Jesus Christ Never Existed
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I think its important
ABalancedKarma wrote:I don't know why you people lose your time reading masons crap.
I think its important to know how they think and what they believe in. Now they could be hoodwinking people but in Manly's work he says the same thing that non Masons say about religious texts being nothing but allegories. I am very interested in ancient religions as of late because it will help you understand the amount of control we are under. I am searching for the Source of all creation. I used to call myself a Christian but I don't believe I can do that any longer.
1337S0lja- Posts : 16
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
ABalancedKarma wrote:In masons books you're only gonna find bullshits, superstitions, false teachings, supernatural crap, science-fiction and sheer madness. But no hidden truth. They know nothing, they're just psychopaths and you'll only end up with a bunch of lies and falsehood. No truth, no nothing. That's what masons are in the world for: make us believe in their bullshits.
This particular book is a historical book about philosophy and ancient religions. He cites many times throughout and many of these authors are not masons. I am in the same boat with you believe me. Anytime someone operates in secret and uses occult knowledge to manipulate an individual or a group, I have a serious problem with that. All religion seems to have been setup by this ruling class over and over again for their gain. As you probably know, masonry is just one of the many networks that control mankind.
1337S0lja- Posts : 16
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vortexkitten- Posts : 37
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Thank you so much for making this video, Eric. I have struggled with this topic my entire life. You gave great points to research, and made everything very easy to understand.
Tasha- Posts : 3
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Has anyone read the Essene gospels of peace? It is an extremely enlightening passage of writing, I think Jesus existed and he was literally based off this one scroll to be used for control/undermine the original teachings. It speaks on mucoid plaque which modern science doesn't believe in but is easily testable on a vegan diet while doing enemas, and that cooked food (fire of death) which burns hotter than the blood of life is the cause for diseases along with eating animal flesh.
Here's a quote from it which is actually against the bible
"And now I speak to you in the living tongue of the living God, through the holy spirit of our Heavenly Father. There is none yet among you that can understand all this of which I speak. He who expounds to you the scriptures speaks to you in a dead tongue of dead men, through his diseased and mortal body. Him, therefore, can all men understand, for all men are diseased and all are in death. No one sees the light of life. Blind man leads blind on the dark paths of sins, diseases and sufferings; and at the last all fall into the pit of death.
And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life. God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God. But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"
There's not one contradiction in the Essene gospels nor any hatred, it's the most wisdom filled text i've seen and introduced me to mucoid plaque cleansing and raw foods
Here's a quote from it which is actually against the bible
"And now I speak to you in the living tongue of the living God, through the holy spirit of our Heavenly Father. There is none yet among you that can understand all this of which I speak. He who expounds to you the scriptures speaks to you in a dead tongue of dead men, through his diseased and mortal body. Him, therefore, can all men understand, for all men are diseased and all are in death. No one sees the light of life. Blind man leads blind on the dark paths of sins, diseases and sufferings; and at the last all fall into the pit of death.
And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life. God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God. But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"
There's not one contradiction in the Essene gospels nor any hatred, it's the most wisdom filled text i've seen and introduced me to mucoid plaque cleansing and raw foods
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
armyofaddicts wrote:
nothing would make me happier than for the earth to be flat
I have issue with your combining FE along side Holocaust Denial
your stance could ultimately undermine your Flat Earth
I will be so bold
you are not fully aware of the deepest motivations of Hitler(and the existence of Christ)
suggest reading investigative historian, Eric Zuesse
He has written a couple books that shed new light upon Christianity and Hitler's role
Incidentally, the author was raised by one Christian and one Jewish parent
There never was a man named JESUS CHRIST, and we know this because:
- CHRIST is a TITLE, and reference to an "anointed" leader of the Roman Empire
- JESUS is a contemporary name of the late 9th century when the letter "J" found it's way into the Alphabet
As to why you worship the name JESUS CHRIST we must go back to "The Council of Nicaea" where the Emperor Constantine merged all Religions by inventing a New Deity; "ultimately decided that the Druid god, HESUS, be joined with the Eastern Savior-god, KRISHNA, and thus HESUS KRISHNA would be the official name of the new Roman god." (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325)
If you've been indoctrinated into repeating Religious dogma, you are detrimental to IFERS ability to promote the flat Earth, and rid the worship of Religion and it's dogma from the minds of the ignorant masses.
- Flat Earth, observable (measurable), verifiable and indisputable, Fact
- State Sponsored Religion, Faith based, Fiction
The two greatest lies ever propagated on humankind are Ball Earth and Jew circumcised Savior, both made possible by an ejaculation into the Virgin source.
Last edited by Schpankme on Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:45 am; edited 3 times in total
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
The book "The Jesus Mysteries" by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy is a brilliant book written by 2 Christians which makes for a differing point of view than expected.
I have been a Pagan for approaching 50 years and have read about most of the religions in the world. When I see, hear and read about religious upheaval, sometimes it is wholly against the religious paradigm of both sides and yet there are killings and maiming to which they have twisted the words of their religious books to cover their barbaric actions. All religions have been guilty of this over the centuries, maybe one day these wars will stop as most of them are caused by greed, jealousy et al., with intolerance playing its part too.
I have been a Pagan for approaching 50 years and have read about most of the religions in the world. When I see, hear and read about religious upheaval, sometimes it is wholly against the religious paradigm of both sides and yet there are killings and maiming to which they have twisted the words of their religious books to cover their barbaric actions. All religions have been guilty of this over the centuries, maybe one day these wars will stop as most of them are caused by greed, jealousy et al., with intolerance playing its part too.
Keefy- Posts : 1
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Provocative post title
I think it's worth saying that this is a provocative statement. JC never existed?How do you know?
All I can say is that I've read some of the Bible and the Quran, and found the content to often be quite mind expanding, positively.
I recommend them.
All I can say is that I've read some of the Bible and the Quran, and found the content to often be quite mind expanding, positively.
I recommend them.
Charliesoft- Posts : 9
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
It's a much more provocative statement to say that a human child could be born without his mother ever having a penis stuck inside her, then when the seedless child pops out of her magic womb he proceeds to do more magic like manifesting fish and bread out of the ether, turning normal water into grape wine, walking on top of the surface of water and not having to swim in it like everyone else and many more super magical miraculous special things you too can believe in if you just read our favorite black book from 2000 years ago.
We don't have to prove Santa Claus never existed, the onus of proof is on you and it doesn't hold up to scrutiny whatsoever.
Note: I also enjoy the content of the Bible if you understand it to be the astrotheological metaphor for the human par excellence that it was ORIGINALLY MEANT TO BE in the first place. If you understand Jesus to be some magic man that actually existed in history, then you've missed the entire point of the Bible.
We don't have to prove Santa Claus never existed, the onus of proof is on you and it doesn't hold up to scrutiny whatsoever.
Note: I also enjoy the content of the Bible if you understand it to be the astrotheological metaphor for the human par excellence that it was ORIGINALLY MEANT TO BE in the first place. If you understand Jesus to be some magic man that actually existed in history, then you've missed the entire point of the Bible.
Last edited by Admin on Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:24 am; edited 2 times in total
Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Atheist and Theist are indoctrinated to believe in the magic of creation and these fictional stories are all based on authority.
Atheist and Theist made to be opposite sides of the same coin, where many of you now believe in parts from both stories.
Theoretical Science, THEO means God
God Science
Space (Big Bang) ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion
Creation Science, Creation means God
God Science
Heaven (Holy Spirit) ADAM, remove Rib create Women
Atheist and Theist made to be opposite sides of the same coin, where many of you now believe in parts from both stories.
Theoretical Science, THEO means God
God Science
Space (Big Bang) ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion
Creation Science, Creation means God
God Science
Heaven (Holy Spirit) ADAM, remove Rib create Women
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Admin wrote:It's a much more provocative statement to say that a human child could be born without his mother ever having a penis stuck inside her, then when the seedless child pops out of her magic womb he proceeds to do more magic like manifesting fish and bread out of the ether, turning normal water into grape wine, walking on top of the surface of water and not having to swim in it like everyone else and many more super magical miraculous special things you too can believe in if you just read our favorite black book from 2000 years ago.
We don't have to prove Santa Claus never existed, the onus of proof is on you and it doesn't hold up to scrutiny whatsoever.
Note: I also enjoy the content of the Bible if you understand it to be the astrotheological metaphor for the human par excellence that it was ORIGINALLY MEANT TO BE in the first place. If you understand Jesus to be some magic man that actually existed in history, then you've missed the entire point of the Bible.
Can you find me any proof that says he didn't exist?Not the miracles or whatever, but the man. Your post title and "note" section both clearly imply the guy never walked our earth.
Charliesoft- Posts : 9
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Charliesoft wrote:
Can you find me any proof that says [Jesus Christ] didn't exist?
Your post clearly imply the guy never walked our earth.
The Emperor Constantine at "The Council of Nicaea" created an entirely new god for the Roman Empire to unite all religious factions under one deity. Constantine ultimately decided that the Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Saviour-god, Krishna, and thus Hesus Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god." (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325)
"Constantine used the official gathering and the Roman apotheosis decree to legally deify two deities as one, and did so by democratic consent and "officially" ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii Nicaeni, 1618)."
The New Testament was first produced as one Master Document in which the story line could be appended and manipulated. That original document was called the Gospel of Mark, now placed as the second book in the New Testament, even though the Church admits it was "the first Gospel written" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, p. 657). The lying pen of the scribes then crafted the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, which are solely dependent upon the writings of Mark. So to, the Gospel of John is dependent of those writings.
The Church admits that the Epistles of Paul are forgeries, saying, "Even the genuine Epistles were greatly interpolated to lend weight to the personal views of their authors" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vii, p. 645). Likewise, St Jerome (d. 420) declared that the Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book of the New Testament, was also "falsely written" ("The Letters of Jerome", Library of the Fathers, Oxford Movement, 1833–45, vol. v, p. 445).
"In 397 John "golden-mouthed" Chrysostom restructured the writings of Apollonius of Tyana, a first-century wandering sage, and made them part of the New Testimonies (Secrets of the Christian Fathers, op. cit.)."
The Latinised name for Apollonius is Paulus (A Latin-English Dictionary, J. T. White and J. E. Riddle, Ginn & Heath, Boston, 1880), and the Church today calls those writings the Epistles of Paul. Apollonius's personal attendant, Damis, an Assyrian scribe, can be found as 'Demis or Demas' in the New Testament (2 Tim. 4:10)."
The Church hierarchy knows the truth about the origin of its Epistles, for Cardinal Bembo (d. 1547), secretary to Pope Leo X (d. 1521), advised his associate, Cardinal Sadoleto, to disregard them, saying "put away these trifles, for such absurdities do not become a man of dignity; they were introduced on the scene later by a sly voice from heaven" (Cardinal Bembo: His Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X, A. L. Collins, London, 1842 reprint).
The Church claims that "the resurrection is the fundamental argument for our Christian belief" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farleyed., vol. xii, p. 792), yet no supernatural appearance of a resurrected Jesus Christ is recorded in any of the earliest Gospels of Mark available (Sinai Bible). A resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is the sine qua non ("without which, nothing") of Christianity (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xii, p. 792), confirmed by words attributed to Paul:
"If Christ has not been raised, your faith is in vain" (1 Cor. 5:17).
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
None of that is tangible evidence; it's just quotes from books, that may or may not exist, and opinions of "secrets of the Christian Fathers" = who the f*ck were they?
If I quote the Discovery channel to you, does that mean a damn thing???
Cardinal Bembo:his letters..1842...who cares??
Why do you place your faith, that you so readily deride in other people, in sh*t like that??
Even the Historia Ecclesiatica = what's to say that wasn't just a work of fiction?
If I quote the Discovery channel to you, does that mean a damn thing???
Cardinal Bembo:his letters..1842...who cares??
Why do you place your faith, that you so readily deride in other people, in sh*t like that??
Even the Historia Ecclesiatica = what's to say that wasn't just a work of fiction?
Charliesoft- Posts : 9
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Charliesoft wrote:
None of that is tangible evidence; it's just quotes from books
What BOOK did you get the name JESUS CHRIST from?
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
You think that I'm arguing that he existed.
I'm not, I'm arguing that you can neither prove nor disprove.
I'm not, I'm arguing that you can neither prove nor disprove.
Charliesoft- Posts : 9
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Charliesoft wrote:
I'm arguing that you can neither prove nor disprove
Lets use common sense; the SAVIOR of all mankind, where's his tomb?
Example: When I piss on the side of a Boulder and it looks like the Virgin Mary, people come from all over the world to touch it and be healed.
You've already been shown how the words JESUS and CHRIST became known as the Jew circumcised savior for Christians.
At this point, you're poking the hornets nest.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Charliesoft wrote:you can neither prove nor disprove.
Schpankme has done a great job at disproving this using their (the churches, and those surrounding it) sources.
Yet you come here using your non-critical thinking, dismissing all common sense.
Perhaps a bible study forum would be better suited for you.
csp- Posts : 424
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Schpankme wrote:Charliesoft wrote:
None of that is tangible evidence; it's just quotes from books
What BOOK did you get the name JESUS CHRIST from?
I believe the 'kids' would call that pwnage
FL@T-E@RTH- Posts : 216
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Admin wrote:
youtube /watch?v=DunmOzKjlVw
Excerpts from the Video: Christ is real and Jesus is Mythical hero, by Stargods
My Thoughts
Humpty Dumpty
I've always attributed "Humpty Dumpty" as the women's menstrual cycle (an egg that can't be put back together again). The Roman Empire now controls the people through their State Sponsored Religions called Atheist and Theist, IN GOD WE TRUST, both opposite sides of the same coin, and both pitted against one another. From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship both Space and Heaven.
As stated, the JEW worships SHIVA the destroyer. The JEW is educated about their God at the yeSHIVA. search: Shiva Cern
As stated, the Bible has been changed to have you compete against nature and yourself; not you becoming the Christ within by loving yourself and nature.
The story of Cain and abEL was changed. How do we know?
Cain was the first born, the one to inherit everything from the father; plant eater; his very name means the avenging priest, the spear.
abEL means ABNORMAL, not of God (EL), the Priest who taught animal sacrifice and the dis-ease causing diet of carnivorism.
Almost all disease of the human body is caused by eating Meat, Dairy, and Oil.
Which of these Religious Stories did you except as Nutritional advice (fiction)?:
THEOretical Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to grow your brain, by cooking your meat and dairy.
God says, he made the Tree you weren't supposed to eat from, but you did, so now you must cook your meat and dairy.
Least we forget, you're all cursed for eating fruit from a tree!
Overall a very good talk. Thanks Stargods
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Mans mistake
I think our first mistake as a species was selfishly assuming The Creator did His work for man and not all life. Then we selfishly assumed we were created in His image. Now that God was a man we brought Him down to Earth and started worshipping prophets making it easy for the luciferians to now sell their Sun god worshipping heliocentric model of the universe. Mans destiny is now doom.
balgofar- Posts : 10
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
balgofar wrote:I think our first mistake as a species was selfishly assuming The Creator did His work for man and not all life. Then we selfishly assumed we were created in His image. Now that God was a man we brought Him down to Earth and started worshipping prophets making it easy for the luciferians to now sell their Sun god worshipping heliocentric model of the universe. Mans destiny is now doom.
thats a great way to put it, exept for the doom part. Welcome to the turning point.
Slave driver, the table has turned.
Catch a fire, youre gonna get burned
bengbeng- Posts : 20
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
Schpankme wrote:Admin wrote:
youtube /watch?v=DunmOzKjlVw
THEOretical Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to grow your brain, by cooking your meat and dairy.
God says, he made the Tree you weren't supposed to eat from, but you did, so now you must cook your meat and dairy.
Actually, the "theo" in "theory" comes from another Greek word where we get the word "theatrical" and "theatre" - "to spectate" - Late Latin theoria, from Greek theōria, from theōrein.....not the same "theo" in theocracy.
PriorityMinority- Posts : 19
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Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed
PriorityMinority wrote:
"theo" in "theory"
we get the word "theatrical" and "theatre" - "to spectate"
"Theo" derive from the Ancient Greek word Theos (Θεός), which means God
- Theory
- Faith
From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction).
Jew Creation Stories:
Theoretical Science, THEO means God: God Science
Space (Big Bang) ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion
Creation Science, Creation means God: God Science
Heaven (Holy Spirit) ADAM, remove Rib create Women
People get their nutritional advice from one of these creation stories (Fiction):
Scientism says, you came down from the Trees as Apes, to cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Theory (pretend).
God says, he made the Tree you weren't supposed to eat from, but you did, so now you must cook your meat and dairy, exchange cooking recipes, and worship Faith (pretend).
The State Sponsored Religions are Atheist and Theist, both opposite sides of the same coin, and both pitted against one another.
Please, spend less time trying to correct me and more time reading the content of this forum.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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