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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Devi Suprana
Faith Irene Luecke
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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:13 am

Matt claims I am "triangulating with someone who is sexting his wife!?" I left a comment on Brian Andrew's recent video. That is all. Now, because I left a two-line comment under some guy's video, Matt has constructed a story where I am in cahoots with this random YouTuber and blames me for apparent "sexting" happening with his wife? This is a great example of how Matt creates drama and conspiracy where it doesn't exist.

OMG, at 37:30 Matt is literally accusing me of bugging his "Perceptions Studio" so that I could plagiarize my book from stolen private conversations he had! He makes ridiculous accusation after ridiculous accusation so fast that the ridiculousness flies right by. So let me slow it down for you. This dude is claiming that my 4th book was plagiarized from conversations I recorded via bugging his studio! What about my 3 previous books Matt? Did I "steal" those from you too, or were those genuinely written by me? And why is my writing style the same throughout all 5 of my books if I "stole" the 4th from you?

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Skywalker Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:32 pm

Credit where it's due, he's a fairly good actor.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Emeraldacid Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:34 pm

Math powerland? You mean that guy who always has to be eating a grapefruit or stirring a cup of coffee or chain smoking in a blazer while he vlogs??

Hes got a bit of a paranoia god-complex going on. One of the first things I noticed about the dude was that insecurity.


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by MaryMoon Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:12 pm

When he called into Beyond the Imaginary curve show I thought it seemed like he only did it to say "Eric Dubay" attached to something shitty a bunch of times.
I lost count at 4 times that he said your name and tried to make you look bad for something he made up in that brain of his O_o
I dont know how anyone involved in FLAT EARTH at all can take peoples word for something or about someone without any proof.

If FE has taught me anything it is not to believe things without undeniable proof right in my face. Kind of like this forum claims things about people and then we watch and see it happen Razz

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by TruthNinjaLinney Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:09 pm

Let's not forget Math's very smart girlfriend/wife/whatever, who had really important information to add regarding Flat Earth "Because this shit is really deep, ya know"

Very intelligent indeed

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http:// https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVEL4FdZLCoGnu18rkg0M1g

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Emeraldacid Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:00 pm

I'm gonna start using that on people who disagree with me in person.

"Oh yeah, buddy? Well do you mind telling me why you've been triangulating with the guy who has been sexting my wife???"


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:13 pm

Lol Very Happy

Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Comics-triangulation

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Devi Suprana Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:57 pm

Hi all, I'm a two month newbie to the FE. Three minutes into watching Eric's 200 proofs did it for me. Since then I've literally spent all of my waking moment researching FE, and a great part of it consists watching YT vids. I must say this Math Poweland character rubs me the wrong way, I couldn't watch any of his vids for long before I click him off. I did happen to catch him bashing Eric forbwearing a "dress" in one of his parody of the annoying Patricia Steer (which I thought was hilarious). Then today I found a video of Math playing a gay dude in some MTV movie. I tried to post the link but since I haven't been a member for 7 days
Devi Suprana
Devi Suprana

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Devi Suprana Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:04 pm

Sorry, my post got cut off.  Anyhow to continue: I couldn't attach the external link to Math's gay softporn flick but I've sent the link to Eric.  It's on YouTube, the vid is titled: Hostel Hookup - Part 1(of 2).  The YT channel is DentalTech 1000.  Break out the popcorn bag and Enjoy! LOL.

Devi Suprana
Devi Suprana

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Emeraldacid Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:03 pm

Holy shit man are you.... you just blew my min....fuck

I can't unsee that. This guy is triangulating for sure.

Thats enough IFERS for me today.


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by bengbeng Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:17 am

oh no! i wish i had not pressed that video. this is a warning, dont watch the above. i take a kosher movie over that any day. i feel violated. why did you do that to us Devi Suprana

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Devi Suprana Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:26 am

Oh I am so sorry bengbeng, I didn't intend on offending anyone's delicate sensibility. Perhaps your comment should serve as a warning to others. I must admit it is pretty awful. Wink
Devi Suprana
Devi Suprana

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:26 am

Jake's experiences with Matt are typical and worth noting.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Schpankme Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:40 pm

Admin wrote:
Jake's experiences with Matt are typical and worth noting

Matt says, Jake was driving around Texas with a car full of pot, and warned Jake not to do these flat Earth Meet-ups.
Jake says, Matt's nothing more than a snitch for telling the world he had pot in his car, which could get him arrested.

The easiest way to destroy any movement is to have it become the subject of ridicule.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Mike2491FEM!!! Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:49 pm

Awesome Eric, great information in there which further broadens my research, so thank you! Looking forward to some new videos bro, peace


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Schpankme Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:57 am

MonkeyBusiness wrote:
I requested the following youtuber make this video
I wanted analysis on Math Powerland

Her ball-earth defending doesn't impede on her ability to discern body language

Body Language (Math Powerland): Flat-earth Conspiracy

Whats interesting is that this video was Published on Jun 12, 2017, and here you are 29 days later.

YES, we can hear how balltardism impedes her ability to discern body language, she is predisposed to looking at flat Earth as a Psyop, from someone who claims to have worked for NASA.  She is investigating Math Powerland as the man who is trying to take down her Spaceball Earth.  Fruit of the poisonous tree.

What other Heliocentric connections will you bring to this forum, MonkeyBusiness?

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:27 am


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Schpankme Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:49 am

When we say "Zionist Jew" we mean:

  • Religion (Jewdaism)
  • Jesuits
  • Freemasons (Masonic)
  • Bolshevik
  • Stalinism
  • NAZI (NAtional ZIonist)

What happened to the NAZI (the Workers Party, see Unions)?

1933 - "Judea Declares War on Germany"

1933 - NAZI sign the “Haavara” or “Transfer” agreement the staging and immigration of Jews to Palestine begins
1939 - NAZI first to disclose making Atomic Pretend
1942 - NAZI first to place rocket into the man-made construct of Space
1945 - NAZI first to establish Russian and American space Enterprise
1948 - NAZI transform into the new State of ISRAEL

Last edited by Schpankme on Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:25 am


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:32 am

Matt has lately been back on his horse claiming that I am a Nazi, I "plagiarized" his work, he started the FE resurgence, and I'm lying that I live in Thailand because I can't speak Thai.  Firstly, writing the truth about Hitler and the Holocaust does not make me a "Nazi," I am a voluntaryist as anyone familiar with my work knows.  Secondly, I have put out Geocentric and Flat Earth content since years before Matt came on the scene, and the explosion which happened starting Nov. 2014 was clearly due to my work, not his:

Matt keeps saying I "plagiarized" his information and made my book out of it, when the reality is "he and his info" are only mentioned in 2 paragraphs of my 252 page book!  And I wrote the 2 paragraphs, not him, so they were not "plagiarized."  Lastly, here is me in Thailand, speaking Thai, further proving that Matt is a liar that will stoop to any low to falsely incriminate me:

Last edited by Admin on Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by exo Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:41 pm

Admin wrote:Post by lizardking on Jun 30, 2015 15:37:58 GMT

I don't think it is a good or valid point. It goes hand in hand with the flat earth; how can you reveal this topic without exposing the perpetrators?

Half expose a shill/half state of affair rant follows.

BTIC seem to do a pretty good job, refusing to address the Jewish question instead playing it safe. For a guy who is scared of no-one he sure doesn't like to be labelled anti-semite. His facebook clearly shows his support of Church of Satan with his numerous amounts of quotes and pics of lord anton le vey (it teaches to never be a follower Laughing ) and when bringing up satanists he takes a backseat and uses the adage 'I've never seen a person eat a baby' so doesn't exist idea and 'don't tarnish all satanists with the same brush' nonsense. These BTIC direct realists led by a satanist (don't define what a satanist is for me, I live my own definition Laughing ) are subterfuge. BTIC also don't like eric dubay's expose of the Jews in relation to flat earth but use his endorsements freely for their own gain. Out BTIC now. There's nothing smart about street activism unless you're creating some internet entertainment for other FE'ers or looking to make conversation with people who have no interest in conspiracy theories anyway. Riding your high horse about your own intellect to these people is foolish. You want street activism, set up your stalls next to the Pro-Israels and the Pro-Palestines, out the banking dynasties and the jewish control over the world, expose their weapons and put your neck on the line, you'll see your stall shut down in minutes and then you'll have a real activist war on your hands. But you won't. The large majority of flat earthers live in fear. This may not apply to you, but consider yourself the lucky ones. The rest stay online, hang in their hangouts, dramatise with other actors and preach exploration - when they won't even leave their bedrooms. It's a joke. Start a blog, explore the world you have access to the best you can, you have very limited time, so love those you care about most deeply, and maximise the time you have here instead of crying that you don't know where you are. Truth is you don't care about flat earth truth. Truth is if you really did, you would sell up all your belongings and find a way to explore your truth. Get involved in a project that takes you up into the sky, or wide out over the ocean, invest in it yourself or volunteer as part of someone elses. But you fear death, you fear the ocean storms and the sub freezing temperatures. You value your own life to much to really care about exploring the truth for yourself. Again... You just wait for someone else to do it and tell you the truth - which is just as bad as the situation of a globe earth believer. You've went from one extreme belief system to another. if Elon Musk suddenly declared earth is flat, you'd be all in support of Lord Musk. I'm not raining on your parade, but I'm here to say you're in a parade. I've been ousted from other discussions for 'depressing people' about this, but it's real truth. The whole thing is a joke and Eric Dubay didn't build this to be a joke, he's the only guy with a backbone that has been transparent in all his dealings with an internet community when he didn't even need to be. We don't need any more recycled eric dubay books, we don't need any more recycled eric dubay videos. What are you going to do with your life now that this information has been given to you? This is important because people are placing themselves in communities and playing very sophisticated games to keep people in their own mental prisons disguised as 'Let's get out of prison'. The IRS policemen they take and take and take, we've got free Masonic symbols in a free Masonic state Lest you forget about your cozy little home, the very place were you live in but you never fuckin own It's the craft of the creator, we act out their design A society of secrets with the television mind. Beware the Youtube.


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Admin Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:28 am

Today Matt is making more ridiculous slanderous claims about me with no evidence including that myself and my father are both Freemasons, we are in the CIA along with "everyone in Dubay's family," and work with Alex Jones to flag his channel, get his videos taken down, and even slow his internet connection speed.  I shouldn't have to say it, but since people like Matt claim these things, I get people asking me every day whether it's true.  So I'm just posting his lies once again here to catalog them and let everyone know that my father and I are NOT Freemasons. We are NOT in the CIA, nor is anyone in my family.  We don't "work with Alex Jones" and have never conspired to do anything against Matt's channel.  We are however a constant target of Matt's narcissistic non-sensical conspiranoid rants as you can see clearly in this thread.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by Schpankme Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:56 am

Admin wrote:

Matt Powerland is making slanderous claims
that myself and my father are Freemasons
we are in the CIA along with "everyone in Dubay's family"

I get people asking me every day whether it's true
I'm posting Matt Powerland lies to catalog them
let everyone know that my father and I are NOT Freemason
We are NOT in the CIA, nor is anyone in my family
We don't "work with Alex Jones"

When it comes to "Matt Powerland" it must be said, that the fox smells his own hole first.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by starfox42 Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:43 am

The folks over at the facebook group "Flat Earth No Trolls" love this guy.. Pretty sure the three admins are all the same person. they added me as a mod seemingly out of nowhere one day and then two or three months later just kicked me out said im "not a good fit" and it was after (I'm pretty sure) I removed mr powerlands post because it was against group rules. Whatever. I got caught up in the material stupid low shit... Won't happen again.

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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

Post by WheresTheCurve? Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:13 pm

There's something not right with that guy, he's really bizarre with his stupid youtube videos of him playing the guitar without knowing a single chord.


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Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill - Page 4 Empty Re: Matt Boylan: The Jew Apologist Shill

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