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Jesus Christ Never Existed

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by markwilson Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:18 pm

"Recipe to make a god: Take 33 1/3 per centum Ignorance, 33 1/3 per centum Credulity and 33 1/3 Human Ingenuity. Mix carefully and let stand until fermentation sets in. Then add quant. suf. [quantities sufficient] extract of the Miraculous, and vary strength of the mixture to suit powers of resistance of locality" [i.e., the resistance of a particular locality's challenge to the priestcraft's claim the god literally exists] —Ingersoll Lockwood, Laconics of Cult, Section First, SUPERSTITION

"I know little of thy Jewish demi-god. We do not love the Jews in this imperial [Roman] capital. They are the butt of our ridicule on the stage, sodden in credulity and superstition. Our great poet Horace says: Credat Judaeus Apella!" —Ibid.

"Credat Judaeus Apella, non ego"
A common Latin saying meaning "Let the Jew Apella believe it; not I". The phrase means, roughly, tell it to someone else, not me. The reference is taken from the work Satires (book one, satire five) by ancient poet Horace. It is derived from a scene where people try to convince travellers of miracles happening at their shrines. The phrase is uttered to convey the disbelief and that they should tell their stories to someone else. (emphasis added) https://tinyurl.com/ycwhdf9v

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by pingree24 Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:44 am

What about the obvious star of remphan worship with the jews/catholic's/masons, it's clear satan worship. Which was told about in acts 7:43?

I really want to hear Erics opinion on the star of remphan and Black cube worship that the bible said they worship and clearly do.

Thank you so much for your work. Without your work i would not have come to the flat side so thank you for opening my eyes to something that truely changed my life you will never know how much you did sir.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty personal savior and the loving yet sadistic father conundrums

Post by ocderm Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:11 pm

I have been trying to delve deeper into the Bible trying to find guidance in my life and this really helps resolve one of the greatest hangups i've had on the whole thing which is this idea that one of the ultimate conclusions i am supposed to come to is that i must accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior who died for my sins, etc. Because i cannot wrap my head around that concept without some sort of compelling argument of why it is real and necessary, it has made me want to reject the entirety of the bible and christianity. however, from this perspective, it seems there are ancient and natural truths "hidden" within the bible that anyone can learn from and it is completely acceptable to use the bible as a resource for understanding this world while at the same time completely rejecting the ridiculous idea that you have to genuinely accept christ as your savior or else, as is said in this video, you will ultimately live in an eternity of unimaginable horror as a form of punishment by your loving god for basically not bowing down and telling him how great he is and how thankful you are for the miserable life he has let you live. if you can throw out that nonsense, you can actually find useful information in other parts of the story. but it truly is astounding how many people are so caught up in that ridiculous idea that defies all logic and reason, even by people who reject otherwise equally ridiculous ideas but hold dearly to this one. i've always maintained that if there is an all powerful creator, and if he/she/whatever it is exists in some capacity as an overseer of everything that happens, then "he" would certainly understand my reservations about thinking that he could be at the same time all loving, all powerful, all knowing, all forgiving and yet want to damn me to eternal hell for simply not telling him how awesome i think he is and not accepting his supposed son as my personal savior. surely he would at least be willing to have a conversation with me based upon the experiences of my life before he damned me to eternal punishment.... even though it is claimed that it hurts god to see his children suffer, so it must be really hard for him each time he condemns one of us to eternal punishment for not celebrating his greatness; or for not accepting his "son" as my savior even with no evidence- besides am i not also his son? the whole thing reminds me of exactly what i don't want to be as a father, so therefore i cannot accept that even the creator of this reality would demand such things as a father either. i simply hope my children will respect and trust me because i want to guide them towards the best life possible. i would never ask of them to feel like they owe me anything or need to tell me of my greatness. i would never simultaneously love them unconditionally yet damn them to eternal pain just for not telling me how great i am or believing the things i believe.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Can someone help me sort this out..

Post by jonfrost Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:26 pm

After reading on the sight about the mason's and specifically numerology of 666, it seems very clear that this world is run by Satanic people, no?  So if the people with the most power here are satanic doesn't it stand to reason then that Christ would be real?  Why would they cling so much to a belief in something that wasn't true and push lies that "hide God" but they follow an anti-christ way of living?  I am struggling with this.  I hope this makes sense and I appreciate anyone's help.  Thanks!



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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by JonFromEarth Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:30 pm

My opinion is that christianity is largely based on ancient paganism and the satanic elites view religion through that lense. They dont believe in the bible they just mock Christians. I believe they look at their diety in a separate context from biblical perspective. The Christian's look at satan worship as the devil in the bible, I dont believe the elites do.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by JonFromEarth Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:33 pm

Also the elites consist of many jews who really hate white people . in general they simply seek to demoralize people of a the dominant religion of white people. Theyve done this with even the norse gods as well with fiction works. They simlly hate jesus because people believe in it not necessarily because they do


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by susie Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:14 am


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Caesar's Messiah

Post by tonyatl Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:07 am

After reading through the many responses in this thread, I am surprised that no one has mentioned Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill which I consider the definitive work on the jesus question. basically he says that jesus is a literary figure invented by the Flavian aristocracy to replace the militant jewish messiah motivating the jewish rebellions with a pacifistic turn-the-other-cheek, pay-your-taxes, obey-the-roman-authorities messiah-savior. given the many military problems with subduing the jews, other tactics were required to pacify judea, a task which was not complete until c. 135.

his evidence of Jesus' identity, the avatar of titus, is that the former has a ministry which follows sequentially and congruently that of titus as found in josephus' jewish wars. when the roman senate deified Vespasian, he became god the father while his son titus became god the son, who was also deified by the senate. his brother Domitian was god the holy spirit. thus the gospels and new testament are the ultimate psychological warfare device. there are no spiritual truths to be found in the gospels, and many verses which are considered to be pietistic are in fact the most ribald, and frequently obscene, sarcastic remarks hurled against the jews.

thus attempts to spiritualize or distill jesus, or to reconstruct him in the light of longstanding myths, or to deconstruct him from an accretion of historical miasma are wholly misguided. there is no authentic Christianity other than to obey your Caesar.

Last edited by tonyatl on Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by AlmightySavoisien88 Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:57 am

Jesus was a aryan. The jew, the parasites, only did what they always do by assimilate and changing reality according to their own need. Religion is mind control. Christianity was a downgrade of white spirituality which allowed (((them))) to replace us with non-whites. End of the story.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:31 am

Jesus identity? What you saw a picture? What proof is there even for his existence. How easy is it for religion to have a head figure to sweep everybody in the same religion.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:26 pm

AlmightySavoisien88 wrote:Jesus was a aryan. The jew, the parasites, only did what they always do by assimilate and changing reality according to their own need. Religion is mind control. Christianity was a downgrade of white spirituality which allowed (((them))) to replace us with non-whites. End of the story.

I agree about 1. 'Jesus' or a figure representing an exceptional person known by that name actually existing.


This is chapter 23 of volume 4 (out of 6), which covers a bit about Jesus and the early formation of the major religions. Take my word for it or read all their work for yourself at http://chronologia.org/en/ it destroys conventional history.

And 2. Religion is mind control (or more precisely; from the latin verb religare - to tie back, to hold back, to thwart from forward progress, to bind.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Devon1 Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:09 pm

Science, Religion, and Philosophy come from one source. The Hermetica discusses this and outlines how the teachings have been distorted and manipulated over the years. The people that gave us the globe model, the Abraham religions, paganism and the eastern religions were hermetic magicians. Although Hermes is great and wise, he is also a trickster.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Devon1 Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:05 pm


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by terrain man Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:49 pm

What r u talking about Jesus was an alien zombie telepath, duh (humor).

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Devon1 Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:48 pm

terrain man wrote:What r u talking about Jesus was an alien zombie telepath, duh (humor).

I believe the argument is about the literal interpretation vs the esoteric or symbolic interpretation of scripture. The esoteric and symbolic ties Christianity into the occult mindset. The esoteric/symbolic is really interesting and causes one to draw conclusions about Jesus being the sun and the pineal gland being the connecting organ that you can awaken you to see his father or the all encompassing light, aka the "I am".   When you start looking into it, the connections are mind-blowing and you just might awaken your hidden Jedi powers. There seems to be some dangers in occult research though. once you become super woke, you just might  turn into this guy:

I think the big conflict between the literal and symbolic interpretation is this passage in the bible:
“By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.” 1 John 4:2-3.

Reading it, you might be afraid to think Jesus wasn't a historical figure because this would mean you're saying he didn't come in the flesh. Personally I don't have an issue with believing Jesus incarnated as a man, because this is the same as the Pharaoh's being the physical incarnation of the sun. The other interesting thing about this is the distinction the bible makes between the real Jews and the Satanic Jews.  The real Jews are the followers of Christ and the Satanic Jews would be our modern Jewish people. If you know who is running the world, its pretty alarming how accurate this is. We have a bunch of Talmudic Jews holding a lot of power and starting a lot of wars. Jewish Zionism seems to be their mission to totally enslave and destroy the Goy, with their messiah (the anti-Christ) ruling the world.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Jadepurplelover Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:10 pm

Jesus Mohammad buddha Zeus appolo and other fake gods written by bored fraudsters don't exist.
They don't talk to you know as proof, and they didn't talk or appear back then when there was no cameras or recordings as proof either. They did exist however in men's imagination.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Xander Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:57 pm

I've recently discovered the XtremeRealityCheck channel and she's done some amazing videos. She's very Jesus heavy but it has got me thinking. If you watch the first 5 or 10 mins of this video you will see the powers at be are actively silencing Christians and mention of Jesus:


What possible reason would they have for programming Alexa and whatever other voice assistants to say they don't recognise the name Jesus Christ or that he was a fictional character when they quite happily describe other religion's prophets and Gods? It makes no sense. I'm of the opinion that whatever they are hell bent on censoring it must mean there is something there. The only logical answer I can come up with is that our unelected rulers truly believe that Jesus existed because they are convinced of their own satanic religion. What else do they know that we don't?

I don't have any Google, Apple or Microsoft devices in my house so is anybody able to confirm the above video for me by asking Alexa, Siri, Cortana, et al who Jesus was? I'll be interested in the results.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by its_Goyim Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:16 am

Xander wrote:I've recently discovered the XtremeRealityCheck channel and she's done some amazing videos. She's very Jesus heavy but it has got me thinking. If you watch the first 5 or 10 mins of this video you will see the powers at be are actively silencing Christians and mention of Jesus:


What possible reason would they have for programming Alexa and whatever other voice assistants to say they don't recognise the name Jesus Christ or that he was a fictional character when they quite happily describe other religion's prophets and Gods? It makes no sense. I'm of the opinion that whatever they are hell bent on censoring it must mean there is something there. The only logical answer I can come up with is that our unelected rulers truly believe that Jesus existed because they are convinced of their own satanic religion. What else do they know that we don't?

I don't have any Google, Apple or Microsoft devices in my house so is anybody able to confirm the above video for me by asking Alexa, Siri, Cortana, et al who Jesus was? I'll be interested in the results.

No they are not silencing jesus lol or christians that shit is all over the Gab telegram bitcute and other controlled fake "uncensored" outlets..they are using it to find the GOY's. Its not that hard to see! They are taking note Covid was a corral-virus. So was Donald Grump

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty What is HELL?

Post by its_Goyim Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:15 am

So let me give my explanation of Hell from the JEW(bible). So according to the narrative of the once for written to control us book of savior's incest, rapists and murderer's. Hell is a place where you proceed if you do not buy their narrative ever changing christ cuck money loving control of mankind. When you go there its eternal fire and misery forever. Like the bible every "history" book has but one objective, and that is to get you to beLIEve it.

WE ARE IN HELL RIGHT NOW! It's not eternal it's temporary, and when we all can see it and stand up its over! There is no devil no savior, but there is a choice. So what do you choose?


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by trake Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:21 pm

Whether Jesus existed literally or whether it is an allegory besides disreputing the Catholic Church does little to damage the stories themselves.  People here criticize the books as being simply written to control the masses, which is Karl Mark's (https://www.learnreligions.com/karl-marx-on-religion-251019) idea, and that may be part of the story, but speaking for myself I actually get a great sense of relief and inner peace when I read some of Jesus' teachings, and, correct me if I'm wrong, that is also what many people today feel who call themselves Christians. I support whatever does good to man, whatever brings him to love, seek honesty and wisdom, and to care for others even those who aren't aligned with his current understandings (love your enemies), plus prayer, even to the "totally non-existent" Jesus can work wonders for you psychologically, spiritually and even to your physical well-being.  And I'm sure Eric (Cartman) Dubay would agree.

To Christian's out there who are in despair because of the quite certain chance that Jesus Christ didn't exist in the literal sense, do not be discouraged, for what matters is the wisdom that you are able to extract from the books and nothing more. All great books are sacred and despite what many have said in this thread the Bible is a great book.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:18 am

trake wrote:Whether Jesus existed literally or whether it is an allegory besides disreputing the Catholic Church does little to damage the stories themselves.  People here criticize the books as being simply written to control the masses, which is Karl Mark's (https://www.learnreligions.com/karl-marx-on-religion-251019) idea, and that may be part of the story, but speaking for myself I actually get a great sense of relief and inner peace when I read some of Jesus' teachings, and, correct me if I'm wrong, that is also what many people today feel who call themselves Christians. I support whatever does good to man, whatever brings him to love, seek honesty and wisdom, and to care for others even those who aren't aligned with his current understandings (love your enemies), plus prayer, even to the "totally non-existent" Jesus can work wonders for you psychologically, spiritually and even to your physical well-being.  And I'm sure Eric (Cartman) Dubay would agree.

To Christian's out there who are in despair because of the quite certain chance that Jesus Christ didn't exist in the literal sense, do not be discouraged, for what matters is the wisdom that you are able to extract from the books and nothing more. All great books are sacred and despite what many have said in this thread the Bible is a great book.

"People here criticize the books as being simply written to control the masses, which is Karl Mark's idea"

why hasn't this shill been banned? seems obvious to anyone with a brain this "person" is a shill
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by pitagoras Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:33 am


In this article it points out the fact that the name Church was possibly derived from the Latin word Circus, while in the original bible the term that was used was Ekklesia which meant "an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating" and not the circus that the Churches have become today, which misrepresent the Bible and have turned Christianity into a clown show.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by nowhereelsetogo Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:13 pm

What if there was a real person who successfully steered mankind away from bacchanalia satanism and all its depravity. Brutally murdered for his efforts and then turned into the figure of Jesus accompanied by lots of obscuring fluff and thrust into a bible already corrupted by then.

From https://chronologia.org/en/    (The whole of their work is worth the effort to read as it debunks history, carbon dating and dendro-chronology)).

А.Т. Fomenko, G.V. Nosovskiy

" The book ‘Czar of the Slavs’ concerns the new dating of the Nativity of Christ as the year 1152 AD which we arrived at in 2003. The reconstruction of the events of the XII century which emerged as a result is presented here.

The book contains only the new material and the results we arrived at in 2003. They are all published here for the first time.

We would like to highlight that the main result of this book is a new and evidently final dating of the nativity of Christ and the Gospel events. It was the result of a number of scientific methods independent from each other (and naturally of the Scaligerian chronology). In this book we give a detailed account of the way this purely chronological result was achieved and how you can understand it. We suggest a number of hypotheses and theories aimed at giving such explanations. Addressing our critics we would like to say that our reconstructions are not mere ‘contemplations on the theme’, but attempts to interpret reliable chronological results. To see the details of our analysis of the chronology on the whole and the evidence proving that the Scaligerian version is erroneous, please refer to our books [МЕТ1], [МЕТ2], [МЕТ3], and also CHRON1-CHRON3. Unfortunately some of our critics immediately direct their fire against the hypotheses which they don’t like for whatever reason, overlooking the chronological basis and the mathematical results. Of course, the emotions are quite understandable here. But nevertheless the matter is important enough and demands attentive and deliberate research. Beginning with the basics. The emotions should be left for later. "

Last edited by nowhereelsetogo on Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by nowhereelsetogo Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:47 pm


I feel the details of this real and important person were smothered in shit like miracles etc in order to meld them with twats like Tammuz, and other satanic bods.
And then they make up the 'sermon on the mount' and attribute it to him to nullify resistance.
If I remember rightly he was a great warrior and leader who rid the lands of disease creating depravity. Not a hippie pussy.

I've started reading it again and am struck by the fact that they calculate hi death at age 27 (not in his 30's) - '27 Club' anyone?
I should point out that they present astronomical data in terms of 'universe' etc. But I don't think that matters because we all see the same sky.They at no point comment on the shape of the earth.

My bad: Age of Christ at crucifiction according to them 33 not 27. I'm trying not to think of masonry!
I'll reserve further comment until i've finished reading, sorry.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 4 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by colander bowl Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:27 pm

Ever hear of ChatGPT? Consider today's ChatGPT to be a ver. 1

Will the advanced ver 1.xx ChatGPT be able to write a Bible from cover to cover? Probably.

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