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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:58 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/08/2015

I'm quite suspicious of Bermas, Rudowski and all the other Jones clones. There's so much controlled opposition out there finding genuine researchers is like finding a needle in a hay-field.




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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:00 pm

Posted by CosmicXIII on 04/22/2015
Jan Böhmermann a german showmaster pranked the big TV Journalists.To show how easy Media can be manipulated.

English and Greek subs:

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:02 pm

Posted by crni on 05/24/2015
Deepak Chopra is a NWO shill and disinfo disseminator of the eastern kind from the school of theosophy and its likes. Whatever is pushed mainstream is BS, you should know that by now.

The problem with the quantum world is that you can literally make stuff up and claim whatever you want in the same way NASA does with so called outer space.

I have a friend in silicon valley who runs R&D in nanotech space whereas he tells me that accepted quantum theory laws are proving nonsense as they cannot breach what in theory was suppose to be breachable.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:05 pm

Posted by somechickonthenet on 05/26/2015
I've been wondering the same thing. I've been seeing that my usual news sources are controlled opposition too, and I don't know what to go to anymore. I'd been going to one site, but after lurking for awhile, I'm always unclear whether they actually believe what they post, or if they are just having some sort of sarcastic fun. I know that mainstream crap is not going to post anything truthful, so I don't even bother considering any of them respectable anymore.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:09 pm

Posted by dan on 05/26/2015
My list is growing shorter and shorter every week.

ZeroHedge, great for economic news.
Zengardner, one of the few in the alternative media I trust.
WealthWatchman is another I trust, great gold and silver info.
DaveHodges, I did trust him for ages but am starting to have some suspicions.
Drudge, messy site don't go there anymore.
ATS, clearly controlled opposition but good entertainment.

You Tube.

Greg Mannarino, knows his stuff on the economy.
Mike Maloney, always loved his info but he certainly is careful on who and what he critizes. Even though he knows the truth better than most about the economies around ( uhh there is that 40 years of programming seeping in) across the earth. World- whirled, sounds like its spinning hey.
AMTV, great channel, guy knows his stuff.
Greg Hunter, good interviews on the state of the whirled.
Manny Skywatch, interesting info about the sun although admittedly I see no evidence of his pics of the sun here in Philippines.
Quasiluminous, just found him and not sure yet if he is a nutter or not but some of his info is certainly interesting.

I was in your shoes a few months ago Susie as I slowly realised one by one that most of my alt media sources were mostly controlled opposition, jones, icke etc. I haven't watched any tv at all now for years as I was just sick of the crap they fed us in Oz and would not even bother watching any here in Phili. 

FE came at the right time as it a subject I will never tire of studying and it is just so bloody intriguing learning as much as I can about it and wondering about the unknowns. I would love to know the truth of antarctica as all the evidence tells us is there is one big massive coverup starting in the 50's. Who could have guessed that so many countries could work in together for so long when everywhere else it is one big balls up. What a joke hey? All the worlds a stage is actually true and we are the paying audience. Dome- no dome also intrigues me as watching the time lapse vids of the moving stars suggests to me that they are fixed into or onto something as they move so uniformly. Planets are another mystery, timepieces? clock? They are certainly there to tell us something and I am certain that sometime in the distant past some cultures knew the secrets. The sun and the moon, amazing when we realise they are so close to us and how easily blinded most of us have been to their truth's. My standard joke with my missus now is to point at the sun as it blazes onto us and say "93 million miles away, yeh right!"

Cheers guys.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:10 pm

Posted by somechickonthenet on 05/26/2015

May 25, 2015 23:29:43 GMT dan said:
My list is growing shorter and shorter every week.

ZeroHedge, great for economic news.
Zengardner, one of the few in the alternative media I trust.
WealthWatchman is another I trust, great gold and silver info.
DaveHodges, I did trust him for ages but am starting to have some suspicions.
Drudge, messy site don't go there anymore.
ATS, clearly controlled opposition but good entertainment.

You Tube.

Greg Mannarino, knows his stuff on the economy.
Mike Maloney, always loved his info but he certainly is careful on who and what he critizes. Even though he knows the truth better than most about the economies around ( uhh there is that 40 years of programming seeping in) across the earth. World- whirled, sounds like its spinning hey.
AMTV, great channel, guy knows his stuff.
Greg Hunter, good interviews on the state of the whirled.
Manny Skywatch, interesting info about the sun although admittedly I see no evidence of his pics of the sun here in Philippines.
Quasiluminous, just found him and not sure yet if he is a nutter or not but some of his info is certainly interesting.

I was in your shoes a few months ago Susie as I slowly realised one by one that most of my alt media sources were mostly controlled opposition, jones, icke etc. I haven't watched any tv at all now for years as I was just sick of the crap they fed us in Oz and would not even bother watching any here in Phili. 

FE came at the right time as it a subject I will never tire of studying and it is just so bloody intriguing learning as much as I can about it and wondering about the unknowns. I would love to know the truth of antarctica as all the evidence tells us is there is one big massive coverup starting in the 50's. Who could have guessed that so many countries could work in together for so long when everywhere else it is one big balls up. What a joke hey? All the worlds a stage is actually true and we are the paying audience. Dome- no dome also intrigues me as watching the time lapse vids of the moving stars suggests to me that they are fixed into or onto something as they move so uniformly. Planets are another mystery, timepieces? clock? They are certainly there to tell us something and I am certain that sometime in the distant past some cultures knew the secrets. The sun and the moon, amazing when we realise they are so close to us and how easily blinded most of us have been to their truth's. My standard joke with my missus now is to point at the sun as it blazes onto us and say "93 million miles away, yeh right!"

Cheers guys.

I think it was on the video from the 9/11 post I was watching last night that said something odd that I'd not thought of before. They said that our worlds countries are basically in it together, and that we are sort of living in a real life WWE, you know, like how on camera John Cena and The Rock hate each other, but after the show they probably go get a beer or something. And that makes sense too. If they are planning a one world government, you know it's had to have been in the works for a long time, which means it's probably already in the bag for them, they just have to deal with the masses now.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:16 pm

Posted by susie on 05/27/2015
My alternative media has become atlanteanconspiracy.com/

If I ever get through it, there are old books that are mentioned there I will begin to absorb. I already can tell the BS in media as they saturate the air with those stories. If it is all over the media it must be fake. Good rule of thumb. 

Another reason why this information is stellar. All media discourages it. Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Wink

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:19 pm

Posted by hardworx on 06/17/2015
Similar experience to most others here as I can now see quite a few sites I visited & sources I respected probably being controlled opposition.

I now limit my research to Alan Watt (cuttingthroughthematrix.com), Larken Rose on youtube and a site called ukcolumn.org which is exposing child abuse on an industrial scale.

Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, ATS etc., I think do expose some truth but then misdirect away into nonsense.

I found the FE information through a link from Brasscheck.tv so kudos to them Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Smiley

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:28 pm

Posted by hiilikeourbeard on 07/01/2015
i trust absolutely no one in the media. none. it's truth if it resonates with you, seek the truth for yourself. don't believe ANYTHING you see on tv... and triple check everything you see online. has kept me sane.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:30 pm

Posted by lizardking on 07/19/2015
I regularly check NaturalNews and already knew that Mike Adams was a Holocaust promoting gatekeeper, but have just come across this article:


Mike Adams is the C.E.O. of Arial Software. His clients include Microsoft, Zoom Airlines, Ebay, Gas Stations USA, DHL, XM Satellite Radio, and his company boasts to have 10,000 more customers. Thus, Michael Adams is hardly a lone ranger who is battling against corporate giants and insurmountable odds. In fact, he is well-connected to some very powerful corporations. He should be exceedingly wealthy because Arial Software is among the most expensive e-mail marketing options available, with many of his customers paying in excess of $5,000 for a single computer license. Even if all of his clients had only purchased the most minimalistic version of his software, which is priced at $985, he would have profited $9,850,000 (nearly ten million dollars) from his 10,000 clients; and of course, this estimate assumes that every company has only bought a single license at the cheapest rate. If all of his customers had instead bought Adams' software at the maximum rate, his combined sales would have provided his company with a minimum of $50,000,000 (fifty million dollars). Arial Software has offices in the U.S. and Taiwan.

In 2006, Mike set up hundreds of different domain names (Internet sites) providing thousands of web links back to Natural News. It reflects a practice that is used by spammers and so-called 'viral' marketers that is meant to artificially improve a site's listing position in search engine results. Internet search engines frequently judge the popularity of web sites by the number of other web sites that link to them. By creating lots of web sites with hundreds of links back to Natural News, Adams propelled his site to the top of the list in search engine results. It is a method which cheats the system, so that one's own site will be found more often on the Internet, in place of sites having better and more appropriate content. Such shenanigans have historically made it difficult for search engines to be effective in finding the best information. Eventually, search engine engineers began instituting counter-measures against this shady practice, and enacted punitive measures to lower the list positions for unethical web sites, such as Natural News. As a result of these search engine changes, the overwhelming majority of Adams' early web sites have now been shut down. Adams presently owns only a tiny fraction of the domains that he once did. Nonetheless, during a period of approximately five years, Natural News was able to artificially boost its Internet popularity through this unscrupulous marketing practice.

Keep in mind that the author is playing the other role perfectly, dismissing shamans and natural healers as 'savages' and mocking hallucinogens, and making statements such as "Adams unintentionally admitted that a vegan diet is not balanced, and he recommended that vegan parents lie about what they feed their infants, in order to continue malnourishing their children unabated. Incredibly, Adams made these callous recommendations whilst reporting the death of a child, who died as a result of an inadequate vegan diet."

If anyone has any links to better diet/medicine websites, I would be grateful.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:36 pm

Posted by csp on 07/21/2015

Jul 20, 2015 23:02:32 GMT freedomhog said:
Hello friends,
Has anyone come across this blow hard gate keeper, Robert Swan? "2041 will be a pivotal year for our planet. That year will mark the end of a 50-year agreement to keep Antarctica, the Earth’s last pristine continent, free of exploitation. Explorer Robert Swan — the first person to walk both the North and South Poles — is on a mission to ensure that we extend that treaty. With passion and vigor, he pleads with us to choose the preservation of the Antarctic for our own survival."

Mr Swan ... or should I say Mr Robert "33 degree" Swan...

Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   1yEKNIX

1987 In the Footsteps of Scott published by Jonathon Cape, authored by Swan and Roger Mear

1988 Swan was awarded the Polar Medal by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II[4]

1988 Destination: Antarctica published by Scholastic, Inc.

1989 Official Flag Bearer for the Explorers Club of New York to the North Pole (USA)

1989 Appointed United Nations Environment Program Goodwill Ambassador (UNEP)

1990 Winner of the United Nations Global 500 award

1990 Icewalk published by Icewalk Features

1992 Appointed United Nations Education/Science and Cultural Organization Goodwill Ambassador with Special Responsibility for Youth (UNESCO)

1992 Visiting Professor of the School of Environment, Leeds Metropolitan University (UK)

1993 Founded the Robert Swan Foundation – a registered charity for the promotion of youth and scientific endeavours in the environment

1993 Doctorate of Letters, The Robert Gordon University (UK)

1994 Appointed Special Envoy to the Director General of UNESCO

1995 Awarded OBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1998 Smithsonian Award for the Information technology in Education & Academia (USA)

2000 Honorary Member of the Amstel Club, the Netherlands

2000 2041: The Voyage South published by Hayloft Publishing

2002 Vice-President of the Countryside Management Association (UK)

2005 Awarded 'Freedom of the City of London'

2005 Elected, by membership vote, Honorary President of the 'Ski Club of Great Britain'

2006 Honorary Fellow at St. Chad's College, Durham University (UK)

5 April 2008 torchbearer of the 2008 Summer Olympics torch relay in St Petersburg, Russia[5]

Jesuit. He's spinning you a web of shit.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:37 pm

Posted by chakraoflight on 07/23/2015

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:39 pm

Posted by seeker on 08/04/2015
Alternative Media -- Who do I trust? No one.

Many sources offer valuable data. No source offers everything or 100% accuracy.

As I grow I eat through sources; they become rudimentary, they become mast as left by a worm.

Some sources may be gatekeepers, some shills. Some well meaning but skewed by belief or delusion. We are human.

All can be useful. How does one discern what is and what isn't. It is like separating the bones from the fish while eating. (For those who do not buy fillets; and for those not vegetarian). The mouth learns, the mind learns. The body is innately intelligent, likes challenges. 

I am an omnivore when it comes to news. I do not spend much time on mainstream! But I do digest from a wide variety of sources, to tap into the gestalt of the human experience.

Spiritual news. Health news. Conspiracy news. Science (real science). Religion. Current events. And not to be a news junky. To see how the other half lives. To learn to discern, to practice critical thinking, to find the truth, to help me evolve. There is so much falsity to cut through. Even within oneself. One must become a warrior.

I want to be aware, to not be blind-sided, to protect myself, to develop my working model, to test reality itself. I trust as I go. I step lightly to see if the surface of new data will hold my weight. I compare, calibrate, back track as needed, finding my way. 

Such is the path.

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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:40 pm

Posted by lizardking on 08/08/2015
'Interesting whistleblower', more like money-grabbing liar.

Bill Schnoebelen "former Illuminati member" is a fraud 
Excerpt from Mark Dice's book, The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction

Another man claiming to be a former member of the Illuminati is William Schnoebelen as he recounts in his 1993 book Lucifer Dethroned. He is the author of seven books, including Masonry Beyond the Light (1991), Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie (1990), Space Invaders (2003) which is only 120 pages and talks about UFOs, Blood on the Doorposts: An Advanced Course in Spiritual Warfare (1994) which was written with his wife Sharon, and Mormonism’s Temple of Doom (1987) which is only 79 pages. He has also appeared in several films including Riddles In Stone, and Interview with an Ex-Vampire.

Schnoebelen is an interesting character with white hair and a long white beard, looking somewhat like a wizard out of the Lord of the Rings movies, which is perhaps a deliberate style he adheres to for reasons that will become obvious as you learn more about him. He claims to be a former 32nd degree Freemason and a Shriner. He shows a photo of himself in the Shriner hat, where he looks much younger, and he has what he claims to be his certificate showing he had achieved the 32nd degree level of Freemasonry. This could very well be true. He says he was a former member of the Church of Satan and also shows a letter signed by Anton LaVey welcoming him to the group. This is also possible, as the Church of Satan does have an application that people fill out and send in to become a member. Since someone familiar with the occult would know the true possibilities of the teachings found within Freemasonry, it is certainly not far fetched that a member of the Church of Satan would want to join the Masons to further his occult knowledge. Now let’s examine the more far fetched claims that Schnoebelen has been making.

One of the most popular speeches Schnoebelen has given which includes his testimony on why he allegedly left the Illuminati and became a born again Christian, is in the video Exposing the Illuminati from Within which can be viewed on Google Video and YouTube. In his nearly three hour lecture, Schnoebelen goes through his supposed credentials when he was climbing the ranks in witchcraft and satanic circles, until ultimately he claims he was inducted into the Illuminati.

Schnoebelen is a very knowledgeable speaker. Most of what he talks about has been essentially considered factual by researchers of the Illuminati and the New World Order. He talks about how there is an agenda to demoralize society and indoctrinate the youth into a culture of immortality. He details some of the philosophy of Freemasonry and its connection to the web of secret societies and mentions the usual suspects such as the Knights Templars and Aleister Crowley.

But just when you start thinking that this is a legitimate guy, his credibility starts to rapidly erode. One of the growing list of far fetched claims he makes is that at one point in time in order to join the Illuminati, he had to have sex with a demon as part of his initiation into the second highest level.

Schnoebelen says, “What this means is you have to have sex with a fallen angel. And this is a very appalling and bizarre process, and it really nearly destroys every human being who has to go through it. It nearly killed me. I went through a formal marriage with a fallen angelic being. And of course you understand there is a Biblical principle at work here which Satan is using. And that is when you have sex with someone, you become one flesh with that person. And what happens at that point is, you become so demon possessed that it’s like burbling up here around your eyeballs. I had more demons per cubic centimeter than the entire city of Indianapolis, let me tell you. And the result of that is you just become a pretty vile, evil person.”(#130)

Now, there are four different ways to look at this claim. One is that he is making this up in order to create a unique point in his story and get people talking about him so he can sell more books and make more money off of his lecture circuit. Two, he is an insane person and actually believes that he had sex with the demon in his own mind. Three, the organization he was a part of actually concocted a bizarre ritual in which he was given a hallucinogenic drug (LSD or peyote) and had sex with a woman who was dressed up in a costume, and he was so high that he thought he actually was having sex with a demon. Or four, one might believe that he actually did have sex with a demon and that he is telling the truth.

His claims of having sex with a demon are actually quite tame compared to what he says in another video titled Interview with an Ex-Vampire, where he states that within in the vampire subculture, human vampires exist and indeed grow fangs to feed off of human blood. A small subculture of “vampires” actually does exist, but they are not walking dead who turn into bats and sleep in coffins. They are a small minority of the gothic subculture who do drink animal or human blood as part of their lifestyle. Usually they do not kill people for this blood, but they have friends and fellow “vampires” willingly give up a pint of blood for consumption, or they purchase animal blood from butcher shops and consume it. But Schnoebelen takes this idea to an absurd extreme, claiming that to become a “real” vampire, he drank the blood of a fallen angel and was then able to grow fangs which would retract when he was not “feeding.” He says as a result of “becoming a vampire” that he couldn’t go outside during the day because his skin would blister, and that he had to get a third shift job because he could only go outside at night.

The fact that Schnoebelen is the author of seven different books on the subject of the occult, one may have a better understanding of his motives for exaggerations and outright lies about his involvement in such activities. In his video Interview with an Ex-Vampire, Schnoebelen admits that he never had a steady career and that most of his adult life he moved from one dead end job to another. After college, he began working as a music teacher at a Catholic school, but was fired and then, in his own words says he “had numerous, basically menial jobs until, really after I got saved. I never really had a super duper job. I worked in a foundry for a while, I was as a security guard, I worked for the Milwaukee Sentinel as a person who went around and filled up the boxes at night with newspapers, so that was basically my wonderful career.”# He also admits that he was a cocaine addict and later worked as a drug counselor when he got clean. So in his own words, he never had a career until he got saved, which means, until he became a Christian. As you now know, this new career he had discovered was that of writing books about the occult, while fabricating and exaggerating large portions of his life in order to create a compelling and attention-getting story.

While large portions of his lecture Exposing the Illuminati from Within are based on historic facts and philosophies, which Schnoebelen then mixes with his own fantasies and distortions, his Interview with an Ex-Vampire begins with a series of absurdities which even the most gullible and uneducated person should see as fictions. The interview starts with him recounting numerous supposed experiences from his past as he studied the occult, all of which get more absurd than the next. He begins with tales of haunted houses and ghosts throwing silverware in the kitchen, and later claims that a friend of his disappeared before his eyes in a magic circle during an occult ritual performed in a garage and never returned.

One can’t help but see a pathetic old man telling ghost stories as if they had actually happened to him, or a delusional schizophrenic who was once so absorbed with such stories, that now his mind can’t distinguish them from reality. There is also an eerie look of joy and excitement on his face when he tells his stories, probably from his own amusement that his audience is listening to him as if his fantastic tales were real, but instead the man is a walking, talking fictional novel.

While a completely honest and well meaning person may unknowingly exaggerate or inaccurately convey details from personal experiences from their past, Schnoebelen’s claims far exceed any standard of objectivity or credibility and upon even the brief examination found here it should be clear that he is not an authentic Illuminati defector and is a complete fraud.


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Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?   Empty Re: Alternative Media - Who Do You Trust?

Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:40 pm

Posted by okayako on 08/15/2015
Used to listen to Alex Jones daily, for years! I think he's controlled op now though. I quit listening shortly after his performance on the Piers Morgan show.
I like Jon Rappoport, although he is a Jones fan. He did some good work on the Ebola hoax and the vaccine controversy.

People on Youtube who are cool: Sandy Hook Research aka Names Not Mary and RedsilverJ. RedsilverJ is hilarious.

Blog: Coalition of the Obvious link

Of course, if any of them prove to be shills, I will change my opinion accordingly!

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Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:41 pm

Posted by chakraoflight on 08/15/2015
It was obvious he was a lying shill after '99 when he said the Russians had deployed 4000 nuclear missiles ready to be launched at the US,
and in the aftermath when it was clear that it was all nonsense, nothing legally happened to him.
Years later he also said Arabs run Hollywood, I nearly died laughing when I heared that.
Bill Cooper knew he was a lying nwo scumbag.

It's the same story as Hal Turner. I'm only going from memory here but he did broadcasts for years saying outrageous things and nothing at all happened to him.
All the while begging thousands of dollars from listeners to keep his radio show going when it was obvious the costs were no way near the amount he was saying it amounted to.
Turned out he was an FBI informant. He even ratted on real-life friends, informing that they had weapons in their homes etc. It all ended in tears when (I think it was 4-chan
who hacked his e-mails and trolled him on his radio show) found that he was corrosponding with the FBI under the codename 'Valhalla.' He was outed and denyed it,
but the FBI decided he was no longer useful anyway, they took something he said on his show (saying certain judges should be killed) and arrested him for it.
I remember he did a short broadcast from jail blubbering and crying about how he's locked up in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and begging people to help
him somehow. Pure comedy gold and the scumbag got what he deserved.

Should serve as a warning for anyone helping the evil freemasons. They use you, chew you up and spit you out.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Post by Thinkforyourself Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:41 pm

Posted by marleyites on 09/30/2015

Jul 18, 2015 17:06:55 GMT lizardking said:

If anyone has any links to better diet/medicine websites, I would be grateful.

Liz, here's a link to a website I've found helpful.  www.drlam.com/

Dr. Lam gives alot of good information about adrenal gland "fatigue". It actually affects everyone, but some more than others.

Stress, drugs, diet, toxins ... all take their toll on the adrenal glands. Which then has cascade effect on other glands, then organs, tissues, blood, bones, brain.

Chronic fatigue, PTSD, digestion, cognition, controlled in one way or another by adrenals (grape sized glands sitting on each kidney) and in concert with ovaries/testicles (to secrete correct amounts of estrogen and testosterone at the correct time) and thyroid.  This axis of glandular secretions is finely tuned and works on timing (cortisol released in day, not at night) and if it's screwed up in timing or amounts, then the whole enchilada is in a funk.  

It's a serious problem and when I pestered the VA to consider this adrenal gland dysfunction in the treatment of ptsd, they really got mad at me. The VA does not want veterans with all these ptsd-related problems to know that it is not a "mental" illness, but a physical dysfunction caused by the misfiring of these critical glands.  People with ptsd have unusual stress reactions. It's caused by habituation to mis-release of adrenaline and cortisol. Timing, duration and quantity is screwed.  So, ptsd people can't sleep at night.  Right ... cortisol and adrenaline release at wrong time, so body thinks its time to be on alert, when really it's time for bed.  

Even if someone does not have anxiety, insomnia, depression, nightmares, flashbacks associated with ptsd, everyone (most) these days have fatigue, constant stress and digestion troubles. 

Knowing the role of the adrenals, ovaries/testicles, thyroid and how they impact life, could be helpful. It was for me, but I have ptsd-associated problems that I have improved significantly by knowing this info from Dr. Lam and putting some of it into action.


Bless up one and all.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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Post by regencybrougham Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:42 pm

Flat earth called a psy-op on Henry Makow's site.


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Post by vortexkitten Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:33 am

regencybrougham wrote:Flat earth called a psy-op on Henry Makow's site.


They are grappling at straws now. The article is just complete and utter diatribe ( definitions for diatribe: a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism)
He always seemed dodgy to me. I am sure he has been Bought and Sold a long time ago.

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Post by lifeing Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:15 am

More on Makow being a gatekeeper, from the birdman (any thoughts on the birdman's legitimacy?) :http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/NetLoss/NetLoss-MakowCorrespondence.html

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Post by George Tirebiter Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:29 pm

I haven't paid attention to mainstream news since I quit watching television 20 years ago, so MSM news has been out of the picture for quite a while.
Once 911 happened and it became immediately obvious that the official story was false, I began researching everything I could about it and, like many others on this site, I realized that any moderately interested researcher would have to recognize that there are so many holes and so much fiction concocted around the event, that if anyone refused to acknowledge that the official story was a huge lie, then one should be highly suspect of any information disseminated by them on their blog or site, especially as time passed.
911 became a key litmus test for me after this, even though many of those who probably have great suspicions, have kept quiet to keep the cash flow, status and/or social approval flowing.
The Flat Earth coverup is obviously the mother of all hoaxes and will more than likely become another litmus test as it gains more and more exposure.
I've already noticed an increasing amount of commenting by bloggers that I read periodically, with some waffling and others making it clear to their readers that the Earth is not flat.
Just as Susie mentioned above, I'm finding that my source for information about FE as well as other hoaxes and coverups and shills, has become this research site.
Many thanks to all those that keep this going and conscientiously expose the increasing number of shills trolling the web.
George Tirebiter
George Tirebiter

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Post by biggambler Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:52 am

So how do you feel about Ken O'Keefe?

He appears on RT a lot, I'm suspicious since a lot of shills do that.

EDIT: I'm an hour in and he's absolutely on point on everything.

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Post by csp Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:19 am

biggambler wrote:So how do you feel about Ken O'Keefe?

He appears on RT a lot, I'm suspicious since a lot of shills do that.

Like a lot of these controlled opposition folks, they could have genuine roots but lose their way when confronted by the powers to be. Seeing as he is invited to talk at universities, and semi-mainstream news sources makes me think he is controlled.

Time will tell.

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Post by biggambler Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:31 am

After watching the whole thing the guy seems 100% genuine.

He also went on quite a bit on shilling and controlled opposition, it just seems like suicide for a shill to do that, it would be completely counter productive.


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Post by Beashambassador Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:49 pm

csp wrote:
biggambler wrote:So how do you feel about Ken O'Keefe?

He appears on RT a lot, I'm suspicious since a lot of shills do that.

Like a lot of these controlled opposition folks, they could have genuine roots but lose their way when confronted by the powers to be. Seeing as he is invited to talk at universities, and semi-mainstream news sources makes me think he is controlled.

Time will tell.

I have been in communication with Ken over the last couple weeks in setting up a meeting for him in New York. He is very aware and familiar and seems to me to be on board with flat earth truth.

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