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Adolf Hitler - The Truth

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:26 pm

Adolf Hitler - The Truth S2L1UByH7yZ4_gSJRawq

The Hitler test


The Hitler test is the same as the 9/11 test.

The same as the Iraq test, the Afghanistan test, the Libya test, the Syria test.

The same as the “domestic terrorist” test, the “anybody can be president” test, the “your vote counts” test, the “government is on your side” test.

If you believe what the government says, you’re part of the problem. If you believe what big media tells you, well, then you’re just an idiot, incapable of discernment and a total failure at critical thinking.

There’s a reason I keep saying 90 percent of the opposition to Jewish America’s pathological practices are false.

Such popular “opposition” commentators as Jim Stone, Alex Jones, Mike Rivero, Ryan Dawson, Chris Hedges, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams (to name only a few) . . . they all fail the Hitler test. They all fall for the Jewish propaganda that “Hitlerian” is the worst adjective you can apply to any person, any program, any social movement. They and hundreds of others have all fallen for the popular media lie that World War II was “the good war”, when in reality it was, at the time, the biggest lie ever told.

Whether these writers are merely naive or totally corrupt and paid off is for you to decide.

In either case, they pretend not to know that Adolf Hitler has been vilified in perpetuity by Jewish media to cover up some very important facts that are critical to your continued survival. These facts have been concealed for more than a half century.

Objective facts prove that Holocaust hysteria is a cynical hoax, meant to create new ways of scamming the public ($13.5 billion in Holocaust reparations, at last count; plus laws in almost all European countries mandating jail for anybody who wishes to even discuss the matter).

The two main facts that have been covered up are these.

Germany was destroyed in the 1940s because it was the most serious threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony the world has ever seen. While the rest of the world was mired in a Jewish-imposed worldwide depression — and people were starving in the streets everywhere, including the United States — Germany under Adolf Hitler was thriving, because it had freed itself from the shackles of the international bankers and their devastating criminal formula of fractional reserve lending, which is the exact thing that is strangling societies all over the world today.

And the second most important fact that has been covered up is that all this ceaseless and maudlin hoopla about 6 million Jews gassed and burned in German concentration camps obscures the real mass murder crime by Jewish allies America, Britain and the Soviet Union, who terminated with extreme prejudice 12 million innocent German citizens, most of them after the war had supposedly ended.

So the most important lessons to be learned from this massive coverup and social engineering program concocted and reinforced ad nauseum by Jewish media hypocrites is that anybody who escapes the toxic tentacles of the kosher world bankers guarantees themselves financial independence and domestic harmony, but runs the risk of being annihilated by the criminals who control the world financial system.

Which is why I’m fond of saying your choices under this current system of government are either life in prison or instant death. Do not try to sugar coat this. This is what everyone in the world is facing right now.

This unceasing drivel about Jewish Holocaust victims is best counterbalanced by reading the Thomas Goodrich book, Hellstorm, which details in the goriest of detail what the Americans, Brits and Russians did to innocent German civilians AFTER World War II had ended. Pay close attention to the horrific details, because these things are about to happen in the United States and elsewhere to most of you.

This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking us. Have taken us.

Maintaining the slander

Even after two decades of false flag atrocities (Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, WTC1 & 2, and the string of phony wars that followed), a majority of the American people still believes what it hears on TV, which is why the recent string of choreographed faux massacres has failed to stir the population to revolt — even as it is being slowly exterminated by an endless panoply of malicious methods.

Even as consciousness of our government’s criminal nature has grown in the minds of many — thanks to the Internet — still only a precious few are willing to recognize the nature of the disease that has turned the country into a terminal cancer patient, even though this sickness has been present since the founding of the republic.

Most people — especially the younger generations — have no clue that Holocaust hysteria didn’t really get going until after the JFK assassination in 1963, although the rabid hate crimes against the German people have been conducted by American Jews throughout the 20th century, principally in the creation of the Federal Reserve which started World War I, and also the worldwide declaration of war against the Germans by the Jews in 1933.

One of the bizarre aspects of this unceasing kosher propaganda blitz is that the Jews have been using this 6 million dead figure since well before World War II. Not only has the credibility of this tale been demolished in the minds of attentive observers, the shibboleth serves as a telling indicator that the tale, and the cynical public relations onslaught that has followed, have sickened the entire world with its maudlin falsehoods like dead Jews made into soap and lampshades and thrown into lakes of fire. None of these stories can be proved, but many people still believe them.

So, the point being that anybody using “Hitlerian” as a relevant adjective to describe some incomprehensibly dastardly deed is actually revealing to the world that their minds are clogged with demented Jewish fairy tales, nightmare sagas concocted by sobbing hypocrites like Elie Wiesel whose works have been disseminated throughout the world only because rich Jews control of the publishing industry, the TV networks, most governments and the Nobel Prize nominating committee.

People from Putin to Obama are still reinforcing this false stereotype. But the story didn’t happen that way. That’s just the way the Jews told that story, and because of their control of the media, that’s what most of the world now believes.

Hitler never wanted to take over the world like the Jews say he did. He only wanted to reclaim what was stolen from Germany in World War I. There were no gas chambers in the work camps. Most of those who died were Poles and other ethnic groups. And that number is nothing in comparison to the number of people murdered by the three Jewish allies — the Soviets, and Brits and the United States — who sought to stamp out the biggest threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony ever seen.

So all those writers who use Hitler as an example of the greatest arch villain of all time are merely displaying their own brainwashing, or their own contemptible corruption, to all who have eyes to see.

And now we see this process repeating itself endlessly in the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, two leaders who were put in power by the world financial ogre, but who tried to break away and do what was best for their people, only to be obliterated by the same Jewish monster that is now obliterating us.

Solzhenitsyn’s words

Today we are experiencing unprecedented encroachments on our personal freedom. The TSA has announced it will demand our tax information if we wish to fly on an airplane. The police have usurped the right to enter our homes if we have been determined to be politically incorrect. Our children are poisoned from birth by vaccinations proven to cause permanent brain damage. And still most people deny that America has become a snake eating its own tail, driven all the while by Jewish interests who have no interest in working for the public good, but only in fleecing victims their rabbis have labeled as barnyard animals, or, as Menachem Begin once famously said, “beasts walking on two legs”.

More and more people have begun to figure out that the same monster that devoured the Russian people when the Soviet Union was brought into being by Jewish bankers from New York has now spread its poisoned attitudes across the United States, and like a colossal vampire, has sunk its fangs into every fiber of American life, strangling the life out of everything that is good and decent.

From Einstein to Feinstein, writers, scientists and politicians today seek to get ahead by reinforcing these same stereotypes that are killing us, and foremost among these techniques is summoning up their nightmare vision of Adolf Hitler as a symbol of dark depravity that fills us with fear. But like everything the Jews have told us during their takeover of the world, it is a lie.

What happened to the Russian people is now happening to Americans, because the same super rich and soulless Jewish bankers are running the world’s show. Because what happened to Russia is now happening to America, there is no better place to examine these deadly and tragic parallels than in the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, whose last book — “Two Hundred Years Together” — the story of the Russians and the Jews — has been prevented from being published in the English language by the Jews who control the publishing industry, and by the paid off politicians who condone such censorship. It is all to the benefit of the Jews who bribe them, who blackmail them, to betray the people they are supposed to serve.

What happened in the Soviet Union is now happening here, with Jews occupying all the choke points of power, writing laws that benefit only themselves, and above all, killing non Jews as fast as they possibly can.

“Relentless terror” is what Stalin ordered for the Russian people, and what the American people are experiencing now. Listen to Solzhenitsyn’s words (culled from archive.org/stream/RussianAndJews/WALENDYsolje_djvu.txt)

On August 26, 1918 Lenin instructed by telegram: “Dubious persons are to be locked up in concentration camps outside of the city. Relentless mass terror is to be carried out.”

Tens of thousands of hostages were killed “for deterrence” during the 1917-1922 civil war, with hundreds drowned at a time by sinking them on barges in the White Sea in the Arctic.

‘Vermin’ were naturally the small- and medium-sized farmers, the tradesmen and all homeowners. It was ‘vermin’ who were singing in the church choirs.

By resolution of the Defense Council of February 15, 1919 the Cheka and the NKVD were instructed to seize hostages from the farmers of those areas “wherever the clearing of snowdrifts off the railroad tracks is not progressing satisfactorily; in this case, if the work is not done, they can be shot.”

People were also shot recklessly on the basis of arbitrary lists — particularly academics, artists, authors and engineers. With the regulation on forced food-collection of January 1919, the farmers were also targeted.

Later, in the 1930s, the mass “collectivization of agriculture” in Ukraine led to the death by starvation of about 6 million humans.

What you read here is a preview of what is coming to America, in fact, what is already here.

Any man who has not yet been flung into the sewage channel and whoever has not yet been pumped himself through the pipes into the GULAG archipelago, should march about, joyfully above-ground, with flags flying and bands playing, praising the courts, and expressing ecstasy over his acquittal.

The general expropriation of the entire population in favor of an illusory “people’s property,” the system of general terror, the pervasive vulnerability of every unprivileged citizen — and as their consequence, arrests without
measure, deportations into faraway hard labor camp-regions and liquidations — were an integrated and mandatory part of the state ideology of “Marxism-Leninism.” These historical facts must be acknowledged.

As early as January 1918 there were already mass executions under martial law without any procedures or court hearings. These were followed by hundreds and later thousands of innocent hostages being seized, executed in mass nighttime shootings or loaded on ships and sunk with them [aboard].

Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Vyacheslav Molotov pushed their requisition commandos out into the countryside. Soon thereafter, in 1932-33, 5 or 6 million humans died like animals of hunger in Russia and Ukraine, right on the edge of Europe. “But the free press of the free world maintained its perfect silence!”

Solzhenitsyn’s description of the gulags are an accurate description of what is about to take place in the already-built U.S. FEMA camps.

Make no mistake about the gulags: they were not “work forever” camps. They were “work to death” camps, designed to liquidate the occupants. Millions were sent to die in them.

Solzhenitsyn tells us, however, ‘”by the computations of the emigrated statistics professor Kurganov, this ‘relatively light’ suppression that ran from the beginning of the October Revolution through 1950 cost us [Russians] about 66 million human lives.” [GULAG Archipelago, p. 37]

This is why Adolf Hitler was so intent on stopping the Red Jewish Menace from Russia from invading his own country. What has been stripped from our history books was that Hitler admired the United States and Britain, because he didn’t realize they had already been taken over by Jews and turned into monsters.

This is the Hitler test that most Americans have utterly failed. They have obediently swallowed the Jewish propaganda and lost their country to people with no conscience, no sense of compassion, and a bloodlust that has drenched the world in tragedy for longer than anybody can really remember.

In Russia, 1.7 percent of the population took over the whole government. In America, the percentage is about the same. The same Soviet Jews, run by New York bankers, have spawned both the neocons and the progressives. Each new law they conspire to pass is aimed at population reduction.

Foreigners with no allegiance to anything except their own insanity are in control of everything now. Since the time of Alexander Hamilton, they never have been Americans — only predators intent on controlling, robbing and killing.

Failing the Hitler test guarantees you either life in prison or an early grave. Those are the choices all Americans now face for failing the Hitler test,

All those writers who misuse the false term Nazi — consciously or not — are on the side of those now turning the world into a giant prison, in which the dead will outnumber the living.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:29 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/16/2015
I recommend everyone research Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust as Saxonburger is right that the purposeful demonization of Hitler and the creation of the Holocaust is absolutely central to the global conspiracy. It's not a coincidence that the two most ridiculed and marginalized positions in the world are "Flat-Earther" and "Holocaust Denier." I'm proud to be both, and as Saxonburger has pointed out, they won't put you in jail for saying the Earth is flat, but in 16 countries in Europe, including Germany, there are harsh laws and scores of professors, authors, and other upstanding people have spent many years in jail for daring to question this most taboo of historical events: 

Why the Holocaust Denial?

The Zionist Jew World Order

The Truth About Adolf Hitler

The Jewish Secret Behind Communism

The Jewish God is a Psychopath

Jewish Control of the Media

A Devil in Disguise

The Great Taboo

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:30 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/23/2015


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:30 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/27/2015
Thank you for posting this Eric. I am glad to find out that you can also see through the outrageous lie that is the 'Holocaust'. 

This Red Cross report alone goes to show that most of what is said about the concentration camps is completely false: www.rense.com/general69/factua.htm

Then there are John Clive Ball's aerial photographs: vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndaerial.html

On top of this, there is the fact that ground penetrating radar data proved that their are no mass graves at Treblinka: www.whale.to/b/treb1.html

It is unbelievable to me that so many people would rather believe ridiculous Hollywood films such as 'Schindler's List', rather than look at the actual evidence. 

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:31 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/30/2015

Mar 29, 2015 18:55:31 GMT @msrulo said:
It's very dangerous to accuse a group of people in being part of a conspiracy when they're not part of it. I am Jewish myself. I certainly don't run the world. I certainly don't take part in evil. I have had a grandfather who almost starved in a prison camp. Is his experience fake then? The old Jewish accusation was used for 2000 years, but where has it gotten europe? Europe is still under the same bubble, and even worse. The real oppressor like to hide as a Jew. His name is Satan. 

We are not accusing all of the Jews of taking part in a conspiracy, only certain Zionist Jews. 

You yourself admit that your Grandfather almost starved in the camps. That is a good point. He starved because the Allied British and US forces bombed the train tracks on route to the camps, stopping any food deliveries from being made. The Germans who ran the camps also starved during this period. 

The only Jews that died in the camps, died because of starvation and/or illness, such as Typhus, which also killed the German guards. 

Before they invaded the Bergen Belsen camp, Himmler sent a letter warning the British that it was overrun with disease and starvation. That disease and starvation did not exist in the camps until after the mass Allied bombing campaigns, so the people actually responsible for the deaths in the camps are actually the British and the Americans. 

You should read the Red Cross report for more information: www.rense.com/general69/factua.htm

It is proven fact that there were no mass graves ever found (http://www.whale.to/b/treb1.html) as ground penetrating radar tests have shown. 

The entire holocaust and 6 million death figures are actually just myths that existed before the war: www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=24369

On top of this, the aerial photographs taken of the camps also prove that no intentional gassings or mass killings took place: vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndaerial.html

Until the Allied bombings, the camps were actually clean and well run places, with swimming pools, universities, libraries, hospitals, dentists, etc. If a German guard hurt or murdered a Jew, he was tried and hung (records show that there were only a handful of cases like this throughout the entire war). 

The Nuremberg trials were a disgrace, and all of the evidence was false. The only Germans who admitted guilt did so after being tortured horrifically, or after striking deals that would spare their lives. 

Most of the things that the Nazis were found guilty of are preposterous lies that have already been fully disproven, including: that they used steam power to murder Jews, that they used electronic conveyor belts to kill Jews and that they even dropped nuclear weapons on the Jews. The Gas Chamber myth only came later, after these other lies. 

Most of the books written by supposed 'survivors' have already been found to be made-up, and many of the supposed survivors shown in documentaries are either liars, or actors: one of the supposed survivors turned out to actually be Italian, not Jewish, and an actor in Hollywood films in the 40's, including at the time that he claimed that he was in the camps.  

If you are interested in the truth, read this: www.ihr.org/jhr/v19/v19n1p-2_Faurisson.html

Even Hannah Arendt admitted that the deaths that occurred in the camps are misleading, because they were unintentional deaths that only occurred due to mass bombing, and the starvation and disease that it caused. 

If you are genuinely interested in the truth, you should actually look at how long that it takes to burn a body in the crematoriums that the Germans had in the camps. In reality it would have been impossible for the Germans to cremate even 5% of the bodies that the Allies claim that they killed. 

David Irving has also proven that not one document exists that orders the the intentional gassing of Jews, or even makes a mention of gas chambers, despite the fact that we have tens of millions of Nazi files. Alan Turing and the team at Bletchley Park actually cracked the German codes, and were thus able to spy on and secretly record the German messages to each other, and despite the fact that they did not know that they were being listened to, the Nazis never spoke about killing Jews or gas chambers. 

The reason for that is obvious; the Gas Chambers did not exist. It has been proven that they were actually bomb raid shelters and shower rooms, and that they have no or minuscule traces of Zyklon B. Had anyone actually been gassed in those rooms, the traces would be extremely high, even decades later, because Zyklon B is so potent and dangerous. The only places in the camps where Zyklon B traces are strong, are in the small delousing chambers; proof that the Germans were trying to stop the spread of Typhus. 

We even have letters from Himmler and other senior Nazis to each other, where they are discussing how they could potentially stop the typhus from killing Jews, and where they express concern about how many Jews the typhus was killing. 

Quite simply, the holocaust is simply a holohoax, a gigantic lie, and it is the Allies who were evil, not the Germans (I admit this as an English person). 

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:31 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/30/2015
I don't believe that Hitler was a part of the NWO; he seemed to be completely against it, and staked his life on defeating it. Unfortunately he failed. I also don't believe that the Holocaust ever happened. Here is a post that I made earlier explaining why: 

''We are not accusing all of the Jews of taking part in a conspiracy, only certain Zionist Jews. 

You yourself admit that your Grandfather almost starved in the camps. That is a good point. He starved because the Allied British and US forces bombed the train tracks on route to the camps, stopping any food deliveries from being made. The Germans who ran the camps also starved during this period. 

The only Jews that died in the camps, died because of starvation and/or illness, such as Typhus, which also killed the German guards. 

Before they invaded the Bergen Belsen camp, Himmler sent a letter warning the British that it was overrun with disease and starvation. That disease and starvation did not exist in the camps until after the mass Allied bombing campaigns, so the people actually responsible for the deaths in the camps are actually the British and the Americans. 

You should read the Red Cross report for more information: www.rense.com/general69/factua.htm

It is proven fact that there were no mass graves ever found (http://www.whale.to/b/treb1.html) as ground penetrating radar tests have shown. 

The entire holocaust and 6 million death figures are actually just myths that existed before the war: www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=24369

On top of this, the aerial photographs taken of the camps also prove that no intentional gassings or mass killings took place: vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndaerial.html

Until the Allied bombings, the camps were actually clean and well run places, with swimming pools, universities, libraries, hospitals, dentists, etc. If a German guard hurt or murdered a Jew, he was tried and hung (records show that there were only a handful of cases like this throughout the entire war). 

The Nuremberg trials were a disgrace, and all of the evidence was false. The only Germans who admitted guilt did so after being tortured horrifically, or after striking deals that would spare their lives. 

Most of the things that the Nazis were found guilty of are preposterous lies that have already been fully disproven, including: that they used steam power to murder Jews, that they used electronic conveyor belts to kill Jews and that they even dropped nuclear weapons on the Jews. The Gas Chamber myth only came later, after these other lies.

Most of the books written by supposed 'survivors' have already been found to be made-up, and many of the supposed survivors shown in documentaries are either liars, or actors: one of the supposed survivors turned out to actually be Italian, not Jewish, and an actor in Hollywood films in the 40's, including at the time that he claimed that he was in the camps. 

If you are interested in the truth, read this: www.ihr.org/jhr/v19/v19n1p-2_Faurisson.html

Even Hannah Arendt admitted that the deaths that occurred in the camps are misleading, because they were unintentional deaths that only occurred due to mass bombing, and the starvation and disease that it caused. 

If you are genuinely interested in the truth, you should actually look at how long that it takes to burn a body in the crematoriums that the Germans had in the camps. In reality it would have been impossible for the Germans to cremate even 5% of the bodies that the Allies claim that they killed. 

David Irving has also proven that not one document exists that orders the the intentional gassing of Jews, or even makes a mention of gas chambers, despite the fact that we have tens of millions of Nazi files. Alan Turing and the team at Bletchley Park actually cracked the German codes, and were thus able to spy on and secretly record the German messages to each other, and despite the fact that they did not know that they were being listened to, the Nazis never spoke about killing Jews or gas chambers. 

The reason for that is obvious; the Gas Chambers did not exist. It has been proven that they were actually bomb raid shelters and shower rooms, and that they have no or minuscule traces of Zyklon B. Had anyone actually been gassed in those rooms, the traces would be extremely high, even decades later, because Zyklon B is so potent and dangerous. The only places in the camps where Zyklon B traces are strong, are in the small delousing chambers; proof that the Germans were trying to stop the spread of Typhus. 

We even have letters from Himmler and other senior Nazis to each other, where they are discussing how they could potentially stop the typhus from killing Jews, and where they express concern about how many Jews the typhus was killing. 

Quite simply, the holocaust is simply a holohoax, a gigantic lie, and it is the Allies who were evil, not the Germans (I admit this as an English person).''

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:31 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/30/2015

Mar 29, 2015 20:18:20 GMT @msrulo said:
Thank you sir for the intellectual reply. On a previous thread I have said that the gas chambers were a hoax. So I'm not a total hoaxer on this subject, if anyone thinks I am. I don't know a lot about my grandfather and how he survived, he didn't tell me very much. He died  16 years ago when I was 5. All I know is that he had to drink soup with material such as belts, so there was definite starvation. 

There were probably shootings as well.  I haven't done enough studying to know. I don't blame the german people back than for the event, its like saying all the Jews are responsible for claiming palestinian land. I'm not even a zionist myself. Hell I don't even follow the Jewish religion anymore at home, I'm secular.

About the 6 million figures, have I counted them? There could be more or less. It's all speculation here. I don't trust the red cross because of their obvious connection to Switzerland. Chatzefratz is a good youtube channel on that subject. 

Why would there be mass graves when they hide the bodies? Are there mass graves near gulag camps?

I use to believe the Jews were behind everything too, but the fact that I had Jewish blood in me made me do more research. Now I see it's the sons of cain (sons of the devil. behind this. They like to act as the Jew but they're not even human.  Europe and other places still buy into the theory Jews control everything even after 2000 years of expelling them.  

I am sorry, but your answer is preposterous. How did they magically transport and then hide 6 million bodies? It would have been impossible, and it never happened. The bodies have not been found, because they never existed. It is a proven fact, as even the Jewish World Alamnac admits, that there were actually more Jews after the war, than there were beforehand: www.stormfront.org/forum/t790421/

Quite simply, the '6 million' figure is a load of nonsense, as I already proved to you.

You should read the links that I posted to you; it is not only the Red Cross that proves that there were no gas chambers or 6 Million deaths. 

You claim that you also don't believe in the gas chambers; in that case, how did the Nazis supposedly kill all of these people? It certainly wasn't with precious bullets. 

Quite simply, the entire thing is a Zionist hoax. The only people who died on mass in the camps, died because of starvation and/or typhus, as a result of Allied bombing of the train tracks. 

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:32 pm

Posted by saxonburger on 03/30/2015

If you understand WHY prisoners were starving at the end of the war, you will understand it could not be blamed on the Germans. Prior to the liberation of the camps, where many prisoners were starving, all the infrastructure of Germany was destroyed. Food supplies, medical supplies and so on. To blame the Germans for not having food for prisoners is like blaming a soup kitchen for not feeding the homeless because their supply of food ran out. The ALL LIES merely used such suffering as more anti-German propaganda. Many Germans suffered AFTER the war at the hands of the Soviets and Americans. Eisenhower intentionally murderered 1.5 million German POW's in his Rhine Meadows camps through starvation. There was plenty of food because supplies had made their way into Europe. He did it out of racial hatred of Germans. Many people suffered in the camps thanks to the Allies' bombing campaign.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:33 pm

Adolf Hitler - The Truth Red-cross
Adolf Hitler - The Truth Cg1cb1
Adolf Hitler - The Truth 7a192a1d113796545799728143a2e81a

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:34 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 03/31/2015

Mar 30, 2015 6:28:52 GMT saxonburger said:
If you understand WHY prisoners were starving at the end of the war, you will understand it could not be blamed on the Germans. Prior to the liberation of the camps, where many prisoners were starving, all the infrastructure of Germany was destroyed. Food supplies, medical supplies and so on. To blame the Germans for not having food for prisoners is like blaming a soup kitchen for not feeding the homeless because their supply of food ran out. The ALL LIES merely used such suffering as more anti-German propaganda. Many Germans suffered AFTER the war at the hands of the Soviets and Americans. Eisenhower intentionally murderered 1.5 million German POW's in his Rhine Meadows camps through starvation. There was plenty of food because supplies had made their way into Europe. He did it out of racial hatred of Germans. Many people suffered in the camps thanks to the Allies' bombing campaign.
Well said. As you said, to blame the Germans would be ridiculous, especially when it was actually only the Germans who were intentionally murdered in the Rhine Meadows camps.
I am glad to see that you have not left the forum.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:35 pm

Posted by Admin on 03/31/2015

Likewise! I'm big fans of thinkforyourself, lizardking, saxonburger, eschaton, and a few others here never cease to impress me with their wisdom. Thanks for helping making this forum one of the truthiest places on the internet Smile Msrulo has been banned for excessive rigidity and unwavering non-sense in several threads.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:35 pm

Posted by tele on 04/06/2015

Jews were expelled for a reason. Usury, pushing degeneracy onto the Goyim, generally despising the Goys and not integrate.
Jews have no place in Europe and could just move back to Israel or elsewhere, where there are no Goyim around. But Jews always live among a host to leech off of. Even today with the state of Israel, half of all Jews live in the US and elsewhere yet heavily lobby from all captured key positions for Israel, costing US tax money, militariy support etc. Jews want it both ways, have a nation state and be in charge of powerful nations as well.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:37 pm

Posted by on 04/06/2015

After 1945, Jews claimed that Majdanik camp caused 2 million deaths. That has been officially revised to 70,000. Even that number does not fit the Red Cross numbers but is only double.
Anyway, Auschwitz down 3million, Majdanik 2million, so 6-5 = still 6 million (because it is real in my mind) to quote a caught Holohoaxer.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:37 pm

Posted by rebecca on 04/11/2015

Hi I am new to this forum and still exploring all the post. I am currently reading Eric's Flat Earth book.....excellent!
I have so far watched many of his videos.
I must say I am very impressed that the Hilter question and the holacost being discussed here. I stumbled across this some time back and have been researching it out.
Have watched on youtube The Greatest Story Never Told........which is an eye opener.
To question this as well as the earth is a complete taboo subject. This is telling in and of itself!
Very impressed with this forum.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:37 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/11/2015
Thanks Rebecca! The last President of IFERS and his wife, Charles Johnson and Marjory were also both, like myself, my fiance (naturalfirst) and Adolf Hitler, compassionate vegetarians and anti-vivisectionists. After TPTB kill me like Hitler and burn my house down like Johnson, they'll probably try to paint me as the most evil person in history too. Eric Dubay, Vegetarian, Voluntaryist, Flat Earther, Holocaust Denier, Self-Defence Instructor, told people they were God: the most terrible human being of the 21st century. Adolf Hitler - The Truth Rofl Peace


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:45 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/11/2015

Here's that documentary Rebecca mentioned which is another good source on the truth about Hitler:


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:45 pm

Posted by rebecca on 04/11/2015

Hi Eric
Last time I was in London I meet a whole group of people who were revisionists and I have stayed in touch. It is great to know there are people who have the courage to question things even when you are pushed out on a limb and made to feel like you are a nut job. My answer to this is just to find more people like myself so we can all support each in our quest for the truth!
I don't intd to back down on any of this.....I see this very much as a spiritual quest as much as anything else. Once all the lies are stripped away then you can see the truth. Anyway that is my view so far on it all.
Thanks for putting up the link of The Greatest Story Ever Told.......I strongly recommend everyone watch this.
Lol I am still excited about finding your work and this forum! GREAT stuff!
BTW I live in Sydney Australia and going back to London to meet up with my friends in May. Looking forward to once again speaking openly with people in person....so liberating!
Light and love

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:45 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/12/2015

Apr 11, 2015 10:30:55 GMT rebecca said:
Hi Eric
Last time I was in London I meet a whole group of people who were revisionists and I have stayed in touch. It is great to know there are people who have the courage to question things even when you are pushed out on a limb and made to feel like you are a nut job. My answer to this is just to find more people like myself so we can all support each in our quest for the truth!
Welcome to the forum. I am glad that you have joined, because you sound like you will fit in well here.

I also agree that we must spread the truth as often as we can, and one of the biggest lies is without a question of a doubt the 'Holohoax'. Hitler was a very brave man, and one of the few people to defy and fight the Zionist NWO. It is a shame that he did not succeed.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:46 pm

Posted by rebecca on 04/12/2015

Thanks Thinkforyourself. Yes this forum ties in all the things and more I have been looking at.
It's funny how things happen. Only the other week I was thinking that I wanted to find more people like me who were not afraid or closed minded to ask the tough question and look into things that society had deemed tatoo to the extent that you could not even doubt them eg flat earth and WW2.
Also I like that you have an eye out for shills and trolls. So many other forums are packed with them.
Light and love

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:46 pm

Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/12/2015

I am really glad that you found the forum. We need more like minded people to help spread the truth.

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:46 pm

Posted by rebecca on 04/14/2015

Thanks Thinkforyourself. I am glad I found this place too........still navigating around reading the posts and still reading Eric's book.
Amazing subject and so much to it.......because it ties into the whole NASA BS and the hoax Moon landing. Which I have not bought into for years.
It seems that everything we are told is a lie and you have to strip these lies back to finally see the truth. Very long process.
Fortunately I don't watch TV and so my spare time is used for more productive things like research into these subjects.
Though it has made me a complete outsider I would rather been that than ignorant : )
Love and light

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:46 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/16/2015

Hey Tele, thanks for the response, have you read the Oera Linda book? I'm reading it right now and finding it quite fascinating, what are your thoughts on it? Peace

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:47 pm

Posted by tele on 04/16/2015

Never heard of that book. Just read the wiki summary of it.
I heard and read similar stories though that has the Germanic peoples as founders of basically all civilization. The Mayan and Aztek languages, for example are very much like Old High German and their myths also point to German heritage. Blonde and redhaired mummies were found all over the Americas. This was probably before the Asiatics arrived and either bred them out or slaughtered them off. In some South American regions, "cloud people" (Whites) still existed when the Spanish arrived though.

Same in Egypt. Tons of blonde mummies and blue eyed Pharaoh depictions. Only later on, then race changes to a mocha toned people, as a result of race mixing I suppose, before Egyptian civilization finally fell. Blacks like to claim Egypt for themselves but there are depictions showing black slaves and the mocha colored pharaos. If blacks were such architectual geniuses, we'd see this trait today as well. While Whites built sky scrapers, amazing cathedrals and underground infrastructures, Blacks who don't live in White countries, live in mud huts.
Same goes for India. Its high Aryan civilization is only a shadow of itself because the Whites are almost completely gone in India. Buddha, a Indian teacher, is also depicted with blue eyes and his name was Sakya Muni, the Saxon Monk. Over the centuries, locals changed his appearance to match their likeness.
We witness this fall of civilization pattern right now, as well, as more and more non-Whites flood in and bring down the standard of living to levels of their home countries. Look at LA, looks like Mexico. Look at Detroit, looks like Africa since only Afticans live there now. Look at European cities. In Malmø, Sweden, where Swedes are now a minority, firefighters and ambulances don't dare to enter anymore without police protection, as in some 3rd world slum war zone.
Speaking of Greeks and Romans, some studies suggest they were Germanic too and later darkened through race mixing. Hellens (Greeks) and Holland (Frisians) sounds similar also (as mentioned in the Oere Linda book). The Germans definately were in Spain (Visigoths) before the Muslims invaded and then the Romans introduced Latin.
Europe is known in Persia and India as "Frangistan", as they lump all of Europe into the German tribe of the Franks, who are also the French but adopted Latin like the Visigoths of Spain. Lingua Franca (Frankish language) was German in Europe for centuries. That's why it's called that way. West-Frankians now speak French (Latin) while East-Frankians still speak German and/or Dutch (which is really merely a German dialect made national language).

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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:47 pm

Posted by tele on 04/16/2015

The Weimar Republic was a democracy. Hitler and the other patriots tried to putsch this satanic system out of existence in the 1920, which was struck down by the democrats. They then worked within the system, won the election and finally abolished it as promised to the people.

Führer is the title the people gave him. He didn't come up with it. Read Table Talks. He was chairman of the NSDAP. He also pledged to abolish the party altogether as parties are an outdated tool of divide and conquer. Parties partition the people. National Socialism is a folkish movement that overcomes classes and is founded on merit only. It abolishes usury and degenerate influences.

National Socialism despises the corrupt democratic system. 5 minute speech of Hitler about Democracy.


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Adolf Hitler - The Truth Empty Re: Adolf Hitler - The Truth

Post by lizardking Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:48 pm

Posted by tele on 04/16/2015
“Why,” I asked Hitler, “do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?”

“Socialism,” he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, “is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.

“Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.

“We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.”

“We want a greater Germany uniting all German tribes. But our salvation can start in the smallest corner. Even if we had only 10 acres of land and were determined to defend them with our lives, the 10 acres would become the focus of regeneration. Our workers have two souls: one is German, the other is Marxian. We must arouse the German soul. We must uproot the canker of Marxism. Marxism and Germanism are antitheses.

Excerpted from an edited interview of Adolf Hitler by George Sylvester Viereck which reportedly took place in 1923 and republished in Liberty magazine in July 1932


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