I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: God, Creation, Big Bang, Evolution
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I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Until now, the prevailing Newtonian mechanistic worldview has dominated Western culture, science and metaphysics for hundreds of years. The idea that we live in an unintelligently designed universe - the idea that out of nowhere, nothing, for no reason spontaneously became everything, has been accepted as scientific gospel. This atheistic, nihilistic, purely materialistic paradigm presented by believers of Big Bang evolution, however, cannot explain the multitude of non-physical, non-local findings in quantum mechanics. They cannot explain how consciousness, intelligence and life supposedly evolved from unconscious, unintelligent, dead matter. They cannot explain why apple seeds grow apple trees and pear seeds grow pear trees, or how arm cells know to be arms and leg cells know to be legs. They cannot explain the holographic universe or morphogenic fields, the placebo effect, psychoneuroimmunology, acupuncture, the aura, chi/prana or remote healing; telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, precognition and the entirety of psi science; they cannot explain out-of body or near-death experiences, ghosts, entheogens, the soul, the spirit world or reincarnation.
“Although the true nature of the Universe has been known and taught throughout the ages by many and varied sources throughout the world, all of which are highly consistent and in broad agreement, it is also now being substantiated by the work of modern quantum physics, and increasingly by other branches of the sciences as well. All areas of the sciences will surely soon have to accept the fact that true Universal reality is not and never can be based entirely in the familiar three-dimensional world of physical matter as has been assumed since the days of Isaac Newton, but is rather an infinite, multi-dimensional reality, a Universe of living Consciousness of which everyone and everything without exception is an integral and equal aspect. The true nature of the Universe will certainly challenge the perceptions of most people, if for no other reason that throughout the ages there has been a prevalent misperception of a ‘God’ who is completely separate from everyone and everything else in existence, and who ‘rules’ over ‘his’ three dimensional world of matter from high places.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality”
The emerging wisdom of spiritual science has rendered the atheist materialist paradigm extinct. Consciousness, life, the beautiful diversity, complexity and interconnectedness of nature and the universe are not the result of some random coincidental physical phenomenon. Remember, the odds against our universe containing the precise physical forces and attributes necessary to sustain life is one octillion to one. In other words, there is only a 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance that the universe was unintelligently designed. So if there is an intelligent designer, a creative force beyond all space, time and matter, what are the properties of this entity? Theologists and metaphysicians throughout history have agreed that this intelligent creative force must by definition be all-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful (omnipotent), and all-present (omnipresent). Furthermore, by definition if “God,” an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being exists, then we all must be a part of it! In my Asbestos Head book I wrote:
“Either God is causal, singular and separate - an outside entity somehow responsible for His own existence, the creation of the universe, and the creation of other beings to recognize Him, or existence is non-causal, plural, parts and whole of all that is with nothing outside Us because We’re all infinite self-reflexive pieces of God interacting, changing, acting out eternity.”
Many people are happy to accept the notion that God is some external entity like a bearded white man in the clouds who created us and watches over the universe like a cosmic fishbowl. Others are happy to accept that there is no God and the universe, consciousness, life, matter, space and time are all the result of a random spontaneous big bang accident. Personally, neither of these ideas have ever resonated with me, and both are relatively modern. If instead we consult the most ancient culture and the oldest texts in recorded history, the Indian Vedas, a very different story presents itself:
“Here's a parable, an analogy, which comes from India, from the Upanishads, and is thousands of years old. It presents a parabolic answer to the root question of all religion and philosophy (Who am I and what is this?), and does so in a way which everyone can relate to. In the beginning of the world (and though it probably had no ultimate ‘beginning’ as we think of them, you have to start somewhere), there was only Brahma. Being all there was, and therefore totally known to himself, Brahma soon realized that this totality of awareness would eventually become extremely boring . . . after all, when you know everything there is to know, then there's no surprise, nothing to keep you interested. It's like reading the same book for the seventy-eight millionth time. Anyway, since he was omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (all-everywhere), Brahma decided to create a diversion for himself, a way of introducing the elements of surprise, intrigue and drama into his experience. He thought, ‘What would it be like to forget who I really am?’ So, he invented the game of cosmic hide-and-seek. According to the rules of this game, Brahma would pretend to break pieces of himself off from the whole so that to all appearances they would seem separate. That's the ‘hide’ part. Then, as the apparently separate consciousness at the center of each of those apparently separate pieces, and through their apparently separate and unique perspectives, he would ‘seek’ to rediscover who he really was, which was, of course, everything. Imagine seeing yourself from an infinite number of different perspectives, each one initially ignorant of its relationship to all the rest. Imagine going to sleep and dreaming a different lifetime each night, each lasting for more or less years, each complete with the full range and variety of emotional life and death details. Imagine having the same dream but playing a different role in it each night, seeing it through different eyes each time. Well, guess who those apparently separate pieces are? Since there is only one I Am in the universe, one consciousness, it's all a game of hide-and-seek, and each one of us is in the same state: I'm IT AND You're IT!” -Roger Stephens, "A Dangerous Book" (22-23)
Brahma, God, Tao, Universal Mind, the One, the Void, the Field, Infinite Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, by definition is everything, exists everywhere, and is completely known to itself. Try to picture, if that was your reality, what would you do with your existence? What can you do with your existence as an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresence with nothing unknown or outside yourself? There really is only one possibility. You play make-believe. Hide and seek.
Since you are the One objective infinite consciousness, to hide from yourself you must first divide your sense of self into several subjective finite packets of consciousness. At and as the root of each of these subjective packets of consciousness will be the feeling of “I am” and “I am not” – the feeling of existing as an individual entity separated from the totality. With that, the hiding part is complete.
The next step is creating a sensory rich, holographic, and ultimately illusory material world and physical bodies where these subjective awarenesses can interact, play and experience. To best accommodate this, since God is a singularity, the material world must be a world of duality, a world of polar opposites, where each soul, each individuated facet of God may experience the heights, depths, and breadth of possibility, so there must exist both good and evil, male and female, positive and negative, pleasure and pain, birth and death, inhale and exhale, black and white, dark and light, day and night, sun and moon, yin and yang, intelligence and ignorance and so on and so forth.
The one golden rule and driving force of God’s universal hide and seek game is called karma, or cause and effect, what goes around comes around, do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, because fundamentally there is no “you” or “others,” there is only God, the one true Self. Your physical body, your name, your entire human identity and the feeling of being an individual entity separated from the totality is a secondary and ultimately illusory experience of the One true being. Your feeling of being Tom, Dick or Harry is a purposely induced state of amnesia so that the creator may experience His creation. Each subjective packet of consciousness, each soul, ultimately is and wishes to reunite with the One, Tao, God, Brahma. But life as Brahma, to be honest, gets boring and sometimes Brahma would rather play hide and seek. God wants to experience through you what it is like to be you, a fractal fragment of Himself. Thus begins lifetimes of cyclical hiding and seeking, karmic creation and destruction, moving away from and back towards God, your true Self.
“In the Eastern view, then, the division of nature into separate objects is not fundamental and any such objects have a fluid and ever-changing character. The Eastern world view is therefore intrinsically dynamic and contains time and change as essential features. The cosmos is seen as one inseparable reality - for ever in motion, alive, organic; spiritual and material at the same time. Since motion and change are essential properties of things, the forces causing the motion are not outside the objects, as in the classical Greek view, but are an intrinsic property of matter. Correspondingly, the Eastern image of the Divine is not that of a ruler who directs the world from above, but of a principle that controls everything from within: He who, dwelling in all things, Yet is other than all things, Whom all things do not know, Whose body all things are, Who controls all things from within - He is your Soul, the Inner Controller, The Immortal.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (24-5)
“Think of the difference between a droplet of water and the ocean; the droplet symbolizes the sense of division, of being an individual 'me', unconnected to anything else. This is like identifying with being 'Bill Bloggs' or 'Ethel Jones'. But, put that droplet back in the ocean, and where does the ocean end and the droplet begin? There is no beginning and no end, no Alpha and Omega, because all is One. At that level there is no 'we' - only an Infinite 'I'. Part of that ocean may be calm and peaceful and another may be angry and rough, but it is still the same ocean, the same Oneness. We are always the ocean, always Infinite Awareness, and we cannot literally become disconnected from that. However, when we forget who we are, we can be confused into a sense of division, of being the droplet, and we perceive reality through the tiny lens that this creates in our minds … We are the ocean, Infinite Awareness, but we believe we are just a little powerless, insignificant droplet. We identify with division and 'parts', not unity.” –David Icke, “The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy” (3)
Another way to understand this concept is through dreams. In dreams you create entire worlds, environments, situations, and even other people. You interact and converse, create conflict and resolutions, get emotional and involved, but suddenly when you wake up from the dream you realize that all those environments, situations, and other people were really all you! They only seemed like separate individuals because of the level of consciousness you were operating on at the time. It is the same in this world, where you think you are a separate person, but in fact when you die, a piece of God wakes up to realize He was only dreaming.
“To many, the statement ‘I am God’ rings of blasphemy. God, according to conventional religion, is the supreme deity, the almighty eternal omniscient creator. How can any lowly human being claim that he or she is God? Yet when mystics say ‘I am God,’ or words to that effect, they are not talking of an individual person. Their inner explorations have revealed the true nature of the self, and it is this that they identify with God. They are claiming that the essence of self, the sense of ‘I am’ without any personal attributes, is God. The contemporary scholar and mystic Thomas Merton put it very clearly: If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence and my own present reality, the indefinable am that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am which is the very Name of the Almighty. ‘I am’ is one of the Hebrew names of God, Yahweh. Derived from the Hebrew YHWH, the unspeakable name of God, it is often translated as ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ Similar claims appear in Eastern traditions. The great Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi said: ‘I am’ is the name of God… God is none other than the Self. In the twelfth century, Ibn-Al-Arabi, one of the most revered Sufi mystics, wrote: If thou knowest thine own self, thou knowest God. Shankara, the eighth-century Indian saint, whose insights revitalized Hindu teachings, said of his own enlightenment: I am Brahman… I dwell within all beings as the soul, the pure consciousness, the ground of all phenomena... In the days of my ignorance, I used to think of these as being separate from myself. Now I know that I am All.” -Peter Russell, “From Science to God”
Since people always misinterpret the phrase “I am God,” I prefer to explain it as “I am, is God.” The self-awareness and continuity of being expressed by the words “I am,” our inner witness and intuition, is our direct channel to God. It is undeniable that if God is omnipresent, then He must exist in you, He must be you, and everyone and everything else in existence as well. We are all playing an equal part as lost ripples in God’s infinite ocean of consciousness.
“There is a Hindu myth that human consciousness began as a ripple that decided to leave the ocean of ‘consciousness as such, timeless, spaceless, infinite and eternal.’ Awakening to itself, it forgot that it was a part of this infinite ocean, and felt isolated and separated. Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden may also be a version of this myth, an ancient memory of how human consciousness, somewhere in its unfathomable past, left its home in the implicate and forgot that it was a part of the cosmic wholeness of all things. In this view the earth is a kind of playground in which one is free to experience all the pleasures of the flesh provided one realizes that one is a holographic projection of a higher-order.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (300)
In the Judaic Kabbalistic belief this concept is present as the entirety of creation is seen as “an illusory projection of the transcendental aspects of God.” In Christianity it is said the Father and Son are one, thy Father art in heaven (the non-physical) but the Son lives in the flesh (the physical). The Father is Brahman, the ultimate objective implicate reality, and the Son is Atman, a fractal fragment of the One sent to experience and enjoy the Father’s creation. The Mother Mary is nature, or Mahamaya, the sustainer of the material world. She is the illusion maker, the agent of change, keeping all things from atoms to galaxies in constant motion and flux between polarities. It is her dynamic endless dance of forms which keeps us from realizing that there is ultimately no such thing as separateness. The Upanishads state that “one should know that nature is an illusion (maya), and that Brahman is the illusion maker. This whole world is pervaded with beings that are parts of him.”
“The basic recurring theme in Hindu mythology is the creation of the world by the self-sacrifice of God -‘sacrifice’ in the original sense of ‘making sacred’- whereby God becomes the world which, in the end, becomes again God. This creative activity of the Divine is called Ma, the play of God, and the world is seen as the stage of the divine play. As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya. Maya, therefore, does not mean that the world is an illusion, as is often wrongly stated. The illusion merely lies in our point of view, if we think that the shapes and structures, things and events, around us are realities of nature, instead of realizing that they are concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds. Maya is the illusion of taking these concepts for reality, of confusing the map with the territory. In the Hindu view of nature, then, all forms are relative, fluid and ever-changing maya, conjured up by the great magician of the divine play.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (87-
In the Vedanta our individual souls, our separate subjective packets of “I am” consciousness are called “atman” and the One unified objective infinite wellspring of consciousness from which everyone’s atman arises is “Brahman.” Atman is our divided, dualistic self and Brahman is our whole true Self, but fundamentally it is taught that Atman is Brahman and Brahman is Atman. Your true Self beyond this earthly identity is not divided and dualistic, your true Self is not separate and subjective, your true Self is not Jack, Jill, Joe, Jen, Jim, John, James or Jason, your true Self is the same as my true Self as everyone’s true Self is God.
“This ultimate reality is called ‘Brahman’ and is exactly the same as ‘The One’, ‘The All’, Spirit, ‘everything that is’, and in the West might be regarded as the true definition of ‘God’. Brahman, Universal Consciousness, considered to be the ultimate reality, is infinite, exists beyond the five physical senses and is incomprehensible. Most ancient wisdoms of the world teach that human beings are ‘God’ in the microcosm, immortal Spirits ‘made’ in the ‘true image of God’. Hinduism teaches the same principle in the form of ‘Atman’ which is equivalent to the human Soul. The Hindu culture teaches Atman and Brahman, the individual reality and the ultimate reality are one.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (26-7)
“The Hindus call the implicate level of reality Brahman. Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in visible reality, which appear out of it and then enfold back into it in endless flux. Like Bohm, who says that the implicate order can just as easily be called spirit, the Hindus sometimes personify this level of reality and say that it is composed of pure consciousness. Thus, consciousness is not only a subtler form of matter, but it is more fundamental than matter; and in the Hindu cosmogony it is matter that has emerged from consciousness, and not the other way around.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (288)
Finally, quantum physicists like David Bohm and consciousness researchers like Peter Russell have now proven what the world’s most ancient spiritual teachings have long espoused for thousands of years - the faculty of consciousness is primary to the creation of the material world. A conscious observer must first exist to collapse the wave function allowing particles to manifest into the explicate reality. This means that before the creation of the material world there must have existed a self-aware conscious observer (God) and every physical manifestation is actually the result of His conscious creation.
“The basic elements of the world view which has been developed in all these traditions are the same. These elements also seem to be the fundamental features of the world view emerging from modern physics. The most important characteristic of the Eastern world view - one could almost say the essence of it - is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. All things are seen as interdependent and inseparable parts of this cosmic whole; as different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. The Eastern traditions constantly refer to this ultimate, indivisible reality which manifests itself in all things, and of which all things are parts. It is called Brahman in Hinduism, Dharmakaya in Buddhism, Tao in Taoism. Because it transcends all concepts and categories, Buddhists also call it Tathata, or Suchness: What is meant by the soul as suchness, is the oneness of the totality of all things, the great all-including whole. In ordinary life, we are not aware of this unity of all things, but divide the world into separate objects and events. This division is, of course, useful and necessary to cope with our everyday environment, but it is not a fundamental feature of reality. It is an abstraction devised by our discriminating and categorizing intellect. To believe that our abstract concepts of separate ‘things’ and ‘events’ are realities of nature is an illusion. Hindus and Buddhists tell us that this illusion is based on avidya, or ignorance, produced by a mind under the spell of maya. The principal aim of the Eastern mystical traditions is therefore to readjust the mind by centering and quietening it through meditation. The Sanskrit term for meditation Samadhi - means literally ‘mental equilibrium’. It refers to the balanced and tranquil state of mind in which the basic unity of the universe is experienced: Entering into the samadhi of purity, one obtains all-penetrating insight that enables one to become conscious of the absolute oneness of the universe.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (130-1)
Last edited by Admin on Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:41 am; edited 2 times in total
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
The ramifications are awesome.
Anyone still stuck between God and the Devil is gonna demonize you as broadcasting the Luciferian Doctrine. The whole...I am God blasphemy.
Is it ungodly to be lucid? I wouldn't doubt the ruling "luciferians/Lucid ones" are very happy with us fearing the Devil.
But the Enlightened are not saying they are God; they are saying they are not who they were penciled in to be and thus identify with the almighty. God is you. There is only God; there is only the true self; like knowing you're dreaming and having fun being superman.
It's not about dementing nature and bending genders and misusing the tools of creation. It's about playing the game within lawful limits. Anyone sporting that has ever played with a cheater knows what I mean and has experienced the decadence and downfall of this comedy.
The Devil is being used as a boogieman to scare us away from the simple, lighthearted truth; it's an age-worn tactic.
Don't let the Devil chase you away.
Anyone still stuck between God and the Devil is gonna demonize you as broadcasting the Luciferian Doctrine. The whole...I am God blasphemy.
Is it ungodly to be lucid? I wouldn't doubt the ruling "luciferians/Lucid ones" are very happy with us fearing the Devil.
But the Enlightened are not saying they are God; they are saying they are not who they were penciled in to be and thus identify with the almighty. God is you. There is only God; there is only the true self; like knowing you're dreaming and having fun being superman.
It's not about dementing nature and bending genders and misusing the tools of creation. It's about playing the game within lawful limits. Anyone sporting that has ever played with a cheater knows what I mean and has experienced the decadence and downfall of this comedy.
The Devil is being used as a boogieman to scare us away from the simple, lighthearted truth; it's an age-worn tactic.
Don't let the Devil chase you away.
Guest- Guest
Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Excellent post Eric! it is exactly like in upanishads ''Brahma soon realized that this totality of awareness would eventually become extremely boring . . .''I would say more: in this timeless state of reality you realise extremely unbearable,heavy and unmovable loneliness that makes you want to be anybody! even insect life to you looks thousand times better than that.. . . From now on you don't need to quote others anymore, be yourself! you are that, David icke not going to make it more believable. I like when you talk from yourself with your own words. Long before him there are many nice quotes about drop and ocean: “ You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ― Jalaluddin Rumi "All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop." ―Kabir "Listen, O drop, give yourself up without regret,and in exchange gain the Ocean.Listen, O drop, bestow upon yourself this honor,and in the arms of the Sea be secure.Who indeed should be so fortunate?An Ocean wooing a drop! "I to the world am like a drop of waterThat in the ocean seeks another drop, Who, falling there to find his fellow forth, Unseen, inquisitive, confounds himself."
Author: William Shakespeare In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans. Kahlil Gibran
Author: William Shakespeare In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans. Kahlil Gibran
Kostas- Posts : 38
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Looks like someone disagrees:
Because Jesus' body isn't in his grave...
Because Jesus' body isn't in his grave...
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Haha, right? I commented: His grave is empty because he never existed. The other guys you mentioned bodies are still in their graves because they actually existed. You've been taught to believe in fake metaphorical miracle men instead of believing in yourself. And taught that doing so is somehow the greatest sin and blasphemy. Have fun with that. Peace
Psychotik likes this post
Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Admin wrote:Haha, right? I commented: His grave is empty because he never existed. The other guys you mentioned bodies are still in their graves because they actually existed. You've been taught to believe in fake metaphorical miracle men instead of believing in yourself. And taught that doing so is somehow the greatest sin and blasphemy. Have fun with that. Peace
Great response Eric
Beashambassador- Posts : 111
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
"the Truth is stranger than fiction" response to Eric's comment
Beashambassador commented:
"His grave is empty because he never existed. The other guys you mentioned bodies are still in their graves because they actually existed. You've been taught to believe in fake metaphorical miracle men instead of believing in yourself. And taught that doing so is somehow the greatest sin and blasphemy. Have fun with that. Peace"
One must admit, if you use common sense, Eric is right!
the Truth is stranger than fiction commented:
"Hardly... Common sense? Every line in that paragraph contains a fallacy."
Beashambassador commented:
"Respectfully to the contrary, Eric's statement is based on a very sound argument."
"the Truth is stranger than fiction" response to Eric's comment
Beashambassador commented:
"His grave is empty because he never existed. The other guys you mentioned bodies are still in their graves because they actually existed. You've been taught to believe in fake metaphorical miracle men instead of believing in yourself. And taught that doing so is somehow the greatest sin and blasphemy. Have fun with that. Peace"
One must admit, if you use common sense, Eric is right!
the Truth is stranger than fiction commented:
"Hardly... Common sense? Every line in that paragraph contains a fallacy."
Beashambassador commented:
"Respectfully to the contrary, Eric's statement is based on a very sound argument."
Beashambassador- Posts : 111
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Haha, I don't think he understands what a fallacy is.
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
The sad thing is they use US to escape karma and even the elite of the elite use secret society's to evade karma, it makes me wonder if justice will even be served for them.
They use 'us' to cut down forests, kill animals, spread hatred, etc.
They use 'us' to cut down forests, kill animals, spread hatred, etc.
Illuminati? You mean jewz- Posts : 13
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Fantastic job Eric
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Dear Eric,
I find this topic about the true nature of God to be most fascinating.
Clearly we are experiencing intelligent design, proven by the simple patterns of all things in existence and the consistent principles all things operate by.
In other words, there is predictability, or principle, or law, at the foundation of all things.
This also goes for the design of the human being, both physically, emotionally and mentally.
Regarding the dimension of the mind, we are naturally attracted to what we may call "reason" or "common sense", as we tend to compare, to judge, to conceptualize and to understand whatever we experience, either within or without - i.e. either internally manifested through thought, or externally stimulated through the senses.
So there is a system, and we are trying to get to the "bottom" of it, so to speak.
I beleive there are a ton of clues, all around, to guide us along the way.
I also believe there are even more ditches to fall in, amazingly enough, and that in itself is kind of interesting - why this difficult journey to find truth? Why is not truth presenting itself straight to our faces? Or maybe it is, but we cannot see it?
I believe the latter is true - that there is truth all around, but there is a problem with our vision, our mental vision, our interpretational capacity to put it that way.
There is no direct link between your mental interpretation of things, and the things themselves. Your thought is not equal to reality - if it was, then reality would not be a singularity, and we could not talk about "truth" as one entity that was not contradicting itself.
Some would maybe claim that truth could contradict itself, but then we are back to the point above: it is a fact that we search for "reason", that we are more attracted to the fact that 1+1=2 than the falsehood that 1+1+1=1, just to give a little hint.
Once we realize that there is no direct connection between subjective thought and the Truth, as truth exists whether we see it or not, and whether we think, breathe and live, or not - we should realize that it is our eyes - i.e. our capacity of understanding - that limits our perception.
If your eye is single, i.e. if we accept that Truth exists as an integrated reality, not at odds with itself and not contradicting itself, then we also realize that mankind is not as an entity fully immersed in this truth, seeing all the conflict and wars between men throughout history.
And we should also realize that as individuals we are not isolated from this development and all the aspects of its impact on human consciousness - i.e. we should realize that this conflict or confusion is not some phenomenon only happening externally, but to the contrary it starts in the mind of every single individual and impacts its life in as many different ways as there are human beings on the flat earth.
As mentioned, I love this topic about the nature of God and reality, and I probably should ask Eric to do a video on this with the two of us, as it is a vast topic with so many connections to other things that we both have studied. I was introduced to the Illuminati history when I was only 16, and at 21 my curiosity exploded and I ordered tons of conspiracy books from the US. This was close to 30 years ago, and there was no internet, but I got paper catalogs with books, and studied these things like 24/7. I have the Morals and Dogma by Pike, and quote it for those who want to hear, but they are few. I remember the straight-up Manly P. Hall quote about the "warrior of the craft" (freemasonry) having to "learn to master the seething energies of Lucifer" - was that on page 48 in his "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry"? I clearly saw the hands of the jews in so many things, the 6.000.000 propaganda from before 1900 - I have created my own software where I catalogue all their references, with screenshots from the old newspapers. I am a computer programmer, so why not? I've got 172 references so far.
My point is that there are some pieces of the puzzle that you cannot leave out, in your journey towards a greater and deeper and wider understanding of the truth. I have gone through 4 great and almost total paradigm shifts in my life, and I am proud of that - of having been wrong, but more of having had the guts to admit it to myself and take the next step.
At every frickin crossroads it was the same: you have to separate the baby from the water, and not toss it all out at once. Sure - for a while you have to drop it all and start with a clean slate, but then after that you have to separate the lies from the truth in your old understanding, and remake your conceptual system so it fits with the newfound principles. This process of integration is natural, as our consciousness apparently is drawn towards an integrated state.
I know, these are lots of words, and it may be hard to visualize or conceptualize the idea of consciousness. But that is a very important part of this quest for truth, in my opinion: to understand the principles and structure of consciousness. In doing that, I think we will get closer to an understanding of God, as God is apparently the source of consciousness, life and existence - in short, reality.
After having studied what I call the structure of reality - or consciousness - for 12 years, I am convinced that it is a critical piece of the puzzle. I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to express it, while learning more about it, through interaction with others and through the experience of life itself. But I cannot explain it - or my understanding of it - in a single sentence of let's say 20 words. Sure, you can say, "God is truth", or "God is consciousness", but that does not automatically create some deeper insight or wisdom in the reader. Sure, it may be the truth, or an aspect of it, but I think we all are searching for something more - some more flesh on those simple bones.
Yet the truth is immensely simple, as I see it now. In fact, the reason we do not see it, is because we expect something very complex, in my opinion. We are brought up that way through the educational system, which was pretty much introduced by the jews to maintain their closed culture, i.e. systematic brainwashing into organized religion.
Truth is exceptionally simple, yet we cannot see it, as we are always looking for something else, as our conceptual interpreter-mind is set on such a frequency, or pattern-recognitional level, that it escapes us. That is why meditation is revered as a tool to escape the ingrained automatic interpretational response to whatever our own thought process creates, and get to a state of mind with a greater degree of openness - i.e. escaping the conditioned prison of the mind. Nothing is easier than being conditioned, as the second you accept something for a fact, you have excluded a lot of other possible interpretations, thus gradually painting yourself into a smaller and smaller corner, being more and more set on defending that self-limiting process even though you probably sense that there is something wrong with it all as freedom is reduced.
As mentioned, I believe in law, or principle - and I also believe in freedom. But these are quite different, and may in some aspects be seen as opposites, at least as I see it and define it. Truth being integrated demands that these meet somewhere, and thus they limit each other to a certain extent, as there is always some speck of law in even the greatest experience of freedom, and some speck of freedom in even the deepest conclusion of law. The bird is free, but we know that it depends on the inertia of air. The fish is bound by the water, but may survive for a short while in the air. Freedom and law are two opposites that somehow are joined together, and this is a mystery and typically baffles the mind. Your mind is free, as the thought knows of no limits, and its dance in the mind is effortless like a butterfly hopping from one flower to the next. At the same time your feet are bound, often to the ground, and have to carry your weight even if it is hard, and often in fact go neglected, nearly always covered up and never getting as much attention as your head and face.
So freedom and law are in some aspects opposites, but I would not call them enemies, and the one is not the inversion of the other, like black and white. I am trying to say that they do not make up a strict dualism, at least as I understand it. A pure dualism, like good and evil, I do not regard as being integrational - i.e. they cannot be integrated, as they are too far apart, or by nature contradictory. But this is my understanding, and others way look at it differently.
Anyway, my point right here is that making a pure dualism the core of your reality, and to make it define your conceptual understanding of the world, will lead to internal division as you are then focusing on something that is not integrational by nature, and thus it will have a disintegrational effect on the mind. You can choose to think - or interpret - reality any way you like - that is your freedom. But the fact of law will always play into the mix, and if things do not make sense, like trying to say that 1 = 2, it must and will create internal and conscious division. The good thing about this is, that as time goes by false ideas will wear out their pundits as the force of life wanes by upholding silly and contradictory ideas. In a way we could maybe say that about the whole human race, as our typical lifespan in general may have been shortened - gradually - by the false and contradictory ideas embraced by our ancestors through various stages of our history.
Well, I think I should call it a night, did not mean to write so much. But I find this to be an interesting topic, and I am happy to have joined this forum of yours today, and I hope we can have a lot of discussion about these things in the future. As I see it, FE truth is just one step towards a greater understanding of reality, but quite an important one -yea, I would almost say a critical one! Thank you, Eric, for bringing this topic to the forefront, and I wish you the very best in your further quest for truth. You can know that I too have always been of such a mindset, and will continue to be so as long as I have the ability to think and enjoy the light of consciousness day by day.
I find this topic about the true nature of God to be most fascinating.
Clearly we are experiencing intelligent design, proven by the simple patterns of all things in existence and the consistent principles all things operate by.
In other words, there is predictability, or principle, or law, at the foundation of all things.
This also goes for the design of the human being, both physically, emotionally and mentally.
Regarding the dimension of the mind, we are naturally attracted to what we may call "reason" or "common sense", as we tend to compare, to judge, to conceptualize and to understand whatever we experience, either within or without - i.e. either internally manifested through thought, or externally stimulated through the senses.
So there is a system, and we are trying to get to the "bottom" of it, so to speak.
I beleive there are a ton of clues, all around, to guide us along the way.
I also believe there are even more ditches to fall in, amazingly enough, and that in itself is kind of interesting - why this difficult journey to find truth? Why is not truth presenting itself straight to our faces? Or maybe it is, but we cannot see it?
I believe the latter is true - that there is truth all around, but there is a problem with our vision, our mental vision, our interpretational capacity to put it that way.
There is no direct link between your mental interpretation of things, and the things themselves. Your thought is not equal to reality - if it was, then reality would not be a singularity, and we could not talk about "truth" as one entity that was not contradicting itself.
Some would maybe claim that truth could contradict itself, but then we are back to the point above: it is a fact that we search for "reason", that we are more attracted to the fact that 1+1=2 than the falsehood that 1+1+1=1, just to give a little hint.
Once we realize that there is no direct connection between subjective thought and the Truth, as truth exists whether we see it or not, and whether we think, breathe and live, or not - we should realize that it is our eyes - i.e. our capacity of understanding - that limits our perception.
If your eye is single, i.e. if we accept that Truth exists as an integrated reality, not at odds with itself and not contradicting itself, then we also realize that mankind is not as an entity fully immersed in this truth, seeing all the conflict and wars between men throughout history.
And we should also realize that as individuals we are not isolated from this development and all the aspects of its impact on human consciousness - i.e. we should realize that this conflict or confusion is not some phenomenon only happening externally, but to the contrary it starts in the mind of every single individual and impacts its life in as many different ways as there are human beings on the flat earth.
As mentioned, I love this topic about the nature of God and reality, and I probably should ask Eric to do a video on this with the two of us, as it is a vast topic with so many connections to other things that we both have studied. I was introduced to the Illuminati history when I was only 16, and at 21 my curiosity exploded and I ordered tons of conspiracy books from the US. This was close to 30 years ago, and there was no internet, but I got paper catalogs with books, and studied these things like 24/7. I have the Morals and Dogma by Pike, and quote it for those who want to hear, but they are few. I remember the straight-up Manly P. Hall quote about the "warrior of the craft" (freemasonry) having to "learn to master the seething energies of Lucifer" - was that on page 48 in his "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry"? I clearly saw the hands of the jews in so many things, the 6.000.000 propaganda from before 1900 - I have created my own software where I catalogue all their references, with screenshots from the old newspapers. I am a computer programmer, so why not? I've got 172 references so far.
My point is that there are some pieces of the puzzle that you cannot leave out, in your journey towards a greater and deeper and wider understanding of the truth. I have gone through 4 great and almost total paradigm shifts in my life, and I am proud of that - of having been wrong, but more of having had the guts to admit it to myself and take the next step.
At every frickin crossroads it was the same: you have to separate the baby from the water, and not toss it all out at once. Sure - for a while you have to drop it all and start with a clean slate, but then after that you have to separate the lies from the truth in your old understanding, and remake your conceptual system so it fits with the newfound principles. This process of integration is natural, as our consciousness apparently is drawn towards an integrated state.
I know, these are lots of words, and it may be hard to visualize or conceptualize the idea of consciousness. But that is a very important part of this quest for truth, in my opinion: to understand the principles and structure of consciousness. In doing that, I think we will get closer to an understanding of God, as God is apparently the source of consciousness, life and existence - in short, reality.
After having studied what I call the structure of reality - or consciousness - for 12 years, I am convinced that it is a critical piece of the puzzle. I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to express it, while learning more about it, through interaction with others and through the experience of life itself. But I cannot explain it - or my understanding of it - in a single sentence of let's say 20 words. Sure, you can say, "God is truth", or "God is consciousness", but that does not automatically create some deeper insight or wisdom in the reader. Sure, it may be the truth, or an aspect of it, but I think we all are searching for something more - some more flesh on those simple bones.
Yet the truth is immensely simple, as I see it now. In fact, the reason we do not see it, is because we expect something very complex, in my opinion. We are brought up that way through the educational system, which was pretty much introduced by the jews to maintain their closed culture, i.e. systematic brainwashing into organized religion.
Truth is exceptionally simple, yet we cannot see it, as we are always looking for something else, as our conceptual interpreter-mind is set on such a frequency, or pattern-recognitional level, that it escapes us. That is why meditation is revered as a tool to escape the ingrained automatic interpretational response to whatever our own thought process creates, and get to a state of mind with a greater degree of openness - i.e. escaping the conditioned prison of the mind. Nothing is easier than being conditioned, as the second you accept something for a fact, you have excluded a lot of other possible interpretations, thus gradually painting yourself into a smaller and smaller corner, being more and more set on defending that self-limiting process even though you probably sense that there is something wrong with it all as freedom is reduced.
As mentioned, I believe in law, or principle - and I also believe in freedom. But these are quite different, and may in some aspects be seen as opposites, at least as I see it and define it. Truth being integrated demands that these meet somewhere, and thus they limit each other to a certain extent, as there is always some speck of law in even the greatest experience of freedom, and some speck of freedom in even the deepest conclusion of law. The bird is free, but we know that it depends on the inertia of air. The fish is bound by the water, but may survive for a short while in the air. Freedom and law are two opposites that somehow are joined together, and this is a mystery and typically baffles the mind. Your mind is free, as the thought knows of no limits, and its dance in the mind is effortless like a butterfly hopping from one flower to the next. At the same time your feet are bound, often to the ground, and have to carry your weight even if it is hard, and often in fact go neglected, nearly always covered up and never getting as much attention as your head and face.
So freedom and law are in some aspects opposites, but I would not call them enemies, and the one is not the inversion of the other, like black and white. I am trying to say that they do not make up a strict dualism, at least as I understand it. A pure dualism, like good and evil, I do not regard as being integrational - i.e. they cannot be integrated, as they are too far apart, or by nature contradictory. But this is my understanding, and others way look at it differently.
Anyway, my point right here is that making a pure dualism the core of your reality, and to make it define your conceptual understanding of the world, will lead to internal division as you are then focusing on something that is not integrational by nature, and thus it will have a disintegrational effect on the mind. You can choose to think - or interpret - reality any way you like - that is your freedom. But the fact of law will always play into the mix, and if things do not make sense, like trying to say that 1 = 2, it must and will create internal and conscious division. The good thing about this is, that as time goes by false ideas will wear out their pundits as the force of life wanes by upholding silly and contradictory ideas. In a way we could maybe say that about the whole human race, as our typical lifespan in general may have been shortened - gradually - by the false and contradictory ideas embraced by our ancestors through various stages of our history.
Well, I think I should call it a night, did not mean to write so much. But I find this to be an interesting topic, and I am happy to have joined this forum of yours today, and I hope we can have a lot of discussion about these things in the future. As I see it, FE truth is just one step towards a greater understanding of reality, but quite an important one -yea, I would almost say a critical one! Thank you, Eric, for bringing this topic to the forefront, and I wish you the very best in your further quest for truth. You can know that I too have always been of such a mindset, and will continue to be so as long as I have the ability to think and enjoy the light of consciousness day by day.
Parallax- Posts : 4
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Join date : 2017-03-20
Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Hi again,
Well, it seems that I cannot put my head down to the pillow right now, as I find such interest and stimulation in reflecting about all these things mentioned in my previous post. Searching for truth is like a calling, and no stone should be left unturned. The longing of the mind and soul for deeper understanding is the most precious gift, and maybe the most undervalued too, in this day and age.
As we enter the flat earth truth, we are typically swept around to observe the various aspects of our experience with new eyes. Gradually our conditioning wanes off as we ourselves challenge it, and this is a fruitful and educational process - educational for the mind, and hopefully fruitful when it comes to our understanding and insight about things.
I believe in observing both the intelligent design of nature, as we see it all around including our own physical form, as well as observing our mind and how it works to produce the inner experience that we have.
This is the most fascinating - and at the same time challenging - process. It is fascinating because we may actually learn something, both about ourselves and about others, and it is challenging because we are often so wedded to our thinking patterns that changes may produce physical responses, like experienced when undergoing cognitive dissonance being faces with FE facts.
Our thoughts produce feelings, and thus feelings gets associated with thoughts. Rejecting a deeply ingrained idea then has a direct impact on our emotional state, and thus we better may understand why it is so hard for people to change their minds. It creates physical pain. But you can change your mind, and keep the change - and it is a great deal.
Modern psychology teaches us that feelings are primary, thus elevating the physical reality above the conceptual. I believe the opposite is true, as is often the case in this world of lies. Thought creates the emotional response: the very second thought is brought to the center of our mind's eye, we have like an internal multimedia show taking this thought and running with it, creating all kinds of internal experiences to make the thought seem amazingly real and true. Dreaming is a good example of that.
But thought is not reality, anymore than a dream is: it only seems like reality, and this is how things must be, as we are designed with the capacity to create this internal seemingly boundless experience of subjective reality. And subjective it must be, yet at the same time we should realize that subjectivity is not the end of it all, as the principle of integration - being one - is not only something that rules the mind and the operation of consciousness, but something that should - and does - impact the existence of all subjective phenomena as a whole, leading this mass of beings towards the Truth as one integrated reality where both freedom and law/justice may co-exist in a harmonious manner.
I believe the aspects of freedom and law are illustrated by the vertical axis in this world of intelligent design. Freedom is up, and law is down. You stand on your two feet, to give you the experience of balance, equality and justice in your own physical being. Mentally we know that the mind works by association - connecting things like we see physically in the synapse - and there again this pattern is laid down in our very physical makeup, defining one of our basic mental strategies. So when you walk, you naturally alternate between one foot and the other, and the concept of justice is enforced deeply into your being for every step you have taken since childhood. Only fools would walk on one leg for the first half of their life, saving the other for the rest until death.
But there is another axis that is just as important, and that is the relational, being horizontal. You were designed with arms that may be stretched out horizontally, and with these you may - and often do - express relational aspects, like hugging someone, or shaking hands. A
ll basic parts of relational rituals, at least the former one. Which society would survive where relations were shunned, and nobody dared to face another, but always ran as far away as possible at the sight of another human being? Only fools would give such a relational attitude the chance of surviving in the long term. Granted, we may seek solitude for a while, but no man ever came of himself, and no woman ever gave birth to someone all by herself. By design we are taught relational stuff, and it is for a reason. In this vertical axis, I think we may say that subjectivity is at the one side, and objectivity at the other, and experienced reality is somewhere in between.
Both these axes cross at the heart, in the human design. I find this to be quite interesting. There are much more that may be said about how intelligent design on different levels gives us clues to the basic principles of life. I will try to write more about that later, as time permits. Until then, I look forward to your thoughts on this matter, Eric, and wish you all the very best, and a good night's FE sleep!
Well, it seems that I cannot put my head down to the pillow right now, as I find such interest and stimulation in reflecting about all these things mentioned in my previous post. Searching for truth is like a calling, and no stone should be left unturned. The longing of the mind and soul for deeper understanding is the most precious gift, and maybe the most undervalued too, in this day and age.
As we enter the flat earth truth, we are typically swept around to observe the various aspects of our experience with new eyes. Gradually our conditioning wanes off as we ourselves challenge it, and this is a fruitful and educational process - educational for the mind, and hopefully fruitful when it comes to our understanding and insight about things.
I believe in observing both the intelligent design of nature, as we see it all around including our own physical form, as well as observing our mind and how it works to produce the inner experience that we have.
This is the most fascinating - and at the same time challenging - process. It is fascinating because we may actually learn something, both about ourselves and about others, and it is challenging because we are often so wedded to our thinking patterns that changes may produce physical responses, like experienced when undergoing cognitive dissonance being faces with FE facts.
Our thoughts produce feelings, and thus feelings gets associated with thoughts. Rejecting a deeply ingrained idea then has a direct impact on our emotional state, and thus we better may understand why it is so hard for people to change their minds. It creates physical pain. But you can change your mind, and keep the change - and it is a great deal.
Modern psychology teaches us that feelings are primary, thus elevating the physical reality above the conceptual. I believe the opposite is true, as is often the case in this world of lies. Thought creates the emotional response: the very second thought is brought to the center of our mind's eye, we have like an internal multimedia show taking this thought and running with it, creating all kinds of internal experiences to make the thought seem amazingly real and true. Dreaming is a good example of that.
But thought is not reality, anymore than a dream is: it only seems like reality, and this is how things must be, as we are designed with the capacity to create this internal seemingly boundless experience of subjective reality. And subjective it must be, yet at the same time we should realize that subjectivity is not the end of it all, as the principle of integration - being one - is not only something that rules the mind and the operation of consciousness, but something that should - and does - impact the existence of all subjective phenomena as a whole, leading this mass of beings towards the Truth as one integrated reality where both freedom and law/justice may co-exist in a harmonious manner.
I believe the aspects of freedom and law are illustrated by the vertical axis in this world of intelligent design. Freedom is up, and law is down. You stand on your two feet, to give you the experience of balance, equality and justice in your own physical being. Mentally we know that the mind works by association - connecting things like we see physically in the synapse - and there again this pattern is laid down in our very physical makeup, defining one of our basic mental strategies. So when you walk, you naturally alternate between one foot and the other, and the concept of justice is enforced deeply into your being for every step you have taken since childhood. Only fools would walk on one leg for the first half of their life, saving the other for the rest until death.
But there is another axis that is just as important, and that is the relational, being horizontal. You were designed with arms that may be stretched out horizontally, and with these you may - and often do - express relational aspects, like hugging someone, or shaking hands. A
ll basic parts of relational rituals, at least the former one. Which society would survive where relations were shunned, and nobody dared to face another, but always ran as far away as possible at the sight of another human being? Only fools would give such a relational attitude the chance of surviving in the long term. Granted, we may seek solitude for a while, but no man ever came of himself, and no woman ever gave birth to someone all by herself. By design we are taught relational stuff, and it is for a reason. In this vertical axis, I think we may say that subjectivity is at the one side, and objectivity at the other, and experienced reality is somewhere in between.
Both these axes cross at the heart, in the human design. I find this to be quite interesting. There are much more that may be said about how intelligent design on different levels gives us clues to the basic principles of life. I will try to write more about that later, as time permits. Until then, I look forward to your thoughts on this matter, Eric, and wish you all the very best, and a good night's FE sleep!
Last edited by Parallax on Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Parallax- Posts : 4
Points : 2767
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Join date : 2017-03-20
Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Well, it seems like I cannot escape writing up a third post, while I'm at it. And three is a good number, as "all good things are three", or so the saying goes.
To go right at it, to not take more of your time than necessary, I believe we are designed to experience two basic positions - or states of life - and those may be illustrated by the numbers 1 and 2. These may be seen in the two basic settings of being either alone or related to someone else, and now I talk about physical experience. Either you are alone, or not alone, and if you are not alone, you are with someone else. This is an inescapable and undeniable fact.
Now it may be said that we are never truly alone, and that depends on how you define relations, as relations operate on different levels. I talked about the physical state, but we may also say that if you have met someone, you have some kind of relation - at least in your own mind, and vice versa for the other party. But still I will claim that through these two very different states of personal experience, we are taught something very fundamental about the aspects of consciousness.
The mind seeks "reason", or a solution, and it does not thrive on contradiction, as mentioned above, and this gives us a clue to the first state of singularity, or one-ness, as we experience when being alone. This state is undervalued in our day and age, and thus often not appreciated or applied in a reasonable or fruitful way.
No man is an island, it is said, and naturally we seek the company of others for a host of reasons. But through this interaction on various levels, we are exposed to the dance of differences, as each of us brings our own subjective experience to the table, and this fact in itself makes the relation a possibility. No relation can exist between pure sameness, at least I have a hard time understanding that - it would be like 1 = 2.
Having these two pieces of the puzzle, we must admit that they are as far apart as could be, as there is only one winner of a race, or one leader in any functioning team, or only one head on a reasonable human being, with a mind controlling all the various parts of the body. How would it be if one foot suddenly decided to go west, and the other east? In the long run no human being would survive such an inclination, just as no human being has a clear vision while being cross-sighted.
This is again a mystery of life, how these seemingly incompatible aspects may unite and observe the principle of integration, and thus escape disintegration, division and chaos. So in practical life we often alternate between one and the other, like when walking: we stay part of the day alone, and part of the day with others. Granted, solitude may be great for a while, but not for all of life, just as being alone is a natural and necessary part of the daily routine for most - at least in your sleep. And by the same token, being awake with the potential of relation is alternated by sleep where we are deprived of that possibility. No man will survive being awake at all times, as nobody would survive sleeping all of life without artificial intervention.
Now the difficult part is to see the difference between the relational duality and the oppositional duality, as the former operates within certain limits thus observing the principle of integration, and the latter breaks those limits tending towards pure division and disintegration. I believe this is where many go wrong, either embracing or rejecting all kinds of dualistic concepts without analyzing their differences.
I believe in a harmonious operation between these aspects of 1 and 2, being expressed through a third dimension in 4 different ways, and here we get a clue to the basic structure of consciousness. These three aspects add up to the spiritually recognised number 7, as we have 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 notes in the musical scale and 7 days in the week. Within the number 7 I find a microcosm of truth as the basic principles of consciousness are thus expressed. I claim that we cannot ignore this part of the puzzle, understanding it or not. These princples are just too prominent to be ignored, as we can see them all around us in this world of intelligent design. If we believe there is design, principle and law - then what are these laws? What are these principles? Can anyone object to the conceptual ideas of 1 and 2? Is it too simple for our complex minds? Is it a coincidence that we are walking upright, with 1 head and 2 feet, having a vertical stature? Or that we have a total of 4 limbs, or that the flat earth has 4 cardinal points? I believe not. Life is trying to teach us something, and if we open our eyes, we should be able to see it.
Well, here ends my short reflection on truth, consciousness and our amazing experience of life. These things are not that easy to express, but I do my best. Clearly there is order in things, and clearly we are subject to intelligent design, given some measure of intelligence to understand it all. We are not meant to stay in the darkness of confusion, captivated by lies and (globe earth) deception, but we have a calling to cast off the false limitations and embrace the freedom and the understanding available by observing reality around us with an open mind. This I hope we all do, every single day, never giving up in our journey through this life.
To go right at it, to not take more of your time than necessary, I believe we are designed to experience two basic positions - or states of life - and those may be illustrated by the numbers 1 and 2. These may be seen in the two basic settings of being either alone or related to someone else, and now I talk about physical experience. Either you are alone, or not alone, and if you are not alone, you are with someone else. This is an inescapable and undeniable fact.
Now it may be said that we are never truly alone, and that depends on how you define relations, as relations operate on different levels. I talked about the physical state, but we may also say that if you have met someone, you have some kind of relation - at least in your own mind, and vice versa for the other party. But still I will claim that through these two very different states of personal experience, we are taught something very fundamental about the aspects of consciousness.
The mind seeks "reason", or a solution, and it does not thrive on contradiction, as mentioned above, and this gives us a clue to the first state of singularity, or one-ness, as we experience when being alone. This state is undervalued in our day and age, and thus often not appreciated or applied in a reasonable or fruitful way.
No man is an island, it is said, and naturally we seek the company of others for a host of reasons. But through this interaction on various levels, we are exposed to the dance of differences, as each of us brings our own subjective experience to the table, and this fact in itself makes the relation a possibility. No relation can exist between pure sameness, at least I have a hard time understanding that - it would be like 1 = 2.
Having these two pieces of the puzzle, we must admit that they are as far apart as could be, as there is only one winner of a race, or one leader in any functioning team, or only one head on a reasonable human being, with a mind controlling all the various parts of the body. How would it be if one foot suddenly decided to go west, and the other east? In the long run no human being would survive such an inclination, just as no human being has a clear vision while being cross-sighted.
This is again a mystery of life, how these seemingly incompatible aspects may unite and observe the principle of integration, and thus escape disintegration, division and chaos. So in practical life we often alternate between one and the other, like when walking: we stay part of the day alone, and part of the day with others. Granted, solitude may be great for a while, but not for all of life, just as being alone is a natural and necessary part of the daily routine for most - at least in your sleep. And by the same token, being awake with the potential of relation is alternated by sleep where we are deprived of that possibility. No man will survive being awake at all times, as nobody would survive sleeping all of life without artificial intervention.
Now the difficult part is to see the difference between the relational duality and the oppositional duality, as the former operates within certain limits thus observing the principle of integration, and the latter breaks those limits tending towards pure division and disintegration. I believe this is where many go wrong, either embracing or rejecting all kinds of dualistic concepts without analyzing their differences.
I believe in a harmonious operation between these aspects of 1 and 2, being expressed through a third dimension in 4 different ways, and here we get a clue to the basic structure of consciousness. These three aspects add up to the spiritually recognised number 7, as we have 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 notes in the musical scale and 7 days in the week. Within the number 7 I find a microcosm of truth as the basic principles of consciousness are thus expressed. I claim that we cannot ignore this part of the puzzle, understanding it or not. These princples are just too prominent to be ignored, as we can see them all around us in this world of intelligent design. If we believe there is design, principle and law - then what are these laws? What are these principles? Can anyone object to the conceptual ideas of 1 and 2? Is it too simple for our complex minds? Is it a coincidence that we are walking upright, with 1 head and 2 feet, having a vertical stature? Or that we have a total of 4 limbs, or that the flat earth has 4 cardinal points? I believe not. Life is trying to teach us something, and if we open our eyes, we should be able to see it.
Well, here ends my short reflection on truth, consciousness and our amazing experience of life. These things are not that easy to express, but I do my best. Clearly there is order in things, and clearly we are subject to intelligent design, given some measure of intelligence to understand it all. We are not meant to stay in the darkness of confusion, captivated by lies and (globe earth) deception, but we have a calling to cast off the false limitations and embrace the freedom and the understanding available by observing reality around us with an open mind. This I hope we all do, every single day, never giving up in our journey through this life.
Parallax- Posts : 4
Points : 2767
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2017-03-20
Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
I hardly can believe it, but I feel compelled to write one more installment, the fourth - and certainly it will be the last. But I will give you the key - or what I consider a very important key - to differentiate between the truth and the lie, and it has to do with seeing the difference between a true and a false duality.
It is not hard at all, once you know where to look. I call it the "asymmetricality of life", as any true duality has an asymmetrical character. Take the horizontal axis of relation, for instance, which stretches from subjectivity to objectivity. I wrote that these meet in the middle, but that is only an approximation: the center of the human body - the heart - is located a little towards one side. Likewise, we tend more towards subjectivity than objectivity - and I believe this is a fact that we all know too well. The naturally asymmetricality of life, or of consciousness, is not operating as it should in the human race at present. We tend to get lost in one direction or the other, often going from one ditch to the other. In our search for the functioning center point, we may try to force the perfect middle, and then again we are doomed to start oscillating around that imaginary point of our beliefs, often leading to some sort of exhaustion.
Likewise, there is some kind of asymmetricality in the vertical axis, as we naturally tend towards the upper end of freedom, slowly drifting away form or even outright rejecting the basics of law and justice, and again I assume we all see this too much in our society - the escessive focus on liberalism overtaking and undermining what may be seen as natural law and common sense. Here again we are often fooled into diving down into legalism, forcing cold and hard justice on those aspects of ourselves that we are not happy with. Vertical oscillation may begin, and an energetic disintegration will then always be the unfortunate result. As known in asian theology, there are 7 chakras - or energy centers - and within these we find three brains: one at the top, one at the bottom in the gut, and one in the middle - in our heart. Again this amazingly beautiful intelligent design, and we can see it all every time we look in the mirror. The truth is not only right before our noses, it is written in our face and in our physical figure. As our eyes get opened, we cannot escape truth unless we reject reason and common sense, and then end of that will never be something anyone would seek.
Again, we see this in the man-woman complementary combination, as one is a little higher than the other, and the other often a little wider than the first. The first is more consistent regarding the horizontal frame, whereas the width of the latter is more varied, in a certain pattern. All these things we know and observe all day, yet it is often too simple for our complex minds, and we see no truth in it. Yet it is there.
I believe that we can find the principles of truth in every single thing that exists, in some way, as all things seem to be variations of these fundamental aspects of life. There is one source, there is one intelligent designer, there is and will be a unified future with harmony and peace. The strict and contradictory reality we now experience, in this life, with strong convulsions of division, war and death, is not the deepest truth of life. This duality of black and white with mutually exclusive options, is not the ultimate reality. How do I know? By its impact on the mind, as it is evident that the perception of complete division must create energetical and physical division and ultimately disintegration of any human being. True reality does not reject the basic principles of life. Or in other words: death is not the ultimate reality, life is. Or to put it yet another way: there will be a time when death does not exist. Not anymore.
This is what life has taught me, and I know it to be true. I am willing to debate it with anyone who cares. Life is not too simple, like only 1, or only 2. And it is not so complex as 100, or 10 even. Three is a good starting point, and 7 is the perfect number. Cracking this we find the most beautiful and simple description of life and the structure of consciousness, as I see it.
If someone can just prove me wrong, I would love that. What amazing truth would I then discover? Only time will tell...
It is not hard at all, once you know where to look. I call it the "asymmetricality of life", as any true duality has an asymmetrical character. Take the horizontal axis of relation, for instance, which stretches from subjectivity to objectivity. I wrote that these meet in the middle, but that is only an approximation: the center of the human body - the heart - is located a little towards one side. Likewise, we tend more towards subjectivity than objectivity - and I believe this is a fact that we all know too well. The naturally asymmetricality of life, or of consciousness, is not operating as it should in the human race at present. We tend to get lost in one direction or the other, often going from one ditch to the other. In our search for the functioning center point, we may try to force the perfect middle, and then again we are doomed to start oscillating around that imaginary point of our beliefs, often leading to some sort of exhaustion.
Likewise, there is some kind of asymmetricality in the vertical axis, as we naturally tend towards the upper end of freedom, slowly drifting away form or even outright rejecting the basics of law and justice, and again I assume we all see this too much in our society - the escessive focus on liberalism overtaking and undermining what may be seen as natural law and common sense. Here again we are often fooled into diving down into legalism, forcing cold and hard justice on those aspects of ourselves that we are not happy with. Vertical oscillation may begin, and an energetic disintegration will then always be the unfortunate result. As known in asian theology, there are 7 chakras - or energy centers - and within these we find three brains: one at the top, one at the bottom in the gut, and one in the middle - in our heart. Again this amazingly beautiful intelligent design, and we can see it all every time we look in the mirror. The truth is not only right before our noses, it is written in our face and in our physical figure. As our eyes get opened, we cannot escape truth unless we reject reason and common sense, and then end of that will never be something anyone would seek.
Again, we see this in the man-woman complementary combination, as one is a little higher than the other, and the other often a little wider than the first. The first is more consistent regarding the horizontal frame, whereas the width of the latter is more varied, in a certain pattern. All these things we know and observe all day, yet it is often too simple for our complex minds, and we see no truth in it. Yet it is there.
I believe that we can find the principles of truth in every single thing that exists, in some way, as all things seem to be variations of these fundamental aspects of life. There is one source, there is one intelligent designer, there is and will be a unified future with harmony and peace. The strict and contradictory reality we now experience, in this life, with strong convulsions of division, war and death, is not the deepest truth of life. This duality of black and white with mutually exclusive options, is not the ultimate reality. How do I know? By its impact on the mind, as it is evident that the perception of complete division must create energetical and physical division and ultimately disintegration of any human being. True reality does not reject the basic principles of life. Or in other words: death is not the ultimate reality, life is. Or to put it yet another way: there will be a time when death does not exist. Not anymore.
This is what life has taught me, and I know it to be true. I am willing to debate it with anyone who cares. Life is not too simple, like only 1, or only 2. And it is not so complex as 100, or 10 even. Three is a good starting point, and 7 is the perfect number. Cracking this we find the most beautiful and simple description of life and the structure of consciousness, as I see it.
If someone can just prove me wrong, I would love that. What amazing truth would I then discover? Only time will tell...
Parallax- Posts : 4
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Parallax wrote:
all things
one source
one intelligent designer
This duality of black and white is not the ultimate reality
there will be a time when death does not exist
Are you Vegan?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Last edited by Admin on Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Thanks for your posts Eric and others, I'm trying to read as much as I can on this forum and learn as much as I can. It took me a while to get my head around the flat earth theory (truth), but there was one thing that kept me coming back here, the fact that you're vegan. I don't know why, but everything seems to tie into that - religion, etc. And I just know in my heart that veganism is the 'right thing'.
If its true that we're all just god or Brahma or whoever experiencing himself then I'm a bit pissed off with him, to be honest. I mean what is he, a fucking sadist? Billions of animals and people are suffering in agony. Time to end this shitshow and just be bored in heaven by yourself, if this is the alternative..
Thanks for your posts Eric and others, I'm trying to read as much as I can on this forum and learn as much as I can. It took me a while to get my head around the flat earth theory (truth), but there was one thing that kept me coming back here, the fact that you're vegan. I don't know why, but everything seems to tie into that - religion, etc. And I just know in my heart that veganism is the 'right thing'.
If its true that we're all just god or Brahma or whoever experiencing himself then I'm a bit pissed off with him, to be honest. I mean what is he, a fucking sadist? Billions of animals and people are suffering in agony. Time to end this shitshow and just be bored in heaven by yourself, if this is the alternative..
tylerdurden841- Posts : 1
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I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Amazing job Eric!! We truly are one - holographic "pieces" of the Ineffable One, manifested in a co-creation process, to experience and learn that which we cannot when in our original state of perfection. The Creator creates not out of boredom, but out of love; the Divine Love (the highest frequency) which It has for ALL of Its creations. Because It is The Singularity, It can only express and experience Itself through Its creations. The Creator is Creation Itself. It only creates. So-called destruction is an illusion of the material world and duality. "Destruction" is (re)creation at a lower frequency and because the One encompasses all frequencies, It is experiencing Itself as Creation at all times on all frequencies ad Infinitum.
I know this to be true, on a gnostic level, from my long-term sacred use of entheogens. We can all acquire this direct experience, as it is our birthright. This requires us to use entheogens sacredly, to face our fears fully during the shadow work and apply the insights gifted to us during our journeys to our lives in the 3D world. In other words, we have to consistently take action on the information we receive in order to trigger the necessary situations and synchronicities required to raise our frequency so that this connection can be made.
That's my 2 cents. Thanks again Eric for another powerful piece!
I know this to be true, on a gnostic level, from my long-term sacred use of entheogens. We can all acquire this direct experience, as it is our birthright. This requires us to use entheogens sacredly, to face our fears fully during the shadow work and apply the insights gifted to us during our journeys to our lives in the 3D world. In other words, we have to consistently take action on the information we receive in order to trigger the necessary situations and synchronicities required to raise our frequency so that this connection can be made.
That's my 2 cents. Thanks again Eric for another powerful piece!
mondzdolo- Posts : 8
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Nature of consciousness vs Antarctic exploration
I'm not sure where my post should go, apologies if this is the wrong place. I have a perspective on Antarctic exploration which doesn't seem to fit in that topic.
From a materialistic perspective, if we have been prohibited from travelling to Antarctica by people who know that the earth is flat and don’t want us to find out (by flying over it, circumnavigating the globe north to south), then I think it’s safe to assume those who control that area have already travelled way beyond what they have disclosed on the globe earth model.
I like the depiction in the old Buddhist map which shows many lands and seas beyond ours. It makes sense both on a material and esoteric level.
From an esoteric perspective (not attached to any faith), it can be said that there are infinite worlds that are made material by our consciousness. It follows that we manifest material worlds according to the state of our (collective) consciousness. If we are locked into a dualistic framework as we have been for millennia, and we experience/express our earth as a place where we are being held captive by evil elites, then we will manifest a world beyond Antarctica where these elites have already colonised the neighbouring lands and seas.
I’ve noticed that most people discussing a voyage to Antarctica seem to be tentatively poking at the bars of the cage, wanting to test the limits of the prison, to reinforce the idea of being subjugated by an incredibly powerful “enemy”. Perhaps we don’t want to expose that truth? How devastating would it be to discover that earth is just one of many, potentially infinite, prisons?
Let's just keep sailing along the edge of the ice wall in our safe, familiar prison.
From a materialistic perspective, if we have been prohibited from travelling to Antarctica by people who know that the earth is flat and don’t want us to find out (by flying over it, circumnavigating the globe north to south), then I think it’s safe to assume those who control that area have already travelled way beyond what they have disclosed on the globe earth model.
I like the depiction in the old Buddhist map which shows many lands and seas beyond ours. It makes sense both on a material and esoteric level.
From an esoteric perspective (not attached to any faith), it can be said that there are infinite worlds that are made material by our consciousness. It follows that we manifest material worlds according to the state of our (collective) consciousness. If we are locked into a dualistic framework as we have been for millennia, and we experience/express our earth as a place where we are being held captive by evil elites, then we will manifest a world beyond Antarctica where these elites have already colonised the neighbouring lands and seas.
I’ve noticed that most people discussing a voyage to Antarctica seem to be tentatively poking at the bars of the cage, wanting to test the limits of the prison, to reinforce the idea of being subjugated by an incredibly powerful “enemy”. Perhaps we don’t want to expose that truth? How devastating would it be to discover that earth is just one of many, potentially infinite, prisons?
Let's just keep sailing along the edge of the ice wall in our safe, familiar prison.
SouloftheWhiteAunt- Posts : 5
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
SouloftheWhiteAunt wrote:
I’ve noticed that most people discussing a voyage to Antarctica seem to be tentatively poking at the bars of the cage, wanting to test the limits of the prison, to reinforce the idea of being subjugated by an incredibly powerful “enemy”. Perhaps we don’t want to expose that truth? How devastating would it be to discover that earth is just one of many, potentially infinite, prisons?
Let's just keep sailing along the edge of the ice wall in our safe, familiar prison.
This sounds very silly and or possibly shilly to me...
Shmack_1- Posts : 92
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
Shmack_1 wrote:
This sounds very silly and or possibly shilly to me...
Hmm, I'd love a second opinion. I don't mind being called silly if there's really no merit in what I shared, but I take offense at being called a possible shill.
I have deep respect for Eric's work and have learned an immense amount from his eye-opening videos and posts.
SouloftheWhiteAunt- Posts : 5
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Re: I Am That I Am - The True Nature of God and Self
If your not you have nothing to worry about! Trying to influence people to not explore past the "farm fence" through fear is very much on the nose for me, but hey everyone is free to think and feel what they want!
Shmack_1- Posts : 92
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