Antarctic Expedition Ideas
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Antarctic Expedition Ideas
Here is a great little video to start off this important discussion:
Good health to all, my name is Vladimir
I appeal to all free people who want to know the truth of this world. I address separately to sailors and owners of yachts throughout the world.
Furthermore, I address separately to yacht clubs of Russia, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil, India, Japan, Great Britain, Canada, Mexico and all other countries.
I am not interested in sponsorship by any official scientific organizations. What I propose can only be done and accomplished by ordinary, but free people.
The purpose of my project is an expedition that none of the ordinary people made before, which is the crossing of 60 degrees south latitude and sea round trip around Antarctica, in direct, visual visibility and calculation of the distance travelled. So as to finally close the question on the SHAPE OF OUR PLANET.
The ultimate goal of the expedition:
- To determine the true shape of our planet.
The objectives of the expedition:
- Elaboration of legal issues, if necessary, creating an application for obtaining permission to cross 60 degrees south latitude.
- Crossing 60 degrees south latitude. Fixation or no fixation the “white nights”.
- According to the official point of view, from September 21 to March 23, on our planet there should be a polar day beyond the polar circle at the South Pole, when the sun does not set below the horizon. This is a test of that theory. Crossing 66 degrees south latitude, which is the polar circle, fixation or no fixation the polar day. An intermediate result is that already at this stage, in part, it will be possible to confirm or deny the official point of view on the structure of our earth!
- A sea yacht round trip around Antarctica in direct, visual visibility, capturing the distance travelled on various technical devices.
- Collection and analysis of the received data from all technical devices, calculation of the distance travelled. Publication of the results obtained (including source materials) for public access.
- At the end of the expedition, the answer will be given as to the shape of our Earth. If we live on a globe-shaped planet with a globe radius of 6,300 km, then the southern polar circle will be 16,000 km. If we live on a plane earth, roughly like the map from the UN flag, then the southern polar circle would be over 100,000 km. A round trip around Antarctica by water on a sea yacht, and measuring the distance travelled, will give a clear answer to the question of the shape of our planet.
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I would love to see a mass expedition exodus in our lifetimes like at the end of my FE children's book!
Russian Blue Cat, owlspotter, Swagnutz82, Shmack_1, lifeisatragedyofnutrition, yentabagel, Bicenie and like this post
Agenda 2030 - Beyond the Icewall
Agenda 2030 is different than the UN agenda, Agenda 2030 is focused on revealing what is beyond the Icewall of Antarctica, just like the UN slogan, within 2030 I wish to have created a decentralized way for expeditions to have explored what is beyond the Icewall.
The rough Idea: Basically beyond the 60th parallel is a huge area of sea that crosses 3 continents: South America(chile/Argentine), Africa(south Africa) and Australia and according to the maps available, the closest land is from South America, New Zealand and south Africa, respectfully, which the closest Island is only aprox 60km from the Argentinian side. However, the official map is highly disputed due to this particular area being very little explored and mapped, meaning the official measures and map should be taken with a grain of salt.
As proven by Jarle Andhoy, the whole area is not patrolled by military frigates(warships) and it is indeed possible to arrive at shore or one of the ice shelf, however, the road forward from that point on, is very unknown, some estimate it to be 6500km of mountains and land in various altitude other more optimistic estimates of only couple of thousand, the fact is, it is unknown, another caveat, which IMO is the most likely scenario of all different scenarios, that at the end of the other side, there will be more ocean and unless this "new ocean" is explored, you are basically at square one.
The whole point of this expedition is not to reveal this new world in one step, this will be the marking point for future generation to take one step further, help the new generation with reliable mapping and make their expedition more easy so they are prepared for what is to come.
We have 8 years to prepare and plan and I wanted to open a discussion for those of us, who value adventure and do stuff beside spread awareness, as actions always speaks louder than words.
I wanted to share a video from a guy who does some research with government facilities at that area and how the weather conditions are and what to expect: /watch?v=2IHYGhxqCvI
Last thing: I am currently in the process of buying a sailboat to acquire the required experience to maneuver the ocean, this is not a weekly or a monthly project, this is a project of several years and this have been on my mind ever since the start of 2020 - beyond 2030 there will be always opportunities, however, i view the politics and the controls that are being implemented by the UN cabal to severely limit possibilities for what we can do in the future...
Agenda2030- Posts : 11
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
This idea is a goer and Eric should step up and get the ball rolling, me thinks.
I could find 10k gbp for my buy in.
I hope this idea takes off, a real exploration for the benefit of all mankind, imagine being able to say to your children you were part of an expedition to expand our knowledge of the world we live in.
Sign me up.
lifeisatragedyofnutrition- Posts : 1
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
lifeisatragedyofnutrition wrote:Crowdfund to charter a ship capable of the journey, to include buy ins for people wanting to be part of the crew.
This idea is a goer and Eric should step up and get the ball rolling, me thinks.
I could find 10k gbp for my buy in.
I hope this idea takes off, a real exploration for the benefit of all mankind, imagine being able to say to your children you were part of an expedition to expand our knowledge of the world we live in.
Sign me up.
The issue with crowdfunding is you will likely make noise which will attract scrutiny, sailboats are not that expensive - however, experience both in sea and on land is the real issue. You would need a crew dedicating years of their time for this project and after the experience is acquired, proper planning can be made.
The story of Jarle Andhoy intrigued me very much and his series is excellent for those wanting to see what its like to be at extreme weather when sailing - Jarle acquired permission to explore Antarctica from an Argentinian government wing, however he still faced a trial and fines in his home country.
IMO it seems like the permission Jarle had, was in case they got caught and that would help them out, so when enduring on such trip one have to consider the relative risks associated, even if you make it far inland and get back to your boat, they could be waiting to arrest you or worst case, they will sink your boat and just shoot you.
So if you really are interested in this, I say prepare yourself, get sailing experience, hiking experience in snow and cold weather, this will need time and dedication. Worst case, you get new skills and get in super shape, so its a win-win anyway.
But you are right, imagine being crew that flipped the world on right course and literally saved humanity, this is the most powerful achievement to proof that our world is filled with lies by corrupt souls.
Nothing else will achieve a bigger impact than proving whats beyond Antarctica.
Agenda2030- Posts : 11
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
But... Brrrrrr, have you read some of the antarctic expedition accounts of old?
Unless it's another lie to keep us away, the conditions even before the ice wall can be unimaginably bad. Ships wedged into ice that could literally crush them, broken masts, holy moley!
I'll still come if you need crew though!
Bro, yentabagel, Bicenie, Agenda2030, colander bowl and IamOsoGorgeous like this post
Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
nowhereelsetogo wrote:Yeah it would be monumental.
But... Brrrrrr, have you read some of the antarctic expedition accounts of old?
Unless it's another lie to keep us away, the conditions even before the ice wall can be unimaginably bad. Ships wedged into ice that could literally crush them, broken masts, holy moley!
I'll still come if you need crew though!
I have watched some indi expeditions and obviously gone through famous ones, Bird, Amundsen etc. There is a time window where sailing is pretty safe and other times where access freezes, in and out.
Apparently, you can see incredibly far into distance due to temperature and landscape, this makes hiking more challenging.
Once I have the sailboat, I will require a crew who wanna learn alongside myself.
Lets see if you are as eager when the time comes.
Agenda2030- Posts : 11
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nowhereelsetogo, Universe, lifeisatragedyofnutrition, yentabagel, Bicenie, colander bowl and IamOsoGorgeous like this post
Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
My thought is the expedition should be done in phases. For simplicity all one has to do is sail south until land is seen then turn left or right then just keep going, keeping that land to the left or right until the start point is reached without time/distance anomalies. If any anomalies crop-up that prevent circumnavigating the continent (war ship warnings or UFOs or sea monsters or mass hallucination) then further research is needed.
But then after reading Agenda2030's post I thought circumnavigating may not be necessary.
"3 continents: South America(chile/Argentine), Africa(south Africa) and Australia and according to the maps available, the closest land is from South America, New Zealand and south Africa,"
Thinking about the three points all one would need to do is sample sail from one point to another and match the trip (time/distance) to the current mainstream map. If there are no anomalies assume the rest is legit. No need for escalation to circumnavigation.
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
with the assumption of a flat map, that means ice walls holding the ocean inside, which they call Antarctica.
You can enter Antarctica from anyplace as you mentioned "just go south" however the distance is of several magnitude depends on which point of departure you chose.
the easiest/closest place to depart will probably entail greater surveillance, thats one consideration one have to account for.
I am not sure i understood the logic behind your exercise, the globe map is very well made, they have accounted for things, that are true in both worlds, flat and ball - however, i dont think our fight will be won by logic, we need evidence and proof!
I shall have my sailboat within the next 4 months, I am bidding in auctions on aluminum 40 feet monohull sailboat, which will be my training ground for the next years.
This experience will make me be able to produce sound plans instead of going by what i read, as i am currently doing.
Welcome to the forum BTW
Last edited by Agenda2030 on Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding text and typo)
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
Agenda2030 wrote:with the assumption of a flat map, that means ice walls holding the ocean inside, which they call Antarctica.
Is landing on Antarctica necessary or would sailing a wedge, first be enough to prove/disprove globe math?
Say the jump point is from the Falkland Islands (51.7963° S, 59.5236° W). The sailor would head south toward the Carlini Base. Once CB is in sight head east to the Georgia Islands/Sandwich Islands. Once the islands are investigated, head north back to 51.7963° S, then west to 59.5236° W. The sights and math will either match what Google tells us or not. If they match, it's a globe. If no match, escalation in research is needed. Like an attempt at circumnavigation.
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
Degrarse Tightson got his "pear-shaped earth" excuse in years ago . The pear will be trotted out when it is finally admitted that there is no midnight sun in Antarctica as well as the differences in distances in N ans S "hemispheres".
RedorBlue- Posts : 97
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
colander bowl wrote:I had a post typed up and accidentally cleared it by clicking on Reader View, dratz.Agenda2030 wrote:with the assumption of a flat map, that means ice walls holding the ocean inside, which they call Antarctica.
Is landing on Antarctica necessary or would sailing a wedge, first be enough to prove/disprove globe math?
Say the jump point is from the Falkland Islands (51.7963° S, 59.5236° W). The sailor would head south toward the Carlini Base. Once CB is in sight head east to the Georgia Islands/Sandwich Islands. Once the islands are investigated, head north back to 51.7963° S, then west to 59.5236° W. The sights and math will either match what Google tells us or not. If they match, it's a globe. If no match, escalation in research is needed. Like an attempt at circumnavigation.
First of all, it certainly not a globe, it cant be a globe, at least not in 44k kilometer circumference, if its a globe then it is 100x ++ bigger than what they claim, which falls back again, that what they are saying is a lie.
If its a globe, you dont need this type of propaganda, you wont need a treaty to protect Antarctica and you would not need NASA to fake and lie on such bloated budget.
Sailing around the ice wall/Antarctica will prove nothing, unless its done like in the video above, livestreaming and 100s + boats doing the same voyage in opposite directions... but they would still find an explanation for why and how, as they have done with everything.
The most sure way to put a nail in the coffin is going beyond the wall(if its even possible, as no one knows whats beyond)
I think the reason for why this lie has never been challenged is because it takes up huge resources to even start and most importantly time - so lets say you are multi-millionaire - now you need a big boat + crew, once you are at that stage and start creating noise, you will never be allowed to set sail and stuff will happen to you for sure, until you change your mind.
This is why we are so lucky, we get the opportunity to really discover the truth, but the cost is very high, which we have to take into account.
If you have some logical doubt about if its a globe or flat, i highly recommend on going through Eric's material + many of the other sources represented here.
whats interesting, this exact discussion have been discussed for hundreds of years between intellectuals from all corners of the world, people arguing using logic and theories - only in recent times where this type of discussion have been concluded to you being wacko if you question the earths shape. I think its fair to assume its a globe if you can produce original experiments and logic into the argument, assuming based on what they tell you is certainly not a valid argument.
off topic: but i came into this as an astrographer, I had dreams of finding my own planet and naming it to my likening, after I spent 1500$ on a telescope and realized that without Photoshop, i would produce grainy pixelated photos... I then had a friend challenge me to prove the earths curvature, he bet 5000$ for me to show him the curvature - that's when I started from scratch and I wanted to understand the basic and started to go through old literature and my goal was to work progressively to current date. The so called science of the universe is nothing but shit on a wall and see what sticks, like how they measure star distances and how they coined "light-years" , how many galaxies are counted and how they came up to the number "infinite"... instead of knowledge based on logic, i found myself needing to memorize what I have read instead of applying logic and come to the conclusions, I basically had to become a parrot to pretend to know what I was talking about... Then I took a different angle, I wanted to prove the earth was a globe instead of chasing my friends bet... it took time but I discovered modern litterateur from Eric and started reading through his books and his sources - Eric have put in very admirable amount of time into his books and he is very knowledgeable, both historically and his own critical thinking.
But I was never "converted" or convinced by another mans words, I was convinced based on my own observations and logic - its no point to leave A cult and join B cult.
What sold me about Erics work is economics, since I have background in that field and understand the banking cartel system(which btw, I did not learn in school, self taught) and what people are behind the slavery system, its when I decided to join the forum.
Btw, i dont agree with Eric about everything, I have my own thoughts and reasoning for many things I disagree with Eric about.
I think its important for you to read and do your own experiments and if you wanna chat with someone about it, hit me up as I have many things I can show you, material and videos by other producers, like Eric. But the best stuff comes from Eric himself, each video is packed with knowledge which you can dive into yourself and investigate.
Back to the topic of the voyage now
Last edited by Agenda2030 on Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding words)
Agenda2030- Posts : 11
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
Agenda2030 wrote:The most sure way to put a nail in the coffin is going beyond the wall(if its even possible, as no one knows whats beyond)
Back to the topic of the voyage now
I'm onboard for proving Antarctic ice wall/continent once and for all. Talk about propaganda.... I've been noticing William Shatner has been in the public eye a lot since the 'space tour'. I bet original Star Trek toys bounce in value a lot when he beams out.
Spin up Google Earth and zoom in on the triangle I mentioned - Falkland Islands, Casini Base, Georgia/Sandwich Islands.
Spin-up the U.N. logo map.
I don't know how to manually navigate on the open sea but think the time/distance to navigate the wedge trip I mentioned would be significantly different between the two map layouts. If a person was to travel the wedge they'd have real-life, verified data. The data would reinforce one of the two layouts or even an unknown.
If the real-life data matches Google Earth we have to assume we're on a planet. If the real-life data doesn't match Google Earth then an attempt to circumnavigate the Antarctic continent would be needed.
Unfortunately I can't post links yet.
If you Google, "Saildrone is first to circumnavigate Antarctica, in search for carbon dioxide" the article says. "On August 3, 2019, an unmanned Saildrone 1020 completed a 13,670-mile journey around Antarctica in search of carbon dioxide."
So I think then what would need to be done is verify their math. (If Google Earth math doesn't pan out for the wedge.) Thoughts?
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
colander bowl wrote:
Spin up Google Earth and zoom in on the triangle I mentioned - Falkland Islands, Casini Base, Georgia/Sandwich Islands.
Spin-up the U.N. logo map.
I don't know how to manually navigate on the open sea but think the time/distance to navigate the wedge trip I mentioned would be significantly different between the two map layouts. If a person was to travel the wedge they'd have real-life, verified data. The data would reinforce one of the two layouts or even an unknown.
If the real-life data matches Google Earth we have to assume we're on a planet. If the real-life data doesn't match Google Earth then an attempt to circumnavigate the Antarctic continent would be needed.
Unfortunately I can't post links yet.
If you Google, "Saildrone is first to circumnavigate Antarctica, in search for carbon dioxide" the article says. "On August 3, 2019, an unmanned Saildrone 1020 completed a 13,670-mile journey around Antarctica in search of carbon dioxide."
So I think then what would need to be done is verify their math. (If Google Earth math doesn't pan out for the wedge.) Thoughts?
you can explain what you are talking about by taking screen shots and implementing said triangle so we can understand your idea
Make one triangle with your voyage using a flat map, like the gleasons map for example(or whatever you like) and one using the Mercator map/globe.
pretty sure everyone can upload photos
Last edited by Agenda2030 on Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)
Agenda2030- Posts : 11
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
Agenda2030 wrote:
pretty sure everyone can upload photos
Rookie mistake.
The first two images are based on Google Earth which is a globular system. That's why the 'straight' lines look curved. Google is showing curve of the globe. Google Earth also has a tool that shows distance between points on their globe model. Google data can be used for comparison (but not shown).
The sailor would need to travel between those three points and manually determine the distances. Using stars I presume? Modern GPS can be used as back-up. Clues to shape of Earth will be revealed based on the distance/times of the voyage between the three points compared to Google and the U.N. logo.
If the voyage time/distance for the sailor seems to match Google data no further study is needed. However if the time/distance is closer to what the U.N. logo presents then further research is required. The next step would be circumnavigating Antarctica.
The real-life data the sailor grabs has to lean one way or the other, if the data doesn't fit Google or U.N., more research.
Once the Carlini Base is located the sailor could go around the small island and check out the area. See if the visuals match what Google and others present.
Google Earth of general triangle area.
Google Earth zoomed in.
U.N. Logo (map in plain sight?).
U.N. Logo zoomed in.
Carlini base because it's a clear landmark that can be seen from the sea.
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
But I will look into your idea and try to find the logic or disprove the logic of it.
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
My thought is at this point most posters posting at sites like these are disregarding the writings of Byrd and Google wanting for empirical evidence.
RedorBlue makes a good point, the voyage has to be timed to prove/disprove Midnight Sun in the Southern 'hemi'.
There is a claim that the NOAA has sailed a drone around Antarctica and the trip took 196 days (see pic). This means a sailing circumnavigation could require six months or more and all the supplies on the sailing vessel. Six months sailing sounds like a long time. At that point it might be better to charter a yacht/steamship out of the Falkland Islands and start taking deposits for a 2022 expedition. A yacht/steamship will have generators, etc. @ 10K apiece maybe 15 tickets would be enough to pay for the voyage to circumnavigate Antarctica.
An alternative might be to privately fund an unmanned Saildrone to circumnavigate Antarctica.
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
This thing is too small for any expedition. It might be able to handle a 20' wave. Anything more and the ship is in danger.
Plus there is only room for 8 guests. A 4 week trip approaches 17K each just for the boat. I'm not sure if that includes food but it does not include airfare to Southern Chile.
This yacht may not even be fast enough to make the triangle trip in a month.
I also found an interesting advert for a trip @ Boat International, 10 days exploring Antarctica on a superyacht. The outfit seems adventurous but probably expensive.
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
RedorBlue wrote:that there is no midnight sun in Antarctica as well as the differences in distances in N ans S "hemispheres".
I found a place that does private expeditions - EYOS Expeditions. Anyone can search for EYOS Expeditions. I think the cost is $22,000 a week all inclusive. Airfare to Chile and back home is separate. Includes use of a helicopter. I'd guess a $5,000 tip for the week will entice the helicopter pilot to land or go as high as the physical limits of the helicopter.
Where are they going? Or is it a bluff? If we make reservations would they somehow cancel at the last minute?
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
This website explains to you that the magnetic South dip Pole is at 64S 135E , a location with coordinates that we cannot visit as per the Treaty.
Geomagnetic pole is given as 80S 107E , again a location we cannot visit but no matter. It doesn't actually exist since it is a position based on the assumption that earth has a dipole magnetic field . The write up tells you that .
The ceremonial pole is not given any coordinates - cos it's for the gullible only. Although legally it's ok since it is just an actual barber pole shoved into the ice and you can prance around it ceremonially.
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
EYOS offers the "overnight" tour at the "South Pole" for 22K per person all-inclusive, getting to Chile extra. Add another 5K for a 4K camera and other electronics. 30 large total trip cost?
The idea would be to go to the South Pole and get a 24 hour continuous tracking video of the Midnight Sun, or not. How many views do you think that video would get?
Is it possible the YouTube video grabs 250,000,000 views pulling $750,000 off a 30K trip.
That "South Pole" in the above pic does look like the Ceremonial pole located near the Amundsen-Scott base, 1st graphic. Notice the coordinates of the base. -90.0° S is as far South as one can go.
"Ceremonial pole
The ceremonial pole is located near Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station"
Midnight Sun should be visible @ -65.0° 44' S so getting to the Amundsen-Scott base, or Ceremonial Pole at -90.0° S means a Midnight Sun video is possible.
But 'just' getting to Detaille Island may be enough. The above graphic tells us where Midnight Sun will be seen and the lower graphic shows where the island is located. From the island Midnight Sun should be visible 1.08 latitudes south, or about 75 miles south from the island. The EYOS helicopter should be able to do a drop off/24 hour pick-up in the Midnight Sun zone.
If the math is correct 10,000,000 views should be enough to capture the 30K investment. That's almost a business case to take to an investor.
Either way I think the video would go viral.
colander bowl- Posts : 41
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
I found another outfit offering trips to Antarctica. This outfit has a private jet that departs from South Africa. With this in mind it seems "Antarctica" is reachable from the southern tip of South America and now South Africa.
The furthest 'South' they go is: 71º 32’ 00” S 8º 50’ 00” E
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
EthericData2- Posts : 47
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
EthericData2 wrote:Developing the ability to remote view these restricted locations is possible. However, there appears to be a protective field that shields theses areas from psi visits. Only the most subtle and purified minds are able to cross this barrier.
Is that why I can't remote view into my sexy next door neighbours bathroom, because my mind is not pure enough?
Shmack_1- Posts : 92
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Re: Antarctic Expedition Ideas
EthericData2 wrote:Developing the ability to remote view these restricted locations is possible. However, there appears to be a protective field that shields theses areas from psi visits. Only the most subtle and purified minds are able to cross this barrier.
Any one who claims they can "remote view" , I ask them to come forward so we can set up an experiment to validate these claims of such abilities.
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» Antarctic Cup Race
» No Midnight Sun In Antarctica
» I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
» Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?
IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Arctic, Antarctic and Beyond the Ice Wall