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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:36 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/21/2015

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:36 pm

Posted by haritz on 04/27/2015

Thousands of exhumed 7-15 foot skeletons covered up by the Smithsonian:
"The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America: The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up"- Richard Dewhurst 

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:37 pm

Posted by schpankme on 04/28/2015
We can see the Ice Walls from Photo Surveillance. What we need is to circumnavigate around Antarctica, plotting 
the distance based on a central reference point (like the North Pole).

We also need to document crossing Antarctica, the distance to be greater then that claimed on the Ball Earth.

Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   P6Soh

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:37 pm

Posted by lizardking on 04/28/2015

Apr 27, 2015 19:05:22 GMT Noname said:

How hard could it be just take a boat from the closest country to the ice wall? You really dont need to climb the wall to prove the teori right

lol Good luck then, please send us photos!

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:38 pm

Posted by on 04/29/2015

Apr 27, 2015 19:24:33 GMT schpankme said:
We can see the Ice Walls from Photo Surveillance. What we need is to circumnavigate around Antarctica, plotting 
the distance based on a central reference point (like the North Pole).

We also need to document crossing Antarctica, the distance to be greater then that claimed on the Ball Earth.

How can someone look at a photo like this and fail to see the truth of the flat Earth?

It is so painfully clear that the entire design of this system is meant to keep us from the "edges". It takes a certain kind of person to see that ice sheet and WANT to try and cross it.  Clearly, there are many who would try... despite the obvious perils.  Which is why it is protected by so many nations (supposed enemies).  I would need no other proof that a massive deception is afoot than this simple fact: An explorer, using their own money and resources and risking their own life cannot attempt to cross the ice.... why would any military care if some idiot falls in an ice crevice unless there is a massive secret to be found out there?  

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:38 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/03/2015

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:39 pm

Posted by username on 05/28/2015
I was watching the Anarchast episode with Eric on it and this image appeared, ostensibly of people at the South Pole.

Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   WH7KorM

I was immediately struck by two thoughts.  One, that a naked-faced man should hardly be smiling if in a location "too cold" for airplanes to fly over.  Two, that there is no way people who are that obviously excited about having just traveled ???? miles to reach the South Pole would turn around at this stupid fake pole with the real South Pole only "about 300 meters" away, in such pleasant conditions.  They would want to see their compass needle spin (if at the magnetic pole) or simply get bragging rights (if at the "true" pole).

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:39 pm

Posted by hiilikeourbeard on 06/28/2015
how to actually spot a flat earth shill: well, they LOVE talking about more land! it's the new flat earth outer space.. either way. pretty soon the movement will derail further toward the more land speculation guessing game. looooooooooooot of talk about more land lately. stinks to goddamn high heaven to me. we don't even know where the fuck we are and now all of a sudden we have all these ridiculous theories like honey combs and more earth pockets and all sorts of garbage. i understand we all want to explore our world but this is getting ridiculous the amount of talks about other earths and people outside the ice wall. mark sargent, math powerballad etc it's so fucking OBVIOUS now. they were sent to push this infinite plane agenda. it's no different than infinite space. if you can convince ball earthers there are aliens from outer space, you're golden. same with if you can convince flat earthers there are aliens from outside the wall. no different. lot of gullible people in this movement. it's getting hard for me.

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:40 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/28/2015

Jun 28, 2015 10:14:34 GMT hiilikeourbeard said:
how to actually spot a flat earth shill: well, they LOVE talking about more land! it's the new flat earth outer space.. either way. pretty soon the movement will derail further toward the more land speculation guessing game. looooooooooooot of talk about more land lately. stinks to goddamn high heaven to me. we don't even know where the fuck we are and now all of a sudden we have all these ridiculous theories like honey combs and more earth pockets and all sorts of garbage. i understand we all want to explore our world but this is getting ridiculous the amount of talks about other earths and people outside the ice wall. mark sargent, math powerballad etc it's so fucking OBVIOUS now. they were sent to push this infinite plane agenda. it's no different than infinite space. if you can convince ball earthers there are aliens from outer space, you're golden. same with if you can convince flat earthers there are aliens from outside the wall. no different. lot of gullible people in this movement. it's getting hard for me.

Excellent post, I fully agree. We know nothing about the other side of the Ice Walls, and yet people go around speaking as if it is a fact that there are infinite planes surrounding us. 

Bewater was a very suspicious member, and his rude and accusatory reply to you just goes to show that he is a Shill, so I have banned him. 

This whole thread was suspicious from day one; after all, it was set up by Msrulo, another Shill. 

All we can say about what exists beyond the Ice Wall is that we have no idea, and any theories are just speculation. 

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:40 pm

Posted by Admin on 06/29/2015
FES controlled opposition founder/president Leo Ferrari had a huge pumpkin-sized rock he would always take during interviews and lectures claiming he brought the stone back from the edge of our flat Earth! He would say, with a huge smirk on his face, how his boat had fallen over the edge but he was luckily saved by hanging onto this rock. Clearly, treating our flat Earth in this tongue-in-cheek way discouraged people from taking the matter seriously and the older generation likely remembers seeing him on TV doing this.

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:40 pm

Posted by hiilikeourbeard on 06/29/2015

Jun 28, 2015 11:52:16 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Jun 28, 2015 10:14:34 GMT hiilikeourbeard said:
how to actually spot a flat earth shill: well, they LOVE talking about more land! it's the new flat earth outer space.. either way. pretty soon the movement will derail further toward the more land speculation guessing game. looooooooooooot of talk about more land lately. stinks to goddamn high heaven to me. we don't even know where the fuck we are and now all of a sudden we have all these ridiculous theories like honey combs and more earth pockets and all sorts of garbage. i understand we all want to explore our world but this is getting ridiculous the amount of talks about other earths and people outside the ice wall. mark sargent, math powerballad etc it's so fucking OBVIOUS now. they were sent to push this infinite plane agenda. it's no different than infinite space. if you can convince ball earthers there are aliens from outer space, you're golden. same with if you can convince flat earthers there are aliens from outside the wall. no different. lot of gullible people in this movement. it's getting hard for me.

Excellent post, I fully agree. We know nothing about the other side of the Ice Walls, and yet people go around speaking as if it is a fact that there are infinite planes surrounding us. 

Bewater was a very suspicious member, and his rude and accusatory reply to you just goes to show that he is a Shill, so I have banned him. 

This whole thread was suspicious from day one; after all, it was set up by Msrulo, another Shill. 

All we can say about what exists beyond the Ice Wall is that we have no idea, and any theories are just speculation. 

it's absolutely ridiculous to say the least. but once you see what's going on with these people, it's obvious. that's how they derail the movement and bring it back over to fantasy and magic and infinite earths, all the while keeping project bluebeam alive. very sneaky.

and i completely agree. 100% speculation. and guess what? i don't care what's passed the wall. we have work HERE TO DO 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:41 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/29/2015

Jun 28, 2015 19:17:06 GMT hiilikeourbeard said:
Jun 28, 2015 11:52:16 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Excellent post, I fully agree. We know nothing about the other side of the Ice Walls, and yet people go around speaking as if it is a fact that there are infinite planes surrounding us. 

Bewater was a very suspicious member, and his rude and accusatory reply to you just goes to show that he is a Shill, so I have banned him. 

This whole thread was suspicious from day one; after all, it was set up by Msrulo, another Shill. 

All we can say about what exists beyond the Ice Wall is that we have no idea, and any theories are just speculation. 

it's absolutely ridiculous to say the least. but once you see what's going on with these people, it's obvious. that's how they derail the movement and bring it back over to fantasy and magic and infinite earths, all the while keeping project bluebeam alive. very sneaky.

and i completely agree. 100% speculation. and guess what? i don't care what's passed the wall. we have work HERE TO DO 

I could not agree more; rather than focus on hocus pocus, I would much rather stick to the observable facts. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:41 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 06/29/2015

Jun 28, 2015 19:17:06 GMT hiilikeourbeard said:
Jun 28, 2015 11:52:16 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Excellent post, I fully agree. We know nothing about the other side of the Ice Walls, and yet people go around speaking as if it is a fact that there are infinite planes surrounding us. 

Bewater was a very suspicious member, and his rude and accusatory reply to you just goes to show that he is a Shill, so I have banned him. 

This whole thread was suspicious from day one; after all, it was set up by Msrulo, another Shill. 

All we can say about what exists beyond the Ice Wall is that we have no idea, and any theories are just speculation. 

it's absolutely ridiculous to say the least. but once you see what's going on with these people, it's obvious. that's how they derail the movement and bring it back over to fantasy and magic and infinite earths, all the while keeping project bluebeam alive. very sneaky.

and i completely agree. 100% speculation. and guess what? i don't care what's passed the wall. we have work HERE TO DO 

I really love these two posts right here. I couldn't agree more! It's SO easy to get caught up in endless speculation about what COULD BE, instead of sticking with and working from WHAT IS. This is what controlled opposition and misinformation/disinformation preys upon; smart people letting their curiosity overcome their ability to reason. At that point, all bets are off. This stuff goes way deeper than most are able to discern or give it credit for, and that's why most will never grasp the actual Truth of what we're dealing with here.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:42 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/29/2015

Jun 28, 2015 22:27:47 GMT @gratefuldan82 said:
Since of gotten into flat earth I've always thought there has to be more land. After we came to America(land of the sepent) we broke off from England's rule through war. After this and discovering whats beyond the ice, they wouldn't want a repeat of what heppened in America. So they made their Antarctic treaty to block us from "greener pastures". I've also thought the earth could be the center ring of Atlantis (maybe I'm going too far)and we're trapped in. So many ideas, but i definitely think there is more land being hidden from us.

It must be pointed out that all of this is pure speculation, and I am now suspicious of the whole 'more hidden land' theory, because it seemed to be promoted by the Shill Matt Boylan. 

I also thought that it should be pointed out that in reality, there was no US War of Independence; it was simply a false flag, designed to lead the American public into believing that they were 'free'. The fact that the US troops were funded by the British just goes to show that the whole event was controlled, manipulated and faked, in order for the British to control events in America from behind the scenes. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:42 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 06/29/2015

Jun 29, 2015 12:18:53 GMT gnosticwarrior said:
Jun 29, 2015 11:04:37 GMT thinkforyourself said:
It must be pointed out that all of this is pure speculation, and I am now suspicious of the whole 'more hidden land' theory, because it seemed to be promoted by the Shill Matt Boylan. 

I also thought that it should be pointed out that in reality, there was no US War of Independence; it was simply a false flag, designed to lead the American public into believing that they were 'free'. The fact that the US troops were funded by the British just goes to show that the whole event was controlled, manipulated and faked, in order for the British to control events in America from behind the scenes. 

^You get to a point in Truth seeking where this one is so obvious, it hurts. So many people are oblivious, and assume "false flags" are the stuff of internet conspiracy. How convenient. As Mark Twain famously said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

Yes, I could not agree more. Mark Twain hit the nail on the head with that quote. 

What so many people fail to understand is that the whole 'Tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist' is an image created by the CIA, and amazingly, it has convinced so many lemmings that you are strange if you question the Government. As Enoch Powell said, we are literally building our own funeral pyre. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:43 pm

Posted by gnosticwarrior on 06/29/2015

Jun 29, 2015 13:23:45 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Jun 29, 2015 12:18:53 GMT gnosticwarrior said:
^You get to a point in Truth seeking where this one is so obvious, it hurts. So many people are oblivious, and assume "false flags" are the stuff of internet conspiracy. How convenient. As Mark Twain famously said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

Yes, I could not agree more. Mark Twain hit the nail on the head with that quote. 

What so many people fail to understand is that the whole 'Tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist' is an image created by the CIA, and amazingly, it has convinced so many lemmings that you are strange if you question the Government. As Enoch Powell said, we are literally building our own funeral pyre. 

Very well said! It appears almost everything we take for granted involving the government or institutions is controlled opposition/false flag in one sense or another.

The only thing that isn't controlled opposition is thinking for yourself. Too bad that's not a popular option in patriarchal materialist dominance hierarchies. You also have to love that anything that isn't "democracy" is instantly demonized and stigmatized. Another hilarious convenience. 

You picked a great username, my friend lol. Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Smiley

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:43 pm

Posted by hiilikeourbeard on 06/30/2015
Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   128was banned for calling them out on this on the group "hidden continents (they're hiding more land)." was instantly banned. this is the shit we're dealing with. we need to look out for each other and not fall for this crap. 

made a post in the main page:

"what's the difference between infinite expanding plane and infinite expanding outer space? more puddles just sounds like more planets to me. same old deception."

that would be stars are souls who banned me. him and math seem like they're quite the little team now pushing more land. oh i see what's going on in this movement. REAL obvious!!!

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:44 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/03/2015

Jul 2, 2015 14:29:47 GMT techy said:
Jul 2, 2015 14:13:57 GMT thinkforyourself said:
All we can do is speculate, so the thread title will stay. 

We cannot currently form any theory at this point in time. 

Speculation is fine as long as we make it clear that it is only speculation. 

What ways do you think we could actually find evidence for what is behind the Ice Wall? Do you have any suggestions? 

I've been pondering on this for several days, still working on it, you got any ideas?

The only thing that I can think of would be to hire a drone or to attach a camera onto a migratory bird, although it is hard to find out whether any birds fly over the Antarctic ice wall. 

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:45 pm

Posted by seven1 on 07/03/2015
From Wikipedia Norse Cosmology:

The page is an interesting read, and this short creation story is quite fascinating.  References to Walls, domes, giants, sun, moon, black suns etc.  What I find very interesting is the theme of the union of ice and fire, what great symbolism for the flat puddle we live on Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Wink

"In the beginning, there were two regions: Muspellsheimr in the south, full of fire, light and heat; and Niflheimr in the north, full of arctic waters, mists, and cold.[3] Between them stretched the yawning emptiness of Ginnungagap, and into it poured sparks and smoke from the south and layers of rime-ice and glacial rivers from the north. As heat and cold met in Ginnungagap, a living Jötunn, Ymir, appeared in the melting ice. From his left armpit, the first man and woman were born. From his legs, the frost jötnar were born, making Ymir the progenitor of the jötnar. Most sources identify Ymir's oldest son as Thrudgelmir, who bore Ymir's grandson, Bergelmir. The other jötnar are usually unnamed. Ymir fed on the milk of the cow Auðhumla. She licked the blocks of salty ice, releasing Búri.

Búri's son Borr had three sons, the gods Odin, Vili and Vé. The three slew Ymir, and all of the jötnar (giants) except for Bergelmir and his wife, who were drowned in the blood of the others. From Ymir's body, they made the world of humans: his blood the seas and lakes, his flesh the earth, his bones the mountains and his teeth the rocks. From his skull they made the dome of the sky, setting a dwarf at each of the four corners to hold it high above the earth. They protected it from the jötnar with a wall made from Ymir's eyebrows. Next they caused time to exist, and placed the orbs of the sun and moon in chariots which were to circle around the sky.

Odin, passing through the world of the jötnar, found two beautiful young giants named Sól and Máni, sun and moon. They were brother and sister, and their father had named them after the beautiful lights in the sky. Odin decreed that Sól and Mani should drive the chariots of the sun and the moon across the sky, and to ensure that their journey was always constant and never slowed, he created two great wolves. These wolves were called Hati and Sköll, and they were placed in the sky to pursue the chariots and devour them if they caught them."

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:45 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/03/2015

Jul 2, 2015 14:46:24 GMT techy said:
Perhaps you could charter a cargo plane out of Austrailia the southern tip, and parachute out over the antartic with a 10 person team and all your supplies for a month, you'll have to dig in and create igloos or snow shelters to keep warm. Then when your team has accomplished their goal or ran out of supplies,  then have a way to put out an SOS for rescue. This could end up being a one way trip, lots of risk.

Risk and cost are the two major reasons as to why no-one seems to have been able to explore the areas beyond the ice walls, at least for such a long time. 

Another problem is of course the NWO; will they arrest you if you try to explore the area? I doubt that they can monitor the whole area, but I wonder how easy it is to find the areas that they don't police? 

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:46 pm

Posted by techy on 07/03/2015

Jul 2, 2015 14:59:29 GMT techy said:
Jul 2, 2015 14:51:46 GMT thinkforyourself said:
Risk and cost are the two major reasons as to why no-one seems to have been able to explore the areas beyond the ice walls, at least for such a long time. 

Another problem is of course the NWO; will they arrest you if you try to explore the area? I doubt that they can monitor the whole area, but I wonder how easy it is to find the areas that they don't police? 

Good question, and to make it out alive, you'll need to be picked up by an icebreaker ship or something, otherwise they would either kill you or indefinitely detain you, label you as a terrorist or something silly like that.

The migratory bird would be the least costly, place a small camera on it's leg, so when it's flying it's taking pics of the flat earth below, and when it lands it is taking pics of the horizon etc.

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:46 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/03/2015

Jul 2, 2015 15:04:12 GMT timewarper108 said:
Jul 2, 2015 14:59:29 GMT techy said:
Good question, and to make it out alive, you'll need to be picked up by an icebreaker ship or something, otherwise they would either kill you or indefinitely detain you, label you as a terrorist or something silly like that.

worrying about making it back is the same as worrying  about sailing over the edge...your not gonna go unless you drop the fear trip

When are you going then? Make sure to film everything for us. 

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:47 pm

Posted by promethesis on 07/03/2015
Hello all, I'm new to the boards, but I do have one question. I've seen every video/interview with Eric that I can find on YouTube, and he's mentioned several times about the person who was arrested and put in jail from trying to breach the wall without permission, which sounds like he's saying Yar Landahoy(pardon the spelling). Can someone give me his correct name? I was trying do some research, and not having any luck. Thank you

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:47 pm

Posted by dan on 07/03/2015
The blokes name is Jarle Andhoy and was arrested for 'illegally' sailing to Antarctica. Just typing it annoys me as we are all basically slaves to their screwed up system.

All about Shillaphobia

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Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?   Empty Re: Beyond The Ice Wall Speculation?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:47 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/03/2015

Jul 2, 2015 22:50:13 GMT dan said:
The blokes name is Jarle Andhoy and was arrested for 'illegally' sailing to Antarctica. Just typing it annoys me as we are all basically slaves to their screwed up system.

Thanks for answering; good job. 

It is truly disgusting how they stopped him from travelling in unclaimed and uninhabited territory, and the fact that they did stop him is deeply suspicious and helps to confirm that they are covering up a large secret. 

All about Shillaphobia

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