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Jesus Christ Never Existed

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:10 pm

Please don't be turned off by the title!  The following documentary sheds light on the deepest esoteric teachings of Christianity hidden from the masses for millennia, exposes the real Bible code, and shows the enlightening truth of who Jesus the Christ truly was and is.  For Christians and non-Christians alike, this unique documentary helps bring a fuller understanding of the origins and mysteries of the Abrahamic faiths.  Please watch and share this most important and transformative feature with your friends and family to help spread the good word!

Last edited by Admin on Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:20 am; edited 2 times in total

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by csp Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:23 am

Excellent work Eric.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Wondering Man Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:00 pm

Finally had the time to watch this one through, great job Eric.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:48 am

Fascinating work Eric. It just makes so much sense when you think about it soberly. We've been played for suckers by this big fish story. I've always been a Jesus fan too. But it isn't that hard to see the same myths and stories over time being re-issued and repackaged. We still see it all the time today; it's standard for Hollywood to carry on with reboots, remakes and sequels. The saga continues...

I just don't see how The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost; resolves and completes the Trinity. It sounds cool; but I also have a mother. We are all born into this reality from woman. So what other things are these Sun worshipers hiding behind the scary appearance of The Devil. Eve got us kicked out guys! The Moon is a dead harsh mistress! Don't you just hate Mondays? See you at church on Sunday! I think we're missing something here.

Good on Eric for having the balls to make this video. We need this kind of courage to help us solve the ancient riddles and rescue our future.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:36 am

If Jesus were real he would understand my bewilderment. Given the 'sphere' of lies we live in! I would want to know who put the cards on the table before I wager a fatal guess, no?

I still revere the Creator and desire to do good. Faith is not a matter of chance. It is a test of love and courage.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:54 am

Animal Sanctuary wrote:

Faith is not a matter of chance.
It is a test of love and courage.

Faith = Pretend
Theory = Pretend

Pretending to know is not helpful.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:07 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Animal Sanctuary wrote:

Faith is not a matter of chance.
It is a test of love and courage.

Faith = Pretend
Theory = Pretend

Pretending to know is not helpful.

I get what you're saying. I didn't mean religious faith. More like an intrinsic faith, wherein efforts rooted in understanding, courage, intelligence, knowledge and compassion; will yield spiritual, maybe even physical and material benefits.

But I understand your contempt for words like Faith and Theory; especially considering how evil and disgraceful the religious and scientific societies have been.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by budnipper Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:35 am

really loved it! more more!


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by csp Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:08 am

Flat Earth Guru wrote:This is plain ignorant and stupid!

BeLIEving Jesus Christ was a jewish zombie savior that walked this earth because someone wrote it on a piece of papyrus is just plain ignorant and stupid.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Flat Cajun Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:14 am

Good job. Thanks for this. I'm an atheist, meaning I don't believe in theology, but I have come back from believing in the big bang and evolution when I learned the Earth was flat. It has bothered me that Christians grasp onto Flat Earth as if it proves Christianity just because the authors of the bible correctly believed the Earth was flat.
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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:15 am

I've been looking into the beginnings of Christianity more; and correct me if I'm wrong. But it has become clear to me that Christ, in his affectionate appearance. has ever been the chief weapon and instrument against paganism; one of the farthest reaching roots into the ancient world. Well they call it paganism now; but that's really a bad word for it. It is mocked as primitive, blasphemous and ungodly. But it isn't; it is sacred, it reveres nature and interprets the mysteries of creation in instructive ways.

 Naturally "Paganism" or "Odinism" had to be systematically uprooted and replaced. Especially when you want to conquer those pesky, morally unconquerable European peoples; and you can't do it in a real fight no matter how many times you try.

 To make a long story short; you replace an indigenous people's mythology with a passable counterfeit; associate their classical rites with devil worship and publicly burn them at the stake. You bury the essential links to their past in the dirt, and you advertise your now burgeoning doctrine of deliverance.

 We are now living in these star-crossed consequences. The current migrant crisis in Europe is the next, terminal step, in the ongoing plan to eradicate everything history and the ancient world has understood and created.

 I am certain they've already deployed the next religious revelation to ensnare the following generation of lost boys and girls. i.e. "The Urantia Book"


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by ABalancedKarma Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:36 am

that's the same old story: a bullshit religion made up by the jews.

jesus is a very dangerous figure btw, because he's too "good", it's their way to keep us quiet: be good, don't do anything, let them even put you on a cross.

fuck jesus! we have to fight and destroy these scumbags, before they destroy everyone and the whole earth.

religions all are a bunch of bullshits made up to control and scare us. there's obviously some intelligent stuff goin' on, earth and everything on it and above are not random, but none ever spoke to the creator, and none is doing the creator's will therefore.

moreover, everyone's waiting for a saviour... but who will save mankind from these vicious reptiles? men have to save themselves by stopping believing and being controlled by these satanists.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:01 am

Naturally the false messiah was a J-w; the authentic one will be one too. Not to mention the Anti-Christ will rear himself a throne in Jerusalem; therefore J-w-sh.
Let's just make all the religions of the world be different mindsets of Judaism; and then team them all up in the end for an extravagant finale!

I'm so relieved to be loosed from the Jesus shackle (thanks Eric). If you want to organize and rule people, you'll have to classify them into two very plain categories.

Good guys: Christians
Jesus Christ Never Existed 00351cea95ec897c8b26eb9dcb681b96?v=1

Bad guys:   Satanists
Jesus Christ Never Existed Cover256x256-e27e944b8ce444f79b31229bf26942d0

The Eternal Battle / Keep the Party Going!!!
Jesus Christ Never Existed 83895dc7d92061367a45eb673b69c904

Polytheism creates too many problems from a business/corporate takeover standpoint. So you bump out all the old fancy native gods; and replace them with simpler, epitomized and consolidated deities;and so forth and so on; until you have but two.

Once you have them fixed into the categories you can control, you know what they believe and think and so, it's easy pickings.

Last edited by Animal Sanctuary on Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:20 am; edited 2 times in total


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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by ABalancedKarma Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:14 am

people is just plain stupid nowadays, they'll fall for anything authority tells 'em... in the last years, I've managed to completely awake myself, while people is just getting more stupid and brainwashed by the day. being raised in a catholic family, I was a christian when I was young, up to the age of 15 or so... when you do research and put the various pieces of the puzzle together, it's always the jews. I'm telling people, but they won't see... "there's a lot of evil people out there, not just jews, you're fool"... sure! but they are the most powerful and rich, so they end up ruling every single evil stuff out there, and the other non-jew awful people, since they can't beat 'em, are allied with 'em. fuck 'em all: jews, masons, and every scumbag.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Sun Nov 20, 2016 3:19 am

Hey, welcome to IFERS and thanks for your contributions. Please limit your use of curse words like "fuck jesus" and "fuck jews." Also please use correct grammatical structure like "people are" not "people is," full sentences, and capitalization at the beginning of sentences. I like your energy but remember this is a "research society" not just a message board for letting off steam. Peace

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by ABalancedKarma Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:08 am

Hi Eric! English is not my first language, so I want to apologize for unwanted grammatical mistakes, and also for being a bit off the wall. I'm very angry with this situation, and worried too! And please excuse the excess of energy too, maybe I need some meditation.
And thanks for the fantastic work you're doing, you're one of my heroes, and I don't have many left at this point, after realizing in full all the fakery of the world and in the world. Peace!

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:24 pm

Understood, and I appreciate that, thanks ABK.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by 1337S0lja Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:28 pm

It seems people are starting to realize that the control here on this plane is much more powerful than what we thought. I am currently reading "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" and even though Manly P. Hall was a 33rd degree freemason, he is repeating the same stuff that is in this documentary. Its just like Hollywood, nothing is original anymore...all spinoffs.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:37 pm

1337S0lja wrote:
people are starting to realize that the control here on this plane

Are you here to promote JEW GOD and JEW circumcised Saviors?

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by 1337S0lja Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:05 pm

Lol no. I am here to discuss the parallels between all religions. I am finally believing what has been told to me time and time again. Religion = Control. Smile

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:13 pm

1337S0lja wrote:
Religion = Control.  Smile

Welcome to IFERS.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:11 am

@1337S0lja About your avatar image: I've seen that painting's picture countless time, but I actually don't know anything about it... Can you please tell me?

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:53 am

As far as I know it is titled "Beyond Earth Unknown"

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:19 am

Thanks bro! I'm 100% sure ancient civilizations already discovered (*) everything about the world, and the enclosed world theory (that is Tesla theory too!) is very real, just look at virtually any ancient cosmology!

Jesus Christ Never Existed 13178046_10153465808647601_820691718228255380_n

I suggested in another topic the "melting" of the elements, i.e. the physical "ends" of the world, being the point where a sort of jelly/fog is formed and you cannot surpass it in any way. They want to bomb it? It will absorb that. They want to pass through it? Like quicksands, they'll stay trapped in it. Something like that.

(*)uh, disc-covered? covered disc!? youtube user JEWrassic Liars must be right I guess   Shocked

BTW, found it! It's on jewpedia too: it's a painting by unknown artist, discovered (...) by Camille Flammarion!

Research "Flammarion engraving"...

Guess what!? He was a mason too.  Rolling Eyes I'm sick and tired of these masons. Mad

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Jesus Christ Never Existed Empty meaning

Post by 1337S0lja Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:48 pm

ABalancedKarma wrote:@1337S0lja About your avatar image: I've seen that painting's picture countless time, but I actually don't know anything about it... Can you please tell me?

This is just my opinion on it but it reminds me of the Vision of Hermes (also an allegory) who some have said that the vision is identical to the vision of Enoch. The book I am currently reading by Manly P Hall states, " The Vision of Hermes, like nearly all of the Hermetic writing, is an allegorical exposition of great philosophic and mystic truths, and its hidden meaning may be comprehended only by those who have been "raised" into the presence of the True Mind."  The Vision of Hermes is very interesting as he comes face to face with the Great Dragon who showed him how souls move thru the eight spheres (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and then the eighth which is the ring of the fixed stars (Milky Way).

It very well could not mean that at all but this is what it reminds me of (Enoch or Hermes)

Last edited by 1337S0lja on Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar)

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