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Jesus Christ Never Existed

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:18 am

PriorityMinority wrote:
you're still wrong
it comes from late 16th cent.
via late Latin from Greek theōria ‘contemplation, speculation’, from theōros ‘spectator’.

but you are too pussy to admit when you're wrong?
Fuck your site it's shit

Interesting, for in the year 1611 when the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was authorised this is how the scribes used the word "theos":

Strong's G2316 - theos (from the Greek, θεός)

The KJV translates Strong's G2316 in the following manner: God (1,320x), god (13x), godly (3x), God-ward (with G4214) (2x), miscellaneous (5x).

Strong’s Definitions
θεός theós, theh'-os; of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very:—X exceeding, God, god(-ly, -ward).

   a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities
   the Godhead, trinity
       God the Father, the first person in the trinity
       Christ, the second person of the trinity
       Holy Spirit, the third person in the trinity

   spoken of the only and true God
       refers to the things of God
       his counsels, interests, things due to him

   whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way
       God's representative or vicegerent
           of magistrates and judges

ref:  Lexicon :: Strong's G2316 - theos

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by csp Thu Oct 12, 2017 4:33 am


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:54 am

That was excellent, thanks CSP.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Jiren Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:00 am

Great Video!

In my opinion, the religion was just created because people are unaware what to do with their life. Someone created an answer to this by creating a religion and now people have some form of "hope" or "sense of direction"


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by john auralmack Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:10 am

Charliesoft wrote:You think that I'm arguing that he existed.
I'm not, I'm arguing that you can neither prove nor disprove.

My old WinXp with outdated Flash is not uTube friendly. But I did manage to watch the first loop of speakers and return to the first...and read through this thread.

And I think the strongest point was made by "Charliesoft."  And I notice he is not even trying to make any argument one way or the other. And as to; "You can neither prove or disprove," would most likely depend upon who you think Jesus Christ is, or is not.

God is an Infinite Being, existing in a state of infinity; or so say I.

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."
"The same was in the beginning with God."
 -John 1

The word is God to me.
And the same was in the beginning with God. The word is God.

The word is God, and God is an Infinite Being existing in a state of infinity.

In the OT, God sets a table before man with two dishes upon it, and if you eat from one dish Blessings would follow you, and if you eat from the other dish curses would follow after you. But you must decide.

Man started out by lying and hiding to cover-up sin. Then man started killing animals to cover sin. And then men started killing each other to remove sin. And then one day men started killing all the animals off the land. And they poisoned all the waters, and all the creatures in the waters were poisoned. But sin remained.

And then they cut, burnt, and destroy all the trees upon the land. And they dug up and cracked open the earth and put poison inside. And they poisoned the atmosphere. But sin remained.

And then one day all men died off and were dead. And sin took a rest.
A Short History of Man - RIP

And at the end of the story in this Book, guess what?
"Blessed are they that Do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

And with a 130 million babies being born each year, how do you think they will like the earth we intend to leave them with? A government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations with some Imaginary Corporate Entity, as an Imaginary demigod where Money is free speech and there is no crime whatsoever that Money can’t buy...which they print as much as needed.

No thanks, Governments don't really exist, it's just men doing what they want to do. Liars, thieves, and murderers even to the destruction of all life and all creation. God vs. Men as gods.

Curses Fact: A corporate person is not a real person but does much wickedness and violence = Men as gods.
Blessings Theory: Jesus may or may not be a real person that does no wickedness or violence = God.

And so funny, Ezekiel keeps repeating over and over: "God will recompense our own doings upon our own heads." We will reap what we sow. In other words, whether we do good or whether we do evil, we are doing it to ourselves.

I find a lot of wisdom in the Bible.
There is one in the Book that is after your blood with fire and fury, and power like you've never seen before. And there is another one in the book that is after your heart. One of them is called God. And the other one is called Men as Gods. I have no problem with God or his Jesus.

john auralmack

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:26 am

john auralmack wrote:

Jesus Christ is
God is

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."
"The same was in the beginning with God."
 -John 1

I have no problem with God or his Jesus.

You purchased a book called the bible about a Jew circumcised Savior called Christ; you find it beneficial to cut and paste obscure paragraphs from the bible and call that God.

Ab Ra ham
It was the Jews who found it beneficial to convert the many gods that people worshiped into Patriarchs. This conversion of polytheism into monotheism becomes self evident with Ra, the main Egyptian sun god, who literally became the character Abraham, the main Patriarch of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions; or that of Nun, the main Egyptian primordial god, conceptualized as the chaotic waters that existed at the start of creation, became the character Noah (or Nuh, as he is called in Islam).

From birth, you are indoctrinated to worship the man-made construct of Heaven and Space (Fiction); this also means that you have an agenda to fulfill, making you yet another tool of dis-info used to discredit the flat Earth message.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:12 pm

sorry john auralmack but what a load of crock. The bible is a composed text written by men and you might say that you find a lot of "wisdom" (rather you repeat a text) true wisdom comes in the form of usable knowledge practical common sense or something readily available to use all the time, now the 10 commandments might have some use the most are just stories that have no factual basis as it is not given or written by god and besides that the commandments are rather common sense and its stupid that we should need these rules to figure this out. Men as gods? how about you take your god and shove it and jesus with it.


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Sat May 05, 2018 7:41 pm

As someone who has attended church since before I could walk, in a family comprised entirely of devout Christians, and having read the Bible cover to cover it has become increasingly clear to me that these holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically.  Things like talking snakes and bushes, virgins giving birth, eating the body of Christ, staffs turning into serpents, and many other biblical “miracles” are all actually ancient spiritual symbolisms, found in many cultures/traditions around the world, thousands of years older than the Bible, referring to psychological phenomena, not historical events.  Of course snakes and bushes cannot talk, of course virgins cannot give birth, Christ isn’t a cannibal, wooden staffs cannot turn into living serpents, water cannot magically turn into wine, breads/fish cannot magically manifest from the aether, and humans cannot survive for days inside whale’s bellies.

2 Corinthians 3:6 clearly says the scriptures should NOT be read literally.  Matthew 13:34 says Jesus never spoke unless it was in parables.  He said people who took the word literally were like those who looked but could not see!  Modern fundamentalist Christians who read the Bible literally with their over-active left-brains are missing the whole point.  The reason Jesus cast nets to the right side, sits on the right side of God, and builds the door to the temple on the right side, is because he is leading us out of our lower left brains and into our holistic, symbolic, higher brain on the right.

The following full-length documentary featuring Eric Dubay, Pastor Bill Donahue, Pastor Ray Hagins, and John St. Julien explores the many esoteric symbolic hidden meanings in the Bible and sheds light on the deeper and more personal and practical wisdom hiding behind the church's literal interpretations.

Last edited by Admin on Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:28 am


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:42 am


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Realearth Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:25 pm

Admin wrote:

Yes , there is a creator for sure, the motionless flat plane we live on brings us to that conclusion. To extend the creator to a God brings all kinds of interpretations, religions, within without presence, storytelling, beliefs, faiths, pretend and all other sorts of wabajaba's.
Why not leave it at powerful creator.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by susie Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:26 pm

James VI of Scotland, King of Scotland (1567-1625), and the first Stuart King of England (1603-25), he is remembered for commissioning the so-called King James' Bible, or Authorized Version.
On the west wall of the lodge hall used by Lodge Scoon and Perth No. 3 in Perth, Scotland can be found a mural depicting James VI kneeling at their altar at his initiation. The oldest existing record of the Lodge, called "The Mutual Agreement" of 24 December, 1658, records that James was "entered Freemason and Fellowcraft of the Lodge of Scoon" on 15 April, 1601. Edited HOLY BIBLE 1611Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Bible10

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty The Jesus-was-a-man hoax

Post by Pastor David Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:31 pm

Hi there

Maybe the Jesus-was-a-man hoax is even older than the ball.earth.

Jesus= Teonanácatl= the Flesh of God = the Sacred Mushroom.
on my Blog, tupg.org/blog I have written in German some information about that but now that I found this forums, I think it might be of interest to post in English here!

To my understanding the old Testament is the "book of the breeder JHW" and the Koran "the book of the breeder LLH". I do not know whether such "blasphemic" ideas can be posted on this forum, I hope so. I will check the the first posts and then continue with the posting when I will know that it is OK to do so, here!

Best wishes
Pastor David
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Admin Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:57 pm

Thanks Pastor David, we are certainly aware of the Jesus was a man hoax as you can see by this thread, and also of the magic mushroom parallels:


Please read the forum rules before posting again however as your first two posts have both gone against the forum rules. Find an existing thread to post to instead of starting new ones: http://ifers.123.st/t6-read-this-before-you-get-banned-forum-rules Peace

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:06 pm


OK, my conspiration-theory reads like this, in short:

Two or more "magicians" of the South-American civilization were sent to Africa and bred "their people", today known as Jews and Muslims.
They invaded Europe, until that time a Magic Mushroom based "people", and set up a new history for Europe, as well as the books of the breeders (Old Testament & Koran) and the Jesus-hoax (New Testament).
I think the invasion and creation of the three "Holy books" was about around 1000 years ago and marked the start of "polytheism".
The world-is-a-ball hoax then followed to cut off the "new Europeans" from the old wisdom and set up mechanical ideas and thinking.

The old Testament of the bible shows clear breeding patterns and if there is interest that I shall post more about that and no other places that already have this information (I would be really surprised), I will.

Admin: do you know about John Marco Allegro? The scriptures, according to him, are puns on Sacred Names of the Sacred Mushroom(s). According to me, aside of the sacred names, we find some "symbolizm" and inside the old testament, a description of the breeding patterns and intentions.

Best wishes
Pastor David
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:11 pm

Hi Schpankme

I doubt that Teo comes from greek words! "old greek" and "latin" were artificially constructed languages for the "ancient-history-hoax".

You can find "teo" in Teonanácatl, the HOLY MUSHROOM'S name in South Amrican culture.
"Known to the Aztecs as teonanácatl from Nahuatl: teotl "god" + nanácatl "fungus".
(I'm not allowed to post links, yet): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybe_mexicana

Teo-tl and nanáca-tl makes me think that tl is something as "the".

I think that "T" as the symbol represented God and the Sacred Mushroom in some cultures:
i.e. "Thor".

Thus, "Teo" derives from the "universal sign for the Sacred Mushroom" T and later languages embedded the sign into their words for ideas related to God/the Sacred Mushroom.

After the invasion of Europe that took place in two steps:
1. infiltration by JHW's people
2. total destruction of the societies' structures and killing of most of the male population by LLH's people
there was a need for a replacement history. Old greek and latin were set up to become the languages of the ancient world, the hoax-origin of the "European civilization".

I doubt that there is a working and reliable way of finding the age of anything older than a few human generations, by science.

Best wishes
Pastor David
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:55 am

Pastor David wrote:
I doubt that Teo comes from greek words
I doubt that there is a working and reliable way of finding the age of anything older than a few human generations

It doesn't matter where the word "theos" may have originated, what we know is that by 1611 your ancestors were taught that the word "theos" meant God, who art in Heaven. At this point in history there is no teaching about scared mushrooms, although the Vatican has the mushroom symbolism everywhere.

Strong’s Definitions
θεός theós, theh'-os; of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very:—X exceeding, God, god(-ly, -ward).


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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:47 am

Hi Schpankme

Definitively the "nomal people" were kept in total unawareness about Sacred Mushrooms! They still are.

But as the mushrooms grow wild, from time to time someone accidentally ate them and, if too impressed, most probably was executed not long after, if intelligent enough to keep it secret, founded some "sect" and tried to not be executed too fast.

Edward Leedskalnin wrote: the reason why people do know nothing is because their far achestors knew nothing and passed this knowledge of nothing to their sucessors, generation by generation.

Best regards
Pastor David
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:33 pm

Concering the implication I read by Eric, that as the earth is flat and not moving, we are the center of the universe and "special".

Well, the flat earth implies that some "creator" started the heat-lamp. But it does not say that "we" are the only earth and experiment of that creator and that there cannot be more than one creator.

It is thinkable - and in comparison with scientists probable - that a "creator" interested in his creation and it's development would set up multiple similar "earths" or "earths" with intentionally different parameters to see what works best in respect to the intention.

We can assume that the same people, who keep human kind from using Sacred Mushrooms to hinder their evolvement, introduced the "modern concept" of ball-earth.

Normal people are afraid of Sacerd Mushrooms and when confronted with Flat Earth, say that humanity now knows better!
Just THINKING ABOUT the possibiliy that the earth was flat is a sign of stupidity and ignorance of the "modern achievements of civilization".
People seem to think that the "ordinary man" has fought for the "truth of ball-earth" for centuries and doubting is a crime.
Actually, "doubting" is a characteristic of scientific work. As the earth looks flat, the only way to come to a clear result about the true nature is by experiement and measuring, as well own calculations and doubting all that is said and is measured, so checking everything oneself.

For the clima-hoax "they" were intellgent enough to make sure that no one can prove anything. Concerning FE, the hoax was set into the world by the creators of "our history" who invented the old Greeks and Romans and made the Greeks "so intelligent, that they knew the earth is a ball".

Then, in the "Renaissance" that was actually the "Naissance", the birth of "our" civilisation, the "old greek's knowledge was "continued".

Does someone believe that Homer invented Odysseus and this 1000pager in small letters was transported centuries just by mouth-to-ear without a single change, then, written down some hunderts of years later, lost and, then, found more than 1000 years later in some muslim archive?

Maybe "Homer" was an invention of people around Chapman or he himself.
George Chapman (Hitchin, Hertfordshire, c. 1559 – London, 12 May 1634) was an English dramatist, translator, and poet. He was a classical scholar whose work shows the influence of Stoicism....Chapman is best remembered for his translations of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and the Homeric Batrachomyomachia.

We find him to live in the time of King James.
The "translations" of the Bibel and Homer's texts were most probably the actions for the British people finalizing the establishment of the "new world", by the inventors of the "replacement history".

I would guess that all RAW Bible-texts as well as the Koran and all the "ancient literature" was created more or less during the same time, maybe 12th-13th century, taking available texts and myths and fabricationg some new texts and stories - using the new secret language "latin".
In the next 3 centuries the texts were purified and different versions were made.
Finally, the texts were grouped and translated, setting up the "history-hoax", most people believe in.

We find the Galilei-story at about the same time (1615...)
How do we know about this person? Why the vatican was so friendly to him?
Isn't it possible that the vatican itself wanted to confuse the people and secretly supported ball-earth?

In the 17th century, practially all literature and history was still in the hands of monks and under control of the vatican, creating stories and falsifying CVs was quite easy, when directed from the top directors.
"Old Europe" was dead and gone, the new history well fabricated, checked and ready to be used for "studies by normal people".

We usually assume that the vatican wanted to guide and (miss-)use people for the popes benefit and "power", but maybe the main function was deception concerning the European history and destruction of pre-historical (that is, before the year 1200 or so) knowledge and artefacts. Then, the vatican itself would have been the inventor and creator of the ball-earth, trying to make the impression of being the "enemy" of "modern astronomical ideas" while intending the opposite.

We can assume that by filling the catholic church and the vatican with paedophiles and homosexuals - and threatening both with death-punishment-, this institution was easy to steer by the real masters and the members would obey in any kind of deception - if not by conviction than from fear of death-punishment.

Thus, it makes sense that the vatican and his "catholic church" were most interested in confusing their sheep and making sure that they remain as far from "God" and "truth" (the Sacred Mushroom) as possible, and the vatican invoked and supported the "mechanical thinking" it pretended to fight.

Btw, Today we can see the vatican partnering with the Islam in the intention to create the next "new world order". It would be a strange observation, if the vatican was what it pretends to be, but as an instition for deception, destruction and war it makes perfect sense.

Best wishes
Pastor David
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:59 pm

Pastor David wrote:
the earth is flat and not moving
we are the center of the universe and "special"

the same people introduced the "modern concept" of ball-earth

We find the Galilei-story at about the same time (1615...)
How do we know about this person?
Why the vatican was so friendly to him?
Isn't it possible that the vatican itself wanted to confuse the people and secretly supported ball-earth?


1543 - Jesuits publish book tilted, "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres", in Nuremberg, the Holy Roman Empire.
1560 - Jesuits begin converting China to Heliocentricism.
1572 - Jesuits recommend reforming the calendar based on Heliocentricism.
1582 - Jesuits reform the calendar using Heliocentricism (Gregorian calendar).
1601 - Telescope invented
1610 - Jesuit Galileo Galilei, claims the lights he sees in the night sky are spinning, orbiting, "Heavenly Spheres".
1651 - Jesuits map the Moon (Selenography) inventing impact craters, lava flows, mountains, and defining other fictional features.

The Holy Roman Empire instituted Heliocentricism as a business decision in an attempt to destroy Protestantism, who taught biblical scripture which stated, that the Earth is stationary and can never be moved. As the next centuries ticked by these Jesuit science fiction stories began entering the major Universities (all faith based); from this point on the people were taught to replace Faith with Theory (pretend).

Today virtually every child grows up worshiping Scientism by repeating that Earth is a rotating sphere that orbits the Sun.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:35 pm

The pure fact that catholics "worship" the Old Testament as well leads us to the idea that JHW and his people are behind this construct to actually wipe out true, Sacred Mushroom based, christianity and replace it with a atheist-scientific believe-system.

The protestants had no idea of Sacred Mushrooms. Martin Luther himself translated the bible and I read some parts of his notes. i.e.:
"there is no authority except from God" made him really problems to accept and thus he interpreted it the way: "all authority, Clergy and nobility, are installed by God."

The protestants were a split form catholics supported by a great part of the nobility that did not want the pope to tell them what they can do and what not. Protestants, especially in Holland, were well working in the sense of the ball-earth and theory-based living.
The protestants are much more open to socialist ideasand surely led by the same people who lead the vatican and the muslim world.

Now the vatican merges with Islam - just like the protestant churches at least in Europe.
Why they do that? Has LLH won? Or is it a trap by JHW?

Not just every child worships scientism, but as well they are so indoctrinated that they "hate" anyone with other ideas and defend their learned lies and completely absurd theories in an agressive way.

We know that lies usually have to be agressively protected before other lies and especially before the truth. The truth does not need to be protected, but it can be hidden behind lies and might need some focus to be seen.

One thing: please tell me where the new Testament states that the Earth is stationary!

Best regards
Pastor David
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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 22, 2018 6:17 pm

Pastor David wrote:
Sacred Mushroom based Christianity
replace with atheist-scientific believe-system

You defend one of these fictional stories:

  • Atheist - Evolution - Theory - SPACE (Big Bang) ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

  • Theist  - Creation - Faith - HEAVEN (Holy Spirit) ADAM, remove Rib create Women

You defend one of these fictional stories:

  • Atheist - The Jesuits, invented Big Bang, SPACE, and you an Ape like creature who requires the consumption of Flesh and Blood

  • Theist  - The Jesuits, instruct you to obey God in HEAVEN for HE has given you every Clean and Unclean animal to be your food

The State Sponsored Religions are Atheist and Theist, both opposite sides of the same coin, and both pitted against one another.

Pastor David wrote:
One thing: please tell me where the new Testament states that the Earth is stationary

There is only one passage in the new Testament that could be attributed to flat Earth, which is an impossibility on a Sphere.

Matthew 4:8
8 Again, the dEVIL took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.

It was antiquity that taught about the flat Earth, as can be seen in the Old Testament.

1 Chronicles 16:30
30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

1 Samuel 2:8
8 ...For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world.

Psalm 93:1
1 ...indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.

Psalm 104:5
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:33 pm

Schpankme wrote:
Pastor David wrote:
Sacred Mushroom based Christianity
replace with atheist-scientific believe-system

You defend one of these fictional stories:

  • Atheist - Evolution - Theory - SPACE (Big Bang) ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion

  • Theist  - Creation - Faith - HEAVEN (Holy Spirit) ADAM, remove Rib create Women

I do not defend a story, I say that Today we live in a world where the first is seen as common believe taught in schools.
I have not said anything about the Mushroom based christianity.
That is THE religion NOT based on any book and older than the "Testaments" and closer to South Amerian Mushroom-based civilisations than to anything that we call christianity today.

You defend one of these fictional stories:

  • Atheist - The Jesuits, invented Big Bang, SPACE, and you an Ape like creature who requires the consumption of Flesh and Blood

  • Theist  - The Jesuits, instruct you to obey God in HEAVEN for HE has given you every Clean and Unclean animal to be your food

Where I denfed those stories? You listed the Jusuits /vatican as source of the ball-earth theory. I guessed that they play on both sides.

The State Sponsored Religions are Atheist and Theist, both opposite sides of the same coin, and both pitted against one another.

To me they are all atheist, the theists pretending that breeders are gods.
The only theists (T-eats) are those who eat Ts.

Pastor David wrote:
One thing: please tell me where the new Testament states that the Earth is stationary

There is only one passage in the new Testament that could be attributed to flat Earth, which is an impossibility on a Sphere.

Matthew 4:8
8 Again, the dEVIL took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
Well, yes, if we assume that all the worlds kindoms are spread on the whole world.
We can understand this as well in the way that all the worlds kindoms where only in viewable distance around this mountain - at that time.

It was antiquity that taught about the flat Earth, as can be seen in the Old Testament.

1 Chronicles 16:30
30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

1 Samuel 2:8
8 ...“For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world.

Psalm 93:1
1 ...indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.

Psalm 104:5
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

Yes, the OLD testament, thus the jews have this view established and the idea of catholizism being the successor of the judaizm supports the idea that the ball-earth theory becomes more appealing if it can be shown as sucessor of the FE. Modern christians perceive themselfs are "morally better" and "more human" than old-Testament jews, who do things forbidden for christians, like money-lending up to eating children.
Orthodox jews, Today, must see the world as flat and motionless and should support this forum..;-)

Do you know how Castaneda's Don Juan sees the world?
Pastor David
Pastor David

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Schpankme Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:58 pm

Pastor David wrote:
Do you know how Castaneda's Don Juan sees the world?

We talk to ourselves incessantly about our world. In fact we maintain our world with our internal talk. And whenever
we finish talking to ourselves about ourselves and our world, the world is always as it should be. We renew it, we
rekindle it with life, we uphold it with our internal talk. Not only that, but we also choose our paths as we talk to ourselves.
Thus we repeat the same choices over and over until the day we die, because we keep on repeating the same internal talk
over and over until the day we die. ~ A Separate Reality

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Jesus Christ Never Existed - Page 3 Empty Re: Jesus Christ Never Existed

Post by Pastor David Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:17 pm

Very well.
Don Juan, as well, tells us that the world as such is a being by itself, it has an "assemblage point".

And that we are captured by an anorganic being that is sucking almost all of our energy without any empathy. That is a story I rather defend than any Jesuits... :-)

But, yes: And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend.

Best wishes,
Pastor David
Pastor David
Pastor David

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