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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Ziggy Kelleher
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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by csp Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:41 am

Thought it might be time to create a new thread to document the new fake Chinese Space Station.

A pair of astronauts have entered China's Tiangong 2 space station as they begin the country's longest manned space mission.


Video available on the BBC link, watch as the astroNOTS enter the supposed space station - note how the first man stops the second man from grabbing the top handle and pushes him towards the wall as the footage ends abruptly? Bit strange considering there is a handle there..

Anyway, the Chinese are usually quite bad at faking stuff - so I'm sure we'll have a thread of CSS fails soon!

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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Chinese Space Cabin.Scientists plan to study ways of using asteroids as bases for space exploration and even mining them for resources.

Post by Ziggy Kelleher Thu May 11, 2017 11:21 pm


Ziggy Kelleher

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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by Admin Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:01 pm


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by Schpankme Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:11 am

wong fook hing space station

1 April 2018 - China's Tiangong-1 space lab burned up in the atmosphere over the southern Pacific Ocean late last night for the fools that watched.

11 Space Agencies predicted Tiangong-1 demise.

18,000 satellites and ground base radar were used to confirm the space lab trajectory for the Space Enterprise.


ref the hoax at:  space.com/40168-china-space-station-tiangong-1-crash-tracking.html

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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty China's Tiangong space station - amerature astronomer's 'picture'

Post by stjohnofthe88keys Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:11 am

This youtuber says he is an armature astronomer and he takes 'pictures' of planets - he praises NASA etc. I watched one of his "pictures" of a planet and he said how he made it and it was multiple overlays of multiple takes and manipulations of colors and things but he kept calling it a photo

Now he says he photographed the Chinese space station. I was the first to comment and just asked him the size and distance of it.
I am asking him what the thrusters push off in the vacuum of the thermosphere. Our comments exchange are below.
CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Amatur10

Last edited by stjohnofthe88keys on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:12 pm; edited 3 times in total


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by stjohnofthe88keys Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:19 am

I asked the astronomer how the space station maintains orbit and how thrusters work in a vacuum.
CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Commen10

Last edited by stjohnofthe88keys on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update comments with astronomer)


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by tycho_brahe Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:05 am

stjohnofthe88keys wrote:I asked the astronomer how the space station maintains orbit and how thrusters work in a vacuum.
CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Commen10

NASA always responds with gun in space analogy in accordance with Newtons Thirds law of motion. Here’s a copy and paste with a similar response to the gun in space answer:

One might argue that a gun creates a recoil effect yet this analogy is not applicable because we are talking about rockets not revolvers.

Short answer: Yes a gun recoils in space. No, the analogy does not apply to rockets.

Longer version: Shooting a gun in space would happen theoretically as follows: pressurized gas accelerates the bullet through the barrel until the bullet leaves the muzzle. At that point the gas that was pushing the bullet escapes without doing any more work i.e. via free expansion. The energy of the bullet (its momentum) travels with the bullet and the gun recoils by principle of conservation of momentum.

The gun analogy does not apply to a NASA-type space rocket as their pressurized gas escapes without doing any work at all. A NASA rocket is a gun without a bullet.

The original post link here:


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by stjohnofthe88keys Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:33 am

thank you.

Its getting aggravating to be honest. I have been learning flat earth arguments for about a year. I have been mostly researching it but not debating it. Recently I was on a forum (political/conservative) and a poster was arguing for hollow earth. Another poster brought up gravity in a comment. I asked the second poster whether he thought gravity was caused by attraction between two masses and asked him to support that. It deteriorated so quickly into an adhom storm of everyone against me: "retard" "nigger-tier BS" "dipshit" "idiot" "falt-tard" and I was not even expressly proposing flat earth theory. I was just talking about seeing too far and how curvature can be validated. I'm not even naming half of the pejoratives.  It is incredible to me how much everyone  has no interest in nature-truth or even honest discussion of it. Im still surprised at the level of ignorance, bad will, hypocrisy, arrogance of almost everyone everywhere on this. They accept that massive conspiracies have been behind elections, viruses, vaccines, holocaust, WW2, money/banking , education, military etc....but they cant entertain the notion of faked space, and faked earth. You would think it would be one of the simplest most straight forward topics to approach, but its not. Its the hardest one.


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by Admin Fri Sep 02, 2022 4:14 am


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by 302294-ai Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:57 pm

When did the web address change for ifers


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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

Post by tycho_brahe Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:04 am

302294-ai wrote:When did the web address change for ifers

I think it was the first week of August.

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CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist! Empty Re: CSS Hoax - The Chinese Space Station does not exist!

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