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Adolf Hitler - The Truth

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by wakemeupinside Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:34 am

Is Hitler's supposed autobiography 'Mein Kampf' something that I can use to uncover the mystery surrounding Nazi Germany or is it something that's polluted by the Jewish lobbyists to decieve us?


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by RickFE Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:31 pm

Well Mein Kampf is translated to "my struggle". I haven't read the entire book yet, but it seems more geared towards how he ended up in prison for political reasons and his view of what Germany could be. It was written in 1926, way before the war. The lies about Hitler, mostly stem from the war itself, and some from a few years prior. Eric's documentary last year got me to look into his book. Nazi is a derogatory term used by the winners of war to demonize them. Hitler's Germany, was a free Germany where its people would prosper from the resources and riches of the country, and not the bankers.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by wakemeupinside Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:51 pm

And what about Hitler's strong opposition to Capitalism? Which eco-political system do you guys think would be best for any given country for the well-being of its people? I've heard people say Capitalism is the best eco-political system of our civilization ever, which are decreased poverty substantially in many countries like China and India. They strongly oppose Socialism and say that it is a flawed system and so is Communism. So what was Hitler's solution to all the various economic problems like recession and inflation and poverty and inequality to developmental opportunities? And do you think his eco-political system would be feasible in this era and would it be capable enough to eradicate poverty from the face of the Earth? And why is Capitalism bad?


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by blackchoy Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:24 am

Capitalism is bad because it requires unsustainable growth and puts heavy emphasis on profits. Year after year, a corporation has to make more than the previous year. It has to beat its competitors so there are winners and losers. Losers usually end up going bankrupt or reducing their workforce which means unemployment. However, there are problems for the winner as well. Once you saturate the market with your goods or services, you need to constantly come up with new ideas. Notice the smartphone and car companies that push out new models every year? They need consumers to buy their products/services perpetually. With very smart marketing and planned obsolescence, they are able to draw their customers in and make them buy even though they most likely don't NEED to.

Then you have the concept of "free trade". It's free only to the large corporations. They take advantage of the cheap labor in other countries so their profit margin increases. This means shipping jobs to overseas which again, leads to unemployment at home. This may create jobs for those countries but they are working in horrendous conditions and possibly working long hours 7 days a week.

I'm not sure what Hitler's solution or his system was but I think small, local business is the way to go. But before that, the VERY VERY VERY important thing to do that would solve a lot of problems overnight would be to end the practice of borrowing money into existence. That will solve everything you listed. Sadly, this will not happen in our lifetime because the people behind the scenes want to keep us under their control forever. Hitler was one of the few who stood up and fought for his people.


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by RelearningLogic Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:01 pm


Disgusting propaganda and conditioning


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty I have been thinking about this for a long time

Post by ForeverThePhilosopher Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:58 am

My epiphany with the Jewish problem occurred at a very young age. I know, as soon as we enter history class as a child, we begin to hear, on a daily basis, how 6 million Jews were killed in concentration camps. Videos of dead bodies getting shoved into ditches started in middle school, then continued into High School. I became so fed up and sick of seeing those videos. As a matter of fact, I simply thought history class was worthless, and way too easy for me, and decided to sleep through these videos at one point. How many times does a guy have to go to a supposed "class" where you are supposed to learn something, but instead just told the same thing over and over again: "Hitler was the most evil man that ever lived and he killed 6 million Jews!"? - "Watch this video of dead bodies getting bulldozed now!"

My teacher used to get pissed off at me for never taking notes, and dozing off in her class. First off, I am not a morning person. Secondly, I had Algebra and Chemistry before her class; subjects that required paying attention to learn something new. Thirdly, I am extremely acute with literature, and she can make all of her key points, notes, and overhead projector presentations she wanted, but I knew, ultimately, the test is based on the damn book we are reading that was created by the government. l needed nap time. I could just read and memorize that shit the day before the test and always ace them. The Jew thing was just getting on my nerves because it made absolutely no sense to me.

Mind you, this is the same teacher that kicked me out of her class for sleeping in it. When she spoke with me about why she kicked me out of her class at the end of the period, she said it was "Because I was setting a bad example for the other classmates by sleeping in the class."

I told her to look at her "ranking" of students on her wall. They were all listed, hundreds, from every class throughout the day, and I was number one. So I told her, "Am I setting a bad example, or is your system setting a bad example?" - She was at a loss of words.

Regardless, the countless Jew videos continued. The countless Hitler bashing continued, interrupting my well deserved nap everyday. Finally, she is with her overhead projector, talking about "6 million Jews died, Ellie Wiesel is visiting our high school to talk about it," Blah Blah Blah....and I just had to stop it right there.

I said to her, "What really is the difference between killing one person, and six million? It is the same thing, killing is killing? Why are we taking a tally of this? Is it a competition or something? Also, Why would Hitler do this in the first place? Why is it being shoved in our faces every day, non stop, for years, as children? If this did take place, would it have take place for no reason at all? What the hell were the Jews doing that caused this to supposedly happen? Most of all, WHY ARE YOU SHOWING US DEAD BODIES OF PEOPLE PUSHED BY BULLDOZERS INTO PITS?"

She said, "So it doesn't happen again."

I said, "Look, if there is really a crazy guy out there that wants to kill people in masses and push their dead bodies into pits, the worst thing you can do is show him videos about how to do it as a kid. That doesn't help the problem, it makes it worse!"

Naturally, I was kicked out of class again with that comment.

I love this forum.


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Admin Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:09 am

Thanks for sharing that interesting and humorous story and welcome to the forum!

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Schpankme Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:27 am

ForeverThePhilosopher wrote:
My epiphany with the Jewish problem occurred at a very young age
we enter history class
we begin to hear how 6 million Jews were killed in concentration camps
Videos of dead bodies started in middle school then continued into High School
I simply thought history class was worthless

the damn book we are reading was created by the government

I love this forum

Great story, it shows specifically how the children are indoctrinated through the educational system.

Welcome to the forum.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by ForeverThePhilosopher Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:37 am

Thanks! I have always been that guy that questions things, and got into way to much trouble for doing so. Life is kind of funny like that. You can question things as a child, but, if you continue to do so as an adult, people accuse you of never "growing up." When I look at jack asses that have supposedly "grown up," yet lost their wonder of the world, I either want to throw up or go to sleep. Honestly, I don't know if this Earth is flat or round, Eric really got me to start thinking about it deeply, intensely, in a way that people don't even want to speak to me when I approach the subject matter.

It happens to all of us. I just don't know why there isn't any kind of looking into it. It is just accepted as fact, as truth. Jews were the so called "tortured" people of all the world, but somehow, they control all of it right now. This makes no sense to me at all. When we look at other proofs that are supposedly "science," I become more skeptic. A real "scientist" actually measures shit on his own accord and figures things out, not just trusts what he is told. This is my fundamental truth regarding science, as it must be tried and true. The explanations regarding the nature of your universe seem to be the result of people that were paid way too much money to question anything.

Last edited by ForeverThePhilosopher on Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Addressed the wrong person in the post)


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Admin Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:10 am


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by MaryMoon Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:59 pm

got another ban/restriction off youtube for * hate speech *  this morning.
Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 2018-010

Thats my 2nd on youtube. but its ok, truly.
I have another youtube account ready.

And proudly, my last facebook has been permanently banned and disabled for sharing the truth!

RIP mary helene moon


Heres how i feel about it all:
Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 2017-117

I love you you're welcome!!!!
Im sorry I was so stupid for so long and didnt even listen to my own german family
:'( this is least I can do, make sure some others hear the truth as well

Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 2017-119

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by markwilson Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:03 pm

As I shared at his channel; Beautiful, just beautiful!


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Beelzebub Sun May 20, 2018 4:20 am

I highly recommend "1 /3 the Holocaust " by Dean irebodd. "The last days of the big lie" by Eric hunt "Auschwitz the surprising hidden truths" by Dean Irebodd and "6 million Jews 1915-1938".

The brainwashing regiment about Nazi's is nonstop and completely ridiculous in this day and age. The last 2 horror movies had even tied Nazi's into the story lines. "The Unborn" "the ouija experiment" were pushing the psyc/war propaganda about nazi' experimenting on people trying to change the color of their eyes. It's ridiculous. One of the first person shooters "wolfenstien" was just 4 hours of no sense killing Nazis . The only German band to make MTV was rammstien "du hast" where they repeat you hate me over and over in a demonic voice to the masses.


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Schpankme Sun May 20, 2018 5:48 am

Beelzebub wrote:
"6 million Jews 1915-1938".  

The brainwashing regiment about Nazi's is nonstop
psyc/war propaganda about nazi
"wolfenstien" was just 4 hours of no sense killing Nazis

Hitler was not NAZI this is Jew propaganda.

Zionism equals NAZI

Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Zionis10

24 March 1933
"JEWdea Declares War on Germany (German goods boycott)"

25 August 1933
NAZI (Zionist Jews) was the group appointed by contract through the “Haavara” or “Transfer” agreement, which mandated that the Germans (President Hitler) would provided the means to house and "emigrated" unsuspecting German Jews to the newly created Zionist State of Palestine, who's immigration was controlled by Great Britain.  This agreement broke the Jew policy (NAZI) against their "German goods boycott".

"Between 1933 and 1936 more than 370,000 Zionist Jews arrived in Palestine, increasing the Jewish population to 27%, and bringing about a significant deterioration in relations between Palestinian Arabs and Jews." ~ Krämer, 2008, pp. 239–240.

Hitler's goal and that of the German People was to remove the "International Clique" of usury banking and white genocidal Jews from the German borders, as was the fate of Jewdaism by more than 100 other countries, prior.  The German People also wanted their lands and people back that were annexed by the Treaty of Versailles.

  "The Treaty of Versailles is possibly one of the best examples of failed diplomacy in the history of the world."

Hitler was up against Jewry who controlled Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States; these allies would murder the German People, and mark the beginning of the end for Western Civilization.

Here we have the face of Jew Scientism, that fake atomic and nuclear threat, and the original entertainer of fake space, promoting NAZI as something other than JEW.

Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 A_buck10

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Uhuru Mkali Tue May 22, 2018 10:02 pm

David Irving says he doesn't believe Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. Irving IS the authority on Hitler, everyone lies
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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by HomelandEden Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:30 pm

Dont forget that those who are claiming to be "Jews" have no genetic connection to Sem whatsoever. Those are converts from the northern caucasus of the former khazarian empire in the early middle ages (~650 A.D.). The Khan of the Khazarian Empire converted to Judaism to secure its authority in the region. Christianity and Islam were spreading and as they reached those Khazars in shock of their satanic behaviour and wicked mindset they ordered them to convert to one of the religion so that they can benefit from its ethics and social behaviour. They converted to Judaism, not because of the religious conviction but to secure authority in the region and not to fall into influence of the orthodox byzantian christian- or the islamic state, they converted to Judaism because there were no jewish state at that time. Worse then that, they adopted the babylonian Talmud as the mantra.

I was born in the northern caucasus and there is still one designated group who have an extremely wicked mindset and are extremely arrogant. These are the leftovers of the Khazars who spread around the world and caused so much suffering and corruption in the modern world. We had jewish Neighbours before the breakout of the chechenyan/russian war. They all migrated to israel. All the white caucasians in israel are Ashkenaz which have genetic links to Gog and Magog. My Folk (ingush/chechens) knew that, thats why they cooperated with Hitler and thats why we were deported into Siberia by Stalin and thats why our history was erased by Stalin. These are the bolsheviks, the banksters, the zionists and the self proclaimed "elite" and those are the people who have established the second khazarian state which is now called israel. Killing the true Semites and claiming the Holy Land as their own. These are also the prophecised Gog and Magog, who are the major signs of the End Times and who transformed the world into carbon copies of themselves.


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Schpankme Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:45 pm

HomelandEden wrote:
Dont forget
"Jews" have no genetic connection to Sem
are also the prophecised Gog and Magog
the major signs of the End Times

This looks like another feeble attempt to promote Jew genetics as "Middle Eastern" in origin, something invented at the yeSHIVA University.

Jew like Hebrew is a fake race, placed in a book, to give credibility to their genetic attachment as the chosen people of God.  Jew like Christian and Muslim is a religion who's members are best described as mutt.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by HomelandEden Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:15 pm

If you're not into religion then at least mind the historical facts and the origin of the word "Semite". After the flood the earth needed to be populated again: Noah had 3 sons, Japhet, Ham and Sem. To claim that only Jews were semites with an middle eastern origin is foolish because these terms are deeply connected with the scriptures and this is how you have to deal with them, there is no place for a secular mind when you deal with this subject. The palestinians are more related to sem then these white devils who prayed to genitals.


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by markwilson Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:57 pm

HomelandEden, if you mean a "secular mind" free of the superstitious baggage of a fervent belief in the writings of pretended holy books, then you would be incorrect; there is a "place for a secular mind when you deal with this subject."

Only those free of the encumbrances of a silly belief that any particular faction's alleged holy books are the inerrant word of god, are capable of right reasoning.

“Deism critiques fundamentalism for espousing belief in one transcendent (heavenly) spiritual Deity while in reality it is a religion of text worship. This is the case not just for Christian fundamentalism. Fundamentalist sects of the major religions have their own root and beliefs, but each venerates a divine text, be it book (Bible, Koran, Torah, Sutras…), or prophet (Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Buddha…) or leader (Paul, pope, mullah, rabbi, Dali Lama…) embodied in writings, as its ultimate source of truth. Worship of a divinely inspired infallible text— a text that incarnates the divine Word— is what makes a sect radically fundamentalist.” —Beth Houston, Born-Again Deist

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by markwilson Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:12 pm

HomelandEden wrote:...mind the historical facts and the origin of the word "Semite". After the flood the earth needed to be populated again: Noah had 3 sons, Japhet, Ham and Sem....

And you believe you are citing "historical facts" when quoting from a mere Bible story? Why?!

Better to throw out the fiction before proceeding.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Real World Fri Aug 03, 2018 4:54 pm

Released in 1932 in USA, a jubilee coin in honor of the end of the Great Depression.

Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 193210

How do they know NAZI symbol year before? (sarcasm)
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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by markwilson Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:30 pm

Real World wrote:Released in 1932 in USA, a jubilee coin in honor of the end of the Great Depression.

How do they know NAZI symbol year before? (sarcasm)

Good find! Imagine! That symbol invoking all that is pure evil on a coin in the U.S. in 1932! Along with the all-seeing eye, shamrock, and Star of David! Symbolical ecstasy!

"The reverse of the coin, which declares 1932 to be “The End of the Depression,” features an eye (Masonic, I assume) in the center of a shamrock centered over a swastika covering a Star of David—not at all symbols I ever expected to see merged into one." http://www.scottedelman.com/2010/11/28/1932-stop-crying-start-buying/

"On this day [January 30] in 1933 [I REPEAT, 1933], President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party..., as chancellor of Germany." ---This Day in History

[Edit] How so richly ironic the Star of David and swastika lovingly joined in union onto the same coin celebrating the end of the Jew banksters' fabricated depression, and a year before Herr Hitler even took office. You have to love irony so beautifully rich!

"ADOLF HITLER: A CHAMPION FOR ALL HUMANITY!" ---Mike King, http://tomatobubble.com/

Last edited by markwilson on Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Schpankme Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:49 pm

Real World wrote:
Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 193210

To the indoctrinated mind, this is proof that in 1932, "NAZI GERMANY in collaboration with the Zionists Jews", privately distributed the Jubilee Coins within the U.S. commemorating the end of the Great Depression.

There's one problem here, only a Zionist can be NAZI.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Schpankme Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:18 pm

Real World wrote:
"On this day [January 30] in 1933 [I REPEAT, 1933], President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party..., as chancellor of Germany." ---This Day in History

In 1933, Adolf Hitler was elected President of Germany, the political party he ran his campaign under was called the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP).  

Di Nationalsozialistisch Tütsch Arbaiterpartei (hochtütsch Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, churz NSDAP) isch vo 1920 bis 1945 e faschistischi (rächtsradikali) tütschi Partei gsy. Vo 1933 bis 1945 isch si di elai härrschend Partei gsy.


The Zionist had there own - Socialist Workers Party; aka Jewish Socialist Workers Party, aka United Jewish Socialist Workers Party.  The Zionists created most UNIONS within the U.S.

Also see, Zionist-Socialist Workers Party (Russian)

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth - Page 6 Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by Real World Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:00 pm

Real World wrote:
There's one problem here, only a Zionist can be NAZI.

Zionist are nearly everywhere where factor of human kind control is important, they have that ability "thanks" to Jew orginated secret socities network, and the same was with Hitler, they have been close to Hiter (for example religious priests, and not only), as from the begining they had plan of War after which they used Hitler as propaganda machine for generations; to create picture of victim Jew; to scare people from saying anything wrong about Jews.
By the years of brain wash education, media manipulation and financial influence of that clique now we are stock in history lines wrotten by Jews.

Last edited by Real World on Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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