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Mapping the Earth

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Mapping the Earth Empty Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:31 am

I hope I am in the correct forum.
As this is the International Flat Earth RESEARCH Society of which I have been an official member since 1991,  I would like to propose a project for Flat Earthers around the world, since I have not seen such a proposal yet made, and for which the use of international Flat Earthers will be required.

The project is this:  Map the Earth from a Flat Earth perspective

Currently, the Earth is NOT mapped from a flat earth perspective.

It is mapped from the Globular perspective.  The Latitudes and Longitudes have been calculated by the Royal Society in Greenwich England are based on the Globe theory.
They put out an Almanac for use by navigators to tell the navigators where they were at any given point.  The almanac is based on calculations arrived at by those freemasons that run the Royal Observatory in Greenwich England.  They calculate Latitude and Longitude, not based on simple observation, but on the calculation of a curved earth.
They used the Cartesian coordinates based on the Earth being a globe!


Based on this fact, and the challenge proposed by our opponents, a project the likes of which will not have to exceed the enormous efforts expended by the freemasonic Magnum Opus, we Flat Earthers can construct in a simple matter the exact locations and distances of our places based on solar observations.

This is to say that the Gleason map is based on the projection of the Royal Society at Greenwich -- Blackheath being a stones throw from Greenwich -- and EXTORTING the Cartesian coordinates / Greenwich numbers onto a flat surface.
This is attested to by the Patent application made by Gleason himself.

I will propose the methodology of how the mapping of the Earth can be performed in simple terms based on our modern technology and not based on having to buy a sailing vessel to sail the seven seas.

To be continued....


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:16 am


Yes, as I stated in my previous post, LATITUDES given to us by the Royal Society at Greenwich are ARTIFICIAL.  They are based on Cartesian coordinates -- derived from a Globe.  Thus, the simple thought that Latitudes are a given and not to be further considered, is a mistake.  Even Latitudes CALCULATED by the Royal Society are based on Cartesian coordinates!!
What Flat Earthers have to do, and have been given the most fantastic opportunity to do, is now calculate Latitude AND Longitude of their very own location INDEPENDENT of what Google tells you.

To be continued...



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:32 am

It's possible to measure latitude by comparing your position on Earth with the position of the sun.  Measurements using the sun are possible on a clear day in the northern or southern hemispheres, when the sun is easy to find. However, measurement of latitude isn't as straightforward as you might think. Accurate readings can only be taken at noon, when the sun is at its highest in the sky. To complicate matters further, the sun rises higher in summer than in winter, and this must be allowed for in any calculation.
You can use a simple quadrant to measure latitude using the sun.  
   1.  Make a quadrant similar to the one shown here. The aiming beam needs to be pivoted about its central point so that it can swing up and down. The protractor should be centered on the pivot, from which the plumb line should be suspended.

      Using a compass, mark out a line on the ground that runs north to south. Make sure that your quadrant is set up so that its aiming beam is parallel to this north-south line.
      Mapping the Earth Latlon10

      A quadrant for measuring latitude
   2. Measuring latitude using the sun can only be done at noon, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. To determine when it's noon (without a watch or radio) place a stick at the southernmost end of your north-south line. Use a plumb line to make sure that the stick is vertical. When the shadow cast by the stick crosses the north-south line, it's noon.

Longitude can be calculated at this time as well.  When the shadow cast by the stick crosses the north-south line makes it noon locally, one can then find the exact time at Greenwich by checking the internet.
Example:  Say you get noon from the shadow and see that the current time at Greenwich is 18:03:45.  Thus, your longitude would be 21:03:45 minus 12:00:00 = minus 9:03:45 (or 9.06 hours) times 15 (degrees per hour) = -135.9 degrees West Longitude.
   3. As soon as it's noon, align the sighting nails on the quadrant's aiming beam with the sun. DO NOT USE THE SIGHT LINE TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN.
      Instead, watch the shadows formed by the nails on the ground as you tilt the aiming beam up and down. At first, the nails will cast two separate shadows, so move the end of the beam up or down so that these two shadows move closer together.
Mapping the Earth Latlon11
      Two shadows on the ground - beam aimed incorrectly

      When the shadows coincide, the beam is aimed exactly at the sun. Using the protractor, measure the smaller angle between the beam and the plumb line.

Mapping the Earth Latlon12
      One shadow - beam aimed correctly

      If the sun is directly over the Equator, this is your latitude reading.

This method, assuming a flat earth, will provide the true location of the cities, countries, and continents using a Latitude and Longitude system that is not based on a sphere.

Please make any comments, additions, corrections, as you see fit.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by RedorBlue Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:47 am

Can't use a compass for your N-S line . You have to use true North taken from the North star.

The straightforward method of determining latitude north of the equator is to measure the angle between the horizontal and the north star from your position  . You can do that with a quadrant .

You can plot an arc of longitude using stars as they reach zenith above your position . A transit scope aligned N-S from the pole star is useful.

You don't have to bother with the sun mapping for longitude/latitude.All you need is to survey the stars and measure the angles and distances between observation  points. No calculations required.


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:50 am

RedorBlue, while the N-S line will be most accurate using the North Star, I am not sure how useful the North Star will be in those areas South of the Equator where the North Star is not seen.

The mapping project I am proposing is for both North and South, but thanks for the added method of plotting longitude.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:07 am

Following up on finding true North using the Sun, I believe the following video from YouTube can be used to find true North in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

See Sun Compass Southern Hemisphere for the method used.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:11 am

The following video from YouTube provides a similar method to the one above.

Note:  Ignore the nonsense up to the 6 minute 30 second mark of the video.  At 6:35 and following, the method in my previous post above is used to measure longitude and starting at 9:10 in the video, the use of the Equation of Time is brought in to help make the calculation even more accurate.

Here is the Equation of Time:
Mapping the Earth 310px-10

The following graph shows how many minutes the clock is ahead or behind the sun time:
Mapping the Earth 310px-10

Hopefully, once the most efficient method is obtained in calculating Longitude and Latitude by use of the Sun anywhere on Earth, we can put together a fairly good map of where the land masses exist in relation to each other and in what proper proportions they exist.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:55 am

Equation of time is mainstream theoretic nonsense involving imaginary variables such as assumed earth rotation, supposed globe earth axial tilt , varying imaginary orbital speed and others you can check for yourself.

A stationary reference point is needed to map earth . The sun is not stationary . The pole star is stationary. That's why it is used in true scientific mapping techniques .

You only need to start in the north ,measure the angle to the pole star from your observation point and measure the distance between successive degrees towards and away from true North along the same line of meridian. You can carry on south tracking along the meridian using the zenith of stars to keep a line to true North when you lose sight of the North star.

The fanciful equation of time is not required because the earth is stationary and the suns velocity changes as it moves between the tropics .


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:52 pm

Thanks for the clarification on the Equation of Time. I was not quite sure about its value and was starting to look at the history of it. You have now saved me some time.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:30 pm

You are welcome . Nice to see someone interested in mapping the earth.

Seems the younger generations are being fed with the "latitude is taken from the sun" nonsense . This makes people think that the equator is at the centre of a globe earth at 0 degrees .


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:00 pm

While I can appreciate the fact that a fixed point is necessary from which one can accurately map the earth, I am not convinced that one cannot map the earth using the Sun.
The sun is known to be at certain locations at all times of the year.
Let's look at some basics:
1.  The sun rotates around the flat earth each day making one revolution.
2. The time -- 24 hours in a day -- is divided up in degrees -- making up 360 degrees in a circle
3.  Using a fixed point or line on the earth -- the Greenwich Meridian -- we have a fixed reference from which to calculate distance.
4.  Now distance between degrees of longitude varies of course depending on how far North or South one is.
5.  Latitude differences in our circle are constant and do not vary based on how far North or South one is.
6. Based on this framework, one can know where in the sky the Sun is on any given day of the year.  Based on that, one can now know where one is standing on the earth on any give day of the year.  Simple geometry will provide the tool by which we know where we are based on where we know the Sun is.  (See the methods I have posted earlier.)

With the North Star, while it is a direct fixed reference point for those that can see it, using other stars as reference points can be used for those that can no longer see it.  For this latter group, they must depend on the ZENITH of the position of those stars.  I.E., they are looking at something moving to go by.

So, what is the difference then?  One fixed reference point is the Earth in the case of the Sun, the other being the North Star separate from the Earth.
As we know the Earth does not move and the North Star does not move, and since we have fixed references in each case, there is no difference.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:59 pm

4. Distance between degrees of longitude depends on how far from the true North pole one is.Accurate  statement. .
5.Difference in latitudes are not constant from the fixed point of true North . They will increase corresponding to distance distance from the North pole. Simple triangulation.
6. One cannot triangulate to a moving object.

The zenith position of those stars observed as we move South along the meridian mapped from the true North can be used to extend this meridian beyond the point where the pole star is no longer visible.

The sun position is not needed in building a true map of earth.


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:13 am

I am not sure what you mean by "differences in latitudes are not constant from the fixed point of true North".  
I can draw a circle on a piece of paper, and draw concentric circles in different diameters and come to even spaced circles within circles and call them latitudes.

What are you saying here?


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by RedorBlue Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:04 am

In order to map the earth without prejudice one surveys ( measures) the length of degrees of latitude along an arc of meridian from the the fixed point of true North - that point where the pole star is at 90 degrees overhead.

The shape of earth will be revealed by measurement alone .

1.Equidistant degrees of latitude = perfect sphere and extremely distant polestar.

2.Degrees shortening southward = oblate spheroid and extremely distant pole star .

Both these are globe theory.

3.Degrees lengthening southward = relatively close pole star and what could be a flat earth.

It's all simple triangulation.

I will add that the nature of light is not known and light does strange things but the general shapr of earth will reveal itself.


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:05 am

Thanks RedorBlue, for the comments.

This mapping project is based on a flat earth, so it is not something that is mapped upon "what could be a flat earth" but what is in fact a flat earth.
As such, simple triangulation will be used, employing the Sun, to provide the more accurate location of our places on the Earth VERSUS what Google, GPS, the Royal Observatory in London, Freemasonry's Magnum Opus, etc. have given us.

How many times in discussions on the flat earth topic do the opponents cry out "But you have not a map of the earth!!"  
And why not?
How many centuries have the Great Workers been building this globular picture for our consumption and indoctrination?
How many years have flat earthers been building the accurate and verifiable map of the earth?

We don't have the resources / money to dedicate to hiring explorers to go to the ends of the earth and come back with the truth.

We do have the key though to use all the experience and verifiable information that has been given us on the INTERNETS to now provide a very workable picture of what the earth looks like.


Last edited by bdhfe on Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:56 am; edited 2 times in total


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by Safesteef Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:05 am

I live in the Netherlands. I like to join.
My GPS location: 52.159056 5.368221

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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:18 pm

Fantastic!!  Glad to hear you would like to participate.

Currently, I am in the process of putting together a simple step-wise process that can be used by anyone.  This process will be based on the previous posts above and kept as simple as possible.
NOTE: There will be no use of GPS, Google Earth, TimeDate.com, or any other artificial medium by which we will calculate one's current position.
The only exception to this NOTE will be to look up the time at the prime meridian (Greenwich Mean Time) on the internet once we have determined when the zenith of the sun has occurred at our location.
I envision the process to be a two part exercise, possibly one depending on how it is put together.
The first part will be to determine True North, and the second part will include obtaining Latitude and Longitude.
Like I said, perhaps these two parts can be put into one.  If not, then the process will take 2 passes of the Sun, i.e. 24 hours apart.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by Safesteef Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:51 pm

I will wait for your information. Enough people worldwide for this kind of mapping?

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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:53 am

Yes, I am imagining that the world will jump on this as it gets more traction.

I am calculating a table based on the following known and experimentally determined FACT:
The Sun moves between the tropics for the entire year.

This means that on a given day, the Sun is X degrees North or South of the Equator.
What X is depends on the date.
For example:
If X = June 21-24, then the Sun is located approximately 23.5 degrees North of the Equator.  Yes, sportsfans, it is a known fact that the Sun sits still Latitude-wise for 3 days at the Summer Solstice before moving on South.
Any comments on this so far?

Thus, a table can be constructed to determine the latitude of the Sun between June 24 at its Northernmost point to December 21st when it is at its most Southernmost point.

On to construct the table.

Be back soon.


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:24 am

More basics for our table

Sun's latitude during the year:

June 21 - 24 = 23.5 degrees North

December 21-24 - 23.5 degrees South

March 21 = 0 degrees

September 21 = 0 degrees

we get the number of days between dates

Time between June 24 and September 21 = 89 days = 128,160 minutes.
23.5 degrees North to 0 degrees (Equator)

Sun moves South to Equator at 23.5 degrees / 89 days = .264 degrees/day

Time between September 21 and December 21 = 91 days  = 131,040 minutes.
0 degrees (Equator) to 23.5 degrees South

Sun moves South from equator at 23.5 degrees / 91 days = .258 degrees/day

Time between December 24 and March 21 = 87 days = 125,280 minutes.
23.5 degrees South to 0 degrees (Equator)

Sun moves North to Equator at 23.5 degrees / 87 days = .27 degrees/day

Time between March 21 and June 21 = 92 days =  132,480 minutes.
0 degrees (Equator) to 23.5 degrees North

Sun moves North from Equator to 23.5 degrees at 23.5 / 92 days = .255 degrees/day

Sound about right?

(to be continued)


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:37 am

Okay, carrying on the assumption that:
1.  The Earth is Flat
2.  The Sun moves between what is know as 23.5 degrees North Latitude and 23.5 degrees South Latitude for the year
3.  The Sun moves around the Earth once a day, completing a 360 degree circuit in 24 hours, which comes  to 360 / 24 = 15 degrees per hour.
4.  Regarding the nature of Light, we can guess that it is constant and not fluctuating while the Sun travels through space during its yearly course.  So, as  long as it is constant, we do not need to know much more about Light.  We are going to use it to find where we are located.

Next, the process to arrive at one's location on the Earth will include knowing what one's Latitude North or South is, and what Longitude East or West will be.

So, this knowledge will have to be based on the First piece of knowledge.  What is True North?

Once True North is known, then Latitude and Longitude are easy calculations.

Next post will details steps for finding True North.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by RedorBlue Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:33 am

True north is known - it's the spot on the earth plane which is directly beneath the pole star. Measure the angle to the pole star from where ever you are .

Incidentally , the tropics are given in globe theory as being 23.4 degrees N and S as earth tilt is supposed to be 23.4 degrees - so the northern tropic is 66.6 degrees from the N pole and the southern tropic is 66.6 degrees from the S pole. The devils in the detail haha. The earth also traveling around the sun at 66,600 mph according to the cultists of science.

I take it you didn't actually measure the 23.5 degree tropics from the equator or am I wrong?


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:04 am

Thank you, yes.  23.44 degrees for most northerly latitude and most southerly latitude the sun travels during the year.
And you make another good point.  Because the Greece Ballers wrapped the Earth around a ball, they had to make it fit to 90 degrees North and 90 degrees South.
So, to take the current values of Latitude at face value is questionable at least since the Latitudes are based on a globe calculation.

Thus, we have to go to basics based on experience.

Where in the Northern climes does the Sun show straight overhead on June 21 to June 24 at its zenith?
Likewise for the South.  Likewise for the Equinoxes, where is the Sun straight overhead at its zenith?
Based on these locations, we can measure by degrees, the distance N/S between these points to arrive at accurate values for miles/degree or degrees/mile.  The mileage data is based on experience and well known numbers.

On the other hand, we can borrow the globe  numbers of 23.44 N and 23.44 S for Scale purposes.
And then when the fuller picture emerges, make some decisions for the true scale of the map; that is, FOR EXAMPLE how far is it to the North Pole from known point X as point X was found by either calculation of [MILES plus(+) LAT/LONG of point Y] or by its own LAT/LONG determination

As such, a table for Latitude can be constructed  using 23.44 N and S so that in relative terms, we can produce a map by anyone standing in their backyard that can see the sun.

As the map fills in with more points, the miles PER degree of latitude become more accurate.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by k4t Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:23 pm

Why not do it both ways?

I live 38 miles east of New York City and would be happy to participate


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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

Post by bdhfe Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:48 pm

After further research on this, there is no reason  to doubt 23.44 degrees for latitude as the furthermost points North and South of the Equator.
Secondly these numbers can be verified or adjusted when the equinox comes along and we check our local latitude numbers.  :-)

So, right now, I am getting a simple step wise process in place to share.  We can then perform the steps in the process and then begin compiling numbers.



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Mapping the Earth Empty Re: Mapping the Earth

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