The Holocaust/Holohoax
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The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by lizardking on 05/26/2015
After World War 1, Britain's Prime Minister formally apologised to Germany for spreading false rumours that they were, among others, gassing people, bayoneting babies and making soap from dead soldier's corpses. Sound familiar?
Germany was then shamelessly carved up at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference through the Treaty of Versailles, where a group of Jews not representing any country affirmed their racist, anti-German vested interests. As British Prime Minister David Lloyd George confirmed; 'the international bankers (Jews) swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'
Parts of former Germany were then ceded to other countries or states, including the Sudetenland, where millions of Germans suffered abuse under the hands of Czechs and Poles for two and a half decades until they finally started massacring them. This is the reason that Hitler sent men into Poland, but we are supposed to believe that Germans were dressed as Poles and massacred their own citizens; an unfounded claim similar to the Katyn massacre which was initially blamed on the Germans but has now proven to have been committed by the Soviet Secret Police. At the time, Russia also invaded Poland, but we (Britain and the US) allied with them and the true evil dictator that was Stalin with his disgusting gulags.
In the decades before World war 2, the Jews consisted of about one and a half percent of the population of Germany, and yet they:
Here are the facts of the "Holocaust" that supposedly happened as a result of these "tensions."
We have aerial photographs of the camps taken throughout the war, there are no gassings, no piles of bodies, and no graves being dug. We have all of the camp records with listings of everyone who died, 99% of them as a result of disease or starvation directly caused by the allied bombing of the train racks en route to the camps. We have scrapings from every wall of every gas chamber as proven by the Fred Leuchter report that show that there was no Zyklon B used to kill anyone in those rooms. We have the photographs taken during the war of those rooms, proving that they were shower rooms or air raid shelters. We have the fact that over 70% of books written by "survivors" have been publicly shamed and discredited and proven to be fake. We have the fact that the Italians and French and other peoples occupied by the Germans all agree that they were far kinder than the savage Russians, Americans and British and that they did not commit any rape, unlike the Americans who sent fifty million condoms a month to their soldiers who then made rationing so low that women had to trade their bodies for bread. The British cracked the German codes in 1942 and were thus able to spy on the Germans without their knowledge for the final three years of the war. In that time, having spied on everyone from the lowest guard to Adolf Hitler himself, the death camps were never mentioned and the killing of Jews was never mentioned. We have letters proving that senior Nazis were concerned at the death rates resulting from disease and starvation in the camps, and we know that they tried to bring the death tolls down in any way they could. We know for a fact that all of those people they claim died did not exist on census records before the war and that census records prove there were more Jews after the war than beforehand, which would be categorically impossible if six million of them were dead. We have the proof that they were evacuated to East Russia and that they then returned in 1944 and after the war. We know for a fact that many of those they claim died in the camps were actually sent by Eichmann to live in Israel. We know for a fact due to ground penetrating radar technology that there are no mass graves at the camps, in fact the soil has not been touched in history.
We know for a fact that leading Hollywood directors such as Hitchcock and Billy Wilder were brought in and filmed fake camp scenes, forcing starving or ill Jews to stand up and record several takes. We know for a fact that the Russians faked their supposed liberation of the camps two weeks after the actual one, drafting in the Jews to pretend they were oppressed. We know for a fact that Auschwitz was built after the war by the mass murdering Russians, in fact, the January 1995 edition of the prestigious French weekly magazine L'Express acknowledged that "everything" about this "gas chamber" is "false, and that it is in fact a deceitful postwar reconstruction." It is a fact that in the 1980's in Canada in a Royal Court of Law, the world's leading Holocaust specialist admitted that he had not one single body that he could use as evidence of Germans gassing anyone. Holocaust denial books have been written since the war ended, the truth has been there since day one, it has simply been suppressed. We know for a fact that the crematoria could not fit more than one body at a time, and that they do not destroy the entire body. We know for a fact that Otto Frank hired a man to write his Anne's "diaries" after the war. We know for a fact that several thousand photographs have been edited and faked in appallingly unsophisticated amateur ways since 1945, this is the supposed "visual evidence." Many of the bodies shown were actually dead German guards who starved and died of typhus throughout the war alongside the inmates they looked over, and it is now a proven fact that it was the British who were bulldozing the dead bodies of the starving and diseased into mass graves, not the Germans. We know for a fact that the first reports of "mass killings" originated with the British propaganda office, something that can hardly be considered a coincidence.
We have the fact that the British are proven liars on this subject, accusing the Germans of all of the exact same crimes in World War One, and then admitting it was a lie and apologising in 1918, and we also know that the Nuremberg trials were packed full of absurd and extraordinary claims against them (including the use of nukes against the Jews), many of which have been debunked and admitted to. We have the Red Cross records and day-to-day accounts proving that every single camp was well run with medical supplies and food and aid and letters. The camps had swimming pools, football pitches, universities giving out degrees, Germany's leading dentists and doctors, and even brothels, and we even have wedding certificates from Auschwitz and other camps. We know for a fact that the Germans spent a huge amount of time and money shaving the hair of the Jews and delousing all of their clothes and other items so that typhus could not ravage the whole camps, and they were doing a fair job until the allied bombing. We have the earliest books ever written about the camps which do not mention any gas chambers or mass killings of Jews or any other peoples (homosexuals, gypsies, etc). We also know that all of the "evil geniuses" who were supposedly experimenting on human beings moved to America and helped NASA and the space program, living in normal society. We have the fact that the only Nazis who admitted to war crimes had been horrifically tortured, even the head judge at Nuremberg admitted that the whole thing was a sham. General Patton and Winston Churchill both said after the war that they were on the wrong side. We have the fact that it would've been physically impossible to gas that many people every day in rooms that were not airtight; the bodies would have piled up to such a degree within the first year that the backlog could not have been cremated within the next decade from that point, and that only takes into account 20% of the "supposed" bodies. We have the fact that there are so many people claiming repatriations and compensation to this day that the Germans would've had to be the most inefficient, incompetent and unsuccessful mass killers in history in order for so many people to have survived.
We know for a fact that the Jews were trying to claim that the Russians had killed six million of them in death camps in 1898, this was an old lie that they tried to fool people into believing time and time again until they eventually succeeded.
"this mythical six million figure, long since discredited even by mainstream Holocaust historians, comes from a Jewish-Talmudic religious myth that says “ye shall return minus six million” or “you shall return to the land of Israel with six million less”, and of course WW2 birthed the modern state of Israel which was established in 1948"
Many Holocaust survivor stories are offensively ridiculous. We have Hollywood actors posing as Italian victims, people claiming they avoided being gassed because they were hiding on a door ledge, a young boy who repeatedly survived the gas chambers by pure luck, and a woman who shat out diamonds and consumed them repeatedly. This is just a small sample of the extraordinary claims made by these "survivors", and the best part is that all of them were still here to tell their stories!
For those who are so pigheaded that they will still try to claim the events happened because of "eyewitness testimony", I direct them to the documentary "The Last Days of the Big Lie" and "The Lie" by Paul Rassinier, who goes through other camp inmates fraudulent testimonies in his book.
This is not to mention the absolutely outlandish and ridiculous claims made at the Nuremberg trials, and it is now illegal in certain countries (including France) to question anything "proven" in that kangaroo court, where "the victorious (Jewish) allies acted as prosecutor, judge and executioner of the German leaders" and accused them of steam powering or sending Jews to death on electric conveyor belts; fertilising and making soap out of Jewish corpses; and using a nuke on the Jews rather than their enemy. All of these fantastical claims have been abandoned in the official narrative, and yet you can be arrested and jailed simply for stating such.
Then we have the hordes of edited, manipulated or downright fake photographs, including this very famous image of a man leaning against a post; not even in the original photo and his arm appallingly cropped.
The much admired Jewish scholar whose father and mother were at Auschwitz and Majdanek, Norman Finkelstein, wrote: "The postwar German government provided compensation to Jews who had been in ghettos or camps. Many Jews fabricated their pasts to meet this eligibility requirement, "If everyone who claims to be a survivor is actually one," my mother used to exclaim, "who did Hitler kill?" Indeed, many scholars have cast doubt on the reliability of survivor testimony."
David Irving, the only man to have read every single Nazi document, seen as the most knowledgeable person about Germany during World War Two on Earth, seen as the "wunderkind of modern history" and who wrote the definitive biography of Hitler, was praised by the left and right until his extensive, painstaking research led him to the undeniable conclusion that Hitler, in fact, never ordered the gassing of Jews, and there is absolutely no authentic Nazi document outlining such. He has been imprisoned several times and forced into bankruptcy whereby his entire house and all of its possessions were seized, including 180 boxes of files pertaining to Hitler, Himmler and the Holocaust.
Other Holocaust revisionists, such as Robert Faurisson, have also been beaten on many occasions.
"Some years after the war, British military intelligence sergeant Bernard Clarke described how he and five other British soldiers tortured the former commandant to obtain his "confession."
In the words of the Jewish Auschwitz expert Robert Jan van Pelt, “We have no material or forensic evidence to support eyewitness reports of gassings...
Ninety-nine per cent of what we know we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove [then how do ‘we know’ it!?]..."
Professor Arena J. Mayer whose Jewish family fled Luxembourg in 1940: "Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable.
Most of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials and executioners at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully, since it can be influenced by subjective factors of great complicity.
In the meantime, there is no denying that the many contradictions, ambiguities, and errors in the existing sources."
The Judge in a 2000 case against Irving in Britain, made numerous references during the trial and in his judgment to the lack of evidence for gas chambers: "The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eyewitness and circumstantial evidence."
Author Jean-Claude Pressac said: "In the absence of any 'direct', ie, palpable, indisputable and evident proof, lacking so far as we know at present, we have to rely on indirect proof.'
French historian Jacques Baynac: 'For the scientific historian, a witness statement does not represent real history.'
Justice Gray said 'the possibility exists that some of these witnesses invented some or even all of the experiences in which they describe.'
A Prussian Jewish historian Samuel Gringauz and camp survivor wrote in 1950, 'most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophising, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumours, bias, partisan attacks and apologies.'
Einsehower wrote a report for US congress in 1945 about his experience with the survivors, in which he stated: 'these prisoners from custom and experience, from the conversation with the guards and among themselves, and from a very plain and almost mathematical kind of circumstantial evidence, have accurate knowledge of certain things which they have not actually seen with their own eyes. the prisoners at the camps speak about these things as though they had actually seen them.'
Zionist Jewish Holocaust historian Lucy Dawidowicz: 'in order to present a coherent narrative, the author has likely included a large measure of hearsay, gossip, rumour, assumption, speculation and hypothesis.'
Hannah Arednt herself admitted that the deaths in the camps were misleading, because they resulted from starvation and disease.
The Germans were and have been treated like shit by the very same group of people they are bankrolling for crimes they did not commit, and have never had a SHRED of the constant, never-ending world wide coverage that the "JEWS" and the "HOLOCAUST" have gotten.
How many feature films are rammed down our throats every year about Dresden (which is only remembered because it was rebuilt), or the 60+ cities with 90% devastation the likes of which had never been seen before? These cities were destroyed to such a degree that they returned to grazing land. Imagine the destruction of the Twin Towers over every building of entire cities. Is Winston Churchill ever demonised for his sentiments regarding Germany and Germans? Is he made into a Satanic caricature for his vile quotes?
“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war, what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.”
(Eisenhower's death camps)
[This article from 1944 confirms the fact that all of the six million that they claim were dead had actually simply moved to East Russia and then returned.]
How have they been able to suppress the truth for so long?
[This article details the influence of the Jewish owned media and their ability to censor the truth.]
After World War 1, Britain's Prime Minister formally apologised to Germany for spreading false rumours that they were, among others, gassing people, bayoneting babies and making soap from dead soldier's corpses. Sound familiar?
Germany was then shamelessly carved up at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference through the Treaty of Versailles, where a group of Jews not representing any country affirmed their racist, anti-German vested interests. As British Prime Minister David Lloyd George confirmed; 'the international bankers (Jews) swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'
Parts of former Germany were then ceded to other countries or states, including the Sudetenland, where millions of Germans suffered abuse under the hands of Czechs and Poles for two and a half decades until they finally started massacring them. This is the reason that Hitler sent men into Poland, but we are supposed to believe that Germans were dressed as Poles and massacred their own citizens; an unfounded claim similar to the Katyn massacre which was initially blamed on the Germans but has now proven to have been committed by the Soviet Secret Police. At the time, Russia also invaded Poland, but we (Britain and the US) allied with them and the true evil dictator that was Stalin with his disgusting gulags.
In the decades before World war 2, the Jews consisted of about one and a half percent of the population of Germany, and yet they:
"controlled all the press, and they controlled most of the economy because they had come in with cheap money when the mark was devalued (as a result of the effects of the Versailles treaty) and bought up practically everything." In 1933, the Jews of the world called a meeting in Amsterdam and begged Germany to fire Hitler. When Germany refused to surrender, the head of the American delegation of the conference went to the studios of the Columbia Broadcasting System and made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he said,
"The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them. That will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business."
"It is a fact that two thirds of Germany's food supply had to be imported, and it could only be imported with the proceeds of what they exported. So if Germany could not export, two thirds of Germany's population would have to starve.
Now up to that time, not one hair on the head of any Jew had been hurt in Germany. There was no suffering, there was no starvation, there was no murder, there was nothing.
Naturally, the Germans said, "Who are these people to declare a boycott against us and throw all our people out of work, and make our industries come to a standstill? Who are they to do that to us?" They naturally resented it. Certainly they painted swastikas on stores owned by Jews. Why should a German go in and give his money to a storekeeper who was part of a boycott that was going to starve Germany into surrendering to the Jews of the world, who were going to dictate who their premier or chancellor was to be?
The boycott continued for some time, but it wasn't until 1938, when a young Jew from Poland walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot a German official, that the Germans really started to get rough with the Jews in Germany. And you found them then breaking windows and having street fights and so forth."
-Benjamin Freedman, a hugely respected Jewish adviser to several presidents who was actually present when America joined WW1.
Here are the facts of the "Holocaust" that supposedly happened as a result of these "tensions."
We have aerial photographs of the camps taken throughout the war, there are no gassings, no piles of bodies, and no graves being dug. We have all of the camp records with listings of everyone who died, 99% of them as a result of disease or starvation directly caused by the allied bombing of the train racks en route to the camps. We have scrapings from every wall of every gas chamber as proven by the Fred Leuchter report that show that there was no Zyklon B used to kill anyone in those rooms. We have the photographs taken during the war of those rooms, proving that they were shower rooms or air raid shelters. We have the fact that over 70% of books written by "survivors" have been publicly shamed and discredited and proven to be fake. We have the fact that the Italians and French and other peoples occupied by the Germans all agree that they were far kinder than the savage Russians, Americans and British and that they did not commit any rape, unlike the Americans who sent fifty million condoms a month to their soldiers who then made rationing so low that women had to trade their bodies for bread. The British cracked the German codes in 1942 and were thus able to spy on the Germans without their knowledge for the final three years of the war. In that time, having spied on everyone from the lowest guard to Adolf Hitler himself, the death camps were never mentioned and the killing of Jews was never mentioned. We have letters proving that senior Nazis were concerned at the death rates resulting from disease and starvation in the camps, and we know that they tried to bring the death tolls down in any way they could. We know for a fact that all of those people they claim died did not exist on census records before the war and that census records prove there were more Jews after the war than beforehand, which would be categorically impossible if six million of them were dead. We have the proof that they were evacuated to East Russia and that they then returned in 1944 and after the war. We know for a fact that many of those they claim died in the camps were actually sent by Eichmann to live in Israel. We know for a fact due to ground penetrating radar technology that there are no mass graves at the camps, in fact the soil has not been touched in history.
We know for a fact that leading Hollywood directors such as Hitchcock and Billy Wilder were brought in and filmed fake camp scenes, forcing starving or ill Jews to stand up and record several takes. We know for a fact that the Russians faked their supposed liberation of the camps two weeks after the actual one, drafting in the Jews to pretend they were oppressed. We know for a fact that Auschwitz was built after the war by the mass murdering Russians, in fact, the January 1995 edition of the prestigious French weekly magazine L'Express acknowledged that "everything" about this "gas chamber" is "false, and that it is in fact a deceitful postwar reconstruction." It is a fact that in the 1980's in Canada in a Royal Court of Law, the world's leading Holocaust specialist admitted that he had not one single body that he could use as evidence of Germans gassing anyone. Holocaust denial books have been written since the war ended, the truth has been there since day one, it has simply been suppressed. We know for a fact that the crematoria could not fit more than one body at a time, and that they do not destroy the entire body. We know for a fact that Otto Frank hired a man to write his Anne's "diaries" after the war. We know for a fact that several thousand photographs have been edited and faked in appallingly unsophisticated amateur ways since 1945, this is the supposed "visual evidence." Many of the bodies shown were actually dead German guards who starved and died of typhus throughout the war alongside the inmates they looked over, and it is now a proven fact that it was the British who were bulldozing the dead bodies of the starving and diseased into mass graves, not the Germans. We know for a fact that the first reports of "mass killings" originated with the British propaganda office, something that can hardly be considered a coincidence.
We have the fact that the British are proven liars on this subject, accusing the Germans of all of the exact same crimes in World War One, and then admitting it was a lie and apologising in 1918, and we also know that the Nuremberg trials were packed full of absurd and extraordinary claims against them (including the use of nukes against the Jews), many of which have been debunked and admitted to. We have the Red Cross records and day-to-day accounts proving that every single camp was well run with medical supplies and food and aid and letters. The camps had swimming pools, football pitches, universities giving out degrees, Germany's leading dentists and doctors, and even brothels, and we even have wedding certificates from Auschwitz and other camps. We know for a fact that the Germans spent a huge amount of time and money shaving the hair of the Jews and delousing all of their clothes and other items so that typhus could not ravage the whole camps, and they were doing a fair job until the allied bombing. We have the earliest books ever written about the camps which do not mention any gas chambers or mass killings of Jews or any other peoples (homosexuals, gypsies, etc). We also know that all of the "evil geniuses" who were supposedly experimenting on human beings moved to America and helped NASA and the space program, living in normal society. We have the fact that the only Nazis who admitted to war crimes had been horrifically tortured, even the head judge at Nuremberg admitted that the whole thing was a sham. General Patton and Winston Churchill both said after the war that they were on the wrong side. We have the fact that it would've been physically impossible to gas that many people every day in rooms that were not airtight; the bodies would have piled up to such a degree within the first year that the backlog could not have been cremated within the next decade from that point, and that only takes into account 20% of the "supposed" bodies. We have the fact that there are so many people claiming repatriations and compensation to this day that the Germans would've had to be the most inefficient, incompetent and unsuccessful mass killers in history in order for so many people to have survived.
We know for a fact that the Jews were trying to claim that the Russians had killed six million of them in death camps in 1898, this was an old lie that they tried to fool people into believing time and time again until they eventually succeeded.
"this mythical six million figure, long since discredited even by mainstream Holocaust historians, comes from a Jewish-Talmudic religious myth that says “ye shall return minus six million” or “you shall return to the land of Israel with six million less”, and of course WW2 birthed the modern state of Israel which was established in 1948"
Many Holocaust survivor stories are offensively ridiculous. We have Hollywood actors posing as Italian victims, people claiming they avoided being gassed because they were hiding on a door ledge, a young boy who repeatedly survived the gas chambers by pure luck, and a woman who shat out diamonds and consumed them repeatedly. This is just a small sample of the extraordinary claims made by these "survivors", and the best part is that all of them were still here to tell their stories!
For those who are so pigheaded that they will still try to claim the events happened because of "eyewitness testimony", I direct them to the documentary "The Last Days of the Big Lie" and "The Lie" by Paul Rassinier, who goes through other camp inmates fraudulent testimonies in his book.
This is not to mention the absolutely outlandish and ridiculous claims made at the Nuremberg trials, and it is now illegal in certain countries (including France) to question anything "proven" in that kangaroo court, where "the victorious (Jewish) allies acted as prosecutor, judge and executioner of the German leaders" and accused them of steam powering or sending Jews to death on electric conveyor belts; fertilising and making soap out of Jewish corpses; and using a nuke on the Jews rather than their enemy. All of these fantastical claims have been abandoned in the official narrative, and yet you can be arrested and jailed simply for stating such.
Then we have the hordes of edited, manipulated or downright fake photographs, including this very famous image of a man leaning against a post; not even in the original photo and his arm appallingly cropped.
The much admired Jewish scholar whose father and mother were at Auschwitz and Majdanek, Norman Finkelstein, wrote: "The postwar German government provided compensation to Jews who had been in ghettos or camps. Many Jews fabricated their pasts to meet this eligibility requirement, "If everyone who claims to be a survivor is actually one," my mother used to exclaim, "who did Hitler kill?" Indeed, many scholars have cast doubt on the reliability of survivor testimony."
David Irving, the only man to have read every single Nazi document, seen as the most knowledgeable person about Germany during World War Two on Earth, seen as the "wunderkind of modern history" and who wrote the definitive biography of Hitler, was praised by the left and right until his extensive, painstaking research led him to the undeniable conclusion that Hitler, in fact, never ordered the gassing of Jews, and there is absolutely no authentic Nazi document outlining such. He has been imprisoned several times and forced into bankruptcy whereby his entire house and all of its possessions were seized, including 180 boxes of files pertaining to Hitler, Himmler and the Holocaust.
Other Holocaust revisionists, such as Robert Faurisson, have also been beaten on many occasions.
"Some years after the war, British military intelligence sergeant Bernard Clarke described how he and five other British soldiers tortured the former commandant to obtain his "confession."
In the words of the Jewish Auschwitz expert Robert Jan van Pelt, “We have no material or forensic evidence to support eyewitness reports of gassings...
Ninety-nine per cent of what we know we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove [then how do ‘we know’ it!?]..."
Professor Arena J. Mayer whose Jewish family fled Luxembourg in 1940: "Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable.
Most of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials and executioners at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully, since it can be influenced by subjective factors of great complicity.
In the meantime, there is no denying that the many contradictions, ambiguities, and errors in the existing sources."
The Judge in a 2000 case against Irving in Britain, made numerous references during the trial and in his judgment to the lack of evidence for gas chambers: "The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eyewitness and circumstantial evidence."
Author Jean-Claude Pressac said: "In the absence of any 'direct', ie, palpable, indisputable and evident proof, lacking so far as we know at present, we have to rely on indirect proof.'
French historian Jacques Baynac: 'For the scientific historian, a witness statement does not represent real history.'
Justice Gray said 'the possibility exists that some of these witnesses invented some or even all of the experiences in which they describe.'
A Prussian Jewish historian Samuel Gringauz and camp survivor wrote in 1950, 'most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophising, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumours, bias, partisan attacks and apologies.'
Einsehower wrote a report for US congress in 1945 about his experience with the survivors, in which he stated: 'these prisoners from custom and experience, from the conversation with the guards and among themselves, and from a very plain and almost mathematical kind of circumstantial evidence, have accurate knowledge of certain things which they have not actually seen with their own eyes. the prisoners at the camps speak about these things as though they had actually seen them.'
Zionist Jewish Holocaust historian Lucy Dawidowicz: 'in order to present a coherent narrative, the author has likely included a large measure of hearsay, gossip, rumour, assumption, speculation and hypothesis.'
Hannah Arednt herself admitted that the deaths in the camps were misleading, because they resulted from starvation and disease.
The Germans were and have been treated like shit by the very same group of people they are bankrolling for crimes they did not commit, and have never had a SHRED of the constant, never-ending world wide coverage that the "JEWS" and the "HOLOCAUST" have gotten.
How many feature films are rammed down our throats every year about Dresden (which is only remembered because it was rebuilt), or the 60+ cities with 90% devastation the likes of which had never been seen before? These cities were destroyed to such a degree that they returned to grazing land. Imagine the destruction of the Twin Towers over every building of entire cities. Is Winston Churchill ever demonised for his sentiments regarding Germany and Germans? Is he made into a Satanic caricature for his vile quotes?
“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war, what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.”
(Eisenhower's death camps)
[This article from 1944 confirms the fact that all of the six million that they claim were dead had actually simply moved to East Russia and then returned.]
How have they been able to suppress the truth for so long?
[This article details the influence of the Jewish owned media and their ability to censor the truth.]
All about Shillaphobia
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'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by Admin on 03/23/2015
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Auschwitz. The Surprising Hidden Truth
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by rebecca on 05/06/2015
I highly recommend Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality by Nicholas Kollerstrom
In it he shows how the Jews were not gassed with Zyklon. Even the International Red Cross in their official documents say that only 288,000ish people died in the camps....mostly from starvation and disease when the allies cut off the supply trains......and none died from being gassed.
Here is a review and an interview about the book.
The whole holocaust seems like a brilliant ploy to gain sympathy for the Zionists......who you must never, ever criticise. But please never mention Palestine! Meanwhile the Zionist plans for Great Isreal are well underway!
I highly recommend Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality by Nicholas Kollerstrom
In it he shows how the Jews were not gassed with Zyklon. Even the International Red Cross in their official documents say that only 288,000ish people died in the camps....mostly from starvation and disease when the allies cut off the supply trains......and none died from being gassed.
Here is a review and an interview about the book.
The whole holocaust seems like a brilliant ploy to gain sympathy for the Zionists......who you must never, ever criticise. But please never mention Palestine! Meanwhile the Zionist plans for Great Isreal are well underway!
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by on 05/11/2015
The Jews were not exactly having the red carpet rolled out to them,there were not a lot of places they were welcome,but Germany was open armed to them. Then the Zionists stabbed them in the back,and when the Germans got sick of their games they had to clamp down. Of course if you are not going to be completely enslaved by them,then they will try to starve you out with economic sanctions. After all this,no harm had come to them. If the allies were bombing cities and towns where Jews lived,but Hitler rounded many up,it would seem as if their were saved. While many Germans scraped by with little. The camps provided postal service,swimming pools,soccer matches,day care,art classes,bars,brothels,hospitals,libraries,orchestras,and the prisoners were PAID for their work. You don't find many 5 star hotels with all these extras,much less in war time. The Jews have taken this and demonized an entire people,falsified history,and made out with billions,and billions in reparation.The political power of the holocaust can not be measured.
We know the soap is a lie,the shrunken heads a lie,gas chambers,lie,Jew skin lamps lie,lie,lie lie.
Jews claimed mass murder by Bubbles Ottawa Citizen Nov 25th 1942,5033649&hl=en
Nazis used Jews for ROAD GRIT ....LIE
How many lies do they have to tell,before people grasp that they are liars. Not all Jews,but the one's who tell the truth get no air play.
The Jews were not exactly having the red carpet rolled out to them,there were not a lot of places they were welcome,but Germany was open armed to them. Then the Zionists stabbed them in the back,and when the Germans got sick of their games they had to clamp down. Of course if you are not going to be completely enslaved by them,then they will try to starve you out with economic sanctions. After all this,no harm had come to them. If the allies were bombing cities and towns where Jews lived,but Hitler rounded many up,it would seem as if their were saved. While many Germans scraped by with little. The camps provided postal service,swimming pools,soccer matches,day care,art classes,bars,brothels,hospitals,libraries,orchestras,and the prisoners were PAID for their work. You don't find many 5 star hotels with all these extras,much less in war time. The Jews have taken this and demonized an entire people,falsified history,and made out with billions,and billions in reparation.The political power of the holocaust can not be measured.
We know the soap is a lie,the shrunken heads a lie,gas chambers,lie,Jew skin lamps lie,lie,lie lie.
Jews claimed mass murder by Bubbles Ottawa Citizen Nov 25th 1942,5033649&hl=en
Nazis used Jews for ROAD GRIT ....LIE
How many lies do they have to tell,before people grasp that they are liars. Not all Jews,but the one's who tell the truth get no air play.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by lizardking on 05/12/2015
Well said, and I think we all know why the Jews were not "having the red carpet rolled out to them." It is no coincidence that hundreds of countries have banned them from their nation.May 11, 2015 10:14:09 GMT krew said:
The Jews were not exactly having the red carpet rolled out to them,there were not a lot of places they were welcome,but Germany was open armed to them. Then the Zionists stabbed them in the back,and when the Germans got sick of their games they had to clamp down. Of course if you are not going to be completely enslaved by them,then they will try to starve you out with economic sanctions. After all this,no harm had come to them. If the allies were bombing cities and towns where Jews lived,but Hitler rounded many up,it would seem as if their were saved. While many Germans scraped by with little. The camps
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by elji on 06/10/2015
The truth will out though the heavens fall, a great interview with a lady who has just had enough of the lies
and on Germanys national broadcaster too. Perhaps the edifice THEY have built is finally crumbling for lack of any solid foundations
It might be a good time to pile in with the other even bigger lie of the Ball Earth to further undermine the walls they've built in the minds of the many.
This looks like a big deal, and they came down on her like the proverbial ton of bricks
The truth will out though the heavens fall, a great interview with a lady who has just had enough of the lies
and on Germanys national broadcaster too. Perhaps the edifice THEY have built is finally crumbling for lack of any solid foundations
It might be a good time to pile in with the other even bigger lie of the Ball Earth to further undermine the walls they've built in the minds of the many.
This looks like a big deal, and they came down on her like the proverbial ton of bricks
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by Admin on 06/10/2015
She is so brave and did such a wonderful thing for Germany and humanity. It is disgusting that they have now put this 86 year-old woman in prison for 5 years just for speaking the truth!!!
In a surprise night-time raid eighty-six year old German historian Ursula Haverbeck had her door kicked in and her house stormed by an armed anti-terrorist Police swat team after her recent Germany-wide television appearance. The secret police trashed her home throwing it’s entire contents onto the floor in a search for what are believed to be documents which might incriminate the official account of the Holocaust. Three other historian colleagues of hers have also had their homes broken into and their books and documents seized by the security police. She is being charged under draconian anti-Jewish hate speech and Holocaust denial laws.
She is so brave and did such a wonderful thing for Germany and humanity. It is disgusting that they have now put this 86 year-old woman in prison for 5 years just for speaking the truth!!!
In a surprise night-time raid eighty-six year old German historian Ursula Haverbeck had her door kicked in and her house stormed by an armed anti-terrorist Police swat team after her recent Germany-wide television appearance. The secret police trashed her home throwing it’s entire contents onto the floor in a search for what are believed to be documents which might incriminate the official account of the Holocaust. Three other historian colleagues of hers have also had their homes broken into and their books and documents seized by the security police. She is being charged under draconian anti-Jewish hate speech and Holocaust denial laws.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by Admin on 06/10/2015
"German police have raided the house of an 86-year-old lady Ursula Haverbeck, after she publicly questioned the Holocaust story. Haverbeck has been constantly pursued by German authorities for her nonconformist opinions about the Holocaust. In Germany, a self-professed ‘democracy,’ individuals do not have the right to question establishment myths about the Second World War. The public is forced to accept the self-serving interpretations of the winners of World War II under penalty of fines and imprisonment. The government of Germany should be boycotted and condemned until the present Stasi-like police state is disbanded."
"German police have raided the house of an 86-year-old lady Ursula Haverbeck, after she publicly questioned the Holocaust story. Haverbeck has been constantly pursued by German authorities for her nonconformist opinions about the Holocaust. In Germany, a self-professed ‘democracy,’ individuals do not have the right to question establishment myths about the Second World War. The public is forced to accept the self-serving interpretations of the winners of World War II under penalty of fines and imprisonment. The government of Germany should be boycotted and condemned until the present Stasi-like police state is disbanded."
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by maiapleiades79 on 06/11/2015
I am a little confused as to WHY the elite, who want this info kept secret, would allow this interview and allow it to air on GermanTV?
I am a little confused as to WHY the elite, who want this info kept secret, would allow this interview and allow it to air on GermanTV?
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by Admin on 06/11/2015
I think your concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent "elite" is a bit flawed. "They" can't preview and prevent every single unwanted exposure, but they can use their legal system / power structure to publicly come down hard and make an example out of anyone who does get through their gauntlet.
I think your concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent "elite" is a bit flawed. "They" can't preview and prevent every single unwanted exposure, but they can use their legal system / power structure to publicly come down hard and make an example out of anyone who does get through their gauntlet.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by maiapleiades79 on 06/12/2015
or maybe they allowed it to air so they could put her story in the news as a way to scare others from asking any questions
or maybe they allowed it to air so they could put her story in the news as a way to scare others from asking any questions
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by Douglas Sea on 06/15/2015
If you want to expose the mother of all historical fictions, nothing is quite as massive as the holocaust religion.
I completely disagree. The spinning ball hoax "outweighs" the hollow hoax by far. I can concede that with the vitriol the adherents of the hollow hoax religion espouse might make it a more dangerous lie to expose. However wasn't the original IFERS founder's house burned down?
If you want to expose the mother of all historical fictions, nothing is quite as massive as the holocaust religion.
I completely disagree. The spinning ball hoax "outweighs" the hollow hoax by far. I can concede that with the vitriol the adherents of the hollow hoax religion espouse might make it a more dangerous lie to expose. However wasn't the original IFERS founder's house burned down?
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by Admin on 06/15/2015
Yes, I would say just based on the amount of programmed knee-jerk ridicule, the ultimate insult is "FLAT EARTHER" followed closely by "HOLOCAUST DENIER," and I'm proud to be both.
Yes, I would say just based on the amount of programmed knee-jerk ridicule, the ultimate insult is "FLAT EARTHER" followed closely by "HOLOCAUST DENIER," and I'm proud to be both.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by schpankme on 06/15/2015
The only HOLOCAUST (burnt offering) was perpetrated on the German People.
Jun 15, 2015 2:03:11 GMT Admin said:
I'm proud to be both
The only HOLOCAUST (burnt offering) was perpetrated on the German People.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by incorporated on 06/23/2015
Thomas Sheridan showing his true shill colours.
"If you saw some spotty, twerp, moron who watched a few youtube videos, never read a book is his life, who thinks the earth is flat" Just one of the many nasty quotes from his vid.
To think I once donated to this fraudster makes me sick.
Thomas Sheridan showing his true shill colours.
"If you saw some spotty, twerp, moron who watched a few youtube videos, never read a book is his life, who thinks the earth is flat" Just one of the many nasty quotes from his vid.
To think I once donated to this fraudster makes me sick.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by afehir on 07/04/2015
Ursula Haverbeck - Holohoax (2015)
here is the interview about jew extermination hoax
i just uploaded with english subtitle
Ursula Haverbeck - Holohoax (2015)
here is the interview about jew extermination hoax
i just uploaded with english subtitle
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by pennflatearther on 07/09/2015
For a number of reasons, I have heard people compare Israel with either "nazis" or "apartheid" in South Africa, and this is my response to the top 2 I constantly hear.
Reasons to stop comparing Israelis to “Nazis” or Apartheid in SA
In regards to the false comparison to SA :
1)The same jewish media that victimizes jews and accuses Palestinians of terrorism is the same media that places Mandela as a hero, while ignoring the mass murder of his ANC party against anti-communist blacks and Boer white farmers.
2)Apartheid in South Africa did not have a wall separating blacks from whites.
3)Apartheid in South Africa was necessary to protect the minority population from the majority.
4)Apartheid in South Africa did not lead to mass murder of blacks
5)Apartheid in South Africa did not fire white phosphorus bombs on blacks
6)Apartheid in SA allowed blacks free housing, education and other necessary things to make a life for each person. When did Israelis do this for Palestinians?
7)Apartheid in SA was protection of lands of whites who found an empty land, not bulldozing people’s homes and forcing them to leave at gunpoint.
8)Apartheid in SA was economically beneficial to both white and black SA citizens. Blacks in SA had the best standard of living compared to blacks in other parts of Africa.
9)Apartheid in SA did not have politicians endorsing genocide of the black population as jews have done in Palestine.
10)The Anti-Apartheid movement was most popularized by Nelson Mandela, a communist thug who mass murdered thousands of people including anti-Communist blacks. Since his takeover of SA in 1994, over 320,000 murders have taken place, compared to 7,000 in the time apartheid existed (1949-1994).
11)Mandela was trained by the Mossad, not the PLO
12)The SA white farmers are in the same situation as the Palestinians. They are forced to give their property and lands to occupiers of their country under the law. They are not allowed to get employment, and are now living in poverty because of what the Communist ANC has done to them.
13)The ANC is doing to SA whites what the Zionist jews are doing to Palestinians, yet many pro-Palestinian supporters are FOR the ANC. How can you be for liberty of a sovereign people in Palestine, but not South Africa?
In regards to the false comparison of “Nazis” to “Zionists” :
1)”Nazis” did not invade and occupy other people’s lands to squat on them and remove them from their homes at gunpoint, except if they were profiteers of war or caused suffering of the people.
2)”Nazis” were pro-Palestine, in speeches given by Hitler and his meetings with the Mufti of Jerusalem who was more than willing to have Palestinians volunteer for the German war effort.
3)It was the mass murdering communists of the USSR who were the first to recognize the new state of Israel. So, why are commies and Marxists siding with the Palestinians now? Because it is a trick.
4)”Nazis” didn’t have a giant wall of Apartheid between 2 groups of people. It was the Allied communists under Stalin who put up the Berlin wall, just as Israelis have done to Palestinians.
5)”Nazis” never made any indication of wanting to exterminate jews or any other people and merely wanted to deport them to another nation. This is the opposite of what Israelis do, who openly confess their genocidal fantasy against Palestinians even in 2014.
6)”Nazis” never used chemical weapons against anyone and avoided bombing civilian areas of the enemy, even though such areas had enemy forces in them.
7)”Nazis” were vilified by the jews and Allies much the same way Palestinians are today and for much of the same reason.
”Nazis” were framed by the Allies to cover up Allied atrocities that were far greater than even the Germans were accused of doing. This is how Palestinians are framed for crimes they didn’t commit.
9)”Nazis” were fighting for their homeland which was divided up by the Allies after the war, displacing millions of Germans into rape, slavery and murder. Then the Germans were called the “evil” side.
10)The propaganda against Germany continues to this day, so intense, it has fooled even good people who fight for justice in Palestine. If they knew what happened in WW2, they would know the lies have shifted onto Palestinian people as the “aggressors” and jews as the “victims” when the opposite is true.
11)It was the jewish communists who tortured people for false confessions over accusations of a crime, just as Israelis torture people in their dungeons. “Nazis” did not use torture like that.
12)Jewish propagandists for Stalin called for the mass murder, rape and looting instructing the Red Army to do such evil, as did the Americans and British against Germans. Jews have recently called for the same behavior by the IDF against Palestinians.
How the “Nazis” were like the Palestinians :
1)Both endured the wrath of world jewry.
2)Both suffered genocide, displacement, rape at the hands of the British, Americans and jews.
3)Both have been blamed for crimes they didn’t commit in order to justify the assault against them.
4)Both were family-oriented societies, devout religious communities who wanted to live in peace until the hateful jews began their campaign of terror.
5)Using their propaganda lies, jews were able to convince the world both groups were the enemy who were a threat to the whole world.
6)Jews in both instances demonized the leadership of both nations.
7)Those who defended Germany under Hitler or Palestine today are called the most vile and false labels such as “anti-semite” or “racist” when the opposite was true.
8)Both Germans and Palestinians were punished collectively by the Allies or Israeli/USA. Every civilian was an “enemy combatant” who were the most likely to suffer the mass murder of the jewish controlled nations.
9)Both Germans and Palestinians were bombed in civilian areas with terror saturation bombing and nowhere to hide.
10)Both German and Palestinian children have been detained, tortured, raped and murdered with no sympathy by the psychopathic servants of jews or of jews themselves.
For a number of reasons, I have heard people compare Israel with either "nazis" or "apartheid" in South Africa, and this is my response to the top 2 I constantly hear.
Reasons to stop comparing Israelis to “Nazis” or Apartheid in SA
In regards to the false comparison to SA :
1)The same jewish media that victimizes jews and accuses Palestinians of terrorism is the same media that places Mandela as a hero, while ignoring the mass murder of his ANC party against anti-communist blacks and Boer white farmers.
2)Apartheid in South Africa did not have a wall separating blacks from whites.
3)Apartheid in South Africa was necessary to protect the minority population from the majority.
4)Apartheid in South Africa did not lead to mass murder of blacks
5)Apartheid in South Africa did not fire white phosphorus bombs on blacks
6)Apartheid in SA allowed blacks free housing, education and other necessary things to make a life for each person. When did Israelis do this for Palestinians?
7)Apartheid in SA was protection of lands of whites who found an empty land, not bulldozing people’s homes and forcing them to leave at gunpoint.
8)Apartheid in SA was economically beneficial to both white and black SA citizens. Blacks in SA had the best standard of living compared to blacks in other parts of Africa.
9)Apartheid in SA did not have politicians endorsing genocide of the black population as jews have done in Palestine.
10)The Anti-Apartheid movement was most popularized by Nelson Mandela, a communist thug who mass murdered thousands of people including anti-Communist blacks. Since his takeover of SA in 1994, over 320,000 murders have taken place, compared to 7,000 in the time apartheid existed (1949-1994).
11)Mandela was trained by the Mossad, not the PLO
12)The SA white farmers are in the same situation as the Palestinians. They are forced to give their property and lands to occupiers of their country under the law. They are not allowed to get employment, and are now living in poverty because of what the Communist ANC has done to them.
13)The ANC is doing to SA whites what the Zionist jews are doing to Palestinians, yet many pro-Palestinian supporters are FOR the ANC. How can you be for liberty of a sovereign people in Palestine, but not South Africa?
In regards to the false comparison of “Nazis” to “Zionists” :
1)”Nazis” did not invade and occupy other people’s lands to squat on them and remove them from their homes at gunpoint, except if they were profiteers of war or caused suffering of the people.
2)”Nazis” were pro-Palestine, in speeches given by Hitler and his meetings with the Mufti of Jerusalem who was more than willing to have Palestinians volunteer for the German war effort.
3)It was the mass murdering communists of the USSR who were the first to recognize the new state of Israel. So, why are commies and Marxists siding with the Palestinians now? Because it is a trick.
4)”Nazis” didn’t have a giant wall of Apartheid between 2 groups of people. It was the Allied communists under Stalin who put up the Berlin wall, just as Israelis have done to Palestinians.
5)”Nazis” never made any indication of wanting to exterminate jews or any other people and merely wanted to deport them to another nation. This is the opposite of what Israelis do, who openly confess their genocidal fantasy against Palestinians even in 2014.
6)”Nazis” never used chemical weapons against anyone and avoided bombing civilian areas of the enemy, even though such areas had enemy forces in them.
7)”Nazis” were vilified by the jews and Allies much the same way Palestinians are today and for much of the same reason.
”Nazis” were framed by the Allies to cover up Allied atrocities that were far greater than even the Germans were accused of doing. This is how Palestinians are framed for crimes they didn’t commit.
9)”Nazis” were fighting for their homeland which was divided up by the Allies after the war, displacing millions of Germans into rape, slavery and murder. Then the Germans were called the “evil” side.
10)The propaganda against Germany continues to this day, so intense, it has fooled even good people who fight for justice in Palestine. If they knew what happened in WW2, they would know the lies have shifted onto Palestinian people as the “aggressors” and jews as the “victims” when the opposite is true.
11)It was the jewish communists who tortured people for false confessions over accusations of a crime, just as Israelis torture people in their dungeons. “Nazis” did not use torture like that.
12)Jewish propagandists for Stalin called for the mass murder, rape and looting instructing the Red Army to do such evil, as did the Americans and British against Germans. Jews have recently called for the same behavior by the IDF against Palestinians.
How the “Nazis” were like the Palestinians :
1)Both endured the wrath of world jewry.
2)Both suffered genocide, displacement, rape at the hands of the British, Americans and jews.
3)Both have been blamed for crimes they didn’t commit in order to justify the assault against them.
4)Both were family-oriented societies, devout religious communities who wanted to live in peace until the hateful jews began their campaign of terror.
5)Using their propaganda lies, jews were able to convince the world both groups were the enemy who were a threat to the whole world.
6)Jews in both instances demonized the leadership of both nations.
7)Those who defended Germany under Hitler or Palestine today are called the most vile and false labels such as “anti-semite” or “racist” when the opposite was true.
8)Both Germans and Palestinians were punished collectively by the Allies or Israeli/USA. Every civilian was an “enemy combatant” who were the most likely to suffer the mass murder of the jewish controlled nations.
9)Both Germans and Palestinians were bombed in civilian areas with terror saturation bombing and nowhere to hide.
10)Both German and Palestinian children have been detained, tortured, raped and murdered with no sympathy by the psychopathic servants of jews or of jews themselves.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by aysun on 07/18/2015
Oskar Gröning, a bookkeeper at Auschwitz, now aged 94, was convicted two days ago (July 15th, 2015) of crimes against humanity to four years in prison. Funny, all other crimes in Germany have statutes of limitation, but the holohoax myth must be propped up against all evidence.
In comparison, the veterans in the US and Commonwealth are declared the greatest generation, as if they were not one and the same.
Oskar Gröning, a bookkeeper at Auschwitz, now aged 94, was convicted two days ago (July 15th, 2015) of crimes against humanity to four years in prison. Funny, all other crimes in Germany have statutes of limitation, but the holohoax myth must be propped up against all evidence.
In comparison, the veterans in the US and Commonwealth are declared the greatest generation, as if they were not one and the same.
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by thinkforyourself on 07/21/2015
Here is a very telling and revealing quote regarding the true meaning of the term 'final solution':
''Meanwhile, the war against the Soviet Union has allowed us to dispose of new territories for the final solution. Consequently, the Führer has decided to displace the Jews not towards Madagascar but towards the East. Thus, there is no longer any need to consider Madagascar for the final solution.''
- Franz Rademacher, Feb. 10th 1942, Nuremberg Doc. NG-3933
So, in other words, the final solution simply means the deportation of Jews, and this internal Nazi document confirms it.
Here is a very telling and revealing quote regarding the true meaning of the term 'final solution':
''Meanwhile, the war against the Soviet Union has allowed us to dispose of new territories for the final solution. Consequently, the Führer has decided to displace the Jews not towards Madagascar but towards the East. Thus, there is no longer any need to consider Madagascar for the final solution.''
- Franz Rademacher, Feb. 10th 1942, Nuremberg Doc. NG-3933
So, in other words, the final solution simply means the deportation of Jews, and this internal Nazi document confirms it.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
Apparently 'dangerous person'
Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by lizardking on 07/22/2015
Wilder said he didn't direct it
In the book Conversations with Wilder, author Cameron Crowe, (the director of Fast Times At Ridgemont High) asks Wilder:
Crowe: You've never really discussed Death Mills, the documentary you made after the war. What specific memories do you have of the experience?
Wilder: I didn't make it. I just cut it. It was filmed in the concentration camps, the day after the troops came in. All of it. That was cut, only cut. There's not one shot that I made. I just cut it.
Crowe: Some people have written that you directed it.
Wilder: There was nothing to direct. It had to be a natural thing that happened that they were just able to photograph. You cannot have corpses built up in a little funeral pyre. No. 1
Wilder said he wasn't even there
Psychological Warfare's movie featuring the bogus lampshade was shot on April 16, 1945 and according to Wilder he wouldn't even be coming to Europe until 3 weeks after that. In the book On Sunset Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilder by Ed Sikov we read "According to Billy, he was in New York on VE day (Victory in Europe Day, May , where he reported to an office in the Fisk Building."2 He then left the next day, May 9, for Europe.
Evidence #1: His broken alibi
The New York Times described VE Day with a front page article titled "Millions Rejoice in City Celebration." 3 And the Fisk Building where Wilder supposedly reported, is downtown. So one would know if one was there on that day or not. Yet even biographer Ed Sikov concedes in a footnote "Wilder was probably already in London by VE Day, since British newspapers reported his presence there as early as April 18. 4
Evidence #2: Accidentally walking in front of the camera
Above: In his life, Wilder never mentioned being at Buchenwald, yet here he is.
Wilder accidentally walked into a scene while the camera was rolling, and then scooted out quickly. With his trademark glasses and hat, it's unmistakably him. He walks in, and reaches forward to better pose a nearly clothesless inmate (purposely unclothed so that the thinness can be seen on camera). But Wilder changes his mind and backs up, after which we can still see his hands gesticulating for a good 12 more seconds; he then steps back in for another second and we see that he's been talking to the inmate. In other words he's directing. The date on the clapboard is April 15, the day before the forced tour was filmed. The cameraman Ellis W. Carter, like Wilder himself, is a Paramount Studios employee on leave. After Carter accidentally caught Wilder on film, he went on to go film some shrunken heads. Ironically Carter later became the Director of Photography for the Hollywood movie The Incredible Shrinking Man.
Above: Cameraman Ellis W. Carter, in middle, with two Soviet soldiers. The day after filming Wilder, Carter filmed the lampshade.
Years later, the raw footage reel showing Wilder was put up at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum's Steve Spielberg film archive website. 5
Evidence #3: The date of his going-away party doesn't fit his departure date.
As a fluke, we know when Wilder's farewell party occurred: March 24, yet his claimed date of departure is May 9. Why the big difference of a month and a half? Answer: Because Wilder is lying about his departure date to cover being at Buchenwald. We know his going away party date because, unknown to Wilder or Psych Warfare, an FBI spy reported on a German communist in Hollywood, Playwright Bertold Brecht, being at the party and the info got put into an FBI file. 6 Biographer Ed Sikov tries to explain why Wilder's friends would throw the party so early: because Wilder's overseas stint was to start at the end of the war, and no one knew precisely when that would be. Yet that explanation doesn't hold up because Sikov himself then tells us that the English newspapers reported on Wilder's presence as early as April 18, when the war was not yet over. So Wilder's stint in PsyWar did start before the end of the war, and not patly, as Wilder describes, the very day the war ended. 7
Evidence #4: Billy Wilder's Qualifications compared to Psych Warfare's lack of qualifications.
The Allied Psychological Warfare Department (PWD) didn't have anyone working in film. This can be seen by looking in the back of the book Sykewar, the cutesy-titled book about the wartime PWD written by a Jewish American PWD Captain named Daniel Lerner. Looking over the list of staff, one sees that hundreds of people, about half the personnel, were involved with radio. 8 There were also leaflet writers and newspaper production people (the newspapers were then dropped from a plane into enemy territory.) But of the few hundred people, there's no mention of a single person working in film. The PWD obviously wasn't thinking about operations once they won the war, when film would then be an issue. Presumably that's why they recruited Wilder. A former Berlin screenwriter, a member of Paramount's most successful writing team, and a director of major motion pictures for Paramount. 9 No one in Psych Warfare could touch those qualifications. And this was to be a film for a big audience: all West Germany theatergoers, so you needed a professional.
The aborted film project
From what can be pieced together, it appears that the film project at Buchenwald was scotched. Probably because the PWD had no idea they'd find a real horror camp, Belsen, which was overrun by the British the very day Wilder accidentally walked in front of the camera as he was directing an emaciated man on how to act. 10 At that point there appears to be a strategy shift to putting a disingenuous explanation on real footage rather than making up stuff.
Belsen had a horrific number of dead bodies that were not made up by propagandists. Overcrowding, lack of food, and a water supply disrupted by Allied bombing, had turned the camp into a catastrophe of disease, starvation, and death. 25 In comparison, the PWD's shrunken heads and lampshade looked like stupid trickery. A new project was then envisioned which would take many months time and be called "Death Mills. CBS owner and PsyWar Colonel William Paley wrote in a memo:
"the atrocity film we now have in mind is much larger in scope than the one originally intended." 11
Of the original project we have script lines put into a front page New York Times article a couple days later, 12 and we have a 6 minute Buchenwald piece inside an hour long movie called "Nazi Concentration Camps" shown at the Nuremberg Trial. 13 Lastly, there is a 3 minute piece in the 22 minute PsyWar denazification film Death Mills. In other words parts of the original project were minorly used in two other films. And we know this because the lines of film dialogue are nearly the same as lines found in the New York Times article. As an example: The April 18, 1945 front page NYT article referring to the cremation ovens states,
These ovens were of extremely modern design and heated by coke...this concern customarily manufactured baking ovens."
Compare with the narrator for the film Nazi Concentration Camps:
"The ovens of extremely modern design and heated by coke...were made by a concern which customarily manufactures baking ovens."
Billy Wilder becomes a German audience analyzer
With a Buchenwald-centered film project now aborted, and with Wilder living with the major PsyWar people like Paley in a Bad Homburg compound, his new role was sitting in movie theaters observing German audience reaction to the lies PsyWar was trying to push. One and a half months after the end of WWII in Europe, he and Davidson Taylor, who would soon become a Vice President at CBS, went on a trip around Bavaria and observed German audience reaction to an Allied film called "KZ", the German initials for concentration camp. Taylor reported their observations to the Head of Information Control:
Giving that 110% to assure German audience acceptance
At one point, Information Control even went so far as to place a German speaking American agent in the theater when Death Mills played. This agent would decry the movie as lies, just to see how the Germans would react to him. Another Wilder biographer Kevin Lally writes:
In January 1946, Death Mills played for one week in all cinemas in Bavaria. A Foreign Office report described the general reaction as "hushed, with many sighs, tears and turnings away. The audience left quietly at the end, and very few who attended appeared to doubt the veracity of what was shown." At one showing, the report noted, an American agent in plain clothes tested the crowd by shouting that the film was nothing but propaganda, and was immediately threatened by his fellow audience members.16
The irony is that the film WAS propaganda but the only one calling it such was an undercover American agent posing as a German, much to the consternation of the real Germans in the audience.
Lying about a reaction to a lie
In one memorandum Billy Wilder wrote "We are showing them newsreels which carry along with the news a lesson, a reminder, and a warning. A good job has been done, no doubt. Germans on the whole are receptive and the overall reaction is favorable. Attendance ranges from capacity to satisfactory." 17
But, in 1988, an 83 year old Billy Wilder gave a totally different story to the genuflecting German filmmaker Volker Schlöndorff:18
Wilder probably wasn't aware that his own memorandum (if he even remembered writing it) and Taylor's accounts were sitting in obscurity in the National Archives, both saying that the Germans were very amenable to these films. 19 The gist of what Wilder says is that the Germans knew the SS killed the Jews but they don't care. They just want free stuff like pencils. For Wilder, it wasn't enough to lie to the Germans about the holocaust myth: He had to go that extra chutzpah mile to lie about the Germans' reaction to the myth.
Even the part that it was Wilder's idea to withhold bread unless the Germans saw the film isn't exactly true. Ed Sikov clarifies:
"Based on the success of the screening, 114 prints of the film were ordered so that Todesmullen (Death Mills) could be exhibited widely beginning in January. Later, the military government in parts of Bavaria did make screenings of Todesmullen mandatory and attached an attendance record to the Germans' ration cards so they couldn't obtain food unless they saw it, but because this practice was strictly against policy it was soon halted. By that point Billy Wilder had been back in Hollywood for several months." 20
What becomes clear when studying Wilder is that he lies about most everything, wherever it may suit him. For instance, Wilder said he went into the army as a Colonel. Serious biographers, including tenured faculty like Dartmouth's Gerd Gemunden then refer to him as "Colonel Wilder" for the rest of their chapter on Wilder's PsyWar days. But biographer, Ed Sikov, is not as gullible. Doing good research he uncovered lie after lie which was probably not his original intention when he set out to write Wilder's biography. Regarding "Colonel Wilder" Sikov writes:
Billy may have been paid and billeted at a colonel's rank, but army documents inevitably refer to him as Mr. Wilder, not Colonel Wilder. Rank is everything in the military."(pg. 235)
And in the footnote Sikov writes:
"Note on Wilder's rank: The National Archives in College Park, Marland, house many boxes of documents pertaining to the Psychological Warfare Division offices at Bad Homburg and Berlin and the activities of PsyWar employeees. None of these documents refer to Billy Wilder as an officer of the United States Army. Instead, they refer to him as "Mr. Wilder," in contrast for example, to Colonel William Paley." 21
Looking for Grandma, Wilder's fake story.
But Sikov mentions a different version of Wilder in Germany, based on interviewing his driver:
Billy Wilder
His Secret Work on a Holocaust Myth Movie
Wilder could be your best friend or worst nighmare.
Marilyn Monroe and Ilse Koch. It's hard to imagine two more polar opposites. Yet Billy Wilder worked on scripts for both of them. This article offers evidence of Wilder's involvement in the Psychological Warfare Department's ridiculous foray into filmmaking: The denazification film project documenting the citizens of Weimar on a forced tour of Buchenwald and being shown a table display featuring a supposed human skin lampshade, and being told it was made at the request of the commandant's wife, Ilse Koch. The lampshade myth then blowing back into America and becoming associated with the holocaust for generations of Americans who also laughed at Wilder's screwball comedies like Some Like It Hot.
Not that the lampshade was Wilder's idea. It was probably a PsyWar brainchild (along with two shrunken heads) based on camp rumours which Wilder then adapted for the screen. Wilder, however, would adamantly disagree: his story is that he wasn't even on the continent, let alone at Buchenwald at the time. But we'll show he's lying. First lets examine his account:
Wilder said he didn't direct it
In the book Conversations with Wilder, author Cameron Crowe, (the director of Fast Times At Ridgemont High) asks Wilder:
Crowe: You've never really discussed Death Mills, the documentary you made after the war. What specific memories do you have of the experience?
Wilder: I didn't make it. I just cut it. It was filmed in the concentration camps, the day after the troops came in. All of it. That was cut, only cut. There's not one shot that I made. I just cut it.
Crowe: Some people have written that you directed it.
Wilder: There was nothing to direct. It had to be a natural thing that happened that they were just able to photograph. You cannot have corpses built up in a little funeral pyre. No. 1
Wilder said he wasn't even there
Psychological Warfare's movie featuring the bogus lampshade was shot on April 16, 1945 and according to Wilder he wouldn't even be coming to Europe until 3 weeks after that. In the book On Sunset Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilder by Ed Sikov we read "According to Billy, he was in New York on VE day (Victory in Europe Day, May , where he reported to an office in the Fisk Building."2 He then left the next day, May 9, for Europe.
Evidence #1: His broken alibi
The New York Times described VE Day with a front page article titled "Millions Rejoice in City Celebration." 3 And the Fisk Building where Wilder supposedly reported, is downtown. So one would know if one was there on that day or not. Yet even biographer Ed Sikov concedes in a footnote "Wilder was probably already in London by VE Day, since British newspapers reported his presence there as early as April 18. 4
Evidence #2: Accidentally walking in front of the camera
Above: In his life, Wilder never mentioned being at Buchenwald, yet here he is.
Wilder accidentally walked into a scene while the camera was rolling, and then scooted out quickly. With his trademark glasses and hat, it's unmistakably him. He walks in, and reaches forward to better pose a nearly clothesless inmate (purposely unclothed so that the thinness can be seen on camera). But Wilder changes his mind and backs up, after which we can still see his hands gesticulating for a good 12 more seconds; he then steps back in for another second and we see that he's been talking to the inmate. In other words he's directing. The date on the clapboard is April 15, the day before the forced tour was filmed. The cameraman Ellis W. Carter, like Wilder himself, is a Paramount Studios employee on leave. After Carter accidentally caught Wilder on film, he went on to go film some shrunken heads. Ironically Carter later became the Director of Photography for the Hollywood movie The Incredible Shrinking Man.
Above: Cameraman Ellis W. Carter, in middle, with two Soviet soldiers. The day after filming Wilder, Carter filmed the lampshade.
Years later, the raw footage reel showing Wilder was put up at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum's Steve Spielberg film archive website. 5
Evidence #3: The date of his going-away party doesn't fit his departure date.
As a fluke, we know when Wilder's farewell party occurred: March 24, yet his claimed date of departure is May 9. Why the big difference of a month and a half? Answer: Because Wilder is lying about his departure date to cover being at Buchenwald. We know his going away party date because, unknown to Wilder or Psych Warfare, an FBI spy reported on a German communist in Hollywood, Playwright Bertold Brecht, being at the party and the info got put into an FBI file. 6 Biographer Ed Sikov tries to explain why Wilder's friends would throw the party so early: because Wilder's overseas stint was to start at the end of the war, and no one knew precisely when that would be. Yet that explanation doesn't hold up because Sikov himself then tells us that the English newspapers reported on Wilder's presence as early as April 18, when the war was not yet over. So Wilder's stint in PsyWar did start before the end of the war, and not patly, as Wilder describes, the very day the war ended. 7
Evidence #4: Billy Wilder's Qualifications compared to Psych Warfare's lack of qualifications.
The Allied Psychological Warfare Department (PWD) didn't have anyone working in film. This can be seen by looking in the back of the book Sykewar, the cutesy-titled book about the wartime PWD written by a Jewish American PWD Captain named Daniel Lerner. Looking over the list of staff, one sees that hundreds of people, about half the personnel, were involved with radio. 8 There were also leaflet writers and newspaper production people (the newspapers were then dropped from a plane into enemy territory.) But of the few hundred people, there's no mention of a single person working in film. The PWD obviously wasn't thinking about operations once they won the war, when film would then be an issue. Presumably that's why they recruited Wilder. A former Berlin screenwriter, a member of Paramount's most successful writing team, and a director of major motion pictures for Paramount. 9 No one in Psych Warfare could touch those qualifications. And this was to be a film for a big audience: all West Germany theatergoers, so you needed a professional.
The aborted film project
From what can be pieced together, it appears that the film project at Buchenwald was scotched. Probably because the PWD had no idea they'd find a real horror camp, Belsen, which was overrun by the British the very day Wilder accidentally walked in front of the camera as he was directing an emaciated man on how to act. 10 At that point there appears to be a strategy shift to putting a disingenuous explanation on real footage rather than making up stuff.
Belsen had a horrific number of dead bodies that were not made up by propagandists. Overcrowding, lack of food, and a water supply disrupted by Allied bombing, had turned the camp into a catastrophe of disease, starvation, and death. 25 In comparison, the PWD's shrunken heads and lampshade looked like stupid trickery. A new project was then envisioned which would take many months time and be called "Death Mills. CBS owner and PsyWar Colonel William Paley wrote in a memo:
"the atrocity film we now have in mind is much larger in scope than the one originally intended." 11
Of the original project we have script lines put into a front page New York Times article a couple days later, 12 and we have a 6 minute Buchenwald piece inside an hour long movie called "Nazi Concentration Camps" shown at the Nuremberg Trial. 13 Lastly, there is a 3 minute piece in the 22 minute PsyWar denazification film Death Mills. In other words parts of the original project were minorly used in two other films. And we know this because the lines of film dialogue are nearly the same as lines found in the New York Times article. As an example: The April 18, 1945 front page NYT article referring to the cremation ovens states,
These ovens were of extremely modern design and heated by coke...this concern customarily manufactured baking ovens."
Compare with the narrator for the film Nazi Concentration Camps:
"The ovens of extremely modern design and heated by coke...were made by a concern which customarily manufactures baking ovens."
Of course the "concern" Topf and Sons never made baking ovens but this is the kind of hokey shtick PsyWar thought they had to put forth because they didn't know they'd find a place like Belsen. 14 And when PsyWar obtained footage from Belsen, they might have had a change of heart about Wilder: A German Jew who became a Hollywood scriptwriter, was a dubious background for someone given the task of explaining the holocaust to the Germans. And that's not even considering that Wilder's Hollywood scripts had been hardly objective: In his poor-taste comedy, The Major and the Minor (1942), about a Major in the Army who falls in love with a girl he believes is 12 years old but is really a grown woman posing as a 12 year old--a script written before Pearl Harbor, he inserted a pro-war message in the last scene to help convince middle America to get involved in a war with Germany.
Billy Wilder becomes a German audience analyzer
With a Buchenwald-centered film project now aborted, and with Wilder living with the major PsyWar people like Paley in a Bad Homburg compound, his new role was sitting in movie theaters observing German audience reaction to the lies PsyWar was trying to push. One and a half months after the end of WWII in Europe, he and Davidson Taylor, who would soon become a Vice President at CBS, went on a trip around Bavaria and observed German audience reaction to an Allied film called "KZ", the German initials for concentration camp. Taylor reported their observations to the Head of Information Control:
"When the title KZ came on the screen there was a gasp throughout the audience. There were expressions of shock and horror audible throughout the picture. When the title 'Buchenwald' came on the screen, the audience spoke the word almost as one man. The atmosphere was electric throughout the exhibition of the film. There was one completely false note in the film, and a palpable feeling of incredulity ran through the audience when the narrator said that the wife of the commandant of Belsen had made lampshades from tattooed human skin. We have footage showing this collection of tattoos and why it was not used I cannot say. After KZ all of the audience except three women who looked rather ill waited for the cowboy film. They were much disappointed when the manager announced that was all." 15
In other words, the Psychological Warfare Department (PWD) lured the audience in with a cowboy film, then showed them KZ, studied their reaction, and then didn't even bother to show them the cowboy film. Taylor, a civilian, may not have been aware that his companion, Wilder, inside Davidson's own organization, the PWD, had been involved in creating the lampshade story. Davidson and Wilder's observation that the Germans didn't believe the lampshade story may be why that detail didn't make it into the 3 minute Buchenwald segment in Death Mills which was made for the German audience. Ironically the lampshade part did make it into the film Nazi Concentration Camps, shown to the judges at the Nuremberg trial.
Above: A vestige of the original project from PsyWar's hokey lie period. Here being presented by the USA Prosecution team as film evidence to the most high-esteemed court in Western history: The Nuremberg Court. The gallantry of Psy Warrior story-telling brilliance: Tattooed skin becomes a scenario of the S.S. painting on blank skin as a canvas, but not regular paintings, obscene paintings.
Giving that 110% to assure German audience acceptance
At one point, Information Control even went so far as to place a German speaking American agent in the theater when Death Mills played. This agent would decry the movie as lies, just to see how the Germans would react to him. Another Wilder biographer Kevin Lally writes:
In January 1946, Death Mills played for one week in all cinemas in Bavaria. A Foreign Office report described the general reaction as "hushed, with many sighs, tears and turnings away. The audience left quietly at the end, and very few who attended appeared to doubt the veracity of what was shown." At one showing, the report noted, an American agent in plain clothes tested the crowd by shouting that the film was nothing but propaganda, and was immediately threatened by his fellow audience members.16
The irony is that the film WAS propaganda but the only one calling it such was an undercover American agent posing as a German, much to the consternation of the real Germans in the audience.
Lying about a reaction to a lie
In one memorandum Billy Wilder wrote "We are showing them newsreels which carry along with the news a lesson, a reminder, and a warning. A good job has been done, no doubt. Germans on the whole are receptive and the overall reaction is favorable. Attendance ranges from capacity to satisfactory." 17
But, in 1988, an 83 year old Billy Wilder gave a totally different story to the genuflecting German filmmaker Volker Schlöndorff:18
Wilder probably wasn't aware that his own memorandum (if he even remembered writing it) and Taylor's accounts were sitting in obscurity in the National Archives, both saying that the Germans were very amenable to these films. 19 The gist of what Wilder says is that the Germans knew the SS killed the Jews but they don't care. They just want free stuff like pencils. For Wilder, it wasn't enough to lie to the Germans about the holocaust myth: He had to go that extra chutzpah mile to lie about the Germans' reaction to the myth.
Even the part that it was Wilder's idea to withhold bread unless the Germans saw the film isn't exactly true. Ed Sikov clarifies:
"Based on the success of the screening, 114 prints of the film were ordered so that Todesmullen (Death Mills) could be exhibited widely beginning in January. Later, the military government in parts of Bavaria did make screenings of Todesmullen mandatory and attached an attendance record to the Germans' ration cards so they couldn't obtain food unless they saw it, but because this practice was strictly against policy it was soon halted. By that point Billy Wilder had been back in Hollywood for several months." 20
What becomes clear when studying Wilder is that he lies about most everything, wherever it may suit him. For instance, Wilder said he went into the army as a Colonel. Serious biographers, including tenured faculty like Dartmouth's Gerd Gemunden then refer to him as "Colonel Wilder" for the rest of their chapter on Wilder's PsyWar days. But biographer, Ed Sikov, is not as gullible. Doing good research he uncovered lie after lie which was probably not his original intention when he set out to write Wilder's biography. Regarding "Colonel Wilder" Sikov writes:
Billy may have been paid and billeted at a colonel's rank, but army documents inevitably refer to him as Mr. Wilder, not Colonel Wilder. Rank is everything in the military."(pg. 235)
And in the footnote Sikov writes:
"Note on Wilder's rank: The National Archives in College Park, Marland, house many boxes of documents pertaining to the Psychological Warfare Division offices at Bad Homburg and Berlin and the activities of PsyWar employeees. None of these documents refer to Billy Wilder as an officer of the United States Army. Instead, they refer to him as "Mr. Wilder," in contrast for example, to Colonel William Paley." 21
Looking for Grandma, Wilder's fake story.
The heart wrenching fiction Wilder created is that when he was in Europe he searched for his mother and grandmother but came to conclude they had been killed at Auschwitz. The real story, however, is that Wilder attended parties, bought a Georg Grosz painting from a desparate person for a carton of cigarettes, took great delight in the destruction of Berlin, and described how prostitution had now developed there. He drove a car at high speed through Berlin's main street with other German Jews recently turned into American army officers, almost hitting a Berlin man and making a big joke out of it. Biographer Ed Sikov fell for some of Wilder's lies, but exposed many of them also. For the sad contemplative Wilder Sikov writes:
"Wilder traveled to Vienna at some point that summer and stayed in relative comfort in the Hotel Bristol, but he gained no new facts to anchor him. He learned only that Eugenia Wilder Siedlisker (note: his mother) no longer existed. Her name, along with the names of his stepfather and grandmother, did not appear on any lists of the dead. Genia simply ceased....Based on this scant information, Wilder came to believe that his mother and grandmother returned to Krakow and either died in the ghetto there or were crammed into cattle cars and shipped to Theresienstadt and then to Auschwitz. When he watched those miles of unedited atrocity footage in London and Bad Homburg, that is what he saw. He also found, none too surprisingly, a distinct lack of culpability among the Germans and Austrians to whom he spoke:" 22
But Sikov mentions a different version of Wilder in Germany, based on interviewing his driver:
"Berlin in the hot late summer of 1945 was a bizarre landscape of rubble, Allied soldiers, starving Germans, and cocktail parties. In spite of the mass destruction and the stench of rotting bodies, the conquering Allied armies found a way to have a lot of fun. For the winners, Berlin was an ongoing cocktail party held in the surreal setting of an impromptu and overheated morgue. One of Wilder's assigned army drivers, Richard Deinler, remembers this string of celebrations well. Billy knew many of the German film and theater people, of course, and rather than make his young driver sit in his jeep and wait for him, Wilder generously took Deinler along with him to the parties. 'They were always brown-nosing him,' Deinler notes, not too surprisingly. After all, the Germans were eagerly trying to survive the rehabilitation program Wilder was helping to lead. They were angling for jobs... 'He may have been bitter,' says Deinler, 'but he never showed it.'" 23
So which version is right? One clue is information on Wilder's grandmother, Balbina Baldinger. We have a page of Yad Vashem testimony from her son, Mikhael Baldinger who is Billy Wilder's uncle. Mikhael stated that Billy Wilder's grandmother (Mikhael's mother) didn't die in Auschwitz, but in the town of Nowy Targ, Poland. There was no concentration camp there. Rather it was where Balbina owned a hotel. She died at around 76 years old. Wilder when he visited Vienna could have simply drove to Nowy Targ and easily found out that his grandmother died there and didn't get deported anywhere. 24 In other words, he's lying for sympathy.
The Beautiful Woman
Audrey Young was a beautiful actress/model who must have thought the story of Wilder's grandmother being killed at Auschwitz was terrible. She was born to a Los Angeles family of movie industry craftsmen. Her dad and uncles had built stage sets since the silent movie days. Hired for a bit part in one of Wilder's movies, Wilder eventually married her.
Audrey Young undoubtedly believed Wilder's clever lies, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Audrey had a first cousin, a little boy, who she got into the above car advertisement photo-shoot. Audrey's little cousin is holding the kite on the left. His name is Bradley Smith. When he grew up he founded CODOH. Committee For Open Debate on The Holocaust.
All about Shillaphobia
Shun the non-believers!
'Flat Earth Diva'
Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'
Apparently 'dangerous person'
Thinkforyourself- Admin
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Re: The Holocaust/Holohoax
Posted by lizardking on 07/22/2015
II - The Myths of the 20th Century
a - The orders of Hitler for the extermination of the Jews
In his book on "The Destruction of the European Jews", Raoul Hilberg wrote in the first (1961) edition that there were two extermination orders given by Hitler : one in the Spring of 1941 (invasion of Russia), the other a few months later.
But in 1985, "in the second revised edition, every reference to the orders or decisions of Hitler regarding the "final solution" was systematically suppressed."
Source : "The Revised Hilberg". Simon Wiesenthal, Annal 3.1986.p.294)
The 1961 edition indicated on page 171:
In what terms were these orders given?
Hilberg: "According to General Jodl, who wrote the document I quote, the terms were the following : Hitler said he wanted the Jewish Bolshevik commissars to be liquidated. This is the first point...Such was the content of the order described by General Jodl." (4-82)
Hilberg: "The order was oral."
Thus: Hilberg said that General Jodl had said that Hitler had said....!
In his first anti-Semitic diatribes and in "Mein Kampf", Hitler proclaimed his determination to expel the Jews from Germany. We shall henceforth retain only those German texts which employ the expression "final solution" in order to obtain a precise definition of it.
On June 24th 1940, after Germany's victory over France, Heydrich spoke in a letter to Ribbentrop, the Minister of Finance, of a "final territorial solution" ("Eine territoriale Endlosung").
Source : Gerald Flemming."Hitler and die Endlosung." Wiesbaden-Munich, 1982, p.56.
To create a Jewish "reservation" outside Europe, and it was then that Ribbentrop suggested the "Madagascar project". In July 1940, Franz Rademacher who was in charge of Jewish affairs, thus summed up this directive:
"All Jews out of Europe !"
Source: Joseph Billig. "La solution finale de la question juive." Paris 1977.p.58.
This "final territorial solution" was in keeping with the new situation of Germany, which now dominated Europe : it was no longer enough to expulse the Jews from Germany.
Rademacher, who was in charge of the "final solution" project to deport all the Jews from Europe to Madagascar, pointed out that it would take four years to carry it out and in the chapter entitled "Financing", he indicated that "The realization of the final solution (Endlosung) suggested will require considerable means."
Source: N.G. 2586.
b - Goering's letter to Heydrich of July 31st 1941
Heydrich asked Goering:
There again, there is no reference to the assassination of Jews. Only their geographic transfer is mentioned, simply taking into account the new conditions (33.93739374).[1]
Only "final solution" thus consisted of emptying Europe of its Jews by sending them away ever further until the war (supposing the Germans won it) made it possible to place them all in a ghetto outside Europe (as the Madagascar project had been the first suggestion.)
It is impossible to sustain the hypothesis of a secret coded language since clear documents exist for other crimes : euthanasia, the order to kill British commandos, to lynch American airmen and to exterminate the male population of Stalingrad if it were occupied. " For all these crimes, the documents are there. Whereas in this case alone there is nothing, no originals, nor copies, " nor we can add, directives or the orders needed for the execution of such vast directives. (33.9375-9376)
In a memo which circulated in March 1942 in Heydrich's office, the ministers were informed that the Jews of Europe were to be concentrated in the East, "while awaiting to be sent to a distant territory like Madagascar after the war, which will become their homeland... " (34-9545-9546).
Poliakov noted:
Until it was given up, the "Madagascar Plan" was sometimes referred to as the "final solution" to the "Jewish question".
Source : Poliakov. "Le Proces de Jerusalem" Paris, 1963, p.152.
To maintain at all costs the thesis of physical extermination, a subterfuge therefore had to be found:
Source : Gerald Reitlinger. "La solution finale" p.19.
No justification of this hypothesis of a coded language has been given, though the concept of a coded language can be used to give any document any meaning. Here are two examples.
Goering's letter of july 31st 1941 (a month after the letter by Heydrich quoted previously, the meaning of the words would have suddenly changed!). In this letter, Goering completed his directives to Heydrich:
Source : Hilberg (op.cit.) 2nd edition. p.401 (N.G.2586-E.P.S.710.)
It is significant that, quoting this document (on page 108 of his book), Reitlinger cuts out the beginning which refers to emigration and evacuation, while this letter prescribes a new extension of the evacuation measures taken "given the circumstances" at a time when Hitler dominated only Poland in January 1939, and not yet even France, whereas by July 1941, Germany dominated all of Europe.
And yet the meaning of Goering's text is perfectly clear from the first paragraph : the policy of emigration or evacuation of the Jews, practiced until then in Germany, had to spread henceforth, due to the new conquests, to all the zones in Europe under German domination. The "overall solution" took the new situation into consideration. It could only be a "final solution" after the end of the war or, in case of a total victory in Europe, Russia included, a final evacuation to Africa or elsewhere, that would make it possible, in keeping with Hitler's constant goal, " to empty Europe of its Jews."
To sum it up, Goering's directive to Heydrich, unless one wants to interpret it arbitrarily according to a preconceived schema, only applied to Europe what could, until then, only be applied to Germany. It was an inhuman and criminal objective, no doubt, but at no time did it comprise the idea of "extermination" which it was given by the Attorney-General at Nuremberg, Robert M.W. Kempner, who declared:
Goering protested against the English translation of the German word "Gesamtlosung", meaning general solution, as "final solution", which is "Endlosung"; this led Attorney Jackson to acknowledge the falsification and to reestablish the true meaning.
Source: I.M.T., IX, 575
As early as June 24th 1940, Heydrich had informed Ribbentrop of his wish to realize the "final solution" as soon as possible. He wrote:
Source: Evidence number 464 at Eichmann's trial at Jerusalem.
Towards the same time, Himmler had sent Hitler a memoir whose conclusion was:
Source: Vierteljaheshefte, 1957, 197.
Hitler rallied to this suggestion since, on February 10th 1942, Rademacher, who was in charge of the "Deutschland III" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote in an official letter:
Source: Document N.G. 3933 of the Wilhelmstrasse trial, quoted by Reitlinger. "The final solution" p.79, in which he "interprets" again in the sense of "fiction" or "camouflage" without giving the least justification for it.
The original expression was in fact "die Gesamtlosung der Judenfrage" or the complete "overall" solution there would be no going back on. But Goering used it for the first time in the first paragraph of a letter dated 31/7/1941, in which he gave Heydrich the order to prepare it (P.S.710 T.XXVI,p.266)using in the last paragraph the expression "die Gesamtlosung der Judenfrage" and, in time, it prevailed, but with the same meaning and not in the sense of liquidating the problem by liquidating those who were the cause of the problem. Taken in flagrante delicto of tendentious translation by Goering himself on March 20th 1946, Judge Jackson had no option but to admit it (T.IX,p.552). But the press did not breathe a word of this incident which demolished a whole theory.
The second example of this arbitrary change of the meaning of words to justify a thesis is that of the "Grand Wannsee" conference held in Berlin on January 20th 1942.
At the start of the conference, Heydrich reminded his audience that he had just been appointed "to the post of head of the preparation of the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe" (Endlosung der europaischen Judenfrague) and he will henceforth be responsible for the overall measures needed for the final solution of the Jewish question, "without consideration of geographical limitations" (underlined by R.G.)
Heydrich went on to sum up the anti-Jewish policy carried out thus far:
Because of the lightning-quick advance of the German army on the Eastern front (the Soviet Union), Heydrich thus pursued, taking into account the new situation :
Source : N.G.2586 G.
Indeed, this definitive solution could not be carried out until after the war, and this solution was always sought in the same direction : the expulsion of all Jews out of Europe. It was what Hitler told Abetz, the ambassador to Paris specifically : that it was his intention to evacuate all Jews out of Europe after the war.
Source : "Documents on German Foreign Policy" 1918-1945.Series D. Vol.X.p.484.
The Wannsee text (January 20th 1942)
David Irving:
The Wannsee Protocol consists of the minutes of a conference which took place on January 20th 1942, attended by the Secretaries of State administratively concerned by the solution to the Jewish question, and those heads of departments in charge of its execution. In this text, no mention is made of gas chambers or extermination, but only of the transfer of Jews to Eastern Europe.
These minutes have all the characteristics of an apocryphal document if we are to credit the photocopy of them published in Robert N.W. Kempner's "Eichmann und Komplizen", pp. 132 and following (Europa Verlag 1961) : no seal, no date, no signature, ordinary machine type on small format paper, etc....
In any case they make no mention of gas chambers.
In the French versions of it, "die Zuruckdrangung der Juden aus dem Lebensraum des deutschen Volkes" has been translated by "the elimination of the Jews from the vital space of the German people", as it was in English and in Russian.
The Germans, however, preferred to use other expressions to speak of their decision to drive the Jews out of what they called their "vital space", expressions like "Auschaltung" (exclusion, eviction, elimination) and especially "Ausrottung" (extirpation,uprooting). It was this last word which was translated as extermination, which is "Vernichtung" in German.
For example : in his speech at Posen before the Obergruppenfuhrer (the Divisional commanders of the Waffen SS) on October 4th 1943, Himmler said :
In the following sentence, he uses the word "Auschaltung..." (P.S.1919 T.XXIX p.145) to clarify his meaning. In other words :
But in the "Eichmann File", M.Billig translated it as:
Another example : in a note dated 16th December 1941 on one of his talks with Hitler (P.S 1517 T.XXVII p.270) Rosenberg uses the expression "Ausrottung das Judentums".
At the April 17th 1946 session, the American Attorney General Dodd translated it as "Extermination of Jews" (Tome XI,p.562). Rosenberg protested in vain.
Cf. Revue d'Histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale, October 1st 1958, p.62.
It is when it refers to Judaism (Judentum) or the Jewish people (das judische Volk) that the word "Ausrottung" means extermination and applies to individuals, whereas it refers to entities.
The Wannsee conference of January 20th 1942, where, it was claimed for over a third of a century, the decision to "exterminate" European Jews, disappeared from 1984 on from the writings of even the most ferocious enemies of the "revisionists". On this point, they too had to "revise" their history : it was at the Stuttgart Congress of May 1984,where that "interpretation" was dropped.
Source: Eberhard Jackerl and Jurgen Rohwer."Der Mord an der Juden im Zweiten Weltkrieg"('The murder of Jews during the Second World War") Source : DVA. 1985 p. 67
In 1992, Yehuda Bauer wrote in "The Canadian Jewish News" of January 30th that this interpretation of Wannsee was "silly".
Finally, the most recent spokesman for the orthodox antirevisionist historians, the chemist Claude Pressac, confirmed this new revision of orthodoxy. He wrote on page 35 of his book :"Les crematoires d'Auschwitz" (CNRS editions, 1993):
"The Wannsee conference was held in Berlin on January 20th. If an action of "driving back" the Jews towards the East was planned, with the evocation of a "natural" elimination through work, nobody then spoke of liquidation on an industrial scale. During the days and the weeks that followed, the Auschwitz Bauleitung received neither a call, a telegram or a letter demanding the study of an installation adapted to that end."
And even, in his "recapitulative chronology", he indicates on January 20th 1942 :
The "extermination" was revised : it was a question of "driving back".
It is equally remarkable that, in all this book setting itself the goal of "proving" the thesis of extermination, there was no question either of the document which, after that of Wannsee, was supposedly the most decisive: Goering's letter to Heydrich of July 31st 1941, in which it was asserted that the "final solution" meant "extermination", and not the transfer out of Europe.
At the time of the Toronto trial in 1988, there was also a controversy concerning the role of the "Eizenzattsgruppen", a kind of free corps designated by the Hitlerian High Command to annihilate the groups of partisans which formed as soon as the Germans swooped down on Moscow in 1941 ; these groups would surge behind the German army, trying to destroy its reserves of fuel, its supplies and its communication networks, cutting the Germans off from their rear bases.
This form of resistance proved so effective that Hitler gave the harshest of orders to the "Eizenzattsgruppen", to kill off the leaders and the political commissars.
There were many Jews among these political commissars, who played a leading role in which they confronted death bravely.
At the Toronto trial, the problem of the participation of these heroic Jews to the resistance against Hitlerism was evoked at great length.
Christie, Zundel's lawyer, insisted on asking the historian Hilberg, to clarify the meaning of the Nazi orders on this subject.
Christie : The order given to the Einzattsgruppen says : Annihilate the Jewish Bolshevik commissars, and you interpret this as meaning : "Annihilate the Jewish people and the Jewish commissars. Is that correct?
The English historian, David Irving, brought the following information, drawn from original sources, to the Toronto trial.
The lawyer, Christie, quotes page 651 of Hilberg's book in which is written :
Source : Testimony of Kurt Becher. 8th March 1946. P.S. 3762.
Hilberg recognizes that it was not an order by Himmler (4-861 to 864):
One more time, Hilberg said that Becher had said that Himmler had said...(4.867)
After lengthy historical research by scholars of every background under the pressure of revisionist critics, the director of the "Institute of history of the present time" at the National Center of Scientific Research, Mr. Francois Bedarida sums up these works on the "evaluation of the Auschwitz victims" :
Source : "Le Monde", 23rd July 1990.
Nevertheless, people continue after the reduction of the number of victims at Auschwitz-Birkneau from 4 to 1 million, to repeat the global figure : 6 million Jews exterminated, according to the bizarre arithmetic : 6 - 3 = 6.
That the "final solution" to the Jewish problem was to be resolved only after the war is also testified to by the "Braun Mappe" (Brown File) of the Summer of 1941. The paragraph entitled : "Directives for the solution of the Jewish question" specified :
Source : P.S. 702. Henri Monneray. "La persecution des juifs dans les pays de l'Est presentre " Nuremberg" CDJC 1949.
This restatement of the question does involve any attenuation of Hitler's crimes, but simply recalls a piece of evidence which even the most determined partisans of the theory of "extermination" have not overlooked: during the last two years of the war, after Stalingrad, Hitler was fighting a losing battle : the Allies were destroying his war production centres with their bombs and disorganizing his transport network.
He was forced to mobilize new soldiers, emptying his factories as a result. How could he have been fatally obsessed with the will to exterminate his prisoners and Jews, instead of using them, even in inhuman conditions, for working on his sites? Poliakov himself, in his "Breviaire de la haine" (p.3) emphasized this absurd contradiction :
Hannah Arendt also pointed out what was insane about such an operation :
Source : Hannah Arendt. "Le systrme totalitaire" Paris 1972. p.182.
What is even odder is that minds as subtle as Poliakov and Hannah Arendt were so completely clouded by their a prioris that they did not question their Surrealistic assumptions and turn to the documents and the facts.
At Auschwitz-Birkenau, there were powerful implantations of the Farben-industry (chemical), of Siemens (transports) of Portland (construction). At Monovitz (one of the camp annexes to Auschwitz) there were 10,000 prisoners at work, 100,000 civilian workers and 1,000 English prisoners of war.
Source : "German crimes in Poland", Warsaw 1946. Vol. I. p.37.
From 1942 to 1944, out of 39 camps that were satellites of Auschwitz, 31 used prisoners as laborers and 19 of them used a majority of Jews.
On January 25th 1942, Himmler addressed the following directive to the inspector-general of the concentration camps :
Source : N.0. ; 020
a - In May 1944, Hitler ordered the use of 200,000 Jews as workers in theconstruction program of Jager and the Todt organization.
An S S W V H A order dated November 18th 1943 awarded a bonus to prisoners- even Jews - who had distinguished themselves at work.
Source : Auschwitz Museum Center 6 - 1962 p.78.
There is therefore nothing "insane or chimerical", but on the contrary an implacable realism, and an extra refutation of the "exterminationist" themes.
b - Eyewitness accounts
The Auschwitz trial was held in Frankfurt from December 20th 1963 to August 20th 1965, in a vast theater which was well-suited to a showy political operation; the vast legal machine could not avoid being forced to acknowledge in the account of the reasons for its verdict that the elements at its disposal for reaching its verdict were absurdly flimsy.
Source : Page 109 of the account of the reasons for the verdict
According to the accusers, the crime-weapon was the "gas chambers." Yet the judges found no "traces" of them!
It was enough for those gas-chambers to be "notorious" to exist, as in the days of the witch-trials, where no-one would have dared to question the witches' "carnal knowledge" of the devil for fear of being burnt at the stake too.
One of the jurists sent by the United States to Dachau, which had become an American camp and a center of "war-crime trials", Stephen S. Pinter, wrote :
Source: Letter by Pinter to the Catholic weekly, "Our Sunday Visitor", June 14th 1959, p.15.
Lacking written proofs and irrecusable documents, the Nuremberg court was forced to base itself on "eyewitness accounts", like the fictionalized works and the films that came later.
The survivors who were called upon to bear witness and who authenticated the existence of "gas chambers" did it not from what they had seen but what they had "heard said".
A typical and famous example is that of Doctor Benedict Kautzsky, successor to his father at the head of the Austrian Social Democratic party.
After declaring that the maximum period of survival at Auschwitz was three months (though he himself spent three years there), he wrote his book : "Teufel und Verdammt" (published in Switzerland in 1946), in which he declared about the "gas chambers" :
A few eyewitness accounts were regarded as fundamental, notably those of Rudolf Hoess, Saukel and Nyszli ("Doctor at Auschwitz").
The key witness, who turned out to be the perfect witness to "prove" the thesis of the victors disguised as judges was Rudolf Hoess, ex commander of the Auschwitz camp.
The description he gave when he was arrested became the synopsis of his declarations at Nuremberg; it was everything the Court expected of him.
Here is his declaration, written under oath and signed by Rudolf Hoess on April 5th 1946 :
One cannot imagine a more perfect confirmation of the theses which weregoing to be spread by the media for half a century.
And yet this text itself already contains three statements in obvious contradiction with the truth :
How could this "capital testimony" have been recorded without prior verification ?
Höss himself explains it: the first declarations were made under the control of the Polish authorities which had arrested him.
The autobiography of Rudolf Höss indicates on page 174 of the French edition :
(Hoess signed an 8-page typescript at 2.30 in the morning of March 14th 1946 which does not essentially differ from what he later wrote and said at Nuremberg or Cracow.)
Hoess himself describes in hand-written notes made at Cracow the circumstances of the first interrogatory to which he was subjected by the British military police.
Source: Document NO-1210
It was only in 1983 that there was confirmation of the tortures inflicted upon Rudolf Hoess to obtain the "proof" of the "two and a half million" Jews exterminated by him at Auschwitz.
This book was written by Rupert Butler and was called : "Legions of Death" (Hamlyn Paperbacks). It publishes the testimony of Bernard Clarke, who arrested Rudolf Höss after finding out his whereabouts from his wife after threat of death to herself and her children. Hoess was arrested at the farm where he was hiding on March 11th 1946. Butler describes how it took three days of torture to obtain a "coherent declaration", eg. the one we have just quoted, signed March 14th 1946 at 2 in the morning.
As soon as he was arrested, Hoess was beaten so hard that "in the end,the health officer intervened with insistence to the captain : tell him to stop or you'll bring back a corpse."
It must be noted that Butler and his interlocutor Clarke both seem highly satisfied with these acts of torture.
The American enquiry committee made up of judges Van Roden and Simpson, sent to Germany in 1948 to investigate irregularities committed by the American military court at Dachau (which had tried 1,500 German prisoners and sentenced 420 of them to death), established that the accused had been subjected to physical and psychological torture of every sort to force them to make the desired "confessions". Thus 137 out of 139 German prisoners examined had been kicked in testicles, receiving permanent injuries.
Source : Interview with Judge Edward L. Van Roden, in "The Progressive", February 1949.
II - The Myths of the 20th Century
a - The orders of Hitler for the extermination of the Jews
In his book on "The Destruction of the European Jews", Raoul Hilberg wrote in the first (1961) edition that there were two extermination orders given by Hitler : one in the Spring of 1941 (invasion of Russia), the other a few months later.
But in 1985, "in the second revised edition, every reference to the orders or decisions of Hitler regarding the "final solution" was systematically suppressed."
Source : "The Revised Hilberg". Simon Wiesenthal, Annal 3.1986.p.294)
The 1961 edition indicated on page 171:
"How did the phase decreeing death appear? Essentially through two decisions by Hitler. An order was given in the Spring of 1941."
In what terms were these orders given?
Hilberg: "According to General Jodl, who wrote the document I quote, the terms were the following : Hitler said he wanted the Jewish Bolshevik commissars to be liquidated. This is the first point...Such was the content of the order described by General Jodl." (4-82)
Hilberg: "The order was oral."
Thus: Hilberg said that General Jodl had said that Hitler had said....!
In his first anti-Semitic diatribes and in "Mein Kampf", Hitler proclaimed his determination to expel the Jews from Germany. We shall henceforth retain only those German texts which employ the expression "final solution" in order to obtain a precise definition of it.
On June 24th 1940, after Germany's victory over France, Heydrich spoke in a letter to Ribbentrop, the Minister of Finance, of a "final territorial solution" ("Eine territoriale Endlosung").
Source : Gerald Flemming."Hitler and die Endlosung." Wiesbaden-Munich, 1982, p.56.
To create a Jewish "reservation" outside Europe, and it was then that Ribbentrop suggested the "Madagascar project". In July 1940, Franz Rademacher who was in charge of Jewish affairs, thus summed up this directive:
"All Jews out of Europe !"
Source: Joseph Billig. "La solution finale de la question juive." Paris 1977.p.58.
This "final territorial solution" was in keeping with the new situation of Germany, which now dominated Europe : it was no longer enough to expulse the Jews from Germany.
Rademacher, who was in charge of the "final solution" project to deport all the Jews from Europe to Madagascar, pointed out that it would take four years to carry it out and in the chapter entitled "Financing", he indicated that "The realization of the final solution (Endlosung) suggested will require considerable means."
Source: N.G. 2586.
b - Goering's letter to Heydrich of July 31st 1941
Heydrich asked Goering:
"In 1939, you gave me the order to take measures regarding the Jewish question. Must I now extend the task with which you entrusted me to the new territories we have seized in Russia ?"
There again, there is no reference to the assassination of Jews. Only their geographic transfer is mentioned, simply taking into account the new conditions (33.93739374).[1]
Only "final solution" thus consisted of emptying Europe of its Jews by sending them away ever further until the war (supposing the Germans won it) made it possible to place them all in a ghetto outside Europe (as the Madagascar project had been the first suggestion.)
It is impossible to sustain the hypothesis of a secret coded language since clear documents exist for other crimes : euthanasia, the order to kill British commandos, to lynch American airmen and to exterminate the male population of Stalingrad if it were occupied. " For all these crimes, the documents are there. Whereas in this case alone there is nothing, no originals, nor copies, " nor we can add, directives or the orders needed for the execution of such vast directives. (33.9375-9376)
"In January 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Gestapo, had informed the Berlin leaders that the Feurher had decided the evacuation of all the Jews towards the territories of the East, replacing the deportation beyond the sea previously projected." (34-9544)
In a memo which circulated in March 1942 in Heydrich's office, the ministers were informed that the Jews of Europe were to be concentrated in the East, "while awaiting to be sent to a distant territory like Madagascar after the war, which will become their homeland... " (34-9545-9546).
Poliakov noted:
Until it was given up, the "Madagascar Plan" was sometimes referred to as the "final solution" to the "Jewish question".
Source : Poliakov. "Le Proces de Jerusalem" Paris, 1963, p.152.
To maintain at all costs the thesis of physical extermination, a subterfuge therefore had to be found:
"Final solution to the Jewish problem was one of those conventional phrases used to designate the Hitlerian plan to exterminate the European Jews."
Source : Gerald Reitlinger. "La solution finale" p.19.
No justification of this hypothesis of a coded language has been given, though the concept of a coded language can be used to give any document any meaning. Here are two examples.
Goering's letter of july 31st 1941 (a month after the letter by Heydrich quoted previously, the meaning of the words would have suddenly changed!). In this letter, Goering completed his directives to Heydrich:
"As a complement of the task which was assigned to you by the decree of 24/1/1939, in other words to obtain the most advantageous solution possible to the Jewish question by way of emigration and evacuation given the circumstances, I charge you by the present letter to proceed with all the necessary reach an overall solution (Gesamtlesung) of the Jewish question in the zone of German influence in Europe...I charge you with the rapid submission of an overall project (Gesamtentwurf) bearing on the measures of organization and the material and concrete dispositions to realize the final solution of the Jewish question to which we aspire.(Endlosung der Judenfrage.)"
Source : Hilberg (op.cit.) 2nd edition. p.401 (N.G.2586-E.P.S.710.)
It is significant that, quoting this document (on page 108 of his book), Reitlinger cuts out the beginning which refers to emigration and evacuation, while this letter prescribes a new extension of the evacuation measures taken "given the circumstances" at a time when Hitler dominated only Poland in January 1939, and not yet even France, whereas by July 1941, Germany dominated all of Europe.
And yet the meaning of Goering's text is perfectly clear from the first paragraph : the policy of emigration or evacuation of the Jews, practiced until then in Germany, had to spread henceforth, due to the new conquests, to all the zones in Europe under German domination. The "overall solution" took the new situation into consideration. It could only be a "final solution" after the end of the war or, in case of a total victory in Europe, Russia included, a final evacuation to Africa or elsewhere, that would make it possible, in keeping with Hitler's constant goal, " to empty Europe of its Jews."
To sum it up, Goering's directive to Heydrich, unless one wants to interpret it arbitrarily according to a preconceived schema, only applied to Europe what could, until then, only be applied to Germany. It was an inhuman and criminal objective, no doubt, but at no time did it comprise the idea of "extermination" which it was given by the Attorney-General at Nuremberg, Robert M.W. Kempner, who declared:
"With these lines, Heydrich and his collaborators were officially given the task of legal murder (of Jews)."
Goering protested against the English translation of the German word "Gesamtlosung", meaning general solution, as "final solution", which is "Endlosung"; this led Attorney Jackson to acknowledge the falsification and to reestablish the true meaning.
Source: I.M.T., IX, 575
As early as June 24th 1940, Heydrich had informed Ribbentrop of his wish to realize the "final solution" as soon as possible. He wrote:
"The global problem posed by the presence today of some 3 million and 1/4 Jews on the territories presently under German domination can no longer be solved by emigration: a final territorial solution henceforth becomes necessary."
Source: Evidence number 464 at Eichmann's trial at Jerusalem.
Towards the same time, Himmler had sent Hitler a memoir whose conclusion was:
"I hope to see the Jewish question definitively settled thanks to the emigration of all the Jews towards Africa or in a colony."
Source: Vierteljaheshefte, 1957, 197.
Hitler rallied to this suggestion since, on February 10th 1942, Rademacher, who was in charge of the "Deutschland III" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote in an official letter:
"Meanwhile, the war against the Soviet Union has allowed us to dispose of new territories for the final solution. Consequently, the Führer has decided to displace the Jews not towards Madagascar but towards the East. Thus, there is no longer any need to consider Madagascar for the final solution."
Source: Document N.G. 3933 of the Wilhelmstrasse trial, quoted by Reitlinger. "The final solution" p.79, in which he "interprets" again in the sense of "fiction" or "camouflage" without giving the least justification for it.
The original expression was in fact "die Gesamtlosung der Judenfrage" or the complete "overall" solution there would be no going back on. But Goering used it for the first time in the first paragraph of a letter dated 31/7/1941, in which he gave Heydrich the order to prepare it (P.S.710 T.XXVI,p.266)using in the last paragraph the expression "die Gesamtlosung der Judenfrage" and, in time, it prevailed, but with the same meaning and not in the sense of liquidating the problem by liquidating those who were the cause of the problem. Taken in flagrante delicto of tendentious translation by Goering himself on March 20th 1946, Judge Jackson had no option but to admit it (T.IX,p.552). But the press did not breathe a word of this incident which demolished a whole theory.
* * *
The second example of this arbitrary change of the meaning of words to justify a thesis is that of the "Grand Wannsee" conference held in Berlin on January 20th 1942.
At the start of the conference, Heydrich reminded his audience that he had just been appointed "to the post of head of the preparation of the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe" (Endlosung der europaischen Judenfrague) and he will henceforth be responsible for the overall measures needed for the final solution of the Jewish question, "without consideration of geographical limitations" (underlined by R.G.)
Heydrich went on to sum up the anti-Jewish policy carried out thus far:
a - The driving out of Jews from those spheres vital to the German people.-
b - The driving out of Jews from the space vital to the German people.
b - The driving out of Jews from the space vital to the German people.
Because of the lightning-quick advance of the German army on the Eastern front (the Soviet Union), Heydrich thus pursued, taking into account the new situation :
"With the preliminary authorization of the Fuhrer, emigration has left room for another possibility of solution: the evacuation of the Jews towards the East." (underlined by R.G.)
"One cannot however consider these actions as palliatives, but practical experiences already obtained in this field are of significant importance for the future final solution to the Jewish question."
"One cannot however consider these actions as palliatives, but practical experiences already obtained in this field are of significant importance for the future final solution to the Jewish question."
Source : N.G.2586 G.
Indeed, this definitive solution could not be carried out until after the war, and this solution was always sought in the same direction : the expulsion of all Jews out of Europe. It was what Hitler told Abetz, the ambassador to Paris specifically : that it was his intention to evacuate all Jews out of Europe after the war.
Source : "Documents on German Foreign Policy" 1918-1945.Series D. Vol.X.p.484.
The Wannsee text (January 20th 1942)
"In the course of the final solution, Jews will be conveyed under appropriate guidance, towards the East to make use of their labor. They will be separated according to sex. Jews capable of working will be taken in large columns to areas of major works, to build roads, and consequently large numbers will doubtless perish through natural selection.
"Those who will finally remain, who without any doubt will make up the most robust element, must be treated consequently, for they represent a natural selection whose liberation must be considered the germ-cell of a new Jewish development as the experience of history has shown..)" (13-3133)
"Those who will finally remain, who without any doubt will make up the most robust element, must be treated consequently, for they represent a natural selection whose liberation must be considered the germ-cell of a new Jewish development as the experience of history has shown..)" (13-3133)
David Irving:
"I have read the minutes of the Wilhem Strasse trial, the second after that of Nuremberg. There were twelve others afterwards. Not one of them brought testimony according to which the liquidation of the Jews had been discussed at Wannsee." (33-9372-9373)
The Wannsee Protocol consists of the minutes of a conference which took place on January 20th 1942, attended by the Secretaries of State administratively concerned by the solution to the Jewish question, and those heads of departments in charge of its execution. In this text, no mention is made of gas chambers or extermination, but only of the transfer of Jews to Eastern Europe.
These minutes have all the characteristics of an apocryphal document if we are to credit the photocopy of them published in Robert N.W. Kempner's "Eichmann und Komplizen", pp. 132 and following (Europa Verlag 1961) : no seal, no date, no signature, ordinary machine type on small format paper, etc....
In any case they make no mention of gas chambers.
In the French versions of it, "die Zuruckdrangung der Juden aus dem Lebensraum des deutschen Volkes" has been translated by "the elimination of the Jews from the vital space of the German people", as it was in English and in Russian.
The Germans, however, preferred to use other expressions to speak of their decision to drive the Jews out of what they called their "vital space", expressions like "Auschaltung" (exclusion, eviction, elimination) and especially "Ausrottung" (extirpation,uprooting). It was this last word which was translated as extermination, which is "Vernichtung" in German.
For example : in his speech at Posen before the Obergruppenfuhrer (the Divisional commanders of the Waffen SS) on October 4th 1943, Himmler said :
"Ich meine jetzt die Judenevakuirung, die Ausrottung des judischen Volkes...Das judische Volk wird ausgerotten, etc... "
In the following sentence, he uses the word "Auschaltung..." (P.S.1919 T.XXIX p.145) to clarify his meaning. In other words :
"I am now thinking of the evacuation of the Jews, of the extirpation of the Jewish people, etc... "
But in the "Eichmann File", M.Billig translated it as:
"I mean by that the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people." (p.55) and "evacuation of the Jews, IN OTHER WORDS extermination" (p.47).
Another example : in a note dated 16th December 1941 on one of his talks with Hitler (P.S 1517 T.XXVII p.270) Rosenberg uses the expression "Ausrottung das Judentums".
At the April 17th 1946 session, the American Attorney General Dodd translated it as "Extermination of Jews" (Tome XI,p.562). Rosenberg protested in vain.
"But in the speeches of the Nazis, the expression "Ausrottung des Christentums", which was often used, is always translated as " the extirpation of Christianity from German culture"
Cf. Revue d'Histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale, October 1st 1958, p.62.
It is when it refers to Judaism (Judentum) or the Jewish people (das judische Volk) that the word "Ausrottung" means extermination and applies to individuals, whereas it refers to entities.
The Wannsee conference of January 20th 1942, where, it was claimed for over a third of a century, the decision to "exterminate" European Jews, disappeared from 1984 on from the writings of even the most ferocious enemies of the "revisionists". On this point, they too had to "revise" their history : it was at the Stuttgart Congress of May 1984,where that "interpretation" was dropped.
Source: Eberhard Jackerl and Jurgen Rohwer."Der Mord an der Juden im Zweiten Weltkrieg"('The murder of Jews during the Second World War") Source : DVA. 1985 p. 67
In 1992, Yehuda Bauer wrote in "The Canadian Jewish News" of January 30th that this interpretation of Wannsee was "silly".
Finally, the most recent spokesman for the orthodox antirevisionist historians, the chemist Claude Pressac, confirmed this new revision of orthodoxy. He wrote on page 35 of his book :"Les crematoires d'Auschwitz" (CNRS editions, 1993):
"The Wannsee conference was held in Berlin on January 20th. If an action of "driving back" the Jews towards the East was planned, with the evocation of a "natural" elimination through work, nobody then spoke of liquidation on an industrial scale. During the days and the weeks that followed, the Auschwitz Bauleitung received neither a call, a telegram or a letter demanding the study of an installation adapted to that end."
And even, in his "recapitulative chronology", he indicates on January 20th 1942 :
"Wannsee Conference on the driving back of the Jews towards the East" (p.114).
The "extermination" was revised : it was a question of "driving back".
It is equally remarkable that, in all this book setting itself the goal of "proving" the thesis of extermination, there was no question either of the document which, after that of Wannsee, was supposedly the most decisive: Goering's letter to Heydrich of July 31st 1941, in which it was asserted that the "final solution" meant "extermination", and not the transfer out of Europe.
At the time of the Toronto trial in 1988, there was also a controversy concerning the role of the "Eizenzattsgruppen", a kind of free corps designated by the Hitlerian High Command to annihilate the groups of partisans which formed as soon as the Germans swooped down on Moscow in 1941 ; these groups would surge behind the German army, trying to destroy its reserves of fuel, its supplies and its communication networks, cutting the Germans off from their rear bases.
This form of resistance proved so effective that Hitler gave the harshest of orders to the "Eizenzattsgruppen", to kill off the leaders and the political commissars.
There were many Jews among these political commissars, who played a leading role in which they confronted death bravely.
At the Toronto trial, the problem of the participation of these heroic Jews to the resistance against Hitlerism was evoked at great length.
Christie, Zundel's lawyer, insisted on asking the historian Hilberg, to clarify the meaning of the Nazi orders on this subject.
Christie : The order given to the Einzattsgruppen says : Annihilate the Jewish Bolshevik commissars, and you interpret this as meaning : "Annihilate the Jewish people and the Jewish commissars. Is that correct?
Hilberg : Correct.
Christie : It was therefore said, according to you, that it was not a question of killing the Jews, but the Jewish-Bolshevik political commissars.
Hilberg : The order was given to Himmler to "solve the problem".(4839)
Christie : It concerned the problem of the Jewish-Bolshevik political commissars. Which does not mean : the Jewish problem...Was there not a war on between Communism and Nazism ?
Hilberg : Yes, and the political commissars, at the core of the system, had to be shot.
Christie : This did not mean killing the Jews who were there. Did Hitler think that Bolshevism was of Jewish origin and that all the commissars were Jews?
Hilberg : That was propaganda. But it was the intention from the beginning, since June 22nd 1941.
Christie : Is this an article of faith with you?
Hilberg : No. It's not an article of faith, it's a certainty.
Christie : Can you show me Hitler's second order?
Hilberg : I say that there's a decisive directive from Hitler exposed by Goering to Heydrich on July 31st 1941...It was the text which prepared the Wannsee conference.
Christie : Was it an order or a letter from Hitler?
Hilberg : No.
Christie : You wrote in your book : "Hitler gave this second order. Is that correct?
Hilberg : That is correct.
Christie reverts to the meaning of the word "resettlement" in the East. "Does this mean an order to kill all the Jews?" (4-855)
Hilberg : Resettlement" was a synonym for "deporting the Jews to death camps.
Christie : Wasn't there a plan to deport the Jews to Madagascar ?
* * *
Christie : It was therefore said, according to you, that it was not a question of killing the Jews, but the Jewish-Bolshevik political commissars.
Hilberg : The order was given to Himmler to "solve the problem".(4839)
Christie : It concerned the problem of the Jewish-Bolshevik political commissars. Which does not mean : the Jewish problem...Was there not a war on between Communism and Nazism ?
Hilberg : Yes, and the political commissars, at the core of the system, had to be shot.
Christie : This did not mean killing the Jews who were there. Did Hitler think that Bolshevism was of Jewish origin and that all the commissars were Jews?
Hilberg : That was propaganda. But it was the intention from the beginning, since June 22nd 1941.
Christie : Is this an article of faith with you?
Hilberg : No. It's not an article of faith, it's a certainty.
Christie : Can you show me Hitler's second order?
Hilberg : I say that there's a decisive directive from Hitler exposed by Goering to Heydrich on July 31st 1941...It was the text which prepared the Wannsee conference.
Christie : Was it an order or a letter from Hitler?
Hilberg : No.
Christie : You wrote in your book : "Hitler gave this second order. Is that correct?
Hilberg : That is correct.
Christie reverts to the meaning of the word "resettlement" in the East. "Does this mean an order to kill all the Jews?" (4-855)
Hilberg : Resettlement" was a synonym for "deporting the Jews to death camps.
Christie : Wasn't there a plan to deport the Jews to Madagascar ?
* * *
The English historian, David Irving, brought the following information, drawn from original sources, to the Toronto trial.
" ...The final solution to the Jewish problem consisted of deporting them to different territories. One of the hypotheses was Madagascar, especially after the fall of France, but the might of the British and later American fleets made this project impossible to carry out.
The only document I possess is a telephone conversation between Prime minister Lammers and the Feurher in the Spring of 1942, and the Feurher answered him that the final solution would be decided upon only after the end of the war.
Heinrich Himmler wrote to the gauleiters that the Feurher, Adolf Hitler, had given him the order to rid Europe of its Jews from West to East, by stages. It was obviously an order of deportation." (33-935 and 9352).
But this involved no order to exterminate the Jews.
No order of this kind was ever given, nor in the archives of the world, including the Jewish archives which cooperated with me. I must also emphasize that, in the British archives where we had deciphered the German codes of the S.S. units operating on the Eastern front, even with those English machines for deciphering codes, we did not decipher any code in which Hitler gave the order to kill the Jews. Only historians claiming to read between the lines and giving vent to their indignation have been able to decipher such a meaning. (33-93.76) "
* * *
The only document I possess is a telephone conversation between Prime minister Lammers and the Feurher in the Spring of 1942, and the Feurher answered him that the final solution would be decided upon only after the end of the war.
Heinrich Himmler wrote to the gauleiters that the Feurher, Adolf Hitler, had given him the order to rid Europe of its Jews from West to East, by stages. It was obviously an order of deportation." (33-935 and 9352).
But this involved no order to exterminate the Jews.
No order of this kind was ever given, nor in the archives of the world, including the Jewish archives which cooperated with me. I must also emphasize that, in the British archives where we had deciphered the German codes of the S.S. units operating on the Eastern front, even with those English machines for deciphering codes, we did not decipher any code in which Hitler gave the order to kill the Jews. Only historians claiming to read between the lines and giving vent to their indignation have been able to decipher such a meaning. (33-93.76) "
* * *
The lawyer, Christie, quotes page 651 of Hilberg's book in which is written :
"In November 1944, Himmler decided that for all sorts of practical reasons, the Jewish question was solved. On the 25th of the same month, he ordered the dismantling of all the death installations."
Source : Testimony of Kurt Becher. 8th March 1946. P.S. 3762.
Hilberg recognizes that it was not an order by Himmler (4-861 to 864):
"Becher probably presented it from memory in his testimony. He therefore did not need to use the exact language employed by Himmler."
One more time, Hilberg said that Becher had said that Himmler had said...(4.867)
After lengthy historical research by scholars of every background under the pressure of revisionist critics, the director of the "Institute of history of the present time" at the National Center of Scientific Research, Mr. Francois Bedarida sums up these works on the "evaluation of the Auschwitz victims" :
"The collective memory has seized hold of the figure of four million, the very one which, on the faith of a Soviet report, figured until now at Auschwitz on the monument erected to the memory of the victims of Nazism - while in Jerusalem the Yad Vashem museum indicated a total very much above the truth.
And yet, as soon as the war ended, scholarly memory got down to work. The result of these patient and minute investigations was that the figure of four million rested on no serious base and could not be retained.
The court, all the same, relied on an assertion by Eichmann claiming that the extermination policy had caused the death of six million Jews, four million of them in the camps. If now we refer to the most recent works and to the most reliable statistics - as is the case with Raoul Hilberg's work, "Destruction des juifs d'Europe" (Fayard,1988), we come up with a million dead at Auschwitz. A total corroborated by the specialists as a whole since, today, these agree on a number of victims oscillating between 950,000 minimum and 1.2 million maximum."
And yet, as soon as the war ended, scholarly memory got down to work. The result of these patient and minute investigations was that the figure of four million rested on no serious base and could not be retained.
The court, all the same, relied on an assertion by Eichmann claiming that the extermination policy had caused the death of six million Jews, four million of them in the camps. If now we refer to the most recent works and to the most reliable statistics - as is the case with Raoul Hilberg's work, "Destruction des juifs d'Europe" (Fayard,1988), we come up with a million dead at Auschwitz. A total corroborated by the specialists as a whole since, today, these agree on a number of victims oscillating between 950,000 minimum and 1.2 million maximum."
Source : "Le Monde", 23rd July 1990.
Nevertheless, people continue after the reduction of the number of victims at Auschwitz-Birkneau from 4 to 1 million, to repeat the global figure : 6 million Jews exterminated, according to the bizarre arithmetic : 6 - 3 = 6.
That the "final solution" to the Jewish problem was to be resolved only after the war is also testified to by the "Braun Mappe" (Brown File) of the Summer of 1941. The paragraph entitled : "Directives for the solution of the Jewish question" specified :
"All the measures concerning the Jewish question in the lands occupied in the East having to be taken after the war, the Jewish question will find a general solution in Europe."
Source : P.S. 702. Henri Monneray. "La persecution des juifs dans les pays de l'Est presentre " Nuremberg" CDJC 1949.
This restatement of the question does involve any attenuation of Hitler's crimes, but simply recalls a piece of evidence which even the most determined partisans of the theory of "extermination" have not overlooked: during the last two years of the war, after Stalingrad, Hitler was fighting a losing battle : the Allies were destroying his war production centres with their bombs and disorganizing his transport network.
He was forced to mobilize new soldiers, emptying his factories as a result. How could he have been fatally obsessed with the will to exterminate his prisoners and Jews, instead of using them, even in inhuman conditions, for working on his sites? Poliakov himself, in his "Breviaire de la haine" (p.3) emphasized this absurd contradiction :
"It would have been so much more economical to have made them carry out the hardest work, parking them in a reservation for instance."
Hannah Arendt also pointed out what was insane about such an operation :
"The Nazis turned straightforwardly useless into the harmful when, right in the middle of the war, despite the penury of building materials and of rolling stock, they erected huge and costly extermination factories and organized the transport of millions of people...the manifest contradiction between this behavior and military imperatives gives the entire undertaking a mad, chimerical air."
Source : Hannah Arendt. "Le systrme totalitaire" Paris 1972. p.182.
What is even odder is that minds as subtle as Poliakov and Hannah Arendt were so completely clouded by their a prioris that they did not question their Surrealistic assumptions and turn to the documents and the facts.
At Auschwitz-Birkenau, there were powerful implantations of the Farben-industry (chemical), of Siemens (transports) of Portland (construction). At Monovitz (one of the camp annexes to Auschwitz) there were 10,000 prisoners at work, 100,000 civilian workers and 1,000 English prisoners of war.
Source : "German crimes in Poland", Warsaw 1946. Vol. I. p.37.
From 1942 to 1944, out of 39 camps that were satellites of Auschwitz, 31 used prisoners as laborers and 19 of them used a majority of Jews.
On January 25th 1942, Himmler addressed the following directive to the inspector-general of the concentration camps :
"Get ready to take in 100,000 Jews...Over the coming weeks, important economic tasks will be entrusted to the concentration camps."
Source : N.0. ; 020
a - In May 1944, Hitler ordered the use of 200,000 Jews as workers in theconstruction program of Jager and the Todt organization.
An S S W V H A order dated November 18th 1943 awarded a bonus to prisoners- even Jews - who had distinguished themselves at work.
Source : Auschwitz Museum Center 6 - 1962 p.78.
There is therefore nothing "insane or chimerical", but on the contrary an implacable realism, and an extra refutation of the "exterminationist" themes.
b - Eyewitness accounts
The Auschwitz trial was held in Frankfurt from December 20th 1963 to August 20th 1965, in a vast theater which was well-suited to a showy political operation; the vast legal machine could not avoid being forced to acknowledge in the account of the reasons for its verdict that the elements at its disposal for reaching its verdict were absurdly flimsy.
"The court lacked almost all the means of information which an ordinary criminal trial disposes of to compose a faithful portrayal of events such as they really occurred. The bodies of the victims lacking, the autopsy reports, the conclusions of the experts as to the cause of death; traces left by the culprits were lacking, crime weapons, etc...It was possible to check the accounts only in a very few cases."
Source : Page 109 of the account of the reasons for the verdict
According to the accusers, the crime-weapon was the "gas chambers." Yet the judges found no "traces" of them!
It was enough for those gas-chambers to be "notorious" to exist, as in the days of the witch-trials, where no-one would have dared to question the witches' "carnal knowledge" of the devil for fear of being burnt at the stake too.
One of the jurists sent by the United States to Dachau, which had become an American camp and a center of "war-crime trials", Stephen S. Pinter, wrote :
"I lived at Dachau for 17 months after the war as US military judge, and can testify that there was no gas chamber at Dachau. What they show visitors is presented in an erroneous manner as a gas chamber, being a crematorium oven. Nor were there any gas chambers in the concentration camps in Germany. We were told that there was a gas chamber at Auschwitz, but as Auchwitz was in the Russian zone, we did not have permission from the Russians to visit...they thus made use of the old propaganda myth according to which millions of Jews were killed. I can attest, after 6 years spent in Germany and Austria after the war, that many Jews were killed, but that the figure of 1 million was certainly never reached, and I believe myself to be better-qualified than anyone else on this subject."
Source: Letter by Pinter to the Catholic weekly, "Our Sunday Visitor", June 14th 1959, p.15.
Lacking written proofs and irrecusable documents, the Nuremberg court was forced to base itself on "eyewitness accounts", like the fictionalized works and the films that came later.
The survivors who were called upon to bear witness and who authenticated the existence of "gas chambers" did it not from what they had seen but what they had "heard said".
A typical and famous example is that of Doctor Benedict Kautzsky, successor to his father at the head of the Austrian Social Democratic party.
After declaring that the maximum period of survival at Auschwitz was three months (though he himself spent three years there), he wrote his book : "Teufel und Verdammt" (published in Switzerland in 1946), in which he declared about the "gas chambers" :
"I did not see them personally, but so many faithworthy people confirmed their existence."
"Il will hier noch eine kurze Shilderung der Gaskannmern einflechten, die ich zwar selbst nicht gesehen habe, die mir iber von so vielen glaubwurdig dargestellt worden sind... "
"Il will hier noch eine kurze Shilderung der Gaskannmern einflechten, die ich zwar selbst nicht gesehen habe, die mir iber von so vielen glaubwurdig dargestellt worden sind... "
A few eyewitness accounts were regarded as fundamental, notably those of Rudolf Hoess, Saukel and Nyszli ("Doctor at Auschwitz").
The key witness, who turned out to be the perfect witness to "prove" the thesis of the victors disguised as judges was Rudolf Hoess, ex commander of the Auschwitz camp.
The description he gave when he was arrested became the synopsis of his declarations at Nuremberg; it was everything the Court expected of him.
Here is his declaration, written under oath and signed by Rudolf Hoess on April 5th 1946 :
"I was commander of Auschwitz until December 1st 1943, and I estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed there and exterminated by gassing and cremation, and that at least half a million others died there of hunger and disease, which makes a up a total of about 3,000,000 dead. The "final solution" of the Jewish question signified the extermination of all the Jews in Europe. I received the order to prepare the extermination at Auschwitz in June 1941. At that time, there already existed three other extermination camps in the general government : Belzec, Treblinka, Wolzek."
One cannot imagine a more perfect confirmation of the theses which weregoing to be spread by the media for half a century.
And yet this text itself already contains three statements in obvious contradiction with the truth :
1 - The number of 3 million dead at Auschwitz, needed to justify the total number of Jewish victims (6 million), official figure proclaimed from the start at Nuremberg and which has never ceased to be the leitmotif of official history and of the media since that time, has to be reduced by at least two thirds, as the new commemorative plaque at Auschwitz-Birkenau proves, on which the figure of four million has been replaced by: a little over a million.
2 - The camps of Belzec and Treblinka did not exist in 1941. They were not opened until 1942.
3 - As for the Wolzek camp, it never existed on any map.
2 - The camps of Belzec and Treblinka did not exist in 1941. They were not opened until 1942.
3 - As for the Wolzek camp, it never existed on any map.
How could this "capital testimony" have been recorded without prior verification ?
Höss himself explains it: the first declarations were made under the control of the Polish authorities which had arrested him.
The autobiography of Rudolf Höss indicates on page 174 of the French edition :
"At the time of my first cross-examination, the first confessions were obtained by beating me. I do not know what there is in that report although I signed it." (5.956).
(Hoess signed an 8-page typescript at 2.30 in the morning of March 14th 1946 which does not essentially differ from what he later wrote and said at Nuremberg or Cracow.)
Hoess himself describes in hand-written notes made at Cracow the circumstances of the first interrogatory to which he was subjected by the British military police.
"I was arrested on March 11th 1946 at llPM...The Field Security Police subjected me to painful treatment. I was dragged until Heide, precisely to the barracks where, eight months earlier, I had been released by the English. It was there I was interrogated for the first time, during which harsh means were used. I do not know the contents of the report even though I signed it. So much liquor and whip-lashes got the better even of me...A few days later, I was taken to Meiden-on-the-Weser, the main interrogation center of the British zone. There, I fared even worse at the hands of a public attorney, a commander."
Source: Document NO-1210
It was only in 1983 that there was confirmation of the tortures inflicted upon Rudolf Hoess to obtain the "proof" of the "two and a half million" Jews exterminated by him at Auschwitz.
This book was written by Rupert Butler and was called : "Legions of Death" (Hamlyn Paperbacks). It publishes the testimony of Bernard Clarke, who arrested Rudolf Höss after finding out his whereabouts from his wife after threat of death to herself and her children. Hoess was arrested at the farm where he was hiding on March 11th 1946. Butler describes how it took three days of torture to obtain a "coherent declaration", eg. the one we have just quoted, signed March 14th 1946 at 2 in the morning.
As soon as he was arrested, Hoess was beaten so hard that "in the end,the health officer intervened with insistence to the captain : tell him to stop or you'll bring back a corpse."
It must be noted that Butler and his interlocutor Clarke both seem highly satisfied with these acts of torture.
The American enquiry committee made up of judges Van Roden and Simpson, sent to Germany in 1948 to investigate irregularities committed by the American military court at Dachau (which had tried 1,500 German prisoners and sentenced 420 of them to death), established that the accused had been subjected to physical and psychological torture of every sort to force them to make the desired "confessions". Thus 137 out of 139 German prisoners examined had been kicked in testicles, receiving permanent injuries.
Source : Interview with Judge Edward L. Van Roden, in "The Progressive", February 1949.
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