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Questions About the Flat Earth

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Population growth is impossible to account for if Earth is old.

Post by damnice Thu May 25, 2017 9:10 am

Foreverlearning wrote:
Hi Mar L I have been watching a YouTube channel "NewEarth" and she mentions some very compelling information about our time lines and survivors of Atlantis.
It is most definitely food for thought.

I'm a huge fan of simple logical concepts and proofs. If human growth was a steady and VERY conservative 1% per year, starting with only 2 people 4000 years ago, we'd have 38,000 trillion people alive today. They are lying to us about many things, population could very well be one of them. The age of Earth is definitely falsified in the science community. They tell us the population growth % has been slowing which makes the proposed timeline seem even more far fetched.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 OlTCr0b

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Santiago de Chile to Sydney

Post by eazierider Tue May 30, 2017 12:37 pm

Hello everyone,

the one ball argument I have trouble debunking is the direct flight between Santiago de Chile and Sydney.

They claim this distance wouldn't be impossible to cover with a direct flight on the AE map, which the ballers claim is "our" map.

My best explanation is that the AE map is not the actual flat earth map. But you can see how it's a weak point, because all I can say is, "we don't know" at this point.

Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly happy with stating that we don't fully understand the entire layout of this planet yet given centuries of misinformation and indoctrination. I was just wondering whether someone had any more information on this particular problem?

Thanks and kind regards,



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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue May 30, 2017 12:53 pm

eazierider wrote:
the one ball argument
I have trouble debunking
is the direct flight between Santiago de Chile and Sydney

You have trouble debunking Spinning Balls that hold water around their circumference?
You have trouble debunking Curvature for Perspective?

If your sitting on the Baller Fence, let me suggest you read more and ask less question on this flat Earth Forum.

We have covered these auto generated flights in the TOPIC: Flight Routes, Shipping Routes, Under Sea Cables

These fights are auto generated based on someone implementing two locations. Let me advise you that Qantas does not fly out of the International Terminal Santiago.

There are no nonstop flights from Santiago de Chile and Sydney
There are no shipping lanes from Santiago de Chile and Sydney
There are no under sea cables from Santiago de Chile and Sydney

If you have further details related to these flights, please make sure to provide PROOF OF PURCHASE within the Topic provided.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by eazierider Tue May 30, 2017 1:24 pm

Thanks for the quick reply.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Tue May 30, 2017 1:25 pm

eazierider wrote:Thanks for the quick reply.

Welcome to IFERS.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by eazierider Tue May 30, 2017 2:08 pm

And just to clarify: the reason I asked is that those flights are listed on Quantas own website.

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Bildsc10
Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Bildsc11

Add this video – by a guy who I know is listed as a shill here – and it made me ask the question.


I by no means need further proof that we're not living on a spinning ball. I just wanted every argument I could come up with to be water tight. And I needed one for anybody who might show me this video.

I apologize for not having searched long enough to find the topic you linked to on my own.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Amateur airplanes question

Post by Reddoctober Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:08 pm

Model rc airplanes can fly at 440+ mph.

Do you think it could make it to "space" or whatever is above us?

An rc craft has even flown across the ocean.

They run on scale jet turbine engines.

An amateur rocket might be too expensive to make but one of these might be more affordable to explore the upper atmosphere with a camera.



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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:25 am

eazierider wrote:And just to clarify: the reason I asked is that those flights are listed on Quantas own website.

I guarantee if you actually pay for the ticket YOURSELF one of two things will happen.

1: You will be informed there are no seats available on the direct flight and offered a stop-over flight instead once your payment has been processed.
2: On the day you arrive at the airport for the direct flight you will be informed it has either, been cancelled, or the plane has a problem, and you will be transferred to an alternative non-direct flight with a stop-over.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Pearshapidness Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:00 pm

Hello all, I was recently in a debate with a globulist in the comment section of youtube, the video was "testing flattards part 1" by coolhardlogic.  My comment started with a list of reasons why the earth was flat, about 4 days ago if you want to read it(my avatar is neil the ass Tysons face in a pear haha )  In the thread I go on to argue that the Cavendish effect is better explained by van der waals forces/electromagnetism than the mystical, mechanismless 'gravity'.  This is an excerpt from the debate that I wanted to bounce off Eric Dubay if possible, or anyone who can provide substance, to get the counter explanation for the question the character "jimsmithinchiapas" asked.  Here it is, this is him responding to me:

"@Pearshapidness  "It’s all reverse engineered" You're misrepresenting my question as well as evading it. I asked you, specifically, about *previously-undetected comets*, many of whose orbits are hyperbolic (and therefore cannot be periodic). If you had the slightest knowledge of the subject upon which you're expounding, you'd know that astronomers can, within days of first detecting such comets, predict the comets' perihelia accurately and routinely, even though the perihelia are months away.

The examples you've given in response refer, instead, to long-studied phenomena that are know to be periodic. Yes, those predictions can be "reverse-engineered"; many ancient peoples did so. But your examples are irrelevant to the case of previously-undetected comets. So, again: How can astronomers predict orbits of previously-undetected comets accurately, using orbital-mechanics calculations based upon gravity, if there is no such thing as gravity?

I admittedly don't know much about comets, meteor showers etc, especially since much of the information seems to come from heliocentrists and is therefore highly suspicious, but I would greatly value Mr. Dubay's or anyone else's input in giving an answer to this question.  I did do some research and read an article about NASA possibly faking the path of the comet NEAT but Id like to hear what you folks here at IFERS have to say in response to the globulists question.  Thanks, and happy thanksgiving!


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Admin Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:11 pm

by starfox42 Today at 8:58

They can't. You can send people private messages if you'd like to ask direct questions, and there's a load of good information in this forum on the subject already, I suggest you look around a bit. Also, seems you're forgetting that the people you're arguing with suffer from cognitive dissonance and believe just as they can see the sun 93 million miles away that people are actually predicting orbits and using "orbital mechanics based on gravity." Ask one of them to show you a gravity measurer.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty “Great American Solar Eclipse 2017”

Post by ForeverFlat Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:57 am

Is anyone aware of any footage of the FP Pendulum, taken during the this years past solar eclipse? I was curious if anyone had come across, or personally documented Foucault’s parlor trick, during this solar event. I haven’t seen any yet. If anyone else has, please reach out, much love. ✌️

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:48 am

Pearshapidness wrote:
How can astronomers predict orbits of previously-undetected comets accurately, using orbital-mechanics calculations based upon gravity, if there is no such thing as gravity?

Ask him to provide evidence of a previously undiscovered comet which astronomers have used orbital-mechanics and calculations to successfully predict it's return.
If he states Halleys Comet you'll know he is full of shit Smile

Halleys Comet was known about hundreds of years before Edmond Halley postulated it was a returning comet, which then gave his name to the comet. (It was first observed in 240 BC)
Incidentally it's last pass over the sky was in 1986 and the Challenger was due to observe it, and we all know what happened to the 1986 Challenger launch..

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Anej Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:18 pm

Hi, I have to say that, being a researcher in a completely different scientific field, most of the major advances I have seen stemmed from a truly objective standpoint questioning and very often relaxing many a hypothesis that are at the core of the academic establishment and politically correct, often contradicting the basic building blocks of the general consensus.
Having looked at videos and read about the flat earth model, I found many ideas to be very elegant indeed.
I have one question though: I have been travelling very often on a Boeing 737-800 at 10,000 meters altitude at a cruising speed of 850 kilometres an hour over Spain, several times with a 5/5 visibility with no clouds and clear view of the ground.
Knowing the distances between the various cities as well as the main rivers and the general geography of the country, I would say that one can clearly see up to about 350 kilometers in all directions.
Assuming the flat earth model placing the sun at 5,000 kilometers altitude, if we imagine an observer to be at 5,000 kilometers altitude, one would expect to be able to see in all directions up to 5,000/10= 500 times further than me in the plane. That would mean that the sun should be creating an area of light on the ground with a radius of 500*350=175,000 kilometers.
The outer (Antarctica) ring of the flat earth model has a circonference of 84,000 kilometers, therefore a radius of 13,400 kilometers.
That would mean that the sun would be clearly visible from any point on earth at all times. Which is not the case.
Therefore the only way for the sun to be creating an area of light on the ground, when circling on the Tropic of Cancer, that does not light further than the central North Pole would be that the lit area has a radius of at most 6,700 kilometers, which would place the sun at an altitude 175/6.7=26 times lower than earlier assumed, that is 200 kilometers altitude.
But that would mean that the area lit stops at the equator and only the northern hemisphere is lit. Which is not the case.
That leads me to the question: what is the altitude of the sun and what is the radius of the lit area?
Many thanks in advance.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by FL@T-E@RTH Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:11 pm

Anej wrote:Hi, I have to say that, being a researcher in a completely different scientific field, most of the major advances I have seen stemmed from a truly objective standpoint questioning and very often relaxing many a hypothesis that are at the core of the academic establishment and politically correct, often contradicting the basic building blocks of the general consensus.
Having looked at videos and read about the flat earth model, I found many ideas to be very elegant indeed.
I have one question though: I have been travelling very often on a Boeing 737-800 at 10,000 meters altitude at a cruising speed of 850 kilometres an hour over Spain, several times with a 5/5 visibility with no clouds and clear view of the ground.
Knowing the distances between the various cities as well as the main rivers and the general geography of the country, I would say that one can clearly see up to about 350 kilometers in all directions.
Assuming the flat earth model placing the sun at 5,000 kilometers altitude, if we imagine an observer to be at 5,000 kilometers altitude, one would expect to be able to see in all directions up to 5,000/10= 500 times further than me in the plane. That would mean that the sun should be creating an area of light on the ground with a radius of 500*350=175,000 kilometers.
The outer (Antarctica) ring of the flat earth model has a circonference of 84,000 kilometers, therefore a radius of 13,400 kilometers.
That would mean that the sun would be clearly visible from any point on earth at all times. Which is not the case.
Therefore the only way for the sun to be creating an area of light on the ground, when circling on the Tropic of Cancer, that does not light further than the central North Pole would be that the lit area has a radius of at most 6,700 kilometers, which would place the sun at an altitude 175/6.7=26 times lower than earlier assumed, that is 200 kilometers altitude.
But that would mean that the area lit stops at the equator and only the northern hemisphere is lit. Which is not the case.
That leads me to the question: what is the altitude of the sun and what is the radius of the lit area?
Many thanks in advance.

What a load of pseudo-intellectual garbage

I would say...

Assuming the Flat Earth model...

If we imagine...

One would expect...

That would mean...

For someone who claims to be from a scientific research standpoint, that's a lot of assumptions,
We deal with objective, provable and demonstrable, not assumptions, presumptions and theory.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Skywalker Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:15 pm


Like the rest of us, you don't know what the sun is, so don't assume to know any of its properties.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Interesting take on the Flat Earth magnetic pole swap.

Post by Tsaltsrif Fri May 11, 2018 2:08 am

I've come across a channel on jewtube by the name of brianaustinlambert33. I'm wondering if any of you have seen or heard anything about it.

Here's a link to the first video in his series "100% Correct Working Model of Everything and The Coming Worlwide Catastrophe"

Now, I'm not saying that I buy into the end of the world schtick, but there seems to be some level of credence of what he's talking about. If you look up:
1. magnetostratification and the 'brunhes matuyama gauss gilbert' lines
2. Electrical Discharges carved the American Southwest https://youtu.be/ecDDczEogR0
3. Primer fields. https://youtu.be/9EPlyiW-xGI

If anything It's another fascinating subject. Terrifyingly fascinating.

What do you guys think? If you've done any of your own research And come across anything interesting let me know.


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by mitch Fri May 11, 2018 4:02 pm

Christ psychotic fear porn

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:16 am

Variable speed sun.

I thought I would share my numbers on what I believe to be the rough figures of the sun's variable speed and circumferential expansion/contraction as it annually moves back and forth between the two Tropics. I choose to do it here in the Questions About the Flat Earth thread so that it is not perceived as this member presuming to post information as though proven fact, or in another thread that might be considered inappropriate due to the fact that these are the figures I've worked on, and it may be that another (or others) have already done this, and our conclusions are not in harmony. But I do wish to throw these numbers out there for the community to look at, challenge, correct, or outright prove incompatible with our goal to arrive at truth by way of zetetic inquiry into those demonstrable facts that have already proved we live on a stationary horizontal plane Earth with irregular hills and valleys throughout it, without the need for the numbers I now share.

Please feel free to criticize, correct, or prove way out in left field. Regardless of what comes of this (assuming any are interested in discussing it, I will bet the bank that my conclusion, based on these numbers, is rock solid correct.

And with that, here is what I have come up with:

The sun travels from solstice to solstice, 24 degrees (rounded for simplicity’s sake) either side of the Equator.

Therefore the sun, when at the equator during an equinox, is 90 degrees from the north center point, or stated in “global” parlance, 0 degrees latitude.

However, a flat earther’s point of reference would be 0 degrees at the north center point (the Center of the earth), with latitude lines stepping out 69 miles per line around that center point, if indeed each latitude line is correctly figured based on the pretended “globe” size of 24,901 miles.

Sixty nine miles between latitude lines.

24 degree N latitude line, 4,554 miles radius (66 lines x 69), times 2 =
a diameter of 9,108 miles.
Equator line, 6,210 miles radius (90 lines x 69), times 2 =
a diameter of 12,420 miles.
24 degree S latitude line, 7,866 miles radius (114 lines x 69), times 2 =
a diameter of 15,732 miles.

Now that we have the diameter sizes of each circle--- 24N latitude, 0/90 Equator, 24S latitude--- using the calculator at,


we can convert the above diameters to circumference lengths and ascertain the rough speed of the sun at 24N/Equator/24S:

24 degree N latitude line circumference: 28,614 miles.
Equatorial latitude line circumference: 39,019 miles.
24 degree S latitude line circumference: 49,423 miles.

"Distance divided by time equals speed.”

28,614 divided by 24 = 1,192 mph at 24 degrees N.
39,019 divided by 24 = 1,626 mph at the equator.
49,423 divided by 24 = 2,059 mph at 24 degrees S.

We find that the sun travels at a variable speed, in the same 24 hours daily throughout the year— and going much faster at the southern Tropic, with its much larger circumference, than at the northern Tropic, with its much smaller circumference.

FINALLY, and with the above information, we can get the rough estimate of the incremental daily speed change of the sun every 6 months as he expands/contracts between the two Tropics yearly.

Speed at southern Tropic, keeping 24 hours: 2,059 mph
Speed at northern Tropic, keeping 24 hours: 1,192 mph
DIFFERENCE: 867 mph, fast to slow, and vice versa

867 mph, divided by 180 days (roughly the 6 months between solstices), equals 4.8 mph the sun accelerates/decelerates daily, in each 6 month period, as it faithfully marks out the 24 hour days we experience.


[EDIT] I remember I had addressed these numbers, and did put them in the Sun, Moon, Stars Proves Flat Earth thread (what jogged my memory is the 'doodles' I had done when first looking at this subject). I'm going to leave this here, because for one thing it hadn't occurred to me to figure the daily incremental speed change in that other thread, but also because I would like input from any others who wish to challenge/improve/disprove my numbers.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:19 pm

FINALLY, and with the above information from my previous post, we can ascertain the rough change in miles the sun’s circumpolar path expands/contracts daily as it circles the North Pole.

At the (southern) Tropic of Capricorn the radius is: 7,866 miles.
At the (northern) Tropic of Cancer the radius is: 4,554 miles.

The daily expansion/contraction of the sun, as his circumferential travel expands/contracts between the two Tropics is roughly 18.4 MILES PER DAY. (7,866 miles radius at southern Tropic, minus 4,554 miles radius at northern Tropic equals 3,312 miles, divided by 180 days between solstices)

I'm open to any discussion, criticism, correction regarding this, and the immediate above post. That's why I put them in this thread; so that we may question them together.

Thus far I'm not aware of any interest in wrestling with with the computations discussed. Should we be able to determine rough distances, speeds, heights based on a logical extrapolation from the demonstrable facts in nature we can prove to be true?

I've been walking almost daily from our present position in Montana, and I've been aware of the temperature cooling these last 30 days. And seeing now some leaves just beginning to fall, it seems to me that the sun expanding its concentrical ring of travel by 18.4 miles per day, by the rough estimate above, and over the time we've been at this campground, makes perfect sense (as far as ROUGH figures go), as I've been cognizant of what is occurring above me daily on my walks. And if the rough estimates are true, over the last 30 days the sun is some 552 miles closer to the southern Tropic, and that much further away from me, than when we first got here.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by vortexpuppy Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:57 pm

Seeing this post reminded me of something similar I put on the old forum.
I found it again on my computer ...

Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Globep10

Nothing wrong with your logic and calculations Mark.

"It remains an inconvenient but unquestionable truth of logic that one can be perfectly logical and yet, with false premises, never say anything true."

I would definitely want to tangibly verify with free exploration Smile


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:30 am

That's an interesting chart, vortexpuppy.

To anchor to a starting point on it, I began with their claim of an equator radius of 3,963 miles along the equator for the "Flattened Earth 1," with their note "using radius of Earth extrapolated, then ball viewed from above." That won't work, because 3,963 divided by the 90 latitude lines between equator and Pole = 44 miles between latitude lines.

And 44 miles, times 360 latitude lines = 15,840 miles circumference of the imagined spaceball, well short of the 24,901 miles circumference generally accepted.

However, looking at "Flattened Earth 2" the figures are much closer to what I used. And I was lazy in that I just rounded up to 24 degrees to get rough estimates. It would have been more accurate to use 23.26 degrees, or at the very least, gone ahead and used 23.5.

4,554/4,584 Cancer
6,210/6,214 Equator
7,866/7,844 Capricorn

I'm curious who made the chart. It's almost like they threw in a red herring, "Flattened Earth 1," because those numbers aren't even remotely close. Agreed? Do you know where the chart came from? Was it possibly a Copernican trying to obfuscate, confuse, and attempt to 'debunk' flat earth, kind of like we see Flat Earth Math always doing?

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by vortexpuppy Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:08 am

I made the chart about 4 years ago Mark at the very start of my journey.
I was theorizing as you yourself are, how the sphere/plane map might correlate.

Flattened 1 was more to prove to myself that it couldn't be twice the accepted radius.

Flattened 2 used the arc length from Pole to Equator (as per the definition of a spherical radius) that is given to us as 10.000km and that was used as the very definition of a meter (now replaced by "atomic" bullshit clocks).

HTH - Gav


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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by Schpankme Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:57 am

markwilson wrote:
"Distance divided by time equals speed.”

28,614 divided by 24 = 1,192 mph at 24 degrees N.
39,019 divided by 24 = 1,626 mph at the equator.
49,423 divided by 24 = 2,059 mph at 24 degrees S.


What interests me is that, Intelligent Design does not use inches, feet, and miles; the surface of the Earth would be laid out by division, with the zero point at the North Pole.

The question to ask: Would 49,423 (24 degrees S) be the halfway point?

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:16 pm

vortexpuppy wrote:I was theorizing as you yourself are, how the sphere/plane map might correlate.

Then we aren't far off from one another with Flattened Earth 2 ;-)

And I rounded the accepted numbers for the two solstices just for simplicity's sake. Now that the fiction has been destroyed in my mind's eye, it is so easy to picture in my mind, now, that which is based in reality. And it is a really majestic thing to behold! Majesty in reality trumps anything the mathemagicians are able to conjure up in their wayward minds as they endeavor to keep the fiction going. They do the math but they don't have the reality. They're also losing the battle. For how can the lie triumph over the truth?

The anchor, in my estimation, is based on the zenith of the sun and the stick not casting a shadow on equinox at midday along the equator at each location as it circles the Pole. Coupled with water's nature to find level, two very good anchors for understanding our reality indeed.

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Questions About the Flat Earth - Page 4 Empty Re: Questions About the Flat Earth

Post by markwilson Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:30 pm

Schpankme wrote:The question to ask:  Would 49,423 (24 degrees S) be the halfway point?

Yes, the halfway point to the known end distance, which can't be known ;-)

In other words, to measure the halfway we have to know the length of the whole. We can't know the length of the overall whole (it's not permitted to us), in my estimation, but we can know the length of the whole of that which is permitted to us, as the sun's measured length of travel defines that which we can measure, with his strength ending where the ice and cold take over, until such day discovery is made beyond that region. For there's no reason to believe much of what came from Freemason Byrd's mouth regarding his travels. Freemasons, by definition, are liars.

The knowable wrapped in the unknowable.

Apparently the powers that shouldn't be are more interested in the futility of spending gobs of cash wasting away the time pretending Freemasons can take a giant leap, rather than actually taking a giant leap much closer to home.

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