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Antarctic Cup Race

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by markwilson Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:28 pm

ANTARCTIC CUP RACE: I thought I would post this here because frankly, I didn't find a more appropriate thread for it. A gentleman made the argument under a youtube video that:

"+Mark Wilson you seem to be the only one trolling! Each year the Antarctic Ocean Cup sail clockwise around Antarctica, with the "ice wall" on their right. If you sail clockwise around your alleged flat Earth, the "ice wall" would be on your left! Just more evidence which debunks the AE being a flat Earth representation."

In essence he thinks the so-called Antarctic Cup ocean "race" is his trump card disproving flat earth, and that it matters if it is sailed E/W vs. W/E.

I leave the below responses because of the useful links regarding the fallacy of believing any such "race" actually occurring-- at a reported distance of either 14,000 or 16,400 miles, depending on which one you believe-- and the math showing a rough distance that corroborates the mileage reported by explorers of years gone by who circumnavigated around the land masses of Earth following more or less along the ice rim.


Antarctic Cup.

1) Lisa Blair sailed 14,000 miles. "The Antarctica Cup Ocean Race is a non-stop race of around 14,000 nautical miles. Circumnavigating Antarctica by passing the three most notorious capes on the planet. Cape Leeuwin, Cape Horn and Cape Agulhuss. https://lisablairsailstheworld.com/antarctica-cup/

2) This fellow went a whopping 2,400 miles further in the same race. "Konyukhov came through it all unscathed, returning to King George Sound at 02: 56:50 UTC (10:56:50 WST) to record a time of 102 days 00 hours 56 minutes 50secs for this 16,400 mile circuit of Antarctica." http://www.acronautic.com/antartica-cup-ocean-race/

3) It's not really a "race" at all. A few individuals have professed to sailed that far. How much do you reckon that costs in total to do such a "race."

4) See "Flat earth The Antarctica Cup (supported by Freemasons)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_tDPhbqnbc

5) The same Freemasons that have you believing in the silly spinning ball; Pythagoras, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton and Einstein, for example.


We know the claimed "race" is circumferential and varies between 45 and 60 degrees south latitude. That's 1,035 miles north/south variance between 45 and 60 degrees (15 latitude lines times 69 miles per line).

The given size of the ball you believe on is 24,901 miles circumference. 24,901 divided by 360 degrees equals 69 miles per latitude line.

At 60 degrees south, that's at total of 150 latitude lines from the center (North Pole). Ninety from Pole to Equator, sixty from Equator to the latitude of the race.

Using a radius of 150 lines times 69 miles per line, equals 10,350 mile radius. Now times 2 for the diameter, equals 20,700 miles diameter at 60 degrees south latitude.

Now we have diameter size of the 60 degree south latitude line. Use the below calculator to convert the 20,700 mile diameter to the circumference length in miles.


65,031 miles circumference.

On the flat earth the actual rough distance a boat would travel if following 60 degrees south latitude would be 65,031 miles. And you believe what you hear about an alleged Antarctic Cup Race of between 14,000 and 16,400 miles.

What's interesting to note is that Cook and Ross, "in attempting Antarctic circumnavigation took 3 to 4 years and clocked 50-60,000 miles around. The British ship Challenger also made an indirect but complete circumnavigation of Antarctica traversing 69,000 miles." ---200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (Eric Dubay, Proof #42)

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Antarctic Cup Race

Post by markwilson Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:27 am

A couple more points, since my above post dealt with Antarctic Cup race (and I don't see a better place to post this).

1) Rowbotham wrote, "That the surface of water is horizontal is a matter of absolute truth, and as the earth is founded upon the seas, and stretched out above the waters, it is of necessity a plane; and being a concrete mass of variable elements and compounds, with different specific gravities, it must be a floating structure, standing in and out of the waters, just as we see a ship or an iceberg." (emphasis mine)

And as we know, he liberally uses "Scripture" to support his contention that Earth "must be a floating structure...."

I believe a demonstrable fact in nature lending support to such an idea (and completely disregarding as in any way reliable, anything from the Book of Jewish Tall Tales), are the denser waters found under the ocean:

The obvious question becomes, how extensive are those denser waters the gentleman's submarine couldn't submerge into, and what lies underneath, whatever the depth of those waters?! It's a question I'm sure won't be answered to my satisfaction in my lifetime, and it is illogical to pretend to use the Bible as any kind of answer to that question, imo. After all, the Bible was written by superstitious sun-worshipers ("Sun of righteousness"), and translated under the influence of the Masonic king who commissioned it (that's why the book of Jacob (Yaakov) becomes "James" in an obsequious gesture by the translators to his vain royal highness.

"King James became a Freemason in 1601 in Scotland"

2) In the post above I rounded to 69 miles distance between latitude lines to determine the diameter, and by extension, the circumference length of the 60 degree south latitude line. Taking the given 24,901 mile circumference for the Masonic "globe," and dividing by 360, equals 69.16.

Using that figure also supports a rough estimate of the sun's height at 3,105 miles, as determined using the isosceles right triangle on Equinox from the 45 degree n/s latitude lines, and confirmed by way of solar panel calculators proving an angle of 45 degrees on Equinox is the direction to point the solar panel at midday to have it directly face the sun. http://susdesign.com/sunangle/

”All are agreed that when we have equal day and equal night twice a year over the earth, the sun is vertical to the earth at the Equator, but it is not generally known that when the sun is in this position— called its equinox— observers at 45 degrees north latitude and 45 degrees south latitude must record 45 degrees as the angle of elevation from the horizon to the sun’s centre at noon, and that the spot north or south of the Equator from where the sun is observed at this angle at noon is the spot that marks the EXACT DISTANCE TO THE EQUATOR AS THE SUN IS ABOVE THE EQUATOR.” (emphasis mine) —John Edward Quinlan, The Earth a Plane

Google Earth (and the GPS in my truck) confirms 1 degree of latitude is roughly 69 miles, which supports the affirmation that the Antarctic Cup race of some pretended 14,000 or 16,400 miles duration, depending on who you believe, is just another Masonic hoax played out on the world stage, and that the 65,000 to 69,000 miles figure is the reality of the thing when circumnavigating the land masses at 60 degrees south latitude.

Google Earth measurement tool showing roughly 69.18 miles between the 38 and 37 degree latitude lines:

Antarctic Cup Race 4Oa71b5

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by Flatearthman Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:40 pm

Interesting post Mark. I'm looking myself into this subject, this race "around the world and Antartic". According to ball earth-ers captain Cook, Ross, George Nares from Challenger, who after thousands of miles and years of sailing couldn't breach the ice barrier, are such a lousy seamen and navigators. They obviously didn't posses skills and knowledge of this modern days sailors with their mini yachts, who circumnavigated Antartic so easily, in just a few months. Well, someone is obviously crazy here. I have some ideas where they actually sailing. And I would like to hear also your opinion. Can you tell me, show me exactly on the map their route? Also, if you haven't checked this already, look at Google Earth map of Antarctic. It's totally empty, no mountains, hills, no any surface texture. It's obviously just edited and 100% fake. No gps satellites to give us detailed map, of course...

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by markwilson Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:22 pm

Flatearthman wrote:Interesting post Mark. I'm looking myself into this subject, this race "around the world and Antartic". According to ball earth-ers captain Cook, Ross, George Nares from Challenger, who after thousands of miles and years of sailing couldn't breach the ice barrier, are such a lousy seamen and navigators. They obviously didn't posses skills and knowledge of this modern days sailors with their mini yachts, who circumnavigated Antartic  so easily, in just a few months. Well, someone is obviously crazy here. I have some ideas where they actually sailing. And I would like to hear also your opinion. Can you tell me, show me exactly on the map their route? Also, if you haven't checked this already, look at Google Earth map of Antarctic. It's totally empty, no mountains, hills, no  any surface texture. It's obviously just edited and 100% fake. No gps satellites to give us detailed map, of course...

I'm not sure I understand the overall point of your post. For one thing, you didn't complete your thought when writing, "According to...[the named seamen]...." According to the seamen Cook, Ross, and Nares-- what?

And I have no reason to doubt that those men, who made a profession of sailing, were not proficient in their trade. So why would you claim them "lousy seamen and navigators"? Why do you claim them without possession of "skills and knowledge of this modern days sailors...."?

How could any of them "breach" an unbreachable ice barrier forming the outer basin walls containing all of the Earth's ocean waters?

Modern day sailors have not "circumnavigated Antarctic." At least we know that the few who have claimed to have circumnavigated a pretended mass of land on the bottom of a ball, in an alleged "race," have only done so in the imaginations of the men and women who have been duped into believing they have.

And how can I show anybody a pretended route taken be those who most certainly have NOT circumnavigated the horizontal plane Earth by sailing the many thousands of miles at such a large circumpolar circumference, going around all Earth land masses, while keeping the ice rim encircling that land in sight during the whole trip?

And I totally agree with you regarding the cartoonish Google Earth replication of "Antarctica" on the bottom of the imaginary spinning ball, but you also go on to claim "no gps satellites to give us detailed map, of course." There are no gps satellites, period, (unless we call Google Loon type hardware hanging underneath balloons, "satellites"). When zoomed in to my house, or anybody else's house on the plane, Google Maps/Earth is showing aerial photographs (stitched together), and taken by airplanes flying overhead.

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by Flatearthman Sun Dec 24, 2017 4:02 pm

Mark, you didn't understand me, it was sarcasm. I was thinking of these ball earthers who claim that those tiny yachts really circumnavigated Antarctica. Of course that captain Cook, Ross and George Nares were real professionals and knew their trade. So this race is obviously a hoax. I just stumbled upon this blog: rickpotvinflatearth.blogspot.rs/2015/05/ridiculous-yaght-race-around-antarctica (I'm new to this forum so I'm still not allowed to submit full links). It's interesting to look at, and it give some clues where this yacht racers really going. Maybe you already look at it, but if you didn't check it out. I quote here one of Rick's comment:"Where are the airliners or jet planes claiming to have circled Antarctica? Which country of the Antarctic Treaty will be first to make arrangements to land at every perimeter / coastal base with an ice runway--- simply to do it because it can be done?" That's a good question. If Antarctica is such a small continent that should have been done so far. But it didn't. And we know very well why. As for gps and Google Earth you are absolutely right. There are no satellites.

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by markwilson Sun Dec 24, 2017 4:18 pm

Flatearthman wrote:Mark, you didn't understand me, it was sarcasm.
Ah! Okay, it's hard to see sarcasm sometimes in the written word. Thanks for the reply. I'll check out that blog; looks like many interesting links. Cheers!

Edit: Here's the home page to the blog link Flatearthman provided above (Rick Potvin's Virtual Circumnavigation of Antarctica to Decide if Earth is Global or Flat); http://rickpotvinflatearth.blogspot.rs/

And the exact link he provided above but can't paste in just yet: http://rickpotvinflatearth.blogspot.rs/2015/05/ridiculous-yaght-race-around-antarctica.html

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by Flatearthman Sun Dec 24, 2017 4:40 pm

Nevertheless, the funniest thing is that with the cruise ship "around Antarctica". For just 35000 bucks you can travel all the way around imaginary continent. No ice barrier, no hardships, no need to travel more than 60000 miles. You just sit down and relax, enjoy with your sweetheart, and within month or two you circumnavigate whole Antarctica. It's hilarious, ha?

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by Flatearthman Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:33 am

And regarding this cruise ship that allegedly "circumnavigate Antarctica" I found this site: https://www.quarkexpeditions.com/en/antarctic. And if you click further on any of their Antarctic voyages, for example: "Crossing the Circle: Southern Expedition", you can clearly see where they exactly going (here is the link: https://www.quarkexpeditions.com/en/antarctic/expeditions/crossing-the-circle-southern-expedition). It shows you exactly on the map their route, they just travel around small circle between southern tip of South America, South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula. They don't circumnavigate anything. It's ridiculous. I heard of this nonsense from ball Earth proponents on several places, so anyone should be aware of their lies and disinformation. They say that Antarctica is open for everyone to travel there and explore it, without any restrictions. But that is just another lie and nonsense. If that's the case and if I, for example, poses my own airplane or helicopter, why I can't use it there? You can't even go there with your own boat. Why is that forbidden? I can fly across any country and continent in the world but not over Antarctica. If there is no cover up, nothing to hide, why is that not allowed? And what's about that Antarctic treaty, reason why you always need special approval to go there? Is it all, like they say, for the sake of "scientific research" and "protection of the environment"? You must be complete brainwashed idiot to believe such things.

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by Flatearthman Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:38 pm

I found one more very interesting site: https://thenarrowgateweb.com/2016/09/20/22-another-brick-in-the-wall-part-22/ It's not about this Antarctic race but it is about Antarctica. I think it's very interesting, definitely worth reading it. So check it out, guys!

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by TheFreedomMinistry Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:08 am

markwilson wrote:...

The obvious question becomes, how extensive are those denser waters the gentleman's submarine couldn't submerge into, and what lies underneath, whatever the depth of those waters?! It's a question I'm sure won't be answered to my satisfaction in my lifetime, and it is illogical to pretend to use the Bible as any kind of answer to that question, imo. After all, the Bible was written by superstitious sun-worshipers ("Sun of righteousness"), and translated under the influence of the Masonic king who commissioned it (that's why the book of Jacob (Yaakov) becomes "James" in an obsequious gesture by the translators to his vain royal highness.

That video is very eye-opening, to say the least!!! Thanks for posting. I'm researching the "denser waters" in the depths of the seas now. Very, very interesting topic!

Thanks again, Mark.


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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by stjohnofthe88keys Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:01 am

this is an old link but made some very good points about problems with the Cup Race.  sorry if it has already been posted



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Antarctic Cup Race Empty low effort cup racers

Post by NosLegio Sun Dec 26, 2021 4:14 pm

If they say they went clockwise around the globe antarctica with it on your right side it would necessitate going east as you would be well above the south pole. If you were going east around the outside of a flat earth map with a magnetic north in the center you would have it also on your right side.
It's an implied narrative converting the "clockwise" across both maps without using direction.

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty "Global" Circumnavigations near Antarctica

Post by Drifter Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:49 am

Just like to add some links to solo single-handed round the world sailing races supposedly traveled with routes in the high southern latitudes.

A depiction of the Vendee Globe route used.

A newer article on the Golden Globe with a tentative route included.

Another of circumnavigations in general.

I look forward to reading comments.


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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by tycho_brahe Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:45 am

An excerpt from the 2nd link:

“ What is the 2022 Golden Globe Race?

The 2022 Golden Globe Race is a solo, nonstop yacht race around the world with no assistance and without the use of modern technology.

This means the skippers can’t use GPS, chartplotters, electric winches, autopilots, mobile phones, iPads or use synthetic materials like Spectra, Kevlar or Vectron.

Their only means of communication is via registered, licensed maritime-approved HF Single Side Band (SSB) Radio, with discussions generally limited to the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) weather. They are allowed to listen to HAM radio, but are not allowed to transmit.”

You’re not allowed to bring any tools that will prove the earth is not a globe. It’s similar to Antarctica flights. You’re not allowed to bring certain items like GPS instruments to the flight.

For navigation they’re allowed only the use of sextants but they have to save all calculations of celestial navigation for inspection or disqualification. In other words, you may have discovered a little too much or veered off course so shut it down.

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Antarctic Cup Race Empty Re: Antarctic Cup Race

Post by DR Huddleston Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:56 pm

Wow. It's blatant. Very interesting.

DR Huddleston

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