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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:06 pm

I think for the most part you can tell controlled opposition when they have big platforms, haven't been killed and have books for sale on Amazon.

I think as others have mentioned above, it's perfectly fine to get information from controlled opposition as long as they have evidence for what they are saying. The rest can be just ignored. I still watch David Icke for instance although I know a lot of what he says is BS and is used to discredit the truth community. For instance, he and Gareth were the first (I believe) to break the midazolam use in care home story in the UK, which was one of the main causes of the care home death spikes.

I love Dr Andy Kaufman but I have concerns he will be co-opted soon (if he hasn't been already). He's guest hosted a few Alex Jones shows and is working with David Icke on producing a terrain theory documentary. Even if he is totally innocent, his name will be easy to discredit by working with both those disinfo agents. For health information I would still recommend Andy Kaufman, Stephan Lanka, Tom Cowan and others in that vain.

I have a lot of respect for James Corbett and he's kind of on the edge for me as to whether he could be controlled opposition or not. If he follows up his World War 1 series with the truth about World War 2 we will certainly find out. I can certainly understand those that think he is controlled opposition already.

Dr Vernon Coleman I don't really trust any more. I've read about three of his books and I wouldn't recommend them. They're very much intended for the layperson and he backs nothing he says up with actual evidence. I do think a lot of what he says is perfectly true, but when you don't evidence your claims it's pretty much meaningless. Also he quit Brand New Tube for a few weeks when somebody accused him of being a Freemason causing him to have a little tantrum (ala Icke). The interesting thing is, Gareth Icke admitted that Vernon Coleman was the Icke family doctor and they appeared together at a recent London rally. There's often no smoke without fire...

I liked Alan Watt a lot. The thing that annoyed me about him was that he was forever asserting atheists to be evil people. I have no time for the hate-preacher Richard Dawkins, but some things he says I agree with. The vast majority of us know what is right or wrong innately and would never cause or do harm to somebody else. When people say without the fear of God they wouldn't be able to behave themselves I think that says more about them than it does about atheism. Atheism is just disbelief in man-made religion. Also his lack of knowledge on virology annoyed me because he would always pedal the existence of viruses without question.

One of the biggest shills to show his true-hand since the scam-demic has been Peter Joseph (he of Zeitgeist fame). I should have known much earlier of course with him promoting technocracy, but if you read his Twitter timeline since covid, you'll see it's the ramblings of an anti-science madman. He is almost certainly controlled opposition and was being used to promote the idea of a "utopian" technocracy. I'd love somebody to do a deep dive on him and get to the bottom of who he is and who funded him.

I'm a vegan and I do believe the wholefood plant-based diet is the right way to go for reasons of health, vitality, ethics and sustainability, but there has been an obvious hijacking of the message. I went vegan after watching Forks over Knives but I do have niggling doubts as to whether the vegan movement was co-opted at that time. For instance, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn and his heart study: What they fail to mention in the documentary (which is mentioned in his book) is that not only were his patients on a plant-based diet but they were also on statins. That seems like a big and deliberate omission and if they truly wanted to inform they wouldn't deceive like that. Also it irritates me when they just say "animal protein" promotes cancer growth rather than being more specific - i.e. which proteins specifically. They are fine naming casein specifically so why not which animal proteins they are talking about. Don't get me started on the vegan junk being promoted now...

I used to listen to Ryan Cristian at The Last American Vagabond and I don't know if he is controlled opposition or not, but he hardly ever mentions how to support him. That may or may not be a red flag. He's making enough to fund other journalists though... I stopped listening to him because his podcasts were too long and lacked coherence and he would often misread or misunderstand things. If you were watching along with what he was saying it was easy to pick up on his errors but if you just listened - you would miss that kind of thing and would be getting misinformed.

I did used to like and listen to Del Bigtree at The High Wire but he did a bait and switch a couple of months back (after his monster piles health scare) and suddenly said he is now focussing on the the Wuhan lab being the source of the "virus" leak. He no longer questions the covid death numbers and actually repeats them. There is a gradual beating of the drum for war with China and Del is being used as part of that. Who the "vaccine" doesn't kill off will be killed off by a phony war with China. The Plandemic documentaries are also part of this psyop. Do not trust Dr Judy Mikovits either.

Lastly I would like to make a special mention to the socialist left, specifically the ones I used to like and listen to/read: Abby Martin, Robbie Martin, Max Blumenthal, Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, Professor Richard Wolff, the Loud and Clear Podcast, etc. This scam-demic has made them all show their true colours and prove they were nothing but controlled opposition. When they started repeating the official lies and attacking anyone that brought evidence to the contrary I had to end my associations with them. Although I never considered myself a socialist, I did appreciate their information on matters of war, imperialism and issues such as Iran, Venezuela and Israel/Palestine. There will be people reading this that say, well of course - duh, how did it take you so long?! I know! Very Happy

Last edited by Xander on Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:44 pm

What are people's thoughts on James Delingpole by the way? I can't help but get a Pied-Piper feeling about him, but he has done some really good interviews this past year - plus he seems like he's on a genuine journey of discovery. #ConfusedDotCom


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Jadepurplelover Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:38 am

No schill is bigger than
1 Karen b
,2 Brian stavely
3 jeran
4 globebuster
5 David Weiss
6.russian vids
7 Bart sibrel
8 Alex Jones
9 David icke
10 Patricia steere
11 David Weiss
12 odd tv
13 the dollar vigilanti
14 the great baldini
15; crow 777
16 YouTube channel commercial sound and video guy named Nathan is the moderator for most of these live chat truther channel. He told a girl fuck you for asking Brian stavely why won't you talk about the jewz, to which Brian also told this girl fuck you


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:49 pm

I think it's safe to add Clif High to the list of controlled opposition. I listened to his interview on James Delingpole's podcast and he ticked all the boxes: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-qdzfa-10d4e71

1) Talk about subjective personal experiences as though they are a fact. Check.

2) Inject hopium with zero evidence for claims. (Do nothing and trust the plan.) Check.

3) Views himself as some kind of genius. Check.

I'm sure there is much more than this short list. I'm glad I've heard him and his ideas but I wouldn't listen to him again. No Sir.

Last edited by Xander on Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:56 pm

For good information I'm really liking Adam Green at the minute of Know More News. He does excellent in depth dives into Judaism. I've heard him mock Flat Earther's but I think this was from a place of ignorance rather than a place of malice.

This is well worth a watch for example: https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Holocaust-Rabbis:d


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by its_Goyim Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:32 pm

I'd be careful with Adam Green...Martinez Perspective has a video calling him out. I would recommend checking that out...

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:26 pm

its_Goyim wrote:I'd be careful with Adam Green...Martinez Perspective has a video calling him out. I would recommend checking that out...

I've only watched about 5 of his long-form videos. He seems to be evidencing what he's saying, although I guess I'll never be 100% trusting of him unless I could read Hebrew. Thanks, I'll check that out though.

Truthfully, I try not to go too far down any rabbit hole because I'm sure they're laden with as much disinfo as info. I was watching an interview with Eric where he called it right, he said we'll never know the absolute truth about most conspiracies (9/11, JFK, etc.) other than we can know we were lied to, but with the flat earth, it's easy to prove by simple observation and experiment.


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by its_Goyim Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:23 pm

Trust me I get it...yeah green likes to defend communism in a subtle way..he'll end u being an Ike or a gene decode.
As far as Eric its funny I found him after I believed in the flat plane..lol.. I guess I'm the outlier but his work is great. As far as rabbit holes...don't do what I did and jump in the deep end right off the bat...not fun! It took about a year and a half like Wayki said before you really get out of the mind control....
I remember Eric saying he used to scream into pillows and that was exactly what happened to me...

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:09 pm

I'll certainly look out for it. I know some self proclaimed communists are on our side, but they're like a drop in the ocean. They are probably more anarcho-communists/classical libertarians to be fair. I used to be close to calling myself a socialist before all this happened - but this scam-demic quickly got me out of that mind-prison! It's funny, this scam-demic seems to have woken people up from across the political divide, the commonality being our love and want for freedom; many more libertarians, conservatives and democrats/liberals have completely bought the lie though. Crying or Very sad


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty WikiPedia - admitting corrupt information

Post by Agenda2030 Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:43 pm

Although I try to avoid it, but I often stumble upon wikipedia when doing whatever research, not necessarily to find vital information, but often to cross check with "accepted mainstream" knowledge, by chance today, i stumbled upon this nice banner: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Screen10

This just proves that wikipedia have zero credibility even in regards to simple facts such as birth dates - this is insane confused


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:41 pm

You'll like this one Eric. David Icke was asked about Flat Earth Theory and guess what he said? He trusts his intuition and it's never told him to go there.... Rolling Eyes

The question starts at 61:40: https://banned.video/watch?id=61715e4456322c0c5c7bacc8


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Admin Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:40 pm

Yeah, if your entire life's work, reputation, credibility, and financial stability rested on the heliocentric model being correct, your "intuition" wouldn't be telling you to go there would it?

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Shmack_1 Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:19 am

Skipped and sidestepped that question like a politician ickey boy... Wait, that's right you were a politician!


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by k4t Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:47 am




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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:46 pm

Shmack_1 wrote:Skipped and sidestepped that question like a politician ickey boy... Wait, that's right you were a politician!

So true! It annoyed me when he said it didn't matter anyway because it's all a hologram. We have little to no evidence that we're living in a hologram (I'm not saying we're not) but there is tons of observable proof the Earth is flat.It's ground shakingly important because it proves we are being lied to about our importance in the cosmos and that most science is just BS.


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Shmack_1 Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:38 am

Icke was a big turning point for me when I came to the realisation that he was a shill in my eyes. He spoke alot of sense but also utter speculative bullshit which he touted as fact..


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by its_Goyim Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:19 am

Shmack_1 wrote:Icke was a big turning point for me when I came to the realisation that he was a shill in my eyes. He spoke alot of sense but also utter speculative bullshit which he touted as fact..
anyone who ends up on main stream news is a gov't op. David Duke included, but the problem now is YT Tik ToK and all the other "news" outlets are doing the same shit. So be extremely careful who you think is TRUTH. I haven't seen Eric on Wolfblitzer or tucker Carlson, hell he cant even get on info wars...loser... Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 1f609

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Xander Wed May 25, 2022 11:04 pm

I meant to post this a while back but forgot. James Delingpole spoke to Jerm Warfare and they got talking about the "ultimate conspiracy" and they started talking about flat earth. What's nice is, they didn't mock and admitted that people that study the FE are some of the most intelligent people out there with solid arguments. James even says his ambition is to become a flat earther! They clearly both can see the truth but the fear of being ridiculed is still too much for them. The fact they even had a level headed discussion on the topic shows me how far this movement has come. It won't be long before too many people know. The tipping point is getting closer.

If you start watching this from around 26:30


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by James Fri May 27, 2022 3:27 pm

Why would anyone care about the media or the world news? who gives a fuck? focus on your soul and your real life not the virtual life on your phone or on tv


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Flat earth podcast or live streams

Post by Marshall96 Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:27 pm

Hi everyone I'm about three months into discovering this truth. Fist of all it's so nice to be on a form full of people that seek truth. I wanted to post and ask anyone if they have any live stream or podcast they know of that a good in regards to open minded option and facts. Thanks everyone 👍


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by nowhereelsetogo Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:06 pm

Marshall96 wrote:Hi everyone I'm about three months into discovering this truth. Fist of all it's so nice to be on a form full of people that seek truth. I wanted to post and ask anyone if they have any live stream or podcast they know of that a good in regards to open minded option and facts. Thanks everyone 👍

I would have a thorough look around this site first. There are copious videos here destroying everything you've ever believed in.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Alex Jones knows more than he is allowed to say...

Post by Constapated_Weiner_Dog Wed May 24, 2023 3:20 pm

I know these days, Alex Jones is looked at as somewhat of a joke. But let's be honest... For some, he is the first to give a peek behind the curtain of truth. It's obvious he as been cuffed. It's obvious he wants to do and say more. But what can he do? At least he is still allowed to give some a peek to spark the inspiration to dig deeper. I wouldn't be here without Alex. I would still be lost. So I just want everyone to know, Alex is a good guy & he is important for many people's journey. He's just at a point where the magnifying glass on him is too big. He is controlled, but not quite opposition. I leave you with some evidence of Alex's true beliefs. I believe this conversation (or one like it) was when the discrediting/controlling/propaganda of his message began...

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by nowhereelsetogo Thu May 25, 2023 10:42 pm

Constapated_Weiner_Dog wrote:I know these days, Alex Jones is looked at as somewhat of a joke. But let's be honest... For some, he is the first to give a peek behind the curtain of truth. It's obvious he as been cuffed. It's obvious he wants to do and say more. But what can he do? At least he is still allowed to give some a peek to spark the inspiration to dig deeper. I wouldn't be here without Alex. I would still be lost. So I just want everyone to know, Alex is a good guy & he is important for many people's journey. He's just at a point where the magnifying glass on him is too big. He is controlled, but not quite opposition. I leave you with some evidence of Alex's true beliefs. I believe this conversation (or one like it) was when the discrediting/controlling/propaganda of his message began...

Naah, He's a dick, like Icke.

Also, he is Bill Hicks. Faked death, coinkidink associates etc. et al. If I can be bothered I'll try and find the video that suggests such.

One way or another almost everyone who has a popular voice is a shill. They just f*king kill anyone who steps too far out of line.

And seriously, deep state, black hats, white hats.....?

Try - The state (it does not need to be deep, it's there anyway), and tiny hats.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Admin Fri May 26, 2023 1:43 am


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   - Page 5 Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Constapated_Weiner_Dog Sat May 27, 2023 8:55 am

I know he's Bill Hicks. But he's still doing something important. Pointing people in the right direction... Sure he's profiting off the populace not smart enough to come out of the echo chambers, but he's what starts the waking up of most people. I wouldn't be where I'm at without him. Sandy Hook sent him a message. Just in time too. I can see it in the man's eyes. He knows more than he can say. The second he says too much, they'll crucify his ass and he knows it.

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