Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Flat Earth SubGenius
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Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Jake, the self-proclaimed asshole, on FE infiltration
Last edited by Admin on Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
In response to the self-admitted asshole's latest videos, first let me say that nobody has claimed any map is 100% accurate and his divisive stance against the best maps we do have is just what controlled opposition does. Calling for a boycott of our best map, calling everyone shills who promote it, and doing so by screaming into the camera for an hour was certainly not a productive way to point out potential flaws. Secondly, if certain celestial motions are in slightly different places than assumed, that doesn't mean the map of the ground beneath us is at fault, but rather the mapping of the sky that needs adjustment. Thirdly, we have no way to confirm or deny the accuracy of the two videos posted as "proof" of the Sun setting slightly South of West in Australia and Tasmania. Now conceding all of these points, there are still problems to consider. For example, the following objection from Willard Gulliby: "He/they used "proofs" from Australia and Tasmania that did not factor in Magnetic Declination! Right now, just because some goofball shoots an azimuth with his compass that reads 255° in Tasmania does not mean that the sun is setting SW. The Magnetic Declination for Tasmania reads 13° in the North to 15° in the South of that tiny island readjusting the azimuth back to or very near the 270° West setting. I was not only a Boy Scout with backpacking experience, but I was a Cavalry Scout in the US ARMY and I have always been comfortable with reading maps and orienteering. I just wanted to give you just a couple of things that he is overlooking as I know that he does not grasp these concepts." https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/declination.shtml Not only was magnetic declination not taken into effect, but the Sun wasn't fully set in either video meaning there were several more degrees the Sun would likely move before dusk. Beyond all this, we KNOW for a fact the Sun circles over and around our flat Earth because we have physical, observable, repeatable proof of it every year with the Arctic Midnight Sun: http://www.ericdubay.com/?p=1023 And also the path of the solar analemma shows the Sun IS circling over and around us, while slowing moving Northwards to the Tropic of Cancer for 6 months, then Southwards back to the Tropic of Capricorn for 6 months: http://www.ericdubay.com/?p=1036 In conclusion, I would like to say that I agree with Jake's skepticism and that we should not claim any map/model as 100% accurate without full exploration first, however, I strongly disagree with the supposed evidence given and the aggressive, divisive stance taken. Peace
Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:08 am; edited 4 times in total
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
In response to Jake's latest video I'll just add a couple points. Again, I have never claimed any FE map to be 100% accurate, and want us to push for full exploration before adopting any maps, but when people ask for an approximate representation of the flat Earth model, the Hammond's, Gleason's and a few other similar maps are the best we currently have. Now during this presentation, Jake sets-up a strawman by using a random Azimuthal Equidistant projection (not the Hammond's, Gleason's or any other FE map) and makes several claims based on this unnamed map. Next, the Time and Date.com link that he shows confirming the Sunset at West-Southwest also confirms that the "SUN DIRECTION" is WEST-NORTHWEST! (Just as it should be and is on the circular flat model) So they are admitting what Jake is omitting, namely that "Sunrise and Sunset" are subjective phenomena based on perspective, atmospheric conditions etc. whereas the Sun's actual direction is objective and proven beyond any shadow of a doubt by the Arctic Midnight Sun and the Solar/Lunar Analemmas. In regards to extended hours of daylight during the Winter Solstice in extreme southern latitudes there are many possible explanations including reflection/refraction off a dome, changing Sun altitude throughout the year etc. And lastly, the screen shot he shows from Robbie Davidson where I was finally actually invited and declined to be in FEIC 2017 was from a thread where Robbie was ALREADY CLAIMING that I "was invited and declined" when neither had yet happened! I confronted him about it, he was lying and maintained the lie for nearly a year until just a few days ago when he finally admitted it:
Note: I posted the above message on Jake's video with several replies of support and agreement, it became the top comment, and since then Jake has deleted my comment and all the positive replies, leaving only negative slanderous ones.
Note: I posted the above message on Jake's video with several replies of support and agreement, it became the top comment, and since then Jake has deleted my comment and all the positive replies, leaving only negative slanderous ones.
Last edited by Admin on Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:26 am; edited 7 times in total
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Flat Earth Sub-Genius, a member here hopefully can chip in and testify as I remember him saying that he paid $275 to help Jake get his car back after being impounded during his trip around America which Jake promised to pay back, but has never paid him back a cent. We can also see here Jake saying he'd like to get drunk and run this man over in his car. Not a good look.
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Here Jake clearly states he is NOT the guy to go to for proofs. Let's all just pause and reflect on that for a moment. Stop at 1:10 and listen.
Bravenough2see- Posts : 7
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
In Jake's latest 2 videos which are all about me and feature my name in the title, he has now deleted one of my top comments and several top comments supporting me.
Christine Hoosepian-Mer likes this post
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Admin wrote:In Jake's latest 2 videos which are all about me and feature my name in the title, he has now deleted one of my top comments and several top comments supporting me.
Ironically there are people commenting about you having no answer or rebuttal to his "claims", little do they know he deleted your comments
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Flat Earth Asshole
Flat Earth Asshole13 minutes ago (edited)
I have deleted Eric Dubay's comments here and I will continue to delete them on site. I shall not be addressed by Eric's handler's through text. If Eric wishes to address me he can talk to me MAN TO MAN LIVE ON A HANGOUT FOR ALL TO SEE. Or he can go on camera and address me and my arguments, however I will not continue to address text comments on youtube most likely written by his handler's and not Eric himself. Eric's text comments are not evidence they are simply TEXT which deny the evidence which has already proven him a liar and a fraud. Does NASA admit they lied? Does Scott Kelly admit he never was on the ISS? NO THEY DONT AND NEITHER WILL ERIC!!!
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Flat Earth Asshole13 minutes ago (edited)
I have deleted Eric Dubay's comments here and I will continue to delete them on site. I shall not be addressed by Eric's handler's through text. If Eric wishes to address me he can talk to me MAN TO MAN LIVE ON A HANGOUT FOR ALL TO SEE. Or he can go on camera and address me and my arguments, however I will not continue to address text comments on youtube most likely written by his handler's and not Eric himself. Eric's text comments are not evidence they are simply TEXT which deny the evidence which has already proven him a liar and a fraud. Does NASA admit they lied? Does Scott Kelly admit he never was on the ISS? NO THEY DONT AND NEITHER WILL ERIC!!!
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starfox42- Posts : 55
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Admin wrote:Flat Earth Sub-Genius, a member here hopefully can chip in and testify as I remember him saying that he paid $275 to help Jake get his car back after being impounded during his trip around America which Jake promised to pay back, but has never paid him back a cent. We can also see here Jake saying he'd like to get drunk and run this man over in his car. Not a good look.
Yes and I saved the texts between him and I where he said that too. He told me he was going to pay me back from the "extra money" (the donations) he received from his roadtrip. He never did and unfriended me. Notice he hasn't said a word about me because he knows I'll make a fool of him even further.
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Wow he stole money too!! grr !! I guess his tshirt sales arent doing very well.
Well his video is lame and i only find comfort in watching it for 2 hours knowing now 100% that Jake Gibson will do anything to keep up with having * fans* and being seen as some kind of teacher, but hes got no game.
These few things he mentions are not things you use to make into 2 hour long videos.
The main part of this video is just him steaming mad that after HE says a bunch of stupid stuff about FE and Eric, he gets called out.. And a hilarious FEA impression is now on youtube
So, lets see here, Solar analemma, yes! and the suns journey from tropic to tropic - That is my kinda astrology!
We can clearly see with astrology and observing the sun and charts that it fits in a lot of locations that we know of on earth.
Of course I have no idea what shape the whole earth is, and i dont know who does, but i do know that the tropical western astrology i do is made with geocentric measurements and fits with a map like similar to the AE projection...by way of the circular motion/clock .. and our view of up there from down here( with latitude and long)
not just for me(where i make the charts for location)
but for some other people that I know on earth and communicate with.
I can make a chart for me in nova scotia then someone in australia and they will look into sky and see same things from the chart as is happening in the sky.
Even the angles of the sun to other luminaries and to us down on earth are all in this amazing science.
With so many hidden meanings and years of hiding astrology, Who knew we could do this all along?! There are encoded things that NASA and the rulers are using over us all to do with this astrology, so this is important and a real science, I hope we all know that by now.
You need to learn some basic language before you can read it and im sorry about that part but at least its not language of a fake globe.
It is taking me years to get into more of how astrology was crafted with a map similar to one like AE but they must be related because they fit so well together and there are just SO many things that I cannot debunk or see fitting on any map that isnt taking into acct sun is moving in a circular direction.
Maybe the AE map was made with the help of astrology because scientists back a long time ago didnt disregard this stuff?
Maybe the sky map might need to be changed a bit to fit stuff better?, yes,sure..So many things might need some tweaking.
But maybe some of us can figure out more of this science here that was already made and that will help.
We all need to test it out from where we are more, and work, and be active sharing with people, not just try to get youtube famous and make ourselves into asses. What Jake is doing is embarrassing and makes him look shady(er) than he already looked trying to go fund me his way across the u.s. to party and sell t shirts.
I didnt even mention yet about the comment he pinned on his flat earth association channel and who it is from so i will post screenshot of my comment to him regarding pinning serbian conspiracies comment in case he removes it.
SHE IS A STALKER! He has pinned a comment from someone who attacked me on FB for months! Thats shows exactly what he is like as well. Grrr.
Serbian Conspiracy made numerous accounts to stalk me on facebook and then made cruel memes of me, tagged me all over facebook in a bunch of flat earth groups and kept saying that I am stalking Eric.
She says Im stupid, a psycho, and that I caused her problems somehow in her life ( ALL before i even knew who she was)
We figured out who it was and I had to start blocking accounts trying to add me for a few months until she found someone else to harass I guess.
Here is a screenshot of what I commented to Jake in his latest video regarding testing astrology(testing his own retardation levels) and serbians comment.
I will put in here in case he erases it. I was mad when I made it, He called everyone who listens to Dubay retarded...?!
But obviously, if I try to talk to Jake Gibson about Tropical Western Astrology and the suns journey through the tropics he wont know any of what im talking about.
and here are a few pictures for anyone who might be looking into tropical western astrology more.
I havent seen anyone else sharing this yet so im surprised nobody else saw this right away. Not Santos, Not Wayki Wayki..Just lil ol me.
The Angles that we use in Tropical Western Astrology are obviously made for a map similar to the AE. They are made with symbols that fit onto the map 100% ! ! check check, mic check
Well his video is lame and i only find comfort in watching it for 2 hours knowing now 100% that Jake Gibson will do anything to keep up with having * fans* and being seen as some kind of teacher, but hes got no game.
These few things he mentions are not things you use to make into 2 hour long videos.
The main part of this video is just him steaming mad that after HE says a bunch of stupid stuff about FE and Eric, he gets called out.. And a hilarious FEA impression is now on youtube
So, lets see here, Solar analemma, yes! and the suns journey from tropic to tropic - That is my kinda astrology!
We can clearly see with astrology and observing the sun and charts that it fits in a lot of locations that we know of on earth.
Of course I have no idea what shape the whole earth is, and i dont know who does, but i do know that the tropical western astrology i do is made with geocentric measurements and fits with a map like similar to the AE projection...by way of the circular motion/clock .. and our view of up there from down here( with latitude and long)
not just for me(where i make the charts for location)
but for some other people that I know on earth and communicate with.
I can make a chart for me in nova scotia then someone in australia and they will look into sky and see same things from the chart as is happening in the sky.
Even the angles of the sun to other luminaries and to us down on earth are all in this amazing science.
With so many hidden meanings and years of hiding astrology, Who knew we could do this all along?! There are encoded things that NASA and the rulers are using over us all to do with this astrology, so this is important and a real science, I hope we all know that by now.
You need to learn some basic language before you can read it and im sorry about that part but at least its not language of a fake globe.
It is taking me years to get into more of how astrology was crafted with a map similar to one like AE but they must be related because they fit so well together and there are just SO many things that I cannot debunk or see fitting on any map that isnt taking into acct sun is moving in a circular direction.
Maybe the AE map was made with the help of astrology because scientists back a long time ago didnt disregard this stuff?
Maybe the sky map might need to be changed a bit to fit stuff better?, yes,sure..So many things might need some tweaking.
But maybe some of us can figure out more of this science here that was already made and that will help.
We all need to test it out from where we are more, and work, and be active sharing with people, not just try to get youtube famous and make ourselves into asses. What Jake is doing is embarrassing and makes him look shady(er) than he already looked trying to go fund me his way across the u.s. to party and sell t shirts.
I didnt even mention yet about the comment he pinned on his flat earth association channel and who it is from so i will post screenshot of my comment to him regarding pinning serbian conspiracies comment in case he removes it.
SHE IS A STALKER! He has pinned a comment from someone who attacked me on FB for months! Thats shows exactly what he is like as well. Grrr.
Serbian Conspiracy made numerous accounts to stalk me on facebook and then made cruel memes of me, tagged me all over facebook in a bunch of flat earth groups and kept saying that I am stalking Eric.
She says Im stupid, a psycho, and that I caused her problems somehow in her life ( ALL before i even knew who she was)
We figured out who it was and I had to start blocking accounts trying to add me for a few months until she found someone else to harass I guess.
Here is a screenshot of what I commented to Jake in his latest video regarding testing astrology(testing his own retardation levels) and serbians comment.
I will put in here in case he erases it. I was mad when I made it, He called everyone who listens to Dubay retarded...?!
But obviously, if I try to talk to Jake Gibson about Tropical Western Astrology and the suns journey through the tropics he wont know any of what im talking about.
and here are a few pictures for anyone who might be looking into tropical western astrology more.
I havent seen anyone else sharing this yet so im surprised nobody else saw this right away. Not Santos, Not Wayki Wayki..Just lil ol me.
The Angles that we use in Tropical Western Astrology are obviously made for a map similar to the AE. They are made with symbols that fit onto the map 100% ! ! check check, mic check
MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
It slays me that he publicly calls Eric out and then deletes his comments in the public discussion under the same video. You talk about hypocrisy magnified!
1) classifies Eric's comments ("text") as "bullshit,"
2) goes on with, "and I am supposed to take that response seriously?" So this guy devotes more than an hour of YouTube time for the purpose of ridiculing another man's efforts to expose the spinning ball fraud, and then when that man shows up to defend his position in the public discussion underneath the same video, he assigns himself the arbiter of which comments are allowed, and which are "bullshit," while specifically disallowing comments from the guy he prattles against for over an hour.
3) "He cannot debunk me so he chooses to send text...." which is promptly blocked. So, if the text doesn't debunk your position, and it's no threat to the claims made in the video, why would you not allow for public discourse in the comments section under the video, by the man the video ridicules?!
Am I missing something here?!
1) classifies Eric's comments ("text") as "bullshit,"
2) goes on with, "and I am supposed to take that response seriously?" So this guy devotes more than an hour of YouTube time for the purpose of ridiculing another man's efforts to expose the spinning ball fraud, and then when that man shows up to defend his position in the public discussion underneath the same video, he assigns himself the arbiter of which comments are allowed, and which are "bullshit," while specifically disallowing comments from the guy he prattles against for over an hour.
3) "He cannot debunk me so he chooses to send text...." which is promptly blocked. So, if the text doesn't debunk your position, and it's no threat to the claims made in the video, why would you not allow for public discourse in the comments section under the video, by the man the video ridicules?!
Am I missing something here?!
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
He is also lying and acting as though he somehow "knows" that I don't even write my own comments claiming "my handlers wrote on my behalf." I write all of my own comments, articles, books and forum posts thank you very much Mr. Asshole.
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Nobody has ever doubted that, Eric. It's only liars who must fabricate the false claims they count on to dupe others into believing their outrageous lies.Admin wrote:I write all of my own comments, articles, books and forum posts....
He proved his lack of mettle when immediately blocking your own comments under his crap video. His ego wouldn't dare allow a lengthy thread to develop under your own message thereby dominating the discussion under his own video. He took the coward's way out.
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
That is ridiculous of him to ad that shit in about you have a handler.
As if he is anywhere capable of telling anything about anyone or human behavior or anything of the sort I am putting him on the joe rogan team now> Neither one of them could debunk a peanut.
As if he is anywhere capable of telling anything about anyone or human behavior or anything of the sort I am putting him on the joe rogan team now> Neither one of them could debunk a peanut.
MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
How convenient for Lori Frary to contact Jake and provide clarity in such troubling times. Case closed, all research can come to a halt. I wrote much more than 2 sentences. I suppose that was a waste of time on the Asshole.
Bravenough2see- Posts : 7
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MaryMoon- Posts : 128
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
More like Jake cannot debunk any of my responses to his prattle and that's why he has been quickly deleting all of my top comments and all those in support of me under his videos.
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Jacob Gibson (AKA) Flat Earth Asshole has been mentioning Eric Dubay's name since the beginning of time. Sometimes when he mentioned his name it was for good intentions and sometime they were for bad intentions. Jacob is seriously confused and all he does is contradicts himself. Jacob was okay with Eric wearing a pillowcase back in the old days but today Jacob makes fun of him for wearing the exact same pillow case. This video is my opinion on a few subjects about a person who I used to respect....The Flat Earth Asshole!
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
The ecliptic is the path of the Sun across the sky; it can be represented by an imaginary circle in space. If we take the Earth’s Equator and project it on the sky, the angle between the ecliptic and the Celestial Equator would be 23.5 degrees.
Equinoxes - The equinoxes are the two points on the ecliptic where it crosses the celestial equator. On the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes (around March 21 and September 21 respectively) the length of the day and night are roughly (but not exactly) equal.
Solstices - The points on the ecliptic when the Sun is highest above or lowest below the celestial equator are called the solstices. On the winter solstice (around December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere), the night is much longer than the day, and on the Summer Solstice (around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere), the day is much longer than the night. See the two figures for a comparison between the Celestial Equator (red line) and the ecliptic (green line):
The Earth doesn't have to be a ball to view the Celestial Sphere. That's why you are viewing SE sunrises and SW sunsets after the Summer Solstice and through the Winter Solstice. It will revert and reverse its course as the equinoxes provide a LEVEL playground. -Williard Gulliby
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Sydney Australia to Santiago Chile mapped according to the Gleason Azimuthal Equidistant projection. It's accurate down to the minute which is why the air force used this top down protection in WWII. No globe required and stands as another logical fallacy globalists can't use as a conclusive proof of earth's rotundity. -Jason DePue
Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
Admin wrote:
Sydney Australia to Santiago Chile = 7500 miles
according to the Gleason Azimuthal Equidistant projection
It's accurate down to the minute which is why the air force used this top down protection in WWII
As can be seen, there is no flight schedule from Sydney Australia to Santiago Chile = 7500 miles
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Flat Earth Asshole - The Infiltrator
I think the point is "if it existed" the flight still works and makes sense on the flat Earth map, but just to double-check, you have still found no actual evidence of such a non-stop flight existing, correct Schpankme?
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