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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by csp Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:39 am

Beashambassador wrote:I have been in communication with Ken over the last couple weeks in setting up a meeting for him in New York. He is very aware and familiar and seems to me to be on board with flat earth truth.

Good to hear, I hope to see him talking about FE in his next talk

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Admin Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:22 am


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by mitch Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:46 pm

12:48 - Major Matt Mason (batteries not included) lol!

MMM (WWW=666)

16:59 - "...9,029 with PhDs" (9/11)

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Beashambassador Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:41 pm

csp wrote:
Beashambassador wrote:I have been in communication with Ken over the last couple weeks in setting up a meeting for him in New York. He is very aware and familiar and seems to me to be on board with flat earth truth.

Good to hear, I hope to see him talking about FE in his next talk

After email to Ken O'Keefe's assistant William, expressing my concerns with World Citizen Solutions use of a globe earth on their web site his response was as follows:

William wrote:
"Believe me, I was the first to point out that this request of having a picture of the earth from “space” was impossible to fulfil, but the team would hear none of it.  In fact this was almost a make or break for me, and I decided it wasn’t worth fighting over at this stage.   I don’t want to divide the team on my opinion (informed as it may be).  Please forgive the “lie”, I dod my part, voiced my opinion and was democratically overruled.  

I will bring it up in the next phase.  There are plenty of real, beautiful images of earth from balloons and rockets that are more appropriate.  But, jus tot let you know, I will meet resistance again.  You know wha tI am talking about, I am sure.

In any case, point well taken and I will definitely have my voice heard in the next phase.  

Thanks for taking the time to express your thoughts. I am with you.

Kindly and with respect,

William "

Following William's reply I wrote to Ken Okeefe, founder of World Citizen Solutions, for his thoughts on the flat Earth.
Below is Ken's reply:

Ken O'Keefe wrote:
"I am really struggling to keep up with everything right now but I had to reply to this in particular due to William’s comments, which are completely out of touch with my position.  Here is my position.

The world citizen mission is for all people of planet Earth, and the people of planet Earth are divided among so many different lines for the very reason of making just about any move an issue that will offend some, to make us squabble over this that and the other.  The vast majority, probably 99.9% or more do not subscribe to the flat Earth perspective, a similar number also do not know anything about “citizen” being a contract between the state and citizens or its relationship to the “New World Order” agenda and thus do not give a shit about the term ‘world citizen'.  I am not catering to any minority no matter how right they are, I am going after the masses on an emotional level even more then an intellectual one.  Disagree with me all you want, this is my position, and it is with a tremendous amount of thought and reflection.

In terms of many who are pushing flat Earth, you have some of the most virulently dogmatic and self-righteous assholes that exist on this planet, sure some are subversive infiltrators, but many are just the same as any other destructive form of extremist pricks, and such people are like the 9/11 “truthers” who shove their personal conclusions down other peoples throats and slag off anyone who does not agree.  I say the bigger challenge here is to have those who know 100% that the Earth is flat, to love and respect their brothers and sisters in the human family and agree to disagree about this matter as necessary, other more pressing and dire matters are afoot.

Understanding the nature of the banking system and how it is entirely set up to enslave us is easily proven and can immediately liberate humanity, the argument that convincing everyone of flat Earth is the way to liberate humanity is almost silly to me, because the chances of getting people to even see this as truth is a massive challenge and even if you do convince them could cause even greater confusion and fear.  I am not convinced at all that even if you could educate people about the Earth being flat, that all else will fall into place, not at all… but of course I could be wrong, so I am willing to respectfully agree to disagree with those who feel otherwise… are they willing to do the same?  Many are not, they will scream and attack and blah, blah, blah.

Aside from that the content of the wc mission is of much, much greater value then realising the Earth is flat as it will have an immediately constructive and unifying effect if successful.

As for my view of flat Earth vs. global Earth, the flat Earth fits into the fascinating category for me.  I do not doubt it, reality is far more intriguing then fiction, so it would not surprise me, and in fact I have been exposed to enough info on this to see it as very likely, but no way am I making this my mission, it is the same as arguing who is behind the Jewish bankers and truly calling the shots, fascinating but not relevant and totally polarising and divisive; why the fuck would I play into that?  No matter how much I love the truth.

So William I would like you to please adjust your view of me on this subject or at the least, please do not say we have had a serious debate about this matter and that I have simply adopted a denial based, rejectionist view of flat Earth without any consideration, this is untrue.  That is not accurate.  Love and respect to you regardless.

This is definitely a lesson about truth and why some fear to speak it.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by sircannonball Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:33 am

Without going into detail, it is my opinion that Mr. O'Keefe's goals would be better met by researching FE to become a Flat Earther first. Break down the greater system of deception and the lesser ones will fall in turn.
So I wish him success in his efforts, but I disagree with his chosen avenue and most of his response. Most people I know, believe the banking system is corrupt and enslaving in nature. However, there is still little to no opposition to make it stop. TPTB still do what they want to. Mr. O'Keefe will need to predict the next downturn in detail, in order to bring much attention to the WC mission. Then it is still after the fact.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by csp Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:56 am

sircannonball wrote:Without going into detail, it is my opinion that Mr. O'Keefe's goals would be better met by researching FE to become a Flat Earther first. Break down the greater system of deception and the lesser ones will fall in turn.
So I wish him success in his efforts, but I disagree with his chosen avenue and most of his response. Most people I know, believe the banking system is corrupt and enslaving in nature. However, there is still little to no opposition to make it stop. TPTB still do what they want to. Mr. O'Keefe will need to predict the next downturn in detail, in order to bring much attention to the WC mission. Then it is still after the fact.

I agree, Ken needs to step his game up or I think I'll just pop him in my 'probable shill basket' - the FE facts are too important to ignore, and if anything it helps blow the lid off the whole 'game' that is being run on us. Once FE and fake space became clear to me, it has become so easy to distinguish what is truth and what is bullshit... real eyes see real lies.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by mitch Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:58 am

From what i gather o'keefe is a good friend of angry, anti-FE shill Max Igan and would explain his aforementioned tirade when asked about FE researchers ("... the most virulently dogmatic and self-righteous assholes that exist on this planet...")

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Kostas Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:59 pm

You nailed it,

Ken's position imho boils down to this.

“There are truths which are not for all men, nor for all times.”

― Voltaire Really an appropriate expression

Freemason Voltaire made really an appropriate expression, showing accurate Masonic attitude toward people:

Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Newtons-philosophy-frontispiece2-300x250

French philosopher and writer initiated into Freemasonry in 1778 in the Lodge of nine sisters in Paris.

- Source: MasonicDictionary.com

Voltaire strongly believed in Newton's theories; he performed experiments in optics at Cirey,and was one of the sources for the famous story of Newton and the apple falling from the tree, which he had learned from Newton's niece in London .

Last edited by Kostas on Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more info)

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Beashambassador Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:39 am

James O'Keefe: Woman Who Filmed Minnesota Shooting Is A 'Citizen Journalist, Hero'

The Transformative Power of Live Stream Video: It’s Not Black and White
by  James O'Keefe  
July 8, 2016 in  Corruption / In the News / Journalism / Opinion / Top Stories

Today is a dark day in American history. An unbelievable series of reactionary events has just happened. We’ll have to wrestle with the consequences of these events for a long time while deciding what sort of world we want to live in. There is a toxic culture of fear and we are witnessing unbelievable back-to-back violence. We are often driven by narratives, rather than facts, by pathetic people at the national level who lack leadership.

Times are now turning because of the way news content is being produced and the mediums in which it is being shared. One thing to draw from all this is that there might be a glimmer of real hope for our society.

The Facebook Live video of the shooting of Philando Castile in Minnesota and the live streaming of images of bullets ricocheting off building columns in Dallas were all caught on camera by ordinary citizens with cameras. We are witnessing new technologies which are transforming the way we perceive the reality around us. Journalism is changing more than ever now.

Of course, legacy media reacting to social media is nothing new. But what makes us pause is how devastatingly effective the video can be; video that was taken by a courageous woman in Minnesota (you can see my commentary about her in the video below).

The impact of citizen video journalism has been one of a domino effect. Arguably, there has never been a reaction seen on such a scale before in history; racially, cultural, or politically.

The mainstream media is reporting that raw video has thoroughly shaken the foundations of policing. It has caused nationwide protests, prompted reactions from President Obama, initiated federal investigations and changed attitudes and policy on race. Nearly every white conservative has been shocked by these recent videos.

Yahoo News reported that live video is an unregulated, intimate, extraordinarily powerful new frontier with no limitations.

We are entering a brave new world where Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reacted to the live streaming of Castile’s death by saying, “While I hope we never have to see another video like [the one Diamond “Lavish” Reynolds published], it reminds us why coming together to build a more open and connected world is so important — and how far we still have to go.”

Representing an organization that has dozens of undercover journalists in the field right now beta testing hidden cameras that stream video straight to our server, I feel compelled to write this.

I hear utter hopelessness from patriotic Americans when the solution to government sclerosis is right in front of them in the form of streaming video.

These Americans feel hopeless when they see FBI Director James Comey excusing Hillary Clinton from indictment. The same transformative power that has recently recorded and exposed violence can also cleanse our government and lead to the replacement of our leadership. It can be used both to expose horrific incidents and police bad apples. It can, and should, be used to clean up Washington.

People are upset that the Department of Justice may be unconstitutionally working with the Executive Branch to disrupt justice.

What if we had live streaming video inside our federal agencies which have betrayed our trust? What if the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was live streamed? What if the bribery of federal judges was live streamed? What if every corrupt official lived his or her life in fear of being recorded while abusing power?

Impossible? What Reynolds did would have been a technological impossibility a few years ago. Then this week happened. And as far as I’m concerned, Reynolds is an unwilling journalist who was quick to expose what many are calling a civil rights injustice. What she did needs to be done over and over all over the country in every school board, statehouse, and every state and federal office where officials are conspiring to abuse their power.

A key contributing factor to the conclusion of our Civil Rights turmoil in the 1960s was the introduction of black and white television to most households in America. For the first time in history, people could actually see recent and relevant video on the evening news of the peaceful protests, ugly riots and police brutality in Alabama and form their own conclusions. With cell phone video and instant streaming technology, this result is now instantaneous and the gatekeepers in the mainstream media can easily be bypassed.

What is happening right now is a power reversal. Live streaming platforms combined with hidden cameras can help everyone interested in holding government accountable. That’s the power of this new medium.

It’s not a political movement. It’s a movement to clean up society.

We are working hard to apply this technology and find the people with the courage to shine the light so we can restore hope. Mark my words, it may take time, but the medium of hidden camera video is going to change the world.


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:01 pm

Beashambassador wrote:James O'Keefe: Woman Who Filmed Minnesota Shooting Is A 'Citizen Journalist, Hero'

The Transformative Power of Live Stream Video: It’s Not Black and White
by  James O'Keefe  
July 8, 2016 in  Corruption / In the News / Journalism / Opinion / Top Stories

Today is a dark day in American history. An unbelievable series of reactionary events has just happened. We’ll have to wrestle with the consequences of these events for a long time while deciding what sort of world we want to live in. There is a toxic culture of fear and we are witnessing unbelievable back-to-back violence. We are often driven by narratives, rather than facts, by pathetic people at the national level who lack leadership.

Times are now turning because of the way news content is being produced and the mediums in which it is being shared. One thing to draw from all this is that there might be a glimmer of real hope for our society.

The Facebook Live video of the shooting of Philando Castile in Minnesota and the live streaming of images of bullets ricocheting off building columns in Dallas were all caught on camera by ordinary citizens with cameras. We are witnessing new technologies which are transforming the way we perceive the reality around us. Journalism is changing more than ever now.

Of course, legacy media reacting to social media is nothing new. But what makes us pause is how devastatingly effective the video can be; video that was taken by a courageous woman in Minnesota (you can see my commentary about her in the video below).

The impact of citizen video journalism has been one of a domino effect. Arguably, there has never been a reaction seen on such a scale before in history; racially, cultural, or politically.

The mainstream media is reporting that raw video has thoroughly shaken the foundations of policing. It has caused nationwide protests, prompted reactions from President Obama, initiated federal investigations and changed attitudes and policy on race. Nearly every white conservative has been shocked by these recent videos.

Yahoo News reported that live video is an unregulated, intimate, extraordinarily powerful new frontier with no limitations.

We are entering a brave new world where Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reacted to the live streaming of Castile’s death by saying, “While I hope we never have to see another video like [the one Diamond “Lavish” Reynolds published], it reminds us why coming together to build a more open and connected world is so important — and how far we still have to go.”

Representing an organization that has dozens of undercover journalists in the field right now beta testing hidden cameras that stream video straight to our server, I feel compelled to write this.

I hear utter hopelessness from patriotic Americans when the solution to government sclerosis is right in front of them in the form of streaming video.

These Americans feel hopeless when they see FBI Director James Comey excusing Hillary Clinton from indictment. The same transformative power that has recently recorded and exposed violence can also cleanse our government and lead to the replacement of our leadership. It can be used both to expose horrific incidents and police bad apples. It can, and should, be used to clean up Washington.

People are upset that the Department of Justice may be unconstitutionally working with the Executive Branch to disrupt justice.

What if we had live streaming video inside our federal agencies which have betrayed our trust? What if the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was live streamed? What if the bribery of federal judges was live streamed? What if every corrupt official lived his or her life in fear of being recorded while abusing power?

Impossible? What Reynolds did would have been a technological impossibility a few years ago. Then this week happened. And as far as I’m concerned, Reynolds is an unwilling journalist who was quick to expose what many are calling a civil rights injustice. What she did needs to be done over and over all over the country in every school board, statehouse, and every state and federal office where officials are conspiring to abuse their power.

A key contributing factor to the conclusion of our Civil Rights turmoil in the 1960s was the introduction of black and white television to most households in America. For the first time in history, people could actually see recent and relevant video on the evening news of the peaceful protests, ugly riots and police brutality in Alabama and form their own conclusions. With cell phone video and instant streaming technology, this result is now instantaneous and the gatekeepers in the mainstream media can easily be bypassed.

What is happening right now is a power reversal. Live streaming platforms combined with hidden cameras can help everyone interested in holding government accountable. That’s the power of this new medium.

It’s not a political movement. It’s a movement to clean up society.

We are working hard to apply this technology and find the people with the courage to shine the light so we can restore hope. Mark my words, it may take time, but the medium of hidden camera video is going to change the world.

What an awesome load of bullshit this obvious Shill is spewing; he talks about her as if she is the second coming of Christ, when in fact she is no more than a failed acting college drop-out. Pathetic attempt James, really pathetic.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Haze Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:27 pm

It stands to reason that, the Controlled Opposition, shilling for the Satanic Death Cult, must be top members of said Cult and therefore, very dangerous people. I have read one of David Icke's books and having studied mythology in depth and ufology, I knew his Anunnaki-shape-shifting-extraterrestrial-reptillian theory was utterly bogus.  No  Notice how he never mentions "Anunnaki" anymore? I actually detest him. As it happens, one of his 'truther' colleagues, Zen Gardner (Don Ferguson) has allegedly been exposed as a member of a horrific paedophile cult for thirty years, called 'The Family' and it's leader! Icke has thoroughly distanced himself from this revelation... and Don Ferguson.

For a renowned 'conspiracy theorist' neither is Icke aware that his US counterpart, Alex Jones is a 'rabble-rouser' and 'sheep-herder' who has shown his true colours during the Presidential campaign, by taking it seriously! He supports Trump! Need I say more?  Rolling Eyes  Jones is 'O'Brien' from Orwell's '1984.' Pretending to be against 'The Party' he befriended Winston and drew him in, encouraging his opposition to 'Big Brother.' Winston revealed his fear of rats to O'Brien, in confidence. When Winston was arrested by the Thought Police and taken to the Ministry of Truth for reconditioning, O'Brien was his torturer in Room 101... and threatened to put Winston's head in a cage with a rat!

Alex Jones was the controlled replacement for William Cooper, murdered on his own front porch. However, due to the "awakening" and exposure of the Flat Earth, the dominoes are beginning to fall, one by one... and these people will be exposed in the glaring light of truth. Bring it on! cheers


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty A few YouTube channels of question

Post by TruthNinjaLinney Fri May 05, 2017 1:13 pm

This is my first post here and wasn't entirely sure as to where exactly I should post this.
But, some YouTube channels I wouldn't mind getting all of your opinions on.

*ODD Reality or ODD TV or just ODD

*Captain Obvious (I happen to thoroughly enjoy his videos)

*ThePottersClay -
The Playlist to Make Anyone a Flat Earther: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuhANqMgJD4&list=PL1eegppAgUw_EXqzV1uraDoUO1uGCRAF8

*RichieFromBoston (RFB) - He hasn't specifically come out & said he is a Flat Earther, but many of his videos would suggest so. (Closet Flat Earther)
Between his humorous commentary and "I'm just a regular guy with a laptop" attitude, I simply cannot find anything suggesting he could be a shill.
Richie isn't a big fan of NASA, and makes them look like the complete idiots that they are in many of his videos.
"Gravity Isn't even a Good Theory"
"Am I a Flat Earther?"

**Absolutely hilarious video-
"They are going to make Mars habitable"

Anyway, thought I'd share these with you all, get some feedback.

Thanks & Peace,
Linney K.
Flat Earth - No Trolls

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http:// https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVEL4FdZLCoGnu18rkg0M1g

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Admin Fri May 05, 2017 1:31 pm

Hey Linney, welcome to the forum. I'm not familiar with the other names, but we have been discussing ODD on pages 7, 8, and 9 here: http://ifers.123.st/t38p150-flat-earth-shill-wall-of-shame Peace

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by TruthNinjaLinney Fri May 05, 2017 1:59 pm

Thanks Eric,
I'm starting to get a bit alarmed at all the shills out there, on YouTube anyway. I'm quite used to them on Facebook ;-) Our little fb group is ever increasing in numbers at an insane rate! 3,000 members as of 2 weeks ago and we are almost at 7,000 now! The truth shall not be stopped!
Peace & Love!

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Schpankme Fri May 05, 2017 4:23 pm

TruthNinjaLinney wrote:Thanks Eric,
I'm starting to get a bit alarmed at all the shills out there on YouTube
I'm quite used to them on Facebook
The truth shall not be stopped!

Linney as brought us a list of Christpsychotics who sell Bibles on the back of Flat Earth; these people are the Controlled Opposition.

*ODD Reality or ODD TV or just ODD

*Captain Obvious
(I happen to thoroughly enjoy his videos)  LDS

*ThePottersClay -
The Playlist to Make Anyone a Flat Earther

*RichieFromBoston (RFB)
Between his humorous commentary, I simply cannot find anything suggesting he could be a shill

You are indoctrinated from birth to repeat Creation Stories (Fiction):
  SPACE (Big Bang)
  HEAVEN (Holy Spirit)

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by TruthNinjaLinney Fri May 05, 2017 5:10 pm

Firstly, I just read through all the pages of shills and am inclined to agree with you on ODD, I had no idea he was mixed up with the hot potatoes shill idiot (which when I first became a Flat Earther, I downloaded her app only to immediately uninstall it).

Secondly, I posted those names to get feedback on what you all thought. So, immediately saying that I am "indoctrinated" is a bit rash & judgmental of you.

And thirdly, I have no problem admitting that upon my ex first introducing me to FE, and Eric's videos, I was also in my "denial" stage...and was overwhelmed to say the least. So (while remaining honest & transparent), I decided (mostly to spite my ex), to dive into...get ready...Flat Earth Clues. Yup, Mark Sargent. Which I honestly can't really say I regret because after realizing that my ex was right, I wanted more information. And after not really coming up with much of anything in the name of solid proofs or evidence with Sargent's videos...I dove headfirst into Eric's 200 Proofs and found myself actually being able to handle a proper debate afterwards :-)

As for RFB, his NASA videos ARE funny, I don't care what anyone says about that.

But, all in all...I can say with 100% silliness that I was absolutely ecstatic when none other than Mr. Dubay himself accepted my friend request on Facebook and actually took the time to respond to my messages.

If these other people are trying to say that Eric is a shill, then f""k them! As Eric stated, who was the one that brought FE back to light?
Anyway, I have nothing but gratitude, respect and admiration for you, Eric!

Linney K.

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http:// https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVEL4FdZLCoGnu18rkg0M1g

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Schpankme Fri May 05, 2017 5:14 pm

TruthNinjaLinney wrote:
I have nothing but gratitude, respect and admiration for you, Eric!
Linney K.

Welcome to the Forum.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Realearth Sun May 28, 2017 3:31 pm


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Realearth Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:22 am

AmAroK has been around internet since 1990's and has something to say about the entire flat earth internet experience.
Very interesting, looking forward to IFERS comments.

Published on Jun 12, 2017
AmAroK  wrote.....
"It is time for people to be shown the truth of the matter. Everyone thinks Flat Earth is this new phenomena, and there is this huge hype for it....It is all simulated. Only real people, are the activists. If you are just making videos, you are in the virtual existence of this movement, where numbers are inflated, deflated, faked, surpressed etc.

I truly thought it had a chance this time around...When activism started on youtube, it seemed like things might head in the right direction. Of course none of the "heroes" of flat earth were doing any of the activism, it was the real people who took initiative. Many other channels are clapping, saying good job, then going on their channels to ridicule that person. Such childish games, yet people still want to have a big hug fest and let it be. This is the reason we are in this situation, we keep allowing narcissists to have a voice. We also just allow them to run governement, always forgiving for past transgressions, only to be met with further surpressing, opression and plain out criminal activity on the population.

People need to stop this tone of "let's come together". The people who are setup opposition, will never truly drop the charades and join. They will however act like they are genuine, even apoligize, cry or show emotion on camera....The reason society is in this situation, the human condition. Love, peace, forgiveness....all weekness when you are against psychopathic controlling narcissists. Doesn't matter what the person does, as long as what he says about flat earth is on key.....such nonsense. They do this to attract a sub base, then wash the people who sub to them, with fallacies, and confusion. Always giving them a little hope, to keep them interested. Even real people get caught up in this type of mentality, reaching out to these people and trying to get them to join....

I for one, am not wasting anymore time on this topic, as it is truly not going anywhere, if the real people want these psychopaths to join in. In a perfect world, sure everyone could come together for a common goal, but that is far from what we live in. Allowing these people to infiltrate, get association, and then stab you in the back, is truly self-destructive.

This upload is my last stitch effort to reach the real people in this. It is also the last video I am going to put out on youtube. After seeing the urgency, and the tactics they are using to bury this, I am going to unplug, and enjoy my life out of this virtual society they have created.

I will login here and there, and leave my channel open. I have met some nice people during this recent experience, and hope they come out of this ok in the end. To the real people in this flat earth, you know who you are. Prepare yourselves mentally for the barrage this summer will entail. I do hope people continue to push activism, as it is the only way this will ever gain ground.

To the trolls, paid opposition, youtube, google, and all organizations involved, picture the most insulting thing someone could ever say to you. That is what my goodbye to you, would be. You will be the ones in the end, beggin for saving. I just hope people throw you all to the wolves, pun intended."

AmAroK says this will be his last video...
"The truth about flat earth"

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Schpankme Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:03 am

Realearth wrote:
AmAroK has been around internet since 1990's and has something to say about the entire flat earth internet experience.
Very interesting, looking forward to IFERS comments

AmAroK aka RickFE (IFERS)

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Devi Suprana Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:01 pm

I just heard an interview of Cliff High from Halfpasthuman.com with Silver the Antidote recorded on February 13, 2017. He said that the "Flat Earth Internet Meme" was identified to have originated from the Department of Defense. Add Cliff High to the Shill Wall of Shame. I've always thought that his Webbot Report is bunk.
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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Schpankme Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:17 pm

Devi Suprana wrote:
Cliff High
said that the "Flat Earth Internet Meme" originated from the Department of Defense

Where is this "Flat Earth Internet Meme" ?

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Devi Suprana Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:32 pm

I can't post the link to the YouTube interview here because I'm a new member but here's the title to it which you can enter in the search:

(PT 1) Cliff High, fukushima, flat earth, hollow moon, Antartica, fallen angels, Giants
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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Schpankme Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:06 pm

Devi Suprana wrote:
search:  (PT 1)  Cliff High, fukushima, flat earth, hollow moon, Antartica, fallen angels, Giants

youtube . com /watch?v=jJWmWe4RRNs   note the spaces

Cliff High is just another BULLSHIT ARTIST, nothing he says can be taken as the truth.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Devi Suprana Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:23 pm

Thanks Schpankme. Hey do you know if anyone has done any debunking videos of M Goudsmits? He's an arrogant YouTuber who's done a lot of FE debunking vids. If so, can you provide a link please.
Devi Suprana
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