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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Russian Blue Cat
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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by anon1 Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:39 pm

Have you guys seen this? Another "funny joke" by Elon Musk.

Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Firefo15


The guy is a disgusting fraud, I can't understand how anyone can take him seriously.


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Admin Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:05 pm

Space fantasy fan-boys and fan-girls have just received their latest damage-control propaganda update from actor Richard Branson where he claims to have gone to space and filmed the spinning-ball Earth for us (but really he just did some parabolic maneuvers simulating free-fall while in a fancy plane)! Unfortunately for old Dick and his riders, rather than use a normal lens to film the Earth, like all honest amateurs do when sending up their high altitude balloons, these space virgins, just like NASA, Space X, the Red Bull dive and all other so-called "official" sources, always suspiciously choose to use a fish-eye lens causing the horizon to constantly and radically warp from convex, to flat, to concave. As the camera tilts relative to the horizon the ends warp up or down respectively, but when held still and level the horizon is flat. As the normal back camera shows, the horizon actually remains perfectly flat and rises to the eye-level of the camera all the way up.

If the Earth was actually a globe, no matter how large, the surface of the globe would curve downwards in all directions away from the observer causing them to necessarily tilt their heads down more and more the further they ascended to be able to see the horizon. In reality, which is only consistent with rising over a flat plane, the horizon rises along with the observer and remains precisely at eye-level for the entire ascent!

This trick is apparent both in Branson's trip this week as well as Baumgartner's Red Bull dive from several years ago. The fish-eye lens cameras show a constantly warping horizon which was already curving the picture at ground level the very same amount of so-called "Earth curve" that it showed at 128,000 feet just before diving. The trick is given away however when they switch to the regular non-fish eye lens camera inside the craft which shows a perfectly flat horizon still perfectly at eye-level while hovering over 20 miles above a supposed globe. Do you see something wrong with this picture? If you do, then welcome to the truth of your hoaxed reality. If you don't, then enjoy watching these terrible slack-jawed actors with their mouths gaping wide open at how ridiculously gullible you sheeple are.

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Civilians go up without an Astronaut (SpaceX)

Post by Brian Johnston Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:38 pm

I won't even comment on the CGI, but certainly this is to plant the idea that everyday folk can go up into space, and eventually space travel (to Mars and beyond). If that's the case, why bother training astronauts, at how much per head? Also, check the exaggerated earth curve... 'proof' the earth is a ball.


Brian Johnston

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Brian Johnston Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:53 pm

Certain things are noticeable... it appears the flames/rocket are riding the firmament. The images not only look CGI, but there are no stars anywhere. When they do show a depiction of how high up they are, the image shows stars. The fake image of the space station has no stars. The astronuts are wearing rubber boots (why not sneakers... rubber boots will protect against what... the deep bullshit?). The largest image of earth makes it appear as though the bottom half has no land, and only one half of that (a quarter) has clouds.

Brian Johnston

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by tycho_brahe Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:12 pm

Great find. So much obvious fakery. The immediate appeal to emotions with the human interest story involving astronaut Hayley Arceneaux, cancer survivor. They’re definitely avoiding pictures of all land masses. Everything was all oceans and cgi clouds. One thing I notice is in everyone of these rocket launches the camera is always facing downward. Never upwards pointing towards the dome (sky).

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Sep 17, 2021 5:59 am

33 Seconds until lift off and one of these "civilians" flashes devil horns...

Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Fcb79b10
Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Brian Johnston Sun Oct 17, 2021 12:54 pm

Shatner Blue Origin Greenscreen... Martin Liedtke addresses the flight at the 23:00 mark... proof of a greenscreen at the 29:00 mark:


Brian Johnston

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Russian Blue Cat Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:17 am

tycho_brahe wrote: Never upwards pointing towards the dome(sky).

What proof do you have that there's a dome, and why are you acting like it's a fact that everyone on this forum agrees with?
Russian Blue Cat
Russian Blue Cat

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Launcher

Post by Freepressfreepeople Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:04 am

Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 121cb510https://www.launcherspace.com/
Check this website homepage and watch the video.
It is a company pretends to send a satellite to anywhere in space.  What’s funny is they are clearly utilizing high altitude balloon wide angle camera footage. They just impose their CGi over the real images.


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Standswithmic Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:28 am

This guy has Hundreds of book reviews about the JWO. I've been trying to get him on Flat earth for a couple years. Unfortunately some crazy assholes have posted wild shit on his videos claiming to be FE. Guessing they're controlled opposition to scare him off. He's got great info anyway.


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Standswithmic Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:32 am

Standswithmic wrote:https://www.bitchute.com/video/d6AAkS524GzF/
This guy has Hundreds of book reviews about the JWO. I've been trying to get him on Flat earth for a couple years. Unfortunately some crazy assholes have posted wild shit on his videos claiming to be FE. Guessing they're controlled opposition to scare him off. He's got great info anyway.

Also been trying to get Adam Green on FE.
I've noticed my comments get deleted most of the time on JewTube and Bitchute. Oh well


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Elon Musk's End Game

Post by BridgeyGirl77 Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:47 pm

If anyone on here or Eric has already answered this, please point me to the thread. Smile I am just very confused by Elon Musk... what is the deal with him? He is seemingly classic old-school liberal, saying many things on Twitter that I like (I'm conservative-leaning), but I KNOW there has to be a catch. He HAS to know the truth about the Earth. He HAS to know that FEers can tell the Space-X videos are partially CGI, etc. Why is he bothering with the fakery? It can't just simply be for "controlled opposition". It feels deeper. What does Elon get out of all of this? What is he doing? Why is 70% of the stuff he says/does feel like its anti-NWO, and yet he is simultaneously lying about space? There is no question that he IS a liar, but I don't understand him. Part of me wonders if the reason he is lying to the world (including to the global elite) is so he can feign that he's on their side so he can have insider knowledge, power and protection. But another part of me wonders if his free-speech act is conning us into trusting him, so that we don't recognize when we're being destroyed. Adding edit: Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Elon has an IFERS account and secretly follows Eric. Its guaranteed that Elon is not only watching Eric, but he secretly AGREES with him. Elon is either a villain or a good guy but regardless, he's a closet flat-earther.

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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by Slowbutsure Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:35 am

BridgeyGirl77 wrote:If anyone on here or Eric has already answered this, please point me to the thread. Smile I am just very confused by Elon Musk... what is the deal with him? He is seemingly classic old-school liberal, saying many things on Twitter that I like (I'm conservative-leaning), but I KNOW there has to be a catch. He HAS to know the truth about the Earth. He HAS to know that FEers can tell the Space-X videos are partially CGI, etc. Why is he bothering with the fakery? It can't just simply be for "controlled opposition". It feels deeper. What does Elon get out of all of this? What is he doing? Why is 70% of the stuff he says/does feel like its anti-NWO, and yet he is simultaneously lying about space? There is no question that he IS a liar, but I don't understand him. Part of me wonders if the reason he is lying to the world (including to the global elite) is so he can feign that he's on their side so he can have insider knowledge, power and protection. But another part of me wonders if his free-speech act is conning us into trusting him, so that we don't recognize when we're being destroyed. Adding edit: Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Elon has an IFERS account and secretly follows Eric. Its guaranteed that Elon is not only watching Eric, but he secretly AGREES with him. Elon is either a villain or a good guy but regardless, he's a closet flat-earther.

Elon is censoring flat earthers on twitter, this flat earth community wont show up in searches and some ppl cant even join when they try. https://twitter.com/i/communities/1670123051676049409

My guess is that the old twitter crew were leftist usefull idiots that cant be told to censor important stuff, thats why he fired them and put more knowing ppl to censor us. Hes a pos.


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by lunastal Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:11 pm

xray.tech wrote:I cannot get over the theory of a magical altitude where non-vacuum meets vacuum with an apparently weak enough barrier separating the two, that a tin can is able to penetrate into "space" using rocket boosters. That, and how is a craft supposed to leave the earths atmosphere, fly into nothing and then accelerate fast enough (666,000 mph) to catch up to the sun which is supposedly carrying the earth and moon through the galaxy... which is also going a million miles an hour..?

I know, I know. It's fake. Obviously. Could you imagine the g-forces generated during propulsion to the speed of the sun, or is "gravity" carrying the shuttle in-toe while in space? The idea that space is nothing, but, it is also moving (at unbelievable) speeds... wow. People. Come on.

Are these astro-nots tripping balls and trying to materialize their experience? If so, thats cool. But, I want my money back.

Every time too many people start to notice the discrepancies, they simply change the story. But the new story creates more discrepancies. Now with modern technology, too many people can see right through it, so they have to keep making up more and more outrageous things. Lies work that way; the truth will ALWAYS come out eventually, when there are no new lies left to tell.


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

Post by lunastal Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:18 pm

Slowbutsure wrote:
BridgeyGirl77 wrote:If anyone on here or Eric has already answered this, please point me to the thread. Smile I am just very confused by Elon Musk... what is the deal with him? He is seemingly classic old-school liberal, saying many things on Twitter that I like (I'm conservative-leaning), but I KNOW there has to be a catch. He HAS to know the truth about the Earth. He HAS to know that FEers can tell the Space-X videos are partially CGI, etc. Why is he bothering with the fakery? It can't just simply be for "controlled opposition". It feels deeper. What does Elon get out of all of this? What is he doing? Why is 70% of the stuff he says/does feel like its anti-NWO, and yet he is simultaneously lying about space? There is no question that he IS a liar, but I don't understand him. Part of me wonders if the reason he is lying to the world (including to the global elite) is so he can feign that he's on their side so he can have insider knowledge, power and protection. But another part of me wonders if his free-speech act is conning us into trusting him, so that we don't recognize when we're being destroyed. Adding edit: Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Elon has an IFERS account and secretly follows Eric. Its guaranteed that Elon is not only watching Eric, but he secretly AGREES with him. Elon is either a villain or a good guy but regardless, he's a closet flat-earther.

Elon is censoring flat earthers on twitter, this flat earth community wont show up in searches and some ppl cant even join when they try. [Can't 'post' link even if it's just part of a quote].

My guess is that the old twitter crew were leftist usefull idiots that cant be told to censor important stuff, thats why he fired them and put more knowing ppl to censor us. Hes a pos.

He's one of them. Nobody gets government funds or jobs or recognition - especially in the "astronautics" field - without the occultists' permission and without swearing oaths of secrecy. Of course he knows the truth, and of course he knows that we know, and just like his masters, he knows we are (temporarily) powerless to expose them to the dumbed down masses. Almost every politician and merchant, and every billionaire (including Trump) knows the truth and is NOT on our side.


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Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic) - Page 4 Empty Re: Privately Funded Space Fakery (SpaceX, BlueOrigin, Virgin Galactic)

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