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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:43 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 03/30/2015

Just made this nice dramatic version for you all....

The Final Conspiracy revealed. Are NASA just faking that they went to the Moon? Or is it all about faking the Ball Earth?....

To clarify: In this video I have downloaded an original image from NASA's website:


Anyone can replicate what I have done. you just adjust the Brightness & Contrast, like I show in the video.

Cropping an image is not that strange, but cropping it in a circular way - so that the curve of the crop follows directly the supposed shadow side of Earth is undeniable proof of trickery.
There is just no argument for why anyone would do that to a photo if it was real.
It looks to me like they had a photo of a model Earth but for some reason they weren't happy with the shadow. So they cut a hole in a sheet of metal or something and then took another digital image through the hole, they then added layers digitally to smooth out the edge.

You can actually see clouds over the supposed edge of the shadow side of earth!

This has actually blown my mind. Please share it to Alert the world to this disgusting deception by NASA.


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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:48 pm

Posted by thredz on 03/30/2015

this picture is not a roll photography, im photographer, i take pictures only with rolls and a 6x6 old mamya camera. Ths picture show clearly a 16bit or 8 bit graphical resolution (nasa have probably powerfull computer in 70', low resolution for 2015 but enough for 70' to produce a picture of earth faked) in green clouds (!) and on the land usa (green also), you can see dots of colors that its not the grain from roll and the resolution is very poor for hasselblad 70mm.
Take a look on a real roll photography with the same camera and look the perfect resolution of all colors, even in dark zone (right side):

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth 55755381

if you take a look on youtube, someone did an AfterEffect plugin video about the same trip around the earth that nasa produce in 2011 with Terragen2 (for sure :darink.deviantart.com/art/Planetary-Hurricane-Stock-212021062 Terragen2 work only, no picture just the software, Terragen 3 is built around a full planet model, allowing you to build whole worlds of realistic, detailed terrain. We haven't neglected the other end of the spectrum though; Terragen 3 is equally adept at depicting small-scale details, with displacement down to the centimeter level, and a detailed lighting model allowing realistic rendering of close-in scenes.) and AdobeAfterEffect for all FXLights, he did in 2012 i think. The resolution of his work is poor because he doesn't have a nasa powerfull calcuator to give aperfect resoution with the tinyest detail in the smallest zone that his computer can.

These picture come from nasa in 2005:

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Bluemarblewest

and what I've found on

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth OPg5Uc

It's clearly a nice imagery computer of the entire earth. Rendering from data, but why they need to faked clouds with pattern if the data a real ? So it mean data cannot conect with a ball, so they need to clouds the map, distort to a ball and post in a magazine...

Nice place to find tutorial for planet or galaxy (I think Apophysis is a very good software to create galaxy) alyn.deviantart.com/art/Advanced-planet-creation-11885274

Tutorial from 2004, and picture top are assumed to have been made in 2005. So 1 year of tutorial in nasa room and it done. You can find many brush for clouds (that why there are a lot of duplicata on these "pictures"). I was almost the first one in 2004-2005 (on deviantart, i have 11year old account) when the fluidity plugin came on photoshop, to work and made tutorial on smoking effect (used for nebula), with just a white round patern you can transform in a plugin (it take time for) this round patern to a smoke or a cloud, but clouds brush came after to make work easy.

Terragen 3 Info : Just put a iss in front of the picture, adding light with after effect fxplugin and you have the iss travel on the earth in HD (need to change the basic video witha complete earth terragen : clouds, land, countries, ocean, etc). Nasa dn't need studio anymore, just a computer, a designer, a webmaster, a moviemaker in a room with some chairs, a coffe machine, some cigarettes... and time.

If the community want to make one to prove the fact that nasa fake all... And to make a 3D terragen of a plain earth to show to the unbelievers how move the sun on (because today onther one create a fraude with a basic 3D soft about sun light on flat earth and sphere), my computer is too old to support 1 sec of 3D creativity...
Terragen 3 + Adobe AfterEffect 2014 basic computer (not a nasa powerfull calculator)

I make a connection with DeviantArt because this is the most powerfull place for creativity in anything : photo, space, poem, song, drawing, etc. And because also one day I found an Apple publicity on a website using my concept photography, it was in 2005. The only difference was the color, but the concept was rob by this company, or the webmaster or the photographer. So Nasa can clearly go in this website (Deviantart), and rob concept, tutorial to create imagery for masses. They don't need to make picture, because patern for photoshop are ugly sometime, and you can see it's faked too much, but video render in Terragen 3 is the better thing they can have to make ppl asleep when they watch earth. It look so real (comment from youtube about terragen3)
Sorry for my english, it is not my native language. 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Embarrassed

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:38 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 03/31/2015

Thanks thredz, indeed, NASA says that that Apollo 16 image was "taken with a hand-held Hasselblad camera".
I guess it had some kind of cropping technology built into it right?!

Where did you find the 2005 NASA image above?
Those Terragen 3 CGI clips are amazing! I guess they're using something like that down in Area 51 churning out all that CGI crap.

I've also just done another analysis of the NASA Clementine Earth image. When compared to Google Earth (which i presume it a mathematically perfect ball Earth) you can clearly see it's fake too. It is impossible to see the ocean to the left of Ecuador, South America and see the Persian Gulf at the same time!!!!! But you can see both clearly in this Clementine image. NASA messed up big time on this one too.


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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:40 pm

Posted by thredz on 03/31/2015

Mar 30, 2015 14:35:29 GMT conscioustruth said:
Thanks thredz, indeed, NASA says that that Apollo 16 image was "taken with a hand-held Hasselblad camera".
I guess it had some kind of cropping technology built into it right?!

Where did you find the 2005 NASA image above?

Thanks to you, I've added some info about imagery and 3D.
I found the picture there : solarviews.com/eng/earth.htm

I think yes, nasa have in 70' some kind of technology to produce imagery. For 2015 it is crappy, but in 70', I remember that it was very awesome to watch a picture as this one, no one can imagine it was faked.

Nasa have better technology than all of us for now. I don't know if it is possible to have a computer equal to a nasa calculator and a strong graphical rendering to produce a perfect travel over the earth as they claimed to do always...

Those Terragen 3 CGI clips are amazing! I guess they're using something like that down in Area 51 churning out all that CGI crap.

yes I think these professionals in imagery work in a security place like that, they are in a big shadow, never see them, no visit of imagery room, and I think there is no room like that in Nasa complexe, it is somewhere.

I've just wached tutorial on youtube about Shadering a mountain, and you use the same texture, the rendering is awesome, but you can find some mistake, for exemple in mars photography, this is for sure a terragen3 work with shadering on the model, but they use earth textures and theey didn't check well, so you can find flowers, animals, stuff from earth, etc...Other community will think : damn life on mars past time!! wow...

I just realize it in a minute about mars.

Terragen 3 no sattelite (atmosphere, light, shaders, clouds, waters, rock, all, and animation also), the difference between this work guy from deviantart and Nasa : all Data to have a perfect render (place of clouds, lands, countries, oceans, etc.)

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Planetary_hurricane___stock_by_darink-d3i8chy

All modern pictures of the sun from nasa, animations also, are probably Terragen 3 rendering.
I speculate on this plugin also : GeoGlyph give yourself the power of a god (I think it is for the hollow earth believer 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Rofl if you see what i mean)


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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:41 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 03/31/2015
Ok, yes I see the image comes from this page: solarviews.com/cap/earth/bluemarblewest.htm

And credited to:

Credit NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image by Reto St�ckli (land surface, shallow water, clouds). Enhancements by Robert Simmon (ocean color, compositing, 3D globes, animation). Data and technical support: MODIS Land Group; MODIS Science Data Support Team; MODIS Atmosphere Group; MODIS Ocean Group Additional data: USGS EROS Data Center (topography); USGS Terrestrial Remote Sensing Flagstaff Field Center (Antarctica); Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (city lights).

Very strange that they would be faking clouds, when they should be able to get that data from current weather analysis techniques.
To be fair they do admit that those type of images are not actual photographs. But they are meant to be a true representation of the clouds, from satellites.

Thanks for sharing that.
Do you mind if I add that to a new video I am making?

This is amazing because, I've heard people say that they don't really have any satellites but to be honest I didn't totally believe that, but if they did have space weather satellites like GOES, then why would they fake clouds like this?

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:42 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/31/2015

They definitely do not have satellites. That is why you can never get a phone signal unless you are near a phone tower. 

I think that the closest things that they have are drones, which allow them to spy on us from above, but not to the level that they claim. 

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:43 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/31/2015

Mar 30, 2015 14:35:29 GMT conscioustruth said:

Thanks. Good job. 

They really did mess up here, what a joke. 

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:43 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 03/31/2015
Some people have said that Google Earth is somehow 'not accurate'. But it's not exactky difficult to make a 3D model of something that is meant to be a ball right? And they have access to all the best data - from US NAVY. So surely ALL NASA photos of Earth MUST match perfectly to the Google Ball right?!

But they don't !

Here's a new HD version of some analysis I did a while back on the famous Apollo 17 'Blue Marble'. It's difficult to match up the Googe Earth perfectly but I got it very close. The top part of Africa matches almost perfectly but the width in the middle is totally wrong!...


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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:45 pm

Posted by thredz on 04/01/2015

Mar 30, 2015 23:42:59 GMT conscioustruth said:
Ok, yes I see the image comes from this page: solarviews.com/cap/earth/bluemarblewest.htm

And credited to:

Credit NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image by Reto St�ckli (land surface, shallow water, clouds). Enhancements by Robert Simmon (ocean color, compositing, 3D globes, animation). Data and technical support: MODIS Land Group; MODIS Science Data Support Team; MODIS Atmosphere Group; MODIS Ocean Group Additional data: USGS EROS Data Center (topography); USGS Terrestrial Remote Sensing Flagstaff Field Center (Antarctica); Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (city lights). 

Very strange that they would be faking clouds, when they should be able to get that data from current weather analysis techniques.
To be fair they do admit that those type of images are not actual photographs. But they are meant to be a true representation of the clouds, from satellites.

Thanks for sharing that.
Do you mind if I add that to a new video I am making?

This is amazing because, I've heard people say that they don't really have any satellites but to be honest I didn't totally believe that, but if they did have space weather satellites like GOES, then why would they fake clouds like this?

then why would they fake clouds like this?

To give consistance to the imagery and the liethe same situation if you have a gun toy and ask in real to someone to down on the knees, he will.

But they are meant to be a true representation of the clouds, from satellites.

Im not sure since I found these duplicate clouds, and there are anywhere, almost 30 copy of couple clouds, and most of them are small, not these big clouds. And for myself, because I worked also in graphical company, it is a good way to fill in an empty space in a zone with some diplicate texture. Only ppl know well graphics can see the trick. I spoted all fake clouds the first second I saw the picture, not before because it was the first time I saw it, or probably before with my brainwashed view of the world I didn't pay intention to. It remember my first big work on a fake water bubble on photoshop in 2003, I spend a lot of time to find the perfect texture, light, shadows,etc... Im from old school, and ppl work on these clouds came from old school also, mean long time work to make all fake as true. Now school doesn't teach hard work, take time, all is short and just look similar to. Just take a look on some tutorial about water bubble in photoshop, videos are short, the render look similar, so ppl think it is not possible to make more real. But it is, nasa prove that you can make fake as real. In painting we call it Trompe l'oeil. I did some also in painting school. Nasa put resume about data, but what a proof about these data ? You just need to put a resume under a fake image to make it real. Nasa doesn't trick only imagery, they lie on data or the satellite supposed to shot a picture or recording data. In 2002 I did a nebula about few days of work on photoshop, Orion nebula. My work was totaly similar to this one, I used fluidity plugin in photoshop to clouding and smoking colors. I don't know if it is mine, but this is the only one on web I've found as the same one I did on a graphical community in 2002 (website disappear...), I say similar to mine, because i did in all red color as this one, the same form.

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth M42ppf30_8Feb97p

Nasa imagery evolution is equal to the graphical software perfection. More a software will be perfect in detail, more nasa imagery will be also, and they will say : we found more far away in the orion, and discover a big mass of clouds organic with dust of some alien genetical element... and a zoom on with a new one perfect texture dusted, with awesome dynamic, deep colors, etc...

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:46 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 05/08/2015

Oh My God. I just read a comment on my video 'NASA's FAKE EARTH - SEEING IS BELIEVING ':

"dani' S 15 hours ago
I just tried on the Apollo 16 photo and it seems they fixed it away. But Apollo 15 still shows it clearly. Maybe they are watching you Wink"

I thought maybe she didn't do the contrasting right. So I clicked on the link in the info section to the NASA page where I originally downloaded the image, and I downloaded it again....... wait for it....


I have to be honest with you all here and say that there was always a small part of my mind thinking that maybe, just maybe I am wrong about all of this - but now here is, just like I said: 100% PROOF NASA FAKE IMAGES.
Every hair on my body stood up, as I re-contrasted the new image and saw that now it looks like a pretty normal photo!

WATCH THIS SPACE - I will be making a new video about this probably tonight.
A few things that really blow my mind about this:

1) NASA are actively watching videos such as mine to see if there is anything there they mind need to deal with.
2) NASA are actually sitting around discussing if or how they need to update images that have mistakes - such as the ones I found.
3) NASA are actively involved in a 24/7 cover-up operation of their fraud.


I still have the original image, which shows the deception. And now NASA have dug an even bigger hole, by changing the image! Now it is even more obvious that they faked the image! In fact the new image even looks less 'painting-like'. But it is very very close to the original, but not quite. I mean, even without contrasting it, you can see it's slightly different. MIND BLOWING.

Here is my original video again for anyone who hasn't seen it. Just watch, then download the image from the link in the info section on youtube and do what i did to contrast it in Photoshop. YOU WILL NOW SEE THAT IT IS NOT THE SAME IMAGE!


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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:46 pm

Posted by on 05/08/2015
the old one before they change it to the new one

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:46 pm

Posted by schpankme on 05/08/2015
100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth A16_h_118_18885

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth A16_h_118_18885

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:47 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 05/08/2015

May 8, 2015 5:55:30 GMT schpankme said:
Why not put both images here?

Sure. Here are the 2 original images from NASA's website (http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/imgcat/html/object_page/a16_h_118_18885.html )

1) The original (obviously phoney image - just turn brightness up to MAX and contrast DOWN to MIN. - in Photoshop CS4 I need to do this twice to see the clear fakery)


(sorry to use this crappy file upload site, but I didn't want to store it on my own server.)

2) The new NASA-modified image can be found right now on NASA's site (Contrast it the same way and as if my magic! No weird cropping lines anymore! Nice job NASA!): 


In my next post below you can see how they look when both contrasted using the exact same settings. You can see that they have removed the cropping lines, and smoothed out the shadow line.
If you zoom in on the top left of the 'Earth', you can see what a terrible job they've done - you can actually see the round brush marks!!!

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:48 pm

Posted by conscioustruth on 05/08/2015
And here are the contrasted images, before and after I made my video exposing this:

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth 67mUkFKTQ6RV0GRCHrgZ

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth WXSTCRWFYxLneRfQ0jKh



This is as far as I am concerned, one of the most monumental proofs that NASA is out to deceive humanity. As I said before, there used to be a grain of doubt in my mind. Not any more.
This really is the smoking gun.

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:49 pm

Posted by zal on 05/12/2015
The first tutorials you will do when you start doing 3d modelling in any program is space stuff.

In Hollywood they use Vue (Terragen altough cool, is mostly for hobbyists unless you want lots of extra work), coupled with alot of inhouse scripts that the average consumer has no access to, that the studio in questions R and D department made spesifically for x movie.

The most common way though is to just make it from scratch in x 3D modelling package (max/maya/lightwave/blender/hexagon or whatever), which is oftentimes the most common way since generators of any sort usually "looks" like something from a generator.

Globes of any sort are as simple as pressing the sphere button in any 3d modelling app 

then browsing online for a photo to use as a texture (prefferable at decent resolution), apply it. and hit the big ol render button. 

Coincidentaly, where i have worked in the past, whenever we got a client that wanted one of the infamous earth into space zoom shots (you have seen them a million times 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Tongue ), we just pulled up some of the high res "nasa" images (photoshop collages/paintings) from places like this laps.noaa.gov/albers/sos/sos.html , ofc everyone in my old studios including me at the time tought these were real (even though we easily should have understood it, by the sheer fact we could all do it ourselves if we wanted, the brainwashing really is that strong) , or in the cases where we made up planets we would just use various diffrent textures of water/rock/grass/whatever and make a composite in photoshop and paint over it to to touch it up.

ofc you can take it further from here, you must add a atmosphere to make things look "real". but an atmosphere from a cgi standpoint is just that, a extra sphere over the old one with the texture, that you give a semi translucent material with fresnel effect (its a button in most applications, fresnel on or off, and in simple terms it makes the edges more opaque than the middle of anything u apply the material to)
now u have a slider for color where you basically can make the atmostphere look whatever color u want, and it will still look "real".

found this video on youtube and it covers this exact process in 3ds max, but its identical in any other app aswell (keep in mind to create the fresnel effect in 3ds max he uses a fallof map, these things change names in all applications, but the underlying math is the same)

this is how you end up with the rotating spheres where the clouds dont morph.

If you wanna get even more fancy you make a extra sphere for "cloud layers" and you use many diffrent, and you touch up the maps in after effects or similar application, or even use video of smoke against black backround where you remove the black and stick it on one of many cloud layers, or you can even do it 100% inside the 3d app with something called procedural maps (basicly math driven textures, like fractals) where you just remove the black as you would with smoke footage.
(think of it as a animated version of the  "render-clouds" button in photoshop.

ontop of this most studios today render the thing out and then add extra layers of touch ups in after effects/nuke/fusion/shake/whatever. and when it comes out the other end, no one can tell its fake. 
this is how 90% of the movie Gravity was made (tough to be fair they probably used custom sim software like FumeFX for the clouds, but effect is the same)

long post, but what im trying to explain in a wall of text is that space is the simplest for om CGI there is, cause you have nothing in your daily life to compare it to (hence why photoreal humans are the most difficult)
and at this point, making space shit is laughably easy for anyone.

Remember tho, i just covered the CGI angle for creating various globes, for the practical effects they used in the 60-70 and early 80s matt from the nasa channel and the various researchers debunking the moon stuff has already cover that in excessive detail.

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:49 pm

Posted by o on 05/23/2015
conscioustruth your video made my day 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Smiley Africa seems to shrink in water.

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:49 pm

Posted by pietas on 05/24/2015
Hi guys, my name is Pietas and I have been researching into the flat earth for a few months now. I know NASA is a fake organization and their images are fake and created in some photoshop program. So I just wanted to see how I can see the fake information in all their images. Maybe someone can upload a video to youtube explaining EXIF data and how they can show that NASA's images are not real photographs but made in photoshop? Here for example is the exif data of a picture they claim is the sun? If I knew how to read EXIF data I could put in the time to make this video by exposing plenty of NASA pictures, but I don't know how to read it. I just know there is nothing here that resembles anything taken from a normal digital camera (no Fstops or shutter speeds).


I was about to copy the EXIF data but it's really messy in the forum so I am just going to send you here to view it:
exifdata.com/exif.php you need to put the link in there and view the detailed data.

I found some image made in photoshop by googling "images made in photoshop" and you could see that it was made in Adobe photoshop in the exif data.

imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hu/db/images/hs-2009-08-b-xlarge_web.jpg Here is a picture of a so called "distant galaxy" that was made in May 2009 and says "Creator Tool: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh". So from that we know it's an adulterated picture that was enhanced in photoshop. We don't know anything about what the original looked like unless there is more information that can be taken. I do not believe galaxies exist and if they were photographs taken, they are just clusters of fluorescent dust in the firmament. 

I cannot disprove that the photos of astronauts walking on the moon were taken on the moon by merely looking at the EXIF data and I wonder if it's because they wiped all the EXIF data of these photographs. Voyager 1 photos were uploaded as gif files and I cannot read the EXIF data on them. NASA uploaded a cropped JPG image on their website that was edited in 2005.  voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/imagesvideo/jupiter.html www.nasa.gov/images/content/133997main_image_feature_413_ys_full.jpg It seems like they also wiped the EXIF data off of some images of Mars. mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/f/2174/2F319371241EFFB27MP1214L0M1.HTML
You can see wherever this picture was taken, it's flat. mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/n/4004/1N483644892EFFCMX8P0776L0M1.JPG
Also one from the 1990s mars.nasa.gov/MPF/ops/ext2-thmb.html and all relevant EXIF data was wiped. They say "File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 4.0" and I'm not sure what that means because I am wondering if the location is really in Australia or some place in Africa or quite possibly federal land in Nevada.

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:50 pm

Posted by pietas on 05/28/2015

The fact that they changed their website and uploaded a new picture is proof they are very scared. The public should stop listening to an organization that is so afraid that they will change an image. I don't know that this image proves the earth is flat, but it proves that they crop images. A round earther could say nothing other than agree that NASA has something to hide and is in the business of changing images.
And if they try to get the wayback machine to remove the old images then here is the proof of it, just like the sandy hook liars that I exposed on my blog two years ago. I don't like revisionist historians either. Most people would agree that NASA are liars and very scared but they still will look at images and believe them if they are originals. So that's why I hope someone can catch the image with the EXIF data in tact
so that we can see that they were never really photographs but were entirely made in adobe photoshop. This goes for the so called originals coming from the Hubble or Mars rover expeditions, and not for composite images which were put together in photoshop. I randomly selected this from June 2012. And it's funny because I remember seeing this image before and wondering back then if they were trying to hide UFOs with that.
I was wondering where all the chemtrails and contrails and UFOs are in the earth images back then.


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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:52 pm

Posted by pietas on 05/30/2015
I believe the images are fake also because they love to subliminally assault us with their occult symbols. One major symbol is the owl, which they worship in Bohemian Grove. They have drawn the owl on American dollars and they also put it in jewelry, fashion clothes, wallpaper, furniture, and in artwork. So why not also in these images of the earth? I have uploaded the images, you are welcome to disagree with me but I do believe they are a religion of occult symbolism so I do believe they did airbrush this owl as clouds onto this fake cropped image of the earth. 

Here are the links to the images and I took some from the videos that were uploaded here because as it was flashing I could finally see it. 

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:52 pm

Posted by susie on 06/17/2015
NASA Fraud documented

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:52 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/03/2015

Great find Susie. Good job.  100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Smiley

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:53 pm

Posted by lizardking on 07/03/2015
100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth He1

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:54 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/03/2015
Wearing my "They Live" glasses, that caption actually reads: "Please focus on this little black dot at the fake south pole instead of focusing on the fact that this entire picture is clearly fake CGI."

100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth ZbLqxx3

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:54 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 07/03/2015
For those who haven't seen this particular one yet, it's one of THE best I've come across so far. 

Just push play/fast forward a bit as you'd like, and watch the magic happen in various ways. EDIT: LMAO @ 2:17:

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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

Post by lizardking Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:54 pm

Posted by incorporated on 08/19/2015
Apparently this is my homeland from space. What a crock of shit!
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100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth Empty Re: 100% Proof NASA Fakes Images of Earth

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