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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:44 pm

Yes, that would be great, the more the merrier especially with this important video, thanks!

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:31 am


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Uhuru Mkali Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:11 pm

Turd Flinging Monkey was talking about the Southern Poverty Law Centre had become an authorised flagger (or something like that) and they are abusing the power by flagging conservative, right wing and alternative channels. It is a Jewish controlled group.
Uhuru Mkali
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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by MaryMoon Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:03 pm

Laughing  the dislikes and the stupid comments on that (i got erics channel taken down) video made me smile so huge.
keep it up, eric Razz

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:34 pm


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Sun Apr 22, 2018 6:19 am


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Schpankme Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:49 am

Admin wrote:
Censorship is disgusting

Censorship at YouTube has moved into ludicrous speed -- where using the words "weed", weeds", "weeding", will get your videos demonetized and flagged as "inappropriate content"; with one strike added to your YouTube account.  Who is it that uses such vulgar words?  How about a Swedish Homesteading Channel which teaches people how to be self-sufficient and to grow their own food.

Swedish Homestead

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu May 17, 2018 7:09 am

Truth Center has just informed me and I've double-checked for myself, it appears that YouTube has now terminated Del's Beyond the Imaginary Curve channel! Can anyone else confirm or deny this for us?

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Jacois Thu May 17, 2018 7:35 am

It's gone. His last video had him interviewing a mannequin of a monkey wearing a spacesuit. Guess that was too much for Youtube. :/

I messaged Del and Marshall to see if they're making a new channel or reverting to the old one. This is f'ing bullshit. I'm not going back to the ball, but I might just opt out of the truth, "movement". Any progress is shutdown.

Last December I introduced a friend to 200 proofs, and she was halfway through it (she wasn't watching it all in one go) when your channel was deleted. f'ing bullshit.

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by iwanttobefree Thu May 17, 2018 9:03 am

Admin wrote:Truth Center has just informed me and I've double-checked for myself, it appears that YouTube has now terminated Del's Beyond the Imaginary Curve channel!  Can anyone else confirm or deny this for us?

to me its still there, unless he has 2 channels?


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu May 17, 2018 12:20 pm

He does have two channels, but it looks like his main channel is back up again! That's good news, wonder what happened?

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by FEfreeInDec14 Thu May 17, 2018 4:09 pm

Eric is it possible for you to reupload your video on the school education being a farce? Was a great video I'd like to rewatch and share.

Edit: I found it in the thread on forced indoctrination. It looks like I had an old link to it which is now dead.


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu May 24, 2018 4:21 am

From Jay Decasby:

Hi everyone, please excuse my absence. There are many things I've been wanting to share with everyone but had to address a number of very important other issues. I will be doing my best to post regularly but my free time has been very dramatically cut so unfortunately I'm unable to interact as much as I would like to.

Just about two weeks ago Susan Wojcicki(Joo) through her platform JooTube, known to the world at large as YouTube, decided to falsely accuse me of “multiple and severe violations of YouTube’s policy prohibiting hate speech” and subsequently, permanently terminated my channel. I am by no means a stranger to censorship by Alphabet Inc. which owns Google(Joogle), which owns YouTube(JooTube), the CEO’s of which are ALL Joos but, what I do not appreciate is false and wrongful allegations and accusations which are neither supported by facts of reality nor can be proven.

As you can see in my e-mail correspondence with the team at Youtube, I requested that they provide evidence to support their claims and allegations against me as I, prior to this termination had not received even a single strike on any of my content. The team refused to specify which video this termination was due to, nor have they to this day responded with an answer providing any factual or credible evidence of any of my content promoting, inciting or otherwise violating “YouTube’s policy prohibiting hate speech”…

Of course, YouTube is their stage and they make the rules, I’m a guest on their “playground” so my hands are tied in that sense but I just want to show all of YOU what is really going on out here. Youtube allows all sorts of degeneracy, violence, hatred and perversion on their platform which they do not even bother with, but as soon as someone starts speaking any kind of truth or even hinting at it, with regards to the Joo, his history, present or future plans, such content is an immediate threat to the community and ought to be stuck down as hate speech(with no evidence of suchness whatsoever). They couldn’t provide a single shred of factual evidence to show or prove their allegations, but since they don’t need to answer to me, they can just take whatever they decide that the Gentiles and Goyim need not hear or see and call it “hate speech.” Without explanation, without evidence, they will strike you, ban you, suspend, block and terminate you, this is how they will shut your mouth when you expose the joohoax!

So what is it that I was posting that terrified the hooked-nose ones so much that they decided it’d be better for the community that my content ceased to exist…?
My channel for those of you that don’t know was sort of a back up channel for the channels and videos that have been previously censored, blocked and removed from the platform or even the world wide web in general. Much of my content included the works of Eric Dubay on topics like Flat Earth and the Joo World Order, Freemasonry and all of their dirty tricks, lies and fraud. I had backed-up almost 200 videos that included information on Flat Earth; the truth about: Adolf Hitler, World War Two, the Joowish Holohoax; evidence of Joowish ritual murder and blood sacrifice; the Talmud; Joowish supremacy, corruption and demoralization of the Gentile and Goyim masses; Joowish world domination and control of the Joomerica; as well as warnings and instructional messages from the great men of the world, Joowish defectors and whistleblowers, over the centuries that have sacrificed their lives to expose and warn the Gentiles and Goyim of the true nature of their masters; as well as other factually confirmed conspiracies. None of my content however, (no matter how much it was deserved or would be justified) called for hatred or violence against Joowry.

As Henry Ford rightfully pointed out in the 1920’s, “There is NOTHING that the international Joo fears so much as the truth or any hint of the truth about him or his plans” - The International Joo, Volume 1, pg. 200

This incident had nothing to do with hate speech or any kind of harm to anyone whatsoever but the harm that comes to the Joo from a Gentile speaking the truth about him and his plans. As such, the filthy Gentile must be shut down pronto. Heavens forbid the other Gentiles and Goyim learn the truth and wake up to the atrocities and terror brought about the the tyranny and delusion of their slave masters. With trillions of dollars and centuries of time invested in these lies it is no wonder that ‘JUDEA’ DECLARED WAR ON TRUTH!

On December 12th 2017, organized Joowry decided to shut down the greatest and most fearless voice in the REAL truth community, someone who I’m delighted to call a dear friend, Eric Dubay, who had over the last several years become the SINGLE GREATEST THREAT to the Joo World Order and the plans of the Joo to exterminate the Gentile and Goyim masses and enslave the remaining. Eric’s Youtube channel of 7+ years, over 135,000 subscribers and almost 30 millions views was, terminated after a single strike of “hate speech” when Youtube’s own policy is to give users of the platform 3 strikes prior to such extreme measures.

The alleged “hate speech” claim, came for Eric’s documentary “Adolf Hitler vs The Joo World Order.” This documentary was a compilation of a number of incredible educational and historically factual pieces put together by Eric which told the, hidden from the masses, true story of what Adolf Hitler actually was and what it was that he was fighting. Eric hadn’t uttered a single word in the documentary, nor did any part of the documentary called for hate or violence. Over the years that it was up, the documentary accumulated hundreds of thousands of views. So what was it that caused Susan Wojcicki’s sudden change of heart?

One hour prior to the termination of Eric’s channel, Joe Rogan had confirmed a Flat Earth debate between himself, Eric and freemason and (ass)trophysicist, Neil deGrass(hole)e Tyson. This debate had been a request of Eric’s to Joe for years and finally it was agreed and scheduled. One hour after it was confirmed, Eric’s youtube channel will all of his Flat Earth content was terminated. 7+ years of work was lost and hidden from the masses in a cheap shot attempt to silence and shut Eric down. Of course like all the dirty tricks of the Joos this only backfired as the TRUE flat earth community is growing exponentially with every passing day. Both Joe and Neil have since been lying about the “Eric Dubay debate” by claiming on numerous occasion that Eric was rescheduled for a new date, but not even so much as contacting him regarding such matters.

The reason I share these stories with you is to impress upon you a sense of urgency and to bring to light the matters which organized Joowry is attempting to conceal from you. Such behavior patterns can only be compared to those of cockroaches. These insects are unique in that they only operate in the darkness. As soon as the light hits them, they scatter every which way, away from it. Such are the characteristics of organized Joowry.

Please make some time to familiarize yourself with what I’m telling you here right now. If this is what they are censoring and hiding from all of you, learning this truth should be a priority and I hope that it will be.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

If today, you allow the truth to be considered "hate speech," then tomorrow, "dumb and silent you WILL BE led, like sheep to your slaughter." - George Washington

Remember, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

I will announce all of my new social media/content sharing platforms in my next post, but until then, please take a moment to look through the links below.

Thank you for your time!

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Wed May 30, 2018 5:40 am


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu May 31, 2018 5:06 am

YouTube just reset the thumbs on this video (just like they did with my recent gravity video). It had 95% likes to dislike ratio (hundreds of likes) before I went to bed last night, and now it's back to 0/0.


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu May 31, 2018 10:17 am

If you previously liked the video, now it will show -1

Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Screen10

(Screenshot from TheSeattleGreen)

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by InnerCynic Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:16 am

You need a "distributed" set of platforms and domains in order to keep the message going. And even having said that, because so many knuckleheads are addicted to Google, the GoogleBorg can set filters to filter you out. It's insidious but the fact is that Google's old adage of "do no evil" has been outed as really meaning "know evil". The bright spot is that there is plenty of opportunity to get the word out even with the bastards doing what they can to silence the message.

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Truth Center Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:52 am

WTF.......uh......I've been on YouTube for a while now and I don't think this is how it works. YouTube hates Eric Dubay so much that they don't want us to like his vids. Whatever, I'll keep smashing dat like button

Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Dubayv10
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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:28 am


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Real World Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:10 pm

Looks like they have problem...
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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Schpankme Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:31 pm

Real World wrote:

Based on the response given by the Jew controlled, "Alternative Media": JFK was killed with a magic bullet, anyone attempting to prove otherwise will be labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist"; their content deleted and replaced with the "Authority Version."

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:34 am

7 months after banning my original YouTube channel of 7 years, 135k subs and 28 million views, YouTube has now given me 2 fraudulent strikes on 2 random videos from 3 years ago. These videos have been on my channel with no problem for years, but suddenly they are now allegedly against "community guidelines" so YouTube has disabled my ability to upload new videos to my "Eric Dubay" account. I will be spending the next few weeks re-uploading my content to a new channel so that if/when YouTube bans me yet again, I will have everything backed-up. I will also be mirroring my videos on BitChute, DTube, Minds etc. Please subscribe to the following links and help me share this video so people can continue to follow my work elsewhere. Thank You!

Eric Dubay's New YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0_CSKUIVVFlfocgezQEBDg

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TCgwKoAf3Y9z/
Minds: https://www.minds.com/EricDubay
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@ericdubay
Gab: https://gab.ai/Eric-Dubay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ericdubay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericdubaz/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericdubay/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114446283043110571468


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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Schpankme Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:40 am

Admin wrote:
YouTube has now given me 2 fraudulent strikes on 2 random videos from 3 years ago

Which two (2) videos did they Ban?
Could you make them private, and share them here?

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Admin Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:41 am

They banned the Ball Earth Skeptics Interview and my Voluntaryist Rap. I will be making them available again soon once I get everything re-uploaded elsewhere.

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Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down - Page 4 Empty Re: Eric Dubay's YouTube Channel Taken Down

Post by Realearth Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:15 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Real World wrote:

Based on the response given by the Jew controlled, "Alternative Media": JFK was killed with a magic bullet, anyone attempting to prove otherwise will be labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist"; their content deleted and replaced with the "Authority Version."

Jew controlled Rulers keep their boot on your throat, greedy sellouts that support them are scum. Truth from those like Eric always win the day.

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