant. If you're not familiar with Freemasonry and secret societies in general, a good summation is here. 

Again as in Fraud 2, the continuity of occult underpinnings is clearly on display.Please understand the implications as we move forward. Because of the systemic fraud already revealed,NASA's credibility is totally shot!!  Any statements, announcements, projects, missions, technologies, etc must all be looked at with new lenses. Emotionalism must be replaced with skepticism and condemnation to bring things into focus. The Khazarian Mafia and their satanic minions of mass psychopathy has brought the world to the brink for their implementation of their dystopian New World Order. Out of chaos comes order is their deluded mantra despite being the actual creators of the chaos they will emerge from. Talk about a snake eating its tail.

So if you want to put your faith in NASA, you then have to put your faith in other things like JFK was shot by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald and not the CIA. The Federal Reserve Actdid not give the Khazarian Rothschilds control of our currency and banking system. USS Liberty was not attacked by Israel in 1967 or that 19 jihadists Muslims actually piloted the most sophisticated commercial jets, two Boeing 767-200ER's into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11.NASA is a military agency that is under the control of the creators ofworldwide chaos, the Khazarian Mafia. The whole NASA construct is falling apart as people are waking-up to the fraud and deception that has been foisted on humanity. 

I wonder if the hole they've dug for themselves is now bigger than the hole that the thrusters of Apollo 11 should of created when it landed on the moon? I guess they forgot about that one little detail in the studio.The Khazarian Mafia saw the opportunity to steal billions of tax-payer dollars under the guise of satellites and rocketry. They introduced a fictional entity called a "satellite" as per Arthur C. Clarke which would revolutionize the world in so many key industries and sectors. There was just one problem, again as in Part 1 it's all bullcrap! 

Satellites Don't Exist

The origins of satellites came from the mind of famous science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications.  Arthur C. Clarke was a [url=http://www.macquirelatory.com/Freemasonry Truth.htm]high level Freemason[/url] as well as a homosexual and self-professed pedophile, throw in satanism and you've got a heck of a guy. Arthur C. Clarke was writing science fiction stories along with other notable sci-fi writers Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard. Arthur C. Clarke did initially claim to know Hubbard, however later he denied that statement and thought L. Ron Hubbard to be completely crazy. That link to Hubbard had to be broken, all out rebuke works well.

There is a seven year overlap between 1945 to 1952 when Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Arthur C. Clarke were all alive and were witness to the Science Fiction industry exploding into the eager minds of young people. I find the Roswell crash in July 1947 quite timely and it certainly propelled the interest in space to mania levels.Hollywood didn't miss the cue since they're owned by the Khazarian Rothschilds. Hollywood started cranking out sci-fi movies by the truckload. At the top of the Sci-Fi movie heap was the great undiscovered frontier -- Space 

The Khazarians saw an opportunity to make a ton of money by pushing the space meme. At some point a scheme was hatched to fake launch satellites into space for profit. NASA also became a tool to constantly remind humans of our insignificance in the boundless cosmic order. NASA has been beating the divinity out of us with pseudoscience, propaganda and spiritual delineation. In other words "control"Pre-NASA had accumulated and assimilated the intellectual property from Jack Parsons to the point where he was no longer needed or wanted. 

Sputnik 1 was launched first in 1957 shocking fooling the world and Explorer 1 soon followed in 1958 the year NASA was created. NASA was also created to militarize space and the atmosphere below it, but why?Simple, in order to conceal the deceptions of the Khazarian Mafia and their Freemason minions, the Khazarians needed to "secure" the perimeter and operate above any jurisdiction. All information above our heads skyward was now in the hands of NASA as the "official" source, in other words the propaganda machine was created. 

It's laughable when you realize we're solely reliant on just one source for all information regarding the cosmos--NASA. Along with the Controlled Major Mass Media NASA is free to dispense as much GGI/Pixar/Photshop fairy tales as fast as we can gobble them up. I guarantee the satanists of NASA have been laughing along time about their ruses, however they're being exposed more than ever as incompetent pseudoscience degenerates when real scrutiny is applied.

Seemingly unrelated, in 1959 the Antarctic treaty was signed and is now totally off limits backed by military force. The North Pole is also militarized, though no formal multilateral agreement exists. Still any attempt to traverse either will result in immediate military expulsion and possible jail-time. To date no human has ever traversed Antarctica, EVER!! Think about that for a moment and consider the absurdity of it. There's still a continent that has never been explored and we're not allowed access to it! Why?

Even the treaty wiki page  uses a "satellite composite image of Antarctica, where's the real photo?  Hold on now....NASA can somehow send a satellite to Ceres 257 million miles away without a hitch, but the deepest hole ever drilled is only 7.5 miles out of 3,959 miles to the center of the earth. The other 3,952.5 miles is unknown and pseudoscience fills in the blanks with notrue hypothesis just blather. Man hasn't even been to the bottom of his own ocean (Challenger Deep) So if we haven't mastered our own domain how is it possible to send a probe to Ceres and retrieve such stunning images? Because it's simulated that's why! The only real images of Ceres that exist reside where they were created, on the hard drives of NASA computers. We will return to the aspect of Antarctica a little later so consider it a seed that has been planted.

The Khazarian Mafia saw another opportunity to steal billions along with their fiat currency central bank thievery and debt-based slavery. That opportunity was satellites launched into orbit. They had their man Freemason Arthur C. Clarke waiting in the fold to ride shotgun, writing sci-fi genre as if it were science. He was a key piece in creating the exploding interest in space and the great mysteries of the cosmos.Clarke was the perfect asset that NASA needed, thus building on the occult foundation of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons,  L. Ron Hubbard and Walt Disney. Clarke's sci-fi prowess elevated his fictional ideas as seemingly plausible and scientific. Behind the veil of NASA a symbolic baton was passed to Clarke who becomes the key to both the Apollo fraud and the ongoing satellite fraud.

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How convenient it was that Clarke's 2001 A Space Odyssey was made into a movie by Stanley  Kubrick in 1968 and the Apollo 11 moon landings were faked by Kubrick in 1969. One could surmise that 2001 A Space Odyssey was a "dry-run" prior to Apollo. It also smacks of predictive programming with a little MK-Ultra mixed in. 2001 A Space Odyssey was the primer for the Apollo hoax.Since we know from part 1 that the ISS is fake, than I posit that all satellites are illusory and don't exist. The only thing that exists are the profit margins of the Khazarian Mafia. Satellites are pseudoscience and there is no credible evidence that they exist. No actual photos, no actual video footage, only CGI/Pixar/Photoshop satellites. The staunch evidence that satellites do not exist is paradoxically simple because there's no credible proof they do exist. 

People remark "yeah but I saw the International Space Station!." Consider for a moment that what you saw was an inflatable replica. In WW2 the U.S. made wide use of inflatable tanks and rubber airplanes to deceive Hitler's reconnaissance efforts. From high altitude you cannot make the distinction between real or rubber. The point is that the military has a history of this type of deception. 

William Cooper said "Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being discovered. And of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. No man has ever ascended much higher than 300 miles, if that high, above the Earth's surface. At or under that altitude the astronauts are beneath the radiation of the Van Allen Belt and the Van Allen Belt shields them from the extreme radiation which permeates space. No man has ever orbited, landed on, or walked upon the moon in any publicly known space program."How many manned missions to a planetary body could they fake? Just enough to set the table for the real goal, thousands of fake satellites launched into space and big profit margins. This was a much safer and secure revenue stream for the Khazarians and having never returned to the moon makes the case.

We'll use the same method of financial investigation that was used in Part 1 to connect the Khazarian subsidiaries to NASA and back to Hollywood. Lets look at some of the companies involved in the Satellite sector. You want to look for four Khazarian Rothschild companies that are majority shareholders. Vanguard Group, State Street Corp., Fidelity and Black Rock. Go to investors.morningstar.com and put in the ticker symbol. Look for Equity Ownership/Institutions and you'll see the same entities in control. As you'll see, the are plenty of publicly held companies and a bevy of privately held contractors whose majority stakeholders could quite possibly be the Khazarians.Why do I say that? 

As it turns out the Rothschilds are into the Venture Capital game, for example The Edmond De Rothschild Investment Partners. They can capitalize startups and have a major equity stake in them while adding another pawn to their chessboard. Also khazarian alliances such as the Rothschild Investment Partners and Global Corporate Partners can be forged to gobble-up smaller companies as vassals. Here is a telling quote from the press release; Gerald Rosenfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, said, "We believe the combination of Rothschild's global relationships and Global Technology Partner's access to and knowledge of the international defense and aerospace industry will create high level strategic advisory and investment opportunities. 

These opportunities will arise from the continued consolidation of second and third tier defense companies, the anticipated relationships that are forming among aerospace and defense companies on a cross border basis and GTP's insight into defense markets and technologies." 
FYI, current Secretary Of Defense Ashton Carter is one of the original seven Global Technology Partners which pretty much sums it all-up. Read his corporate bio and realize he's in bed with the Khazarians too. Below are a few examples of Satellite related companies that have Rothschild majority ownership.

Sample Of Satellite Majority Shareholders:

United Technologies, Loral Space and Communications, Ball Aerospace and Technology Corp, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman

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Don’t forget as in Part 1 the same institutional majority shareholders of major Hollywood companies and subsidiaries such as Disney, Comcast, MGM, Time Warner, Dreamworks, Sony Entertaiment are Khazarian owned. Again, go to invest.morningstar.com and look-up these companies. Look for Vanguard Group, Fidelity, BlackRock LLC and State Street Corp. as majority shareholders, and thus Hollywood and [url=file:///Users/benwellesley/Downloads/html 2/threads/729.html]T[/url]he Controlled Major Mass Media become defacto propaganda machines for NASA. With the aquisition of Pixar by Disney in 2006 and Disney as a proven co-conspirator, we already have been subject to Pixar fakery as well.

If there are no satellites than how does GPS, Global Communications and other supposed space-based platforms really work?

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LORAN tower station on Sand-Johnston Island, 1963

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APN-4 installed in a Royal Canadian 
Air Force Canso (PBY) aircraft.

The first is Land-based technologies. Land-based communications have been around along time and are still used today. Loran (long range navigation) was developed during World War Two with a range up to 1,500 miles. Towers like these were positioned to provide relatively seamless coverage for navigation. Towers positioned on islands would provide the necessary contact points for propagation at sea. The signal bounces off the ionosphere and creates a "Sky Wave" which in turn   creates the "Skip Distance" to the next tower. Remember, this technology is about 70 years old and incremental improvements in power, range and efficiency have been made since.

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This is a simple video on land-based communications and the capabilities of microwave transmission.

Global Positioning Systems are based on cel-tower triangulation as Google kindly explains here and this accompanying video explains how it's done.

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News Flash!! The great Neil Disgrace DeGrasse Tyson now says the earth is an "Oblate Spheroid" he unwittingly makes the case for land-based technologies as the "Skip Distance" would be greater on an oblate spheroid as opposed to a completely spherical earth. More incredulous, all alleged images of earth must now be totally discounted as fakes because they're depicted as a perfect sphere. So either NASA has faked all the images of earth or earth has suddenly flattened-out since the Apollo Missions. Occam's Razor asserts that the simplest answer is always correct, so again NASA is full of crap.

Besides Tyson's pompous persona, he can't resist flashing his Freemasonic hand symbol. I wonder when we'll see him on a talk show, flash a hand signal and arrogantly say "NASA scientists now think the earth has continued to flatten-out and has actually stop spinning, isn't that amazing!" For me, that's something I could believe in"

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Underwater High-Speed Cables

The next mode of propagating data is through undersea cable. As you can see on the map below, cables connect all the continents with redundancy. There's an excellent website here that explains how undersea cable is laid and it also lists the advantages of cable versus satellites below.

Why don’t we use satellite communication instead

1. Satellites aren’t used because they can’t carry terabytes of data for less than a billion dollars per communication line.

2. The bandwidth available using a single fiber optic cable and a laser beam is much much greater than you can get from a single satellite radio channel. This is due to the higher frequency and shorter wavelength of light compared to microwaves. The higher the frequency, the greater the bandwidth.

3. An undersea cable is a bundle many fiber optic cables. Consider each fiber cable as a channel. You can have more channels, each with a higher capacity, than you can build radio channels into a satellite.

4. The uplinks and downlinks cost and putting the satellite in space is a huge huge ask and far more risky.

5. The delay for satellite communications would be around 255ms both uplink and downlink. For continuous traffic this not to a bad price to pay. But for burst traffic (like voice) you pay for the delay at each pause. The Rule of Thumb is 10MS per 1000 miles so Rule of Thumb to Europe on say TAT-8 would be about 75MS vs 510MS for satellite.6. Finally, you can fix a broken cable. Once you launch the satellite you don’t get a chance to fix it if it gets broke.

More Nails In "The Satellites Exist" Coffin

Besides land-based technologies, the real pig-in-the-poke that creates the illusion of Satellite utility are Light-Than-Air-Vehicles (LAV), High Altitude Airships (HAA) and High Altitude Platforms (HAP).This updated concept of a proven technology takes lighter-than-air vehicles into a realm that gives users capabilities on par with satellites at a fraction of the cost (1 to 2 orders of magnitude less). The HAA will also integrate reconfigurable, multi-mission payload suites. HAA is significantly less costly to deploy and operate than other airborne platforms, and supports critical missions for defense, homeland security, and other civil applications. Its operational persistence eliminates the need for in-theater logistic support. In position, an airship would survey a 600-mile diameter area and millions of cubic miles of airspace.-Lockheed MartinLockheed Martin has built more than 8,000 lighter-than-air platforms which is a pretty significant number for that fact alone. 

They also have a nifty brochure about LTA's. Lighter Than Air Brochure LTA's are said to reach altitudes of 70,000 ft, but 100,000 ft and higher have been attained. They can stay aloft for months if not years, unmanned and controlled by ground based operators akin to drones. LTA's also have the capability to maintain a geosynchronous position that satellites purport to do also. With the massive amount of money that NASA embezzles you can bet they've poured significant resources into developing these platforms. The more cost-efficient platforms, the bigger the profit margins are in NASA's fake satellite deployments. It's also important to remember that without the illusion of satellites and probes, NASA could not pretend to venture into the void of space to explore and reveal the wonders of the cosmos.

Here are some examples of LTA's

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HAA's, LTA's and HAP's can take all shapes and certainly can be mis-perceived as satellites by the public. Besides High Altitude Airshsips there are HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance)stations or SPR (Stratospheric Platform Radios). As you can see from the list below there's alot going on right above our noses. But the real beauty of the deception is hidden in plain sight. If we happen to spot various airships in the sky (even the Goodyear Blimp) we only know them as blimps, no big deal. In reality they can be providing all the capabilities that satellites allegedly provide and we've had no idea it was a trojan horse. Below are more proofs that the skies are more than likely crawling with these platforms.

High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)

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Stratospheric Platform Radios

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And More...

HALO High Altitude Long Operation (HALO) is the name of network based on the piloted Proteus airplane (mentioned earlier).The pilots will assure a continuous service in three eight hours shifts using two or more aircrafts. The transmission capacity of a single platform, initially of 10 Gbps, can grow up to 100 Gbps and beyond, serving the coverage area of 100 km diameter by more than 100 separate antenna beams. Consumers will be offered access to video, data and Internet at rates of 1...5 Mbps. A broadband radio link at 52 Mbps has been demonstrated in 1998. 

Sky Station Sky Station is the name of a solar-powered aerostatic HAP system planned by Sky Station International. Initially, ion engines were envisaged. A single platform will provide mobile and fixed telecommunication services to an area of 150...1000 km diameter using spot-bam antennas. The planned data rates are 2 Mbps uplink and 10 Mbps downlink in fixed services. For mobile applications, 16 kbps for voice and 384 for data are planned. The cost of a worldwide broadband infrastructure is estimated at $2.5 billion.

StratSat StratSat is a solar-powered aerostatic HAP system planned by Advanced Technology Group for civilian and military applications. When needed, the platform can be dispatched at distances of thousands of kilometres, from one region to another, and kept operational up to five years in the stratosphere. The platform could be kept quasi-stationary within a 1 km cube. The cost of calls from a mobile phone is expected to be an order of magnitude lower compared to satellite phone calls.

ARC The Airborne Relay Communication (ARC) system is an aerostatic platform planned by Platforms Wireless International. It is designed to operate at sub-stratospheric altitudes of 3...10 km. Originally, it was designed for defence radar uses. Its communication version is to provide fixed and mobile broadband services to areas of 55 ... 225 km diameter, servicing up to 1.5 million subscribers.

SkyTower SkyTower is a solar-powered radio-controlled aerodyne platform planned by SkyTower Telecommunications. It is based on Helios airplane (mentioned earlier). The interactive network systems are being designed for the total throughput of 10...20 Gbps per platform (125 Mbps per user), with an average transmission speed of 1.5 Mbps. The company claims that the system, applied to solve the last-mile problem, will have over 1000 times the broadband local access capacity of a satellite (as measured in bit-per-second- per-square kilometre), a fraction of the cost of cable and DSL to deploy (as measured in dollars-per-subscriber) and to be capable of set up in days. In June-July 2002, the first HDTV and IMT-2000 transmission capabilities were successfully demonstrated, including video telephony using an off-the shelf handsets and Internet wireless modem at a speed of 384 kbps.

HeliPlat HeliPlat is the name of an unmanned solar-powered stratospheric platform developed in the framework of a European project. Its applications cover localisation, environmental monitoring and broadband communications. The project involves some ten partners from Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Hungary, and Switzerland. A number of interconnected HeliPlats will create a HeliNet, offering broadband fixed wireless access (BFWA) or local multipoint distribution services (LMDS). The services can include Internet, Intranet, e-mail, telephony, data, LAN, videoconferencing, video-on-demand, TV broadcast, etc. Burst data rates can be as high as 155 Mbps. The present design foresees up to about 120 cells, each served by a single horn antenna. 

Japanese HAPS The Japanese project aims at an aerostat platform that will offer classic mobile, fixed, and broadcasting services and new terrestrial wireless interactive multimedia applications. Include will be multimedia mobile access (mobile handsets, personal mobile terminals), emergency access, business access, car access, ITS, train access, air access, maritime access, etc. The concept embraces relaying of digital television, direct newsgathering, local broadcasting, and many other applications. A network of five HAPS will cover almost the total Japanese territory with signal of arrival elevation angle above 5 degrees. For 10 degrees elevation angle, 16 stations will be needed. A similar UK project foresees six HAPS to cover the whole United Kingdom.

Smaller specialized companies like ILC Dover work with NASA and DARPA on various platforms and support their development.ILC Dover has been involved in the design and development of high-altitude airships since the early 1980s supporting development programs for the Navy and NASA.The subsequent growth of the cellular phone market generated renewed interest in the use of high-altitude airships as a means of providing economical coverage in developing countries. ILC has supported Lockheed Martin in the development of HAA vehicles including HALE-D (High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator). We are also supporting DARPA’s ISIS (Integrated Sensor is Structure) high altitude program

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Notice the Freemasonic use of the word ISIS!

Also companies like Near Space Corporation have other technologies such as (HASS) High Altitude Shuttle Systems, (SBS) Small Balloon Systems and (NBS) Nano Balloon Systems. HASS can reach altitudes of 100,000 ft and carry the HASS Shuttle as a payload

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If that's not enough to cast doubt on the existence of satellites check out Project Loon by Google. 

Their motto is "Balloon Powered Internet For Everyone""Project Loon balloons float in the stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes and the weather. In the stratosphere, there are many layers of wind, and each layer of wind varies in direction and speed. Loon balloons go where they’re needed by rising or descending into a layer of wind blowing in the desired direction of travel. By partnering with Telecommunications companies to share cellular spectrum we’ve enabled people to connect to the balloon network directly from their phones and other LTE-enabled devices. The signal is then passed across the balloon network and back down to the global Internet on Earth,"

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:50 pm

Four basic facts that NASA can't or won't explain.

1.  How Do Satellites Survive 4,000F + Degree Heat in Space? There are only seven elements on the periodic table that could withstand this heat and none have been used for satellites. Satellites allegedly mainly reside in the thermosphere where temperatures can soar to 4,000F + Degrees. Not plausible

The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Download-45

2. Estimates seem to vary on the number of satellites in supposed orbit. The latest number to date is 1265 functioning satellites with as many as 370,000 pieces of space-junk whizzing around at speeds of up to 22,000 mph.  Click Here for the latest database of supposed satellites. This article in the Daily Mail had three points listed below. I find it odd that they report 22,000 objects can travel up to 22,000 mph. The odds those numbers are identical by chance is as likely as the sun being exactly 400 times larger and 400 times farther away to create the illusion it's the identical size of the moon. 22 is considered an occult signature event number. Not Plausible.

[*]There are around 22,000 objects in orbit that are big enough to track

[*]Many are 'space junk' such as old rockets and abandoned satellites

[*]It is estimated as many as 370,000 pieces of space junk are floating in Earth's orbit, travelling at speeds of up to 22,000 mph

A German photographer, Michael Najjar, has created the above image to show just how serious a problem space debris has become. The image above by German photographer Michael Najjar for the article allegedly shows the massive space junk problem. How was this picture taken and from what satellite? Obviously this CGI/Photoshop/Pixar image looks like it was done with an Etch-A-Sketch. Not Plausible3. No "Real Pictures or Video" exists proving satellites are whizzing around the globe, not one! Think how preposterous it is that one of the other 1,264 satellites couldn't snap a simple picture or shoot a few frames of video? We have no visual evidence of actual satellites, the only evidence offered are sophomoric Photoshop/CGI/ Pixar images. 

Space.com has posted How To Spot Satellites but conversely Universe Today says"If we could see these satellites from Earth’s surface, they would appear to hang motionless in the sky. The fact that they remain over the geographic same area means they provide the perfect platform for telecommunications, broadcast or weather observations"So which is it, can you see them or not? I never have. I now understand how extremely difficult it must be to take actual photos of other satellites and earth simply because Satellites do not exist!!  Not plausible

4. If the Van Allen Belts are so lethal (1,000 km to 60,000 km)"Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors can be damaged by radiation. Geomagnetic storms occasionally damage electronic components on spacecraft. Miniaturization and digitization of electronics and logic circuits have made satellites more vulnerable to radiation"How can High Earth Orbit satellites (36,000 km) function almost smack dab in the middle of the Van Allen Belts? Not plausible.

Sky Lab-otomy

We probably all need a lobotomy after buying into a piece of propaganda rubbish such as Sky Lab. Sky Lab launched in 1973 and was operational to 1979. As you can see by the images, I'd feel more comfortable in a barrel going over Niagara Falls than go in that thing. Again, where are the actual photos that could have been taken by other satellites? Also it's cylindrical shape is the same as the ISS which fits nicely into a Zero G jet fuselage. NASA has used Zero G since 1959 with Project Mercury.

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As my research as indicated there are a plethora of platforms that can mimic satellite utility, so lets review.

1. Land-based technologies. Loran (long range navigation)

2. GPS uses Cel-tower triangulation not Satellites

3. High Altitude Airships (HAA)

4. High Altitude Platforms (HAP)

5. Lighter-than-air vehicles (LAV)

6. High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)

7. High Altitude Long Operation (HALO)

8. StratSat

9. Airborne Relay Communication (ARC)

10. HeliPlat which connects to the HeliNet System

11. High Altitude Shuttle System (HASS)

12. Small Balloon Systems (SBS)

13. Nano Balloon Systems (NBS)

14. Google Loon System

15. Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS)

16. High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator (HALE-D)

17. Undersea Cable

18. DARPA Integrated Sensor is Structure or ISIS

So as you see there are at least 18 platforms that can be used independently, in tandem or groups to provide all the services that satellites provide. The most glaring aspect of satellite fakery is cost. All 18 platforms I've mentioned are substantially more cost-efficient than satellites and inherently more reliable. It makes no sense to continually risk hurling satellites into space if more cost-efficient, reliable and readily maintainable terrestrial systems already exist, which they do. 

Based on the previous five frauds revealed in part 1, the dubious existence of satellites is even more definitive since NASA cannot furnish a single actual photo or video footage of real satellites.Which is more probable. That satellites exist but NASA seems incapable of confirming their existence or simply they do not exist at all? Occam's Razor makes it simple, they don't exist at all!!

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:51 pm

Posted by seeker on 08/21/2015
Heavy stuff, Bgh46. Thanks for posting.


By the way, I've been hearing the number 8 billion quoted for NASA's annual budget.

NASA's 2015 budget is 18 billion dollars, not 8 billion. 

They officially requested $17,460,600,000 but Congress rounded it up. Nice of them.

Fifty million per day, that's a lot of cash for Computer Generated Images, mock-up rockets, and swimming pool footage.

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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:52 pm

Posted by susie on 09/13/2015


More theft of sweat equity comin up!!

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud   Empty Re: The Occult Roots Of NASA And The Ongoing Fraud

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