Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Flat Earth SubGenius
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
The asshole's now eating raw flesh on camera and calling veganism "the NWO diet" while he chomps down on an innocent, defenseless creature's insides:
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Admin wrote:
Flat Earth Asshole
now eating raw flesh on camera
calling veganism "the NWO diet"]
Here we see the Psychotic behavior found prevalent throughout the Human population, brought about by improper nutrition, once the long-intestine human was indoctrinated to nurse the breast and eat the DNA of other animals. This is why people like flat Earth Asshole are part of the "Controlled Opposition", his role is to keep the people indoctrinated within the State Sponsored Religions;
The State Sponsored Religions are Atheist and Theist (fictional stories)
Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Theory (pretend).
God says, NOAH was commanded to save all the Clean and Unclean animals, so now you must cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Faith (pretend).
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Admin wrote:The asshole's now eating raw flesh on camera
If it's so tasty, why didn't he eat the whole thing? And it sure looked like his teeth were having trouble biting and chewing it, especially considering he says they are designed for it.. strange. Oh wait, no, its FEA, he's an imbecile.
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Just more nonsense designed to make genuine FE researchers look ridiculous
mitch- Posts : 130
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
He didn't have an explanation for my comments so he call me a cunt. That's all he had to say. Is he just trying to look so ridiculous?
Shanti Moon- Posts : 2
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Shanti Moon- Posts : 2
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Personally I'm celebrating in the fact that he's shortening his life. Nature will follow its course.
Bravenough2see- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Admin wrote:
Obviously all that raw meat he's been eating isn't helping out his brain functionality at all.
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
I didn't think this guy was even around anymore? I just figured he realized he's a dumbass and can't convince anyone with his BS!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
After Faith Irene's YouTube channel's were removed for "hate-speech" last month, Jake The Asshole made a series of videos claiming she was "missing" and perhaps dead, and proceeded to ask for super-chat donations so he could continue his make-shift detective-work where he fear-mongers for hours about this woman who has now started up a new channel to show she is alive, well, and was never missing or needing your concern, nor did you need to give Jake the Asshole money on her behalf:
Thanks so much for the update Faith! Jake the Asshole has been making fear-mongering videos about you and collecting donations from people as though he's some under-cover detective that needs funding to get to the bottom of your "disappearance." As I suspected, JewTube just deleted your channels and you've been busy. Way to make a mountain out of a mole-hill, huh Jake? (and rake in that super-chat money in the mean-time) Glad to hear you're okay. Peace
Thanks so much for the update Faith! Jake the Asshole has been making fear-mongering videos about you and collecting donations from people as though he's some under-cover detective that needs funding to get to the bottom of your "disappearance." As I suspected, JewTube just deleted your channels and you've been busy. Way to make a mountain out of a mole-hill, huh Jake? (and rake in that super-chat money in the mean-time) Glad to hear you're okay. Peace
Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:10 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Thank you so much for putting these disgusting slanderous lies to rest Faith! Jeff Stewart and Jake Gibson were claiming that I murdered you! They claimed that Mary at Sea Level was faking your voice to make you seem alive. They claimed Flat Earth Bitch was involved in the cover-up making fake audio recordings. They claimed that Matt Powerland was running your new channel even. All these completely baseless lies and idiots in the FE community were eating it up messaging me non-stop about how I'm a kidnapper and murderer. Way to go Jeff and Jake, taking donations for yourself while causing serious psychological harm to an already compromised mother in a shelter. Putting her children's photos in your sick videos, claiming you're helping her when you're causing her turmoil, acting like you're super-hero undercover detectives when you're really just a couple of absolute losers making shit up talking out your flat Earth assholes. I hope everyone in the community pays close attention to what has just been exposed here and never heeds another word coming out of either of your useless raw-meat-holes.
Mary: This is how concerned about women and children Jeff S is. These are replies he wrote to me just a bit ago after i defend myself for what they accuse me of, faking to be faith. What kind of concerned caring man who just wants to make sure a woman is safe with her children writes this stuff to another mom with children!? not sure, a shitty investigator bit of a looney tunes i guess
Mary: You seem like a lunatic. Have fun with that, Jake seems to like to team up with people like you lol. get a real hobby , u suck at investigating , one more thing, dont they read IFERS forum? is it a coincidence many of us called jake out as just trying to get attn and views n donations but having no great content already long time agooo? or how he is famous for constantly using erics name& teaming up with others who hate on eric trying to make him look terrible? He has proven himself to be nuts many times over, this jake goy silly newbs lol look at all the hype.
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
This guy seemed legitimate at first, but once he started hanging out with math powerego and calling Eric a Nazi, really raised some big red flags for me! Now he's just digging himself a deeper hole out of his own volition! I call agent 100%!
Foreverlearning- Posts : 79
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Anybody know whatever happened to flat earth asswhole, even the schill potatoe crew never bring his name up
Jadepurplelover- Posts : 36
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
From Tom Johnson:
"I was following Jake for a while and I was starting to think he may be right too, but now I see a different side to it. It seems Jake is far too quick to decide people are shills without sufficient evidence. This gets him attention because the truther community is generally paranoid. However, his research consists of basically deciding someone is 100% definitely a shill if they use the AE map to represent Flat Earth. He does this while not having a better map to offer himself.
Given that a map/model isn't even necessary to prove earth's surface doesn't curve scientifically, and he has no better map to offer himself, this just tells me he doesn't have very good research skills or understanding of the situation. Cartography & science are separate topics. Ask any professional cartographer: There's no such thing as a fully accurate map/model in the first place. They all work in some ways & not in others. It's give and take. He really needs to research cartography more so he at least understand a map/model is not a form of scientific evidence. It seems he thinks it is.
People use the AE map as representation because they have to represent Flat Earth somehow in visuals. And why not use the best map FE has while doing this?
Using the AE map as a representation like that is not a sign of being a shill, nor does it even mean the person doing so is claiming it's fully accurate. They usually aren't. Jumping to such irrational conclusions like that tell me he's thinking in very basic "us versus them" dogmatic terms while not considering enough information.
He'll also claim to have 100% proof that someone is a shill... then show something that is clearly not 100% proof and could easily come from someone who ISN'T a shill. It's far too absolutist and, frankly, unintelligent.
If he's wrong about even half the people he's claiming are shills, he's doing an incredible amount of damage to truth by causing division needlessly. I think it's likely the controllers may not be using direct agents/shills as much as they did in the past these days, instead choosing to control content makers indirectly with money on YT by limiting what they can say with the threat of being banned and losing all income.
There's no need to use so many direct agent/shills when they have such direct control over all YT. Just look at how careful content creators have to be about what they say. The controllers get to choose what they can or cannot say. And the content makers allow it - for money. So, how is this different from being a shill? It's just a different type of shill... one that doesn't know he's a shill.
This also makes it more confusing because then they get people like Jake causing division for them and destroying the truth movement from within, all without having to actually do it themselves & without the risks of exposure and people figuring out what they're doing. They just allow it to happen naturally, stemming from paranoid researchers with poor research skills.
Is there anyone Jake doesn't think is 100% a shill at this point? I mean, other than himself?
It's not possible to be 100% certain someone is a shill, unless it's Alex Jones or someone like that maybe, so the fact Jake keeps claiming to have 100% proof of these things is a big red flag. Always watch out for inappropriate absolutist thinking like that. The real world is not that "black and white." Deciding if someone is a shill is a very difficult process involving a lot of discernment with no hard evidence.
Evaluate every content creator as if they're giving you truth mixed with lies. Shill or not, this is how its best to approach it regardless. Because no single person has 100% truth, including Jake. You have to take what resonates with you and leave the rest... so essentially treat everyone like a shill.
The Bible says every man is a liar. It's true. Everyone says things that are untrue, usually because they're just wrong although some do it intentionally for money too. Just not as many as Jake thinks lately."
"I was following Jake for a while and I was starting to think he may be right too, but now I see a different side to it. It seems Jake is far too quick to decide people are shills without sufficient evidence. This gets him attention because the truther community is generally paranoid. However, his research consists of basically deciding someone is 100% definitely a shill if they use the AE map to represent Flat Earth. He does this while not having a better map to offer himself.
Given that a map/model isn't even necessary to prove earth's surface doesn't curve scientifically, and he has no better map to offer himself, this just tells me he doesn't have very good research skills or understanding of the situation. Cartography & science are separate topics. Ask any professional cartographer: There's no such thing as a fully accurate map/model in the first place. They all work in some ways & not in others. It's give and take. He really needs to research cartography more so he at least understand a map/model is not a form of scientific evidence. It seems he thinks it is.
People use the AE map as representation because they have to represent Flat Earth somehow in visuals. And why not use the best map FE has while doing this?
Using the AE map as a representation like that is not a sign of being a shill, nor does it even mean the person doing so is claiming it's fully accurate. They usually aren't. Jumping to such irrational conclusions like that tell me he's thinking in very basic "us versus them" dogmatic terms while not considering enough information.
He'll also claim to have 100% proof that someone is a shill... then show something that is clearly not 100% proof and could easily come from someone who ISN'T a shill. It's far too absolutist and, frankly, unintelligent.
If he's wrong about even half the people he's claiming are shills, he's doing an incredible amount of damage to truth by causing division needlessly. I think it's likely the controllers may not be using direct agents/shills as much as they did in the past these days, instead choosing to control content makers indirectly with money on YT by limiting what they can say with the threat of being banned and losing all income.
There's no need to use so many direct agent/shills when they have such direct control over all YT. Just look at how careful content creators have to be about what they say. The controllers get to choose what they can or cannot say. And the content makers allow it - for money. So, how is this different from being a shill? It's just a different type of shill... one that doesn't know he's a shill.
This also makes it more confusing because then they get people like Jake causing division for them and destroying the truth movement from within, all without having to actually do it themselves & without the risks of exposure and people figuring out what they're doing. They just allow it to happen naturally, stemming from paranoid researchers with poor research skills.
Is there anyone Jake doesn't think is 100% a shill at this point? I mean, other than himself?
It's not possible to be 100% certain someone is a shill, unless it's Alex Jones or someone like that maybe, so the fact Jake keeps claiming to have 100% proof of these things is a big red flag. Always watch out for inappropriate absolutist thinking like that. The real world is not that "black and white." Deciding if someone is a shill is a very difficult process involving a lot of discernment with no hard evidence.
Evaluate every content creator as if they're giving you truth mixed with lies. Shill or not, this is how its best to approach it regardless. Because no single person has 100% truth, including Jake. You have to take what resonates with you and leave the rest... so essentially treat everyone like a shill.
The Bible says every man is a liar. It's true. Everyone says things that are untrue, usually because they're just wrong although some do it intentionally for money too. Just not as many as Jake thinks lately."
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Jake back saying the same things as years ago. Will he ignore and delete my comment like he did last time?
Hey Jake, you can observe it for yourself every year above the arctic circle in June, the Sun will circle around you for days without ever setting. Secondly, if certain celestial motions are in slightly different places than assumed, that doesn't mean the map of the ground beneath us is at fault, but rather the mapping of the sky that needs adjustment. Thirdly, we have no way to confirm or deny the accuracy of the two videos posted as "proof" of the Sun setting slightly South of West in Australia and Tasmania. Now conceding all of these points, there are still problems to consider. For example, the following objection from Willard Gulliby: "He/they used "proofs" from Australia and Tasmania that did not factor in Magnetic Declination! Right now, just because some goofball shoots an azimuth with his compass that reads 255° in Tasmania does not mean that the sun is setting SW. The Magnetic Declination for Tasmania reads 13° in the North to 15° in the South of that tiny island readjusting the azimuth back to or very near the 270° West setting. I was not only a Boy Scout with backpacking experience, but I was a Cavalry Scout in the US ARMY and I have always been comfortable with reading maps and orienteering. I just wanted to give you just a couple of things that he is overlooking as I know that he does not grasp these concepts." Not only was magnetic declination not taken into effect, but the Sun wasn't fully set in either video meaning there were several more degrees the Sun would likely move before dusk. Beyond all this, we KNOW for a fact the Sun circles over and around our flat Earth because we have physical, observable, repeatable proof of it every year with the Arctic Midnight Sun. And also the path of the solar analemma shows the Sun IS circling over and around us, while slowing moving Northwards to the Tropic of Cancer for 6 months, then Southwards back to the Tropic of Capricorn for 6 months. You rail against the "AE" map and anyone who ever uses one, but then admit you don't have any better map or model. I have admitted time and again that I use the maps for visualization and approximation purposes, and not because I believe the maps to be perfectly accurate. Maps like the Gleasons or Hammonds most certainly conform to reality better than traditional Mercator or Galls-Peters projections any day. In conclusion, I would like to say that I agree with Jake's skepticism and that we should not claim any map/model as 100% accurate without full exploration first, however, I strongly disagree with the supposed evidence given and the aggressive, divisive stance taken.
CajunPie, Lightning_Peasant, Russian Blue Cat, brazzinho, Steven0, tycho_brahe, zeteticseparovich and Scoutpi1 like this post
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Update: Yes, he deleted my comments and anyone else posting positive comments as well
tycho_brahe and zeteticseparovich like this post
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